Combustion Optimization of A Coal-Fired Power Plant Boiler Using Artificial Intelligence Neural Networks

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Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

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Combustion optimization of a coal-fired power plant boiler using artificial

intelligence neural networks
Zheng Yao a, *, Carlos Romero a, Jonas Baltrusaitis b
Energy Research Center, Lehigh University, 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University, 111 Research Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA


Keywords: This study establishes detailed neural network modeling procedures for the combustion optimization of a power
Boiler generation unit, equipped with a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system. In particular, artificial intelligence
Combustion optimization neural networks were applied due to its capability in treating large pools of data of great nonlinearity. The
Nitrogen oxide
objective of this study was to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in the stack gas, lower the cost of emissions
Artificial intelligence
compliance and minimize the net unit heat rate at this power generation unit at full-load conditions. These
Neural networks
procedures include building a database with real coal power plant operating data, modeling the database and
using the genetic algorithm to optimize the operating conditions. The operation is optimized with respect to the
steam temperature, selective catalyst reactor, and separated over-fire air conditions. Verifications of the results
demonstrated that by carrying out the reported study, the pollutant concentrations of the boiler are significantly
decreased and the catalyst layer is effectively preserved, while the operation can be maintained stable near the
full-load condition. It was found that the average ammonia (NH3) flow to the SCR under optimized conditions
was 229 kg/h, while the average NH3 flow under non-optimal operational conditions was 260 kg/h, resulting in a
reduction in NH3 consumption of approximately 12 % from the non-optimized operational condition. In the
meantime, the SCR inlet (boiler exit) NOx was reduced from 523 mg/Nm3 (non-optimized operational condition)
to 444 mg/Nm3 (optimized operational condition), which represent about 15 % reduction. Based on the expe­
rience with SCR from manufactures and operators, the SCR catalyst life expectancy has a direct relationship with
the SCR inlet NOx concentration and NH3 injection rate. The lower the NOx concentration at the SCR inlet and the
less the NH3 injection rate, the longer of the SCR catalyst life will be. Thus, it is expected that the SCR catalyst
layer replacement frequency could be reduced by 10 to 20 % over the normal catalyst replacement cycle, while
meeting the same environmental NOx emissions limit. Additionally, a Delta Heat Rate was also calculated using
best available data from the optimized operational conditions, including boiler load, boiler excess oxygen (O2),
fly ash unburned carbon and attemperation flow. Results were compared with the average Delta Heat Rate
calculated from baseline tests. It was found that the average Delta Heat Rate from baseline tests are − 60 kJ/kWh,
while the delta heat rate from the optimized operation condition hours is − 118 kJ/kWh. This represents about
0.57 % improvement on unit heat rate from the baseline average.

1. Introduction power producers are looking for ways not only to improve the efficiency
of the power plants but also to reduce polluting emissions to minimize
Most electricity generation and heat supply in China come from the the cost of compliance [3]. The boiler is one of the most important pieces
combustion of fossil fuel at power plants and occupy over 50 % of of equipment in power plants where coal combustion occurs and the
Chinese coal consumption annually [1]. Coal-fired power plants play the working fluid is heated in the furnace [4]. Meanwhile, pollutants like
dominant role with their capability of stable and reliable operation, sulfur dioxide (SO2), NOx and particulate matter (PM) are generated and
short period of construction and low investment compared with other need to be removed to a low level to meet the emission standards [5–7].
forms of power generation [2]. With the challenges of sustaining the The combustion optimization of the boiler is often necessary because its
economic advantage while minimizing the environmental concerns, the operation condition often deviates from the design condition as well as

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Yao).
Received 29 November 2022; Received in revised form 24 February 2023; Accepted 14 March 2023
Available online 21 March 2023
0016-2361/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

