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Egyptian Russian University

Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and

Introduction to Management

Chapter 1
1. Which of the following can reveal to the Organization ?
A. A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific
purpose; (profit as well as not-for-profit organizations).
B. Goal, Structure, and People are the common characteristic of it
C. Better organizations are, in part, the result of good management
D. All of them
2. Which of the following is a common characteristic of the organization?
A) Goal
B) Structure
C) People
D) all the above
3. 1. The administration of ERU University recently bought new copiers that make
copies much more quickly, taking up less of the secretaries' time. This is an
example of an attempt to improve the organization's:
B. Efficiency
A. effectiveness
B. Effectiveness
C. Low cost strategy
D. Control
4. 2. The CEO of Chrysler Corp. goes on TV to explain what the company is doing
to avoid future problems like the ones created by a recent recall of its minivans.
This CEO is acting in which type of role?.
A) Figurehead
B) Leader
C) Liaison
D) Spokesperson

5. Boeing appoints an engineer to be the "go-between" between the company's R&D

department and the government contractor that is sponsoring the creation of a
new fighter airplane. This is an example of which type of role?
A) Figurehead
B) Leader
C) Liaison
D) Spokesperson

6. -----Individuals who are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the
organization and establishing policies that affect all organizational members
E. First-line managers
F. Middle managers
G. Top managers
H. None of them
7. ------The process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and
with other people.
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Management
D) Controlling
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
The Decisional role includes------
A. Entrepreneur
B. Disturbance hander
C. Resource allocator
D. Negotiator
E. All the above

9. The Interpersonal role includes------

A. Figurehead
B. Leader
C. Liaison
D. All the above
10. The Informational role includes------
A. Monitor
B. Disseminator
C. Spokesperson
D. All the above
11. According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a ________
is to maintain self-developed network of outside contacts and informers who
provide favours and information.
A) Figurehead
B) Leader
C) Liaison
D) Monitor
12. According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a ________
is to Seek and receive wide variety of special information; emerges as nerve centre
of internal and external information about the organization.
A) Figurehead
B) Leader
C) Liaison
D) Monitor
13. According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a ________
is to transmit information received from outsiders or from other employees to
members of the organization.
A) Entrepreneur
B) Resource Allocator
C) Spokesperson
D) Disseminator
14. According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a ________
is to search organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates
improvement projects to bring about change.
A) Entrepreneur
B) Resource Allocator
C) Spokesperson
D) Disseminator
15. ------A manager’s mental ability to coordinate all of the organization’s interests
and activities
A) Interpersonal skills
B) Conceptual skills
C) Political skills
D) Technical skills
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
------A manager’s ability to work with, understand, mentor, and motivate others,
both individually and in groups
A) Interpersonal skills
B) Conceptual skills
C) Political skills
D) Technical skills
17. ------A manager’s ability to use the tools, procedures, and techniques of a
specialized field
A. Interpersonal skills
B. Conceptual skills
C. Political skills
D. Technical skills
18. -----A manager’s ability to enhance manager’s position, build a power base and
establish the right connections
A. Interpersonal skills
B. Conceptual skills
C. Political skills
D. Technical skills
19. Better organizations are, in part, the result of good management.
True false
20. ________ is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.

A) Anthropology
B) Economics
C) Philosophy
D) Sociology
21. ________ is the study of people in relation to their fellow human beings.

