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Eco-Friendly Fishing: Design and Development of an Electric Fishing Net with

Solar and Motorcycle Battery Integration


Presented to

The Faculty of STI College- General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements for the Strand

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


Alera, Rezia V.

Alvarez, Elme Faith D.

Antonio, Arhiam Nea B.

Arao-Arao, Jonathan F.

Asis, Brian Jade

Atche, Psychie Nooren P.

Bernal, Jessa Mae U.

Bomes, Jeff Vergel L.

Broñola, Michelle Iris D.

Calumba, Regine Marie N.


The researchers would like to express their profound thanks, recognition, and
appreciation to the following individuals whose important help made this work possible:

To Ma'am Hanifa Undac-Macadaya, who made a particular effort to remind us

about this study and to direct the researchers through the study's process. The
researchers were inspired to carry out additional study after she contributed her
expertise, talents, and helpful criticism to the publication.

To Sir Erinio Mahusay, he never abandoned the researchers by providing them

with a wealth of guidance, tactics, and information by finishing this investigation.
Additionally, the researchers are extremely grateful for the helpful comments made
during the conception and implementation of this study project.

To Sir Nor-Aziz Pino, the researchers would like to convey their very great
appreciation for his willingness to give his time. The researchers appreciate his patient
guidance and enthusiastic encouragement for this research work.

To Ma'am Ezza Mikaela Aguirre, the researchers would like to thank for her
encouragement and assistance over the course of the investigation.

To the family of the researchers, who has always given them nothing but
unshakable love, trust, and support, especially the financial necessities to buy the
supplies needed for this capstone project and study. The engagement as a system of
support for the researchers, including inspiration, motivation, and direction is much
valued by the researchers.

Most significantly, the researchers express gratitude to the All-Powerful God for
giving them the wisdom, fortitude, and strength to find the solutions required to
complete this project successfully. Nothing would have happened if He hadn't







Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


Related Literature

Related Studies

Definition of Terms


Research Design





Statistical Treatment







The Philippines is one of the top fish producing countries in the world. In 2015,
the Philippines produced 4.65 million MT of fishery products, valued at a total of US$
7.26 billion. Fish is the second most common food in the Philippines after rice and has
been a significant source of income for Filipinos from the beginning of time. On the
average, a Filipino consumes daily roughly 98.6 grams of fish and fish products
(FNRI,1994). There are several different pieces of equipment that help fisheries capture
fish efficiently. The technique, methods, and materials used in this stud\y, as well as
their significance, innovation, and potential benefits to the fishing industry, will all be
covered by the researchers. Researchers will develop a novel technique for tiny or
newly established fisheries. This invention is safe for all living creatures, especially
aquatic animals, and it was made in an environmentally sustainable manner. Today, as
environmental awareness and worry over the state of the world's climate rise, other
issues are also becoming more significant. The fishing industry and fishing technology
are beginning to be more environmentally friendly, climate-friendly, and sustainable.

One of the most efficient ways to catch fish is with an electric fishing net. Fish are
stunned by controlling the current and pulsing frequency at a level that paralyzes but
does not seriously harm or kill them. The efficiency of the approach depends in part on
the conductivity of the water. Very high conductivity waters cause the charge to
dissipate too quickly, whereas low conductivity waters are poor electrical conductors
and reduce the method's efficiency. You can save your energy costs by up to 90% when
your solar panels are combined with a battery which make it more convenient to use.
Researchers will be able to know the importance of having an innovative Electric
Fishing Net to the fishing industry and how it benefits the consumer and the market.

