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VIT Business School


HR Analytics
Lab Report

Statistical tests in SPSS

- Submitted to Dr. Mekhala Antony, VIT Business School, Chennai.

Prepared by

Vasanth. S
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Table of Contents

Independent T test………………………………………. 3
Paired Sample T test……………………………………..7
One Way ANOVA test……………………………………10
Post Hoc test………………………………………………13
One Way Repeated ANOVA test………………………..16
General Linear Model……………………………………..21
Pearson Correlation……………………………………….24
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis…………………….27
Factor Analysis…………………………………………….31
Reliability Test……………………………………………..36
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Independent T Test
- Lab Assignment 1

To use the significant independent t-test to compare two independent
groups on a continuous outcome. The assumption of normality and the
assumption of homogeneity of variance must be met before running an
independent samples t-test.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the treatment dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Compare Means drop-down menu.
➢ Click on Independent-Samples T Test.
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Analyze > Compare Means > Independent-Samples T Test

➢ Click on the continuous outcome variable to highlight it.

➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Test Variables box.
➢ Click on the grouping variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the grouping variable into the Grouping
Variable: box.
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➢ Click on the Define Groups button.

➢ Enter the categorical value for the first independent group into the Group
1: box. Example: "0"
➢ Enter the categorical value for the second independent group into the
Group 2: box. Example: "1"
➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.

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➢ We can see that the group means are statistically significantly different
because the value in the Sig. (2-tailed) row is less than 0.05.

➢ This study also found that overweight, physically inactive male

participants had statistically significantly lower cholesterol concentrations
(5.80 ± 0.38 mmol/L) at the end of an exercise-training programme
compared to after a calorie-controlled diet (6.15 ± 0.52 mmol/L),
t (38) =2.428, p=0.020.

➢ Looking at the Group Statistics table, we can see that those people who
undertook the exercise trial had lower cholesterol levels at the end of the
programme than those who underwent a calorie-controlled diet as all
means, standard deviations are errors are comparatively less than those
who undertook diet.
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Paired Sample T Test

- Lab Assignment 2

To use the significant paired sample t-test to assess the change in a
continuous outcome across time or within-subjects across two observations.
Repeated-measures t-tests can also compare within-subjects observations of an
outcome, being within the same entity or unit of measurement.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Compare Means drop-down menu.
➢ Click on Paired-Samples T Test.
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Analyze > Compare Means > Paired-Samples T Test

➢ Click on the first observation of the continuous outcome.

➢ Click on the arrow button to move the first observation of the outcome
variable into the Test Pairs box under the Variable1 column.
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➢ Click on the second observation of the continuous outcome.

➢ Click on the arrow button to move the second observation of the outcome
variable into the Test Pairs box under the Variable2 column.
➢ Click OK.


➢ Here t means degree of freedom and p means significance level

➢ Here the above values would be t (19) = -4.773, p < 0.0005.

➢ Due to the means of the two jumps and the direction of the t-value, we
can conclude that there was a statistically significant improvement in
jump distance following the plyometric-training programme from
2.48 ± 0.16 m to 2.52 ± 0.16 m (p < 0.0005); an improvement of 0.03 ±
0.03 m.
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One Way Anova

- Lab Assignment 3

To use the One-way ANOVA test to compare three or more
independent groups on a continuous outcome. The assumption of normality
and the assumption of homogeneity of variance must be met before running an
ANOVA. The p-value for an ANOVA is always interpreted within the context
of the means and standard deviations of the multiple groups.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Compare Means drop-down menu.
➢ Click on One-way ANOVA.
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Analyze > Compare Means > One-Way ANOVA

➢ Click on the continuous outcome variable to highlight it.

➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Dependent List: box.
➢ Click on the grouping variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the "grouping" variable into the Factor: box.
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➢ Click on the Options button.

➢ In the Statistics table, click the Descriptive box.
➢ In the Statistics table, click the Homogeneity of variance test box.
➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.


➢ This is the table that shows the output of the ANOVA analysis and
whether there is a statistically significant difference between our
group means.

➢ We can see that the significance value is 0.021 (i.e., p = .021), which is
below 0.05.

➢ Therefore, there is a statistically significant difference in the mean

length of time to complete the spreadsheet problem between the different
courses taken.
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Post Hoc Test

- Lab Assignment 4

To use the Post Hoc test to see which group have more stake in the test
and to see where the actual differences exist among the independent groups
after conducting ANOVA test.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ After moving grouping variable in the factor box in the ANOVA test
➢ Click on the Options button.
➢ In the Statistics table, click the Descriptive box.
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➢ In the Statistics table, click the Homogeneity of variance test box.

➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click on the Post Hoc button.

➢ Click on the Bonferroni, Tukey, and Scheffe boxes to select them.

