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,. 2011 -102."\

J { & 'M:A 1 ty
1''LJ11 ( I ( ()(
\\ ,\~ XA~. HNA I IO N
I\ ~ \ 1\1 CLASS -XI
\. _ l ~"' APJ>Lll-,1) MA
f IIL:YIA 'J )( ~
\ ( ,·) ·- ou,-~
G en er al In, t
rm tw· m ,:
• Tit is Q11e!ttio1
• Se ct io n 1 1 Paper Ju,., - .
• S' t. u n L"'O :l-lCQs. .) Se cf lo m A -E .
• S. ec·t.1011 C B lta s 5 qu carry111 · g 1m
. ar/.. encl,
e, es tt on s ca :
• S t·1011 D lta s· n:r1 11 g 02 .
, - 6 q,ies1to1 • mark\ ea ch
• S ec IO . EII ,, as 4 qt .
1s ca rr ri ng OJ mark!. each ·
iest,011s .
e ho
va ll
lu es' harsJ3 Jca se ba carrying 05 marks enclt .
sed integrated u1
0'J • 1its OJ,r as
, 1 an d 1 m se ss m en t (04 m
• A ll Q ue st io ar ks . arks ea ch) v. itlt
Q ue st io m ons f 3ar su/Jpurl of
mearco 1:
l.. ~,puls12orQJ·, JIo'
- s cmt _u es ho :e ve r, .
(Il l m le rn al
m o_f 2 m ar ks ha choice i11 2 Que
~lio1H of 5 mar
-,· bee 11 prov
· 1e d. /.:.s, 2
S ec ti o n A co
ns is ts o f 2U qu
es ti on s of I m
,f L c t -\ ar k ea ch
{x: x E R , x > 6 } a
✓ ndB= (x E R _: ~ < 9
:i) , 7, 8J .scr )t h e n ,A n B = h
l>) {7, 8) c) (7. 8)
d) [7.S)
2. In :i certain
b n g u ag c if 'GA
_ fl A N lJ M A Y NGA' is coded
L ~ as AUNAG, then
·t .\ \1UNA ' i,.
b) Y A M U N A co{Ld a
-c) \' \l ~Y ~ { \
d) l\ o n e o f the
In a certain langu ab o w
age PAC is co ck
a) 46 d a~ 61, then w
h) 47
l' (l ill NEP b~ coded~
c) 45
tb \) \C i\ lH )C l) f.
4' Hov / ,
much will ~ 250
00 amount lo in
succcssi,vc years 2 year::;, al compo
und in11:1 \.':-t ir the
}') 'f 27300 c 4% and 5% per year? ·Y'v I"\
ar iate: , fo the
"' b) ~ 28300 fI <) ~ CL,)0\1
ll\) L) (
f /, el A . {~. b,
,. ) , a -( 2, 3, 4},
then which o f the
d) ~ .:.9~00

a) {( ,i 2), (b,
3 foll,m ing i, .1 ti111
~ q ,3 ) ,( b ,2 ) ), (c, 3), (c, 3)} ~- <1i.i1 fa1m \ to 13
'\ ',
,{ c ,3 ) } , •·l lC:•· 3).(b, : ll
d) ((a,2).ll> .,)
,. ~ h i c h: the (c ..;) (c 4)
foil< wing bina,
y numbc1 is cqu
(1100)1- i, ,dent to de, im,11
n 'L 1. lo--
nun t ,•1 \ :.
h) ( I 00 I 2-)i
001 ' c) 10"
~, I I I \ 11 I I )
(l .\Ucl1111 11t,• l1i11.1n lllllllh'r
101001 :ind 110110 \\1.·
a) ftlllill (1 O \ c) !OIIIU\
~ h) I I I I I I I I ) \6 \0 \ U d) Norn.: of thl' c
- ~ \ \ 0\ .
N. L11~· \ dllll' Pl
♦ - 11 'j II j I
t 1
' •
0 \\\ \ \
{) 1~5•1 2S 11
r; 2
a} ...!- c)
l 6
- h) ~ d)

9. , I he e,ppnt·11tial form of log38l

4 is
c) 64 r 13 c D e r
b) 49
~ h 1 J Jc l h M
10. JntroclucinEt{~ s'aid "Il_is brother's/father is ~nly son of my gra~dfather". Ho\\ Bis relate
to A: , · 0 p 0_ p \""
a}nrothcr ~ ' -
~ncle d) Neighbor 'T lJ l/ /,v
X ~ $qr6' ~ T n '-( 2
I I. Find the odd man out WU, DB, O~, RP, KI, NL
a) OL
, ,,, - - c) NL
~KL d) DB

l ~- /\i, ~i,,m: y in which µaymcnts are made at the end of each payment period is called as:
egular armuity c) Contingent annuity
c b) Annuity due ["y( 41 t S _ d) Deferred annuit)