The objective of this capstone research project is to design and create an electric
fishing net that is environmentally friendly and incorporates solar and motorcycle battery
technology. This method of fishing is more effective than traditional fishing methods as it
is more selective in catching fish, resulting in a higher quality catch. The suggested
technology uses renewable energy sources to power the net, lowering fishing
operations' carbon footprint and providing a more environmentally friendly option to
conventional fossil fuel-powered generators. A study found that renewable energy
production has a positive and statistically significant impact on economic growth in both
developed and developing countries (Singh et al., 2019). Renewable energy can help
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and protect
marine biodiversity (Towards Sustainable Fisheries in the Philippines, 2022). The
integration of solar and motorcycle battery may lead to the creation of a fully self-
sufficient electric fishing net that is both sustainable and cost-effective. The project's
goal is to develop a substitute for traditional fishing techniques that are bad for the
environment, like employing diesel generators and gasoline-powered boats. The electric
fishing net can lower carbon emissions and lessen reliance on fossil fuels by utilizing
solar and motorcycle battery technologies. The electric motor on the net can lessen the
gasoline demand, saving money and lowering carbon emissions. Its advantages include
the eco-friendliness, economy, and simplicity of the electric fishing net. Also, the net
may be used in remote locations without access to electrical outlets thanks to the
integration of solar and motorcycle batteries. The fish in the net are temporarily stunned
or impaired by the electric field but are not killed by it. Most fishes are not much affected
by it. This sampling approach, when carried out correctly, might be significantly less
harmful than techniques that entangle or trap fish, which may cause harm or even their
death. The eggs of female fish are not harmed by using the electric fishing net.
Performance testing and evaluation of the net's environmental and socio-economic
impacts on fishing communities will be conducted. The overall goal of the capstone
research project is to advance sustainable fishing methods and safeguard marine
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the efficiency and durability of the Eco-Friendly Fishing
net. Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the optimal design and configuration of the electric fishing

net with solar and motorcycle battery integration in terms of :
1.2 Efficiency
1.3 power output,
1.4 durability
2. How can this product be designed and optimized to ensure
maximum efficiency and performance while minimizing environmental impact?
3. What are the advantages of using an electric fishing net with solar
and motorcycle battery compared to traditional diesel-powered fishing gear?


This part describes formal predictions regarding the connection of two variables.
A forecast of predicted results that are related to the topic.

H0 : If the Electric Fishing Net with Solar and Motorcycle Battery Integration is
not effective and long-lasting for fisherman, then this experiment will not be beneficial.

H1 : Electric Fishing Net with Solar and Motorcycle Battery Integration is effective
and long-lasting for fisherman, this experiment will be beneficial.

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

The key focus of this research capstone is to know if the design and
development of an eco-friendly electric fishing net will reduce the environmental impact
of fishing and increasing the efficiency of fishing process. This project will involve
researching and designing an electric fishing net that can be powered by a combination
of solar and motorcycle battery integration. This will also focus on the evaluation of the
net's performance in terms of fishing efficiency and its environmental impact as well as
how this prototype will help our fishermen in their work.

The project will be limited to the use of solar and motorcycle battery integration.
Other alternative energy sources will not be explored. Additionally, the research will not
examine the broader social, economic and policy factors that influence the adoption of
sustainable fishing practices. Commercial production will not also be included. Overall,
this project aims to contribute to the development of eco-friendly fishing practices by
utilizing alternative fishing practices and its potential environmental and efficiency



“Electrofishing Technology” (2019) stated that electrofishing is a valuable instrument

for fish sampling compared to traditional netting techniques because it enables the
collection of various species that would otherwise be missed or infrequently obtained.
By running an electrical current across the water, electrofishing stuns fish so they may
be caught in nets and processed. Fish recover fast and are released into their natural
habitat. The power required to maintain a proper electrical field grows in demand as
water salinity rises; this power need has been the principal constraint on the
performance of previous electrofishing systems. The monitoring and evaluation of
environmental fluxes, connectivity, and habitat linkages may both be considerably
improved by this method (“Electrofishing Technology,” 2019). According to the
statement of “Maryland” (2020), Electrofishing is a technology that momentarily stuns
fish using an electric field that is generated by a pulser. After that, the fish can be
captured using a dip net for identification. The number, density, species composition,
and population health of fish may all be assessed using information gathered by

