Beginner Apr 10 VOCAB PG 164

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Places and buildings

a M atch rhe words an d pict ures.
20 an art gallery I'oft g<ebri/
15 a bridge Ibnd3i
3 a bu s station l'bAS stelJn/
23 a Q srle /'ka:sl/
21 a church /tf.xIII
9 a depa rtmenr store
Idl'portm;)nt st~r/
16 a ho spital j'hospltll
22 a marker /'mark~t/

8 amosque Irnosk/
18 a mu seum /myu'Li~m/

10 a parkin g lo r j'porkllJ lal!

2 a pharmacy j'form;)sil
6 a police stat ion Ip;)'lis stelJnl
4 a post Qffice f'poosl o[as!
17 a river I'nv'dr/
12 a road /roud/
5 a sh o pping mall /'fUPIIJ m:JII
7 a square Iskwcr/
11 a street /strit/
13 a supermarket f'sup;:,rmorkot/
14 a temple /'tcmpl/
19 a rheater /'OI::>I::>rl
1 a town ha ll Itaun 'h::l1/
24 a train illti on ¡'trem stelJnl

b 5 3 )) Listen and check.

e Cover rhe words and ¡ook ar

rhe pictures. Test yourself
or a partner.

-< p.76

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