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2,378 New York Times Learning Network Words of the Day

Note: This 17-page list of all the Words of the Day published on The New York Times Learning
Network from Oct. 17, 2009 to Nov. 30, 2021 was created to accompany the Learning Network’s Ninth Annual 15-
Second Vocabulary Video contest.

abash adventitious amicable

abate adversarial amnesty
abecedarian aegis amok
aberrant aerie amorally
aberration aesthete amphibian
abject affable amphitheater
ablation affectation amulet
abominable affidavit anachronistic
aboriginal affliction analgesic
abrade affluence analogy
abrasive affront anecdote
abrogate aficionado anemia
abscond agape anesthetic
abstemious agglomeration angular
abstinence aggrandize animadversion
abysmal agility anneal
accessory agitprop annex
acclimate agnostic annotate
accomplice agog annul
accouterment aide-de-camp anodyne
accretion alacrity anoint
acidulous alchemy anomalous
acme alcove anomaly
acoustics alfresco anonymity
acquiesce alias antagonism
acquittal alimentary antediluvian
acrimonious alimony anthem
acrophobia allay anthropoid
actuarial allegiance anthropologist
acuity allegory anthropomorphic
ad hoc alloy anticlimax
ad hominem alma mater antithesis
adage altruistic anvil
addendum amalgamate aphasia
addiction ambience apocryphal
addled ambiguous apogee
adherent ambit apolitical
adjudicate ambivalent apologist
adjuration amble apostate
adjutant ambulatory apothecary
adorn amenable apotheosis
adulterate amenities apparition

appellation attentive bemoan

append atypical bemused
appliqué audacious benediction
apprehensive audit benefactor
appurtenance augury beneficent
aquiline auspicious benison
arable austere bequeath
arboretum authenticate bereaved
arcade authoritarian bereavement
arcane authoritative bereft
archness automaton berserk
ardor autonomous beseech
argot autopsy besiege
aria auxiliary bestial
aristocracy avenge bevy
armada aversion bicameral
aromatic aviary bicker
arrant avow biddable
arrears avuncular biennial
arrhythmic awry bifurcate
arrogance babble bigotry
arroyo bacchanalian bildungsroman
arsenal badinage bilious
artifact bagatelle billowing
artifice bait bivouac
artless balderdash blanch
ascetic balk blare
aseptic balm blasé
ashen bandy blighted
askance bantering blowhard
askew bard bludgeon
asperity barefaced bluff
aspirant baroque blurt
assay barrage bode
assumption barrister bohemian
assurance basal bolt
asteroid bawdy bombardment
astigmatism beatific bombastic
astral bedraggled bon mot
astringent befuddle bonanza
astronomical begrudge bonhomie
astute beguile boon
asunder behemoth boorish
asylum beholden bountiful
asymmetric behoove bovine
atavism belie bowdlerize
atoll bellicose brackish
atone belligerent braggadocio

braggart carapace chignon

brawn carat chimera
brazen carcinogenic chimerical
brevity cardiologist chisel
brig caricature chivalrous
brindled carillon choleric
brio carnal chortle
bristle carnivorous chronic
brocade carouse chthonic
brook carping churl
browbeat carrel churlish
browse carte blanche circlet
brunt cartographer circumlocution
brusque cascade circumscribe
buccaneer castanets circumstantial
bucolic caste clairvoyant
buffoonery castigation clamor
bugaboo catalyst clandestine
bulbous catatonic clangor
bullion catcall clapper
bunkum catechism clarion
bureaucracy cathartic cleft
burlesque caucus cliché
burnish caulk clientele
busk causal climactic
cabal cauterize clime
cacophonous cede cloister
cadaverous celerity clout
caldera censor cloying
calico censorious coagulate
callow centigrade coalition
calorific centrifuge coddle
calumniate centurion codicil
calumny cerebration codify
candor ceremonious coercion
cant cerulean coeval
cantankerous chafe cog
cantata chagrin cogent
canter chameleon cogitate
cantilever champion cognate
canvass chaotic cognizance
capacious chaplain cohabit
capillary chassis cohesion
capitulate chauvinist cohort
caprice cherubic coiffure
caption chiaroscuro coin
captious chiasmus coincidence
carafe chide collage