1.3.,The value of Jim 4 x+ 3 _

\ IQ X •4 X-2
4- 2.--


h) 1\ d) 14

14. Dt:rivutivc of 3x 7 - 5x' + 9 is

a}--21 x IO x 6 c) 2lx 9 - !Ox
- b) 21 x - IO x d) None of these

.11).P(A).A).4, P(B)- 0.8 am! P(B/A) 0.6 then P (AU B) is ~

v· 0.24
b) {).3 .
d) 0. 8
0.\ '\
16. The slop_?()fthe line passing through the points (3, -2) and s-1, ) is:
/ 3
C) -

11 e i:quation of a circle whose center 1s (-2. 3) and radius 1s 4 , 1 _u _ _
· · · C x_2-ty1-- -Y -t- -t-6j -3]
2 +4x _ 6 _ 3 = o
c) :c -t 1- + 4x - 6y 9 - 0
d) 2+ , 2 +4r-6v-4=0
h) X 1 + y 2 +4 % - 6y \. . . -
._ . t.••icli.J
., 1 ( I 10_\ I>
of -' qtH ',1 10 11 , ol ~ 111
. . ,11 ks · ., 1J1,ll )
I) l'O ll'1 1s1 s ~
!.St.'l'lton \ rt In /Jt ' ,,

• 1/J
( •1) >. ( 1111mllll ,· tit 3 Jh.'r,onc, i:i
tn be co11<,l1llllLd Im m

\\o ul

2 fil l •
(.011'> '
n 111d '-., <"~ e
,., 0 111cI1
- ''
1• 1 of I rn,in 2 fl,,g:,
11 1
je f
,,r< I
ul m m 11
111 1 111'• • f c ~
r') c
lil ll 1h1~ hr donl·
? Ho\\ 111 ,111 , ol 1h
, ,\\ ,l) S
thul tJ n be f cm:r 1lc
d b) ,,rr
' ILl] 111d lhL· mun her of ditf~r-cnl s1g11,1ls ail.iblc.o
,._.11i c,1l ;1,1fl, JI five d1flucnt JI • ... ar,c tn
(o nt bcl 11 \\ the 01h,·r) 011
. lX G \, 1 r ,- (H 2)
{7 .8 : nn dl l :s .,L 2} .1 11 1d CX // cm d/ 6
t"' G -,111 ;,; co x.
inc 1plc ,,h er e f(:-.)
)lll the fo·,1 p1
k' dcri,,11i,l· 11111;\) J11 5
:,. -cosx \
lC dr ri, ,rli\ l' 11f f {...:)

,< I

, OR f2_ \/ (J + 2J
,1 + bx ·i1-- Iu:c , of aa nd b
x) =- lj "h at arc po:-.:-1)
1: ,.i
x I. and if li m f(
x- 1

x·> I
b -a x
L. -
- ~ { ) ( .'") =- ~...-t:
f(x ) = v'?.n - x2 • ~ x ._ .

