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Slan (also Slan ) ( eng.  Slan ) is a science fiction

novel by Canadian writer Alfred van Vogt . The
novel was first published in installments in English  Slan
Analog Science Fiction and Fact ( September-
December 1940). It was published in its entirety
in hardcover by Arkham House in 1946 with an
edition of 4,051 copies.

In 2016, Slan won the Retro Hugo Award for Best

Novel of 1941 [1] . Translated into Russian [2] .

"Towards Terry"
2007 sequel
Genre Science fiction
Author Alfred van Vogt
Original language English
Date of first publication 1946
Plot publishing house Arkham House
Quotations on Wikiquote
Slans are evolved humans, named after their
alleged creator, Samuel   Lann . They have the
mental ability to read minds and are extremely intelligent. They also have almost limitless
stamina, nerves of steel, excellent strength and speed. When slans are sick or seriously injured,
they go into a healing trance.

There are two types of slans. One type has a mustache and can read the minds of ordinary people
and communicate telepathically with other slans. The antennae are golden in color, making it easy
to spot the slan. These slans are preyed upon by humans, reducing their populations to near-
extinction. Another type of slan is without a mustache, also highly intelligent, but without psychic
abilities, with the exception of the ability to hide their thoughts from the first type of slan. The
human  dictator Keir Gray is leading a campaign to destroy the slans.
At the beginning of the novel, 9-year-old Jommy Cross ,  a type one telepathic slan, travels with his
mother to the capital, Centropolis. They are discovered, Jommy's mother is killed, and Jommy
manages to escape. Jommy Cross is not only the heir to his father's brilliant inventions, but also
represents the last hope for the slan race to escape genocide. In fulfilling his mission, he seeks to
destroy Keir Gray [2] .

Groff Conklin , reviewing the 1951 edition, described Slan as "a little overblown, considerably
melodramatic, but still a really entertaining adventure story" [3] . Peter Schuyler Miller called Slan
"Van Vogt's first and most famous novel, perhaps his best novel" [4] . In an annotation for the 1998
edition of the novel by Orb, Charles de Lint noted the following: "More than fifty years after it was
first published, Van Vogt's Slan is still one of the most important classic novels in the field, ... other
scholarly -fiction novels will inevitably be judged [by his model]" [5] .

"Towards Terry"
Under the influence of "Slan", the Reach Terra manga and anime series was created . Both stories
feature a character named Jommy/Jomi discovering that he belongs to a race of telepathic
mutants hunted by people without telepathic powers [6] .

2007 sequel
American science fiction writer Kevin J. Anderson wrote a sequel to Slan called Slan Hunter,
which contained material from Van Vogt's unfinished draft. Van Vogt's widow, Lydia Van Vogt,
had previously granted permission to publish the draft on the Internet [7] .

1. 1941 Retro-Hugo Awards (
s/)  (Amer. English) . The Hugo Awards (December 29, 2015). Retrieved: 18 June 2023.
2. Alfred Van Vogt "Slan" (
3. Galaxy v03n04 (1952 01) ( . — 164 p.
4. "The Reference Library", Astounding Science Fiction , July 1952, pp.159
5. A. E. van Vogt. Slan ( . —
Macmillan, 1998-02-15. — 260 p. — ISBN 978-0-312-85236-8 .
6. To Terra/Toward the Terra/Terra He | Anime Shrines (
091217063751/ . (December 17, 2009).
Retrieved: 18 June 2023.
7. A. E. van Vogt, Kevin J. Anderson. Slan Hunter (
0C&redir_esc=y) . — Macmillan, 2007-07-10. — 300 s. - ISBN 978-0-7653-1675-2 .

Jaffery, Sheldon. The Arkham House Companion. - Mercer Island, Washington: Starmont
House, Inc., 1989. - P. 20–22. — ISBN 1-55742-005-X .
Chalker, Jack L. The Science-Fantasy Publishers: A Bibliographic History, 1923-1998 / Jack L.
Chalker, Mark Owings. - Westminster, Maryland and Baltimore : Mirage Press, Ltd., 1998. - P.
Joshi, ST Sixty Years of Arkham House: A History and Bibliography. - Sauk City, Wisconsin:
Arkham House, 1999. - P. 37–38. — ISBN 0-87054-176-5 .
Nielsen, Leon. Arkham House Books: A Collector's Guide. - Jefferson, North Carolina and
London : McFarland & Company, Inc., 2004. - P. 60. - ISBN 0-7864-1785-4 .

Источник —Слан&oldid=132143620

This page was last edited on 4 August 2023 at 18:28.

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