collate connubial creche

collateral conscript credence
collation consensus credulity
colossus consequential creed
comatose consign crepuscular
comely consistent crescendo
comestible consolidation crestfallen
comeuppance consonance crevasse
comity consort cringe
commandeer consortium croon
commemorative conspicuous crotchety
communal conspiracy crux
compact constraint cryptic
compelling construe cryptography
compendium consummate cubicle
compilation contagion cull
compile contention culmination
complacency contiguous cumbersome
complementary contortion cummerbund
compliance contraband cumulative
compliant contretemps cupidity
complicity contrite curmudgeon
comprehensive contrivance cyclic
compress controvert dabble
compunction contumacious dais
concave contumely dally
conceit contusion dampen
concentric convex dank
conception conveyance dapper
concession convivial dappled
conciliatory copacetic daub
concomitant copse dauntless
concord cornice dawdle
condiment corollary de facto
condole corona deadlock
conducive corporeal deadpan
conflagration corpulent dearth
conflate corpus debauch
confluence correlation debonair
conformity corrosive debutante
confound corrugated decadence
congeal cosmic decant
congenital coterie deciduous
congruent countermand decomposition
conifer courier decoy
conjecture covenant decrepitude
connivance coy decry
connotation crabbed deduce

deface digression dissection

defame dilate dissident
defeatist dilatory dissimulate
defection diligence dissolution
deference dilute distend
defile diminution distill
deflect dinghy dither
deforestation dingy diurnal
defrock diorama diva
deft dirge diverge
degenerate dirigible diversion
degradation disabuse divest
deify disaffected docent
delete disapprobation docket
deleterious disavow doctrinaire
delirium disband doddering
delta discernible doff
deluge discerning dogged
delusion disclaim doggerel
delve discombobulated dogmatic
demented disconsolate domineer
demographic discordant don
demolition discount doppelgänger
demonstration discourse dormer
demonstrative discrepancy dossier
demotic discretion dour
demur discursive douse
denote disdain dowdy
denouement disembark dowel
deplorable disenfranchise downcast
depose disengage dregs
deposition disfigure drivel
derelict disgorge droll
derision dishearten drone
dermatologist disheveled dross
derring-do disjoint drudgery
desiccate dislodge dubious
determination dismember ductile
deterrent dismiss dulcet
detonation disparage dupe
detrimental disparity duplicity
detritus dispassionate duress
dexterous disperse dustup
diadem dispirited dutiful
diaphanous disport dynamic
diatribe disposition earthy
diffident disputatious ebullience
diffuse disquisition eccentricity

ecclesiastic enjoin excise

echelon enmity excoriate
ecologist ennui exculpate
ecumenical enrapture execrable
eddy enterprising exemplary
edify entity exempt
efface entomology exert
effectual entrée exhilarating
effeminate enumerate exhort
effervescent eon exigency
effete ephemeral exonerate
efficacious epic exorbitant
efficacy epilogue exorcise
effigy episodic expansive
efflorescence epithet expatiate
effluvium epitome expedient
effusion epochal expenditure
egotistical equanimity expletive
egregious equinox explicate
egress equity expository
elaborate equivocate expound
elated errant expropriate
elegy erratic extemporize
elixir erroneous extenuate
ellipsis ersatz extirpate
elliptical escapade extort
eloquence eschatology extradition
elucidate esplanade extrapolate
elusive estrange extrinsic
embargo estranged extrude
embed ethereal exuberant
embezzlement ethnic facetious
embroider ethnology facile
embryonic ethos faction
emerge etiology factious
emollient eulogistic factitious
empathy eulogy factotum
empirical euphony fait accompli
empyrean euthanasia fallacious
encipher evasive fallible
enclave evenhanded fallow
encomiastic eviscerate falsetto
encroachment evocative falter
endearment exacerbate fanaticism
endemic exasperated fancied
enfranchise exceptionable fancier
engaging excerpt farrago
enigma exchequer fatuous

fawning flounder gambol

fealty flout gamely
feasible fluency gangly
febrile fluke gape
fecund flummox garbled
feign fodder gargantuan
feint foible garish
felon foil garret
feral foppish gastronomy
ferment forebear gauche
fervent forensic gaudy
fervid foreshadow gaunt
festive foresight gavel
festoon forestall gawk
fete forgo gazette
fetid forswear gelid
fetter fortitude generality
fiasco fortuitous generate
fiat fracas generic
fickle franchise geniality
fictitious frantic genome
fidelity fraudulent gentility
figurative fray gentry
figurine fresco genuflect
filch friction germination
filibuster frieze gerontocracy
filigree frippery gerrymander
filing fritter gestalt
finale frivolity gestate
finesse frond gesticulation
finite fructify gewgaw
firebrand frugality ghastly
fissure fugitive gibberish
fitful fulcrum giddy
flaccid functionary girth
flagitious fundamental gist
flak funereal glacial
flamboyant furtive glare
flay fuselage glimmer
fleck fusion gloaming
fleece gable gloat
flick gadfly glower
flippant gaffe glut
flit gainsay glutinous
floe gall glutton
florid galleon gnarled
flotsam galumph goad
flounce gambit gory

