Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn - Português

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Copyright © 2021 by Miranda Swords

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in

any manner, being mechanical or electronic, including photocopying,
recording or by any information storage retrieval system now known or
hereafter invented, without written permission of the copyright owner except
for the use of quotations in a book review.

Disclaimer: Consider all information in this book to be speculative and

not professional, psychological, financial, or medical advice. The information
is by no means to be intended to replace or substitute professional,
psychological, financial, or medical advice. Always attend your physical,
emotional, spiritual and mental bodies with the proper professionals on the

We approach magick to help us make easier and better our everyday life,
it helps us to sometimes make accessible events, people or ideas and other
times to make us better to do it ourselves. What is intended in this book is the
last, to help you get closer to your higher self by asking spirits to help you be
able to express better their archetypes/powers and accelerate a bit your
independence by being able to do so. I won’t be talking about their powers
directly, rather we will talk about old astrology, the signs and planets
archetypes and I will note only their planet, sign and pathworking. By
avoiding telling you their powers it will make easier for your soul to express
better their powers without limits. This approach is something a friend told
me to do sometime ago (concerning my Patreon Spirit Kuan Yin) by
questioning: What does this spirit represents to you? What is lacking for you
to express that? and by applying it to archangels, angels, demons and genius
it has made me easier to approach them and life has been better after asking
them “help me to integrate better and be able to express correctly your
archetype”, this simple request has done marvels for spirits I couldn’t
approach earlier (such as the archangel Haniel or Raziel, even my Patreon).
There are other books for pathworkings such as the ones of Jareth Tempest,
Theodore Rose and Corwin Hargrove, but one was missing concerning
genius, hence the goal of this book, to provide pathworkings for those who
like to call spirits rawly (like enns for demons) but for the spirits of the

The genius are spirits that are lighter compared to other spirits, they even
feel like a fog sometimes, and may be seen less than others due to this (such
as archangels that you feel their intensity), but it is my belief that they can
polish us better than any other spirit. I originally taught that demons were the
ones closer to us (energetically speaking), but by working further and further
with genius I believe that genius are the ones closer to us (even to a similar
level of the Holy Guardian Angel as the energy of mine felt similar most of
the times).
The oldest literature concerning genius is Eliphas Levis’ “The
Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana” in some paragraphs but only noting the
spirits and a description, such as “Labezerin, Genius of Success”, but no
more information was provided. Why Genius of Success? Why not other
spirits? What can Labezerin provide to help us achieve success? Is it similar
to the 72 angel Poiel or the demon Asmodeus? If you want answers do
yourself a favour and don’t look at that book, it will save you time and effort.
Perhaps, the only genius commonly known due to Geof Gray-Cobb’s “The
miracle of new avatar power” is Nitika, and sometime later with Damon
Brand’s “Protection Magick” and “Magickal Riches” where others were
noted for specific rituals and some requests, but not all of the genius. Until
Tristan Whitespire’s “The 84 genius of Power” is when we see further
information of the spirits, noting their planetary relationship and even their
powers (if you want to delve in their powers THIS is the book), after his
publication we saw some rituals posted by authors such as Jareth Tempest,
and an intriguing “Master Stock Trading Ritual” in the Facebook group
Gallery of Magick Discussions and Experimentations. Even artists such as
Peter Mohrbacher has posted images of Eistibus and Suphlatus, but not
noting their origins or something beyond their names.
I think Tristan Whitespire’s mention that the Genius are related to the soul
fits a lot to their archetypes, hence why they may feel like closer to us.