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➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.


➢ We can see that there is a statistically significant difference between the
group that took the beginner course and the intermediate course (p =
0.046), as well as between the beginner course and advanced course (p
= 0.034). However, there were no differences between the groups that
took the intermediate and advanced course (p = 0.989).

➢ There was a statistically significant difference between groups as

determined by one-way ANOVA (F (2,27) = 4.467, p = .021).

➢ A Tukey post hoc test revealed that the time to complete the problem was
statistically significantly lower after taking the intermediate (23.6 ± 3.3
min, p = .046) and advanced (23.4 ± 3.2 min, p = .034) course
compared to the beginner’s course (27.2 ± 3.0 min).

➢ There was no statistically significant difference between the

intermediate and advanced groups (p = .989).
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One-way repeated ANOVA

- Lab Assignment 5

To use the One-way repeated ANOVA to compare three or more
observations of a continuous outcome across time or within-subjects. The
assumption of normality of difference scores and the assumption of
sphericity must be met before running a repeated-measures ANOVA.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the General Linear Model drop-down menu.
➢ Click Repeated Measures.
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Analyze > General Linear Model > Repeated measures.

➢ Type the number of observations of the continuous outcome being

collected into the Number of Levels: box.
➢ In the Within-Subject Factor Name: box, give the outcome variable a
➢ Click the Add button.
➢ Click the Define button.
➢ Click on the first observation of the continuous outcome.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the outcome variable into the Within-Subjects
Variables: box.
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➢ Click on the second observation of the continuous outcome.

➢ Click on the arrow to move the outcome variable into the Within-Subjects
Variables: box.
➢ Click on the third observation of the continuous outcome.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the outcome variable into the Within-Subjects
Variables: box.
➢ Click on the Options button.
➢ Click on the outcome variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the outcome into the Display Means for: box.
➢ Click on the Compare main effects box to select it.
➢ Click on the Descriptive statistics box to select it.
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➢ Click on the Estimates of effect size box to select it.

➢ Click on the Observed power box to select it.
➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click on the Plots button.
➢ Click on the outcome variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move your outcome into the Horizontal Axis: box.
➢ Click the Add button.
➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.


➢ we can discover the F value for the time factor, its associated
significance level and effect size. As our data violated the assumption of
sphericity, we look at the values in the Greenhouse-Geiser row.

➢ We can report that when using an ANOVA with repeated measures with a
Greenhouse-Geiser correction, the mean scores for CRP concentration
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were statistically significantly different F (1.296, 11.663) = 26.938,

p < .0005.

➢ A repeated measures ANOVA with a Greenhouse-Geiser correction

determined that mean CRP concentration differed statistically
significantly between time points (F (1.298, 11.663) = 26.938,
P < 0.0005).

➢ Post hoc analysis with a Bonferroni adjustment revealed that CRP

concentration was statistically significantly decreased from pre-
intervention to three months (0.39 (95% CI, 0.24 to 0.54) mg/L,
p < .0005),

➢ From pre-intervention to post-intervention (0.68 (95% CI, 0.34 to 1.02)

mg/L, p = .001), but not from three months to post-intervention (0.29
(95% CI, -0.01 to 0.59) mg/L, p = .054).
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General Linear Model

- Lab Assignment 6

To perform General Linear Model in SPSS so that the dependent variable
is linearly related to the factors and covariates via specified link function and
allowing the magnitude of the variance of each measurement to be a function of
its predicted value.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Select Analyze > General Linear Model > Univariate
➢ Specify a distribution and link function.
➢ On the Response tab, select a dependent variable.
➢ On the Predictors tab, select factors and covariates for use in predicting
the dependent variable.
➢ On the Model tab, specify model effects using the selected factors and
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➢ Click OK and continue.

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➢ As shown in the ANOVA table above, the overall contrast was significant
at p = 018. We reject the null hypothesis.

➢ For the other two variables age and gender the significance level was 0.58
and 0.85

➢ Comparing the ANOVA tables based on Type II figure vs. Type III in
Figure 3 SS shows the sums of squares and other statistics differ for most

➢ For the AGE and GENDER effects, the Type III SS are larger than the
Type II SS It is possible that with other data or models the results may
differ more drastically and invalid conclusions might be reached by using
an inappropriate SS method.
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Pearson Correlation
- Lab Assignment 7
To perform Pearson Correlation to assess the relationship between
two continuous variables. Before running a Pearson's Correlation, be sure to
check for the normality of the two continuous variables using skewness and
kurtosis statistics.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Correlate drop-down menu.
➢ Click on Bivariate.
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Analyze > Correlate > Bivariate.