gossamer hasten ignoble

gouge haughtiness ignominy
gourmand hazardous ilk
gradual headstrong illimitable
granary heckler illusion
grandeur heedless illusive
grandstand hegemony imbalance
granulate herbivorous imbroglio
grate hermetic imbue
gratis hermitage immolate
gratuity herpetologist immune
gravitas heterodox immure
gregarious heyday immutable
grievance hiatus impale
grill hibernal impalpable
grimace hibernate impartial
grizzled hieroglyphic impassable
grotto higgledy-piggledy impasse
grouse hilarity impassive
grovel hindmost impeach
grudging hinterland impediment
gruel hireling impenetrable
gruff hirsute impenitent
guffaw hitherto imperceptible
guileless hoary imperious
guise holster impermeable
gull homespun impertinent
gully homogeneous impervious
gustatory hone impetuous
gusto hoodwink impetus
gusty hortatory impiety
gutteral horticultural impious
habeas corpus hubris implausible
habituate huckster implication
hackles hue and cry implicit
haggard humanitarian imply
halcyon hunker down impolitic
hale husbandry imponderable
hallucination hyperbole importunate
halting hypercritical imposture
hamper hypocritical imprecation
hanker iconoclastic impresario
hapless ideology impressionable
harangue idiom improvident
harbinger idolatry imprudent
harlequin idyllic impudence
harridan igneous inadvertently
harrowing ignite inarticulate

incandescent insensible jargon

incantation insightful jaunt
incarnate insinuate jaunty
incarnation insipid jeopardy
incendiary insolence jettison
incentive insomnia jibe
inchoate insouciant jingoist
incidence insubordination joie de vivre
incisive insubstantial jollity
incite insularity jounce
inclusive insurgent jovial
incommodious insurmountable jowl
incompatible intaglio judicious
incongruity intangible juggernaut
incorporeal integral junket
incorrigible intellect junta
incriminate intelligentsia jurisprudence
incrustation interdict kerfuffle
incubate internecine kernel
inculcate interpolate killjoy
incursion interregnum kindred
indemnify interstitial kinship
indeterminate intransigence kleptomaniac
indicative intrepid knead
indigence intrinsic knell
indignation introvert knit
indisputable inundate kudos
indict inured labile
indolent invalidate laborious
indomitable invective laceration
inducement inveigh lackadaisical
inductive inverse laconic
ineluctable invocation lacuna
inequity invulnerable lagniappe
inerrancy iota lagoon
inert iridescent laissez-faire
inextricable irony laity
infantile irreconcilable lamentable
infernal irrefutable lampoon
ingenuous irremediable lancet
inimitable irreparable languid
iniquity irresolute languor
injurious irretrievable lank
innuendo irreverence larder
innocuous isotope largess
inopportune isthmus lascivious
inquisitor jabber latent
insalubrious jamboree laud

leave-taking maelstrom meniscus

leaven magisterial mephitic
lectern magnanimity mercantile
lede magnate mercurial
leery magniloquent metallurgical
legerdemain maim metamorphosis
leniency malaise metaphor
leonine malarkey metaphysical
levee malcontent metronome
levitate malefactor mettle
levity malevolent miasma
levy malfeasance migrant
lewd malicious migratory
lexicographer malignant militate
lexicon malingerer mimicry
liability malleable minatory
liaison malodorous mincing
libel mammal minuscule
libertine mandate mirage
licentious manifestation misadventure
lien manumit misanthrope
limber marital misapprehension
limn maritime miscellany
limpid marquee miserly
lineament marshal mishap
linguistic marsupial misogynist
lissome marzipan missile
listless masochist missive
litany masticate mite
lithe matriarch mitigate
litigation matriculate mnemonic
livid maudlin modish
lode mauve modulate
logorrhea maverick modus operandi
longevity mawkish molder
lope mealy-mouthed molecule
loquacious meander mollify
lout meddlesome molt
lucid meditation monarchy
lucre meek monastic
lugubrious megalomania monolithic
lunar megalopolis monotheism
luster melee monotony
lustrous mellifluous monumental
luxuriate memorialize moodiness
macabre menagerie mordant
macerate mendacious moribund
machination mendicant morose

