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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS

Preface 1

Scope of Delivery 2

Installation 3

CMS X-Tools Project Configurator

User Manual - 01 - Introduction Product Characteristics 4

List of Abbreviations 5
Release 2017-09 Contact Information 6

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS

Safety Guidelines
This document contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety as well as to avoid property damage. The
notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring to property damage only
have no safety alert symbol

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

Used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not avoided, may result in an undesirable result or

When several danger levels apply, the notices of the highest level (lower number) are always displayed. If a notice refers to personal
damages with the safety alert symbol, then another notice may be added warning of property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and operated in conjunction with this documentation. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to
install and work on the equipment. Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to earth, and to tag cir-
cuits, equipment and systems in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Intended Use
Please note the following:

This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or technical description, and
only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers approved or recommended by Siemens. This prod-
uct can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set up and installed correctly, and operated and main-
tained as recommended.

All designations marked with ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other designations in this documentation might be trademarks
which, if used by third parties for their purposes, might infringe upon the rights of the proprietors.
Copyright Siemens AG 2016. All rights reserved.
Reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be
liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have checked the contents of this document for agreement with the hardware and software described. Since deviations cannot be
precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in the manual are reviewed regularly, and any necessary cor-
rections will be included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Siemens AG
91056 Erlangen
Germany Siemens AG 2017

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS

Table of Contents

1 Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 10
1.1 Purpose of this Document ....................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Validity of this Document ......................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Audience ................................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Notations................................................................................................................................. 11
2 Scope of Delivery ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Scope of Delivery .................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Unpacking and Checking......................................................................................................... 12
3 Installation.................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Project Configurator ................................................................................................................ 13
4 Product Characteristics ................................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 15
4.1.1 What is CMS X-Tools? ....................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 What is CMS X-Tools Project Configurator? ....................................................................... 15
4.1.3 What is CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator ........................................................................... 16
4.1.4 Software Structure.............................................................................................................. 17 General ......................................................................................................................... 17 Executables.............................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Main Window .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Operating State Group ............................................................................................................ 23
4.4 Measuring Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.5 Parameter Groups................................................................................................................... 30
4.6 General wizard pages ............................................................................................................. 33
4.7 Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................ 36
4.7.1 Settings .............................................................................................................................. 36 X-Tools Offline Files Locations ...................................................................................... 36 Project .......................................................................................................................... 37 Performance Monitoring ........................................................................................... 37 MindSphere Data Transfer........................................................................................ 38 ISB Data Exchange .................................................................................................. 41 Sequential Analysis .................................................................................................. 42 Long Term Storage................................................................................................... 43 E-Mail Notification .................................................................................................... 45 Advanced ................................................................................................................. 47 Properties................................................................................................................. 49 Alarm Notifications.................................................................................................... 50
4.7.2 Tools .................................................................................................................................. 51 Manual Data List ........................................................................................................... 51 Parameter Calculation ................................................................................................... 52
4.7.3 Configuration Files ............................................................................................................. 54
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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS IPF’s ............................................................................................................................. 55 DPF’s ............................................................................................................................ 56 AMF’s / ASF’s / MVF’s / SPF’s ...................................................................................... 58
4.8 Asset wizard............................................................................................................................ 59
4.9 Analyzing Packages ................................................................................................................ 64
4.9.1 General wizard settings ...................................................................................................... 64 Data Name list............................................................................................................... 64 Speed and Trigger Data Name for Spectra and Orbit ..................................................... 66 Parameter Group .......................................................................................................... 68 Operating State dependent parameters and calculations ............................................... 69 Filter settling time .......................................................................................................... 70 Limit check .................................................................................................................... 70
4.9.2 Conversion ......................................................................................................................... 71 Trigger .......................................................................................................................... 71 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 72
4.9.3 General .............................................................................................................................. 73 Limit Check ................................................................................................................... 73 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 74 Extreme Values ............................................................................................................. 75 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 75 Characteristic Values .................................................................................................... 77 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 77 Classification ................................................................................................................. 79 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 82 Spectra ......................................................................................................................... 85 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 86 Spectra Order ............................................................................................................... 87 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 88
4.9.4 Vibration............................................................................................................................. 90 Characteristic Values .................................................................................................... 90 Provided input parameters via wizard ....................................................................... 95 Spectra ......................................................................................................................... 99 Provided input parameters via wizard ..................................................................... 102 Spectra Order ............................................................................................................. 105 Provided input parameters via wizard ..................................................................... 108
4.9.5 Displacement ................................................................................................................... 111 Orbit ............................................................................................................................ 111 Provided input parameters via wizard ..................................................................... 112
4.9.6 Current ............................................................................................................................. 114 Alpha Beta Orbit .......................................................................................................... 114 Provided input parameters via wizard ..................................................................... 115 Symmetric Components .............................................................................................. 117
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4.10 Project Creation .................................................................................................................... 119
4.10.1 Project Opening ............................................................................................................... 121 Parameters ................................................................................................................. 121 Project ........................................................................................................................ 121
4.11 CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator .......................................................................................... 122
4.12 Standard Analysis Sequence................................................................................................. 126
4.12.1 Legend and Descriptions .................................................................................................. 126
4.12.2 Complete ......................................................................................................................... 127
4.12.3 Simplified ......................................................................................................................... 134
5 List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 135
6 Contact Information .................................................................................................................... 137

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Project Configurator startup Monitoring View ..................................................................................13

Figure 2: Project Configurator startup Monitoring View (steps).......................................................................14
Figure 3: Engineering process with X-Tools.....................................................................................................16
Figure 4: Engineering process with CMS X-Tools Project Configurator .........................................................16
Figure 5: Main Window – X-Tools Server connecting progress ........................................................................18
Figure 6: Main Window – X-Tools Server connection established ....................................................................18
Figure 7: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Connection .....................................................................19
Figure 8: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Connection (configure) ...................................................19
Figure 9: Main Window – menu bar File New ...................................................................................................20
Figure 10: Main Window – new project .............................................................................................................21
Figure 11: Main Window – filter Measuring Tasks table ....................................................................................22
Figure 12: Main Window – filter Find in Measuring Tasks .................................................................................22
Figure 13: Main Window – menu bar Settings Operating State Groups (New) ..................................................23
Figure 14: Operating State Group – wizard ......................................................................................................24
Figure 15: Operating State Group – wizard Properties ......................................................................................25
Figure 16: Operating State Group – wizard (example) ......................................................................................26
Figure 17: Main Window – menu bar Settings Operating State Groups (Manage) .............................................27
Figure 18: Operating State Group – Manage Operating State Groups ..............................................................27
Figure 19: Main Window – Plant Overview add Measuring Task .......................................................................29
Figure 20: Main Window – Plant Overview (example) .......................................................................................29
Figure 21: Main Window – menu bar Settings Parameter Groups (manage) .....................................................30
Figure 22: Parameter Group – Manage Parameter Groups ..............................................................................31
Figure 23: Parameter Group – New Parameter Group ......................................................................................32
Figure 24: Parameter Group – New Parameter Group General Extreme Values ..............................................32
Figure 25: General wizard Pages – Measuring Point Information ......................................................................33
Figure 26: General wizard Pages – Parameter Group Calculations ..................................................................35
Figure 27: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Offline Files Location ....................................................36
Figure 28: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Offline Files Location (configure) ..................................36
Figure 29: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Performance Monitoring.................................................37
Figure 30: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project MindSphere Data Tranfer ..............................................38
Figure 30: Main Window – Switching to MindSphere Data Tranfer ....................................................................38
Figure 32: Main Window – Configuration of MindSphere Data Tranfer ..............................................................39
Figure 33: Main Window – Configuration of Tranfer Modes ..............................................................................40
Figure 30: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project ISB Data Exchange .......................................................41
Figure 31: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Sequential Analysis .......................................................42
Figure 32: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Long Term Storage ........................................................43
Figure 33: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Long Term Storage (configure) ......................................44
Figure 34: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project E-Mail Notification ..........................................................46
Figure 35: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project E-Mail Notification (configure) ........................................46
Figure 36: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates ........................................47
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Figure 37: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Creating) ........................47
Figure 38: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Modification Description) 48
Figure 39: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Saving) ..........................48
Figure 40: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Properties ......................................................................49
Figure 41: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Properties (configure) ....................................................49
Figure 42: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Alarm Notifications .........................................................50
Figure 43: Main Window – menu bar Tools Manual Data List ...........................................................................51
Figure 44: Main Window – menu bar Tools Manual Data List (configure) ..........................................................51
Figure 45: Main Window – menu bar Tools Parameter Calculation ...................................................................52
Figure 46: Main Window – menu bar Tools Parameter Calculation (Frequency Spectra) ..................................53
Figure 47: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files ..................................................................................54
Figure 48: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files (startup order) ...........................................................54
Figure 49: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Interface Profile Files ................................................55
Figure 50: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Device Profile Files ...................................................56
Figure 51: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Device Profile Files (configure CMS2000) .................57
Figure 52: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Analyzing Model Files ...............................................58
Figure 53: Asset wizard – Asset list ..................................................................................................................59
Figure 54: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor ..............................................................................................60
Figure 55: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Hardware configuration) .......................................................61
Figure 56: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Operating State configuration) ..............................................62
Figure 57: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Measuring Task configuration) .............................................63
Figure 58: General wizard settings – Data Name list ........................................................................................64
Figure 59: General wizard settings – Data Name list drop-down menu .............................................................64
Figure 60: General wizard settings – Data Name list for Displacement Orbit ...................................................65
Figure 61: General wizard settings – Data Name list for Current Alpha Beta Orbit ...........................................65
Figure 62: General wizard settings – Angle X and Angle Y inputs for Displacement Orbit ................................65
Figure 63: General wizard settings – Reference Speed Name for frequency Spectra ........................................66
Figure 64: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name for order Spectra.......................................................66
Figure 65: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name for Displacement Orbit ............................................66
Figure 66: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name (explanation) ............................................................67
Figure 67: General wizard settings – Parameter Group ....................................................................................68
Figure 68: General wizard settings – Operating State dependent parameters (several calculations) .................69
Figure 69: General wizard settings – Operating State dependent parameters (single calculation) .....................69
Figure 70: General wizard settings – Filter settling time ....................................................................................70
Figure 71: General wizard settings – limit check ...............................................................................................70
Figure 72: Conversion Trigger ........................................................................................................................71
Figure 73: Conversion Trigger wizard .............................................................................................................72
Figure 74: General Limit Check .......................................................................................................................73
Figure 75: General Limit Check wizard ............................................................................................................74
Figure 76: General Extreme Values .................................................................................................................75
Figure 77: General Extreme Values wizard ......................................................................................................76
Figure 78: General Characteristic Values.........................................................................................................77
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Figure 79: General Characteristic Values wizard..............................................................................................78