due to the challenges of other forms of power to attaine a lower oper­ equipment after upgrading or servicing. In particular, the basic
ation cost to maintain competitiveness. The optimization comprises two description of this unit and the modeling process are introduced. The
aspects, e.g. increasing efficiency while reducing emissions, and these modeling results are presented and the corresponding discussion is
two goals are often built as a multi-objective optimization problem [8]. provided.
Multiple research methods have been adopted to study the com­
bustion in the boiler furnace. The mechanical model is based on the 2. Methodology
balance in mass, energy, momentum to present the relations between
the related parameters. Zhang [9] established the model of the com­ 2.1. Power generation unit studied
bustion process, the fluidization dynamics and the nitric oxide (NO)
emissions in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler based on the The commercial power generation unit studied is a sub-critical
mechanism analysis. The results showed that proper matching of the tangential-fired unit with the designed steam flow rate of 220 t/h and
feeding coal size can improve the efficiency and the increase of the superheated temperature of 540 ◦ C at full load condition. Steam tem­
circulating flux is feasible to contribute to the falling clusters to NO perature is controlled by a combination of separated over-fire air (SOFA)
reduction. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology has been tilt and attemperating sprays. The unit has a balanced draft furnace,
prevalent in simulating boiler combustion for its convenient visualiza­ with a firing system that is composed of four corners, with two levels of
tion in reflecting the details in the furnace. Wang et al. [10] numerically low-NOx burners, three auxiliary air nozzle elevations, one oil nozzle
studied a 330 MW pulverized coal boiler considering coal burners, heat elevation and two levels of yawable SOFA registers. Adjustment of SOFA
exchangers and other accessories and presented a systematic description yaw is possible with the unit in operation but can only be performed
of the heat transfer. The predicted heat transfer distributions showed locally. Fuel is prepared for firing by two ball mills. Online adjustment of
good consistency with the boiler’s operating data. As artificial intelli­ the classifiers exists on the pulverizers. Primary and secondary com­
gence (AI) developed greatly in recent years, more AI methods are bustion air is heated by one tubular air preheater (APH). This unit is also
employed in analyzing complicated operating conditions and monitored equipped with an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and a wet limestone
data. The method is becoming more popular for its capability in flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) scrubber for PM and SO2 emissions
distributed treatment, robustness and fault-tolerant ability as well as control, respectively. Environmental limits on this unit are: NOx = 100
potential in data learning. Liu and Bansal [2] modeled the combustion mg/m3, SO2 = 50 mg/m3 and particulate matter (PM) = 50 mg/m3. The
process via the CFD method to investigate the temperature distributions ultra-low emission standard used in China are: NOx = 50 g/m3, SO2 =
under various scenarios and used an integrating non-dominated sorting 35 g/m3 and PM = 5 g/m3 since 2018. No carbon monoxide (CO)
genetic algorithm to optimize the furnace temperature. The heat transfer environmental restrictions currently exist for this unit. Combustion
rate was maintained accurately as well as the temperature in the vicinity optimization was performed specifically for full-load operation, to
of the furnace within the ash melting temperature to avoid slagging. Li demonstrate the benefit of the combustion optimization technology at
et al. [11] presented a novel artificial neural network (ANN) with a fast the particular load at which stack NOx emissions are larger. A schematic
learning speed with all weights and biases are determined by the twice configuration for the power unit can be seen in Fig. 1.
Least Square Method. The experimental study showed the regression The combustion in a coal-fired boiler is complicated and is deter­
precision, generalization ability, repeatability and stability of the pro­ mined by the boiler itself and its auxiliary systems, as well as factors
posed method are quite satisfactory. In general, the application of AI affecting emissions and unit heat rate. An approach is developed to
networks in the power plant boiler is getting more frequently used in optimize the combustion. The approach to combustion optimization
recent years. One of the greatest advantages of the technique is the utilized can be divided into seven steps,
sufficient utility of the operation data can predict the forthcoming Step 1: Test preparations: project planning, instrumentation and
operating state of the boiler. Krzywanski et al. [12,13] established firing system check-up, boiler inspection, preliminary testing;
artificial neural networks of the feed-forward type were built for several Step 2: Combustion tuning: burner balancing, secondary air
large- and small-scale CFB boilers to predict SO2 emissions, where a balancing (not implemented in this study);
wide range of operating conditions were considered and both air-firing Step 3: Parametric testing and creation of test database;
as well as oxygen-enriched and oxy-combustion conditions are investi­ Step 4: Modeling of test data using artificial intelligence neural
gated. Wang et al. [14] predicted the NOx emissions for coal-fired boilers networks;
via a self-developed deep belief network (DBN). The DBN-based models Step 5: Determination of optimal solutions using mathematical
posessed better prediction precision and higher stability than other NOx optimizer;
emission prediction models. Adams et al. [15] used a combined deep Step 6: Verification and implementation of optimal control settings:
neural network and least square support vector machine to predict the new control curves;
SOx-NOx emissions from a coal-fired CFB power plant. The models not Step 7: Maintaining optimal control settings: on-line advisor or
only realized online operation and optimization of a coal-fired CFB closed-loop software, operator training.
boiler with high accuracy but also showed potential in increasing power The main idea of the steps is to create a data-based model and to
output at a lower cost. develop ANN models to optimize the relations. Implementation of the
Despite the great advances in commercial systems (low-NOx firing optimization results is done with Boiler OP™. Boiler OP™ is a software
systems, and selective and non-selective catalytic NOx reductions sys­ package licensed by the Lehigh University Energy Research Center
tems,) in regard to achieving NOx emissions regulation compliance, (ERC) for combustion optimization. This software employs a graphical
power plant operators and utility companies are in need in AI-powered user interface that allows the user to view the optimization results and
transparent and detailed methodology to optimize their systems so they provides expert advice or control for the optimal operation of the unit.
can work as close as possible to design conditions by integrating NOx
reduction with unit net heat rate (or thermal efficiency). Although AI 2.2. Test preparation
networks have been developed into an effective tool in taking advantage
of large data pools and predicting operating conditions, the practical use In this step, the pertinent instrumentation was inspected and cali­
of this method in a power plant is relatively scarce. This study utilizes an brated that will be involved in the optimization tests for example the
existing coal-fired power generation unit as a case study to expound a set economizer excess O2 probes and the continuous emission monitoring
of solutions to an optimization process. The goal is to reduce emissions, system (CEMS) NOx monitor, as well as inspect the boiler and combus­
increase efficiency and minimize the cost of emissions compliance. This tion system to ensure the burners, secondary air (SA) and over-fire air
methodology can also be utilized by field engineers to tune NOx control (OFA) registers, and actuators are in a good mechanical condition, the

