Research Methodology (Ranveer)

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NMIMS Assignment 2023 JUNE

Research Methodology

Question 1:


The explosion of e-commerce has forced profound changes in how businesses operate and
how they engage with their customers. Maintaining satisfied consumers, however, is a
significant obstacle for internet firms in the face of stiff competition. Customers have a lot of
options and cheap switching costs, so businesses should work to improve customer loyalty.
To address the problem we've been discussing, the authors of this study proposal recommend
integrating strategies like customization and gamification into online stores.


Theorem The examination of written and audible materials has become fundamental to
qualitative investigation. Visuals and body language can provide researchers with a richer
understanding of the survey's findings. Qualitative research methods include in-depth
interviews, careful observation, and focus groups. It's common knowledge that qualitative
research methods are more labor-intensive and open to interpretation than their quantitative
counterparts. Researchers are expected to be transparent with the public about the study's
aims and procedures in qualitative research. Finding out what others think about a certain
issue, institution, or individual is the most typical motivation for conducting research.

Scientists typically use quantitative methods while seeking to prove or disprove an idea. For
reliable statistical analysis, a thorough and large population census is needed. The data needs
to be put through a battery of statistical tests and comparisons to get a full picture of the
situation. Many businesses today use this type of data collection.

Using game dynamics and customised information to develop relationships with clients has
been shown in a number of studies to boost customer loyalty. However, there is a lack of
information in the literature, leaving many questions unresolved. The term "gamification" is
used to describe the process of incorporating game-like elements into a website or app for the
purpose of boosting user engagement and motivation. The term "personalization" is used to
describe the actions made by an online retailer to cater to a specific customer's tastes and
preferences. The term "gamification" is used to characterise the trend of incorporating
gaming elements into online and mobile content in an effort to attract and keep users.
However, there is a dearth of studies that examine the complementary effects of
personalisation and gamification in the online retail sector.

The major objective of this research is to determine whether or not and, if so, how
gamification and customised user experiences might foster brand loyalty among digital
consumers. The following is a detailed description of the objectives of this research.

a) Compose a paper summarising your investigation into the literature about gamification and
personalization in e-commerce platforms, with the aim of determining their fundamental
characteristics and approaches.

b) Analyse how adding a customer's name to a campaign affects their level of participation
and satisfaction.

Investigating how customization in gaming might boost brand loyalty is a promising area of

c) The extent to which customers are pleased with and invested in the procedure acts as a

d) Look at the connections between one-of-a-kind events, interesting games, satisfied

customers, and repeat purchases. Age, gender, and purchase frequency are just a few
characteristics of customer demographics.

We will employ a variety of approaches throughout the study process to assist us achieve our
goals. A quantitative survey and subsequent in-depth interviews will be used extensively for
data collection and analysis in this study.

To begin, we'll take a cross-section of the population and give them a questionnaire that's the
same everywhere in the world. This technology allows us to gather information for statistical
purposes at last. Questions pertaining to individualization, video gaming, involvement,
enjoyment, and brand loyalty will be included in the poll. In order to analyse the data and
better understand the interrelationships of the variables of interest, statistical methods such as
regression analysis and mediation analysis will be employed.

In the next, qualitative phase, we'll talk to certain survey takers one-on-one to learn more
about their thoughts and feelings on topics like customization, gaming, participation, and
loyalty. In the c) Quantitative Phase, a subset of survey respondents will be invited to
participate in focus groups in order to gain deeper insight into their thoughts and experiences.
The study group intends to use qualitative data analysis methods like thematic analysis to
reveal hidden patterns, issues, and fresh viewpoints.

Details of Our Contribution By delving into the theoretical and practical aspects of e-
commerce platforms, this study hopes to fill a void in the existing literature. The findings will
shed light on the potential of using personalised content and game elements to boost customer
loyalty in the e-commerce sector. Marketers and developers of platforms can benefit from
this information since it helps them create more personalised experiences for users, which in
turn increases loyalty.