Figure 80: General Classification (TLC) ...........................................................................................................79
Figure 81: General Classification (TLC2D).......................................................................................................80
Figure 82: General Classification (RFC) ..........................................................................................................81
Figure 83: General Classification wizard (TLC) ................................................................................................83
Figure 84: General Classification wizard (TLC2D)............................................................................................84
Figure 85: General Classification wizard (RFM) ...............................................................................................84
Figure 86: General Spectra .............................................................................................................................85
Figure 87: General Spectra wizard ..................................................................................................................86
Figure 88: General Spectra Order ...................................................................................................................87
Figure 89: General Spectra Order wizard.........................................................................................................89
Figure 90: Vibration Characteristic Values (RMS Acceleration) .......................................................................90
Figure 91: Vibration Characteristic Values (RMS Velocity) ..............................................................................91
Figure 92: Vibration Characteristic Values (Crest Factor) ................................................................................92
Figure 93: Vibration Characteristic Values (Pk Acceleration) ...........................................................................93
Figure 94: Vibration Characteristic Values (Pk Velocity) ..................................................................................94
Figure 95: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (RMS Acceleration) ............................................................96
Figure 96: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (RMS Velocity) ...................................................................97
Figure 97: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Crest Factor) .....................................................................97
Figure 98: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Pk Acceleration) ................................................................98
Figure 99: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Pk Velocity) .......................................................................98
Figure 100: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Acceleration) ...................................................................................99
Figure 101: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Acceleration Envelope) ..................................................................100
Figure 102: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Velocity) ........................................................................................101
Figure 103: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Acceleration) ......................................................................103
Figure 104: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Acceleration Envelope) .......................................................104
Figure 105: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Velocity) .............................................................................104
Figure 106: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Acceleration) .............................................................105
Figure 107: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope) ..............................................106
Figure 108: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Velocity) ....................................................................107
Figure 109: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Acceleration) ..................................................109
Figure 110: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope) ...................................110
Figure 111: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Velocity) .........................................................110
Figure 112: Displacement Orbit ....................................................................................................................111
Figure 113: Displacement Orbit wizard .........................................................................................................113
Figure 114: Current Alpha Beta Orbit ............................................................................................................114
Figure 115: Current Alpha Beta Orbit wizard .................................................................................................116
Figure 116: Current Symmetric Components .................................................................................................117
Figure 117: Current Symmetric Components wizard ......................................................................................118
Figure 118: Project Creation – Save or Save As .............................................................................................119
Figure 119: Project Creation – Save or Save As (Saving) ...............................................................................119
Figure 120: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files .......................................................................................119
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Figure 121: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files (Creating).......................................................................120

Figure 122: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files (Moving) ........................................................................120
Figure 123: Project Opening – Parameters or Project .....................................................................................121
Figure 124: Project Opening – ProjectInfo.ini .................................................................................................121
Figure 125: Project Opening – Parameters (Copying).....................................................................................121
Figure 126: Alarm Configurator startup Monitoring View ..............................................................................122
Figure 127: Alarm Configurator startup Monitoring View (steps)...................................................................122
Figure 128: Alarm Configurator – Plant Overview ........................................................................................123
Figure 129: Alarm Configurator – Alarm Limits Vibration Spectra................................................................124
Figure 130: Alarm Configurator – X-Tools envelope configuration Vibration Spectra ..................................124
Figure 131: Alarm Configurator – Alarm Limits Vibration Characteristic Values ...........................................125
Figure 132: Standard Analysis Sequence – Legend and Descriptions ............................................................126
Figure 133: Standard Analysis Sequence – Initial Startup ...............................................................................127
Figure 134: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Startup” ASF .........................................................................127
Figure 135: Standard Analysis Sequence – “05 Call Move Closed Data” ASF (AP independent, online) .........128
Figure 136: Standard Analysis Sequence – “05 Move Closed Data” ASF (AP independent, offline) ................128
Figure 137: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Sequence Control” ASF (online) ............................................129
Figure 138: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Analyzing” ASF (AP independent, online) ..............................129
Figure 139: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Analyzing” ASF (AP dependent, online) ................................129
Figure 140: Standard Analysis Sequence – “04 Storage” ASF (AP independent, online) .................................130
Figure 141: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Storage” ASF (AP dependent, online) ...................................130
Figure 142: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Sequence Control” ASF (offline) ............................................131
Figure 143: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Trend Signals” ASF (AP independent, offline) .......................131
Figure 144: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Trend Signals” ASF (AP dependent, offline) ..........................131
Figure 145: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Analyzing” ASF (AP independent, offline) ..............................132
Figure 146: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Analyzing” ASF (AP dependent, offline) ................................132
Figure 147: Standard Analysis Sequence – “04 Storage” ASF (AP independent, offline) .................................133
Figure 148: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Storage” ASF (AP dependent, offline) ...................................133
Figure 149: Standard Analysis Sequence – Simplified ....................................................................................134

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1 Preface

1.1 Purpose of this Document

This document provides an introduction about the functionalities and usage of the software
∂ CMS X-Tools Project Configurator
In addition to the introduction which is found within this document and which provides an overview about the
available functionality, the following documentation is available for detailed information:
∂ CMS X-Tools Library User Manual - V xx.xx.pdf
o provides detailed information about used special User Functions, which are not X-Tools standard
∂ CMS X-Tools Analyzing Bundle 1 User Manual - V xx.xx.pdf
o provides detailed information about used special Analyzing Functions, which are not X-Tools standard

1.2 Validity of this Document

This document is valid for the following software:

∂ CMS X-Tools Project Configurator V xx.xx

1.3 Audience

This document is intended for personnel involved in the commissioning and using of the software:
∂ X-Tools

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1.4 Notations

The following notations are used within this document:

∂ bold, italic text is being used for the main executables of X-Tools, and X-Tools Project Configurator
∂ bold text is being used for the software modules of X-Tools and the wizards of the X-Tools Project Con-
o examples: Main Management System, Device Profile Editor, IPE Socket T001 and General Ex-
treme Values, Vibration Spectra
∂ green text is being used for controls like tables and trees
o examples: Plant Overview table, Measuring Tasks table
∂ orange text is being used for simple controls like a menu button, a single row/column/cell of a table or a
branch of a tree
o examples: Group Settings menu button, Apply button
∂ dark yellow text is being used for the entries of context menus
o examples: Copy, Paste, Cut
∂ Camel Notation is being used for major terms of X-Tools Project Configurator
o examples: Operating State Group, Parameter Group, Measuring Task, Analyzing Function
∂ < and > brackets are being used for keyboard keys
o examples: <Ctrl>, <Alt>, <Shift>, <Del>
∂ [ and ] brackets are being used for mouse operations
o examples: [left mouse button down], [mouse move]

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2 Scope of Delivery

2.1 Scope of Delivery

What is shipped?
∂ CD
o CM Library V xx.xx
o Analyzing Bundle 1 V xx.xx
o CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx
o CM Analysis Library Documentation
∂ Certificate of License
∂ USB Stick which contains the license information (“CM Analysis Library” edition only)

2.2 Unpacking and Checking

After unpacking, please check

∂ the packet for completeness and
∂ all parts for transport damage.

Do not use any parts that show evidence of damage!

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3 Installation

3.1 Project Configurator

As preparation for a new X-Tools project the delivered zip files CMS Project Configurator and CM Library
have to be extracted. After the zip files are extracted and the corresponding folders are copied or moved to the
desired place at the hard disc, two additional folders have to be created or chosen for the Project and Offline
Data Location. If the ISB Data Exchange shall be activated, another folder has to be created or chosen for the
ISB Offline Data Location. Afterwards the X-Tools Server (XTS) and X-Tools Client (XTC) have to be started.
Once the XTS and XTC are started, the CMS Project Configurator and CM Library have to be added as Loca-
tion Type Configuration Files. These two Configuration Files Locations coheres and contain all template files
which are needed to create a new X-Tools project. Following this the Project and Offline Data Location have to
be added. Locations with type of Configuration Files are added via the context menu of the Files within any
Subsystem (DME, MTE, ANE, and STE). Locations with type of X-Tools Offline Data Files are added via the
context menu of the server symbol within the Offline Data Loader (ODL) of X-Tools.
Further settings are done within the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator. In order to start a new X-Tools pro-
ject the Monitoring View Project Configurator has to be opened.

Figure 1: Project Configurator startup Monitoring View

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The following two steps need to be processed.

Figure 2: Project Configurator startup Monitoring View (steps)

During the first step all necessary Device Profiles and / or Interface Profiles for data acquisition have to be
created and configured properly within the Project Location as well as any Analyzing Model / Analyzing Script
which generates required online data.
Once all required online data are present the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator is started by clicking onto the
Start Project Configurator button which then turns into green and the Main Window opens.

In case the X-Tools Service is configured to start the X-Tools Server before a user logs into windows and the X-Tools Project Configu-
rator wants to be used, the to be used windows user for the service configuration has to be set to the same windows user starting the X-
Tools Project Configurator. This can be done by the service configuration dialog of windows within the tab “Log On”.

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4 Product Characteristics

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 What is CMS X-Tools?

CMS X-Tools is a cost-effective, modular, PC-based measurement system, which has been specially optimized
to perform reactionless measurement of analog, binary and numerical signals in industrial plants. It consists out
of a PC-based software (CMS X-Tools) and various types of measurement devices (IONs, IFNs and CTNs)
With a sampling rate of up to 192 kHz, even highly dynamic processes and occurrences can be recorded with
high resolution. The system is used as a portable and/or installed unit in the fields of research & development,
testing, error tracking and production.
Input and output signals are handled by individual devices. To accommodate a higher number of signals, basi-
cally up to 62 devices can be networked over the IEEE1394 bus system and can be connected to any PC, lap-
top or server with an IEEE1394 interface.
Despite the considerable features of the system, an experienced technician, with no prior knowledge about
CMS X-Tools, can carry out measurements within a very short period of time. Simple measurement tasks, such
as paperless recording of plant signals or fault recording, are quickly and effectively carried out.
For higher sophisticated measurements, such as remote service & maintenance or condition monitoring, a high
level of graphical configuration and parameterization is possible within CMS X-Tools. In addition, the powerful
trigger machine and the analyzing engine enable the user to perform more extensive measurement tasks.
The following topics provide a short overview about the functionalities of the main parts of the CMS X-Tools
For detailed information about CMS X-Tools please refer to the documentation delivered with CMS X-Tools

4.1.2 What is CMS X-Tools Project Configurator?

The CMS X-Tools Project Configurator is a tool which simplifies the engineering process of X-Tools Project
Locations. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is called directly out of X-Tools which allows building up a custom-
ized plant tree according to the plant configuration. After one or more Measuring Point(s) has (have) been cre-
ated within the plant tree, multiple Measuring Tasks can be easily inserted and parameterized. The parameteri-
zation of a Measuring Task is stored in a Parameter Group Setup for an enhanced and efficient engineering.
Once the engineering is done, all necessary X-Tools Configuration Files (CFs) are automatically created by the
CMS Project Configurator and the X-Tools Project Location is ready to be started.
The following figure shows in simplified terms the engineering work flow only with X-Tools.

