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ety, judged the division.

The Best
The Cockatiel Connection Cockatiel win and the Kellogg trophy
went to Augie Murray-Young for an out-
standing Pearl hen. Second best Cocka-
tiel was a superb Normal Grey hen ex-
hibited by Wendy Lomas-Kruger, with
third best in division going to a triple
mu tation, Whiteface-Cinnamon-Pearl,
exhibited by Dale and Barbara Theeke.
During the show, the 17-member

The 46th National Board of Directors of the National Cage

Bird Show, representing many of the
above national affiliates, were most re-
ceptive to attending a presentation on

Cage Bird Show "Why Join AFA", followed by a discus-

sion on how restrictive legislation can
affect all bird owners, and not just own-
ers and breeders of selected species of
by Linda S. Rubin
parrots, finches and softbills. The point
AFA Contributing Editor on Cockatiels
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts which appeared most crucial to those in
attendance was the possibility of restric-
tive legislation limiting the number of
birds kept (e.g., a total of three or four
birds per household), which has been
appearing in some states. Such future

threats, as well as current law, were dis-
n impressive exhibition of over New Hampshire. The Kellogg trophies cussed with interest.
2,352 birds, not counting a cou- are sponsored by Kellogg Inc. Seeds AFA materials, including the AFA
ple of hundred sale birds, were and Supplies, manufacturers of a full Watchbird Fall 1994 CITES Supplement,
benched during the 1994 National line of quality bird foods, who have were distributed to the National board
Cage Bird Show, held November 17 - been the sponsor of the Kellogg and members and a formal invitation was
19th in Manchester at the Expo Center Scannell Awards since the National's in- made to all assembled to ask their na-
of New Hampshire Holiday Inn. A first ception back in 1947. tional specialty affiliates to join AFA and
for the Granite State, or in fact any state A host of twenty national specialty help support the organization which
within New England, the National clubs who were the sponsoring organi- protects our rights to keep birds. It was
"Show of Shows" came to the North- zations of the show included the: North further emphasized that both individual
eastern U.S. hosted by the New Hamp- American Border Club; American Bor- and grou p su pport is vitally needed in
shire/Massachusetts affiliate, Birds Of der Fancy Canary Club; International order for AFA to remain an effective
A Feather Avicultural Society. Gloster Breeders Association; National force for both bird breeders and bird
A staggering 229 exhibitors repre- Yorkshire Club; Norwich Plainhead owners who are members ofAFA.
senting 31 states, plus Canada, England, Club; American Norwich Society; Inter- The site for the 1995 National Cage
and Puerto Rico, participated in the national Columbus Fancy Association; Bird Show will be in the heart of the
event. As expected, the largest entry International Fife Fancy Club of Amer- deep South in the fabulous city of New
were the combined Canary divisions, ica; Old Varieties Canary Association; Orleans, at the Radisson Hotel on Canal
supporting 1,733 entries. The second Lizard Canary Society; Hartz Club of Street, November 16th through 19th,
largest division in the show was the America; Dragon Chapter 22 - American hosted by the Gulf South Bird Club.
Cockatiel entry with a respectable 174 Singers Club, Inc; National Colorbred Judging will take place on Friday, No-
exhibits, followed by lovebirds with 168 Association; National Finch and Softbill vember 17th. So plan your calendar ac-
entries, finches and softbills at 157 en- Society; Society of Parrot Breeders and cordingly and don't miss out on the Na-
tries, parrots at 118, and disappoint- Exhibitors; African Love Bird Society; tional, "Your Show ofShows".
ingly, only 2 Budgies turned up for the National Cockatiel Society; Stafford Ca-
entire Budgerigar division (currently a nary Club; National Gloster Club; and Cockatiel Connection Mailbox
renewed effort to contact the Budgeri- the National Norwich Canary Club.
gar exhibitors for the 1995 National is al- This year, the Cockatiel division Q. Ipurchased a Whiteface/Fallow
ready underway). boasted 174 entries and tied as the fifth cock and have been considering mating
Best in Show went to an outstanding largest show ever for the National him with thefollowing hens:
Fawn Parsons Finch, owned and exhib- Cockatiel Society (174 entries were 1) FallOW/Whiteface
ited by Pat and Mary Krichter who re- benched at the San Antonio National in 2) Whiteface-Fallow
ceived the Pat Scannell Trophy, the 1985; the largest entry being the First An- 3) Whiteface/Fallow
highest award in the show. Each of the nual NCS Show at the 1984 Chicago Na- I have been leaning toward the last
14 division winners received the cov- tional with 244 entries). Mr. Lloyd Bailey pairing for a couple of reasons, and
eted Kellogg Trophy, this year incorpo- of Upton, Wyoming, the newly elected there is a breeder in my area who has a