➢ Click on the first continuous outcome variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Variables: box.
➢ Click on the second continuous outcome variable to highlight it.
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➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Variables: box.
➢ Click OK.


➢ we can see that the Pearson correlation coefficient, r, is 0.706, and that it
is statistically significant (p = 0.005).

➢ A Pearson product-moment correlation was run to determine the

relationship between height and distance jumped in a long jump. There
was a strong, positive correlation between height and distance jumped,
which was statistically significant (r = .706, n = 14, p = .005).
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Multiple Linear Regression

- Lab Assignment 8

To perform Multiple Linear Regression to select the best grouping of
predictor variables that account for the most variance in the outcome. It is
used to generate incremental validity evidence in psychometrics.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ The data is entered in a mixed fashion.
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Regression drop-down menu.
➢ Click Linear.
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Analyze > Regression > Linear

➢ Click on the continuous outcome variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Dependent: box.
➢ Click on the first predictor variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Independent(s): box.
➢ Repeat Steps until all the predictor variables are in the independent box.
➢ Click on the Statistics button.
➢ Click on the R squared change, Collinearity diagnostics, Durbin-Watson,
and Case wise diagnostics boxes to select them.
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➢ Click on the Plots button.

➢ Click on the DEPENDNT variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the X: box.
➢ Click on the ZRESID variable to highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Y: box.
➢ In the Standardized Residual Plots table, click on the Histogram and
Normal probability plot boxes to select them.
➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click on the Method: drop-down menu.
➢ Click on Stepwise.
➢ Click OK.

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➢ Look at the Regression row and go to the Sig. column.

➢ This indicates the statistical significance of the regression model.

➢ Here, p < 0.0005, which is less than 0.05, and indicates that, overall, the
regression model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable.

➢ The Coefficients table provides us with the necessary information to

predict price from income, as well as determine whether income
contributes statistically significantly to the model.

➢ We can present the regression equation as Price = 8287 + 0.564(Income)

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Factor Analysis
- Lab Assignment 9
To perform Factor Analysis to reduce data into correlated factors that
provide a conceptual and mathematical understanding of the construct of
interest. It provides a mathematical basis for understanding latent or underlying
relationships that may exist.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Dimension Reduction drop-down menu.
➢ Click Factor.
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Analyze > Dimension Reduction > Factor

➢ Click on the first ordinal or continuous variable, observation, or item to

highlight it.
➢ Click on the arrow to move the variable into the Variables: box.
➢ Repeat Steps until all the variables, observations, or items are in the
Variables: box.
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➢ Click on the Descriptive button.

➢ Click on the KMO and Bartlett's test of sphericity box to select it.
➢ Click Continue.

➢ Click on the Extraction button.

➢ Click on the Scree plot box to select it.
➢ Click Continue.
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➢ Click on the Rotation button.

➢ Click on the Direct Oblimin choice to select it.
➢ Click Continue.

➢ Click on Options.
➢ In the Coefficient Display Format table, click on the Suppress small
coefficients box to select it.
➢ Type .40 into the Absolute value below: box.
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➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.


➢ The output generated by SPSS Statistics is quite extensive and can
provide a lot of information about your analysis. However, you will often
find that the analysis is not yet complete, and you will have to re-run the
SPSS Statistics analysis above (possibly more than once) before you get
to your final solution.
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Reliability Test
- Lab Assignment 10

To perform Factor Analysis to reduce data into correlated factors that
provide a conceptual and mathematical understanding of the construct of
interest. It provides a mathematical basis for understanding latent or underlying
relationships that may exist.

Diagrammatic Explanation

After importing the dataset to SPSS
➢ Click Analyze.
➢ Drag the cursor over the Scale drop-down menu.
➢ Click on Reliability Analysis.
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Analyze > Scale > Reliability Analysis

➢ Click on the first survey item to highlight it.

➢ Click on the arrow to move the item into the Items: box.
➢ Repeat Steps until all the survey items are in the Items: box.
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➢ Click on the Statistics button.

➢ In the Descriptive table, click on the Item, Scale, and Scale if item deleted
boxes to select them.

➢ Click Continue.
➢ Click OK.

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➢ The first important table is the Reliability Statistics table that provides the
actual value for Cronbach's alpha.

➢ We can see that Cronbach's alpha is 0.805, which indicates a high level of
internal consistency for our scale with this specific sample.

➢ This column presents the value that Cronbach's alpha would be if that
particular item was deleted from the scale. We can see that removal of
any question, except question 8, would result in a lower Cronbach's

➢ Therefore, we would not want to remove these questions. Removal of

question 8 would lead to a small improvement in Cronbach's alpha.

➢ We can also see that the Corrected Item-Total Correlation value was
low (0.128) for this item. This might lead us to consider whether we
should remove this item.

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