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Class: English IV

Teacher: Nelly Yalith Rodriguez Teruel

Student: Orbin Edgardo Hernandez Suazo

account ID: 122630012

Campus: Comayagua

Homework: Actividad 13.

Date: 2023/04/6
 Algorithm - Algoritmo "An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a
problem or performing a task, often used in computer programming."

 API - Interfaz de Programación de Aplicaciones "An API is a set of

protocols and tools for building software applications, allowing different
software systems to communicate with each other."

 Cache - Caché "A cache is a high-speed data storage layer that

temporarily stores frequently accessed data to reduce the time needed
to access it."

 Cloud Computing - Computación en la Nube "Cloud computing is the

delivery of computing services over the internet, allowing users to
access and use software and data on remote servers rather than on
their own computers."

 Database - Base de Datos "A database is a collection of organized data

that can be accessed and managed by computer systems."

 Debugging - Depuración "Debugging is the process of finding and fixing

errors or bugs in computer programs."

 Firewall - Cortafuegos "A firewall is a network security system that

monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on
predetermined security rules."

 FTP - Protocolo de Transferencia de Archivos "FTP is a standard

network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over the

 HTML - Lenguaje de Marcado de Hipertexto "HTML is a markup

language used to create and structure content on the internet, often
used in web development."
 HTTP - Protocolo de Transferencia de Hipertexto "HTTP is a protocol
used for transferring data over the internet, often used in web browsing."

 IDE - Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado "An IDE is a software application

that provides comprehensive facilities for computer programming, often
including a code editor, debugger, and compiler."

 IoT - Internet de las cosas "IoT refers to the interconnection of everyday

devices via the internet, allowing them to send and receive data and
communicate with each other."

 IP Address - Dirección IP "An IP address is a unique numerical identifier

assigned to every device connected to the internet."

 LAN - Red de Área Local "A LAN is a computer network that spans a
relatively small area, typically within a single building or campus."

 Malware - Software Malicioso "Malware is any software that is designed

to cause harm to computer systems or steal data, often through viruses,
worms, or Trojan horses."

 MVC - Modelo-Vista-Controlador "MVC is a design pattern used in

software engineering that separates an application into three
interconnected components: the model, the view, and the controller."

 NAT - Traducción de Direcciones de Red "NAT is a technique used in

networking to map an IP address on one network to another IP address
on a different network, often used to allow multiple devices to share a
single public IP address."

 OAuth - Protocolo de Autorización Abierta "OAuth is an open standard

used for secure authentication and authorization of third-party
applications to access user data on websites and web applications."
 Protocol - Protocolo "A protocol is a set of rules and procedures for
transmitting data between devices, ensuring that they can communicate
effectively and efficiently."

 RAID - Matriz Redundante de Discos Independientes "RAID is a method

of storing data on multiple hard drives to improve performance,
reliability, and fault tolerance."

 Responsive Design - Diseño Responsivo "Responsive design is a web

design approach that ensures that websites are optimized for viewing
on different devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent user

 Router - Enrutador "A router is a networking device that forwards data

packets between computer networks, often used to

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