Pravin Khatri-Advertising and Marketing Communications

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“"Rethinking Benetton's 'Unhate' 2011 Campaign : Improving Advertising and Marketing

Communications for Enhanced Impact"”


BBA 8th Semester

Submission by 19010023

Course: Advertising & Marketing Communication- SS2023

Student Matriculation No: 19010023

Total Word count:

Word Count without declaration, bibliography & Appendices:


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
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Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
i. the campaign's failure can be attributed to various factors: .......................................................... 5
a. Lack of audience reception:................................................................................................................ 5
b. Ethical considerations......................................................................................................................... 5
c. Cultural insensitivity: .......................................................................................................................... 5
d. Lack of clarity: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
e. Failure to align with brand image:...................................................................................................... 6
Current Analysis ................................................................................................................ 6
ii. Several communication elements informed this analysis:.............................................................. 6
a) Visual Imagery: ................................................................................................................................... 6
b) Semiotics: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
c) Controversial Approach: ..................................................................................................................... 6
d) Brand Association: .............................................................................................................................. 7
e) Digital Engagement: ........................................................................................................................... 7
Alternative Marketing Communication .............................................................................. 7
iii. Alternative Marketing Communications Campaign: "Unity in Diversity" ........................................ 8
Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 8
i. Core Message: .................................................................................................................................... 8
ii. Inclusive Imagery: ............................................................................................................................... 8
iii. Authentic Stories: ............................................................................................................................... 8
iv. Collaborative Partnerships: ................................................................................................................ 8
v. Multi-channel Approach: .................................................................................................................... 8
vi. Interactive Engagement: .................................................................................................................... 8
iv. Improvements over the "Unhate" campaign: ................................................................................ 8
1) Alignment with Brand Image: ............................................................................................................. 8
2) Audience Relevance: .......................................................................................................................... 8
3) Ethical Considerations: ....................................................................................................................... 8
4) Positive Impact and Long-term Relevance: ........................................................................................ 9
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 9
v. Envisaged Outcomes of the Reworked Marketing Communication: ............................................... 9
Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
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1) Increased Brand Perception: .............................................................................................................. 9
2) Positive Emotional Connection: ......................................................................................................... 9
3) Amplified Reach and Engagement: .................................................................................................... 9
4) Improved Customer Perception: ........................................................................................................ 9
vi. Reasons to Anticipate a Positive Reaction: .................................................................................... 9
a) Alignment with Values:....................................................................................................................... 9
b) Inspirational and Relatable Stories:.................................................................................................. 10
c) Positive Emotional Appeal: ............................................................................................................... 10
d) Community Engagement: ................................................................................................................. 10
e) Differentiation in the Market: .......................................................................................................... 10
Appendix ..........................................................................................................................10
Reference .........................................................................................................................10

Figure 1 - Logo of Benetton Group........................................................................................................ 4

Figure 2 - Figure 2 – " UNHATE" Ad Photo......................................................................................... 4
Figure 3 – UNHATE Ad Photo.............................................................................................................. 4


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
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Executive Summary

Figure 1 - Logo of Benetton Group

Figure 2 - Figure 2 – " UNHATE" Ad Photo

Figure 3 – UNHATE Ad Photo
The Benetton Group's "Unhate" campaign, which was launched in 2011, aimed to promote tolerance and
understanding by featuring digitally manipulated images of world leaders kissing each other. While the
campaign intended to convey a message of unity and global harmony, it generated significant controversy
and criticism due to its provocative nature and the use of well-known political figures without their consent.
(Dağlı and Erben 2015)
One of the main issues raised by the campaign was the lack of respect for the privacy and image rights
of the featured leaders. The use of their likenesses in a potentially controversial context without
permission or endorsement was seen as ethically problematic. Several leaders and their respective
governments expressed their disapproval, and legal action was even taken by some individuals against
Benetton.(Pownall 2015)


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
Additionally, the campaign received criticism for its shock value and the potential for trivializing important
political figures and events. The use of provocative imagery, such as Pope Benedict XVI kissing an
Egyptian imam, stirred up religious sensitivities and was deemed disrespectful by many.

Furthermore, some critics argued that the campaign's message was unclear or overshadowed by the
controversy it generated. Rather than fostering genuine dialogue or promoting concrete action toward
peace and understanding, the shock value of the advertisements tended to dominate the public discourse
surrounding the campaign.

In light of the backlash and concerns raised, the "Unhate" campaign can be seen as problematic in terms
of ethical considerations, potential harm to diplomatic relations, and the potential for trivializing serious
global issues. While the intention behind the campaign may have been noble, its execution and the lack
of sensitivity towards the individuals featured contributed to its problematic nature.