mortician nullify ornithologist

mosaic nutrient orthodox
mote oaf orthography
motility oasis oscillate
mountebank obdurate ossify
muddle obeisance ostentatious
muggy obelisk otiose
multifarious obese outcropping
multiform obfuscate outlier
multilingual objective outspoken
multiplicity obligatory outstrip
musty oblique outwit
mutability obliterate overblown
mutinous oblivion overwrought
myopic obsequious ovoid
nadir obsessive pachyderm
naïveté obsidian pacifist
narcissist obstinate pacify
narrative obstreperous palate
nascent obtrusive palatial
natty obtuse palaver
nauseate obviate paleontology
navigable occult palette
nebulous oculist palimpsest
negligence odious pall
neologism odium pallet
neophyte odorous palliate
nepotism offensive pallid
nether offhand palpable
nettle officious paltry
nexus ogle panache
nicety ominous pandemic
niggle omnipotent pandemonium
nihilist omnipresent panegyric
nimble onomatopoeia panoply
nirvana opalescent panoramic
noblesse oblige opaque pantomime
nocturnal opiate parable
noisome opportune paradigm
nomenclature opportunist paradox
nonchalance optician parallelism
noncommittal optional paranoia
nonpareil opulence paraphrase
nonplus oracular parasite
notoriety orator parasol
novelty ordinance parity
noxious ordination parlance
nuance ornery parley

parlous perspicacious polyglot

parochial pervasive polymath
paroxysm pessimism pomposity
parry pestilential ponderous
parsimony petulant pontifical
partial phantasmagoria pore
partiality philanderer portend
partition philatelist poseur
parvenu philology potable
passel phoenix potent
passive phylum potentate
pastiche physiognomy potion
patent picayune potpourri
pathos piecemeal pragmatist
patina pied prate
patois piety pratfall
paucity pigment prattle
pauper pilfer pre-empt
pedagogy pillory preamble
pedant pious precipitate
pedantic pipette precipitous
pedestal piquant précis
pediatrician pique predator
peerless piscatorial predetermine
pejorative piteous predispose
pell-mell pitfall preeminent
penance pith preen
pendant pithy prefatory
pennant pittance premise
pensive pivotal premonition
penury placate premonitory
peon placebo pretentious
per se plagiarize prevaricate
perceptive plait prim
percussion plangent primogeniture
peregrinate plasticity primordial
peremptory plebian primp
perfervid plenary privy
perfidious plethora proclivity
perforate pliable procurement
perfunctory pliant prod
pergola plutocracy prodigious
perimeter pneumatic proffer
peripheral poignancy profligate
permeable polarize progeny
peroration polemical prognosis
persona non grata politic prognosticate
personify polity proletarian

prolixity quell reek

prologue querulous refectory
promiscuous queue refrain
propellant quibble refulgent
prophetic quid pro quo regal
propinquity quiescent regalia
propitious quietude regatta
propriety quintessence regeneration
propulsive quip regicide
prorogue quizzical rehabilitate
prosaic quorum reimburse
prosody quotidian rejoinder
prostrate rabid rejuvenate
protean ragamuffin relic
protuberance raillery relish
provender raiment reminiscence
provident rakish remission
provisional ramble remnant
provocative ramify remorse
proxy rampart remunerative
prude random rend
pry rant rendezvous
psyche rapacious renege
psychosis rarefied reparable
puckish raspy repeal
puerile ratiocination replete
pugilist rationalize replicate
pugnacious ravage repose
pugnacity rave repository
pulchritude reactionary repress
pulchritudinous realm reprobate
pulmonary rebate reprobation
pummel rebus reprove
punctilious rebut repugnance
punitive recapitulate reputable
purge recession repute
purport recidivism requite
purveyor reciprocal rescind
pusillanimous reclamation resentment
putrid recondite residue
pyromaniac reconnaissance resignation
quack recrimination resonant
quadruped recumbent resplendent
quaff recurrent restraint
quail redolent resumption
quandary redoubtable resurge
quaver redress retentive
quay redundant retinue

