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a Complete your sentences 1-8 \Virh rhe comparative of a Complete your que st ions with the superlative of rhe
rhe bold adjeccives. adjecrives in parenrheses.
1 old The pyramids in Egypt are rhan rhe
b Ask A your questions. Does he I she know rhe answers?
Parthenon in Greece.
(rhe correct answers are in bold.)
(Truc. Tite pyramids are abollt 4,500 years old and the
Partltenon is about 2,500 years o/d.) Which ciry ha s rhe qualiry of life in rhe world?
2 short World W¡¡r 1\Vas rhan World Wa[ II. (good)
(Trile. World War /lasted¡ollryea" (1914-1918), bllt a Tokyo b Copenhagen c Miami
World War /l/asted six yea" (1939-/945).) 2 Which US ciry has the popular ion? (b ig)
3 high The mou nta in s 011 Earrh are rhan a New York b Chicago c Sa n Francisca
rhe mounca in s on Mars. 3 \Vhich ciry ha s the airport in rhe world? (b usy)
(Fa/se. Olymplls Mons on Mars is /6 miles high; Everest a London b Atlanta c Sin ga pore
is abollt 5 miles hiBh.) 4 \Vhat's the capital ci ry in rhe world? (high)
4 big China is rhan Canada. a La Paz, Bolivia
(False. Callada is about 3,800,000 sqllare miles; China is b Kathmandu , Nepal
abollt 3,700,000 square miles.) e Lima, Peru
5 popular Coffee is \Virh women rhan men S Which cíty has the pubLíc tran sportatían in the
in rhe USo world? (expensive)
(False. 011 average, //len drink 1.9 cups 01 coffee a day a Seou l b Mexico Ciry e London
and tvometl drink 1.4 wps 01 coffee a day.)
e Answer A's questions.
6 warm The Medirerranean Sea is rhan
rhe Red Sea. ( ~~ich city has the best quality of tife in
~ world-Tokyo, Copenhagen, or Miami?
(False. Mediterrallean Sea avera{je temperatllre =
75- 78 °F; Red Sea averaBe = 78- 86 0F.)
7 good lt 's ro do exercise in the moming
than in the afremoon. 108 WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
(Falsc.ln the aftemooll between 4 alld 5 p.m., the body
Student B
temperaturc is at its maximllm, which means it is the
pcrfect time to exercisc.) a Answer A's questions.
8 hot The earrh is rhan rhe moon.
b Ask A the questions below.
(Falsc. Tite avera{je temperatllrc ofthe moon is abollt
225 o P d/lrin{j the day; tite avera{je temperatllre of the Tonight • What I have for dinner tonight?
ea"il is 55- 62°F.) • What I do afrer dinner?
Tomorrow • I go to work (or schaol) wmocraw?
b Play QlIiz N if3ht. You are the comestam. • Whar I do in the evening?
• A wiU read you his I her senrence 1. You say if it's Next weekend • I go out on Friday night? What I do?
true or falseo • What I do on Sunday?
• A will reH you ifyou are righr, and give you extra
• If yau are righr, you win 500 dollars. A then reads
you sentence 2 for 1,000 dollars, sentence 3 for 2,000
dallars, sentence 4 for 4,000 dallars, etc.
• If you get a quesrion wrong, you lose all the money,
but continue ro play. The prize sta rts again from
500 dollars.
e Play QlIiz Ni{jht agai n. You are rhe host. Use your
110 questions 1- 8.

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