A) Anthropology
B) Sociology
C) Philos ophy
D) Economics
22. ________ concerns with the nature of things, particularly values and ethics.
A) Anthropology
B) Sociology
C) Philosophy
D) Economics
23. ________ concerns with the allocation and distribution of scarce resources
A) Political science
B) Sociology
C) Philosophy
D) Economics
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and

Chapter 2
24. -------The term used to describe the ideas of the “scientific management” theorists
and the “general administrative” theorists.
A. Human Resources Approach
B. Classical Approach
C. The Quantitative Approach
D. The Systems Approach
25. ----who advocated the use of the scientific method to define the “one best way” for
a job to be done
A) Henry Gantt
B) Fredrick W. Taylor
C) Henri Fayol
D) Max Weber
26. Enhancing Efficiency could be achieved by------
A) Selecting the right people
B) Training people to do it precisely in the one best way.
C) Incentive wage
D) All the above
27. ------is a characteristic for bureaucratic organisation:
A) Selecting the right people
B) Training people to do it precisely in the one best way.
C) Impersonal treatment
D) Incentive wage
28. ------Created the field of industrial psychology
A) Henry Gantt
B) Hugo Munsterberg
C) Henri Fayol
D) Chester Barnard
29. ---- are useful to improve employee selection
A. Psychological tests
B. Formal tests
C. Informal Tests
D. None of them
30. ------sought increased efficiency through scientific work analyses and through
better alignment of individual skills and abilities with the demands of various jobs.
A) Hugo Munsterberg and Taylor
B) Max Weber and Taylor
C) Henri Fayol and Max Weber
D) None of them
31. -------Involves the use of statistics, optimization models, information models, and
computer simulations to improve management decision making for planning and
A) Human Resources Approach
B) Classical Approach
C) The Quantitative Approach
D) The Systems Approach
32. -----Defines a system as a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
a manner that produces a unified whole
E. Human Resources Approach
F. Contingency Approach
G. The Quantitative Approach
H. The Systems Approach
33. ------replaces more simplistic systems and integrates much of management theory
I. Human Resources Approach
J. Contingency Approach
K. The Quantitative Approach
The Systems Approach
34. Which of the following is considered as popular contingency variable
L. Organization size
M. Routineness of task technology
N. Environmental uncertainty
O. All the above
35. ------introduced the idea that managers had to examine the external environment
and then adjust the organization to maintain a ‘state of equilibrium’.
E. Henry Gantt
F. Hugo Munsterberg
G. Henri Fayol
H. Chester Barnard
36. Max Weber studied inefficient practices by workers and how laborers wasted
movements when shifting pig iron.
True false
37. Closed system : a system that is not influenced by and does not interact with its
True false
38. organization’s success, depended on obtaining the cooperation of its employees and
their acceptance of authority
True false
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and

Chapter 3
39. --------- is a business’s obligation, beyond that required by law and economics, to
pursue long-term goals that are good for society
A) The Social Responsibility
B) The Classical View
C) The Socio-economic View
D) All the above
40. --------- it is concerned with Maximizing profits for the benefit of the stockholders
A) The Social Responsibility
B) The Classical View
C) The Socio-economic View
D) All the above

41. ---------believes that Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society “to do the
right thing”
A) The Social Responsibility
B) The Classical View
C) The Socio-economic View
D) All the above
42. Obstructionist approach---------
A) Avoids social responsibility
B) Has a minimal socially responsible position
C) Supports social responsibility in a balanced fashion
D) Meets the needs of different stakeholder groups
43. ----- Avoids social responsibility
A) Proactive approach
B) Accommodative approach
C) Defensive approach
D) Obstructionist approach
44. Defensive approach---------
E) Avoids social responsibility
F) Has a minimal socially responsible position
G) Supports social responsibility in a balanced fashion
H) Meets the needs of different stakeholder groups
45. ------------Has a minimal socially responsible position
A) Proactive approach
B) Accommodative approach
C) Defensive approach is
Obstructionist approach
46. Accommodative approach---------
A) Avoids social responsibility
B) Has a minimal socially responsible position
C) Supports social responsibility in a balanced fashion
D) Meets the needs of different stakeholder groups
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
-----------Supports social responsibility in a balanced fashion
A) Proactive approach
B) Accommodative approach
C) Defensive approach is
D) Obstructionist approach---------