Our research endeavour is motivated by the question, "How can we encourage repeat
purchases from our existing customer base of online shoppers?" In an effort to fill a
knowledge gap, this research compares the efficacy of personalisation and gamification in
boosting customer loyalty. The gap can only be closed by combining methods, such as
individualization and gaming. To dig deeper into the topic at hand, the proposed study plan
blends a quantitative survey with qualitative interviews. This study has both theoretical and
practical consequences for researchers and e-commerce firms who want to boost client
loyalty in a cutthroat industry.
Question 2:

A "dependent variable" is one that, within the context of an investigation, refers to a variable
that is impacted or influenced by other factors. It is essential to the research process that one
has a solid understanding of how the independent factors affect the dependent (or outcome)

In light of the fact that you have not presented me with a specific theoretical model, I will
make one up for the purpose of this illustration. This particular research endeavour will
consist of a dependent variable, a total of six hypotheses, a mediator, and a moderator. I'll
carry it out in this manner so that I have a model to refer to in the future.


In statistical analysis, "the variable that changes as a result of manipulation of the

independent variable" is referred to as the "dependent variable," and the word "dependent
variable" is referred to with the term "dependent variable." In the context of scientific study,
the term "dependent variable" refers to "the variable that changes as a result of manipulation
of the independent variable." In scholarly writing, the term "independent variable" refers to a
"factor that can be altered by the research." By gathering information on both the independent
and dependent variables, you will be able to determine whether or not a particular outcome
"depends" on a particular independent variable. This will assist you determine whether or not
the outcome "depends" on the element that is being controlled.

• The word "dependent variables" is used to describe the parameters that vary as a result of
changes in other variables whenever the findings of a study are being discussed. This term is
derived from the phrase "dependent on," which means "dependent on another." In statistical
analysis, the terms "dependent variable" and "independent variable" are mutually exclusive
terms that refer to the same thing. It is customary practise to refer to these as "response
variables," but "dependent variables" is an alternative term that is also appropriate. It should
be noted that the terms "response variables" and "dependent variables" are interchangeable
throughout the scope of this piece.

• Variables that are reflective of the outcomes, often known as "outcome factors."
The variables that occur higher up on the left-hand side of a regression equation are referred
to as the independent variables, while the variables that appear lower down are referred to as
the dependent variables. First, make any required alterations to the value of the independent
variable, and then record your assessment of how well the dependent variable performed.
After that, an analysis of how well the dependent variable performed will be carried out. An
examination of the data via the lens of statistics can help illuminate the nature of the
interdependencies that exist between the components.

We are able to identify, with the help of the information that you have provided to us,
whether the oscillations are the result of an independent or dependent variable. I want to
express my gratitude for your participation in this verification. I am extremely grateful to you
for your assistance. It is possible to arrive at an accurate estimate of the degree to which one
variable is responsible for the other provided that both the independent variable and the
dependent variable are taken into consideration. If you follow these procedures, you will be
able to calculate the proportion of a given change in the independent variable that may be
attributed to shifts in the dependent variable.

Within the scope of this paper, we investigate the idea in great detail. An independent factor
was any variable in the experiment that had an effect despite not being manipulated in any
way, even though this was the definition of it. An independent factor is regarded to be any
variable that was not directly controlled by the experiment but nevertheless had an impact on
the results of the study. It has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that such factors are
capable of influencing the outcomes of investigations. This methodology performs
exceptionally well for determining the significance of an independent variable, and as a
result, it comes highly recommended. One definition of what it means for a variable to be
independent is that it may be studied apart from the effects of other variables. A constant or a
ratio are two explanations that come to mind while thinking about this figure. One further
thing to take into account is this. The "independent" variable, as opposed to the "dependent"
one, is one that can be altered without the value being affected in any way. Throughout the
course of the investigation, the researchers will place a significant amount of emphasis on a
single dependent variable. When there is a change in the value of the independent variable,
the value of the variable that is being controlled by the independent variable undergoes a
variety of changes and transformations.(s).
• The amount to which employees take part in training will determine the level of
improvement in their performance (H1).

• The findings of the research provide credence to the theory that increased training time is
directly proportional to increased productivity.

• H3's significant investment in the professional development of its employees plays a

significant role in the overall success of the organisation.

• The fourth hypothesis (H4:) is supported by the fact that employees who have a positive
attitude towards training are more likely to gain knowledge from it.

• Managers that provide support to their employees before, during, and after training see a
boost in employee productivity.

• Believing that the performance of one's job can be improved by engaging in training
programmes that are closely relevant to the obligations of one's employment (H6).