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Figure 3: Engineering process with X-Tools

Also very simplified illustrated by the next figure is the engineering work flow with X-Tools and the CMS X-
Tools Project Configurator.

Figure 4: Engineering process with CMS X-Tools Project Configurator

4.1.3 What is CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator

The CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator is part of the Project Location which has been created and can be used
without the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator. This tool provides an own wizard whereby scalar alarm limits
can be enabled / disabled and / or adapted very quickly.

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4.1.4 Software Structure General

Settings, configurations and parameterization of any window is always confirmed and saved by clicking onto the
or button. It has to be considered that all settings, configurations and parameterization
which have been done are discarded when clicking onto the button. Executables

∂ CMS X-Tools Project Configurator.exe

∂ CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator.exe

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4.2 Main Window

During the startup, the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator tries to establish a connection to the local X-Tools
Server using credentials as per default settings. While connecting is in progress no actions shall be taken by
the user.
The connection to the X-Tools Server is required for reading out the online data which are then provided by
each Data Name list.

Figure 5: Main Window – X-Tools Server connecting progress

Once the connection was successful this Information window comes up and can be directly confirmed by click-
ing onto the OK button.

Figure 6: Main Window – X-Tools Server connection established

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If the connection failed the credentials which shall be used for connecting to the X-Tools Server have to be
changed. This has to be done via the menu bar Settings -> X-Tools Connection.

Figure 7: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Connection

When opening the X-Tools Connection window for the first time the default credentials are provided.

Figure 8: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Connection (configure)

These credentials have to be adapted accordingly and confirmed by clicking onto the OK button which initiates
directly a connection retry.
It has to be considered that the chosen credentials have to be identical to one of the users which are set up in
the User Accounts Editor of X-Tools

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A new project can be started via the menu bar File -> New.

Figure 9: Main Window – menu bar File New

The folder of the Project Location is chosen by browsing through the upcoming windows explorer and confirmed
by OK.

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The Main Window changes and the Plant Overview, the table of Measuring Tasks as well as several menu but-
tons become visible.

Figure 10: Main Window – new project

A plant tree can be build up within the Plant Overview area according to the present configuration. This is done
by opening the context menu whereby different nodes and Measuring Tasks are added.
∂ Plant
∂ System
∂ Subsystem
∂ Measuring Point
∂ Measuring Task
o Conversion
ƒ Trigger
o General
ƒ Limit Check
ƒ Extreme Values
ƒ Characteristic Values
ƒ Classification
ƒ Spectra
ƒ Spectra Order
o Vibration
ƒ Characteristic Values
ƒ Spectra
ƒ Spectra Order
o Displacement
ƒ Orbit
o Current
ƒ Alpha Beta Orbit
ƒ Symmetric Components

∂ Asset -> (described in chapter 4.9 Asset wizard)

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Each Measuring Task has a specific wizard, which opens when adding the corresponding Measuring Task.
Once a Measuring Task has been created, it is listed up within the Measuring Tasks table.
All added Measuring Tasks can be edited, copied, cut, pasted and deleted via context menu operations after-
wards. All entries of the Measuring Tasks table can be filtered by Operating State Group and Analyzing Pack-

Figure 11: Main Window – filter Measuring Tasks table

Relations between added Measuring Tasks within the Plant Overview and the Measuring Tasks table can be
found easily via the context menu of an added Measuring Task by clicking Find in Measuring Tasks.
The following figure shows a part of an example project.

Figure 12: Main Window – filter Find in Measuring Tasks

The Measuring Task is highlighted within the table Measuring Tasks.

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4.3 Operating State Group

An Operating State Group represents a complete drive train but also a single machine component such as a
motor, gearbox or pump. Therefore an Operating State Group consists out of a certain number of Measuring
Points which belongs to the same Operating States (conditions).
Each Measuring Point has to be assigned to a specific Operating State Group. Within one Operating State
Group up to 60 Operating States can be set up. Each Operating State is configured independently in relation
with up to three signals. All assigned signals (Measuring Points) within an Operating State Group are recorded
time synchronous according to the defined Operating States. Furthermore the analysis is done sequentially
(sequence of signal processing is Measuring Task related -> one signal after another) and the results are stored
Operating State Group and Operating State related.
Multiple Operating State Groups can be created in order to cover asset specific and independent analysis tasks.
Due to this an Operating State Group has always to be created at first. This is done via the menu bar Settings ->
Operating State Groups -> New.

Figure 13: Main Window – menu bar Settings Operating State Groups (New)

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Figure 14: Operating State Group – wizard

Within the wizard of the Operating State Group a name for the group has to be typed in as well as the Record
time of the rawdataset for all subsequent offline Measurement Tasks
Below the section Operating State Conditions a Sample Rate (internal Cycle Time of the parent Analyzing Mod-
els) has to be chosen, which shall be used to acquire up to three signals for the Operating State detection.
These signals are chosen within the table X-Tools Data Name and can be enabled or disabled for all configured
Operating States.
The following two tables of the section Operating States are intended to set up the Operating States. An Operat-
ing State is added by clicking onto the Add button and can be removed again by clicking onto the Remove but-
ton. The signals which have been chosen for the Operating State detection appear within the left table column
Condition. The columns Lower and Upper Border are used to determine the range the signal has to stay in to
fulfill an Operating State. The right table is intended to describe the Operating State by Name and to set up a
Validation Time [s]. Data recording is not started before the validation time has exceeded and the signals stayed
inside the determined range during that time. If an Operating State discontinuity has been detected, the data
recording is interrupted and discarded. All Operating States can be enabled or disabled independently from
each other.

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For each Operating State Group specific properties have to be set up. This is done via the menu bar Properties.

Figure 15: Operating State Group – wizard Properties

The Analysis Sequence Interval determines the waiting time between each analysis. The data processing (anal-
ysis sequence) is initiated by the detection of a valid Operating State by which the rawdata recording is trig-
The Spectra Storage Interval determines the time which has to be elapsed before new spectra data are stored
(only if a spectra Measuring Task is configured). This interval has no effect to any configured alarm band. Ampli-
tude trends are stored during each analysis sequence.

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The following figure shows an example configuration of an Operating State Group.

Figure 16: Operating State Group – wizard (example)

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Created Operating State Groups can be managed and edited afterwards via the menu bar Settings -> Operating
State Groups -> Manage.

Figure 17: Main Window – menu bar Settings Operating State Groups (Manage)

Figure 18: Operating State Group – Manage Operating State Groups

By clicking onto the Edit button the wizard Operating State Group opens again.

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4.4 Measuring Tasks

Various types of Measuring Tasks can be added to the plant tree within the Plant Overview area. These Meas-
uring Tasks are categorized into various Analyzing Packages (Conversion, General, Vibration, Displacement
and Current) and highlighted by colored and numbered individually as follows.
∂ Trigger (00a)
∂ Limit Check (01a)
∂ Extreme Values (01b)
∂ Characteristic Values (01c)
∂ Classification (01d)
∂ Spectra (01e)
∂ Spectra Order (01f)
∂ Characteristic Values (02a)
∂ Spectra (02b)
∂ Spectra Order (02c)
∂ Orbit (03a)
∂ Alpha Beta Orbit (04a)
∂ Symmetric Components (04b)
Each Analyzing Package and its individual Measuring Tasks are described in detail in chapter 4.8 Analyzing

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In order to add a specific Measuring Task, at least a Plant has to be added to the plant tree. The figure below
shows an example plant tree structure (Plant / System / Subsystem / Measuring Point).

Figure 19: Main Window – Plant Overview add Measuring Task

The following figure shows an example Plant Overview with certain Measuring Points and Measuring Tasks.

Figure 20: Main Window – Plant Overview (example)

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4.5 Parameter Groups

Each Measuring Task wizard of an Analyzing Package provides a certain number of specific input Parameters.
These Parameters are stored in a Measuring Task related Parameter Group. All Parameter Groups are as-
signed and stored to an Operating State Group and categorized for online and offline Analysis. Parameter
Groups can be copied from one Operating State Group to another as well as removed via the menu bar Settings
-> Parameter Groups -> Manage.

Figure 21: Main Window – menu bar Settings Parameter Groups (manage)

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Figure 22: Parameter Group – Manage Parameter Groups

Parameter Groups can be removed and copied by choosing the desired Operating State Group via the drop-
down menu below the section Edit Parameter Groups -> Operating State Group. Once the desired Operating
State Group is chosen, the table Parameter Groups updates automatically and displays all Parameter Groups of
the chosen Operating State Group. A highlighted Parameter Group can be either edited or removed by clicking
onto the Edit or the Remove button. Double clicking onto a highlighted Parameter Group opens the edit mode.
In order to copy all Parameter Groups from one Operating State Group to another, the Operating State Group
which contains the to be copied Parameter Groups has to be chosen via the drop-down menu below Copy from.
The destination Operating State Group is chosen via the drop-down menu below Paste to. By clicking onto the
button Apply all Parameter Groups are copied.

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A new Parameter Group can be created via the menu bar Settings -> Parameter Groups -> New.

Figure 23: Parameter Group – New Parameter Group

In order to create a new Parameter Group the Analyzing Package has to be chosen via the drop-down menu
and how the calculation shall be performed (online of offline analysis) as well as the Operating State Group to
which the new Parameter Group shall be assigned. Afterwards these inputs are confirmed by clicking onto the
OK button which opens then the corresponding window of the chosen Analyzing Package for creating a new
Parameter Group.

Figure 24: Parameter Group – New Parameter Group General Extreme Values
The upper figure shows exemplary the inputs for the Parameter Group of the Analyzing Package General Ex-
treme Values. All Analyzing Package wizards and their provided input parameters are described in detail in
chapter 4.8 Analyzing Packages. All inputs are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button

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4.6 General wizard pages

The first window which comes up when adding a Measuring Task is identical to all other Measuring Tasks as
well as the final window whereby the Parameter Group(s) can be assigned.
The following figure shows exemplary the Measuring Point Information of the Analyzing Package Vibration
Characteristic Values.