rating the outline of the Granite State of President of the National Cockatiel Soci- Whiteface/Fallow hen. This is the pair-
14 March/April 1995
il1g I am most i11lereSled in. Jam looking ~3, from Whiteface/Whiteface-Fallow, (ww) and split (w), but must be either
fonuard 10 Ihis pairing as I think the Fal- to simply, Whiteface/Fallow. A bird is one or d1e od1er.
low is a beaUI!/id color. Thankyou uery either Visually Whiteface, or split to Q. I have a beautiful Albino (White-
muchjory01lrcolumn. Whiteface, but cannot be both visual face-Lu.tino) hen. I kept one ofthe Albino
Sincerely, and split at the same time. We denote the daughters and have run into something
MN double quantity (ww) as dominant, or strange. I had Ihoughl her/light and lail
Chicago, IL visual, by writing "Whiteface" first. If the feathers were dirly so I bathed her. A
individual carries only a Single quantity friend who also raises Whiteface had
DearM. .: of the Whiteface gene and is therefore bought some Albinos/rom mefrom pre-
As you know, the use of the diagonal split (/) carrying the gene in hidden violls clutches, and noticed his hens also
line(/) is read by breeders as "split", form, we write: ormaliWhiteface (i.e., had the cream coloring on Iheflight and
meaning the mutation following the di- "Normal split Whiteface"). In other taiLJeathers.
agonal line is hidden as a recessive words, a bird cannot be both visual I checked my young hen and sure
color. Pairing your Whiteface/Fallow
male to a Fallow/Whiteface hen will
produce: 25% ormal Grey/Whiteface c::
and Fallow; 25% Whiteface/Fallow; 25% a::
Fallow/Whiteface; and 25% visual vi
Whiteface-Fallow. '0'"c::
Please note there is a difference be- >-
tween writing a hyphen (-) e.g., White-
face- Fallow, or the \',ord "and", e.g., ..c::
Whiteface and Fallow, as to how these
genes effect the colors of future off-
spring. The hyphenated Whiteface-Fal-
low implies double quantities of their re-
spective recessive autosomes and there-
fore the affected individual is visual for
both mutations.
On the other hand, the term "and" in
annal Grey/Whiteface and Fallow,
implies single quantities and in this case
denotes a Normal Grey bird which car-
ries a hidden single quantity of White-
face on one autosome, ~1l1d a hidden sin-
gle quantity of Fallow on another
autosome. Although the bird will only Best Cockatiel in Show remol'ed to the best in show jlldging area for fil rther
appear visually as a annal Grey, it can cOllsideratiol/ .
still contribute both recessive colors to
its offspring.
Next, pairing your Whiteface/Fallow
cock to the second hen, a visual White-
face-Fallow, will produce 50% White-
face/Fallow and 50% visual Whiteface-
Fallows. This pairing will yield the high-
est percentage and double your produc-
tion of visual Whiteface-Fallow cross
mutations, and of course any Whiteface
in the nest will be guaranteed split reces-
Pairing your Whiteface/Fallow cock
to the third hen, a Whiteface/Fallow,
will produce a 1-2-1 ratio of25% White-
face; 50% Whiteface/Fallow; and 25%
visual Whiteface-Fallow cross muta-
tions. ore that the 1- 2-1 ratio is 25%
homozygous (pure) "normal"; 50% het-
erozygous (split) mutant; and 25% ho-
mozygous (pure) mutant, when consid-
ering the outcome of Fallow in this
cross. National Cockatiel ociet)! President and NCS PanelJlldge Lloyd Bailey (I~/i), with
You will note thar I corrected the no- John Ulrich of Kellop,!! Inc. Seeds & S1Ipplies (rightJ, present the Kellogg trophy
menclature used in your letter for hen to A1Ip,ie Mllrray-VollnP, (centel), winner of Best Cockatiel.
afa WATCHBlRD 15
enough, this wasn't dirt, it was a light that the melanin pigment might be able new mutation rather it has been called a
beige color on thosefeathers. I checked to override the masking ina (e.g., Lu- dilute form of Cinnamon stock which
the sire and he has no coloring on his tina) wash, producing the same effect. was developed in Europe Having only
flights. Is my male split to something?My Such birds show a mild to moderate cast a photograph and being unable to view
friend read about a color called Cafe- of grey or "lavender" through the flight such a bird directly has me at a disad-
au-lait. I guess the color would resemble and tail feathers, and possibly other ar- vantage. However, it appears from the
fawn. I have not seen a Fallow so I don't eas including the rump, wings, under- photograph the color is very similar to a
know ifthatcolor may be it. sides, and back. Lutino "Lavender-wing" bred from Cin-
One other question. IfI have a White- Similarly, it is my belief that the Al- namon stock, thereby producing Lu-
face-Pied/Pearl/Silver, does that mean bino, or Whiteface-Lutino variety is un- tina-Cinnamons with the cinnamon
it 5 the Recessive Silver, not the Dominant dergoing the same variation. Either the color breaking through the ina wash, in-
Silver? ina (Albino) white wash is unable to stead of the "Lavender" hues as seen
Sincerely, fully mask the melanin pigment it is hid- when utilizing birds from Normal Grey