According to Lieschke et al. (2019), electrofishing is a popular and extremely

efficient technique for collecting samples of freshwater fish. Electrofishing is now only
permitted in waters with ambient electrical conductivities up to 5,000 μS/cm due to
power restrictions. The peak power needed for efficient electrofishing at these higher
conductivities cannot be provided by the electrofishing equipment currently on the
market. To prove the capacity of GEF to deliver power over a wide variety of electrical
resistances and conductivities, they conducted electrical load testing in tanks and on the
ground. According to a study by Penaluna et al. (2021), electrofishing is now the most
popular method for determining the upstream range of fish in streams since it enables
the detection of fish in real-time. Standard backpack electrofishing is most effective at
catching bigger fish in shallower water with basic stream habitat characteristics, such as
very clear water. They offer estimations of fish detection probabilities from eDNA
studies as well as the probability of detection for eDNA field samples and quantitative
PCR (qPCR), given variables of habitat parameters and fish density from

When capture per unit effort (CPUE) from electrofishing is proportionate to

population density, it might be a useful indicator of relative abundance. Yet, because
catchability may not always remain constant under a variety of environmental
conditions, the link between fish catch rates and density can be unpredictable and non-
proportional. When catch rates fluctuate more quickly than population density,
hyperstability results, whereas hyperdepletion happens when catch rates fluctuate more
slowly than population density. When the capture rate in the fishery is consistent while
the actual fish population is rapidly declining, this is known as hyperstability (Simonson
et al., 2022). According to Pottier et al. (2019), electrofishing has technical constraints in
streams with poor water conductivity, which has led to the widespread usage of poison
fishing. In principle, electrofishing should be achievable in all but the lowest
conductivities (<10 µS/cm), if a large enough voltage gradient can be established in the
water. Nevertheless, capture efficiencies by species were quite skewed, and
abundances for the hardest-to-catch species could be overestimated. Their findings
demonstrate that in tiny tropical streams with poor water conductivity but high
biodiversity value, electrofishing may be a successful substitute for poison fishing
surveys when done properly and in the correct conditions.

Based on the research of Barnett et al. (2020), they carried out electrofishing
depletion studies at 20 locations in five sizable, species-rich streams in two drainages.
The number of species that were gathered rose during the second electrofishing run,
suggesting that carrying out two electrofishing passes may be more efficient than
carrying out just one for determining the species richness of crayfish. Their findings
indicate that multi-pass electrofishing can accurately estimate population density for
different crayfish species in habitats with a high species diversity, such as large
streams, and that multi-pass electrofishing provides more accurate estimates of species
richness for crayfish than single-pass electrofishing. It is difficult to compare different
electrofishing settings and the efficiency of freshwater habitats with which they catch
different aquatic species. Making a distinction between the voltage given by the electro
fisher to the circuit and the voltage that propagates at the electrodes is necessary
before doing so (Pottier et al, 2022).

Reynolds and Dean (2020) discussed the development of electrofishing in their

study. After World War II, the variety and mobility of electrofishing applications for
fisheries management surged. The American Fisheries Society is commemorating 150
years of commitment to the preservation of aquatic resources. Its goal is to track the
advancement of electrofishing for fisheries management in North America over this
time. Even though electrofishing has become a mainstay in fisheries management for
carrying out a variety of applications, including population assessment and the
eradication of nuisance species, the use of electrofishing and equipment has changed,
especially in response to human safety and fish welfare. Their research was used to
evaluate the impact of some adoption of electro-fishing by Egyptian fish farmers on fish
welfare and quality in response to a private request of the fish farmer (Mahmoud et al.,
2019). Fish that had been electro-stunned displayed low levels of oxidative stress and
high energy status, according to biochemical analyses of their liver and muscle tissue.
They also found eosinophilic granular cells and perivascular melanophores aggregation
in both branchial and muscle tissue, as well as a slight inflammatory reaction. As a
result of their work, they advise Egypt to use the electrofishing method after changing
the current instrument by lowering the applied voltage. Further research and
optimization are required to address concerns related to fish farming, animal welfare,
and human safety.