Let’s start with the topics, old astrology and the pathworkings.
Nowadays there is a conflict in the astrology community, if you have
taken some time in magick and worked with old currents such as Enochian
(and here with the Genius) you will notice it only involves seven planets
(Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), missing “new” ones
such as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. This is noted as “Old Astrology” with the
seven planets, and new astrology for the last ones (including comets such as
To understand what happened we will need to simply review something,
Uranus was discovered, due to technology improvement in March 13th, 1781,
Neptune in September 23rd, 1846 and Pluto in February 18th, 1930.
Remember that our vision of the world changes along with technology. Let’s
take as example the medical field, DNA was discovered in 1869 by Friedrich
Miescher, this developed into medical treatments that has saved lives
(Molecular Biology was developed further thanks to this discovery), in
Physics atoms were confirmed (greeks developed a theory concerning them)
until 1800s, and so on. Even nowadays Epigenetics is barely understood,
bacteriophages are starting to be used in medicine, we still have a long way to
go regarding applying what we discover and I can bet you more discoveries
will be found on the next years. Imagine what happens with something that
was old as time, the stars. I can bet you that any single human being has
wondered what goes on with the bright lights on the sky when they developed
their ability to ask things in childhood. Now imagine as a collective what
Astrology can be rooted as a “science” more formally with Claudius
Ptolemy, a roman astrologer who considered that water was important for
human beings and developed the idea that water could be similar to our soul.
Nowadays this is the reason we relate the Water element to the soul, and to
the emotions that are a result of it (remember we didn’t know then about the
hypothalamus and its involvement in human emotions). Old astrologers tried
to develop formulas to avoid being subjective, some that we will see later, but
unlike other hard sciences such as Chemistry, Physics and Math, Astrology
didn’t correctly include the new findings, however we can channel the
spiritual power of old ideas, hence archetypes. This can be due that astrology
was considered seriously up to the Reinassance, and then barely considered.
In the ancient times you needed to know astrology to be able to be a doctor
because elements affected the diet (this is something we won’t delve further
in this book but just to mention it). As we noted above the new planets were
found later, and the old masters were scarce, great authors like John Frawley
with “The Real Astrology”, who showed up until 2001 didn’t add formulas
for Neptune, Uranus or Pluto.
I think astrology can be respected as a philosophical current, but hardly a
science due to this, the subjective way new planets were and are treated. I am
noting this because most hard sciences have the philosophy that if we are
wrong we should change our findings, and this has happened in a lot of
discoveries, for example the recent epigenetics has taught us that even if
DNA is heavily protected from mutations by our own body with proteins
such as histones or the corrective polymerases, we still have protein (their
products) mutations that are affected by environmental, chemical factors,
even emotions can trigger them; even retrovirus showed us that the process of
DNA to proteins wasn’t set in stone. In short, facts should alter our way of
view, not we should alter facts to fit how we see things. Life is a continuous
thing of improvements, and sadly astrology hasn’t been able to take the lead
with this.
Let’s get back to a brief history of astrology. Ptolemy developed the
Water element idea, and also started with the first formulas for the elements,
these were polished by Archimedes in four principal characteristics
(maintained until the Renaissance):

Dry: this was related to things being separated, if you

dry/evaporate water with salt the only thing left will be the salt, for
ancient people this was really important a feeling of being isolated.
This resulted in the Active, Dominant, separate archetype.
Wet: this was related to things being together, normally if you
put things (salt, sugar, etc.) in water you will stop seeing them
separated from the water (unless you put a lot). This resulted in the
Passive, united archetype.
Warm: In Physics all elements have a temperature that makes
solid things to melt into liquid (melting point) and a temperature to
change liquid to gas (boiling point), hence with fire you see things
getting to a “higher point” (seeing the solid becoming gas and that
gas tend to float). The archetype was simplified into extroverted,
higher, floaty, where gravity can’t hold it down.
Cold: Considering the above, then when you reduce
temperature/energy things tend to become slowish, down to earth
(gravity acts better on them). Solid molecules tend to have less
energy and move slower than gas/liquid. The archetype was
simplified into introverted, down, heavy, gravity takes action.

