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Sherifat Olorunmo Street, Sawmill Bus stop, Itele, Ota Ogun State.

Considering how long it has been that we heard from

each other, I am obligated to ask you; how are you
doing? I promise this will be short update and I will
therefore encourage you to try and read.

First thing first, the youth week is upon us and this is

the new update concerning the youth week. The
committee has been doing a whole lot to make this a
memorable one. However, I can’t say same for all of
you. I sincerely want to appreciate all those that have
been making out time out of their busy schedules to
join us in the visitations we have been having for
quite some time now, thanks a lot.

Now, I must confess, I made a mistake, a great

mistake. Remember how I said in my last update that
the camp night was for only youths that are from 17
upwards? Abeg, na mistake. The camp night is for
only youths that are from 18 upwards. This implies
that if it takes even just a day for you to be 18 on the
day of the camp night, you will not be allowed into the
venue, you are not in any way welcomed. You can
follows us live on Youtube. Please, if you are below 18,
don’t just bother yourself coming, I know how you
won’t like yourself to be embarrassed and how the
committee will not also want to embarrass you, So,
please don’t come!
Secondly, I also apologize on behalf of the committee,
we ought to have made arrangements for the tickets
for the dinner night by now, we are so sorry, the
tickets will soon be out, very soon.

Thirdly, concerning the Mr and Miss CYON contest, we

have decided to make it a group event and no more an
individual event. So, every group is now obliged to
bring their representatives and arrange to acquire
forms for them. Every group is to bring out 4
representatives each; 2 boys and 2 girls. That is, we
will be having 16 participaants in total. On the first
day of the youth week will be the screening of the
representatives and on the final day of the youth
week will be the final day of the contest. However,
groups will still have to pay for their representatives
(Now, I don’t know how the groups want to go about
raising the money, you can ask the candidates you are
bringing to pay for themselves , you can ask the entire
group to contribute for them, or group leaders can
choose to pay for their representatives). For the 4
representatives, each group is to pay 2000 naira (That
is 500 naira per person). This payment should be
made before the 23rd of August and after your
payment, you will be given access to the online form.
Any group that doesn’t pay for the contest won’t be
allowed to participate in the contest. Don’t forget, this
is now a competitive event, points will be awarded to

Lastly, Group leaders, how are you doing and how is

the participation of your groups? How also are you
preparing for the youth week? Do you have any
opinion or opinions to air concerning the youth week?
Please, be free to air them. We will greatly love to
hear from you, for you are also a part of the

Once again, the youth week is upon us.

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