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itis 53 106 Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc) Look at these examples: © Lenjoy reading. (not I enjoy to read) 1 Would you mind closing the door? (not mind to close) © Chris suggested going to the cinema. (not suggested to go) Would you mind closing the door? After enjoy, mind and suggest, we use -ing (not to .. Some more verbs that are followed by stop postpone admit avoid imagine [finish consider deny sk. fan © Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence. © Pll do the shopping when I’ve finished cleaning the flat. He tried to avoid answering my question. © I don’t fancy going out this evening. (= I'm not enthusiastic about it) 1 Have you ever considered going to live in another country? The negative form is not 2 When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up carly We also use -ing after: give up (= stop) put off (= postpone) go on / carry on (= continue) keep or keep on (= do something continuously or repeatedly) © I’ve given up reading newspapers. | think i's a waste of time, © Jenny doesn’t want to retire, She wants to go on working. (or ... to carry on working.) © You keep interrupting when I'm talking! or You keep on interrupting With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -i © Tcan’t imagine George riding a motorbike. 12 You can’t stop me doing whar I want. © ‘Sorry to keep you waiting so long.” “That's all right.” Note the passive form (being done/seen/kept etc.): © I don’t mind being kept waiting. (= I don’t mind people keeping me ...) ‘When you are talking about finished actions, you can say having done/stolen/said etc. : © They admitted having stolen the money. But it is not necessary to use having (done). You can also say: © They admitted stealing the money © [now regret saying (or having For(f@gre see Unit S6B. After some of the verbs on this page (especially admit/deny/suggest) you can also use that © They denied that they had stolen the money. (or They denied stealing ...) 13 Sam suggested that we went to the cinema. (or Sam suggested going )) what I said. Suggest —> Unit 34 Being done (passive) —> Unit 448 Verb + to... -* Unit 54 Verb + to ... and -ing —> Units 55C, 56-58 Regret / go on — Unit 568 Go on/ carry on / keep on — Unit 1414 Exercises Unit 53 53.1 Complete each sentence with one of the following verbs (in the correct form): canswer apply be forget listen live lose make read try use write 1 He tried to avoid 2582709. my question. 2 Could you please stop so much noise? 3 Lenjoy . sevsnennn FO MUSIC. 4 I considered .. . for the job, bur in the end I decided against it. 5 Have you finished . .. the newspaper yet? 6 We need to change our routine. We can’t go on. like this. 7 I don’t mind you the phone as long as you pay for all your calls. 8 My memory is getting worse. I keep things. 9 Ive put off the letter so many times. | really must do it today. 10 What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ono $0 stupid? 11 I've given up . to lose weight — it’s impossible. 12 If you invest your money on the stock market, OU FISK --o-neenenee ite 53.2 Complete the sentences for each situation using -ing. A What shall we do? \S £ g L te cule 900 the 200.) She suggested ...900n9..t2 Ene. 200... ie * — doh Do you want to play tennis? \ gL 3 {oot rea) He didn’t fancy You were driving too fast. \ gL 8 Les, it's tue. sorry!) She admitted con + (ny don't we go fora swim? | € & {oosia!) She suggested ..... * Tirana fg Liam) ed 6 Can you wait a few minutes? \ e og They didn’t mind 53.3 Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence. Use -ing. 1 Lean do what I want and you can’t stop me. You ...can't. stop_me doing what | want. It’s nor a good idea to travel during the rush hour. Iv’s better to avoid Shall we paint the kitchen next wiedetnd instead of this weekend? Shall we postpone ..... ae aeseoecea antl 4 Could you turn the radio down, plese Would you mind r i a ms Please don’t interrupt me all the time. Yould you mind - - anne ee - ini ucbaaaciani > 53.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use -ing, 1 She’s a very interesting person. I always enjoy ...Lalkung. to. her. 7” . I'm not feeling very well. I don’t fancy I'm afraid there aren’t any chairs. | hope you don’t mind cern. - — It was a beautiful day, so I suggested —.... It was very funny. I couldn’t stop - " My car isn’t very reliable. It keeps aun aw 107 Uri ar 108 Verb + to ... (decide to ... / forget to ... etc) offer decide hope. -—deserve.-—_-promise agree plan manage afford threaten refuse arrange fail forget learn After these verbs you can use to ... (infinitive): 3 It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. © Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to help him. 15 How old were you when you learnt to drive? (or learnt how to drive) 1 I waved to Karen. but failed to attract her attention. The negative is not to ...: 1 We decided not to go out because of. the weather. 5 I promised not to be late After some verbs to ... is not possible. For example, enjoy/think/suggest: C Lenjoy reading. (not enjoy to read) 2 Tom suggested going to the cinema. (not suggested to go) © Are you thinking of buying a car? (not thinking to buy) For verb + -ing, see Unit 53. For verb + preposition + -ing, see Unit 62. We also use to ... after: seem appear tend pretend —_claim For example: 1 They seem to have plenty of money OI like Dan, but I think he tends to talk too much. 1 Ann pretended not to see me when she passed me in the street. There is also a continuous infinitive (to be doing) and a perfect infinitive (to have done): i I pretended to be reading the newspaper. (= I pretended that I was reading) © You seem to have lost weight. (= it seems thar you have lost weight) 3 Martin seems to be enjoying his new job. (= it seems that he is enjoying it) After dare you can use the infinitive with or without to: © Twouldn't dare to tell him. or I wouldn't dare tell him. But after dare not (or daren’t), you must use the infinitive without to: © I daren’t tell him what happened. (not I daren’t to tell him) After some verbs you can use a question word (whavwhether/how etc.) + to .... We use this structure especially after: ask decide know remember forget explain learn understand wonder Weasked how to get to the station Have you decided where to go __ for your holidays? Idon't know whether to apply for the job or not, Do you understand what to do? Also. show/tell/ask/advise/teach somebody what/how/where to do something: © Can somebody show me how to change the film in this camera? © Ask Jack, He'll ell you what to do. Verb + -ing - Unit 53. Verb + object + to ... (want ete.) —» Unit 55 Verb + to... and -ing > Units 55¢, 56-58 Exercises Unit 54 54.1, Complete the sentences for these situations. 1 ar They decided .....9&. Shall we get married? “fe 2 "a om 2 Please help me. So BL.) Shewagreed .—— > (Can | carry your bag for you? +e &- No, thanks. | can manage. ) He a 4 Let's meet at 8 o'clock. SF P Units 34, 53 Tell/ask somebody to ... > Unit 480 Verb + -ing > Unit 53 Verb + to... = Unit 54 Verb + to ... and -ing — Units 56-58 Help — Unit 57¢ Exercises Unit 55 55.1 55.2 553 55.4 Complete the questions. Use do you want me to ... ? or would you like me to ... ? with these verbs (+ any other necessary words): ‘come lend repeat. show shut_— wait 1 Do you want to go alone, or ..42. you.want me to, come. with, you 2 Do you have enough money, or do you want .. . ssn so 3 Shall I leave the window open, oF WOUId YOU ss.smunsnmnnnnnninn 4 Do you know how to use the machine, or would = 5 Did you hear what I said, or do 6 Can I go now, or do “ srrctirmionS Complete the sentences for these situations. 1 (amon Be ok. She told im. to lock the. door 2 { Why don't you come They invited im een and stay with us? That would be nice. ~ 3 & @ She wouldn’r lee 5 (Can you give me a hand? & aco He asked Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence. My father said I could use his ear. My father allowed ...™e. to. use. his, car.. z I was surprised that it rained. T didn’t expect... se Don't stop him doing what he wants. Let . Tim looks older when he wears glasses. Tim’s glasses make I think you should know the truth. TWant " Don’t let me forget ro phone my sister. Remind At first I didn't want to apply for the Sarah persuaded .. job, bur Sarah persuaded me. 8 My lawyer said I shouldn't say My lawyer advised anything to the police. sen = 9 Iwas told thar I shouldn't believe Twas warned .. everything he says. . ~ 10 If you've got a car, you are able to get Having a car enables Oy ew ee around more easily. ~ ~ criierene sn ~ Put the verb into the correct form: infinitive (do/make/cat etc.), to + infinitive, or -ing. 1 They don't allow people ...%0..24"k... in front of the building. (park) 2 I've never been to Iceland, but I'd like sovnsnmnnsnnns tHEFe, (GO) 3 I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ... sh ? (do) 4 The film was very sad. It made me .... (ery) 5 Diane’s parents always encouraged Ref ..s..nmnunennnim hard at school. (study) 6 I don’t recommend .. sss in that restaurant. The food is terrible. (eat) 7 She said the letter was personal and wouldn't let me snsnnann it (read) 8 We are not allowed van personal phone calls at work. (make) 9 ‘Idon’t think Alex likes me.” “What makes you that?’ (think) — Additional exercises 26-28 (pages 317-19) 111 Unit 56 Verb + -ing or to. 1 (remember/regret etc.) Some verbs ate followed by -ing and some are followed by to Verbs usually followed by -ing: Verbs usually followed by to ... admit fancy postpone avoid finish risk consider imagine stop deny keep (on) suggest enjoy mind | afford fail offer agree forget plan arrange hope promise decide learn refuse deserve manage threaten For examples, see Unit 53. | For examples, see Unit 54. BE Some verbs can be followed by -ing or to ... with a difference of meaning: remember I remember doing something = I did it and now [remember this. You remember doing something after you have done it. © I know I locked the door. | clearly remember locking it (= I locked it, and now I remember this) 2 He could remember driving along the road just before the accident, but he couldn’t remember the accident itself. regret I regret doing something = I did it and now I'm sorry about it: 1 [now regret saying what | said. | shouldn't have said it. © It began to get cold and he regretted not wearing his coat. goon Go on doing something = continue with the same thing: 1 The president paused for a moment and then went on talking. 3 We need to change, We can't go on ing like this. begin continue intend So you can say: © Iehas started raining. or © John intends buying a house. G Don't bother locking the door. start or But normally we do not use -ing after -ing: I remembered to do something = 1 remembered that I had to do it, so I did it. You remember to do something before you do it. © I remembered to lock the door, but | | forgot to shut the windows. | (= L remembered that I had to lock it. and so I locked it) 5 Please remember to post the letter. don't forget to post it) I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you = I'm sorry that I have to say (ete.): © (from a formal letter) We regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job. Go on to do something = do or say something new: © After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy The following verbs can be followed by -ing or to .. bother It has started to rain. or John intends to buy Don’t bother to lock ... Ie’ starting to rain, (not Ie’s starting raining) 112 Verb + -ing > Unit 53 Verb + to — Units $4-55 Other verbs + -ing or to Units 57-58 Exercises Unit 56 56.1 56.2 56.3 Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to .... Sometimes either form is possible. 1 They denied ... sealing... the money. (steal) 2 don't enjoy ... _-. Very much. (drive) 3 Idon’e want .. out tonight. I'm too tired. (go) 4 Lean't afford oo. ‘out tonight. { don’t have enough money. (go) 5 Has it stopped ..... yet? (rain) 6 Our team was unlucky to lose the game. We deserved 0-1. (win) 7 Why do you keep me questions? Can’t you leave me alone? (ask) 8 Please stop .. so me questions! (ask) 9 I refuse any more questions. (answer) 10 One of the boys admitted conunnns the window. (break) IL The boy’s father promised for the window to be repaired. (pay) 12. If the company continues money, the factory may be closed. (lose) 13 “Does Sarah know about the meeting?” “No, 1 fOrGOt cnen-nvormnnnrvnnne her? (tell) 14 The baby began ....... con in the middle of the night. (ery) 15 Julia has been ill, bur now she’s beginning .. vom better, (get) 16 Ive enjoyed you. I hope you again soon. (meet, see) Here is some information about Tom when he was a child. 1 He was in hospial when he was four. 4 Once he fell into the river 2 He went to Paris when he was eight. 5 He said he wanted to be a doctor. 3 He cried on his first day at school. 6 Once he was bitten by a dog. He can still remember 1, 2 and 4. But he can't remember 3, 5 and 6. Write sentences beginning He can remember ... or He can't remember ... . He. can remember being. in hospital when he. was. four, ee bwwe aw Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, -ing or to 1 a Please remember ..£9.10¢k... the door when you go out. b a: You lent me some money a few months ago. Did I? Are you sure? I don’t remember you any money. ¢ A: Did you remember... . your sister? Oh no, I completely forgot. 'll phone her tomorrow. d_ When you see Steve, remember —_ ... him my regards. € Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember no it by the window and now it has gone. 2 a [believe char what I said was fair, I don’t regret . : it. b I knew they were in trouble, but I regret I did nothing to help them. 3 a Ben joined the company nine years ago. He became assistant manager after two years, and a few years later he went on .. manager of the company. b I can’t go on .. here any more. I want a different job. © When I came into the room, Liz was reading a newspaper. She looked up and said hello, and then went on ... ssnsninn Re neWSPaper. — Additional exercises 26-28 (pages 317-19) 113 Unit YA 114 Verb + -ing or to ... 2 (try/need/help) EN Try to... and try -ing Try to do = attempt to do, make an effort to do: © [was very tired. | tried to keep my eyes open, but | couldn't. 1 Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep. Try also means ‘do something as an experiment or test’. For example: © These cakes are delicious. You should try one. (= you should have one to see if you like i) © We couldn't find anywhere to stay, We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full. (= we went to every hotel to see if they had a room) If try (with this meaning) is followed by a verb, we say try -ing: 11 A: The photocopier doesn’t seem to be working. i: Try pressing the green button. (= press the green button — perhaps this will help to solve the problem) Compare © [tried to move the table, but it was too heavy. (so I couldn't move it) © I didn’t like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room, But it still didn’t look right, so I moved it back again BEY Seco. and ced ing I need to do something = 5 I need to take more exercise. — 3 He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress. (_Tnis room needs tidying 5 I don’t need to come to the meeting, do I? is necessary for me to do Something needs doing = it needs to be done: 1 The batteries in the radio need changing, hey need to be changed) © Do you think my jacket needs cleaning? (= ... needs to be cleaned) © Ita difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully. (= it needs to be thought about) BEY ty ond cart tp You can say help to do or help do (with or without to}: © Everybody helped to clean up after the party. or Everybody helped clean up © Can you help me to move this table? or Can you help me move ... 1 can’t help doing something = | can’t stop myself doing it: © I don’t like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can’t help feeling sorry for him. © She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help laughing, (= she couldn't stop herself laughing) © I'm sorry I’m so nervous. I can’t help it. (= I can’t help being nervous) Verb + -ing + Unit 53. Verb + to... = Units 54-55 Other verbs + -ing or to ... + Units 56, 58 Exercises Unit 57 57.1 57.2 57.3 Make stuggestions. Each time use try + one of the following suggestions: phone his office move the aerial change the batteries- turn it the other way take an aspirin 1 (~The radio isn’t working. P Have you ..tried. changing the batteries? | wonder what's wrong with it. | 2| I can’t open the door. The key || Try won't turn. | 3 The TV picture isn’t very || Have you tried good. What can I do about it? | 4 can’t contact Fred. He’s not || Why don’t you at home. What shall 1 do? || 5 [ve gota terrible headache. | Have you wish it would go. / For each picture, write a sentence with need(s) + one of the following verbs: ‘clean cut’ empty — paint —_ tighten 1 —_ i 3 4 5 1 This jacker is dirty. .|t needs, leaning 2 The room isn’t very nice, 3 The grass is very long. It 4 The screws are loose. 5 The bin is full Put the verb into the correct form. 1 a Iwas very tired. I tried $2 Keep (keep) my eyes open, but I couldn't. b Lang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer. © We tried (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade. d_ Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (ask) Gerry, bur he was short of money too. . © Lied (reach) the shelf, but I wasn’t tall enough. f Please leave me alone. 'm trying (concentrate). 2a Ineed a change. I need (go) away for a while. b My grandmother isn’t able to look after herself any more. She needs (look) after. © The windows are dirty. They need (clean). d_ Your hair is getting very long, It needs (cur). e You don't need (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need (iron). 3a They were talking very loudly. 1 couldn’t help . (overhear) what they said. b Can you help me (get) the dinner ready € He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile). d_ The fine weather helped (make) it a very enjoyable holiday. 115 Unit 58 See 116 Verb + -ing or to ... 3 (like / would like etc.) Like / love / hate When you talk about repeated actions, you can use -ing or to ... after these verbs. So you can say: 7 Do you like getting up early? or Do you like to get up early? 10 Stephanie hates flying. or Stephanie hates to fly. © Hove meeting people. or I love to meet people. 