To investigate the effectiveness of electrofishing in tiny tropical streams with poor

water conductivity but high biodiversity value, Pottier et al. (2019) conducted a study in
French Guiana. The researchers captured over 5,800 fish from 93 species using
specially constructed electrofishing equipment to examine 27 streams with water
conductivity as low as 16 S/cm. The effectiveness of multiple pass electrofishing
removal in determining species richness and population size was evaluated using
poison treatments. The findings demonstrated that the greatest results for species
richness were obtained using the Chao II estimator on two electrofishing passes,
however rare species may have been missed. Estimating total fish abundance using
depletion models was conceivable, but capture efficiencies by species were very
biased, making it possible to overestimate the abundance of the hardest-to-catch
species. Given the right tools and conditions, the study showed that electrofishing can
be a successful substitute for poison fishing surveys in small tropical streams with low
water conductivity but high biodiversity value.

Ame and Mayor (2021) were to identify the most efficient and effective way to
manage rice eel growth in rice fields in the Cagayan Valley region while maintaining the
species’ integrity as an export good. Twelve study locations used three different fishing
techniques—fish traps, hook and lines, and electrofishing equipment—during the dry
and wet seasons. Catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) were used to determine gear
efficiency, while monetary values, net income, and ROI were used to assess the
profitability of the gears. The findings indicated that electrofishing equipment is more
effective than the other three types of fishing gear, with higher CPUE per hour, annual
net income, and ROI.

Lieschke et al. (2019) claim that electrofishing is a very efficient technique for
collecting samples of freshwater fish. However, the power limitations currently restrict
electrofishing to waterways with ambient electrical conductivities up to 5,000 μS/cm. A
brand-new, highly effective boat electrofishing system called the Grassl Model
EL65IIGI1 electro fisher (GEF) was created to get around this restriction. The output
power capabilities of the GEF was documented by the researchers using tank and field
electrical load testing over a wide variety of electrical resistances and conductivities.
The low voltage range’s peak power output was 246,500 watts, while the peak current
was 1,880 peak amperes. For the GEF, the effective fish capture conductivity using
conventional electrodes was calculated to be between 30 and 35,000 S/cm. The
findings show that the GEF significantly increases the range of environments where
electrofishing is possible, including estuary and brackish waters.

A study conducted by Barnett et al. (2020) estimated the efficiency of

electrofishing for collecting crayfishes in southern Appalachian Mountain streams. At 20
locations in five sizable, species-rich streams in two drainages, the researchers carried
out electrofishing depletion studies and captured five different species of crayfish.
Catchability was found to be 34%, with depletion surveys capturing 73% of the people
thought to inhabit in stream sections. In 21% of the depletion surveys, catchabilities
were lower for pass 1 than for succeeding passes. The number of species gathered
rose during the second electrofishing run, suggesting that using two electrofishing
passes rather than only one could be more useful for determining the species richness
of crayfish. Electrofishing proved more effective in catching crayfish in streams with
higher conductivities, longer crayfish, warmer water, and lower proportions of adult
males. The findings demonstrate that multipass electrofishing can accurately estimate
species richness for crayfish in large-stream habitats with a variety of species. Multi-
pass electrofishing also provides more accurate estimates of population density for
crayfish than single-pass electrofishing.

