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School Sogod National High School Grade Level 7

Teachers Gilo, Madihanon, Motanez, Learning Area TLE
Moscare, Pavo
Time & Dates December 6, 2021 Quarter 2

I. Objectives
a. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles
in installing configuring computer parts.
b. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to install and configure computer systems
based on established procedures and system requirements.
c. Learning LO 1. Assemble computer hardware (TLE_IACSS912ICC-Ia-e-28)
Competencies/objectives Objectives:
Write the LC code for  Identify computer components necessary to complete the
each work in accordance with established procedures and system
 Value the importance of each computer components in a
computer system.
 Perform correct use of computer components
II. Content Computer Parts and Components (Input, Process, and Output
Computer Parts)
III. Learning Resources
a. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material Computer Hardware Servicing Exploratory Course Grade 7 and 8
Technology and Livelihood Education Information Communications
Technology, Computer systems Servicing Quarter 2- Module 4
Assembling a Computer
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Input, Output, and Storage devices
Resource (LR) Portal
IV. Procedures
Preliminary Activities
Teacher Learner
1. Prayer
Mark, kindly lead the prayer. Let us pray… Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning class.! Good morning ma’am/sir!
How are you? We are perfectly fine ma’am/sir.
Are you ready for our lesson today? Yes ma’am/sir!

3. Checking of Attendance
May I know who is/are absent for today? We are all present ma’am/sir. Perfect
Okay very good!

4. Checking of assignment
Who among you watched the video I gave you last Students raise their hand.
time? Raise your hand. (60% of the class was able to watch the video)

Very good!

What was the video all about?

It is all about other ways in installing printers,
Alright very good! ma’am/sir.

a. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Who can share the class what we have discussed last We have discussed about different steps in
time? Yes, alma. installing Windows 10 updates and installing
device driver updates ma’am/sir.

Very well said!

Very good class, you really did understand our lesson.
b. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Now, I will group you into three. Each group will be (Students attentively listening)
given a jigsaw puzzle. You are given 3 minutes to do the
After completing, kindly give your answer on this

What object was formed when you put the puzzle (Posting of completed puzzle with its name)
pieces together?

Group 1, you did it well. Group 2, you did it all good.

Group 3, you have to improve your performance next

While doing the activity, do you think that each puzzle Yes ma’am/sir.
pieces is important?

If a piece is missing, can we identify what is in the No ma’am/sir.

Based on the activity conducted, what was common on They are parts of the computer.
the 3 objects? What are they?

Very good!

It is now clear to you about our lesson for today. Belle,

1. Identify computer components necessary to
kindly read the following objectives. complete the work in accordance with
established procedures and system
2. Value the importance of each computer
components in a computer system.
3. Perform correct use of computer components.
c. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
With the same group, let us have another activity.

Direction: Arrange the scrambled letters to reveal the
mystery word.

System Unit





Congratulations all of you!

How do you feel about the activity? Enjoyable mam/sir!

Very good class!

d. Discussing new concepts and practices new skills #1
There are different parts of a computer.
The first basic part that plays an important role
in a computer is the System Unit.

System Unit is part of a computer that houses the

primary devices that perform operations and produce
results for complex calculations. It includes the
motherboard, CPU, RAM and other components, as well
as the case in which these devices are housed. This unit
performs majority of the functions that a computer is
required to do.

Now class, can a computer operate without a system No ma’am/sir


Why do you say so? Because system unit is the part of a computer
that houses the primary devices that perform
operations and procedures for complex

Very good!

Keyboard is also part of a computer. This part allows a (Students listening attentively)
person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols.
When we are using keyboard it is often called typing.

The next part of a computer is the mouse. (Students listening attentively)

Mouse is a handheld pointing device that controls a
cursor in a graphic user interface, and can move and
select text, icons, files, and folders on your computer.

Can we use a keyboard instead of a mouse in pointing No ma’am/sir. Because keyboard is used in typing
files, icons and folders? Why? Yes Jacob? characters, letters, numbers but not a pointing
What should be used as pointing device? The mouse.

Amazing! Very good class!

The next part of a computer is the monitor.

Monitor is a display device that interprets and displays (Students listening attentively)
the graphical output signal from your computers
graphics card and displays it on screen. This part
enables you to view the display interface in order to
interact with the computer using various peripherals
like a mouse or keyboard.

Can we use a monitor to display text, video, and other

information in the computer? Can you name other
devices that can do the same? Yes ma’am/sir. We can use projector as well.

Yes you got it right Donny.

The last device is the printer.

Actually printer is not part of a computer, it is an (Students listening attentively)
external hardware device that accepts text and graphic
output from a computer and transfers the information
to paper.

Can we reproduce hardcopy of files saved in the Yes ma’am/sir.

computer with the use of printer?

You are right. Give yourselves a big round of applause.

e. Discussing new concepts and practices new skills #2

To discuss thoroughly about our topic, I will let you
watch a video presentation of our lesson today. (Watching Attentively)

Class, after you had watch the video, let me ask you,
what are the major components of a computer?
Yes Criza? Input, output, and storage

Very good!
Yes, there are three major components of a computer.
These are the input, output, and storage devices. The
parts that we have discussed earlier belongs to these
major components.

Which component does keyboard and mouse belong? Input device ma’am.

Very good!

Keyboard and monitor are input devices since data and (Students listening attentively)
information are entered through them. We should
remember that input devices are any hardware device
that sends data to a computer allowing you to interact
with and control it.

Class can you give me other example of input device? Barcode scanner/reader and touchpad ma’am.
Okay very good!

Now for output devices, these are any peripheral device (Students listening attentively)
that receives data from a computer, usually for display,
projection, or physical reproduction. An example of
output devices were the monitor and the printer.