Figure 25: General wizard Pages – Measuring Point Information

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Below General Information -> the Measuring Point Number is listed automatically but also can be adapted man-
ually (not recommended). When any Measuring Point Number is adapted manually, it has to be considered that
Measuring Point Numbers are independent to Operating State Groups or the chosen analysis type (Online or
Offline Analysis) which means any Measuring Point Number has to be unique.
Additionally optional information such as a Location and Descriptive Information can be typed in. The desired
analysis type (Online or Offline Analysis) is chosen by the corresponding check box.
Following the Measuring Task has to be assigned to an Operating State Group. Existing Operating State
Groups are listed up and chosen via the drop-down menu within the section Operating State Group Setup.
By clicking onto the Next button an individual Analyzing Package related wizard page opens whereby the pa-
rameterization and further settings are done. This is described in detail in chapter 4.8 Analyzing Packages.
The parameters for this Measuring Task and Measuring Point are stored in a Parameter Group or several Pa-
rameter Groups with different parameters. Once the parameterization is complete the final wizard page opens
by clicking onto the Next button whereby the previously created and Measuring Task related Parameter Groups
can be assigned to this Measuring Point.

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Figure 26: General wizard Pages – Parameter Group Calculations

A new Parameter Setup is chosen via the drop-down menu Existing Parameter Groups and subsequently added
by clicking onto the Add button. A highlighted Parameter Group can be removed of the Assigned Parameter
Groups table by clicking onto the Remove button.
Entire settings are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button.

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4.7 Menu Bar

4.7.1 Settings X-Tools Offline Files Locations

In order to acquire and store any offline or online data an X-Tools Offline Files Location has to be chosen. This
has to done via the menu bar Settings -> X-Tools Offline Files Location -> General.

Figure 27: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Offline Files Location
The upcoming window provides all X-Tools Offline Files Locations which are added to the local X-Tools Server.
By the drop-down menu the desired location can be chosen and is confirmed by clicking onto the OK button.

Figure 28: Main Window – menu bar Settings X-Tools Offline Files Location (configure)
If the ISB Data Exchange is enabled an additional X-Tools Offline Files Location has to be chosen via the menu
bar Settings -> X-Tools Offline Files Location -> ISB Data Exchange. ISB Data Exchange is described in chap-
ter ISB Data Exchange.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Project Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring includes the trending of the CPU load [%], RAM load [%] and the remaining space [MB]
of the HDD where the data are stored. Performance Monitoring can be activated via the menu bar Settings ->
Project -> Performance Monitoring.

Figure 29: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring is excluded from the ISB Data Exchange and therefore only stored locally.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS MindSphere Data Transfer

Using this option and transferring data to the Siemens MindSphere can produce costs which can be dependent
to the amount of transmitted data. You are responsible to configure the upload, so that the amount of transmit-
ted data matches your cost level. There is no mechanism within X-Tools, which monitors the size of your trans-
mitted data and/or which could limit the eventually resulting costs.
On the following Webpage you are able to estimate you MindSphere Unit costs.

The MindSphere Data Transfer can be activated via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> MindSphere Data

Figure 30: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project MindSphere Data Tranfer
If the MindSphere Data Transfer is activated, a button to switch between the Measuring Tasks and the Mind-
Sphere Data Transfer will appear.

Figure 31: Main Window – Switching to MindSphere Data Tranfer

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When switching to the Data Transfer configuration, the Main Window will show the available data names, creat-
ed by the added Measuring Tasks. Only the data names for the selected Plant Tree node will be listed. By using
the provided filters the shown data names can be further customized.

Figure 32: Main Window – Configuration of MindSphere Data Tranfer

It can be chosen to list up the available Online- Offline and Longterm Data with the corresponding buttons in the
upper right corner. Selecting data names and pressing the Add button, will add this data to a Transfer Mode.
Afterwards added data will be marked green within the available data list. Selecting data within the list of added
data names and pressing the Remove button, will remove them from the Transfer Mode.
Transfer Mode can be managed by clicking onto the button next to the Transfer Interval combo box. The Modes
are divided into Online and Offline.

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Figure 33: Main Window – Configuration of Tranfer Modes

Default Transfer Modes for Online Data are “Each Value” and “Changes Only”. To be transferred data assigned
to the Transfer Mode “Each Value” will upload each value of the corresponding data into the MindSphere. To be
transferred data assigned to the Transfer Mode “Changes Only” will transfer only the values which have
changed in comparison to the previous value.
Default Transfer Mode for Offline Data is “After each Analysis”. Data assigned to this Transfer Mode will be up-
loaded after each analysis made by the Project sequence. How often an analysis is made by your project can
be configured within the Operating State Group Properties.
For Offline Data It is possible to add Custom Transfer Modes. The minimum time to wait between two analyses
before transferring the next data, can be defined.
Data which is uploaded to the MindSphere will be located within an Asset named like the parent System Node
within the Plant Tree, of the corresponding Measuring Task. Therefore it is need to create a correct Plant Tree
structure within the project, including System Nodes.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS ISB Data Exchange

The ISB Data Exchange can be activated via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> ISB Data Exchange.

Figure 34: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project ISB Data Exchange
If the ISB Data Exchange is activated, all the designated data which shall be transferred is stored by additional
Storage Profiles into the corresponding exchange folders of the ISB Offline Data Location which has been cho-

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Sequential Analysis

If more than one Operating State Group exists, the analysis can be done parallel or sequential (sequential is
recommended when CPU usage shall be reduced). Sequential Analysis can be activated via the menu bar Set-
tings -> Project -> Sequential Analysis.

Figure 35: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Sequential Analysis

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Long Term Storage

Long Term Storage allows storing a number of designated data continuously according to the template- or user
defined settings. The data which shall be stored can be configured via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Long
Term Storage.

Figure 36: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Long Term Storage

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Within the upcoming window the signal of interest can be chosen via the drop-down menu right to Data Name.
Afterwards the Operating State Group where the signal shall be stored to has to be chosen. This is done via the
drop-down menu right to Operating State Group.
The chosen signal is added to the table by clicking onto the Add button. An already added signal can be re-
moved by tagging it within the table and clicking onto the Remove button.

Figure 37: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Long Term Storage (configure)
However, signals that are already assigned to the Analyzing Package General Limit Check or which contain a
dot (“.”), except “.RMS” and “.DKW”, cannot be used. The configuration is confirmed by clicking onto the Close

Release 2017-09 44 / 137
CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS E-Mail Notification

X-Tools is able to send E-Mail in case of any threshold violation. These E-Mails are built and sent Measuring-
Point and Task related for all Analyzing Packages except General Classification.
Example offline Measuring Tasks
∂ Name Measuring Point: 01MTRA001AC090VN
∂ Name Parameter Group: 01
∂ Properties Analyzing Package
o Measuring Task RMSVel
∂ Operating State Number
o Active Operating State during rawdata recording: 1

For offline Measuring Tasks the message which is sent contains the complete data name as well as the Operat-
ing State Number at which the threshold violation has been detected. All the information which is needed to
retrace the signal to the corresponding Measuring Point can be extracted.
Message: 01MTRA001AC090VN.01_RMSVel – Operating State 1

Example online Measuring Tasks

∂ Name Measuring Point: 01MTRA001AC090VN
∂ Name Parameter Group: 01
∂ Properties Analyzing Package
o Measuring Task RMSVel

For online Measuring Tasks the message which is sent contains the complete data name. All the information
which is needed to retrace the signal to the corresponding Measuring Point can be extracted.
Message: 01MTRA001AC090VN.01_RMSVel

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The E-Mail Notification can be activated and configured via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> E-Mail Notifica-
tion -> Configure.

Figure 38: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project E-Mail Notification
Within the upcoming window the Subject, Recipient, Sender and Host have to be filled in. Furthermore an Alarm
Validation Time can be chosen which is applied to online Measuring Tasks. If a threshold violation has been
detected and is no longer present after the validation time exceeded, no E-Mail is sent.

Figure 39: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project E-Mail Notification (configure)
If the user authentication at the email server shall be performed, the check box right to Authentication has to be
checked. Afterwards the corresponding User and Password can be typed in.
The E-Mail Notification settings are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Advanced

Analyzing Script Files can only be modified by authorized Siemens engineers.
The X-Tools Location CMS Project Configurator provides functionalities in regards to data acquisition, pro-
cessing and storage. In order to cover a wide range of requirements specific standard settings have been cho-
sen in regards to the templates (Device Profiles, Monitoring Views, Analyzing Models, Analyzing Scripts and
Storage Profiles) which are used for the creation of a X-Tools Project Location.
For certain reasons it may be required to adjust some of these standard settings because they do not match to
the general framework of the given project application. In order not to modify these standard templates, Custom
Templates can be created and used for the creation of the Project Location.
This can be done via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Custom Templates.

Figure 40: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates
If there were no Custom Templates created yet, the first step is to create Custom Templates based on the
standard templates which then can be modified within the X-Tools Location CMS Project Configurator after-
wards. This has to be done via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Advanced -> Custom Templates -> Create.
By clicking onto Create the following window comes up showing the Configuration Progress. During this time no
actions shall be taken by the user.

Figure 41: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Creating)
Once the Custom Templates have been created successfully an Information window comes up and can be di-
rectly confirmed by clicking onto the OK button.

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After the Custom Templates have been modified, a Modification Description must be entered. This has to be
done via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Advanced -> Custom Templates -> Modification Description.

Figure 42: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Modification Description)
It is recommended to describe the changes as detailed as possible. The modification description is confirmed
and stored by clicking onto the OK button.
The current created and loaded Custom Templates can now be saved via the menu bar Settings -> Project ->
Advanced -> Custom Templates -> Save / Save As. Within the upcoming window the destination folder has to
be chosen by browsing through the windows explorer and is confirmed by OK. The following window comes up
showing the Configuration Progress. During this time no actions shall be taken by the user.

Figure 43: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Advanced Custom Templates (Saving)
Custom Templates are saved as a separate Location of type Configuration Files and therefore can be managed
easily. Multiple Custom Templates can be created this way as well.
Custom Templates which have been saved and shall be used for creating a Project Location can be loaded via
the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Advanced -> Custom Templates -> Load. Before creating the Project Loca-
tion the user gets prompt which templates shall be used (project creation is described in chapter 4.9 Project
Creation). Loaded Custom Templates can be removed via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Advanced ->
Custom Templates -> Remove (consider that removed and not saved Custom Templates cannot be restored).
After a Project Location has been created based on Custom Templates and the current project is closed, all
Custom Templates are removed automatically out of the CMS Project Configurator Location.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Properties

Project specific settings have to be done via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Properties.