Dean et al. (2019) conducted tests on eight backpack electro fishers to determine
their performance under maximum power output load tests at various water
conductivities. The electrical load, which is a result of applied voltage and electrical
resistance, affects the electro fisher’s power output. The conductivity of the water and
the electrodes both affect electro fisher resistance. The Aqua Shock Solutions AP1,
ETS Electrofishing Systems ABP-3 and ABP-4, Midwest Lake Electrofishing Systems
Infinity Xstream, and Smith-Root models LR-24, APEX, LR-20B, and Model 12 were
among the electro fisher models that the researchers studied. The results of the tests
showed that the APEX and Xstream models performed best at low water conductivity
levels (14 μS/cm), followed closely by the LR-24 and LR-20B models (16 μS/cm). The
best models for greater water conductivity levels were the Xstream and ABP-4 models
(2,800 S/cm), followed by the AP1 (1,750 S/cm), the APEX and LR-24 models (1,350
S/cm), and the Xstream and ABP-4 models. The researchers suggested backpack
electro fishers with independent controls for voltage, frequency, and duty cycle, as well
as fine voltage control and precise peak metering for voltage and current, to assure
uniform and quantitative fish sampling.

In a study conducted by Chakraborty et al. (2018) the researchers designed a

battery charging system for a fishing trawler using a synchronous buck converter (SBC)
and a lead-acid cell battery connected to a commercially available photovoltaic (PV)
panel. The battery charging process demands a maximum current, not a maximum
power, hence the system uses a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm instead
of a conventional Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT). The PID method offers
greater dynamic performance, notably in terms of charging at low irradiance and higher
stability at a cheaper cost, according to the researchers who used MATLAB/Simulink to
compare the proposed algorithm with the well-known MPPT approach Perturb and
Observation (P&O).The researchers conducted a successful 15-day field trial at sea
using the proposed system and achieved a maximum charging current output of 6.5 A
at noon, which was sufficient to charge a 12 V, 100 Ah battery with a state of charge of
33% at a voltage charging rate of +0.3 V/h.

The accurate and economical surveying of species distributions across a

landscape using environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling has gained popularity. There are
few comparative studies on multispecies eDNA metabarcoding, despite the fact that
several studies have compared the sensitivity of eDNA sampling to conventional
sampling methods for particular species. This gap was filled by a study that used
hierarchical site occupancy detection models to examine whether or not certain crucial
decisions related to eDNA metabarcoding, such as primer choice, low-abundance read
filtering, and the quantity of positive water samples needed to confirm species presence
at a site, have an impact on the sensitivity of metabarcoding in comparison to backpack
electrofishing for fish in freshwater streams. Regardless of the methodological choices
made regarding eDNA metabarcoding, the results show that it is typically more sensitive
than electrofishing for performing fish surveys in freshwater streams McColl‐Gausden et
al., (2021).
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of the total number of
passes and block nets on multi-pass electrofishing removal sampling for determining
the abundance and body size distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon. The Carle and
Strub removal method was used to assess capture probabilities and abundances in the
study’s salmon-bearing Norwegian rivers. The findings demonstrated that the estimation
of the capture probability was significantly influenced by the number of passes made,
with successive passes declining, especially for smaller juveniles. As a result, the
conventional three-pass method would produce overestimated abundance and
inaccurate size distribution estimations. Juveniles that are smaller have been
discovered to be more at risk of dying when they collide with block nets, especially
when the water temperature is high. According to the study’s findings, electrofishing for
small juveniles may not be reliable, and electrofishing at high temperatures is not
recommended because of the possibility of a high fatality rate Hedger et al., (2018).

In a study that are conducted by Chiaramonte et al., (2020) a four-pass removal

technique was used to assess the impact of pulse frequency on the capture efficiency
(CE) and spinal injury rates of Cutthroat Trout, Rainbow Trout, and Brook Trout in small
trout streams. The findings showed that average CE decreased with subsequent passes
for both pulse frequencies, with cumulative CE being larger for 60-Hz reaches than for
30-Hz reaches. For 4% of the fish recorded using both pulse frequencies, X-ray scans
revealed spinal compressions and misalignments, but no cracked vertebrae were seen.
Fish used as controls that were angling-caught showed no signs of spinal injury.
According to the study, utilizing 60 Hz in backpack electrofishing may boost CE,
improve estimations of trout occupancy and abundance, and not increase the risk of
spine damage for small streams.