{~ 1, it he ctom:iin of [~ • {,- \_ jT 2)
:1. -..,
~ c > i· ~ j\ so n ·s co ef fic ien t of sk ew ne ss to r th e 10lio\\ m g a~n
C" lcu lal e the Karl Pe r
• (.>- ,
➔• ~)
98 · 102
93 . 97 3 _,~
;\__ 9~ 2 _ 6
3 2 c th e quartile
, 17 , 20 , 5. 3. 3. 18. 15 and 20. Ca lc ul al
e ma rk s of 9 student
s in a test were 13 C1 \
de, iation. usi\ e of
~/. ~ y (ag e 29 ye ar s) was t 8,50,00.0 ( ex cl
-20, the gross salary
of San ja
lif e insurnnce pr em
iu m .
an cia1 ye ar 20 19 id r 41 00 0 a/
-. 171 fin G. P, F an d pn
f9 20 0 pe r m on th 'in e to,6k a home lo an of
HRA ). He de po sit ed m :l Re lie f Fu nd . H
Prime Minister's Nntio on ho m e lo ;n an d~
20 00 0 as
He donated t 25 00 0 in and pa id t 76 00 0 ~
St ~t e Bank of India fin an ci al year.
24 ,0 0, 00 0 from the me ta\ . at th e en d of th e
. Calculate his inco
principal of home foan , ' \
Slab fo r FY 20 19 -2 0 (A.Y 20 20 -2 1) _ __ ,
Income Ta" th e a =
0 e of -=- -..t_ e.
y--= . :. :
a:... .::1-)_ _ _ _..:c_..:___
·ers belon _ _ _ _ _--- l
for individual t:n. a _In_co_n_1e_T _a .x:. .__ _ _ _
___ _
Taxable Income ____ NIL
Up to t 2, 50 ,0 00 ing~ 2. 50 ,0 00
S°'o of taxable income exceed 00 ,0 00
~ 2, 50 ,0 0 I to t 5,
00 ,0 00
+ 20 % of t~ xa bl e in come exceedinc.. ~ 5.
t 12 50 0 .. ~ 10 ,0 0, 00 0
t 5,00.001 to t 10
,0 0, 00 0
,0 00 +3 0% of tax ab ll? income c,cccdinc
~ 1, 25
Abo, ct I 0, 00 ,0 00 OR - -
be th e
~ at 9% l om po un dc
J anm1~1lh. \\' hat \\ ill
0 ca m s inte•· e:-.t (3 +2 )
(. n im estmcnt or \2 5. 00 '? .
at the en d of 7, )v irs 5, L Y = 10 0,
,n l of in w st m en t and Y \\h en _I x= 12
bet\\Ct'll X
t11e correlation coefficient
xy = 50 8 and n 25 1
650, LY = 46 4, I;
I c- , 5 of 6
• ,
~ lO ·e J ( i:
S! p~puu4 -Jl au
~l -
fl JO sn,xu ;ll( J JO S," "ljl .!ll !PJ Otl
i -, I "'} J

- - ---,_.;: . - - - -
-:.. --
--- -

-~ - "''.
-- erage cha r~e lS· _;:., • of \ ater c
_·"'n- d-=~en
f~ter rtn l = ~.J . ...

"J .:
-- 4


ll ... b
~8. B .~ I c tan 3 bla .. k an d: \\h
it De c:rrn -
r ra, d m .:id :i bJII b fr m
Co , ert inro lo=arirhmic fonn:
fo - J

1 If - \ - : . 6-r. find X

er ~ s a T\ i-om a m:mufi ciUrer fc

r t 25
~ ~1
er at
ii, cosr p. ·ce nd se ls it to a consum
·J1:u? and r~ue ofG ST
is I: , find: (f- J- I
•. ) r e r.Jf t.t'd pr·u?· o"the T\'. . . r GS T
i, e ·
) Consu e ·s co price of T-)' 'nclus
l 1e retailer to 1·t cemra
d e
1.. J (1~ 1 p J b)

f ~ e s e n t , alue of reguJa
r annui . of t 1OOC
... d111.i(I:, lll II . I
:• 1 l d. 0)
ll llrlh Oi ll ll''iJI- li,111111 d p,11,ii111l.1 l
10, ·d) (\ "
\ y~r-a,ll)
<') (~11)

t9 \\\l'rti
Ht>ai,,o 011 ( \): I lw cccenlricit) 11 r.1 pi11ilhnl.i 1, I

I ~t
, n (R): I hl' l'Cccntncit, ofa ci1ck is !'ll'illn 1!1:111 I
,I) ;1 as~ertion (A) and rl·.ison (I{) 1s true and rLa,011 (R) I\ w11Ht cxplanalio11 of c.1 !icr11on

h) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) 1s lrue and reason (R) i~not com:ct cxpl;irialion of
) assertion (A)
c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
<l) '\ssertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

io. Assertion (A): A line through the focus and perpendicular to the din;ctrix is called the x-axis of the
parabola 0 th
Reason {R): The point of intersection of parabola with axis is called the vertex ~ e parabol~.
a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) is true and reason (R) is correct explanation of assertion
b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) is true and reason (R) is not correct explanation of
assertion (A).
c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

[~ection B consists of 5 questions of 2 marks ench.]
219· . ~ . t\_,,
·p iven A =={L 2, 3, 4, 5}, B {2, 4, 6} and C {3, 5, 7} Find A -(BU C) a:1d A- (B n C)".I'

22~etgmine the domain and range of the relation R defined by R {~'i., ;,:+6): :--.E {0,1, 2, 3, 4, S}}.
,, ~, rt1,.,_ Ol11°"} f
23. RJead the information given below and ans\\cr the question that folio\\:
• Afamily of Ravi, Rckha, Gaurav, Saurabh, Payal, Mohit, Monika, S\, asli and Shaul) a consists of
I 3 generations. Ravi is husband ofRckha and has 2 sons and onl.! daughll'I Pa) ,1I. Moh it is Rckh,1 's
Son-in-law. Saurabh is Payal's brother and Monika's brother-in -la\\. (iaura\ has I\\ o children.
(a) How is Gaura\ related to Mohit?
(b) llow is Saurabh related lo Ravi?