48. Proactive approach---------

A) Avoids social responsibility
B) Has a minimal socially responsible position
C) Supports social responsibility in a balanced fashion
D) Meets the needs of different stakeholder groups

49. --------Meets the needs of different stakeholder groups

A) Proactive approach
B) Accommodative approach
C) Defensive approach
D) Obstructionist approach

50. --------- are the Factors That Affect Employee Ethics

A) Stages of moral development
B) Individual characteristics
A) Organizational culture
B) All the above
51. --- are the Basic convictions about what is right or wrong on a broad range of
A) Values
B) Ethics
C) Behaviours
D) All the above
52. --------- the belief that what happens to you is due to luck or chance.
A) Ego strength
B) Internal locus
C) External locus
D) All the above
53. -------A personality measure of the strength of a person’s convictions
A) Ego strength
B) Internal locus
C) External locus
D) All the above
54. -------the belief that you control your destiny
A) Ego strength
B) Internal locus
C) External locus
D) All the above
55. ------says that ethical decisions are made just on the basis of their outcomes.
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
A) Utilitarian view of ethics
B) Rights view of ethics
C) Theory of justice view of ethics
D) Integrative social contracts theory
56. -------is concerned with respecting and protecting individual liberties and
A) Utilitarian view of ethics
B) Rights view of ethics
C) Theory of justice view of ethics
D) Integrative social contracts theory

57. --------is where managers impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially and do so
by following all legal rules and regulations.
A) Utilitarian view of ethics
B) Rights view of ethics
C) Theory of justice view of ethics
D) Integrative social contracts theory
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
Chapter 4
58. --------are any group that is affect organizational decisions and policies
A) Stockholders
B) Stakeholders
C) Shareholders
D) All the above
59. -------An economy in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the
private sector .
A) Planned economy
B) Free market economy
C) Socio-economy
D) All the above
60. ------An economy in which all economic decisions are planned by a central
A) Planned economy
B) Free market economy
C) Socio-economy
D) All the above
61. --------- is (worldwide oriented)
A) Multinational organization.
B) Ethnocentric organization.
C) Polycentric organization.
D) Geocentric organization.
62. Geocentric organization is-------
A) Taking the best of each orientation
B) worldwide oriented
C) host-country oriented
D) All the above
63. --------- is (host-country oriented)
A) Ethnocentric organization.
B) Polycentric organization.
C) Geocentric organization.
D) Transnational organization
64. Polycentric organization is------
A) Taking the best of each orientation
B) worldwide oriented
C) host-country oriented
D) All the above
---------The parochalistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are
those of the home country.

A) Ethnocentric
B) Polycentric
C) Geocentric
D) Parochialism.
66. Ethnocentric
A) They're viewing the world exclusively through others' eyes and perspectives.
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
B) The parochalistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are
those of the home country
C) A&B
D) None of them.
---------Is viewing the world exclusively through one’s own eyes and perspectives.

A) Polycentric
B) Geocentric
C) Parochialism
D) All the above
68. Differences in the laws of various nations affect---------
A) Business activities
B) The delivery of products
C) The delivery of services
D) All the above
69. --------- is (taking the best of each orientation)
A) Multinational organization.
B) Ethnocentric organization.
C) Geocentric organization.
D) Transnational organization.
70. Transnational organization is ----
A) Taking the best of each orientation
B) worldwide oriented
C) host-country oriented
D) All the above
71. Economic Systems can be classified as Free market economy and Planned
Answer: True False
72. The organization culture May have more influence on an organization than the
National Culture
Answer: True False
73. Managers should analyse the environment to Identify Opportunities and Threats
Answer: True False
74. Environmental Scanning means screening small amounts of information to detect
emerging trends and create a set of scenarios
Answer: True False
75. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs): is a large enterprise with extensive holdings
outside the home country.
Answer: True False
76. Geocentric Attitude is A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best
approaches and people from around the globe
Answer: True False
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and