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram for the unit configuration (IDF: Induced Draft Fan).

coal pipe flows are balanced as much as practically possible, and the emissions rate, unit heat rate, etc. predicted by the model were
pulverizers are in a good state of maintenance, within recommended compared to the measured values of the same parameter. After the
coal fineness and primary air-to-coal flow ratio. overall accuracy of an ANN model is established, a trend analysis was
performed to determine whether the model predicts the correct trends.
2.3. Parametric testing and building a database This was accomplished by using the ANN model to predict relationships
between the input and output parameters and comparing the predicted
Parametric and factorially-designed tests were conducted per com­ and experimentally determined trends.
bustion optimization approach to build a database that relates the effect The trend analysis also establishes the range for each input param­
of the boiler operating parameters (boiler control settings) on NOx eter over which the ANN model is considered accurate. It is well known
emissions and performance parameters such as steam temperatures, that ANNs do not extrapolate well and care should be taken not to ex­
attemperating sprays, and unit heat rate. In developing a plan for ercise the model outside of its accuracy range.
testing, factors such as the selection of the key operating parameters, test
sequence, number of tests and test range for each test parameter, and 2.5. Determination of optimal solutions
interdependencies between test parameters were considered. Parametric
tests were performed by varying one parameter at a time and keeping After the ANN models were developed and tested, optimal solutions
the remaining parameters fixed. This systematic approach provides in­ (a set of optimal boiler-related control parameters), satisfying the opti­
formation on the effect of each test parameter on emissions and per­ mization goal and imposed constraints, are obtained by employing an
formance, which is also helpful in understanding the complex optimization algorithm. The Nelder-Meade Downhill Simplex Method is
relationships between boiler and burner control settings, and NOx used to find the minimum of the function F, in the multidimensional
emissions and unit heat rate. Factorial tests were performed by testing space, where Model Output = F (Boiler Related Operating Parameters).
two or more interrelated parameters simultaneously to explore in­ The Nelder-Mead algorithm is designed to solve the classical uncon­
terdependencies between the parameters. strained optimization problem of minimizing a given nonlinear function
f: Rn → R, allowing for a multidimensional unconstrained optimization
2.4. Modeling of test data without derivatives [16].

Combustion optimization relies on data-based models describing the 2.6. Verification, implementation of and maintaining optimal control
effect of boiler control settings (model inputs) on emissions and per­ settings
formance parameters (model outputs). The models were created using
data collected under carefully controlled tests. ANNs are typically used There are several options for the implementation of the optimal
to develop relationships between the boiler control settings, NOx emis­ settings determined by the combustion optimization program. These
sions and unit heat rate. The most common ANN architecture used for include the implementation of the results into new distributed control
this type of application is a feed-forward ANN architecture with a back- system (DCS) curves, and/or installation of an online open-loop advisor
propagation training algorithm. The performance of the ANN models is or closed-loop software. The last two options can be achieved with the
influenced to a great degree by the quality of the data used to create Boiler OP™ software interface.
them. In developing ANN models by using test data, it must always be The optimal settings can be programmed into the plant DCS to pro­
kept in mind that ANNs learn from the data and cannot distinguish ac­ vide automatic control. To deal with daily variations in fuel quality and
curate data from bad data. After training the ANN models, their pre­ maintenance status of the combustion equipment and boiler heat
dictions are verified for accuracy and trending. To determine the transfer sections, a closed-loop trim control for key operating parame­
accuracy of a created ANN model the values of a parameter such as NOx ters (such as excess O2 level) can be implemented. In such an