The above characteristics were then standard for the elements in this way

For Fire: Warm/Dry then Extroverted, and likes to separate

For Air: Warm/Wet then Extroverted, and likes to unify
For Earth: Cold/Dry then Introverted, likes to separate
For Water: Cold/Wet then Introverted, likes to unify

And considering gravity (gas, liquid and solid states, and the radiation of
the moon surrounding Earth) we also have this category:

Highest: Fire
Higher: Air
Lower: Water
Lowest: Earth

Again, now we know of the Nucleus of the Earth, it’s not to take quite
literal as things changed a lot as time passed by.
In old astrology signs are derived from the interaction between the Sun
rays and Moon radiation, so in importance we should check first the signs
and then the planets. For signs we will check first the “Cardinal” or Mobile
The Cardinal/Mobile involves four signs, they advance and end in farther
point from where they started:

Aries: Fire, related to spring and when the Sun’s light hours are
equal to the hours of darkness. Verb is Cut.
Cancer: Water, related to summer and when the hours of
darkness are higher than the hours of light. Verb is Receive.
Libra: Air, related to autumn and when the hours of light are
again the same as darkness. Verb is reconciling.
Winter: Earth, related to winter and when the hours of light will
then start to be higher than the darkness. Verb is Exclude.

The mutable signs that basically move from one point and end at the same
point in physics, such as when we heat water and if we stop heating
molecules are likely to get back to the same movement they originally have
(unless we reach the boiling point or there are other elements/molecules that
can interact with them).

Gemini: Air, Verb is Argument.

Virgo: Earth, Verb is destabilizing
Sagittarius: Fire, Verb is Affirm
Pisces: Water, Verb is Stabilize.

And last, but not least, the Fixed signs. They start their movement where
Cardinal/Mobile ended and get back to their origin point.

Taurus: Earth, Verb is Unify

Leo: Fire, Verb is Emit
Scorpio: Water, Verb is Separate
Aquarius: Verb is Reject.

Now, where do planets fit? Planets emit energy, but in old astrology the
energy is molded by the Sun and Moon (sign) and it ends to affect us in a
different way. They are farther from Earth and are currently not molded
directly, only their energy. This is the reason signs have more importance
than planets in old astrology.

Mercury: Varies according to being behind or in front of the

Sun (we won’t delve further on this, but just to note it changes) and
can be Wet or Dry depending on the sign. Rules Gemini and Virgo.
Sun: Masculine, diurnal, produces Warm and Dryness. Rules
Moon: Dry and Wet. Rules Cancer.
Venus: Warm and Wet. Rules Taurus and Libra.
Mars: Masculine, Nocturne, Produces Warm and Dryness in a
moderate way. Rules Aries and Scorpio.
Jupiter: Produces Warm and Wet, airy, optimistic. Rules
Sagittarius and Pisces.
Saturn: Oppresses dryness and coldness in moderation. Rules
Capricorn and Aquarius.

With this you can get a more concrete way to analyze signs, planets and
elements, based on Old Astrology. I suggest you make personal research on
each planet, sign and element, your soul will guide you more on the
archetypes you should make deeper integration as you work with the spirits.
I will add what other categories I think fit a lot with the signs considering
a bit of new astrology, please feel free to check the signs and planets are you
see best, it is, after all, a personal journey and as I noted above highly

The experience of the self: the first four signs involve getting
to know yourself, to learn who you are, to develop a healthy ego
(Aries), to know your environment (Taurus), to grab knowledge
and be able to communicate with others (Gemini) and to develop a
healthy emotional intelligence (Cancer).
The experience with others: the next four signs which know
start to get to learn the outside, it involves integrating your self-
knowledge to have joy in the hardest situations and start creating
(Leo), to understand how the 3D reality works (Virgo), to interact
with others in a balanced way (Libra) and to finally endure the
stages of earthly life (Scorpio)
The matured being: this stage is more about what you aspire
to offer when you leave Earth, what you are going to be
remembered for. The moment in which ideas of creating lasting
things/ideas start (Sagittarius), the moment in which you put in
practice all you learnt previously and land it in real life, in which
you master obstacles to be a successful creator (Capricorn), the way
to transmit this to the next generations in order to save them time
and leave a more enduring memory, and the last moment to mold
the potential of life (Aquarius), and when you finally get back to all
the potential of life (Pisces). Personally, I think Pisces is not at all a
human experience for the person, but what we leave behind and
others absorb from us, this is why this sign is noted to include all
previous signs, is the full water, the potential of everything, and a
huge reason this needs all previous signs healthily involved.