Figure 44: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Properties

The upcoming window provides inputs to set a timeout for the analysis and storage tasks. The Global Analysis
Timeout is used to skip erroneous (suspended) Analyzing Models and the Global Storage Timeout skips erro-
neous Storage Profiles. These timeouts have to be adapted according to the present configuration in order to
ensure an appropriate project sequence.

Figure 45: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Properties (configure)
Furthermore the Spectra Rawdata Storage for Measuring Tasks can be enabled or disabled by the checkbox.
Settings are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button.
Rawdata which have been recorded and used to calculate spectra are discarded after the calculation. Only
spectra results are stored. If this option is activated the rawdata is stored in addition to the spectra data (re-
quires more HDD space).

Release 2017-09 49 / 137
CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Alarm Notifications

Alarm Notifications can be activated via the menu bar Settings -> Project -> Alarm Notifications. In case of acti-
vation, all occurring alarms will be detected by the project and listed up in CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator,
where they can be managed.

Figure 46: Main Window – menu bar Settings Project Alarm Notifications

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4.7.2 Tools Manual Data List

The intention of the Manual Data List is to add signals which are provided by the Data Name list of Measuring
Tasks in addition to the actual present X-Tools online data. The Manual Data List can be created or modified
via the menu bar Tools -> Manual Data List.

Figure 47: Main Window – menu bar Tools Manual Data List
Within the upcoming window the name of any signal which is of interest can be typed in here and is added to
the table by clicking onto the Add button. An already added signal can be removed by tagging it within the table
and clicking onto the Remove button.

Figure 48: Main Window – menu bar Tools Manual Data List (configure)
However, the Manual Data List can be very helpful in case one or more signal(s) is (are) not present at the be-
ginning of a project engineering process but has (have) to be assigned to a Measuring Task.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Parameter Calculation

By means of the Parameter Calculation tool specific input parameters for spectra and orbit calculations can be
verified. The intention is to type in the desired set-parameters and based on that to verify whether an output
result can be generated or not. This can be done via the menu bar Tools -> Parameter Calculation.
The following figure shows example parameter verification for frequency spectra.

Figure 49: Main Window – menu bar Tools Parameter Calculation

In addition the resolution of a digitized signal can be calculated via the tab Resolution. The resulting resolution is
based on the resolution of the given A/D converter and its measuring range and is very useful for determining
the minimum amplitude levels of a spectrum which can be resolved properly.
A parameter verification can be also done directly out of the Analyzing Package wizard. Each Measuring Task
provides an icon which opens the corresponding calculation help. For example, when setting up the parame-
ters for a frequency based acceleration spectrum the following calculation help opens.

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Figure 50: Main Window – menu bar Tools Parameter Calculation (Frequency Spectra)
The desired parameters are typed in on the left side below Input. According to these Input parameters the rele-
vant Output parameters are calculated whereby Output Spectra (NoSpm) shows the number of spectra which
are calculated and written to the system. This number has to be greater equal “1” otherwise the Input parame-
ters have to be adjusted.
In some cases certain parameters are given by the application and shall be applied for the calculation. There-
fore the time length of the rawdata recording is the affected parameter which is of interest and can be deter-
mined via the tab Calculate Needed Time Signal Length.
Once the parameters have been verified they can be applied by clicking onto the Apply button.

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4.7.3 Configuration Files

The section Configuration Files allows the user to add custom files to the project. These files are started in a
specific order at each project startup. The different Configuration File types can be added and managed via the
menu bar Configuration Files.

Figure 51: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files

When creating a new project the different types of Configuration Files are only recognized if they are created,
copied or moved to the following directories shown by the table below.
Configuration File type Location Directory of corresponding Subsystem Explorer in X-Tools
Interface Profile Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Interface Profile Files/

Device Profile Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Device Profile Files/
Analyzing Model Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Analyzing Model Files/Custom/
Analyzing Script Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Analyzing Script Files/Custom/

Monitoring View Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Monitoring View Files/Custom/
Storage Profile Files CMS Project Configurator V xx.xx.xx Storage Profile Files/Custom/

After the complete project has been created, these Configuration Files are moved to the destination Project
Location when closing the GUI (chapter 4.9 Project Creation)
The following figure shows the order to which these Configuration Files are started.

Figure 52: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files (startup order)
The startup order of each Configuration File type can be predefined.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS IPF’s

Menu bar Configuration Files -> Interface Profile Files.

Figure 53: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Interface Profile Files
X-Tools provides four types of Interface Profile Files. One Interface Profile File of each type can be added to
the startup sequence. The to be added Interface Profile Files can be chosen out of the table Existing Interface
Profile Files and added to the table Assigned Interface Profile Files by clicking onto the Add button. An already
added Interface Profile File can be removed by tagging it within the right table and clicking onto the Remove
button. The startup sequence can be changed by clicking onto the Move Up / Move Down buttons accordingly.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS DPF’s

Menu bar Configuration Files -> Device Profile Files.

Figure 54: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Device Profile Files
X-Tools provides several types of Device Profile Files. The to be added Device Profile Files can be chosen out
of the table Existing Device Profile Files and added to the table Assigned Device Profile Files by clicking onto
the Add button. An already added Device Profile File can be removed by tagging it within the right table and
clicking onto the Remove button. The startup sequence can be changed by clicking onto the Move Up / Move
Down buttons accordingly.
Device Profile Files with type of CMS2000 have to be configured additionally if at least one multiplexer is con-
nected. When adding a CMS2000 Device Profile File the hardware configuration is read out automatically and if
at least one multiplexer is connected an additional window opens whereby some specific settings have to be
In case the CMS2000 device is used without a multiplexer, the following window is not shown.

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Figure 55: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Device Profile Files (configure CMS2000)
The channels of any CMS2000 Device Profile File with a multiplexer have to be assigned to an Operating State
Group. Vibration channel- and speed names are read out automatically in relation to the connected multiplexer.
All channels can be assigned to one and the same Operating State Group by checking the checkbox left to Use
the same OSG for all channels. Via the drop-down menu Assign to OSG the Operating State Group is chosen.
If one or more channels depend to different Operating State Groups, the checkbox left to Use the same OSG for
all channels has to be unchecked and instead the Operating State Group of interest can be assigned to each
channel independently via the drop-down menu below the column Operating State Group. Some configurations
require using different speed data for the channels instead of the speed data which has been read out from the
Device Profile File below the column Speed Data Name. This can be done by checking the checkbox for the
channel of interest and choosing a different Speed Data via the drop-down menu.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS AMF’s / ASF’s / MVF’s / SPF’s

Menu bar Configuration Files -> Analyzing Model Files / Analyzing Script Files / Monitoring View Files / Storage
Profile Files.
The following description is applicable for AMFs, ASFs, MVF’s and SPFs.

Figure 56: Main Window – menu bar Configuration Files Analyzing Model Files
The to be added Analyzing Model Files can be chosen out of the table Existing Analyzing Model Files and add-
ed to the table Assigned Analyzing Model Files by clicking onto the Add button. An already added Analyzing
Model File can be removed by tagging it within the right table and clicking onto the Remove button. The startup
sequence can be changed by clicking onto the Move Up / Move Down buttons accordingly.

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4.8 Asset wizard

The intention of the Asset wizard is to accelerate and to simplify the engineering process of standardized As-
sets. A standardized Asset is described by a specific number of Measuring Points and Measuring Tasks in order
to receive the best results in regards to data acquisition and pre-processing focused on machine diagnosis. All
Measuring Point names (Data Names) are also predefined according to the determined physical location of
each sensor.
By adding an Asset node to the Plant Overview the following window opens whereby the desired Asset can be
chosen via the drop-down menu.

Figure 57: Asset wizard – Asset list

The following figures show the Asset configuration using the H-Modyn Motor.

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Figure 58: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor

Once the desired Asset has been chosen the configuration is started by clicking onto the Next button.

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The next window provides the Hardware configuration of the physical connected devices. Specific device com-
binations can be chosen via the drop-down menu right to Hardware. For certain reasons, as described earlier,
Data Names have been predefined and cannot be changed but have to be assigned to the correct channel in
order to match the physical wiring. This is done by choosing the desired channel number via the drop-down
menu right to each Data Name.
Required UIK’s of the chosen device combination are typed in via UIK IFN AI-D and UIK IFN VIB-A.

Figure 59: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Hardware configuration)

The Hardware configuration is confirmed by clicking onto the Next button.

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One Operating State has been predefined whose Lower Border and Upper Border can be adjusted as well as
the Name and Validation Time.

Figure 60: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Operating State configuration)
More Operating States and their dependencies (X-Tools Data Name) can be easily configured afterwards via
the menu bar Settings -> Operating State Groups -> Manage (described in chapter 4.3 Operating State
Settings are confirmed again by clicking onto the Next button.

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By the final window the Measuring Tasks which shall be done are chosen. The applied parameters of each
Measuring Task have been optimized in order to obtain the best calculation results for the chosen Asset.

Figure 61: Asset wizard – Asset H-Modyn Motor (Measuring Task configuration)
The Asset configuration is done by clicking onto the OK button whereby the corresponding Plant Tree is built up
automatically within the Plant Overview – the project is ready to be created.
This project can be handled as usual and therefore can be easily extended or modified using the standard wiz-
ards. It is also possible to add further Assets via the Asset wizard.

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4.9 Analyzing Packages

4.9.1 General wizard settings Data Name list

The Measuring Task wizard of each Analyzing Package provides a Data Name list which shows the online data
of the X-Tools Server and the content of the Manual Data List (Tools -> Manual Data List). It has to be consid-
ered that the input data have to be scalar quantities (no vector quantities) independent of which Analyzing
Package and Measuring Task is configured.

Figure 62: General wizard settings – Data Name list

The complete content of this list is displayed by clicking onto the drop-down menu button next to the Data

Figure 63: General wizard settings – Data Name list drop-down menu
Out of the Data Name list the signal of interest can be assigned to this Measuring Task.

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The Analyzing Package Displacement Orbit requires two signals Data Name X and Data Name Y as well as
their angular orientation according to ISO standard. Additionally for Measuring Tasks Orbit and Classification
TLC2D the Name of the Output Orbit / TLC2D has to be chosen. This name is written as the calculation result to
the system.

Figure 64: General wizard settings – Data Name list for Displacement Orbit
For the Analyzing Package Current Alpha Beta Orbit three signals are required, Data Name I1, Data Name I2
and Data Name I3.

Figure 65: General wizard settings – Data Name list for Current Alpha Beta Orbit
The angular orientation for Angle X and Angle Y are independent to the rotational direction and can be deter-
mined as the following figure shows.

