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The various institution in society from traditional time till now has not undergone any changes.
Discuss your agreement or otherwise of this assertion
I disagree to the above assertion but I agree that institutions in society from traditional time till
now has undergone some changes. Institutions in societies such as family, government,
economy, religion, and education has undergone a drastic revolution over time.


The family as an institution has undergone numerous changes. Family as a basic unit of a
society which is saddled with biological functions such as reproduction, social functions
pertaining to nurturing and socialization of children.

First of all, In the traditional times families usually consist of several generations and branches
of extended family living together in one household in the same village; this provides a sense of
community and security. The family was seen as a sacred unit, and their decisions were seen as
final word but in these modern times family’s structure has changed drastically. The traditional
African family which is known to be agrarian, polygamous and extended has undergone changes
where nuclear and asymmetrical types have emerged. Families are much smaller, with nuclear
families being the norm. With increased access to education and economic opportunities,
families are more likely to be geographically dispersed with intent of searching for job
opportunities or bettering their lives outside their jurisdiction, with members living in different
cities which has eroded the strength of the traditional families. Other changes include increased
gender equality, with women now playing a more active role in decision making. There is less
pressure to marry, and couples are now likely to cohabit before marriage.

Also, the traditional family structure has changed significantly over time. In traditional times,
the family was typically composed of a married man and woman and their children. This was
seen as the cornerstone of society but today, the ideal family structure is much more diverse.
Couples can be married or unmarried, same-sex or opposite sex, and families can be made up of
single parents, blended families, or adoptive families. The definition of family has also
expanded from the roles of the family members has become a shared responsibility where both
parent working and taking on more equal responsibilities unlike the traditional times where the
father has to be the sole provider of the family. In traditional times, communication between
family members was direct but today family are more likely to discuss problem together, and
communication is more likely to be open and honest.
Moreover, In the traditional times, marriage was often perceived as a way to form alliance and
increase wealth and social status that why it is said in Akan that ‘Se obaa ko aware na onya sika
ofa mbra fie, eka de empare no’ but in this modern time family the has become more diverse and
dynamic where partners come together in order to pull resources and to better their lives and that
of their born or unborn children. Couples now have the freedom to choose whether to marry or to
live together without getting married unlike the traditional times where couples are not given the
right to choose their partners and marriage was seen as a countenance of honor off which no one
can reject and will be regarded, respected by society.

In conclusion, when societies moved from agricultural economies to industrialized economies,

the extended family is replaced by the nuclear family because large families are no longer
needed to supply the necessities of life, the above outline concepts shows that family as an
institution in society has undergo changes from traditional time till now.


Religion which is an act of serving a deity and conforming to its respective norms and exegesis.
Religion as an institution in society has undergone a dramatic alteration over time, below are
some outlines to attest to it.

Firstly, In the traditional era, religion was a major aspect of everyday life and was closely
intertwined with politics, law, education and social customs. Religion was seen as a way to bring
order to society and was largely controlled by a hierarchical system of religious leaders. For
example, the pharaoh of Egypt was the ruler of Egypt and was as well seen as a god who is to be
worshipped or serve as a link between his people and their god Amon - Re. In our modern times
religion has become much more diversified and decentralized. It is no longer as closely
intertwined with government and politics as it was in the past. Instead, religious organizations
are more independent and have a more diverse membership. people are free to choose which
religious organization they want to belong to and practice their own individual beliefs.

Again, Traditional religious institution was often seen as a source of social control, as they were
able to dictate what was acceptable behavior in society. they played a much larger role in how
people lived their lives, and religious beliefs and practices often helped society’s cultural norms
a value. In modern societies, religion is seen as having a much more personal relationship with
God and individualistic role other than dictating for them. Religious institutions now have less
control over people’s lives and are less widely accepted. Religion is no longer the primary source
of moral guidance and authority in most societies.