If you still want a more precise human development idea, I will add
below of more less the ages noted per sign:

Aries: the infant (0- years)

Taurus: The toddler (2-3 years)
Gemini: Prescholers (3-6 years)
Cancer: The child (7-13 years)
Leo: the teen (13-18 years)
Virgo: The young adult (19-23 years)
Libra: Late Twenties (24-29 years)
Scorpio: Adult (30-40 years)
Sagittarius: Midlife (40-50 years)
Capricorn: Fifties (50-60 years)
Aquarius The elder (up to 60 years)
Pisces: Afterlife
Spirits are mainly there to point us the goal, if you are into deities each
one, for example let’s say Ganesh, has powers and personalities that can help
us, but the best thing that happens is that the more we work with them the
easier it is to us to express their powers, sometimes even without needing to
call them. This is the main goal of spirit working, that we develop the ability
to express their powers without their help. The more you work with a spirit
the easier it is to “call their powers”, when what is happening is that we are
triggering our capacity of expressing them. Think like how we learn from
others, an expert teaches his apprentice how he did it, his tips, his warnings,
the short-cuts, etc., so that he can later be able to take his place. It’s quite
similar with spirits, they are the experts, the version we want to be, and
sooner or later we expect to be independent and be able to do what they do.
What I found easier to do with spirits is to call them and ask them to help to
integrate better their archetypes (powers and personalities) to be able to
express them, here is where imagick is priceless.

If changing your focus for your daily life, for example rather than
thinking of “I have to make money for debts” and change it “I have to make
money enough for my needs, luxuries, savings and additional free cash” will
drastically change how your brain focuses and hence what actions you take,
can do miracles for you (if you are in this situation try it, I can bet you
anything that it will improve drastically your life like it did with mine), then
being able to channel the archetype of a spirit is also a huge support to make
things easier for our daily life. With imagick (i of imagination) your focus is
to use images that triggers the spirit essence and makes it easier to call it.
Imagick is also known nowadays as “pathworking”. All the spirits noted in
this book provided their pathworking in a way that anyone can reach them
with the pictures and a last image of a confirmation, so don’t worry about
triggering the wrong spirit, with the right images, the confirmation they
provided and the names you will be sure to call the right spirit.

Also, as I noted sometimes our unconscious/inner child/soul can

complicate things. Your soul may not want to experience the archetype
because of a bad experience (for example, calling Labezerin to trigger
Aquarius brilliant solving skills would be difficult for someone that simply
doesn’t want to solve problems), recall this because sometimes calling the
spirit may seem to trigger something wrong for you, and it’s really your soul
rejecting the idea of “being” the archetype. When we talk about the method
of pathworking suggested I will list which phrases may be useful to trigger a
way to work with the spirit and avoid the soul difficulties that may show up.

There, I could talk and talk about imagick, but I believe this would be
enough to start with.
The method to work with these spirits will be quite simple. You can add a
spirit that acts like a guide to other spirits like Archangel Raziel (you can
check a pathworking for him in Jareth Tempest’s books), Shiva (authors like
Baal Kadmon have short books about how to work with this spirit) or even
Janus (the roman god that has two faces if you are into his pantheon), this
will make easier to avoid spiritual parasites.

1. Set your intention to work with the specific genius.

Take a couple of minutes away from electronics to focus. The mind can
be into other things that can complicate the pathworking, so take at least 5-10
minutes to calm down your mind and perhaps even write your intentions.
Writing forces your mind to focus better. If you believe in your Holy
Guardian Angel take this moment to just talk to him and ask for further
guidance, to support so that the pathworking is successful. You can also read
more about the sign or planet previously, so that you allow yourself to be
more focused.

2. Picture the images noted below each genius.

I will provide 3 to 4 images, you can add smells, sounds, colors as you
like. The important thing is that you picture the core idea. Some of these
images are related directly to the planet or sign.

