Actividad Describir Gustos AA2

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Actividad describir gustos AA2-EV02Jefferson Manuel Vega SuarezEnglish Does Work - Level 2

Elabore un documento escrito donde deberá describir dos fotografías, una de unobjeto y otra de
una persona. A partir de lo que ve en las fotografías, describa elobjeto y la persona, y mencione
qué le gusta o le disgusta de cada uno. Tengaen cuenta lo siguiente a la hora de redactar cada uno
de los textos descriptivos:1. ¿Cuál es el orden correcto de los adjetivos y los sustantivos en una
oraciónen el idioma inglés?2. ¿Cuáles adjetivos son apropiados para describir objetos y cuáles
sonapropiados para describir personas?

3. ¿Qué expresiones coloquiales diferentes a “I like…” o “I don’t like” pueden ser

usadas para enunciar lo que le gusta y le disgusta?

Kamado Tanjiro

He is the main character of themanga and anime called Kimetsu noYaiba. In the story he is a
farmerwho suffers a demon attack, whichmakes him become a demon hunter.I love his fighting
spirit andperseverance. I like his idea offriendship. I am pleased with yourability not to tell lies. has
an enviablesense of smell.I do not like the empathy he has forhis enemies, this has brought
himsome problems. I don't like it when heis blinded by anger, because hebecomes very aggressive.

Motorcycle YAMAHA YBR 125 CC 

I like this motorcycle in black, it


 cylindercapacity is 125 cc, I love that it respondswell on the road as well as on the trocha,I like
that it has good strength, I like thatit reaches acceptable speeds for itsdisplacement. I love that it is
veryeconomical in both parts and fuel. I don'tlike that you can't visualize the changeyou are going
through. I don't like that itonly has a front disc brake. I hate theyellow light it comes with, I
personallychanged it to white light, I don't like thefront mudguard either, it clogs up a lot.

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