Figure 66: General wizard settings – Angle X and Angle Y inputs for Displacement Orbit
Point of view is when looking from the non-drive end into the machine.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Speed and Trigger Data Name for Spectra and Orbit

For the Analyzing Packages General Spectra and Vibration Spectra a Reference Speed Name has to be cho-
sen in addition to the to be analyzed Data Name. This reference speed signal is stored together with the result-
ing spectra.

Figure 67: General wizard settings – Reference Speed Name for frequency Spectra
For the Analyzing Packages General Spectra Order, Vibration Spectra Order and Displacement Orbit a Trig-
ger Data Name has to be chosen in addition to the to be analyzed Data Name(s). The trigger data has to be
either a speed related synchronic impulse train or a rotational speed signal. The trigger data type is determined
by checking one of the checkboxes, either Speed related synchronic Impulse Train or Rotational Speed signal.
Order Spectra

Figure 68: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name for order Spectra
Displacement Orbit

Figure 69: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name for Displacement Orbit
If the type of trigger data is chosen to Rotational Speed signal, the Unit has to be determined (Rpm or Hz).

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If the type of trigger data is chosen to Speed related synchronic Impulse Train, the Number of Impulses per
Revolution as well as a Compare Value (rising / falling edge detection) has to be determined.

Resulting binary impulse

train which is used for the

Compare Value

Number of Impulses per Revolution

Speed related synchronic

Impulse Train (Rawsignal)

Figure 70: General wizard settings – Trigger Data Name (explanation)

If the type of trigger data is chosen to Rotational Speed signal, the Unit has to be determined.
As default setting Reference Speed Name or Trigger Data Name are written to the Parameter Group in order to
use one and the same reference speed or trigger signal for all signals where this Parameter Group is assigned
to. In certain configuration setups different reference speed or trigger signal has to be chosen. This can be done
by unchecking the checkbox Use from Parameter Group.

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Each Measuring Task wizard of an Analyzing Package provides a certain number of specific input parameters.
These parameters have to be filled in appropriate and are stored afterwards in a Measuring Task related Pa-
rameter Group. Once a Measuring Task has been configured completely, a Parameter Group Name has to be
chosen. The Parameter Group is stored by clicking onto the Save button and shows up then in the drop-down
menu below Load existing Parameter Group.

Figure 71: General wizard settings – Parameter Group

One and the same Measuring Task can be applied multiple times to a Measuring Point using different parame-
ters which have been defined by several Parameter Groups. Therefore multiple configurations can be created
and stored accordingly using a different Parameter Group Name.
The created Parameter Group(s) can be assigned to further Measuring Points of one and the same Analyzing
Package and its Measuring Task(s). A Parameter Group can be loaded by clicking onto the Load button after it
has been chosen via the drop-down menu, which automatically fills in all required parameters of the Measuring
Task wizard.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Operating State dependent parameters and calculations

All parameters for offline Measuring Tasks can be individually configured according to the Operating State(s).
Specific Measuring Tasks (General Classification, Vibration Characteristic Values, Vibration Spectra and Vi-
bration Spectra Order) provide several calculations. For instance Vibration Characteristic Values, the calcula-
tions which shall be performed can be enabled and disabled according to the Operating States. This can be
done by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkboxes (RMS Acceleration, RMS Velocity, Crest Fac-
tor, Pk Acceleration and Pk Velocity).

Figure 72: General wizard settings – Operating State dependent parameters (several calculations)
All other offline Measuring Tasks which only provide one calculation allow enabling or disabling the calculation
according to the Operating State(s). This can be done by checking or unchecking the checkbox Enable Calcula-

Figure 73: General wizard settings – Operating State dependent parameters (single calculation)
If parameters and to be performed calculations shall be the same for all Operating States, the checkbox right to
Use the same Parameters for all Operating States has to be checked. Otherwise the Operating State is chosen
via the drop-down menu right to the Operating State and parameterization can be done accordingly.

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Filter settling time

A delay time for subsequent calculations can be enabled in order to prevent wrong calculations caused by vari-
ous preceded filter functions.
The checkbox to enable the filter settling time is found below Parameters for each provided calculation.

Figure 74: General wizard settings – Filter settling time

For offline Measuring Tasks it is highly recommended to enable the filter settling time. 3 s is a proper value for
lower cutoff frequencies down to 2 Hz. It has to be considered that the appropriate filter settling time for cutoff
frequencies below 2 Hz can increase exponential. Limit check

The calculation result of specific Measuring Tasks (General Extreme Values, General Characteristic Values,
Vibration Characteristic Values, Displacement Orbit, Current Alpha Beta Orbit and Current Symmetric Com-
ponents) can be monitored either against defined upper warning and alarm limits or lower warning and alarm
limits and even both. General Limit Check allows the monitoring of either upper and lower warning and alarm
limits or both.
Certain Measuring Tasks provide more than one calculation result. The limit check can be enabled or disabled
independently for each calculation result (e.g. General Characteristic Values).

Figure 75: General wizard settings – limit check

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
LimitCheck LmtChk CM Alarm Handling
LimitCheck2 LmtChk2 CM Alarm Handling

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4.9.2 Conversion

The Analyzing Package Conversion is intended to be applied only to signals received from an inductive / opti-
cal sensor providing a speed related synchronic impulse train for speed acquisition. Any other sensor that out-
puts a nearly constant voltage level drop according to one or more reference mark(s) around the rotating shaft
can also be used. However, it has to be considered that the Analyzing Package Conversion produces inappro-
priate results when applied to other signals.
The following table shows the Measuring Task(s) and their supported analysis type(s).
Measuring Task Offline Analysis Online Analysis
Trigger Yes Yes Trigger

The Measuring Task Trigger converts a speed related synchronic impulse train into its corresponding speed
signal with a unit of 1/min. Resulting quantity can be assigned as reference speed for further Analyzing Packag-
es (e.g. Vibration Spectra).
This Measuring Task calculates the corresponding speed signal of the given input signal.

Figure 76: Conversion Trigger

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis

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Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Impulses per Revolution Determines number of impulses per revolution

Compare Value (Rising/Falling Edge) Compare value for impulse train

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the
Number of Periods Determines number of periods which are used for the calculation of the speed

Figure 77: Conversion Trigger wizard

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4.9.3 General

The Analyzing Package General can be applied to any signal which is of interest.
The following table shows the Measuring Task(s) and their supported analysis type(s).
Measuring Task Offline Analysis Online Analysis
Limit Check No Yes

Extreme Values Yes Yes

Characteristic Values Yes Yes

Classification Yes Yes

Spectra Yes No
Spectra Order Yes No Limit Check

The Measuring Task Limit Check monitors signals against defined upper and lower warning and alarm limits or
both. However, signals that are already assigned to Long Term Storage or which contain a dot (“.”), except
“.RMS” and “.DKW”, cannot be used.
This Measuring Task monitors the given input signal.

Figure 78: General Limit Check

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
LimitCheck LmtChk CM Alarm Handling

LimitCheck2 LmtChk2 CM Alarm Handling

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Input Remarks
⋅ Upper limit check

Enable Enables or disables the limit check

Alarm Level Input alarm threshold

Warning Level Input warning threshold

⋅ Lower limit check

Enable Enables or disables the limit check

Alarm Level Input alarm threshold
Warning Level Input warning threshold

Figure 79: General Limit Check wizard

Release 2017-09 74 / 137
CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Extreme Values

The Measuring Task Extreme Values analyzes signals by calculating their extreme values. Resulting quantities
are trended and can be monitored in order to perform a proper evaluation.
The maxima can be monitored against defined upper warning and alarm limits and the minima against defined
lower warning and alarm limits.

Figure 80: General Extreme Values

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

ExtremeValues ExtrmVal CM General Signal Analysis Provided input parameters via wizard

Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

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Figure 81: General Extreme Values wizard

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Characteristic Values

The Measuring Task Characteristic Values analyzes signals by calculating their extreme values as well as addi-
tional quantities such as average, peak to peak and the dynamic. Resulting quantities are trended and can be
monitored in order to perform a proper evaluation.
The maxima and the peak to peak can be monitored against defined upper warning and alarm limits and the
minima against defined lower warning and alarm limits. The average and dynamic can be monitored against
defined upper or lower warning and alarm limits. It has to be considered that the dynamic is calculated accord-
ing to defined Operating States. Up to four Operating States can be defined and only if one of them is active, the
calculation of the dynamic is enabled. During transient operating or undefined Operating States, the calculation
of the dynamic is disabled which results in an output value of “0”.
This Measuring Task calculates the maximum, minimum, average, peak to peak value and the percentage dy-
namic of the given input signal.

Figure 82: General Characteristic Values

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

CharacteristicValues CharVal CM General Signal Analysis Provided input parameters via wizard

Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-
Validation OS 1 Valid operating state which enables the output Dynamic

Validation OS 2 Valid operating state which enables the output Dynamic

Validation OS 3 Valid operating state which enables the output Dynamic

Validation OS 4 Valid operating state which enables the output Dynamic

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Figure 83: General Characteristic Values wizard

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Classification

The Measuring Tasks of Classification analyze signals by applying selected classification algorithms such as the
time at level, time at level 2-dimensional and the rain flow counting. Resulting quantities are spectral classified
and trended in order to perform a proper evaluation.
Time at Level Counting (TLC)
This Measuring Task acquires the dwell time in seconds of the given input signal at certain classes.

Figure 84: General Classification (TLC)

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Time at Level 2 Dimensional Counting (TLC2D)

This Measuring Task acquires the dwell time in seconds of two given input signals at certain classes.

Figure 85: General Classification (TLC2D)

Rain Flow Counting (RFC)
This Measuring Task counts the cycles range and mean of the given input signal at certain classes.

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Figure 86: General Classification (RFC)

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Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the classi-

h Hour at which the results shall be stored once per day

min Minute at which the results shall be stored once per day
s Second at which the results shall be stored once per day

Time at Level Counting (TLC)

Upper border Determines the position of the classes upper borderline

Lower border Determines the position of the classes lower borderline

Number of classes Determines the number of classes for the classification
Time at Level Counting 2D (TLC2D)

Data Name Z Determines the z-signal for the classification

Upper border X Determines the position of the x classes upper borderline

Lower border X Determines the position of the x classes lower borderline

Number of classes X Determines the number of x classes for the classification

Upper border Z Determines the position of the z classes upper borderline

Lower border Z Determines the position of the z classes lower borderline
Number of classes Z Determines the number of z classes for the classification

Rain Flow Counting (RFM)

Noise reduction value Determines the threshold value of the noise reduction filter which shall be used by
the extremes finding

⋅ Cycles Range
Upper border Determines the position of the lower borderline for the cycles range

Lower border Determines the position of the upper borderline for the cycles range
Number of classes Determines the number of classes for the cycles range

Classification Mode Determines the acquisition mode of the cycles range for the rainflow counting
⋅ Cycles Mean
Upper border Determines the position of the lower borderline for the cycles mean

Lower border Determines the position of the upper borderline for the cycles mean
Number of classes Determines the number of classes for the cycles mean

Classification Mode Determines the acquisition mode of the cycles mean for the rainflow counting

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Figure 87: General Classification wizard (TLC)

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Figure 88: General Classification wizard (TLC2D)

Figure 89: General Classification wizard (RFM)

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Spectra

The Measuring Task Spectra analyzes signals by calculating the frequency based spectra which can be used to
evaluate the spectral composition of the given input signal considering a fixed frequency range (speed inde-
pendent). Resulting spectral quantities can be monitored according to graphical customized envelope alarm-
bands in order to perform a proper evaluation.
This Measuring Task calculates the frequency spectrum of the given input signal.

