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Name……………………........ Parents Signature……..........

Attempt all questions Max. Marks-100 Max. Time:- 45 min
Each Question carries 3 marks
1. Write the square of 14 and 25

2. Write the square root of 256

3. Find the difference between greatest and smallest number formed with digits 9,3,0,7,1.

4. Find the greatest 5digits number which is exactly divisible by 54.

5. How much is subtracted from 29.6789, so that it will remain 12.2603. =

6. Write the Roman numerals in Hindu Arabic numerals- MCDLXXIV =

7. The difference between the place values of two 7’s in 27307 is =

8. A number when divided by 24 gives 52 as quotient and leaves 5 as remainder. What will be the number?

9. Arrange the numbers in ascending order- 631997, 514245, 51437, 631460

10. How much should be added to 5698, so that it becomes 9436. =

11. Write the numeral : Eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven. =
12. Find the least number which when added by 8 is divisible by 21, 35 and 48. =
13. Find the least number which when lessened by 6 is divisible by 36, 48 and 12 =
14. Write : Two hundred twenty five million five hundred thousand seven hundred eighty three. =
15. Write in words: 98075403
16. What is the least number which when divided by 12, 18, 36 and 45, leaves remainder 8, 14, 32, and 41
respectively ?

17. Three bells ring at intervals of 12 s, 9 s and 24 s, respectively. They started ringing simultaneously at
3:00 am. What will be the next time when they all ring simultaneously?

18. Find the least number which when added by 8 is divisible by 15, 20 and 30.

19. Find the least number which when divided by 25, 40, 60 leaves remainder 7 as in each case.

20. Tick the greatest of the numbers 1000, 10000, 10, 1000000, 100000

21. Using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 without repetition, the greatest 4-digit number that can be made is

22. Make the smallest 4-digit number by using any one digit of 4, 3 ,2 twice.

23. Take two digits 0 and 1. Make the greatest 4-digit number using both the digits equal number of times

24. 1 million = ................ lakh

25. Find the HCF of 8, 4 and 12. 26. Find the HCF of 160, 165 and 305.

27. What is the greatest number that divides both 18 and 30 exactly?

28. Find the greatest number of 4- digits which is exactly divisible by 17, 63, and 42.

29. Find the greatest number which will divide by 21, 39, and 48 so as to leave the remainder 3 in each

30. Find the lowest common multiple of 2, 4 and 5.=

31. Find the Highest Common Factor of 320, 48, 1500. =
32. Find the LCM of 16, 24, 36 and 54.

33. Six bells begin tolling together and toll at interval of 2 s, 4 s, 6 s, 8 s, 12 s respectively. The time after
which they will toll together.

34. Find the least number divisible by 4 or 6 and is a perfect square. (1)

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