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08-03 21:47:45.

247 1405 1405 E AutoBrightnessSynchronizer: MSG_UPDATE_INT

08-04 09:31:29.434 1405 4075 E SparseMappingTable: can't store negative values
key=0x4170018 index=0 value=-366582 -- SparseMappingTable.Table{mSequence=7
mParent.mSequence=7 mParent.mLongs.size()=1 mSize=13 mTable=[0x0/0x0/0x51f,
0x2/0x0/0x51e, 0x4/0x0/0x520, 0x5/0x0/0x777, 0x7/0x0/0x776, 0x14/0x0/0x416,
0x16/0x0/0x415, 0x18/0x0/0x417, 0x19/0x0/0x649, 0x1b/0x0/0x648, 0x1d/0x0/0xe24,
0x1e/0x0/0xd4f, 0x20/0x0/0xd4e, 0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0,
0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0]}
08-04 14:33:53.582 1405 2471 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@29:
08-04 16:45:45.582 1405 1653 E _V_SarPowerStateService: sarcode 222222222
08-04 16:45:45.582 1405 1653 E _V_SarPowerStateService: SAR_ForceNear!
08-04 19:51:11.293 582 1241 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 19:51:11.342 582 1221 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:51:11.343 582 1221 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:51:11.345 582 2074 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 19:51:11.358 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 19:51:11.358 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 19:52:01.431 603 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:17582
hint:1159 pid:635 duration:300 => ret_hdl:17582
08-04 19:52:01.431 603 695 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:17582 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:635
08-04 19:52:01.732 603 695 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-04 19:52:01.732 603 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:17582, idx:0
08-04 19:52:01.732 603 695 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:17582 hint:1159
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:635
08-04 19:52:01.736 635 635 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:17582, tid:635
08-04 19:52:01.737 603 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:17582, idx:-1
08-04 19:52:02.311 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 19:52:02.311 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 19:52:02.329 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 19:52:02.337 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 19:52:02.525 582 1221 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 19:52:02.577 582 1221 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:52:02.577 582 1221 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:52:02.579 582 2183 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 19:52:02.582 637 1019 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() role 0
type 0 num_ports 13 ports 0xb4000079cd863700
08-04 19:52:02.587 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 19:52:02.587 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 19:55:30.885 582 22622 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 19:55:30.940 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:55:30.940 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 19:55:30.942 582 2928 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 19:55:30.949 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 19:55:30.949 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 19:55:48.582 637 20049 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex:
stream AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE attributes={ Content type:
Flags: 0x1 Tags: }
08-04 19:55:48.582 637 20049 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributesInt: group 6 matching with { Content type:
Flags: 0x1 Tags: }
08-04 19:56:04.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1)
mBeaconMuteRefCount=1 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0
08-04 19:56:06.998 582 582 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
08-04 19:56:18.814 582 582 E AudioMTKGainController: getGainDevice(), error,
devices (65536) not support, return GAIN_DEVICE_SPEAKER
08-04 19:56:51.733 582 1241 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
08-04 19:56:51.816 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 19:56:51.818 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 19:56:52.538 582 582 E AudioMTKGainController: getGainDevice(), error,
devices (65536) not support, return GAIN_DEVICE_SPEAKER
08-04 19:56:52.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex:
stream AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF attributes={ Content type: AUDIO_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN
Flags: 0x0 Tags: }
08-04 19:56:52.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributesInt: group 5 matching with { Content type:
Source: AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT Flags: 0x0 Tags: }
08-04 19:56:52.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex device
00000001, index 11
08-04 20:00:03.582 635 3479 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:17833,
08-04 20:00:10.379 582 1241 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
08-04 20:00:10.582 637 22619 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x1,@:}, activeDevices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
08-04 20:00:10.582 637 18828 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x1,@:}, activeDevices AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE
08-04 20:00:24.582 1405 2422 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:01:44.582 2194 2600 E _V_pem : catNode /sys/class/fuelsummary/age_amount: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
08-04 20:02:19.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex:
stream AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY attributes={ Content type:
08-04 20:02:19.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributesInt: group 1 matching with { Content type:
08-04 20:02:19.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex device
00004000, index 10
08-04 20:02:20.315 582 582 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
08-04 20:02:20.337 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:02:20.343 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:07:17.582 603 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:17909
hint:1150 pid:635 duration:2000 => ret_hdl:17909
08-04 20:07:17.582 603 695 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:17909 hint:1150
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:635
08-04 20:07:17.582 635 718 E ANDR-VPERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply
optimization [1, 1]
08-04 20:07:18.521 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:07:18.522 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:07:18.535 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:07:18.540 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:07:18.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributesInt: group 14 matching with { Content type:
08-04 20:07:18.582 637 2246 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex device
00000001, index 6
08-04 20:07:18.705 582 582 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 20:07:18.765 582 1241 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:07:18.766 582 1241 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:07:18.768 582 4062 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 20:07:18.771 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:07:18.771 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:07:51.562 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:07:51.562 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:07:51.575 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:07:51.580 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:07:51.818 582 582 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 20:07:51.863 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:07:51.863 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:07:51.865 582 4229 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 20:08:30.582 1405 2422 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:09:11.582 603 695 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-04 20:09:11.582 603 695 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:18026, idx:1