77. All the following are false except----

A) Economic Systems can be classified as Free market economy and Planned
B) The organization culture May have more influence on an organization than the
National Culture
C) Managers should analyse the environment to Identify strengths and weaknesses
D) Environmental Scanning means screening small amounts of information to
detect emerging trends and create a set of scenarios
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
Ch 5
1. ------is concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it is
to be done)
2. Planning is concerned with ----- (what is to be done) as well as with means (how it
is to be done)
A. Controlling
B. Organizing
C. Ends
D. Leading
3. All the following represents the reasons for planning except ________.
A) It sets the standards to facilitate control
B) It reduces the impact of change
C) It provides direction
It maximizes waste
4. -------is not a reason for planning
A. It sets the standards to facilitate control
B. It reduces the impact of change
C. It provides direction
Maximizing waste
5. Which of the following is right about plan?

A) Planning may create rigidity.

B) Plans can’t be developed for a dynamic environment
C) Formal plans can’t replace intuition and creativity
D) All of the previous
6. Planning focuses managers’ attention on ________.
A) Today’s competition
B) Tomorrow’s survival
C) The growth
D) Environmental changes

7. ---------focuses managers’ attention on Today’s competition.

A) Planning
B) Tomorrow’s survival
C) The growth
D) Environmental changes
8. Formal planning frequently associated with________.
A) Positive Financial Results
B) Environmental Changes
C) Tomorrow’s Survival
D) The Growth
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
---------- frequently associated with Positive Financial Results.
A) Formal planning
B) Environmental Changes
C) Tomorrow’s Survival
D) The Growth
10.-------contains the strategic and tactical plans
A) A) Time frame
B) Breadth of use
C) Specificity
D) All the above
11.Breadth of use contains the strategic and -------
C) A) Time frame
D) tactical plans
C) Specificity
D) All the above

12.Strategic and tactical plans differ in two primary ways

A) Time frame and length
B) Time frame and scope
C) Time frame and documentation
D) Time frame and position
13.---------------- differ in time frame and scope
A) Time frame and length
B) Strategic and tactical plans
C) Time frame and documentation
D) Time frame and position
14.The time frame of ________is less than one year.
B) Short term plans
C) long term plans
D) Strategic plans

15.planning lead to lower performance when

A) Working in a stable environment.
B) internal environment restrictions allowed managers few viable alternatives
C) There is a quality of planning
D) external environment restrictions allowed managers few viable alternatives
16.Strategic plans are developed by ------
A. Supervisors
B. middle managers
C. Top managers
D. all the above
17.-------- are developed by Top managers
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E. Supervisors
F. middle managers
G. Strategic plans
H. all the above
18.When uncertainty is high, and management must maintain flexibility in order to
respond to unexpected changes, --------may be preferable.
directional plans
C) long term plans
D) Strategic plans
specific plans
19.---------lock managers into specific objectives or specific courses of action
directional plans
long term plans
standing plans
specific plans , managers are locked into certain goals or actions
A. directional plans
B. long term plans
C. standing plans
specific plans
21.------is suitable, if uncertainty is high, and management must maintain flexibility
to be ready for any unexpected changes.
A) Directional plans
B) long term plans
C) Strategic plans
Specific plans
22.All of the following are Elements of MBO except----
A. Goal specificity
B. centralization of decision making
C. Participative decision making
D. Time period and continuous feedback
23.-----is not an Element of MBO
A) Goal specificity
B) centralization of authority
C) Participative decision making
D) Time period and continuous feedback
24.SWOT Analysis has 4 dimensions, these dimensions are Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats(T)
25.“registration” plan at your college is considered as a single-use plan (X)
Ch 6
26. -------is the function of management that creates the organization's structure
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
27. Organising is the function of management that creates the organization's -----
A. Planning
B. structure
C. Controlling
D. Leading
28. Once decisions regarding corporate strategies are made, --------
Specialized jobs should be allocated
The rules to guide employee’s behaviours should be determined
Determine at what level decisions are to be made.
An effective structure must be put
29. Once -------, An effective structure must be put
A. Specialized jobs should be allocated
B. The rules to guide employee’s behaviours should be determined
C. Determine at what level decisions are to be made.
D. Decisions regarding corporate strategies are made
30. Organization design decisions are usually made by
Senior managers
None of them
31. -----are responsible for Organization design decisions
A. Senior managers
B. stakeholders
C. Operatives
D. None of them
32. The framework for dividing, assigning, and coordinating work
Organization design
Organization structure
Organization effectiveness
Organization efficiency
33. ------ can be described as the framework for dividing, assigning, and coordinating
A. Organization design
B. Organization structure
C. Organization effectiveness
Organization efficiency
34. In --------, jobs are broken down into a number of steps and each step is
completed by a separate individual
A. Departmentalization
B. decentralization
C. Centralization
D. Work specialization
35. ----------is the principle that no person should report to more than one boss
A. Span of control
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B. Chain of command
C. source of power
D. none of them
36. ----------refers to the number of subordinates a manager can direct efficiently and
E. Chain of command
F. source of power
G. Span of control
none of them
37. Top managers need -------- than middle
a smaller span of control
a higher span of control
a middle span of control
all of them