10 I don’t like being kept waiting. or... like to be kept waiting. © I don’t like friends calling me at work. or... friends to call me at work. but (1) We use -ing (not to ...) when we talk about a situation that already exists (or existed). For example: G Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes living there. (He likes living in Berlin = He lives there and he likes it) 1 Do you like being a student? (You are a student ~ do you like it?) © The office I worked in was horrible. I hated working there. (I worked there and I hated it) (2) There is sometimes a difference between I like to do and I like doing: I like doing something = I do it and I enjoy it: 15 Hike cleaning the kitchen. (=I enjoy it.) like to do something = I think it is a good thing to do, but I don’t necessarily enjoy it: © It’s not my favourite job, but I like to clean the kitchen as often as possible. Note that enjoy and mind are always followed by -ing (not to 1 F enjoy cleaning the kitchen. (not I enjoy to clean) 3 I don’t mind cleaning the kitchen. (not I don’t mind to clean) ‘Would like / would love / would hate / would prefer Would like / would love etc. are usually followed by to 1 Pd like (= would like) to go away for a few days. 13 Would you like to come to dinner on Friday? © I wouldn't like to go on holiday alone. 1 Pd love to meet your family. ©) Would you prefer to have dinner now or later? Compare I like and I would like (I'd like) © Like playing tennis. / I like to play tennis, (= I like it in general) 1 P’'d like to play tennis today. (= I want to play today) ‘Would mind is always followed by -ing (not to © Would you mind closing the door, please? I would like to have done something = I regret now that I didn’t or couldn’t do it: © It’s a pity we didn’t see Val when we were in London. I would like to have seen her again. 5 We'd like to have gone away, but we were too busy at home You can use the same structure after would love / would hate / would prefer: © Poor old David! I would hate to have been in his position. © I'd love to have gone to the party, but it was impossible. Enjoy/mind — Unit $3 Would like — Units 37, 558 Prefer = Unit 59 American English» Appendix 7 Exercises Unit 58 58.1 Write sentences about yourself. Say whether you like or don't like these activities, Choose one of these verbs for each sentence: like/don'tlike love hate enjoy — don't mind 1 (Ay)... don’t like Flying. or | don't like. be fly, 2 (play cards) aneiee poset 3 (be alone) - 4 (go to museums) (cook) mans 58.2 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use -ing or to ... . Sometimes either form is possible. 1 Paul lives in Berlin now. It's nice. He likes it. the / like / live / there) . He likes. living there. Jane is a biology teacher. She likes her job. (she / like / teach / biology) She coe sons 3 Joe always carries his camera with him and takes a lot of photographs. he / like / take / photographs) “ 2 4 Lused to work in a supermarket. I didn’t like it much. (I/ not / like / work / there) pi sR REREAD 5 Rachel is studying medicine. She likes it, she / like / study / medicine) 6 Dan is famous, bur he doesn’ like it. (he / not / like / be / famous) - a " ves 7 Jennifer is a very cautious person, She doesn't take many risks. (she / not / like / take / risks) 8 I don't like surprises (1/ like / know / things / in advance) oo 58.3 Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, -ing or to ... . In one sentence either form is possible. 1 I's good to visit other places ~ I enjoy travelling. 2 ‘Would you like down?’ ‘No, thanks. I'l stand.” 3 I'm nor quite ready yer. Would you mind soovssnnemennn a ittle longer? 4 When I was a child, I hated sovsnnnnen tO bed early, 5 When I have to catch a train, I'm always worried that I'l miss it, So [like to the station in plenty of time. 6 Lenjoy busy. I don’t like it when there’s nothing to do. 7 I would love to your wedding, but I’m afraid it isn’t possible. 8 I don’t like in this part of town, I want to move somewhere else, 9 Do you have a minute? I'd like - to you about something. 10 If there’s bad news and good news, I like the bad news first. 58.4 Write sentences using would ... to have (done). Use the verbs in brackets. 1 Irs a pity I couldn’r go to the wedding. (like) would. like. to. nave. gone. to. the wedding. Ics a pity I didn’t see the programme. (like) — I'm glad I didn’t lose my watch. (hate) Iv’s a pity I didn’t meet your parents. (love) I'm glad I wasn't alone. (nor / like) Ies.a pity I couldn't travel by train. (prefer) we ane ~ Additional exercises 26-28 (pages 317-19) WW Unit (0 Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing If a preposition (in/for/about ete.) is followed by a verb, the verb ends in preposition | verb (-ing) Are you interested working | for us? I'm not very good learning languages. Sue must be fed up | studying. What are the advantages | having a car? Thanks very much | inviting | me to your party. How | about meeting for lunch tomorrow? at home all the time? ill. Why don’t you go out | instead of sitting Carol went t0 work | in spite of le ing You can also say ‘instead of somebody doing something’, ‘fed up with people doing something” ete. : © I'm fed up with people telling me what to do. BEY | ote the use of the following prepositions + -ing: before -ing and after -ing: © Before going out, I phoned Sarah, (not Before to go out) 1 Whar did you do after leaving school? You can also say ‘Before I went out ...” and *... after you left school’ by -ing (to say how something happens): 1 The burglars got into the house by breaking a window and climbing in 1 You can improve your English by reading more. She made herself ill by not eating properly 2 Many accidents are caused by people dri without -ing: © We ran ten kilometres without stopping. 1 It was a stupid thing to say. I said it without thinking. © She needs to work without people disturbing her. (or ... without being disturbed. 1 [have enough problems of my own without having co worry about vours. BES) 10 «ing (100k forward to doing something etc.) To is often part of the infinitive (to do / to see etc.) 1 We decided to go out. 1 Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow? But to is also a preposition (like in/for/abouv/from etc.). For example: 1 We drove from London to Edinburgh. 1 [ prefer tea to coffee. 1 Are you looking forward to the weekend? If a preposition is followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing: in doing about meeting —_without stopping (etc.) So, when to is a preposition and it is followed by a verb, you must say to -ing: I prefer driving to travelling by train, (not to travel) 1G Are you looking forward to going on holiday? (not looking forward to go) Be/get used to -ing —> Unit 61 Verb + preposition + -ing -> Unit 62 While/when -ing —> Unit 688: 120 In spite of —> Unit 113 Prepositions > Units 121-136 Exercises Unit 60 60.1 60.2 60.4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 Why is it useful to have a car? What are the advantages of faving & car . I don’t intend to apply for the job. T have no intention of Helen has a good memory for names. Helen is good at ssc 4 Mark won't pass the exam. He has no chance. Mark has no chance of ws tim: Did you get into trouble because you were late? Did you get into trouble for 7 snnnnssnnn 6 We didn’t eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead. Instead of We gor into the exhibition. We didn’t have to queue. We gor into the exhibition without 8 Our team played well, but we lost the game. Our team lost the game despite Complete the sentences using by ~ing. Use the following (with the verb in the correct form): borrow too much money break-a-window drive too fast put some pictures on the walls stand on achair turn key 1 The burglars gor into the house . >Y breaking @ window, an 2 Iwas able to reach the top shelf sss 3 You start the engine of a car 4 Kevin got himself into financial trouble 5 You can put people's lives in danger 6 We made the room look nicer sonnei Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Use only one word each time. 1 We ran ten kilometres withour _ stopping 2. He left the hotel without his bill. 3 Ir’s.a nice morning. How about for a walk? 4 We were able to translate the letter into English without ..a dictionary. 5 Before to bed, [like to have a hot drink. 6 Ie was a long journey. I was very tired after ona train for 36 hours. 7 Iwas annoyed because the decision was made without anybody me. 8 After the same job for ten-years, I felt I needed a change. 