Figure 90: General Spectra

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

Spectrum Spm CM General Signal Analysis

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Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter
Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer

Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging
Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra

Figure 91: General Spectra wizard

Release 2017-09 86 / 137
CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Spectra Order

The Measuring Task Spectra Order analyzes signals by calculating the angle synchronous order based spectra
which can be used to evaluate the spectral composition of the given input signal considering a variable angle
synchronous order range (representing a speed dependent frequency range). Resulting spectral quantities can
be monitored according to graphical customized envelope alarmbands in order to perform a proper evaluation.
This Measuring Task calculates the filtering of the given input signal. Subsequently the order spectrum is calcu-
lated based on the pre-processed signal.

Figure 92: General Spectra Order

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis

SpeedToTrigger SpdToTrg CM General Signal Analysis

FilteredSignal FltrSgn CM General Signal Analysis

SpectrumOrder SpmOrd CM General Signal Analysis

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Input Remarks
⋅ Filtering

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

⋅ Spectrum Parameters

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Maximal Order Determines maximum order of an afterwards calculated order spectrum

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer
Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging

Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra

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Figure 93: General Spectra Order wizard

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4.9.4 Vibration

The Analyzing Package Vibration is intended to be applied only to signals received from IEPE (Integrated Elec-
tronic Piezo Electric) vibration acceleration sensors. However, it has to be considered that the Analyzing Pack-
age Vibration produces inappropriate results when applied to signals received from vibration velocity transduc-
ers for instance.
The following table shows the Measuring Task(s) and their supported analysis type(s).
Measuring Task Offline Analysis Online Analysis
Characteristic Values Yes Yes
Spectra Yes No

Spectra Order Yes No Characteristic Values

The Measuring Tasks of Characteristic Values analyze signals by calculating selected quantities such as the
acceleration and velocity root mean square (RMS), the acceleration and velocity peak values as well as the
Crest Factor. These values are crucial quantities in evaluating vibrations of stationary machine components.
Resulting quantities are trended and can be monitored against defined upper warning and alarm limits in order
to perform a proper evaluation.
RMS Acceleration
This Measuring Task calculates the acceleration RMS value of the given input signal.

Figure 94: Vibration Characteristic Values (RMS Acceleration)

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RMS Velocity
This Measuring Task calculates the velocity RMS value of the given input signal.

Figure 95: Vibration Characteristic Values (RMS Velocity)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
RMSVelocity RMSVel CM Machine Analysis

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Crest Factor
This Measuring Task calculates the Crest Factor of the given input signal.

Figure 96: Vibration Characteristic Values (Crest Factor)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
CrestFactor CrstFctr CM Machine Analysis

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Peak Values Acceleration (Pk Acceleration)

This Measuring Task calculates the acceleration peak and peak to peak value of the given input signal.

Figure 97: Vibration Characteristic Values (Pk Acceleration)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
PeakValuesAcceleration PkValAcc CM Machine Analysis

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Peak Values Velocity (Pk Velocity)

This Measuring Task calculates the velocity peak and peak to peak value of the given input signal.

Figure 98: Vibration Characteristic Values (Pk Velocity)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
PeakValuesVelocity PkValVel CM Machine Analysis

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Input Remarks
RMS Acceleration

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

RMS Velocity
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-
Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the highpass filter

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration
Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration

Crest Factor
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Pk Acceleration
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter
Pk Velocity

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the highpass filter

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration

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Figure 99: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (RMS Acceleration)

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Figure 100: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (RMS Velocity)

Figure 101: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Crest Factor)

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Figure 102: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Pk Acceleration)

Figure 103: Vibration Characteristic Values wizard (Pk Velocity)

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Spectra

The Measuring Tasks of Spectra analyze signals by calculating selected spectral quantities such as frequency
based acceleration, acceleration envelope and velocity spectra which can be used to evaluate the spectral
composition of the given input signal considering a fixed frequency range (speed independent). Resulting spec-
tral quantities can be monitored according to graphical customized envelope alarmbands in order to perform a
proper evaluation.
Spectrum Acceleration
This Measuring Task calculates the acceleration frequency spectrum of the given input signal.

Figure 104: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Acceleration)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
Spectrum Spm CM General Signal Analysis

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Spectrum Acceleration Envelope

This Measuring Task calculates the filtered acceleration envelope of the given input signal. Subsequently the
frequency spectrum is calculated based on the pre-processed signal.

Figure 105: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Acceleration Envelope)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

FilteredAccelerationEnvelope FltrAccEnv CM Broadband Analysis

SpectrumAccelerationEnvelope SpmAccEnv CM Broadband Analysis

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Spectrum Velocity
This Measuring Task calculates the velocity frequency spectrum of the given input signal.

Figure 106: Vibration Spectra (Spectrum Velocity)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
SpectrumVelocity SpmVel CM Machine Analysis

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Provided input parameters via wizard

Input Remarks
Spectrum Acceleration

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer
Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging

Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra
Spectrum Acceleration Envelope
⋅ Filtering

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter

⋅ Spectrum Parameters
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer

Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging
Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra
Spectrum Velocity

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the highpass filter

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration
Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer

Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging
Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra

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Figure 107: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Acceleration)

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Figure 108: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Acceleration Envelope)

Figure 109: Vibration Spectra wizard (Spectrum Velocity)

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Spectra Order

The Measuring Tasks of Spectra Order analyze signals by calculating selected spectral quantities such as angle
synchronous order based acceleration, acceleration envelope and velocity spectra which can be used to evalu-
ate the spectral composition of the given input signal considering a variable angle synchronous order range
(representing a speed dependent frequency range). Resulting spectral quantities can be monitored according to
graphical customized envelope alarmbands in order to perform a proper evaluation.
Order Spectrum Acceleration
This Measuring Task calculates the filtered acceleration signal of the given input signal. Subsequently the order
spectrum is calculated based on the pre-processed signal.

Figure 110: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Acceleration)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
SpeedToTrigger SpdToTrg CM General Signal Analysis
TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis

FilteredSignal FltrSgn CM General Signal Analysis

SpectrumOrder SpmOrd CM General Signal Analysis

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Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope

This Measuring Task calculates the filtered acceleration envelope signal of the given input signal. Subsequently
the order spectrum is calculated based on the pre-processed signal.

Figure 111: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
SpeedToTrigger SpdToTrg CM General Signal Analysis

TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis

FilteredAccelerationEnvelope FltrAccEnv CM Broadband Analysis

SpectrumOrder SpmOrd CM General Signal Analysis

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Order Spectrum Velocity

This Measuring Task calculates the filtered velocity signal of the given input signal. Subsequently the order
spectrum is calculated based on the pre-processed signal.

Figure 112: Vibration Spectra Order (Order Spectrum Velocity)

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category
SpeedToTrigger SpdToTrg CM General Signal Analysis

TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis

FilteredVelocity FltrVel CM Machine Analysis
SpectrumOrder SpmOrd CM General Signal Analysis

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Input Remarks
Order Spectrum Acceleration

⋅ Filtering
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

⋅ Spectrum Parameters
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Maximal Order Determines maximum order of an afterwards calculated order spectrum

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer

Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging
Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra

Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope

⋅ Filtering

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter
Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter

⋅ Spectrum Parameters

Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model
Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Maximal Order Determines maximum order of an afterwards calculated order spectrum

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer

Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging
Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra
Order Spectrum Velocity

⋅ Filtering
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Cutoff Frequency Cutoff frequency of the highpass filter

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter after integration
⋅ Spectrum Parameters
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-
Maximal Order Determines maximum order of an afterwards calculated order spectrum

Overlap Defines the overlapping length of the input values in the buffer
Number of Spectra used for Averaging Determines number of spectra which shall be used by the averaging

Number of max Output Spectra Determines the maximal number of output spectra

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Figure 113: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Acceleration)

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Figure 114: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Acceleration Envelope)

Figure 115: Vibration Spectra Order wizard (Order Spectrum Velocity)

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4.9.5 Displacement

The Analyzing Package Displacement is intended to be applied to signals received from analog displacement
sensors. Typically eddy current principle with external electronic build-in in a driver module. However, the Ana-
lyzing Package Displacement can be applied to any displacement signal which is of interest.
The following table shows the Measuring Task(s) and their supported analysis type(s).
Measuring Task Offline Analysis Online Analysis
Orbit Yes No Orbit

The Measuring Task Orbit analyzes two signals which are 90° shifted to each other by calculating a filtered dis-
placement orbit. A filtered orbit allows visualizing the shaft movements within a sleeve bearing and provides
specific characteristic values (Smax, AglSmax and Spp). Resulting quantities are trended and can be monitored
in order to perform a proper evaluation.
This Measuring Task calculates the filtered displacement orbit of the two given input signals.

Figure 116: Displacement Orbit

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

SpeedToTrigger SpdToTrg CM General Signal Analysis

TriggerConversion TrgCnv CM General Signal Analysis
OrbitAnalysis OrbitAns CM Displacement Analysis

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Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Revolutions Determines the number of revolutions inside single orbit

NoP per Revolution Specifies the number of points to which the collected input data shall be

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Number of Revolutions used for averaging Specifies the number of revolutions over which an average shall be built

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Figure 117: Displacement Orbit wizard

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4.9.6 Current

The Analyzing Package Current is intended to be applied to signals received from current clamps or directly
from an inverter which provide the three phase current signals. However, it has to be considered that that the
Analyzing Package Current produces inappropriate results when applied to RMS signals for instance.
The following table shows the Measuring Task(s) and their supported analysis type(s).
Measuring Task Offline Analysis Online Analysis
Alpha Beta Orbit Yes No

Symmetric Components Yes No Alpha Beta Orbit

The Measuring Task Alpha Beta Orbit analyzes a three phase current system by calculating the stator related
filtered orbit according to the Clarkes Transformation. A filtered orbit allows visualizing stator field related
asymmetries and provides specific characteristic values (Smax, AglSmax and Spp). Resulting quantities are
trended and can be monitored in order to perform a proper evaluation.
This Measuring Task calculates the filtered current orbit of the given three phase current signals.