38. middle managers need -------- than Top

a smaller span of control
a higher span of control
a middle span of control
all of them
39. ----------an obligation to perform assigned duties
A. Authority
B. Responsibility
C. power
D. all the previous
40. Responsibility an obligation to perform assigned ------
E. Authority
F. duties
G. power
all the previous
41. --------is the rights, that come with a managerial position, to give orders and
expect them to be obeyed
A. Responsibility
B. Authority
C. power
D. all the previous
42. Authority is the rights, that come with a ------, to give orders and expect them to
be obeyed
E. Responsibility
F. managerial position
G. power
all the previous
43. --------the level of authority that entitles a manager to direct the work of an
A. Staff authority
B. Authority
C. Line authority
D. Power
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
Line authority the level of ------ that entitles a manager to direct the work of an
E. Staff authority
F. Authority
G. Power
all the previous
45. --------positions created to assist, support, and advise those holders of line
H. Line authority
I. Staff authority
J. Power
H. Responsibility
46. Staff authority positions created to assist, support, and advise those holders of ----
A. Line authority
B. Power
C. Responsibility
None of them
47. ------- is an individual’s capacity to influence decisions
A. Authority
B. Responsibility
C. Power
D. All the previous
48. Power is an individual’s capacity to influence ----
E. Authority
F. Responsibility
G. decisions
H. All the previous

49. ---------is related to the ability of someone to distribute anything others may
A. Coercive power
B. Legitimate power
C. Expert power
Reward power
50. -------is a function of how much decision-making authority is pushed down to
lower levels in an organization.
A. Departmentalization
B. decentralization
C. Centralization
H. All the previous
51. -------can be reflected when decision-making authority is pushed down to lower
levels in an organization.
A. Departmentalization
B. decentralization
C. Centralization
D. All the previous
Egyptian Russian University
Faculty of Management, Professional Technology and
in--------, specialists are coordinated together in departments under the direction
of a manager
A. decentralization
B. Departmentalization
C. Centralization
D. All the previous

53. ---------means the coordination of specialists together in departments under the

direction of a manager

E. Departmentalization
F. decentralization
G. Centralization
H. All the previous

54. ------- means Grouping of activities by work or customer flow

55. in------- , activities are grouped by work or customer flow
A. Process
B. Geographic
C. customer
D. product
56. ------- means Grouping of activities by location
57. in------- , activities are grouped by location
A. Process
B. Geographic
C. customer
D. product
58. When a person installs only motherboards in a computer assembly line is
considered as an example of Work departmentalization (F)

59. Secretaries are powerful in a company even though they have little authority (T).

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