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DAILY School Tarragona National High Grade Level 7

Plan Teaching Learning Area Science
January 16, 2023
Dates and
7:30-8:30 AM
Signature Quarter 2
Prepared by: Cyrine Joy H. Simbanagan Week
I. OBJECTIVES a. Identify the parts and function of an Animal

A. Content Standards The difference between animal and plant cells

B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives S7LT-IIc-3
Write for the LC code for each 1. Differentiate plant and animal cells according
to presence or absence of certain organelles.
II. CONTENT Parts and Function of Animal Cells
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide page/s
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Page 7-9
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Pictures, video, laptop
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previous lesson or presenting The teacher will ask the previous topic about the
the new lesson Levels of Biological Organization.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson The teacher will show/flash some pictures and they
are going to give its function.
C. Presenting examples/instances of The student will watch a video presentation and
the new lesson afterwards the teacher will discuss the new lesson.

D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1 ELABORATE (

students with a
common experie
The teacher will give the student an individual activity
to master the lesson.
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will group the students into 2 groups.
practicing new skills #2 Each group will be given some materials to be used
and they will mount/paste the name organelles to
each proper place. They will be given 3 minutes to
finish the activity.

Key Question:
F. Developing mastery

1.What step has

“ i f a n d t h e n”
2.How do you fo
rmulate the prob
3.What should b
e considered in
designing an exp
4.What should b
e done if the
experiment prov
ed that the
hypothesis is co
5.What step is d
one after
6.How can we so
lve problems in
s c i e n t i 昀椀 c w a y
The teacher will ask random students to answer
some questions.
G. Finding practical applications of Let the learners realize the importance of each
concepts and skills in daily living organelle which relate to everyday living.
H. Making generalizations and Let Students explain what is the step by step
abstractions about the lesson procedure
of Scien 琀椀昀椀 c Method based on their
The teacher will ask the students some questions
about the topic.
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the question carefully, choose the
letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a ¼
sheet of paper.

1. It is also called Plasma Membrane.

a. Cell Membrane
b. Vacuole
c. Cytoplasm
d. Nucleus
2. It is the brain of the cell and also contains the
a. Vacuole
b. Mitochondria
c. Nucleus
d. Ribosomes
3. It is the powerhouse of the cell.
a. Ribosome
b. Mitochondria
c. Cell Membrane
d. Golgi Bodies
4. It is the mailman of the cell.
a. Golgi Bodies
b. Cell Membrane
c. Ribosome
d. Mitochondria
5. It is the storage rooms of the cells.
a. Cell Membrane
b. Vacuole
c. Nucleolus
d. Nucleus
J. Additional activities for application or Research the organelles present only in animal cell
remediation and organelles present only in plant cell.

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