24. Multiply the folio\\ ing binary number and check the result b) rnmwti11g them to lkcimal s) stem:.
1001 and IOI.
·ide the binary number and check the result by converting them to lkcimal s) ,tc111
1111 by 111.

- . ·I\ consumer inNorth Delhi consumers 587 unih of cb:lricit, in a 111Pnth. I le thl' conm·t:tion of
r .
k\V. Calculate the electricity bill of the cnnsuml·r fo1 that 1111rnll1 11'thl' surcharge is ~0.40 rl'r ,
uni ' for that month. I
Tari'"f plan of Drlhi

- +,
2 kW

{ 20.'k\\ __ ~
j 5 15kW
~ I ()tJ/kW
15-2'l K\\
{ 200 kW ~
250 k\\
/',I < r 10:\ L
/"t:l'flllll lJ '•• ,,,.,,,,._ of l ('aq• ,t11<J,_
J ha,l·d <11u·stion, of-t m:e,·k, t•ach

I{, :id tlH' folio" ing pa,,al,!t' :11111 :111\\H•,· Ila• tJ1a•,lio11 lh:tf folio,,:

/·H,. I\ tor tel1 \\, u eel to fi11cJ lhc l1n1c tlwt it tool. r1 g1oup of:.ludenls lo run l00. 111
r, · 1 Inll: (Jn (;t:Olld ) r 0-20 r
20-40 L
40-60 (,()-80 -J_8() - I oo
No o/ 51wkoh r 8 r10 [ tYJ ]_!: 3 ~
J J he mean tim<: taken by a student to finish the rnceis
Ji) 54' (ii) 63 jn1')43 (iv) 50

(b) I he construction of cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the

(i) M<:an (ii) Median (iii) Mode (iv) All of the above
20. A
(c) ·r he lower limit of the median class is
R (i) 20 (ii) 40 (iii) 60 (iv) 80

@he algebraic sum of absolute values of deviations from the mean is

(i) 0,,, , (ii) 788 (iii) 1720 (iv) None of these

/( 3~After ending the topic 'operations on sets' the Math teacher Mrs. Gargi Sharma of class XI wants
fo check student's undcrslanc.Jing about the topic thnt she laught. sn d1c \\ rile, thn.'c <:i•t, P 0 "'nil
1<. such that 1., -{2, 4, 6, 8, JO}, Q ={3, 5, 7, 9}and R {3, 4, 6, 8, 12} on the blach.boarc.J and ask the
sr udents of the class to observe these set::, ·,Hillen on the blackboard and to ans,, er the questions:
Based on the above information, answer the following questions ~ (l+l+l+I)
(iJ What is the value of Pn Q?~
(ii) What is the value of Pn R?

22 (iii) WI1id1 uf llil: following is concct for l\\o sels P and Q to be disjoint?
' (a) Pn Q = ·0 (b) Pn Q :t- 0
23 (c) Pu Q = 0 (dJ Pu Q 0 *
(ivJ Find Pu Q n R

8. A building contractor has under t.a..kcn a building construction job. The probnbilit) that there will be
a construction worker's strike ~0.6_~. If there is a strike and still construction work will be
completed on time the p~abil1ty-i&.- ·n1c construction work\\ !H be completed on tim~n
absence of tiJnc of any strike has the probability 0.80. -
1 Has;d on the above information, answer the following questions:
(a) What is the probability that there will be no strike?
(i) 0.68 yj>-0.35 (iii) 0.20 (iv) 0.80
(1 + 1+1+ 1)

@ h a t is the probability that the construction job will be completed in ti1ne?
(i) 0.208 (ii)0.280 ~ 0.488 (iv) 0.408 · '

& the probability that there is a strike and construction \\ork is completed in time?:
f(.~} 0 ~ 2approx (ii) 0.4Sapprox . (iii 0.'40approx (iv) 0.44approx .,

~ c construction job is ':?mpleted on time, what is the probability of no strike?

(i)) 0.57approx. (11) 0.58approx (iii) 0.56approx (iv) 0.59approx ~

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