9 We lost our way because we went straight on instead Of --eern:onnmemnrnn Heft, 10 [like these photographs you took. You're good at photographs. For each situation, write a sentence with I'm (not) looking forward to. 1 You are going on holiday next week. How do you feel? Vim looking forward to going on holiday, - 2 Diane is a good friend of yours and she is coming to visit you soon. So you will see her again soon. How do you feel? I'm = You are going to the dentist romorrow. You don't enjoy going to the dentist. How do you feel? Tm not 4 Carol is a student at school. She hates it, but she is leaving school next summer. How does she feel? ‘You've arranged to play tennis tomorrow. You like tennis a lot. How do you feel? — Additional exercises 26-28 (pages 317-19) 121 Unit (‘Ji Be/get used to something (I'm used to ...) Study this example siation: LEFT | Lisa is American, but she lives in Britain. When she first drove a car in Britain, she found it very difficult because she had to drive on the left, not on the right. Driving on the left was strange and difficult for her because: She wasn't used to it. She wasn’t used to driving on the left. But after a lot of practice, driving on the left became less strange. So: She got used to driving on the left. ieee Now it’s no problem for Lisa: heck Hl She is used to driving on the left. BE] used to something = it is not new or strange for me: © Frank lives alone. He doesn’t mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years. It is not strange for him. He is used to it. He is used to living alone. I bought some new shoes. They felt a bit strange at first because I wasn’t used to them. © Our new flat is on a very busy street. I expect we'll get used to the noise, but at the moment it’s very disturbing. 1 Diane has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before ~ at 6.30. She finds this difficult because she isn’t used to getting up so early. 9 Barbara’s husband is often away from home. She doesn’t mind this. She is used to him being away. b After be/get used you cannot use the infinitive (to do / to drive ete.). We say: © She is used to driving on the left. (not She is used to drive) ‘When we say ‘Iam used to something’, to is a preposition, not a part of the infinitive. So we say: 11 Frank is used to living alone. (not Frank is used to live) C1 Lisa had to get used to driving on the left. (not get used to drive) Do not confuse I am used to doing and J used to do: 1am used to (doing) something = it isn’t strange or new for me: 3 Lam used to the weather in this country. © Lam used to driving on the left because I've lived in Britain a long time. Lused to do something = I did it regularly in the past but no longer do it. You can use this only for the past, not for the present. ‘The structure is ‘I used to do’ (ot ‘I am used to do”): 3 Lused to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike © We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London. 122 Used to (do) — Unit 18 To + -ing — Unit 60C Exercises Unit 61 61.1 61.2 613 614 Look again at the situation in Section A on the opposite page (‘Lisa is American The following situations are similar. Complete the sentences using used to. 1 Juan is Spanish and went to live in England. In Spain he usually had dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 o'clock. This was very early for him and he found it very strange at first. When Juan first went to England, he .. dinner so carly, but after some time he sm sos it. Now he finds it normal. He at 6 o'clock ts. At first she found it hard and didn’t 2 Julia is a nurse, A year ago she started working like it. She nights and it took her a few months to it. Now, after a year, she’s quite happy. She nights. What do you say in these situations? Use I'm (not) used to 1 You live alone, You don’t mind this. You have always lived alone. FRIEND: Do you get a bit lonely sometimes? you: No, ...A'm used. to, lying alone. - on You sleep on the floor. You don't mind this. You have always slept on the floor. FRIEND: Wouldn't you prefer to sleep in a bed? You: No, I You have to work long hours in your job. This is not a problem for you. You have always worked long hours. FRIEND: You have to work very long hours in your job, don’t you? your — Yes, bur f don’t mind that, [oon 4 You usually go to bed early. Last night you went ro bed very late (for you) and as a result you are very tired this morning, FRIEND: You look tired this morning. ee 2 sotaienoniasmu secmmenuasesecau Read the situations and complete the sentences using used to. 1 Some friends of yours have just moved into a flat on a busy street. It is very noisy. They'll have to ...g¢t used. te, the noise 2 The children at school had a new teacher. She was different from the teacher before her, but this wasn’t a problem for the children. They soon 5 papcseeancas 3 Sue moved from a big house to a much smaller one. She found it strange at first. She had to in a much smaller house. 4 Some people you know from Britain are going to live in your country. What will they have to get used 0? They'll have to ei 0 1 Complete the sentences using only one word each time (see Section C). 1 Lisa had to get used to ... dying... on the left. 2 We used to AX... ina small village, but now we live in London, 3 Dan used to ....- a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea. 4 [feel very full after that meal. I'm not used to so much, § [wouldn't like to share an office. I'm used to my own office. 6 LUSed 10 vornernnnmnns € af, but I Sold it a few months ago 7 When we were children, we used t0 swimming very often. 8 There used to a cinema here, but it was knocked down a few years ago. 9 I'm the boss here! I’m not used to told what to do. “+ Adgitional exercises 26-28 (pages 317-19) 123 ies Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / (Yd accuse somebody of -ing etc.) Many verbs have the structure verb + preposition (in/for/about etc.) + object. For example: verb + preposition + object We talked about the problem. You must apologise | for what you said. | If the object is another verb, it ends in -ing: verb + preposition + -ing (object) We talked about going to America. You must apologise | for nor telling the truth. Some more verbs with this structure: succeed (in) Have you succeeded in finding a job yer? insist (on) ‘They insisted | on paying for the meal think (of) Tm thinking | of buying a house. dream (of) I wouldn't dream | of asking them for money. approve (of) He doesn’t approve | of swearing. decide (against) We have decided against. moving to London. feel (like) Do you feel | like going out tonight? look forward (to) I'm looking forward to You can also say ‘approve of somebody doing something’, ‘look forward to somebody doing something’: I don’t approve of people killing animals for fun. 10 We are all looking forward to Peter coming home. BEY The following verbs can have the structure verb + object + preposition + -ing: verb + object + preposition + -ing (object) congratulate (on) Tcongratulated | Liz on getting a new job. accuse (of) They accused | us of telling lies. suspect (of) Nobody suspected | the general | of being a spy prevent (from) What prevented | you from coming to see us? stop (from) The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying our holiday thank (for) I forgot to thank | them for helping me excuse (for) Excuse me for being so lace, forgive (for) Please forgive _me for not writing co you. You can say ‘stop somebody doing’ or ‘stop somebody from doing’: © You can’t stop me doing what I want. or You can’t stop me from doing what I want. Some of these verbs are often used in the passive. For example: 3 We were accused of telling lies. 10 The general was suspected of being a spy. Note that we say ‘apologise to somebody for © L apologised to them for keeping them waiting, (not | apologised them) 124 Decide to ... > Unit 544 Preposition + -ing — Unit 60 Verb + preposition - Units 132-136 Exercises 62.1 Complete each sentence using only one word. 1 Our neighbours apologised for ..akung 2 I feel lazy. I don’t feel like 3 [wanted to go out alone, but Joe insisted on I'm fed up with my job. I'm thinking of + Unit 62 so much noise. any work. with me. something else. 5 We have decided against... a new car because we can’t really afford it. 6 Lhope you get in touch with me soon. I'm looking forward 0 -.mmemnnmnm from you. 7 The weather was extremely bad and this prevented us from. 7 out. 8 The man who has been arrested is suspected of 9 I think you should apologise to Sue for 10 Some parents don’t approve of their children a false passport. so rude to her, a lot of television. 11 Fm sorry I can’t come to your party, but thank you very much for ai TC 62.2 Complete each sentence using a preposition + one of the following verbs (in the correct form): carry cause escape go-_interrupt, Do you feel Uke. 90079... out this evening? Ir took us a long time, but we finally succeeded I've always dreamed . a The driver of the other car accused me . There’s a fence around the lawn to stop people Excuse me Where are you thinking . The guards weren’t able to prevent the prisoner 9. My bag wasn’t very heavy, but Dan insisted IDNnk we live see solve spend walk susssnsemnnn the problem. .. ina small house by the sea. the accident. on the grass. you, but may I ask you something? your holiday this year? si i it for me. 10 It’s a pity Paul can’t come to the party. I was really looking forward him. 62.3 Complete the sentences on the right. 1 a It was nice of you to help ime, Thanks very much. YOU KEVIN 2 2 & 3, I drive you to the station. | ANN TOM 3 SM _S hear you got mared ‘oh Congratulations! you DAN 4 > éj It was nice of you to come to see me. Thank you SUE JENNY 5 ¥g {im sorry | didn’t S phone earlier. YOU KATE 6 g &} wren YOU JANE — Additional exercises 27-28 (pages 318-19) Kevin thanked ....