3. Call the spirit by its name and ask for confirmation of calling it.

I will add a short “confirmation” image after providing the pathworking

images. This image may vary to you, but when channeling the spirit they
noted to add the confirmation to make completely sure the right spirit was
called. Mind that if your inner child/soul/unconscious has issues with the
spirit the confirmation may feel negative, when this happens call a spirit you
ask for protection/guidance to help calm down your inner
child/soul/unconscious. It even works to say out loud “I am calmed, I know
there is nothing to fear because this spirit is showing a side of me I want to
integrate and heal properly”. The phrase that works with me best is “I know
my soul doesn’t want to deal with this archetype, but my mind and spirit
guided me to this, please -insert spirit- help me to heal whatever is preventing
me to see you correctly and integrate and express better your archetype”.
If you still feel scared of the spirit stop the magickal practice and go and
do something mundane, such as preparing a sandwich or standing in grass. If
this happens you can ask your Holy Guardian Angel, a healing spirit (such as
archangel Raphael or Tzadkiel) to help to heal whatever is causing this fear to
trigger and follow with the events/ideas/people that show up.

4. Make your petition to the spirit.

As noted, the main idea is to integrate and express correctly their

archetypes so my suggestion for the petition would be “I ask you -insert
spirit- to help me to integrate and express properly your archetype, to heal
whatever my inner child/soul/unconscious needs to do so. Go in peace, it is
done”. From this moment on just trust your intuition, you are likely to see
changes in yourself, in everyday life, and perhaps even trigger past
memories, this is normal, just keep working and if you feel you need to reach
again the spirit flow with your intuition.
Moon in Aries

A waterfall
Plants growing on the waterfall
A rhino charging
Confirmation: a man
Mars in Aries

A volcano
The ashes cover the land
A rainbow stream
Confirmation: A fire being
Mercury in Aries

Birds flying
A lake with a cave crossing it
A rock wall with moss
Confirmation: a maiden with a pearl necklace
Jupiter in Aries

A green forest
A female deer sees you
A lioness attacks the deer
Confirmation: a centaur
Venus in Aries

A sea
You are in a boat
A rainbow in the horizon
Confirmation: A dolphin
Saturn in Aries

Fire scorching the land

A tree breaks due to fire
Black beetles in the trunk
Confirmation: a woman in suit
Sun in Aries

A cliff
A mountain
The sun rising above the mountain
Confirmation: A goat
Moon in Taurus

The vast space and stars

A rocket losing fuel
The sun intense and warm
Confirmation: an alien without bone structures
Mars in Taurus

A Cliff
A pool
A train
Confirmation: A bull
Mercury in Taurus

The foot of a mountain

A boulder
A small plant
Confirmation: a young man
Jupiter in Taurus

A field of pink flowers

Sun with birds
A yellow field with a fountain
Confirmation: a young woman
Venus in Taurus

A rainbow reflected on a lake

A tree
From the tree it falls a treasure box
Confirmation: A peacock
Saturn in Taurus

An empty chest
The planet Saturn
A rainbow colour stream
Confirmation: mist
Sun in Taurus

A wooden bridge
The cliff is full of moss
Flowers bloom from the moss
Confirmation: a horse
Moon in Gemini

A camel
An oasis with a palm tree
Confirmation: a masked woman
Mars in Gemini

A rotten bridge
Fungi consuming a dead forest
A splash
Confirmation: a tiger
Mercury in Gemini

A galaxy
A green planet
Rainbow light from the planet
Confirmation: a bird
Jupiter in Gemini

A green jungle at night

A monkey with yellow eyes seeing you
A red jewel shinning
Confirmation: a monkey
Venus in Gemini

An ancient tomb
Water flowing from the ceiling
A wall with black lines
Confirmation: a bird
Saturn in Gemini
A place with tiles of chess
A giant chess piece strike by thunder and turned into pieces
The white queen stands in front of you
Confirmation: A girl
Sun in Gemini