retract sardonic sextant

retrench sartorial shambles
retrograde sate shard
retrospective satellite sheaf
reveille satiate shibboleth
reverent satire shimmer
revile satirical shoddy
revoke saturate shrew
revulsion saturnine shyster
rhapsodize savoir faire sidereal
rhetorical question savor sidle
ribald savory silt
riddle scaffold simian
rife scalloped simile
rigamarole scapegoat simplistic
rile scenario sinecure
riposte schema sinewy
riveting schematic sinuous
rivulet scimitar Sisyphean
roil scintilla skein
roseate scotch skiff
rostrum scud skimp
rotunda scuffle skinflint
rousing scurrilous skulk
rubble scuttle skullduggery
rube secession slacken
ruddy seclusion slake
ruffian sect slander
rummage sedate slapdash
runic sedition sleazy
ruse sedulous slew
rusticate seedy slipshod
saboteur seemly sloth
saccharine seep slough
sacrilegious seersucker slovenly
salacious seethe sluggard
salient segue sluice
saline seminal slur
sallow senility smelt
salubrious sensual smirk
salvo sententious smithereens
sanctimonious sentinel snicker
sanctity sepulcher snivel
sang-froid sequester sobriety
sanguine serendipity sobriquet
sanguinary serenity sodden
sap serpentine solder
sarcasm severity solecism

solemnity stoke surmount

solicitude stolid surreptitious
solstice strafe surrogate
soluble strident suture
solvent stringent svelte
somatic strut swarthy
somnambulist stupefy swathe
somnolent stupor swerve
sonorous Stygian swindler
sophist stymie sycophant
sophistry suavity syllogism
soporific subaltern symbiosis
sororal subdue symmetry
sortie subjective synchronous
sotto voce sublime synecdoche
spangle subliminal synoptic
spasmodic submissive synthesis
spat suborn tableau
spate subpoena tactile
spatial subsidiary taint
spawn subsidy tangential
specious substantive tangible
spectral subsume tantalize
spectrum subterfuge tantrum
spendthrift subtlety tarry
spontaneity succor taut
sportive suffragist tautological
spruce suffuse tawdry
spurious sultry tedium
squabble summarily teetotalism
squalid summation telekinesis
squander sundry temperament
squat superannuated tempestuous
stagnant supercilious tempo
stanch superficial tenable
stanchion superfluous tenacity
stanza superimpose tendentious
static supernumerary tensile
statutory supine tepid
stealth supplant termination
steamroller supple terminology
stem suppliant terra firma
stentoriaan supposition tessellated
stickler supposititious testator
stipple suppress testy
stochastic surcease tether
stockade surfeit thematic
stodgy surly theocracy

theoretical tureen urbane

thermal turgid urchin
thrifty turncoat ursine
throttle turpitude usury
tightwad tutelary utopia
timbre typhoon vacillate
timidity tyranny vacuous
timorous ubiquitous vagabond
tipple ulterior vagary
tithe ultimatum vagrant
titter umbrage vainglorious
titular unaccountable valise
toga unadulterated valor
tonsure unassailable vantage
topography unassuming vapid
torpor unbecoming vaporize
torque uncanny varmint
torrent unconscionable vassal
torso uncouth vat
tortuous unctuous vaunt
totem underlying vector
touchstone underscore veer
touchy undulate vegetate
tout unearth vehement
traduce unearthly venal
trajectory unencumbered vendor
tranquility unfaltering veneer
transcendent unfeigned venerable
transcribe unfettered venerate
transgression unflappable venial
transient unfledged venison
transition uniformity venom
transitory unhinged vent
translucent unimpeachable ventral
transmogrify uninhibited ventriloquist
trappings unison venturesome
traumatic unkempt veracity
travail unmitigated verbalize
trepidation unprecedented verbatim
tribute unprepossessing verbose
trident unravel verdigris
trigger unrequited verisimilitude
trinket unsightly verity
triumvirate unsullied vernacular
truculence untenable vestige
truncate unwarranted vex
tryst uproarious viand
turbid upstage vicarious

vicissitude waggish wisenheimer

victual waif wispy
vignette wallow wistful
vigor wan withdrawn
vim wanderlust withstand
vindictive wangle witless
vintner warily witticism
viper warrant wizardry
virago warranty wizened
virile wastrel wont
virulent wax worldly
visage waylay writ
visceral welt writhe
viscid welter xenophobia
viscous wend yaw
vitiate wheedle yen
vitreous whet yeoman
vituperative whiff yoke
vivacious whimsical yokel
vivisection whit yore
vociferous whittle yurt
volition whorl zeal
voluble willful zealot
vortex wily zealous
vouchsafe wince zeitgeist
vulpine windfall
waffle winsome

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