Furthermore, the traditional view of religion was closely linked to the idea of a divine being, who
was believed to have created the universe and set a mora law for humans to follow. This view of
religion was seen as the unifying element of society, providing a sense of community and shared
values. In our modern times, religion has become increasingly diverse, encompassing many
different beliefs and traditions. With the rise of globalization, different religions have become
increasingly interconnected, with people of different faiths learning to respect and accept each
other’s beliefs. With the rise of scientific and technological advances, many people have adopted
a more secular approach to religion, viewing it more as a personal set of beliefs than as a source
of unified moral authority.

In addition, the use of technology has allowed people to access religious teachings and practices
in a more accessible way, making it easier for individuals to follow their faith even when they
are not able to make it to church on the other hand when one is not able to go for a service, he or
she can not have access or be blessed by the preached sermon. In traditional religious society
when one wants to propagate its gospel or introduce the people to a new doctrine, they have to
move from one community to the other but in these modern times copies of such thing which
have to be propagated is printed and sent or sent via mails and others.

To conclude, the comparative analysis done between traditional religious institution and the
modern more depicts that there has been a change in religion as an institution in our society.


The existence of an economy is essential to the foundation and sustenance of society. No society
can survive without economy efficient enough to meet, at least, the basic needs of its members.
Economy as an institution in society has seen a shift from traditional time till date.
First of all, the traditional was more localized, with goods and services produced was made in
small quantities to satisfy the needs of families. most of the traditional societies who engaged in
farming adopted subsistence farming thus a system of farming to feed his household and
community and not necessarily thinking of export to fetch them income. In this our modern time
people do practice large scale farming thinking of exporting to other places to sell to generate

Also, the traditional economy relied on barter system of trading thus goods for goods trading,
which often leads to problems such as double coincidence of wants, indivisibility of good thus
where two goods are not of the same value but because both traders are interested in each other’s
goods there exchange without minding its value but its necessity. Today the barter system holds
no more. The introduction of the currencies has enabled society to trade peacefully without
exploitation as a result of double coincident of wants. The modern economy now relies on
complex financial systems, such as banks, credit unions to facilitate smooth transaction.
currencies are now used in trading for goods and services.

Moreover, Diversification of sectors in the economy. The traditional economy was mainly based
around agriculture. Agriculture was the spine of the traditional economy. In our modern times
there are range of sectors thus the service, manufacturing and agricultural sector which aggregate
to national out put. There has been a high degree of division of labor and specialization in
today’s economy compared to the traditional economy where there is no division of labor and no
one is meant to special in producing a particular good, you are seen as a good producer in a
traditional economy if you can produce all manner off goods but not exceling or exacerbating
quality in a particular good.

Furthermore, The role of government in the economy. In the traditional economy farming was
seen as one man’s affair off which the ruler of the society does not intervene that much. Today in
our modern times the government of the day provide incentives to producers as a source of
motivation to them. The intent of the government helping the producers is to keep them on their
toes and in the long-run increase the country’s out-put which will trigger development in the
In conclusion, as a result of new technologies revolve the economy, providing new ways of
doing business and efficiency. This show economy as an institution has changed from traditional
time till date.


It comprises of a ruler and its councils responsible for running of the day-to-day administration
of a particular group of people.

First of all, Traditional system of governance was bases on hierarchical system of rule where
single ruler or ruling body is at the top. This was a centralized monarchical system of
government. The system of government is by inheritance meaning only those in the royal family
can rise to power. Instructions is carried from the central government and passed through a
systematic ruling to the members of the society. Members of society has no say, no one can
question the verdict of the ruler meaning the ruler is a dictator. For example, the Asante kingdom
in Ghana is a true reflection of a centralized traditional system that existed in time past. In
modern system of government feudal government, democratic government where people can
express their views concerning a verdict made by the government. Government in these times are
voted for which makes them directly accountable to the people.