The impact of electro-fishing on the welfare and quality of Nile tilapia was
evaluated upon the request of a private fish farmer in Egypt. A total of 60 Nile tilapia
were sampled, with 30 stunned by electro-fishing and the rest by conventional fishing.
The study evaluated meat quality based on total bacterial count (TBC) and pathological
changes, as well as oxidative stress and energy status by biochemical analysis in both
liver and muscle tissue. According to the findings, electro-stunned fish had less
oxidative stress and higher energy status than fish that were caught traditionally. TBC
levels were within permissible ranges in the meat of electrofishing-stunned fish.
However, a histopathological analysis revealed a variety of tissue reactions, such as
blood vessel congestion in the branchial, hepatoportal, brain, and splenic regions,
edema in the brain and pericardium, mild inflammatory reactions, and the presence of
eosinophilic granular cells and perivascular melanophores aggregates in both branchial
and muscular tissue Mahmoud et al., (2019).

Definition of Terms

For better comprehension of the study, the researchers provided conceptual and
operational definitions for several terms used in the research.

Eco-Friendly Fishing. Conceptually, it refers to the practice of catching fish in a

way that is environmentally sustainable and does not harm the ecosystem.
Operationally, it refers to the way of fishing using an electric fishing net that does not
harm the fish or other underwater species.

Electric Fishing Net. Conceptually, it refers to a type of fishing net that uses
electricity to stun the fish and make them easier to catch. Operationally, it refers to the
fishing net that will catch a fish and is powered by the motorcycle battery and solar

Solar. Conceptually, it refers to of or relating to the sun, utilizing the sun’s rays
specially to produce heat or electricity. Operationally, it refers to the material that, when
combined with a motorcycle battery, will produce electricity from the sun.

Motorcycle Battery. Conceptually, it refers to a rechargeable battery that

provides electrical energy to a motorcycle. Operationally, it refers to the storage of
electricity from the solar panel that will conduct the electricity to the fishing net to stun a
Integration. Conceptually, it refers to the combining of different things in such a
way that they become whole. Operationally, it refers to combining the solar and
motorcycle batteries to create energy for the fishing net to work.



Research Design

This study is experimental research and will use experimental method research
design to find out if this product can be constructed and improved to ensure the best
efficiency and performance while minimizing the impact on the environment, as well as
the advantages of using an electric fishing net with solar power and a motorcycle
battery instead of traditional diesel fishing equipment. The researchers provide readers
with a clear understanding of the study's procedures, enabling them to analyze better
the findings by serving them the data that was collected and the result.

Experimental research design is a framework of protocols and procedures

created to conduct experimental research with a scientific approach using two sets of
variables. Herein, the first set of variables acts as a constant, used to measure the
differences of the second set. Experimental research helps a researcher gathers the
necessary data for making better research decisions and determining the facts of a
research study (Shrutika Sirisilla Jan 19, 2023).


A capacitor is a device capable of storing energy in a form of an electric charge.

Compared to a same size battery, a capacitor can store much smaller amount of
energy, around 10,000 times smaller, but useful enough for so many circuit designs
(Dejan, 2017).


According to (Nipun, 2015), capacitors and condensers are components used in

electric circuits, which can store charge. Both terms describe the same component and
essentially there is no difference. However, the term condenser had been the word used
to describe capacitors historically. The word capacitor came into use several decades
ago and now it is used more commonly, although the word condenser is still in use as
well. So, the main difference between capacitor and condenser is that the term
capacitor is a relatively newer term while condenser is an older term. The researchers
will put a condenser to store charge in an electric circuit.