¢..for. nelpeng. hum. Deans aes sienna Dan congratulated me Jenny thanked .. Kate apologised nccnssnnnnninnnnnsn Jane accused 125 iris (sei Expressions + -ing When these expressions are followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing: It’s no use / It’s no good Gi There's nothing you can do about the situation, so it’s no use worrying about it. It's no good trying to persuade me. You won't succeed. There's no point in 1 There’s no point in having a car if you never use it. 1 There was no point in waiting any longer, so we went But we usually say ‘the point of doing something”: 0 What's the point of having a car if you never use it? It’s (not) worth 15 Hive only a shore walk from here, so it’s not worth taking a taxi. © Our flight was very early in the morning, so it wasn't worth going to bed. You can say that a film is worth seeing, a book is worth reading ete. 3 What was the film like? Was it worth seeing? 10 Thieves broke into the house but didn’t take anything. There was nothing worth stealing. BEY 12+¢ difficulty -ing, have trouble -ing We say ‘have difficulty doing something’ (not to dol: 3 Thad no difficulty finding a place to live. (not difficulty to find) 3 Did you have any difficulty getting a vi 3 People often have difficulty reading my wri You can also say *have trouble doing something’: 1 Thad no trouble finding a place to live. We useing after: a waste of money //a waste of time 1 It was a waste of time reading that book. It was rubbish. 1 Ie’s a waste of money buying things you don’t need. spend/waste (time) 1 He spent hours trying to repair the clock. 10 waste a lot of time day-dreaming. (be) busy. 1 She said she couldn't see me. She was too busy doing other things. Bo swimming / go fishing etc. We use go -ing for a number of activities (especially sports). For example, you can say: go swimming go sailing go fishing —goclimbing — go skiing —_go jogging Also go shopping, go sightseeing 3 How often do you go swimming? Td like to go skiing When did you last go shopping? Pve never been sailing. (For gone and been, see Unit 7D.) 126 Exercises Unit 63 63.1 63.2 63.3 63.4 63.5 Make sentences beginning There’s no point ... . 1 Why have a car if you never use it? There's no point in having a car if you never use. it. 2. Why work if you don’t need money? if you feel tired. 4 Why hurry if you've gor plenty of time? Complete the sentences on the right. 1/ Shall we get a taxi home? No, it isn’t far. It's not worth ...9e+#ing..2. 40%... 2) Ifyou need help, why don’t you | [Its 90 U8€ oon pscencesnsncn’ ALE ask Dave? | | won't be able to do anything. 3 I don't really want to go out | | Well, stay at home! There’s no point tonight. vevvesnene if you don’t want t0, No, it's no good a - now, She won't be at home. No, it’s not worth ... Nobody will do anything about it. No, I think it’s a waste 5 | Are you going to complain about what happened? 6 Do you ever read newspapers? No, let’ throw them away, They're not worth 4 Shall I phone Liz now? | | Do you want to keep these old clothes? Write sentences using difficulty. 1 I managed to get a visa, but it was difficult. I had difficulty ...9¢t#209....¥i84..., 2 [find it hard to remember people’s names. Thave difficulty i icaaaesccanaees ccm 3. Lucy managed to get a job without difficulty. She had no poe cerreeaanauriocamesamccatan 4 It won't be difficult ro get a ticket for the game, You won't have any ce ce an Complete the sentences. Use only one word each time. 1 tesa waste of money «Aung. things you don’ need. 2 Every morning I spend about an hour «0 onus the newspaper. 3 “What's Sue doing?’ ‘She's going away tomorrow, so she’s busy so 4 Tthink you waste too much time on soon television. 5 There's a beautiful view from that hill. It’s worth to the top. 6 Irs no use... _.. for the job. I know I wouldn’t ger it. 7 Just stay calm. There’s no point iM .-csueennnemnn angry. Complete these sentences with the following (with the verb in the correct form): go riding -go-sailing go shopping go skiing _—_go swimming 1 Barry lives by the sea and he’s got a boat, so he often ..99¢s..2ailing 2 Te was a very hot day, $0 We senna aw in the lake, 3 There's plenty of snow in the mountains, so we'll be able to - uy 4 Helen has got two horses. She o.oo regularly. 5 ‘Where's Dan?” ‘He's .. + There were a few things he needed to buy.” — Additional exercises 27-28 (pages 318-19) 127 iis 66 nN 132 To ... (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing) Afraid to (do) and afraid of (do)ing, Tam afraid to do something = I don’t want to do it because it is dangerous or the result could be bad. We use afraid to do for things we do intentionally: This part of town is dangerous. People are afraid to walk here at night. (= they don’t want to walk here because it is dangerous ~ so they don’t) we can choose to do them or not: 1 James was afraid to tell his parents what had happened. (= he didn’t want to tell them because he knew they would be angry, worried etc.) Lam afraid of something happening = it is possible that something bad will happen (for example, an accident). We do not use afraid of -ing for things we do intentionall © The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling. it was possible that we would fall ~ not we were afraid to fall) 5 I don’t like dogs. I'm always afraid of being bitten. (not afraid to be bitten) So, you are afraid to do something because you are afraid of something happening as a result: I was afraid to go near the dog because | was afraid of being bitten. Interested in (do)ing and interested to (do) I'm interested in doing something = I'm thinking of doing it, I would like to do it: 1 Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. (ot to join) 1 I tried to sell my car, but nobody was interested in buying it. (not to buy) We use interested to ... to say how somebody reacts to what they hear/see/read/learn/know/find. For example, ‘I was interested to hear it’ = I heard it and it was interesting for me: © I was interested to hear that Tanya has left her job. © Ask Mike for his opinion. I would be interested to know what he thinks. (= it would be interesting for me to know it) This structure is the same as surprised to ... / glad to ... etc. (see Unit 65C) o Twas surprised to hear that Tanya has left her job. Sorry to (do) and sorry for/about (do)ing ‘We use sorry to ... to say we regret something that happens (see Unit 65C): 1 I was sorry to hear that Nicky lost her job. (= I was sorry when I heard that ...) Pve enjoyed my stay here. I'll be sorry to leave. We also say sorry to ... to apologise at the time we do something: © I'm sorry to phone you so late, but I need to ask you something. You can use sorry for or sorry about (doing something) ro apologise for something you did before: © P'm sorry for (or about) shouting at you yesterday. (not sorry to shout) You can also say: © Pm sorry I shouted at you yesterday ‘We say: I want to (do ) / I'd like to (do) but ‘I’m thinking of (do)ing / I dream of (do)ing I failed to (do) but I succeeded in (do)ing allowed them to (do) but [prevented them from (do)ing I stopped them from (do)ing For examples, see Units 54-55 and 62. Verb + preposition + -ing — Unit 62 Adjective + preposition —> Units 130-131 Sorry about/for = Unit 130 Exercises Unit 66 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 Use the words in brackets to write sentences, Use afraid to ... or afraid of ~ing. 1 The streets are unsafe at night (a lot of people / afraid / go / our) ..A.\9t..of people. are. afraid. to. 90 out. We walked very carefully along the icy path. (we / afraid / fall) We were afraid. of falling. : 2 I don’t usually carry my passport with me, (I/ afraid / lose / it). 4 I thought she would be angry if I told her what had happened. (I/ afraid / tell / her) . — 5 We rushed to the station. (we / afraid / miss / our train) o.oo 6 In the middle of the film there was an especially horrify (we / afraid / look) 5 The vase was very valuable, so I held it carefully: (I afraid J drop 1 it) on nn 8 I thought the food on my plate didn’t look fresh. a (L/ afraid / eat /it) . oe b (U/afraid / get Sick) orcs nsnmnnnnn : SHiiciceeGtERM EN w we Complete the sentences using in ... or to ... . Use these verbs: buy get know — look — read start 1 I'm trying to sell my car, but nobody is interested ...¢..D4Yeng.... it. 2 Julia is interested .. her own business. 3 Twas interested eeenennnnvnenemennnmmen YOUF letter in the newspaper last week. 4 Ben wants to stay single. He’s nor interested so nntnenannnee Matied. 5 I met Mark a few days ago. You'll be interested a. = .... that he’s just got a job in Paris. 6 I don’t enjoy sightseeing. I'm not interested at old buildings. Complete each sentence using sorry for/about ... or sorry to ... . Use the verb in brackets. 