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

arrangement, the value of a key operating parameter is modulated to Table 1

maintain a desired taget NOx emission set-point (see Fig. 2). The feed­ Parametric test data.
back function(s) for the selected control parameter(s) is (are) deter­ Parametric description Unit Parametric description Unit
mined by using test data. The trim control provides a cost-effective
Unit load t/h SCR inlet flue gas ◦
alternative to full closed-loop network control, where all boiler control temperature
parameters are incorporated into the closed-loop control strategy. Main steam temperature ◦
C SCR inlet NOx mg/
In the open-loop advisory mode, real-time unit and plant data are m3
used to provide advice to the operators on the optimal settings and in­ Main steam spray kg/h SCR inlet O2 %
SOFA yaw ◦
SCR exit NOx mg/
formation on the emissions and performance penalties for not operating m3
at the optimal settings. An expert system is typically incorporated to SOFA tilt % SCR exit O2 %
provide advice to the operator on the required actions. The operator SOFA-1 opening % NH3 injection rate kg/h
advisory screen is custom-designed for each power plant and unit SOFA-2 opening % NH3 slip ppm
SA-1 opening % Stack CEMS NOX mg/
SA-2 opening % Loss of Iginition (LOI) %
3. Results and discussion SA-3 opening % Excess O2-A %
SA-4 opening % Excess O2-B %
Primary Air (PA)-1 opening % CO ppm
3.1. Test preparations PA-2 opening % APH air bypass damper %
Operational information was gathered of the boiler, firing system, SA flow rate m3 / APH inlet air temperature ◦
fuel variability, unit control system, and data and sampling collection h
PA flow rate m3 / APH exit air temperature C
setup and equipment. Also, a boiler walk-down, and equipment and

instrumentation inspections were performed. A baseline level of NOx SOFA flow rate m3 / APH inlet flue gas ◦
emissions was obtained before the low-NOx burner (LNB) and SCR h temperature
retrofit of the unit. The parameters and their test range for combustion Feeder 1 speed t/h APH outlet flue gas ◦
optimization were identified. These included: economizer excess O2, temperature
Feeder 2 speed t/h
SOFA register openings, SOFA tilts, SCR operation parameters, etc. Furnace Exit Gas Temperature ◦
Sootblowing was not available since all the soot blowers were (FEGT)-1
decommissioned. FEGT-2 ◦
From this step, a list of variables was prepared as shown in Table 1,
which includes the items that needed to be addressed in preparation for
register openings, SOFA register tilts, SOFA yaw, coal bias and SCR NH3
the combustion optimization tuning and parametric testing. These
injection rate. The excess O2 level at the economizer outlet was used as a
included calibration of airflow meters and excess O2 probes, CEMS
parameter to relate the excess air level in the boiler. The average
instrumentation, and recommendations for coal and fly ash sampling for
opening of the two levels of SOFA registers was used to indicate the level
the upcoming parametric testing.
of combustion staging by the SOFAs. Additionally, testing was per­
formed to investigate the impact of pulverized coal vertical loading
3.2. Parametric testing patterns or biasing on NOx emissions. However, this parameter was not
included in the ANN models, due to the high variability in coal quality at
The parametric tests included combinations of excess O2, SOFA this power generation unit. This variability would render pulverized

Fig. 2. Schematic of a DCS programmed closed-loop trim control.

