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Sam Benson


NUTRI 1020


Research Paper

In this documentary Morgan Spurlock decides to do an experiment, for the experiment he is

going to eat McDonalds food for 30 days straight. Morgan decided to try this after two female

girls that are overweight filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s, where the judge dismisses it for not

having enough proof. Morgan decides to do the experiment since obesity in America has become

a crisis.

Not only does Morgan do the 30-day experiment, also goes around asking individuals whether

they eat fast food or not as well as how many times a week they eat fast food. Before He begins,

he goes and gets his blood pressure, weight and cholesterol checked to see how healthy he is

before he begins the unhealthy experiment and a few times during the experiment as well. Close

to the end of the experiment when Morgan does his second checkup during the experiment, he

gets told that he should stop the experiment because it’s causing pretty bad health problems and

that if he continues to experience worse symptoms, he will need to go to the E.R.

The documentary that I chose titled ‘supersize me’ directed and starred by morgan Spurlock

(Super Size Me - Wikipedia, 2004). The reason why I chose this documentary was mainly based

on the cover design, based on the cover design I figured it was about fast food in general, I didn’t

know that it would specifically be about McDonalds.

The director of this documentary is Morgan Spurlock. Morgan Spurlock ate vegan meals before

he started the McDonald’s experiment, there is no current information on what diet is now. This
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documentary was produced May 7th, 2004 (Super Size Me - Wikipedia, 2004) Even though this

was released in 2004, I feel like this is steel accurate especially since being overweight and

supposedly ok now. This still applies today, obesity is a major problem now and we need to keep

encouraging people to become more healthy and go on a diet and get rid of fast food restaurants

all together.

I believe That chapters fourteen, sixteen, and seventeen from the book are important because

they are like this. Chapter fourteen from the book is an introduction to physical fitness (Reader |

McGraw Hill, n.d.). This chapter goes over calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and

minerals, and fluids as well as what to do before, during and after exercise. I feel that this is

similar based on what I learned from the chapter by covering the important basics of portions,

calories, and exercise.

Chapter sixteen is Global Nutrition, (Reader | McGraw Hill, n.d.). This chapter talks about world

hunger and the effects it has on the body, it also talks about malnutrition from not getting proper

resources in you and/or not being able to get the proper resources. Another form is hunger is

starvation which a lot of people die from each day.

Chapter seventeen of the book is protecting our food supply (Reader | McGraw Hill, n.d.). This

chapter goes over illnesses and viruses and the importance of avoiding getting people sick by

cooking food properly as well as sanitizing properly. This chapter also goes over what is put in

food to make it grow bigger such as GMO.

Some new ideas/points that I learned from this documentary is how bad Not just McDonald’s but

fast food in general is bad for your health, and the tolls that it takes not only from McDonalds but

fast food in general. After watching the documentary I am honestly disgusted and mortified in
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how fattening and unhealthy fast food is. I knew fast food was bad for you but wasn’t aware of

how bad it was. We need to hold the government accountable for allowing this to be fed to peo-

ple, and completely get rid of it.


(Super Size Me - Wikipedia, 2004)

(Reader | McGraw Hill, n.d.)

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