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WWW.VUDESK.COM Gender Issues In Psychology (PSY 512) vu Fall 2007 Total Marks: 10 Quiz No. 01 Instructions: * Choose the one alternative that best compiles the statement. + Multiple answers will result in “0” marks, 1, According to children first develop a simplified concept of male female distinctions and later on apply it universally 1. Gender schema theory 2. Kohlberg theory 3. Piaget theory 4, None of the given options 2, The awareness that gender remains the same no matter wh; behaves, whatever hairstyle one has. 1, Gender Stability 2. Gender Consistency 3. Gender Identity ° 4, All of the given options C 3. The word sex refers to the biologi ferghces between men and women, whereas “gender” refers to the: Intellectual aspect 1 2. Physical aspect Socio-psychological aspgét Economic aspect \ 4. Through what meanf are gender roles and stereotypes learnt during the socialization proces e Involvems in hold chores and children’s games Parentalfystruttign and education Me how one = ve 1g to there is difference in the cerebral hemispheres of botlmale and female. rebral Lateralization Theory Cognitive Development Theory Social Learning Theory None of the given options Beye 6. wrote “The Subjection of Women” in the mid 1800s. WWW. VUDESK.COM WWW.VUDESK.COM Gender Issues In Psychology (PSY 512) vu Fall 2007 1. LS. Mill 2, Emmeline Pankhurst 3, Emma Goldman 4, Mary Wollstonecraft 7, When we talk about a couple, in terms of a man and women, we tend to assume that the man is the head of the family, runs it, and the woman does only support work in the household. This is an example of. Double Standards Androcentricity Interference Gender Blindness O research is used when the researchers are interest between two variables, but the nature of the Bene studying ‘nomenon is such that experimentation is not possible. ° 1, Ex Post Facto Studies 2. Experimental Research 3. Unobtrusive measures 4, None of the given options 9 Syndrome occurs, chromosome and their sex chros 1, Sexual dimorphism 2. crea 3 crea 4. Klinefelter syndipme dual inherits only one X Kaine isXO. is generally considered the first feminist wi ian ‘ortley Montagu Wollstonecraft WWW. VUDESK.COM

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