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

coal feeder biasing inconsistent for continuous optimized operation. A Fig. 3b shows the impact of excess O2 on boiler heat rate. Only the
series of 50 parametric tests were performed at near full-load conditions. operating parameters affected by the changes in test parameters were
A summary of the 50 tests performed can be seen in Table 2. For each considered for the heat rate calculations. The values of the heat rate are
test point, critical boiler operating data were manually collected for a therefore relative and indicate changes in boiler performance due to
10-minute time interval, after steady state operation of the boiler was systematic changes in test parameters when compared with the baseline
achieved. A combination of data collected automatically by the OC test conditions. This behavior in unit heat rate results from the detri­
6000e DCS, and data collected manually was used in the data processing mental impact on boiler efficiency caused by an increase in stack losses
and for test documentation. NOx, SO2 and PM stack emissions data were at higher excess O2 levels. Fly ash LOI was found to increase significantly
obtained from the CEMS located at the dedicated stack for the boiler. as the excess O2 was reduced to below 3.0 %, bringing the fly ash LOI
Pertinent parameters such as excess O2, main steam temperature, close to the 10 % maximum limit set by the plant for fly ash selling
attemperating flow rate, and NOx emissions were monitored to ensure purposes.
steady state operation for each test point. Offline data included fly ash A series of tests were then conducted at full load to evaluate the effect
LOI and net unit heat rate. Ash samples were collected from a probe of average SOFA register opening on NOx emissions and performance.
permanently installed at the boiler economizer outlet and analyzed by Adjustment of the SOFA registers was accomplished at different levels of
the station for unburned carbon levels. No other method of ash sampling excess O2, while the other boiler parameters were at baseline settings.
was available for combustion optimization testing. Changes in net unit The results of these tests are shown in Fig. 4 a and b, in terms of NOx and
heat rate were calculated using a heat and mass balance model of the delta heat rate (the differernce between a particular heat rate and the
boiler. Only the operating parameters affected by the changes in test heat rate at reference conditions), respectively. Opening the SOFA reg­
parameters were considered for the heat rate calculations (main steam isters has a certain impact on NOx emissions. For the range of available
temperature, main steam pressure, steam attemperating spray flow, SOFA register openings (15 % minimum cooling position to a 25 % limit
economizer gas outlet temperature, fly ash LOI, percent excess air, etc.). due to excessive main steam temperatures), SOFAs can reduce NOx by as
The values of the heat rate are therefore relative and indicate changes in much as 10 %. However, the SOFA registers openings have a larger
boiler performance due to systematic changes in test parameters. impact on steam temperatures and attemperating flow rates, thus pre­
Coal quality info was obtained from the plant information system venting them from being adjusted larger than 30 %. It is expected that
daily. This information includes proximate analysis results. A sample the main steam attemperation system is upgraded soon to maximize the
coal quality screen can be seen in Table 3. The fuel variability introduces SOFA effect on NOx emissions. As the SOFA registers are manipulated
a complication for the test data analysis since test results from two over their available constrained range to produce staged combustion
different sets of boiler control settings can be biased by changes in coal conditions in the furnace, attemperating spray flow rates can increase by
quality, in addition to the change in NOx emissions caused by the boiler as much as 3 t/h to maintain steam temperatures at design levels, most
settings. It is known that the coal nitrogen content affects the NOx for­ likely due to an increase in flame length and flue gas temperatures. This
mation during coal combustion, as well as other constituents of the coal establishes a trade-off between the reduction in NOx resulting from
matrix including the volatility and fixed carbon content. Typically, NOx increased SOFA openings and the accompanying reduction in unit
emissions will increase for increased nitrogen contents and larger values thermal performance.
of the fixed carbon-to-volatile matter ratio (FC/VM). It can be seen from The parametric tests also investigated the impact of SOFA tilt on NOx
Table 4 that there are some coal quality variations during the testing emissions, as well as on unit heat rate. The impact of SOFA tilt on NOx
period. For example, the FC/VM ratio on 08/02 was 5.7 compared to emissions at the unit was found to be less than the impact of O2. How­
around 4.7 for the other days. ever, the impact of SOFA tilt on heat rate is very significant. For the
Parametric testing was performed with the load at approximately range of SOFA tilts tested during the combustion optimization (− 12◦ to
180 t/h. Initial tests investigated the effect of different O2 levels on NOx +12◦ ), the heat rate increased by as much as 0.7 %, due to the combined
emissions, as well as attemperation, fly ash LOI and unit heat rate. All effect of increased fly ash unburned carbon and increase in radiant heat
other optimization parameters were kept at baseline settings as much as to the upper sections in the boiler (impact on steam temperatures). Fig. 4
possible. c and d show curves of SCR inlet NOx and delta unit heat rate for
Fig. 3a shows NOx emissions as a function of SCR inlet excess O2. different burner tilt angles respectively. This unit is suffering from high
Fig. 3a includes the test results obtained from the excess O2 test steam temperatures, due to the recent retrofit of the low-NOx burners
sequence, as well as the baseline test results. The excess O2 range for the with increased radiant heat to the upper sections of the boiler. Given the
baseline tests was as high as 3.8 %. The trend in NOx emissions as a low sensitivity of NOx emissions to SOFA tilt, due to the reduced
function of excess air is as expected in Fig. 3a. As shown in the figure, available tilting range, SOFA tilts offer the flexibility to compensate for
NOx emissions are reduced as the excess air level is reduced. The trend heat rate increases due to the manipulation of other parameters, such as
indicates that at full load, NOx emissions decrease by approximately 45 SOFA registers, to achieve NOx emissions reduction.
mg/Nm3 for a 1 % reduction in the average SCR inlet O2 concentration. Testing was also performed on SOFA nozzle yaw angles to find the
impact on NOx emissions. At the unit boiler, the yaw on each SOFA
Table 2
nozzle had to be adjusted manually. Based on the results shown in
Summary of parametric tests performed. Fig. 5a, the impact of SOFA yaw angle on NOx emissions at this unit was
Parameters\Date Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Total
Testing was also performed to investigate the impact of pulverized
CO 2 2 coal (PC) vertical flow biasing on NOx emissions. The unit boiler is
SOFA tilt, 1 mill 5 5
typically run with 2 levels of coal nozzles, each level contains four coal
SOFA tilt, 2 mills 8 1 9
SOFA open, 1 mill 4 4 nozzles with a corresponding PC feeder. Most of the time, each level of
Baseline O2 2 1 1 4 PC feeders has some extra capacity that would allow biasing (unloading)
O2 3 1 4 of the top-level feeders, by unloading its coal flow and distributing the
SOFA staging, 2 mills 6 6 excess coal flow into the lower-level feeders. Fig. 5b shows the results of
B mill, the third air 2 2
Feeder bias 1 1
PC flow biasing from a baseline condition (average upper feeders speed
SA opening 3 3 464 rpm, average lower level feeders speed 554 rpm) to a condition that
SOFA yaw 4 4 represents the maximum allowable top-level coal nozzles unloading,
SCR NH3 injection 6 6 within the prescribed operational limits of the boiler at that time
Total 19 5 14 12 50
(average upper feeders speed 401 rpm, average lower level feeders

