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a Compl ete your sem en ces 1- 8 \Virh rhe comparar ive of a Complete your quest ions with the superlat ive of th e
rhe bold adject ives. adjectives in parentheses.
small Brazil is ____ rhan rhe US o W hat's the city in the world ? (noisy)
(Tril e. Brazil is 3.3 millioll sqllare miles and the US is a Tokyo b Mad rid c Sa ntiago
3.79 millionsqllare miles.) 2 What's the hottest city in rhe world? (hot)
2 long T he Amazon River is rhan rhe Nile a Rio de Janeiro b Bangkok c Na irobi
most popular
River. 3 Wh ¡ch ci ty ha s the monument in the world?
(False. The Amazon is abOllt 4,000 miles lOllg and the (po pular)
Nile is abollt 4,130 miles I01l8.) a New York b Paris e Isranbu I
3 old Oxford University is rhan 4 \Vhat's rhe wettiest city in rhe US? (wer)
Cambrid ge Univers ity. a Ch ieago b San Diego e New Orleans
(True. Oxford University was fOllllded in 1167 Qnd 5 \Vhi ch ci ty ha s the worst traffie jams in the world?
Cambridge 43 years later.) (bad)
4 short The English alph abet is rhan rh e a Sao Pau lo b Beijing e Mex ieo City
Arabic alphabet.
b Answer B's questions.
(Truc. Th ere are 26letters in the EllfJlish alphabet olld
28 in the Arabic alphabet.) e Ask B your questions. Does he I she know the answers?
5 dangerous K2 is to climb rh an Mou llt (The correce answers are in bold.)
Everest. ( What's the noisiest city in the
(Truc. 25% of climbers \Vito 8et to the tap of K2 die, ~ld-TO kyo, Madrid, or Santiago?
bllt only 9% of climbers oJ Everest die.)
6 large A gigabyte is than a megabyte.
(True. A meBabyte is 1,000 bytes, bllt a BiBabyte is 10B WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
1,000 meBabytes.)
Student A
7 dry T he Sa hara Desert is rhan rhe
Atacama Desert. a Ask B the questions below.
(False. Saltara Desert averaBe rainfall = 0.79 incites; Tonight • W har I do ton ight?
Atacama Desel't averaBe raitifall =0.004 incites.) • I srudy English? W hy (nor)?
8 far New Zea land is south than Austra lia. Tomorrow • W hat time I get up tomorrow?
(True. It 's about 1,242 miles sOlltheast of Australia.) • \Vhere I have lunch?
Next weekend • I go away next wee kend? \Vhere to?
b Pl ay QlIizNi[jht. You are the hose.
• W har I do on Sa tu rday night?
• Read your sentence 1 to B. B says ifit 's true or false. b Answer B's quesrions.
• Tell B ifhe I she is right and give the extra
informarion in parenrheses.
• lfB is right , he I she wins 500 do llars. Then read
sen ten ce 2 for 1,000 doll ars, sen ten ce 3 for 2,000
dollars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dollars, etc.
• IfB gets a quest ion wrong, he I she loses the money,
but continues to play. The prize sta rts again from
500 dolla rs.

e Play Qu iz Ni[jht agai n . You a re th e CQ ntestant.

Communication 105

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