We also have storage devices which is used for storing,

porting, or extracting data files and objects. These (Students listening attentively)
devices can hold and store information both temporarily
and permanently. System unit is considered as storage
device since it is used for storage and processing of
information and execute tasks. Storage device are one of
the core components of any computing device

Did you understand class? Yes ma’am

Very good!

Now, there are many computer devices that we can

encounter and are used by different organizations,
establishments, and businesses.

When you are in a department store like Novo or Barcode scanner/reader ma’am
Gaisano, what devices are used to gather data such as
price of the item?

Who or what calculated our total payment, Lisa? When the barcode scanner/reader fetches the
prices from the items bought, the computer will
automatically computes the total payment.
Very good! Once the barcode scanner fetches the price of
the items we bought, the computer will automatically
computes the total payment of our items. It will be displayed in the screen or the monitor
Now, where will be those information be displayed,
It is not manually computed but the machine
Very good! Which is an output device; it allows us to see automatically did it.
the information and the price of our items.
How about when you withdraw money from the ATM In the cash dispenser.
machine? Who or what does it? Yes Alona?

Once withdrawal is confirmed, where will cash be I think it will be stored in a storage device known
dropped, May? as hard drive.

With those scenarios, where do you think information

will be stored, Max?

Very good Max! it will be stored in a storage device

known as hard drive that is place in the system unit. The user request will not be completed or
satisfied. Since it is important to have input
devices to accept and gather the data that we
What do you think will happen if one computer need to key in. Every computer components has
component is missing? Like, there are processing and its functions to do and is very important in
output devices but input is missing. performing a task. The absence of one will make
a computer useless.

Yes, that is very try Lexa. Definitely computer is a system

and therefore if one of its part is missing or do not work
properly, it would probably affect the whole computer.
The computer will not work properly because they are
all connected to each other components with regard
with their functions and uses to make the computer
works as computer.

f. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

I think you have fully understand our discussion. Now
class, I want you to get ½ sheet of paper and write what
are the three things you learned, two things you’re still
curious about, and one thing you don’t understand.

You will be give you 2 minutes to do it. (Students doing the task)

Okay class, time is up. I want you to pass your papers to (Students submitting their papers)
your front.

Very good class!

g. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Now let us have another activity.

With the same group, you will be preparing a short role (Students listening attentively)
play presentation. Aside from what I have mentioned
earlier, think of an office business or organization
within Sogod, which uses a computer component
assigned to you.
The situations should show the correct use of the
component, and at the same time would show the
importance of each components. You are given 10
minutes to prepare and practice, and 2 minutes
presentation for each group. First group is assigned for
input device, second group is task on storage device, and
the last group will be assigned to output device.

Criteria for role play:

Criteria Points to be
Accuracy and 10
believability of role
Clarity of speech 10
Expression and 10
body language
Knowledge gained 10
Total points 40

Write your group members in a ¼ sheet and submit it to

me before you present your role play.

Your timer starts now. (The students are working with their group.)

Time is up! It is time to present your work.

Group 1 for input device will present first. (Group 1 presentation of the role play)

Let us give a round of applause to group 1! Very good Thank you ma’am!
you have showed to us the correct use and importance
of input device of your chosen business

Next to present is the second group for storage device. (Group 1 presentation of the role play)

A big applause to group 2. You have executed the Thank you ma’am!
correct use of storage device and have showed to us its
importance as well.

The last to present would be the third group assigned

for output device.

A round of applause for group 3 for their outstanding Thank you ma’am!
performance! Very well executed group 3.
Okay, how did you come up with your situations?
Any representative from each group. (Each group explaining for their choices)

Very good! Everybody got it correct!

h. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Now what have you learned today class? Yes Rudy? I have learned the different components of
computer. Those are input, storage, and output
devices. Input device are used for data entry,
storage device is used to keep files for a certain
time, and output device converts information into
human readable form.

Very Good!

Any additional insights from the class? Example of input devices are keyboard and
mouse. Storage components are CD, and flash
drive. Output devices are printer, monitor, and


With the current situation we have now, how do you For me ma’am/sir, I find it hard understanding
find your studies with printed materials? How do you the topics in a printed module. There are also
use computer in coping up with difficult topics? unclear or blurred copy of it. However, I use my
phone in researching for related topics on the

Very good, in finding ways despite of you experiences.

I think you are now ready for the succeeding task.

i. Evaluate learning
To evaluate what you have learned in our discussion,
please prepare ¼ sheet of paper and answer the short
Direction: Answer the following questions by writing
the letter of your answer. Students possible answer:
1. In what part of the computer where the 1. B
manipulation of symbols, numbers, and letters 2. A
occurs and it controls the other parts of the 3. C
computer system. 4. A
a. In the CPU 5. B
b. In the keyboard
c. In the hard disk
d. In the memory
2. Which of the following is an output device?
a. Monitor
b. Keyboard
c. Mouse
d. HDD
3. Which of the following is an input device?
a. UPS
b. Projector
c. Keyboard
d. HDD
4. Which of the following is a high-capacity
a. Hard Disk
b. Floppy disk
c. Compact disk
d. DVD
5. Which of the following device that accepts text
and graphics output from a computer and
transfers the information to paper?




Now for your assignment, I want you to list down five Okay ma’am/sir
(5) computer components inside a system
unit/computer case. Write you answers in you notebook.

That would be all for today class. See you tomorrow! Goodbye ma’am/sir!

Prepared by:
Gilo, John Michael
Madihanon, John Ivan
Montañez, Clyzza
Moscare, Willcie Marie
Pavo, Richelle

Checked by:

Field Study 2 Instructor

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