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1. This is the …. Book I have ever read!
A. Good
B. Goodest
C. More good
D. Better
E. best
2. you are driving too ….
A. Fast
B. Fasten
C. Fastly
D. Fastest
E. faster
3. He is …. Photographer.
A. A
B. Are
C. An
D. Be
E. was
4. If you … hard, you will secceed.
A. Will try
B. Try
C. Tried
D. Had tried
E. trying
5. I hope he …. Come back again.
A. Was
B. Should
C. Is
D. Must
E. will
6. Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t have enough
money for it.
Hamish : ….
Raisa : thank you a million. That’s very kind of you.
A. I’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want
B. Can you find a sponsor?
C. You’d better to leave the scholarship
D. I don’t mind if you don’t take it
E. I’ll be happy, if you take it.
7. Dian : the cake is scrumptious! I love it.
Joni : …. Another piece?
Dian : thank you. You should tell me the recipe.
Joni : I will
Which of the following offering expression best fill the blank?
A. Do you mind if you have
B. Would you like
C. Shall you have
D. Can I have you
E. I will bring you
8. Fitri : the French homework is really hard. I don’t feel like to do it.
Rahmat : …. To help you?
Fitri : it sounds great. Thanks, Rahmat!

Which of the following offering expression best fill the blank?

A. Do you mind if I
B. Would you like me
C. Shall i
D. Can I
E. I will
9. Toni : Hi Andi, what about going to Agung’s birthday party tonight?
Andi : I’m afraid I can’t. I am going somewhere with Reza
The italicized sentence is used to ….
A. Declining an invitation
B. Ask for permission
C. Agree to do something
D. Express a surprise
E. Ask for an apology
10. Devi : lots of women are incapable of working in Malaysia this year.
Warni :why?
Devi : because they are unskilled workers.
Form the dialog we can conclude that lots of women ….. in Malaysia.
A. Are not working
B. Will not work
C. Must not work
D. Cannot work
E. Are not trained workers
11. Student : …. To carry these these books to your room, sir?
Teacher : No, thanks. I can do it myself.
A. Do you want
B. Shall I do
C. May I help you
D. Can you help
E. Do uou mind
12. A : Dad, I got a straight “A” for mathematics.
B : Really? Oh, your mom and I have are really proud of you.
The dialog is expresses …..
A. Sympathy
B. Irony
C. Satisfaction
D. Pride
E. Obligation
13. Toma : How was your trip Tokyo?
Candy : ….. with that. I want to go there again in 2 years.
A. I am very happy
B. I am very disappointed
C. I am very unhappy
D. I am very dissatisfied
E. I am not happy
14. Ratna : I’m hungry. How about you?
Citra : me too.
Ratna : …..?
Citra : sure
A. Shall we go to the library
B. Shall we go to the mosque
C. Shall we go to office
D. Shall we go to canteen
E. Shall we go to bank
15. Ela : Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom : of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for
E. Apologizing
16. Marta : it’s very hot here ….
Sinta : sure. No problem

The suitable expression to complete the dialog is ….

A. Could you close the door?
B. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
C. Would you turn off the fan?
D. May I leave now?
E. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
17. Tom : this question is so difficult to answer.
Jaya : …..
The suitable expression to complete the dialog is …
A. Just don’t answer it
B. Let’s stop studying and go playing
C. Would you like a cup of coffee?
D. Let me help you work on it
E. I can come to your house
18. Svjksd
19. Dsd
20. Dsk
21. Djs
22. Dks
23. Dks
24. Dsd
25. Dsj
26. Djs
27. Dskj
28. Djs
29. Dsfjd
30. Dk
31. Dfs
32. Dsd
33. Ds
34. Djsd
35. Dd
36. Dsj
37. Sdkd
38. Sdjj
39. Sds
40. ds

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