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Elevating Branding Potential through Color Psychology

The webinar's speaker, Coach Maritess M. Mallari, said that color psychology is the

study of how color influences human behavior. It falls within the larger umbrella of

behavioral psychology. It's the study of how color influences people's actions and

reactions in real life. The color of your copy, call-to-action buttons, and links can all have

an impact on how your customers react to your marketing messaging. Understanding

the thinking of the customer is a key component. But not everyone reacts to colors in

the same way. This implies that there are no guarantees on how it will affect branding

and conversions. But that doesn't imply you should ignore the effects of color

psychology. Contrarily, there are important facts that cannot be disputed. For instance,

research reveal that users acquire opinions about your website's aesthetic

attractiveness in just a few milliseconds. Additionally, color has the ability to enhance

and evoke moods. No matter what industry you work in, either. Make sure your colors

coordinate flawlessly with each component of your marketing strategy, whether you're

selling apparel, digital cameras, or tech services. Sadly, that's not always easy because

selecting colors is an "imperfect art"

The speaker also stated that consumers can be affected by colors at any point in the

marketing and sales cycle. Colors define mood and impact responses, whether you're

creating software, designing a book, creating a web design cover, or simply branding

your company. Color psychology can be used to advertise a product as well as to

convey value. For instance, the Coca-Cola Company utilized its traditional, vivid red to

brand the campaign to commemorate 125 years of providing exceptional service. She

highlighted A case study demonstrates that much of this is still true, at least for women,
with the popularity of blues, greens, and lavender colors. Regardless of gender, reds,

greens, blues, purple, black, and orange tend to be the most effective colors for

conversions. A hue that attracts to men more than women may not be as effective as

you might assume because gender isn't as clearly defined as it once was. Additionally,

some hues might allude to certain attributes. Let's examine a few of them.

Coach said, Use Blue to Instill Confidence. Since blue is strongly linked to trust,

numerous financial institutions might frequently choose it. The financial institutions

PayPal, Capital One, Visa, and Bank of America are just a few that use blue in their

color schemes. All the qualities that the majority of us would seek in a financial

organization. Blue is generally a fantastic hue, but it might not be the best choice for

food packaging. Even while research suggests blue is a natural hunger suppressor, not

everyone concurs. Yellow may serve as a warning. Yellow is used on cautionary signs,

traffic lights, and wet floor signs. But it's not all horrible, either. We associate the color

yellow with coziness, optimism, and joy.The color yellow stimulates imagination, joy,

fun, and self-assurance. The shade of yellow also has a lot to say. Bright yellow, for

instance, arouses interest and excitement, and golden yellow is associated with

curiosity. When we see a product in green packaging, we immediately think of it as

healthy or environmentally beneficial because green is linked with the outdoors, nature,

and the environment. Green can also encourage originality, balance, and creativity.

Green hues might be a good choice if the theme of your website is anything to do with

the outdoors, organics, the environment, or nature. Orange is a cheerful hue associated

with success, happiness, and tenacity. Additionally, it conveys warmth while coming out

as less confrontational than red. Like other warm hues, orange can have an energizing
effect and attract attention, which may result in buyers making impulsive purchases. As

an illustration, employs orange to prompt action. The message is more

obvious and actionable because of the color's suggestion of urgency. Remember to use

it carefully and to pair it with other warm tones for best results. Try it on your website's

conversion components to make it stand out. Despite the fact that people occasionally

associate black with negativity, premium shops frequently choose it. Aside from its

enigmatic quality, black is linked with elegance, luxury, and refinement. Black is a color

that denotes prestige, power, and authority. This would account for its use in the

emblems of Prada, Rolls Royce, and Chanel.

She concluded that the promise of color psychology is simple to miss. The colors you

select for your website, branding, and marketing, however, can have more impact than

you think. Take an active role in selecting your color scheme rather than leaving it up to

a designer. You are the only one who can decide what your website should say and

what you want visitors to do when they arrive. Use specific colors, such as reds, blues,

and orange, if your goal is to increase conversions, for example. The psychology of

color, however, does not guarantee outcomes, and not everyone will be affected by the

same hues in the same way.

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