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

Table 3
Fuel variability at the unit boiler.
% % % % % % kJ/kg kCal/kg kJ/kg kCal/kg

7/15 0.96 4.7 29.26 17.31 52.47 0.97 22,510 5,376 21,850 5,219
7/16 0.79 6.1 21.67 16.30 61.24 0.59 25,520 6,095 24,620 5,880
7/17 1.10 5.7 25.56 12.73 60.61 0.52 24,100 5,756 23,290 5,563
7/18 0.75 5.1 22.73 12.66 63.86 0.64 24,800 5,923 23,970 5,725
7/19 0.90 5.1 30.08 11.02 58.00 0.77 22,020 5,259 21,270 5,080
7/20 0.81 6.5 27.11 13.13 58.95 0.94 23,010 5,496 22,190 5,300
7/21 0.80 6.2 27.62 14.30 57.28 0.91 22,990 5,491 22,160 5,293
7/22 0.86 5.7 30.55 12.37 56.22 0.75 21,960 5,245 21,180 5,059
7/23 0.96 4.9 23.46 11.83 63.75 0.83 25,030 5,978 24,230 5,787
7/24 1.09 8.5 25.71 10.44 62.76 1.14 23,350 5,577 22,540 5,384
7/25 1.07 9.8 24.26 13.37 61.30 1.12 23,200 5,541 22,300 5,326
7/26 0.79 5.7 28.20 14.30 56.71 1.14 22,800 5,446 21,980 5,250
7/27 0.97 6.5 28.34 13.83 56.86 1.05 22,710 5,424 21,890 5,228
7/28 1.49 7.8 24.78 12.99 60.74 1.14 23,330 5,572 22,470 5,367
7/29 0.68 5.8 28.30 10.00 61.02 0.80 22,810 5,448 22,060 5,269
7/30 0.76 6.9 26.25 12.67 60.32 1.20 23,520 5,618 22,690 5,419
7/31 1.92 9.0 21.70 13.78 62.60 1.26 24,170 5,773 23,260 5,556
8/1 0.72 4.8 25.05 13.08 61.15 1.04 24,380 5,828 23,570 5,630
8/2 0.82 6.3 23.05 11.31 64.82 1.39 24,680 5,895 23,870 5,701
8/3 0.94 11.7 26.79 12.42 59.85 1.44 21,940 5,440 21,040 5,025

M – Moisture; Mt – Total moisture; A – Ash; V – Volatile; HHV – Higher heating value; LHV – Lower heating value.

Table 4
Coal quality for boiler 4 during the testing period.
Date Coarse coal LHV (kJ/kg) Coal Belt 8–16 Coarse


7/31 22,440 23,260 22,590 21.70 13.78 62.60 1.26 4.5

8/1 23,080 22,910 23,570 25.05 13.08 61.15 1.04 4.7
8/2 21,770 23,350 23,870 23.05 11.31 64.82 1.39 5.7
8/3 24,080 23,170 21,040 26.79 12.42 59.85 1.44 4.8
8/4 22,480

S – Sulfur.

speed 626 rpm). This represents around a 13 % change of the feeder determine the best boiler control settings for a range of target NOx
speed, although the exact amount of PC coal flow distribution is not emissions levels.
available due to the lack of measurement of the boiler. From Fig. 5b it Typically, ANN models are built for emissions and heat rate, and as
can be seen that biasing the PC flow can result in an additional NOx required for additional parameters of importance to the plant. Individual
reduction of the order of 14 mg/Nm3 or approximately 3 %. It should be ANNs containing the relationships between NOx emissions and heat rate
mentioned that despite these findings from PC feeder biasing, adopting a were developed as a function of the independent parameters: boiler
strategy for optimized combustion operation at the unit boiler, which load, average excess O2, average SOFA register opening, average SOFA
includes coal flow manipulation, might be difficult to implement. This is tilt and SOFA opening bias. Fig. 6 shows the particular ANN architecture
because of the variability in fuel quality at the power generation unit used for the ANN models for NOx and heat rate. The network architec­
and equipment maintenance considerations. Although, recommenda­ ture includes five input nodes, boiler load, average excess O2, average
tions will be provided with the Boiler OP™ advisory software to intro­ SOFA register opening, average SOFA tilt and SOFA opening bias; one
duce feeder biasing for added NOx emissions reduction when there is internal layer with five nodes; and the output layer with each of the
enough feeder capacity due to the enhanced calorific value of the fuel. output parameters, NOx emissions or heat rate. In particular, for NOx
emission rate, back propagation network with 3 layers was used. Layer 1
had 5 linear nodes, layer 2 had 5 sigmoidal nodes and layer 3 had 1
3.3. Modeling of test data sigmoidal node. Training was stopped when training error was less than
0.0001. Test data was used to stop the training with epochs between
A database was created from the test results obtained at near full load tests of 10 and a number of worse tests before stopping of 10,000. Al­
conditions. The data were then used to create neural network models gorithm parameters entailed learning rate of 0.2 and momentum rate of
using the NeuFrame (v.4) software package from Neusciences, UK. The 0.8. Weights were updated after each pattern with patterns presented
ANN models are used in Step 4 to establish functional relationships randomly. Heat rate model training was used using the same
(nonlinear mapping functions) between inputs (boiler controllable pa­ parameters.
rameters) and outputs (emissions and performance). ANNs use a trial- The type of network used for this application was a feed-forward
and-error method of learning or training. Training involves the use of network with back-propagation learning. This type of network is used
a database of examples, which are values for the inputs and outputs of in other optimization projects by the authors and have found that it is
the network. The ANN finds the relationship between inputs and outputs efficient, its computational requirements are minimal and it provide a
by comparing the network’s actual output and the target output and good prediction accuracy. This type of network is well suited for this
adjusting the weights of the connections between nodes in the network particular problem, since it is a supervised algorithm which can handle
to minimize the error between the actual network output and the desired the number of variables available for this particular problem. In this type
network output. The mapping functions developed by the ANN are then of network, the information flows from the input vector to the output. A
used in the ERC approach in Step 5 by an optimization algorithm to