TLD. ing, or the pigment, itself is able to over- backgrounds. Such birds lack the yel-
Eatonville, WA ride the ina (Albino) wash and break low carotenoid pigment concentrated
through. on the face-mask of both sexes (and
DearT.L.D.: I also suspect, the darker the melanin hen's breast) which are the hallmark of
With the growing interest and breed- pigment in the genotype, the more in- the red-eyed Fallow.
ing of Albinos (Whiteface-Lutinos) be- tense the melanin cast to the feathers. Dominant Silvers are a distinct and
coming more and more popular, I have For example, an Albino (i.e., Whiteface- separate mutation from Recessive Sil-
begun to hear from fanciers increasingly Lutino) which has been bred from vers and each reproduces using a differ-
on this subject. What you are describing, deeper colored Normal Grey or dark ent mode of inheritance. As their names
the breaking through of melanin pig- factor stock may, if affected, be inclined imply, Recessive Silvers are recessive in
ment onto the (supposedly) masking to demonstrate a darker pigment break- reproduction, while Dominant Silvers
white or yellow wash of the ina muta- ing through, 'as compared to other col- are dominant, and as such, are the first
tion, appears to be the same phenome- ors such as Cinnamon, Fallow, or Reces- and currently only dominant mutation
non which has occurred in some Luti- sive Silver, which could conceivably act to occur in Cockatiels to date. Not only
nos which have unofficially been as dilutes. do these mutations ditter in their modes
dubbed "Lavender-wings". Interestingly, it has been found in of inheritance, but they differ signifi-
To the best of my knowledge, Laven- some species utilizing dark factor stock, cantly in their outward phenotypic ap-
der-wings occur when either a faulty that such dark factors can produce the pearance.
mechanism prevents the ina (Lutino) clearest colored inos. For example, con-
wash from successfully masking any sider the use of dark factor greys, and ol- While both varieties exhibit a silver
grey pigment in the Lutino variety. Or, ive greens, used respectively to produce ground color, single factor Dominant
conversely, the possibility also exists the cleanest albino and lutino Budgeri- Silvers are darker, and have black eyes,
gars, lacking any hint of a melaninistic legs, feet, and a darker colored skull cap.
grey or green cast. In time, and when Double factor Dominant Silvers are
viewing greater numbers of ina Cocka- lighter, appearing as a Lutino Cockatiel
GOLDEN tiels, we shall discover if the same princi- with a wash of grey throughout, while
retaining the black eyes, legs, feet, and
CONURES ples apply, and if the darker shades or
dark factor stock contributes to better darker skull cap. Recessive Silvers, how-
White Bellied colored Albinos (i.e., Whiteface-Luti- ever, carry a red eye, a lighter beak and
nos). By better colored Albinos, I am legs, and bear no evidence of the Domi-
Caiques nant Silver's telltale skullcap.
again referring to individuals who main-
Followill Aviaries tain a deep, stark white color, without Your Whiteface-Pied split Silver-
A Closed Aviary any evidence of melanin breakthrough Pearl is ofthe Recessive Silver variety. As
Specializing in the Queen o/Bavaria's Conure Dominant Silvers are dominant, and
as more easily seen when viewing such
Please call for free information package birds under full-spectrum vitalights. therefore must be visible, we know your
Dave Followill (407) 773-7571 I would suggest that you aim to avoid bird is not a Dominant Silver, as a Cocka-
such pigment signatures by selectively tiel cannot be split or heterozygous to
breeding to birds which lack any break- Dominant Silver. Birds cannot carry a
A real treat for your birdsI dominant mutation in hidden (Le., re-
through in coloration. Knowing the
(,~D~:+ Macadamia background of family members might cessive) form, and therefore either a
~ NUTS .,. Nuts also be helpful in identifying the source Cockatiel is a Dominant Silver, or it is
~ CALIFORNIA GROWN? CalifornIa grown,
of pigment breakthrough. Since you did not. However, Recessive Silver cocka-

from grower to you.
Raw -In Shell not state the color of your Albino's sire, tiels may be either visual, or split, and so
No salt, no chemIcals, or the colors of other siblings, I cannot could carry the gene for this color vari-
• • '"' no preservatives
50 lb. mInImum answer whether the sire was split to ety in a heterozygous state.
at $1.60 per lb. other colors, although I suspect you Questions on Cockatiels may be sent
plus shIppIng
T.4STE C.O.D. ACCEPTABLE were inquiring to see if it was the sire to: Linda S. Rubin, A.FA. contributing
THE DIFFERENCB CalI1-800-344-6887 who was contributing to the problem of editor on Cockatiels, c/o the A.EA. Busi-
Gold Crown Macadamia Assoc. the melanin cast in his offspring. ness Office. letters will be answered in
P.o. Box 235, Fallbrook, CA 92088-0235
Cafe-au-Iait is a color which is not a future columns. ~
16 MarchiApril 1995

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