Figure 118: Current Alpha Beta Orbit

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

WaveformToTrigger WFToTrg CM General Signal Analysis

AlphaBetaOrbit ABOrbit CM Displacement Analysis

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Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Revolutions Determines the number of revolutions inside single orbit

NoP per Revolution Specifies the number of points to which the collected input data shall be

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Number of Revolutions used for averaging Specifies the number of revolutions over which an average shall be built

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Figure 119: Current Alpha Beta Orbit wizard

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CMS X-Tools Project Configurator – User Manual CMS Symmetric Components

The Measuring Task Symmetric Components analyzes a three phase current system by calculating the sym-
metric components according to Fortescue. Resulting quantities are trended and can be monitored in order to
perform a proper evaluation. The positive and the zero sequence can be monitored against defined upper warn-
ing and alarm limits. The negative sequence can be monitored against defined upper and lower warning and
alarm limits.
This Measuring Task calculates the positive, negative and zero sequence of the given three phase current sys-

Figure 120: Current Symmetric Components

The following table shows the implemented User Function(s) of the CM Library.
Full Name Short Name Parent Category

SymmetricComponentsAnalysis SymComAns CM Current Signature Analysis Provided input parameters via wizard

Input Remarks
Sample Rate (Cycle Time) Determines the cycle time of the Analyzing Model

Number of Points (NoP) Determines number of points containing in the buffer which are used for the calcu-

Number of Periods Determines number of periods which are used for the calculation of the phases

Lower Cutoff Frequency Lower cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

Higher Cutoff Frequency Higher cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter

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Figure 121: Current Symmetric Components wizard

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4.10 Project Creation

Once the complete project configuration has been done, the Project Location is ready to be created. Therefore
the configuration has to be saved first. This is done via the menu bar File -> Save or Save As.

Figure 122: Project Creation – Save or Save As

While save is in progress the following window comes up showing the Configuration Progress. During this time
no actions shall be taken by the user.

Figure 123: Project Creation – Save or Save As (Saving)

When the Project Location is about to be created for the first time, Create all shall be used. This is done via the
menu bar File -> Create X-Tools Files -> Create all. For all other cases such as a present project has been
opened and modified (changed names, added or removed Measuring Points and Measuring Tasks etc.), Update
can be used. However, Create all is always an option but it may takes more time.

Figure 124: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files

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If Custom Templates have been created and loaded (see chapter Advanced) the user gets prompt
after clicking onto Create all or Update whether the Custom Templates shall be used for the creation of the Pro-
ject Location or not.
While creation is in progress the following window comes up. During this time no actions shall be taken by the
user. All necessary Configuration Files are created in the CMS Project Configurator Location.

Figure 125: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files (Creating)

As soon as the Configuration Progress window disappears, the created Configuration Files are moved to the
Project Location via the menu bar File -> Close. While moving of Configuration Files is in progress the following
window comes up. During this time no actions shall be taken by the user.

Figure 126: Project Creation – Create X-Tools Files (Moving)

As soon as the Configuration Progress window disappears, the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator can be
closed via the menu bar File -> Exit or .
If not already done the Project Location can be added to X-Tools and is ready to be started.

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4.10.1 Project Opening

In order to open and manage a project, the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator has to be started. As soon as
the Main Window becomes visible any project can be opened in two different modes. Parameters

The project can be opened via the menu bar File -> Open -> Parameters in order to modify only parameters. It
is not possible to add / remove Measuring Points or Measuring Tasks.

Figure 127: Project Opening – Parameters or Project

The ini file ProjectInfo.ini within the folder 00 Project Setup of the Project Location has to be chosen by browsing
through the upcoming windows explorer.

Figure 128: Project Opening – ProjectInfo.ini

The project opens by clicking onto the OK button and allows the modification of parameters. Project

If the project is opened via the menu bar File -> Open -> Project all Configuration Files are copied to the CMS
Project Configurator Location. While copying is in progress the following window comes up showing the
Configuration Progress. During this time no actions shall be taken by the user.

Figure 129: Project Opening – Parameters (Copying)

The Project Location can be completely modified.

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4.11 CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator

The CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator is part of the created Project Location and can be started via the Moni-
toring View Alarm Configurator which is found within the Monitoring System Explorer.

Figure 130: Alarm Configurator startup Monitoring View

The CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator is started by clicking onto the button Start Alarm Configurator.

Figure 131: Alarm Configurator startup Monitoring View (steps)

Alternative a shortcut to the CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator .exe File within the Project Location can be
made and directly be executed.

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Within the upcoming window the Plant Overview shows all Measuring Tasks of the Measuring Points which are
monitored. The current status of the Measuring Tasks is visualized by a simple traffic light and the correspond-
ing alarm notifications are listed up in the Alarm List of the Alarm Configurator.

Figure 132: Alarm Configurator – Plant Overview

Via context menu of the Plant Overview or the Alarm List, it is possible to acknowledge the alarms, edit the
alarm limits, or directly switch to the corresponding Monitoring View in X-Tools.
Via menu bar Settings -> Data View -> Use Express Edition, it is possible to use CMS X-Tools Express to vis-
ualize data and edit envelopes, to not disturb the project sequence, executed by CMS X-Tools Professional.

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Envelopes configurations cannot be edited directly out of the CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator but easily in X-
Tools. By right clicking onto a spectral Measuring Task -> Edit or simply double click a new window opens
whereby the Spectrum Type (if more calculations present), the Parameter Group and the Operating State have
to be chosen for which the envelopes shall be (re-)configured.

Figure 133: Alarm Configurator – Alarm Limits Vibration Spectra

Inputs are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button which initiates the opening of the corresponding Monitoring

Figure 134: Alarm Configurator – X-Tools envelope configuration Vibration Spectra

Within this Monitoring View it is possible to load the calculated spectra, the average spectra, maximum spectra,
violation spectra and averaged violation spectra for a certain time interval. Afterwards Alarm Envelopes can be
created graphically and applied to the project.

Valid envelopes configurations can be exported via the menu bar Tools -> Export Envelopes in order to be de-
ployed afterwards. Within the upcoming window the destination folder has to be chosen by browsing through the
windows explorer and is confirmed by OK.

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The limit check of each Measuring Point can be edited by right clicking onto the desired Measuring Task -> Edit
or simply double click.
The following figure shows the alarm configuration window for the offline processed Analyzing Package Vibra-
tion Characteristic Values. A limit check can be set Parameter Group related and to the Operating State which
is of interest. If the checkbox Use for all Operating States is checked, the alarm limits can be set Operating
State independent. For online processed Analyzing Packages alarm limits can only be set Parameter Group

Figure 135: Alarm Configurator – Alarm Limits Vibration Characteristic Values

Changes are confirmed by clicking onto the OK button or discarded by the Cancel button.
Once the alarm configuration is done, the CMS X-Tools Alarm Configurator is closed by clicking onto the
Close button. In order to apply changes to the project the X-Tools Server has to be re-initialized.

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4.12 Standard Analysis Sequence

The following illustrations are intended to describe the standard analysis sequence of the X-Tools Project Loca-
tions which have been created by the CMS X-Tools Project Configurator.

4.12.1 Legend and Descriptions

The following figure shows and explains the individually colored blocks which have been used for the illustra-
tions of the standard analysis sequence.

Figure 136: Standard Analysis Sequence – Legend and Descriptions

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4.12.2 Complete

Figure 137: Standard Analysis Sequence – Initial Startup

Figure 138: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Startup” ASF

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Figure 139: Standard Analysis Sequence – “05 Call Move Closed Data” ASF (AP independent, online)

Figure 140: Standard Analysis Sequence – “05 Move Closed Data” ASF (AP independent, offline)

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Figure 141: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Sequence Control” ASF (online)

Figure 142: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Analyzing” ASF (AP independent, online)

Figure 143: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Analyzing” ASF (AP dependent, online)

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Figure 144: Standard Analysis Sequence – “04 Storage” ASF (AP independent, online)

Figure 145: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Storage” ASF (AP dependent, online)

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Figure 146: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Sequence Control” ASF (offline)

Figure 147: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Trend Signals” ASF (AP independent, offline)

Figure 148: Standard Analysis Sequence – “01 Trend Signals” ASF (AP dependent, offline)

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Figure 149: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Analyzing” ASF (AP independent, offline)

Figure 150: Standard Analysis Sequence – “02 Analyzing” ASF (AP dependent, offline)

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Figure 151: Standard Analysis Sequence – “04 Storage” ASF (AP independent, offline)

Figure 152: Standard Analysis Sequence – “03 Storage” ASF (AP dependent, offline)

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4.12.3 Simplified

Figure 153: Standard Analysis Sequence – Simplified

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5 List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

AME Analyzing Model Editor

AMF Analyzing Model File

ANF Analyzing Function

ANS Analyzing System
ANX Analyzing System Explorer

ASE Analyzing Script Editor

ASF Analyzing Script File

CMM Communication Module

CTN Control Node
DMS Device Management System

DMX Device Management System Explorer

DPE Device Profile Editor

DPF Device Profile File

GOE Global Options Editor

IFM Interface Module

IFN Interface Node
IOM I/O-Module, Input/Output-Module

ION I/O-Node, Input/Output-Node

IPE Interface Profile Editor

IPF Interface Profile File

LPE Loading Profile Editor
LPF Loading Profile File

MDS Master Data System

MDX Master Data System Explorer

MMS Main Management System

MMX Main Management System Explorer
MPE Main Profile Editor

MPF Main Profile File

MTC Monitoring Chart

MTS Monitoring System

MTX Monitoring System Explorer

MVE Monitoring View Editor

MVF Monitoring View File
ODL Offline Data Loader

UAE User Accounts Editor

SLV System Log Viewer

SPE Storage Profile Editor

SPF Storage Profile File
STS Storage System

STX Storage System Explorer

UFE User Function Editor

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UFF User Function File

USF User Function

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

XTC X-Tools Client

XTS X-Tools Server
XTT X-Tools Tray

XTV X-Tools Service

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6 Contact Information

Should you have any questions concerning the software application, please refer to the Digital Factory Tech-
nical Support.

Siemens AG
Digital Factory
+49 (0) 911 895 7222 (Monday to Friday, 08:00 am to 04:00 pm CET/CEST)
+49 (0) 911 895 7223

Thank you for using one of the above mentioned contacts to ensure your inquiry is registered and can be pro-

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