Also, Traditional government often restrict the right of its members pertaining to certain
freedoms such as freedom of speech and assembly. For instance, the Arabians, Chaldeans and
Cartagena’s were not given the freedom of worship. They all worship one God thus they believe
in monotheism and who ever try to do otherwise will face a death penalty. In modern times
citizens have more rights and protection from the governments including certain basic rights
such as the right to life, the right to vote and to be voted for; and freedoms thus freedom of
expression, freedom of speech and others. Anyone who infringe on the right of others receive a
sanction by the government, which is popularly known as Human Right Abuse. In traditional
societies, human rights were often not respected. Today, most countries have adopted laws and
treaties that that recognizes and protects basic rights.

In addition, the recognition of rule of law was often ignored or disregarded by traditional system
of government. Rulers, council of elders and advisors of traditional societies do not see the
supremacy of their laws. When there a trail between the young and aged the traditional
governance do not apply the law as it is but rule in the favor of the aged, they see the aged to be
supreme than the constructive laws thy have made. On the other hand, modern government
regard the supremacy of the law than everybody in the country. Meaning on one is above the

Moreover, Supervision of checks and balances in societies. Traditional system of government

tended to be quite hierarchical, with the single ruler often dictating the policies of the nation. No
one checks on the central government there is no room for criticism; which can give him a
second thought on his decisions. In our recent era, this has changed to a system of checks and
balances, this is where the various arms of government serve as a check on each other but work
independently. This is done with an independent judiciary to ensure that no single individual can
wield too much power. It is also use as a measure to eradicate or minimize dictatorship in the
arms of governments.

Furthermore, The concept of inclusion and and exclusion. Traditional systems of government
often exclude certain groups from having a voice in decision-making process. This has changed
with the introduction of more inclusive systems that provide a plat form for individuals from all
walks of life to have their say. Method of transparency: Traditional systems of government were
often shrouded in secrecy, with decisions made behind closed doors. This also has changed with
the introduction of transparency initiatives, which allow citizens to be better informed about the
decisions being made by their government.

To conclude, government as an institution in society has undergone some changes from the
traditional time till this time.

Education is when knowledge pertaining a field of study is imparted to the learner. Education as
an institution has undergone several changes in society from traditional era till this modern time.

First of all, Traditional education was limited to the upper classes thus the king, scribe’s vizier
and focused mainly on religious and philosophical studies. Those who were educated are foe
specific duties and assignment to the king or the nation. The education provided was no a selfish
one foe one’s own serve but to serve the nation. Today, education is available to everyone,
regardless of their socio-economic status, and focuses on a variety of disciplines such as science,
technology, arts, business and others. The traditional education was often segregated by gender
and race; toady, education is more inclusive and diverse.

Moreover, Traditional education was often conducted in classrooms; failing to focus on

developing of the skills of people rather than memorizing of facts without understanding hoe to
use it. Today education often takes place in a variety of settings including the home, going for
educational trips, learning on the world wide web and others. The traditional curriculum was
based on bookish knowledge rather than its application of the concept. Today’s curriculum is
more geared towards the development of skills relevant to the modern world, such as coding and
computational thinking. There is a greater emphasis on preparing the students for the job market
and equipping them with the skills necessary to succeed in a competitive global economy.

Also, Traditional education was often structured around rigid hierarchies and grade- based
systems; today, education is more personalized and tailored to individual students. Students were
limited in the traditional era to study certain subject which do not interest them but in these
modern times there are categories of subjects and courses you can choose to study and build your
dreams upon.

In addition, in recent times traditional education focused on root learning, today; education is
focused on collaboration and working together. Many schools in Africa and the western world
have made group presentations as part of student’s assessment; this is to develop their interactive
skills with their peers which will prepare them for the job market.

In conclusion, Education which is also an institution in society has undergone some changes over
time from the traditional era till today.
In summary, the above expatiate concepts explain and affirm that institutions in society have
undergone some changes and most of the changes are positive like moving from the barter
system to currency help us to secure and save assets for the future without it getting


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Retrieved from

On the 12th of July,2023.

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