Contact Point

To transmit the electric current, the researchers will offer a contact point. The two
pieces of electrically conductive metal that make up the terminals are also known as a
contact tip, a button, or terminals. Electrical switches, relays, and breakers are all
contain this element of a circuit. When the space between them is closed or open,
contact points can insulate.

Electrical tape

Electrical tape is a pressure-sensitive tape used to insulate materials that

conduct electricity, specifically electrical wires. It stops the electrical current from
accidentally passing to other wires, which could create a short or even start an electrical
fire (Nelson, 2013).

Fish Net
The best fly-fishing nets have soft rubber bags that protect fish when you land them.
The soft rubbery material of the net, a.k.a. the bag, doesn’t scrape off the protective
slime that makes fish so slippery. If you plan to catch-and-release your fish, which is
what most fly fishers do, you’ll want to release the fish unharmed — and that’s a lot
easier with a good net (Maxcer, 2022). The researchers will put a fish net to catch and
release the fish. The fish net that the researchers will use is for lakes, ponds, and rivers

To secure the things inside the wooden bag, the researchers will employ a lock.
A lock blocks access to anything that is usually accessible with a key or something that
makes it difficult to open a bag made of plywood that contains a battery and other
electrically-storage devices.

Magnetic Wire

Magnet wire is a copper or aluminum insulated conductor that is used to wind

motors, transformers, generators, and any other electrical equipment. It is the location
at which electrical energy is transformed to mechanical energy. The researchers will
give a magnetic wire for insulation, which will supply the wire with electrical or
mechanical qualities.

Metal Rod

Metal rods are uniquely shaped metal items that have a rod-like look, thus the
name. The metal rod or rod serves as a point where electricity stops flowing from the
battery to the rod and when it reaches the rod, it may kill fish when placed directly next
to it because of the electricity that flows. It is frequently used to support a variety of
applications, such as within masonry structures.

Motorcycle Battery

The researchers will make accessible for energy storage a six-cell, 12-volt
motorcycle battery with adequate capacity to start an engine. This battery will provide
extra current and voltage stability to the charging system.

According to (Matthey, 2023), the performance of any type of electrical
equipment can be greatly affected by the care given to the specification and design of
the contacts. Many metals and alloys are available, together with an increasing number
and variety of methods of contact manufacture and assembly, but economic factors as
well as metallurgical and mechanical considerations must naturally be considered in
arriving at the optimum design. The researchers will apply a reusable thin flat platinum
to connect the contact points.


Plywood is a remarkably strong composite typically made of thin veneers of wood

peeled from logs (plies), that are sandwiched together with binders, pressed, and
heated. The plies are laid at different angles, so the grain goes one way on one layer,
then the next way on the next layer, and so on. While wood tends to contract and
expand with moisture across the grain, the alternating layers stifle that movement,
making plywood more dimensionally stable than the average 2×4. The composition and
materials of plywood make it resistant to warping, twisting, cracking, breaking, and
shrinking. Three plies are the minimum, and generally the more plies, the better (Price-
Robinson, 2020). The researchers will use a plywood to create a bag.

PVC Pipe

PVC pipes are made of polyvinyl chloride, a plastic that is made by combining
chlorine and ethylene. The finished product is a white or light-colored plastic that is rigid
and durable. PVC pipes are used for a variety of purposes, including water and
wastewater conveyance, electrical wiring, and plumbing. One of the benefits of PVC
pipe is that it does not corrode in contact with many common substances found in the
environment, such as acids, bases, oils, and salts. This makes PVC an ideal material
for use in underground systems where it may be exposed to these elements.
Additionally, PVC is non-toxic and does not release harmful fumes when burned
(Seven, 2022).

The switch is situated within a PVC pipe, which also serves as protection for the
linked wire and rod inside the pipe.