A room filled with golden coins

The golden coins turn into dust
A flamingo
Confirmation: a chameleon/anything that can camouflage*
*This genius showed this confirmation changing constantly
Moon in Cancer

An ice environment
Crystallized water
A rainbow in the night sky
Confirmation: a rabbit with horns
Mars in Cancer

A void
A marble altar
A blue flame in the altar
Confirmation: a maiden
Mercury in Cancer

A bridge at night
A candle lights the darkness
Confirmation: a crab
Jupiter in Cancer

A desert
A cactus with a pink flower
Rain falling to the cactus
An oasis surrounding the cactus
Confirmation: a man
Venus in Cancer

An ice floor
Giant pincers
A mountain
Confirmation: a snake
Saturn in Cancer

A forest
By moving leaves you see a chest
The chest opens revealing blue light
Confirmation: a tiger
Sun in Cancer

Being underwater
Zebrafish swimming
A shark eats them
Confirmation: a whale
Moon in Leo

The sun reflected on a lake

A giant metallic structure wet due to rain
A drop reflecting light in rainbow colors
Confirmation: a horse
Mars in Leo

A sunflower grows and blooms
The scorching sun burns the sunflower
Confirmation: a man
Mercury in Leo

A lion roars
A mountain
You are under a lake
Confirmation: a shark
Jupiter in Leo

Goats eating
A lion shows up
A cliff
Confirmation: a half man goat
Venus in Leo

White birds flying

A building
The sun rays touch the grass
Confirmation: a turtle
Saturn in Leo

A green forest with round rocks

One of the rocks falls
You see the rock is an empty shell
Confirmation: an eagle
Sun in Leo

A light shows up a curtain
Behind the curtain a mirror
Confirmation: a dolphin of light
Moon in Virgo

A small plant bud

The plant blooms and is on a large soil
A bird lands and rests besides it
Confirmation: a man
Mars in Virgo

Green light
The light changes to red
You are underwater
Confirmation: a merman
Mercury in Virgo

A desert
A pink flower
The ruins of a civilization
Confirmation: a man in garbs
Jupiter in Virgo

An undersea city
Algae covers the buildings
A shark swims nearby the ruins
Confirmation: a sea star
Venus in Virgo

Large columns of rocks

A gray fog at the horizon
At the base of a volcano with green fog
Confirmation: a deer
Saturn in Virgo

Thick fog
You see lights in the fog
A mushroom
Confirmation: a frog
Sun in Virgo

A cliff
A plane flying nearby
Two glowing eyes see you from the cliff
Confirmation: a rabbit
Moon in Libra

A strong wind in the forest

Monkeys moving from tree to tree getting away from the wind
A tree breaks due to the wind
Confirmation: a maiden of leaves
Mars in Libra

A desolate lifeless land

The full moon
The full moon covers in reddish light
Confirmation: A bird
Mercury in Libra

A scenery filled of moss

A rotten moss covered building breaks
A clock working
Confirmation: a man
Jupiter in Libra

A green hill
From the sky precious stones falling
A magnificent tree with rubies rather than fruit
Confirmation: a man with horns
Venus in Libra

A room with precious stones

Under the sea
Birds flying through the sky
Confirmation: a beautiful bird
Saturn in Libra

A mountain and the moon

Rabbits jumping
An old man in old torn clothes staring at you
Confirmation: a deer
Sun in Libra

A crystal tower
You see the walls as diamond patterns
A ball falls from a high height
Confirmation: a peacock
Moon in Scorpio

A void from a cliff

An old man in torn clothes looking at the void
Life flowing from the cliff
Confirmation: a dove
Mars in Scorpio

A savannah
A group of lionesses moving forward
The radiant sun
Confirmation: a zebra
Mercury in Scorpio

Woods with spiderwebs

A golden fountain filled of light
A flower bouquet of red flowers
Confirmation: a dragonfly
Jupiter in Scorpio

A mountain filled of dust

A giant claw
The claw vibrates and reveals to be part of a paw
Confirmation: a scorpio
Venus in Scorpio