08-04 20:09:11.582 603 695 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:18026 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:635
08-04 20:09:15.590 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:09:15.590 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:09:15.602 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:09:15.608 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 20:09:15.758 582 1241 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 20:09:15.815 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:09:15.816 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:09:15.817 582 4452 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 20:09:15.824 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:09:15.824 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:15:48.582 1405 3814 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:19:14.582 607 607 E _V_touchscreen: Open
/sys/touchscreen/dclick_proximity_switch failed
08-04 20:20:09.582 450 456 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup28: Permission denied
08-04 20:30:13.582 1405 4298 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:34:31.582 1405 2471 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:38:38.582 1405 1797 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1405_6 identical
2 lines
08-04 20:42:28.582 1405 1421 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:44:13.582 1405 2503 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 20:54:33.582 635 5296 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:18152,
08-04 20:54:49.201 582 1241 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 20:54:49.264 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:54:49.265 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 20:54:49.266 582 5434 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 20:54:49.277 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 20:54:49.278 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 20:55:28.582 450 456 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
08-04 21:00:22.003 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:00:22.003 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:00:22.099 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:00:22.101 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:00:22.107 582 20053 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) writer identical 2
08-04 21:00:22.113 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:00:22.128 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:00:22.128 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:00:22.140 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:00:22.145 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:00:22.296 582 582 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 21:00:22.355 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:00:22.356 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:00:22.357 582 5925 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:02:18.582 1405 1608 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is android
08-04 21:02:19.917 582 1241 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 21:02:19.968 582 1241 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:02:19.968 582 1241 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:02:19.970 582 6369 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:02:19.982 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:02:19.982 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:02:31.449 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:02:31.449 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:02:31.494 582 6369 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:02:31.563 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:02:31.588 582 20053 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) writer identical 6
08-04 21:02:31.591 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:02:31.693 582 22622 E AudioMTKGainController: getGainDevice(), error,
devices (65536) not support, return GAIN_DEVICE_SPEAKER
08-04 21:03:09.427 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:03:09.428 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:03:09.446 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:03:09.451 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:03:12.202 582 582 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 21:03:12.250 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:03:12.250 582 582 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:03:12.251 582 6458 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:03:12.263 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:03:12.263 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:04:02.130 582 22622 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
08-04 21:04:02.178 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:04:02.179 582 22622 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
08-04 21:04:02.180 582 6536 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:04:02.196 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:04:02.196 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:04:20.582 1405 1707 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-04 21:04:25.523 582 20053 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
08-04 21:04:25.523 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
08-04 21:04:25.566 582 6536 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
08-04 21:04:25.630 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:04:25.651 582 20053 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) writer identical 6
08-04 21:04:25.654 582 20053 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
08-04 21:04:25.750 582 582 E AudioMTKGainController: getGainDevice(), error,
devices (65536) not support, return GAIN_DEVICE_SPEAKER
08-04 21:05:46.462 975 6707 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#582),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(581), History(#580,#581,#582)
08-04 21:05:46.562 975 6707 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#583),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(582), History(#581,#582,#583)
08-04 21:05:46.662 975 6707 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#584),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(583), History(#582,#583,#584)
08-04 21:06:08.353 973 1012 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) 126, 607, 414 ts 147742895582
08-04 21:06:13.582 975 6707 E camerahalserver: [updateAeInfo()] Err: 95:,
vivo dynamic EV++ : face num=1, LV=14
08-04 21:06:14.582 975 6707 E camerahalserver: [init()] Err: 68:, vivo
dynamic EV++ : sensor_dev=2, totalPixelSize=499392
08-04 21:06:14.582 975 6707 E camerahalserver: [updateAeInfo()] Err: 95:,
vivo dynamic EV++ : face num=1, LV=13
08-04 21:06:17.582 975 6707 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] ReqMagic(#893),
i4MagicOfLceGainFrame(892), History(#891,#892,#893)
08-04 21:06:17.582 975 6707 E camerahalserver: [init()] Err: 68:, vivo
dynamic EV++ : sensor_dev=2, totalPixelSize=499392
08-04 21:06:17.582 975 6707 E camerahalserver: [setLCEGain2VIVOHelper()] Err:
636:, vivo lce gain:0.000000
08-04 21:06:17.582 975 6707 E Hal3ARaw: [setParams] MTK_3A_ISP_LCE_GAIN(1000)
08-04 21:06:24.409 973 1012 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) 120, 598, 419 ts 147758952582

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