According to (Einhart, 2023), sling bags are for traveling, commuting, and hiking,
backpacks are a wonderful, practical choice — that is, until you find yourself kneeling on
the ground, digging through a giant bag. In those situations, sling bags are an excellent

The researchers provide a sling for the bag made of plywood to allow the user to
be comfortable and easy to in carry the wooden bag while also keeping everything well
within reach. The researchers think to lessen the burden on user’s by providing the sling
and the user can swing the main compartment around to the front whenever he or she
need something.

Solar Charge Controller

A solar charge controller is used to keep the battery from overcharging by

regulating the voltage and current coming from the solar panel to the battery (Qazi,

Solar Panel

A solar panel (also known as "PV panels") is a device that converts light from the
sun, which is composed of particles of energy called "photons", into electricity that can
be used to power electrical loads. Solar panels can be used for a wide variety of
applications including remote power systems for cabins, telecommunications
equipment, remote sensing, and of course to produce electricity by residential and
commercial solar electric systems (Mr. Solar, 2018).


A switch is a mechanical device that changes an electric signal in response to an

external force; in fact, it is used to switch and turn on electrical circuits. To manage the
flow of power, the researchers have provided a switch that may be turned on or off by
the user.

Wing Nuts
Wing nuts work like most other nuts: They are designed to hold two or more
objects together when used in conjunction with a bolt. You can twist a wing nut onto the
end of a bolt to prevent the connected objects from pulling away (admin, 2021).

Wire Flat Cord

Flat cables allow for compact designs of electrical conductors and tubing,
encasing power, and even pneumatic tubing in one flat profile. By eliminating the
multiple layers of fillers, shielding and jacketing used in round cables, they offer reduced
space and weight and extremely long lives (Gannon, 2018).

Fishing has been an essential activity for the livelihood of many coastal
communities, and fishing nets have been used as the primary tool for catching fish.
However, traditional fishing nets have limited efficiency and are labor-intensive. In this
capstone project, we aim to design and develop an electric fishing net that utilizes a
motorcycle battery and solar panel for power generation. The proposed fishing net will
be equipped with an electric motor that can be powered by a battery typically used in
motorcycles. A solar panel will also be integrated into the design to recharge the battery
and extend its lifespan. The use of electric power in the fishing net will increase its

efficiency, reduce the labor required in catching fish, and provide a more sustainable
solution to traditional fishing practices. This project will involve the design, construction,
and testing of the electric fishing net. The net will be evaluated based on its power
efficiency, durability, and effectiveness in catching fish. The outcomes of this project
could potentially benefit the fishing industry by providing an alternative to traditional
fishing practices that are more sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient.
Figure no. 1 Inside the wooden bag.

Figure no. 2 Outside the wooden bag.

The sunlight that charges solar electricity is the main source of energy. The
researchers will utilize a solar panel to harness the power of the sun's rays using the
solar panel's PV cells. To avoid sparks and supply a precise quantity of energy to the
battery, the researchers will offer a solar charge controller. A six-cell, 12-volt motorbike
battery with enough capacity to start an engine will be made available by the
researchers as a means of energy storage. The charging system will receive additional
current and voltage stabilization from this battery. The solar power will use part of the
energy from the sunshine it has stored to extend its lifespan and meet its electrical
requirement. Researchers attached a wire to the battery's positive and negative charges
to allow energy to flow. The researchers provide a contact point which has been
connected by a flat platinum, a condenser, a magnetic wire to transform electrical
energy to mechanical energy, and a capacitor to generate electricity, which the
electrical current will flows across a supplied wire for the switch, causing an object to
move as a result. Along with the supplies required, the researchers build a wooden bag
to hold up the solar panel and the fish net, respectively. In the wooden bag, the

researchers will apply a sling to allow the user to be comfortable and easy to in carry
the wooden bag and a lock to secure the things inside the wooden bag. They also install
a PVC pipe and metal rod to let the electricity flow inside the pipe and the electricity will
end at the metal rod. The electricity will be controlled by the switch by turning it on or

Statistical Treatment


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