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

Fig. 3. (a) NOx emissions versus SCR inlet excess O2. (b) Boiler delta heat rate
versus SCR inlet excess O2.

back-propagation training scheme is a generalized form of the Widrow-

Hoff delta rule, which is a gradient descent algorithm designed to
minimize the network error function. The transfer functions applied to
each of the layers for each of the loads are included in Fig. 6.
A comparison between measured NOx emissions levels and those
predicted by the ANN model is shown in Fig. 7. A minimum of 6 network
models were constructed and tried using different combinations of
allocation of data between training/testing, layers/internal modes,
network learning rates, transfer function and network error. The pre­
dictive performance of the tested models was assessed by using the best
ANN model on the entire database set, via a statistical error, defined

according to Error = [ (Prediction − Actual)2/n]1/2, where n is the
number of tests in the dataset. The plot in Fig. 7 indicates that the error
in the prediction of NOx emissions is approximately 17 mg/Nm3 or 3 %.
Almost all of the predicted NOx levels are within the red lines in Fig. 7,
which correspond to a 10 % prediction error range. Given the unknown
status of the CEMS NOx instrument calibration and calculation, as well
as the fuel variability imposed on these tests, this level of model accu­
racy is considered of good agreement.
For the case with heat rate ANN models, the heat rate ANN model is Fig. 4. (a) NOx emissions versus average SOFA register opening. (b) Delta unit
less accurate than the network models developed for stack emissions, heat rate versus average SOFA register opening. (c) SCR inlet NOx versus SOFA
with an error of approximately 32 kJ/kWh. This is primarily a conse­ tilt and (d) Delta unit heat rate versus SOFA tilt.
quence of the variability introduced in the data used for heat rate cal­
culations by the fly ash sampling frequency and method, and manual

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

Fig. 7. Comparison between measured and predicted NOx emissions.

Fig. 5. (a) SOFA yaw impact on NOx emissions. (b) Impact of PC feeder bias on
NOx emissions.
Fig. 8. NOx emissions versus heat rate map with optimal settings.

indicated by the solid triangle symbols. The set of optimal boiler control
settings obtained for a range of target NOx emissions levels from 480 to
630 mg/Nm3 is subjected to operational constraints imposed by the
station in terms of steam temperatures as close as possible to the 540 ◦ C
design level, SCR exit O2 greater than 2.0 %, SOFA tilt in the range from
− 6◦ to +12◦ , and SOFA registers in the range between 15 and 30 %

3.5. Verification test results

Verification tests were performed, from June to July, to compare the

boiler and SCR operation performances under optimized and non-
optimized operational conditions. From June 15 to June 17, from
Fig. 6. Network architecture for the network models. 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, while the test team was at the plant, the optimal
settings were implemented at the boiler. In comparison, from June 29 to
boiler operation data archiving method. The heat rate penalty values July 3, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, while the test team was not at the
used in the calculations and predicted by the heat rate ANN was plant, the boiler was run by the operators the way they typically ran it
calculated for the baseline value of the data set, and are used for refer­ and it was considered at non-optimal operational conditions. The
ence since they reflect the impact of the corresponding test conditions on optimal boiler operation settings used for the boiler while the test team
the heat rate. was present were: SOFA tilt at 25 %, SOFA openings at 22 % (upper
SOFA) and 20 % (lower SOFA), Secondary Air damper openings at 2/2/
3/2 (upper), 1/1/1/1 (middle), 1/1/1/2 (oil), 4/5/4/5 (bottom), with
3.4. Optimal boiler control settings O2 readings from the control panel at 2.5 %/2.0 %, respectively. It
should be noted that some operators may have adopted part of these
The optimization results are presented in Fig. 8. Delta heat rate settings while the testing team was not present at the plant during the
penalty is presented in Fig. 8 as a function of the target NOx emissions non-optimal operational conditions.
level. Delta heat rates have been expressed as differences concerning the The average boiler loads for the optimal and non-optimal operational
baseline heat rate value obtained from all test data. Baseline results are conditions are 198 and 199 t/h, respectively (see Fig. 9). Thus, the load