A bridge filled of moss

A white horse crosses it
The white horse guides a carriage with a youn woman in it
Confirmation: a frog
Saturn in Scorpio

A ship sunken at the depths of the sea

Algae releases from the ship and floats
The ship renewed out in the sea
Confirmation: a sea star
Sun in Scorpio

A spark in the middle of the dark

More sparks in the dark
One shines completely everything with light
Confirmation: a man holding two spheres (options)
Moon in Sagittarius

Horses running
The horses going to the north
The sunrise at the horizon
Confirmation: a female centaur
Mars in Sagittarius

Horses running
A rocky mountain in the horizon
A boulder falls from the top of the mountain
Confirmation: a woman of the mountain
Mercury in Sagittarius

The stars
The milky way
A black hole
Confirmation: an alien
Jupiter in Sagittarius

A white sand beach

Seagulls on the horizon
The sea brings a sea crab
Confirmation: a giant crab
Venus in Sagittarius

A field full of white flowers

The flowers start to burn
The smoke reaches the sky
Confirmation: a horse
Saturn in Sagittarius

Fog in the night

A horse aggressively moving
The horse has fire in its eyes
Confirmation: a comet
Sun in Sagittarius

You are on a hill and you see the beach on the horizon with sweet breeze
You feel the grass below
In the desert a crystal pyramid in the middle of a sandstorm
Confirmation: a giant grasshopper
Moon in Capricorn

A white room
The room is filled with black spots
Light comes from the sports filling the room
Confirmation: a man
Mars in Capricorn

A chess floored field

A white giant chess pawn piece
The time passes and it becomes sand dust
Confirmation: a male lion
Mercury in Capricorn

A grass field
Upon closer look grass is made of clovers
A white horse
Confirmation: a toucan
Jupiter in Capricorn

A herd of horses running

One stops and falls
Time passes and his corpse decays unto dust
Confirmation: a vulture
Venus in Capricorn

A white rose
The white rose in a field of red roses
The thorns with blood drops
Confirmation: a bird
Saturn in Capricorn

A green hill
A rainbow from the hill
It lands and in that place water flows from the green land like a fountain
Confirmation: a leafy spirit
Sun in Capricorn

A group of mountains at daylight

Some ghosts show up in the view
Upon closer inspection there are only tombs
Confirmation: the sun
Moon in Aquarius

A group of mountains
One becomes a volcano
The sky fills with gray ashes
Confirmation: an eagle
Mars in Aquarius

A desolate land
An abandoned wooden building
Water falls from the ceiling
Confirmation: an iguana
Mercury in Aquarius

A night with stars

You see a rainbow comet passing by
Upon closer inspection you see the comet on detail
Confirmation: an alien
Jupiter in Aquarius

Under the sea

You see schools of fishes passing by
You are on a bubble
Confirmation: a mermaid
Venus in Aquarius

A rainbow bridge on the stars

You are on the rainbow bridge
A white star on the horizon
Confirmation: a small star
Saturn in Aquarius

A golden desert
There is a column in the middle of it
Time passes and it crumbles and disappears
Confirmation: a star
Sun in Aquarius

The sea
A white beach
A pink sun
Confirmation: a sea creature
Moon in Pisces

A white lamp in the night

The lamp turns on and bathes you on rainbow light
The full moon
Confirmation: a white bird
Mars in Pisces

Under the sea

The stars in the sea
Upon closer inspection the stars are sea cucumbers
Confirmation: a white star on the sea
Mercury in Pisces

A bus station in water

Train rails in water
A forest under water
Confirmation: a shark
Jupiter in Pisces

A jungle with purple flowers

Blue flowers
A yellow delicate flower
Confirmation: a ladybug
Venus in Pisces

A void
A traffic jam
A valley full of fire
Confirmation: a flowery maiden
Saturn in Pisces

A white bench and a streetlamp on night

A bus pass by
Sea stars floating in a sea stream
Confirmation: an eagle
Sun in Pisces

A rainbow
A rainbow reflecting on a lake
A place full of white flowers
Confirmation: a falcon

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