In this hypothetical scenario, the dependent variable is represented by the idea of an

individual's performance in their place of employment. The purpose of the six hypotheses is
to investigate any potential connections that may exist between various aspects of the training
curriculum and actual work performance. The theories are going to be tested in order to prove
or disprove them. It is anticipated that the level of interest exhibited by workers will have a
direct correlation with the level of success that training programmes will have and the
following quality of their job. In this position, "employee engagement" is an essential
component to consider. It is hypothesised that the number of training classes an employee
takes has a negative link with the amount of job performance they achieve; however, it is
anticipated that this correlation would lessen with greater time spent working at the position.
The number of hours worked is the factor that can be controlled on its own.
Question 3a

Multiple choice questions are the most prevalent survey question type. Thanks to these types
of questions, your respondents will be able to select one or more options from a
predetermined selection of responses. They are easy to use, can be implemented in a variety
of ways without difficulty, contribute to the production of easily analysed data, and offer
options that cannot be combined. Overall, your survey participants will have a simpler time
completing it if the answer options are predetermined.


How often do you buy groceries online?

a. Every day b. every week c. every month d. occasionally e. never

What factors motivate your online food purchases? (Choose all that apply) a. Convenience b.
Time-saving c. Vast array of choices

d. Price competitiveness e. Comfort with technology f. Discounts/offers available g.

Avoiding crowded establishments

What types of sustenance do you typically purchase online? a. Groceries b. Fresh produce c.
Packaged food items d. Ready-to-eat dishes e. Specialty foods

How essential is timely delivery of the food order to you?

a. Extremely essential b. Somewhat important c. Neutral d. Somewhat unimportant e. Not at

all important

What factors do you consider when selecting a cuisine delivery service online? (Check each
that applies)

a. Delivery time b. Food quality c. Customer service availability d. App/website usability e.

Price competitiveness f. Discounts/offers

How satisfied are you with your comprehensive online food shopping experience?

a. Extremely satisfied b. Slightly satisfied c. Neutral d. Slightly disgruntled e. Extremely

What, if any, factors prevent you from purchasing sustenance online? (Check each that

a. Food quality and freshness concerns b. Limited delivery options c. Delivery fees d. Lack of
trust in the online ordering process e. Difficulty returning or exchanging items f.
Inconvenient payment options

Would you advise others to purchase goods online?

a. Undeniably b. Likely c. Neutral d. Unlikely e. Undeniably Not

Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your feedback is important to us.


Multiple choice tests can be formatted in a variety of ways. The single-answer multiple
choice variation has the fewest alternatives and one correct answer. In the format of single-
response questions, a radio button—a circle button that symbolises an option in a list—is
used to give respondents the option of selecting just one response. When used to solve
problems involving ratings, nominal scales, or binary responses, they perform well.
Question 3b:

To get a better understanding of what drives individuals to buy food online, it can be helpful
to conduct an interview with someone who has done so before and can comment on the pros
and cons. Here, you'll play the role of the interviewer, asking questions of the subject. The
following are characteristics that a candidate may have that could help them throughout the
interview process.


This question can be answered by anybody who has already done grocery shopping online
and is familiar with the process.

• The best answer will have extensive knowledge of online meal delivery services. If
this is the case, you can expect them to be extremely well-versed in everything that
piques your curiosity and possibly even willing to share some of that knowledge with
• You can learn more about the causes that motivate them and the problems they face if
you choose a respondent who can clearly and simply communicate their thoughts,
feelings, and experiences.

Finding the Right Recipient Is a Piece of Cake If you want to get the ball rolling, do a survey
among people who have made online food purchases in the past.

You can research meal delivery services and restaurants by visiting one of the many review
websites or online forums dedicated to these topics. Learn from the experiences of others by
reading the feedback posted by previous online food shoppers.

Join online forums discussing the pros and cons of online food ordering, such as those found
on social media. Keep an eye on how other people are taking part, and try to strike up talks
with the ones who seem the most engaged or educated.

Talk to some of the local meal delivery services or websites to see if they can put you in
touch with anyone who might be interested in being interviewed for your research.

Once you have a list of names, you may send a tailored note to each probable respondent,
stating your aims for the interview or survey, and requesting them to participate. Explain to
them why you're interviewing them, how long it will last, and how their answers will be
protected in anonymity. Their significance is huge, both for the ongoing studies and the
growing demand for online grocery shopping.

Giving something of value in return or compensating someone for their time and effort is a
courteous way to show thanks. Coupons for discounts or gift cards are examples of suitable
tokens of appreciation.


Remember that any interviews you conduct must be done so only with the participants'
informed consent, and that any data you gather must be utilised solely for academic research.

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