1 I'm ...20rty..te. phone... you so late, but I need to ask you something. (phone) 2 Lwas .. so -u. that you didn’t get the job you applied for. (hear) 3. I'm mse all those bad things about you. I didn’t mean them, (say) you, but do you have a pen I could borrow? (disturb) Sim. the book you lent me. I'll buy you another one. (lose) Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets. 1a We wanted ..0 leave... the building. (leave) b We weren't allowed : : _.. the building. (leave) We were prevented . wu. the building. {leave) 2a Peter failed soins the problem, (solve) b Chris succeeded _.. the problem. (solve) 3a Tim thinking ooo suunn aWay next week. (go) b I'm hoping away next week. (go) TE TIRE away next week. (go) Pm looking forward .ss:uinw-nsoninmonnninmen AWAY NeXt Week, (gO) 4a Helen wanted coon me lunch. (buy) b Helen promised me lunch. (buy) ¢ Helen insisted ononrnonnnnninnmmennen Me funch. (buy) dd Helen wouldn't dream ....csnsssnnnnnn me lunch. (buy) — Additional exercise 27 (page 318) 133 Unit cya See somebody do and see somebody doing EY study this example situation: ‘Tom got into his car and drove away. You saw this. You can say: 1 I saw Tom get into his car and drive away. In this structure we use gev/drive/do ete. (not to get / to drive / to do). Somebody did something + I saw this l I saw somebody do something ao But after a passive (‘he was seen’ etc.), we use to: © He was seen to get in the car, PY ys example situation: Yesterday you saw Kate. She was waiting for a bus. You can say: Kare 3 I saw Kate waiting for a bus. | In this structure we use -ing (waiting/doing etc.): Somebody was doing something + — I'saw this | I saw somebody doing something = Study the difference in meaning between the two structures: I saw him do something = he did something (past simple) and I saw this. I saw the complete | action from beginning to end: © He fell off the wall. I saw this. > I saw him fall off the wall. © The accident happened. Did you see it? > Did you see the accident happer | I saw him doing something = he was doing something (past continuous) and I saw this. I | saw him when he was in the middle of doing it. This does not mean that I saw the complete action: He was walking along the street. I saw him walking along the street. I saw this when I drove past in my car. ia Sometimes the difference is not important and you can use either for 1 I've never seen her dance. or I've never seen her dancing. We use these structures with see and hear, and a number of other verbs: © I didn’t hear you come in. (you came in - I didn’t hear this) 3 Liz suddenly felt somebody touch her on the shoulder. | 5 Did you notice anyone go out? © T could hear it raining. (it was raining - I could hear it) © The missing children were last seen playing near the river. | } Listen to the birds singing! 3 Can you smell something burning? © I found Sue in my room reading my letters. 134 Exercises 67.1 Complete the answers to the questions. Nv Did anybody go out? Has Sarah arrived yet? How do you know I took the mone | Did the doorbell ring? Can Tom play the piano? Did I lock the door when I went out? How did the woman fall? Law Rune Unit 67 /l I don’t think so. I didn’t see eee out Yes, I think I heard her I know because I saw you I don’t think so. I didn’t hear oon Frye never Heard eeneennnenenn nnn Yes, I saw 7 . I don’t know: I didn’t see 67.2 In cach of these situations you and a friend saw, heard or smelt something. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (Gove Theres tate) =~ ister! Tats Bi : We..saw Kate. waiting for ¢. bus. We saw Dave and Helen We saw We heard We could aun = = Can you smell burning?) Yes! It’s the dinner. a 67.3 Complete these sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form): climb come crawl Listen to the birds — singing _ | [didn’t hear you ...£2%€... in. We listened to the old man Listen! Can you hear a baby I thought I heard somebody We watched two men open window into the house. 8 Everybody heard the bomb 9 Oh! I can feel something 10 Uheard somebody’ esnn-n 11 When we gor home, we found a cat ... LAW awe cry explode I looked out of the window and saw Dan .. across the garden and ride run say sing slam sleep tell his story from beginning to end. > his bike along the road ‘Hi’, so I looked round. through an . It was a tremendous noise. up my leg! It must be an insect. the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up. on the kitchen table. 135 Uilig UIs Have something done ‘Study this example situation: The roof of Lisa’s house was damaged in a storm. Yesterday a workman came and repaired it. Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday. This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself. Lisa We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us. Compare: © Lisa repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself) Lisa had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair i) “Did you make those curtains yourself?” “Yes, I enjoy making things.” “Did you have those curtains made?” ‘No, I made them myself.” BI) 2 careful with word order. The past participle (repaired/cut etc.) is after the object: have object past participle Lisa had the roof repaired yesterday. Where did you have | your hair cut? Your hair looks nice. Have you had it cut? Our neighbour has just had a garage built. We are having the house painted at the moment. How often do you have yout car serviced? Ithink you should have that coat cleaned. Idon’t like having | my photograph | taken. Get something done You can also say ‘get something done’ instead of ‘have something done’ (mainly in informal spoken English): 11 When are you going to get the roof repaired? (= have the roof repaired) ) I think you should get your hair cut really short. BED) sometimes have something done has a different meaning. For example: © Paul and Karen had all their money stolen while they were on holiday. This does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their money. ‘They had all their money stolen’ means only: ‘All their money was stolen from them’. With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice: Gary had his nose broken in a fight. (= his nose was broken) 5 Have you ever had your passport stolen? 92 Exercises Unit 46 46.1 Tick (¥) the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture. 3 SARAH BILL JOHN sue (a) Sarah is cutting (a) Bill is cutting his_| (a) John is cleaning | (a) Sue is taking a her hair. hair. his shoes, photograph, (b) Sarah is having (b) Bill is having his (b) John is having his | (b) Sue is having her her hair cut. hair cut. shoes cleaned. photograph taken. 46.2 Answer the questions using To have something done. Choose from the boxes: ‘my-car my eyes my jacket my watch —clean_— repair service test 1 Why did you go to the garage? ...[¢.. have. seniiced., 2 Why you go to the cleaner’s? To 3. Why did you go to the jeweller’ 4 Why 1u go to the optician’s 7 a sn 46.3 Write sentences in the way shown. Lisa didn’t repair the roof herself. She ...144..\t. repaired. I didn’t cut my hair myself. 1 .. They didn’t paint the house themselves. They -. John didn’t build that wall himself, noo I didn’t deliver the flowers myself. . 46.4 Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure have something done. 1 We ..are. having the house painted... (the house / paint) at the moment. 2 Tost my key. Pll have to (another key / make). 3. When was the last time you (your hair / cut)? 4 (you /a newspaper / deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one? 5 A: What are those workmen doing in your garden? B: Oh, we (a garage / build). 6 A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday? 5: Pm afraid 1 : conn (not / the film / develop) yet. 7 This coat is dirty. I must 7 ssn (it / clean). 8 If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you (your ears / pierce)? 9 a: [heard your computer wasn’t working. B: That's right, bur it’s OK now. Feo vsensnen (it (repair). In these items, use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning (see Section 0). 10 Gary was in a fight last night. He ...!14¢. his. nose. broken... (his nose / break). 11 Did [tell you about Jane? She eeecwonnnennnsnnnnnessnnnnnsinnsnninnntnnnnnnent (her handbag / steal) last week. 12 Did you hear about Pete? He nn. v-svsesemnennnen (his ear / vandalise) a few nights ago. 93 3. How are mountains formed? 4 When was Pluto discovered? 5 What is silver used for? 423 3 covers 4 is covered 5 are locked 6 was posted ... arrived 7 sank ... was rescued 8 died ... were brought up 9 grew up 10 was stolen 11 disappeared 12 did Sue resign 13 was Bill sacked 14 is owned 15 called ... was injured ... wasn't needed 16 were these photographs taken «Did you rake 'm not bothered / am not bothered 42.4 2 All flights were cancelled because of fog. 3. This road isn’t used much. 4 Twas accused of stealing 5. How are languages learned/learnt? 6 We were warned not t0 go out alone. UNIT 43 43.1 2 ircan’t be broken 3 ican be eaten 4 itcan’t be used 5 itcan’t be seen 6 itcan be carried 43.2 3 be made 4 be spent 5 have been repaired 6 be carried 7 have been caused 8 be woken up 9 have been arrested 43.3 2 The meeting has been postponed. 3. The computer is being used at the moment. 4 Ldidn’t realise that our conversation was being recorded. 5... we found that the game had been cancelled. 6 A new ring road is being built round the city. ‘A new hospital has been built near the airport. 43.4 3. It’s been stolent / It has been stolen! 4 Somebody has taken it. or «+. taken my umbrella. 5 He's been promoted. / He has been promoted. 6 It’s being redecorated. /Itis being redecorated. I's working again. / It is working again, ... It’s been repaired. /It has been repaired. 8 The furniture had been moved. 9 He hasn't been seen since then, 10 Thaven’t seen her for ages. 11 Have you ever been mugged? UNIT 44 44.1 2 Iwas asked some difficult ‘questions at the interview. 