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

Fig. 9. Boiler load during optimal and non-optimal operational conditions.

conditions for the optimal and non-optimal operational conditions were

similar for both sets of tests. The coal analysis for coal burned during
optimal and non-optimal operational conditions is listed in Table 5.
From the coal analysis, it can be seen that most of the coal properties for
the optimal and non-optimal operational tests are similar, within a 1 %
difference, except moisture, with a difference of 8 %.
Fig. 10a shows NH3 consumption during optimal and non-optimal
operational conditions. The average NH3 flow during the optimal
operational period was 229 kg/h, while the average NH3 flow for the
non-optimal operational conditions was 260 kg/h. The data show a
reduction in NH3 consumption of approximately 12 % from the non-
optimized operational condition. In the meantime, the SCR inlet
(boiler exit) NOx was reduced from 523 mg/Nm3 (non-optimized oper­
ational condition) to 444 mg/Nm3 (optimized operational condition),
which represents about a 15 % reduction as shown in Fig. 10b. It should
be noted that the average NOx emissions at the stack measured by CEMS
are 72 mg/Nm3 (for optimal operational conditions) and 77 mg/Nm3
(for non-optimal operational conditions), respectively. This further in­
dicates a beneficial NH3 reduction potential at optimized operational
conditions while maintaining the same CEMS stack NOx target as the
non-optimal operational conditions as shown in Fig. 10c.
The SCR catalyst life expectancy has a direct relationship with the
SCR inlet NOx concentration and ammonia injection rate. The lower the
NOx concentration at the SCR inlet and the less the ammonia injection
rate, the longer the SCR catalyst life will be. Thus, comparing the non-
optimized and optimized operational conditions, with the reduction in
SCR inlet NOx of 15 % and the reduction in ammonia consumption of 12
%, it is expected that the SCR catalyst layer replacement frequency could
be reduced by 10 to 20 % over the normal catalyst replacement cycle
while meeting the same environmental NOx emissions limit.
With less ammonia injected into the flue gas duct while meeting the
same NOx emissions requirement, the ammonia slip at the SCR exit is
expected to be less. This will reduce the chances that the downstream air
preheater could be plugged due to ammonia bisulfate formation.
Although an air preheater test was not performed at the boiler due to
steam leaking during the parametric testing and the lack of temperature
measurement devices at the air preheater, it is estimated that air pre­ Fig. 10. (a) NH3 flow during optimal and non-optimal operational conditions.
heater washes can be avoided at least once per year with a reduced (b) SCR inlet NOx during optimal and non-optimal operational conditions. (c)
ammonia injection rate. Stack NOx during optimized and non-optimized operational conditions.

Table 5
Coal analysis for optimal and non-optimal operational conditions.

% % % % % kJ/kg kCal/kg kJ/kg kCal/kg

6/15 ~ 6/17 6.7 26.8 13.1 59.0 0.7 23,020 5,498 22,193 5,301
6/29 ~ 7/3 7.3 25.9 13.0 59.7 0.7 23,340 5,575 22,498 5,307

Z. Yao et al. Fuel 344 (2023) 128145

A delta heat rate was also calculated using the best available data
from the optimized operational conditions, including boiler load, boiler
excess O2, fly ash unburned carbon and attemperation flow. Results
were compared with the average delta heat rate calculated from the
baseline tests (see Fig. 11). It can be seen from Fig. 11 that the average
delta heat rate from baseline tests is − 60 kJ/kWh, while the delta heat
rate from the optimized operation condition hours is − 118 kJ/kWh. This
represents about a 0.57 % improvement on unit heat rate from the
baseline average.

4. Conclusions

Recently, AI networks have become capable of processing large data

sets and predicting operating conditions but their practical use in a
power plant is relatively scarce. This study utilizes an existing coal-fired
power plant unit to provide a set of solutions to optimize the overall
process with the ultimate goal of reducing NOx emissions, increasing Fig. 11. Delta heat rate comparison between baseline averages and optimized
efficiency and minimizing the cost of emissions compliance. In partic­ operational condition.
ular, the basic description of this unit and the modeling process are
introduced. The modeling results are presented and the corresponding interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
discussion is provided. The approach includes seven steps that consist of: the work reported in this paper.
test preparations; combustion tuning to address problems with the firing
system and identify burner conditions/patterns that will be advanta­ Data availability
geous for combustion optimization; parametric testing for the creation
of a database; correlation of test data using artificial neural network Data will be made available on request.
models; determination of optimal solution using a mathematical opti­
mizer; and implementation and maintenance of optimal settings. The References
real-time advisory software provides advice to the operators for oper­
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