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The three documentary films I watched opened my eyes to a plethora of intriguing

questions that I needed to answer in order to complete my comprehension. Pre-colonial,

colonial, and post-colonial periods all had a significant impact on where we are now in
terms of political, social, and cultural factors. This brings Filipinos closer together in their
desire to be united and united. The evidence presented in the documentary, the data
presented in the documentary film, on the other hand, calls into doubt our true purpose
on this planet. I was interested by the fact that the discovery of Homo luzonensis, a
small-bodied hominid, had such a significant impact on human history and our country
as a whole.
Many of us were taken aback when we heard on the news that a significant rhinoceros
fossil had been discovered in our country, dating back 709, 000 years. Scientists have
concluded that early humans lived in the Philippines as long as 700,000 years ago,
according to the finding of a butchered rhino. The data presented in the documentary
film, on the other hand, calls into doubt our true purpose on this planet. I was interested
by the fact that the discovery of Homo luzonensis, a small-bodied hominid, had such a
significant impact on human history and our country as a whole. Many of us were taken
aback when we heard on the news that a significant rhinoceros fossil had been
discovered in our country, dating back 709, 000 years. Scientists have concluded that
early humans lived in the Philippines as long as 700,000 years ago, according to the
finding of a butchered rhino. Due to the origin of the fossil, this raises questions among
historians and scientists. This demonstrates that the Philippines were inhabited by a
human species capable of using tools in their daily lives.
In addition, the creation of empires and the dispersal of races across the globe had a
profound impact on our global identity. We are Asia's melting pot of races, cultures
because the majority of Filipinos can communicate well in English, which is why visitors
from all over the world visit our nation and some choose to settle here, and raise a
family. The Filipino people have much to give the rest of the globe. We have a
reputation for being excellent singers, dancers, and diligent people, but we are much
more. We are an example of a small but powerful person and race. When someone
infringes on our rights, we prefer to band together in order to win and achieve greater

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