3 Linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. : 4 Twasn’t told about the meeting. 5 How much will you be paid for your work? 6 think Tom should have been offered the job. 4 being knocked down 5. being treated 6 being stuck 443 2-6 Beethoven was born in 1770, Agatha Christie was born in 1890. Galileo was born in 1564. Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. Martin Luther King was born in 1929, Elvis Presley was born in 1935. Leonardo da Vinei was born in 1452. William Shakespeare was born in 1568. Twas born in .. 444 got stung get used got stolen get paid got stopped get damaged get asked edu hen Key to Exercises UNIT 45 45.1 2. The weather is expected to be good tomorrow. 3 The thieves are believed to have got in through a window in the roof. 4 Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods. 5. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over wall. 6 The man is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour. 7 The building is reported to have been badly damaged by the fire. 8 a The company is said to be losing a lot of money. b The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year, The company is expected to make a loss this year. 45.2 2 He is supposed to know a lot of famous people. 3. He is supposed to be very rich. 4 He is supposed to have twelve children. 5 He is supposed to have been an actor when he was younger. 45.3 2 You're / You are supposed to be my friend. 3. Pm/Tam supposed to be on adiet. 4. Ic was supposed to be a joke. 5 Ormaybe it’s/itis supposed to be a flower. 6 You're / You are supposed to be working. 45.4 2 “re/are supposed to start 3 was supposed to phone 4 aren't ‘re not / are not supposed to block 5 was supposed to arrive UNIT 46 462 2. To have my jacket cleaned 3. To have my watch repaired. 4. To have my eyes tested. 345 Key to Exercises 346 46.3 2 Thad ic cut 3. They had it painted. 4. He had it bu 5 Thad them del 46.4 2. have another key made 3 had your hair cut 4 Do you have a newspaper delivered “re having / are having a garage built haven't had the film developed have it cleaned have your ears pierced "ve had it repaired / have had it repaired or had it repaired 11 had her handbag stolen 12 had his car vandalised red. UNIT 47 ana 2 He said (that) his father wasn't very well. 3 He said (that) Rachel and Mark were getting married next month: 4 He said (that) his sister had had a baby. 5. He said (that) he didn’t know what Frank was doing, 6 He said (that) he'd seen / he had seen Helen at a party in June and she'd seemed / she had seemed fine. or He said (that) he saw Helen ... and she seemed ... 7 He said (that) he hadn't seen Diane recently. 8 He said (that) he wasn’t enjoying his job very much. 9. He said (that) I could come and stay at his place if I was ever in London. 10 He said (that) his car had been stolen a few days ago. or. his car was stolen a few days ago. 11 He said (that) he wanted to go con holiday, but (he) couldn't afford 12 He said (that) he'd tell / he would tell Chris he'd seen / hhe had seen me. or... he saw me. 472 Example answers: 2. she wasn't coming /... she was going somewhere else / she was staying at home 3. she didn’t like him 4 you didn't know anybody she wouldn't be here / .. she would be away / ... she was going away you were staying ac home / you weren't going out you couldn't speak (any) French ‘you went to the cinema last week /-... you had been/gone to the cinema last week UNIT 48 48.1 2 3 4 But you said you didn't like fish. Bur you said you couldn't drive. But you said she had a very well-paid job. But you said you didn't have any brothers or sisters. But you said you'd / you had never been to the United Seates. But you said you were working tomorrow evening But you said she was a friend of yours. 48.2 2 3 4 Tell Say said told said tel tel told said her not to worry asked Tom to give me a hand or... to help me asked me to open my bag asked him to get a newspaper told him to mind his own business asked her to marry him told her nor to wait (for me) if Twas late UNIT 49 49.1 2 3 4 Were you born there? ‘Are you married? How long have you been married? Have you got (any) children? ‘or Do you have (any) children? How old are they? What do you do? What does your wife do? 49.2 3 Who paid the bill? 4 What happened? 5S. What did she/Diane say? 6 Who does it / this book belong ‘Who lives in thar house? / Who lives there? 8 What did you fall over? 9 What fell on the floor? 10. What does it/ this word mean? 11 Who did you borrow it/ the money from? 12 What are you worried about? 49.3 2. How is cheese made? 3. When was the computer invented? 4. Why isn’t Sue working today? 5 What rime are your friends coming? 6 Why was the concert cancelled? 7 Where was your mother born? 8 Why didn’t you come to the party? 9) How did the accident happen? 10 Why doesn’t this machine work? 49.4 2 Don’t you like him? 3 sn it goo 4 Haven't you got any? or Don’t you have a UNIT 50 50.1 2 Could you tell me where the post office is? 3. L wonder what the time is. 4 Lwant ro know what this word means. 5 Do you know what time they left? 6 I don't know iffwhether Sue is going out tonight 7 Do you have any idea where Caroline lives? 8 [can't remember where I parked the car. 9 Can you tell me ifhwhether there is a bank near here? 10 Tell me what you want. 11 [don't know why Kate didn’t come to the party 12. Do you know how much it costs to park here? 13 Thave no idea who that 14. Do you know if/whether Liz ‘got my letter? 15 Can you tell me how far itis to the airport? 80.2 1. Do you know where she has gone? 2. Tdon’t suppose you know when she'll be back / she will be back. 3 Do you happen to know iffwhether she went out alone? 50.3 2 He asked me where I'd been. / «+. where I had been. 3. He asked me how long I'd been back. /.. how long I had been back. 4 He asked me what I was doing now. 5 He asked me why I'd come back. /... why U had come back. or... why Ieame back. 6 He asked me where I was living, He asked m any plans to go away again. 9 He asked me iffwhether 1 could lend him some money UNIT 51 511 2 doesn’t 3 was will am... isn't or "mot ... is should won't do could would ... could ... can’t 512 3. Do you? I don't. 4 Didn't you? I did. 5 Haven't you? I have, 6 Did you? I didn’. 513 Example answers: 3 Sodid |. or Did you? What did you watch? Neither will Lor Won't you? Where will you be? 5 Sodol. or Do you? What sort of books do you like? 6 Sowould I. or Would you? Where would you like to live? Neither can Lor Can't you? Why not? 514 2 Thope so. expect so. Idon’e think so. Tm afraid nor. T'm afraid so. | suppose so. 8 hope not. 9 [think so. UNIT 52 52.1 3 haven't you 4 were you 5 does she 6 isn't he 7 hasn't she 8 can’t you 9 will he 10 aren't there 11. shall we 13 aren't 1 14 would you 15 hasn't she 16 should | 17 had he 18 will you 582.2 2. Ie’s (very) expensive, isn’t it? 3° The course was great, wasn't 4. You've had your hair cut, hhaven’t you? 5. She has a good voice, hasn't she? or She's got / She has 7 This bridge isn’t very safe, is it? 523, 2 Joe, you couldn't get (me) ‘Some stamps, could you? 3. Kate, you don't know where Diane is, do you? or... you haven't seen Diane, have you? 4 Helen, you haven't got a bicycle pump, have you? or you don't have a bieycle pump, do you? 5 Ann, you couldn't take me to the station, could you? or + you couldn't give me a lift to the station, couild you? 6 Robert, you haven't seen my keys, have you? UNIT 53 3 listening 4 applying 5 reading 6 living 7 using 8 forgetting 9 writing 10 being 11 eying 12 losing Key to Exercises 53.2 2 playing tennis 3. driving too fast 4 going for a swim 5. breaking the CD player 6 waiting a few minutes 53.3 2 travelling during the rush hour 3. painting the kitchen until next weekend 4 turning the radio down 5 not interrupting me all the time 53.4 Example answers: 2 going out 3 sitting on the floor 4 having a picnic 5 laughing 6 breaking down UNIT 54 54.1 2 tohelp him 3 to carry her bag (for her) 4 to meet at 8 o'clock 5 totell him her name / to give him her name 6 not to tell anyone 542 2 toget 3 wo buy /t0 have / to rent /e0 hire (how) to use / (how) to operate to make say or tosay 4.3 to go going waiting to g0 barking tocall having missing 10 to find 54.4 2. Tom appears to be worried about something. 3 You seem to know a lot of people. 4 My English seems to be getting better. 5. That car appears to have broken down, 6 David tends to forget things. 7 They claim to have solved the problem. 54.5 2 how to use 3 what t0 do 4 how to ride g aus wouanaun 347 Key to Exercises 348 5 what to say / what ro do 6 whether to go UNIT 55 55.1 2 or do you want me to lend you some 3. or would you like me to shut it 4 or would you like me to show you 5 or do you want me to repeat it 6 or do you want me to wait 55.2 2 tosstay with them 3 him use her phone 4 him to be careful 5. her to give him a hand 553 2 I didn’t expect it to rain. 3 Let him do what he wants. 4 Tim's glasses make him look older. SL want you to know the truth, 6 Remind me to phone my sister 7 Sarah persuaded me to apply for the job. 8 My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police. 9 I was warned not to believe everything he says. 10 Having a car enables you to set around more easily 2 togo 3 todo 4 cry 5 to study 6 eating 7 read 8 tomake 9 think UNIT 56 56.1 2 drivi 3 ogo 4 wg0 5 raining 6 towin 7 8 9 asking asking to answer 10 breaking 11 to pay 12 losing or to lose 13 torell 14 crying or to cry 15 toger 16 meeting ... to see 56.2 2. He can remember going to Paris when he was eight. 3. He can’t remember erying on his first day at school. 4. He can remember falling into the river. 5 He can't remember saying he wanted to be a doctor. or He can't remember wanting to be a doctor. 6 He can’t remember being bitten by a dog. 563 1b lending, to phone / to call to give Jeaving/putting saying to say to become working, reading, UNIT 57 57.1 2 Try turning it the other way. 3. Have you tried moving the aerial? 4 Why don’t you try phoning his office? 5. Have you tried taking an aspirin? 57.2 2 Itneeds painting. 3 Itneeds cutting. 4 They need tightening. 5 Itneeds emptying. 5 1 73 knocking, to put asking to reach to concentrate to go looking cleaning, cutting You don't need to iron It doesn’t need ironing overhearing get_ or toget smiling make” or to make UNIT 58 58.1 Example answers: 2 Idon't mind playing cards. 3 Idon't like being alone. or «to be alone. 4 Lenjoy going to museums. 5 Tlove cooking. or Tlove to cook, 58.2 2. She likes reaching biology. 3. He likes taking photographs. or He likes to take photographs. 1 didn’t like working there. She likes studying medicine. He doesn’t ike being famous. She doesn’t like taking risks. or She doesn't like to take risks. 8 like to know things in advance. 58.3 tossit waiting going or to go to get being to come / to go living to talk to have / to know / to get /t0 hear /to be told 58.4 2 I would like / I'd like to have seen the programme. 3 Twould hare /T'd hate to have lost my watch. 4 I would love / I'd love to have met your parents. 5 Twouldn’s like to have been alone. 6 Iwould prefer / I'd prefer to have travelled by train. or I would have preferred to travel Maus UNIT 59 59.1 Example answers: 2 [prefer basketball to football. 3 I prefer sending emails to phoning people. 4 [prefer going to the cinema to watching videos at home. 6 I prefer to send emails rather than phone people. 7 Ipreter to go to the cinema rather than watch videos at home. 59.2 3. T'd rather listen to some music. I'd prefer to eat at home. Pd rather wait a few minutes. I'd rather go for a swim. I'd prefer to think about it for a while. I'd rather stand. I'd prefer to go alone. 11 Pd prefer to go for a swim rather than play tennis. 12. Pd rather eat at home than go to a restaurant, 13. I'd prefer to think about it for a while rather than decide nov: rere 14 I'd rather listen to some music than watch TV. 59.3 2 (would you rather) [told her 3. would you rather I did it 4 would you rather I phoned her 59.4 stayed/remained/waited stay didn’t were didn’ UNIT 60 60.1 2 applying for the job 3 remembering names, 4 passing the exam 5 being late 6 cating at home, we went to a restaurant having to queue or queuing 2 by standing on a chair 3. by turning a key 4 by borrowing too much money 5 by driving too fase 6 by putting some pictures on the walls 603 2 paying/serling 3 going 4 using 5 going 6 being/travelling/stting 7 asking/telling/consulting 8 doinghaving 9 turninglgoing 10 taking 60.4 2 I'm looking forward to seeing her/Diane. 3 I'm not looking forward to going to the dentist (tomorrow). 4 She’s looking forward to leaving school (next summer), I'm looking forward to playing tennis (tomorrow). UNIT 61 611 1 When Juan first went to England, he wasn't used to hhaving dinner so early, but after some time he got used to it. Now he finds it normal. He is used to eating /is used to having dinner at 6 o'clock. 2. She wasn’t used to working nights and it took her a few months to get used to it. Now, after a year, she’s quite happy. She is used to working nights. 61.2 2. No, I'm used to sleeping on the floor. 3. T’m used to working long, hours. 4. Yes, I'm not used to going to bed so late. 613 2. They soon got used to het. /... to theftheir new teacher. 3 She had to get used to living in ‘a much smaller house. 4 (example answers) They'll have to get used to the weather. J... to the food. /... to speaking a foreign language. 61.4 drink eating having, have 90. be being, UNIT 62 62.1 2 doing 3 coming/going 4 doing/trying 5 buying/having 6 hearing 8 9 werauaw going having/using being 10. watching 11 inviting/asking 622 2 in solving 3 of living 4 of causing 5 (from) walking 6 for interrupting, 7 of spending 8 from escaping, 9 on carrying 0 to seeing 6: 2 3 4 5 2.3 (on driving Ann to the station on getting married Sue for coming to see her (to me) for not phoning earlier 6 me of being selfish Key to Exercises UNIT 63 63.1 2. There's no point in working if you don't need money. 3. There's no point in trying to study if you feel tired. 4. There's no point in hurrying if you've got plenty of time, 63.2 2 asking Dave 3 in going out 4 phoning her/Liz. 5 complaining (about what happened) 6 of time reading newspapers 7 keeping 63.3 2. remembering people’s names 3. difficulty getting a job 4 difficulty getting a ticket for the game 63.4 reading packing / getting ready watching, going/climbing/walking applying getting / being 3.5 went swimming, 0 skiing, ‘goes riding, ‘gone shopping BWRUNe WAMsoN UNIT 64 64.1 2 Thad to go to the bank to get some money. 3. I'm saving money to go to Canada. 4 Twent into hospital to have an operation. 5. 'm wearing two sweaters to keep warm. 6 I phoned the police to report that my car had been stolen. 64.2 2 to read 3 to walk / to go on foot 4 to drink 5 to put /to carry 6 0 discuss / to consider / to talk about 7 to buy / to get 8 to talk / to speak 9 to wear / to put on 10 wcelebrate 11 to help /to assist 64.3 2 for 3 t0 349 Key to Exercises 350 4 S for 6 7 for 8 for 644 2. wore warm clothes so that 1 wouldn't be cold. 3 left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me. / -». would be able to contact me. 4 We whispered so that nobody else would hear our conversation. /... 0 that nobody else could hear .../ would be able to hear Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. J .. 0 that we'll be able to SEAM ee 6 Jennifer locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed. 7 I slowed down so that the car behind me could overtake. / =». would be able to overtake. UNIT 65 65.1 2. This machine is easy to use. 3. The window was very difficult {0 open. 4 Some words are impossible to translate. 5. Acar is expensive to maintain. 6 That chair isn’t safe to stand 65.2 2. It’s an easy mistake to make. 3 It’s a nice place to live. or ss a nice place to live in. 4 It was a good game to watch, 65.3 2 Irs careless of you to make the same mistake again and again. 3 It was nice of them to invite ‘me (to stay with them). It was nice of Dan and Jenny to ... 4 It’s inconsiderate of them to make so much noise (at night). / IP's inconsiderate of the neighbours to «.. 65.4 2 “am glad to hear or was glad to hear 3. were surprised to see 4 “mlam sorry to hear or was sorry to hear 65.5 2 Paul was the last (person) to 3 ona was the only student to pass (the exam). /... the only ‘one to pass (the exam). 4 Twas the second customer/person to complain, 5. Neil Armstrong was the first person/man to walk on the 65.6 2 “relare bound to be 3. Wis sure to forget 4 ‘isnot likely to rain or isn’t likely to rain 5. ‘vis likely to be UNIT 66 . 66.1 3 I'm afraid of losing it. 4 Lwas afraid co tell her. 5S. We were afraid of missing our train, We were afraid to look. a b 6 7 Iwas afraid of dropping it. 8 Twas afraid to eat it. I was afraid of getting sick. in starting to read in getting in looking, 6.3 sorry to hear sorry for saying / sorry about saying 4 sorry to disturb 5 sorry for losing / sorry about losing 66.4 1b 6 2 3 4 5 toknow 6 6 2 3 to leave © from leaving 3 3 to solve in solving ‘of/about going to g0 to g0 to going to buy to buy ‘on buying, of buying UNIT 67 67.1 67.2 arrive take it / do it iting him play / him playing you lock it / you do it her fall, 2 We saw Dave and Helen playing tennis. 3) We saw Clare eating in a restaurant. /.. having a meal in a restaurant. 4 We heard Bill playing his, guitar. 5 We could smell the dinner burning. 6 We saw Linda jogging! running, 673 tell crying riding run ... climb explode crawling slam sleeping. SSeeusuwaw 1 1 UNIT 68 68.1 2. Diane was sitting in an armchair reading a book. 3. Sue opened the door carefully trying not to make a noise. 4 Sarah went out saying she would be back in an hour. 5 Linda was in London for two years working as a tourist guide. 6 Mary walked around the town looking at the sights and taking photographs. 68.2 2 Tell asleep watching television. 3 A friend of mine slipped and fell getting off a bus. 4 T got very wet walking home in the rai 5 Laura had an accident driving to work yesterday 6 Two firefighters were overcome by smoke trying to pput out the fire, 68.3 2. Having bought our tickets, ‘we went into the theatre. 3. Having had dinner, they continued their journey. 4 Having done the shopping, L went for a cup of coffee. 68.4 2. Thinking they might be hungry, | offered them ‘something to cat. 3 Being a foreigner, she needs a visa to work in this country 4 Not knowing his phone number, I wasn’t able 10 contact him, 5. Having travelled a lor, Sarah knows a lot about other

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