The "Unhate" campaign by the Benetton Group can be analyzed using several communication
theories.(Pownall 2015) One relevant theory in this context is the Semiotics theory, which explores how
signs and symbols are used to convey meaning. The campaign utilized provocative and visually striking
images to create a powerful message and generate attention. However,

i. the campaign's failure can be attributed to various factors:

a. Lack of audience reception:
While the intention may have been to provoke thought and promote tolerance, the campaign's
message was overshadowed by the controversy it generated. Instead of stimulating meaningful
dialogue, it primarily sparked outrage and backlash.
b. Ethical considerations:
The campaign faced criticism for its disregard for the privacy and image rights of the political
figures depicted. The use of their likenesses without consent contributed to the negative
perception of the campaign and damaged its credibility.
c. Cultural insensitivity:
The campaign featured religious figures engaging in provocative acts, which offended religious
sensitivities and contributed to the campaign's failure. It is essential to consider cultural and
religious contexts when developing campaigns to avoid causing offense or misunderstanding.
d. Lack of clarity:


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
The campaign's core message of promoting unity and understanding was often lost amid the
controversial imagery. The shock value of the advertisements overshadowed the intended
message, leading to confusion and a diluted impact.
e. Failure to align with brand image:
Benetton is a fashion brand known for its colorful and inclusive campaigns. However, the "Unhate"
campaign, while attempting to address important global issues, did not align well with the brand's
image and values. This misalignment may have contributed to the campaign's lack of resonance
with the target audience.
The "Unhate" campaign employed semiotics to convey a powerful message, but it failed due to a lack of
audience reception, ethical concerns, cultural insensitivity, a lack of clarity in the message, and a
misalignment with the brand's image and values.

Current Analysis
Based on an analysis of the "Unhate" campaign, the intended communication strategy appears to have been
aimed at creating buzz, generating controversy, and attracting attention to the Benetton brand. The campaign
utilized shock value and provocative imagery to provoke discussions about tolerance, unity, and peace.

ii. Several communication elements informed this analysis:

a) Visual Imagery:
The campaign relied heavily on visually striking images featuring world leaders engaging in
provocative acts, such as kissing. These images were designed to grab attention and create a
strong emotional response. (Concept Note: An Attempt at Formulating a Theory of Visual
Communication by Suvodip Sen :: SSRN 2023)

Reference to appendix

b) Semiotics:
The use of symbols and signs played a significant role in conveying the campaign's message.
The kissing images represented unity and breaking down barriers, while the Benetton brand
served as a symbol of inclusivity. (No cap: Striving for authenticity : LGBTQ images and Gen Z’s
perception of fast fashion brand authenticity 2023)

c) Controversial Approach:
By depicting political and religious leaders in intimate acts, the campaign aimed to create
controversy and spark conversations about global issues. The intention was likely to generate
widespread media coverage and public attention.(Incze et al. 2018)


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
d) Brand Association:
The Benetton brand was associated with the campaign through its logo and branding elements.
The campaign sought to align the brand with values of tolerance, peace, and understanding, albeit
in a provocative manner.

e) Digital Engagement:
The campaign utilized digital platforms to disseminate the images and encourage online
engagement. Social media sharing and discussion were likely anticipated as a key part of the
campaign's strategy.
Based on these elements, it can be inferred that the communication strategy intended to create a high level
of awareness and generate discourse around the issues of tolerance and unity. The provocative nature of
the campaign was likely aimed at capturing public attention and leveraging controversy to increase brand
visibility. However, it's important to note that the execution of the strategy faced significant challenges and
ultimately failed to achieve its intended goals due to the reasons discussed earlier, such as ethical concerns,
cultural insensitivity, and a lack of clarity in the message.

1) were seeking a more inclusive and uplifting approach.

2) Competitive Landscape: Competitor analysis is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of
a marketing strategy. In the fashion industry, numerous brands focus on social causes,
inclusivity, and diversity. Benetton's "Unhate" campaign faced competition from other
brands that successfully communicated their messages without resorting to controversial
or potentially offensive tactics. Competitors that maintain a strong brand image and align
their campaigns with their core values may have gained an advantage over Benetton.
3) Long-term Impact: Market analysis requires considering the potential long-term impact of
a campaign. While the "Unhate" campaign generated initial attention and controversy, its
lasting impact on the brand's reputation and customer loyalty is questionable. The negative
associations and criticism the campaign received may have overshadowed any short-term
gains, potentially harming the brand's market position.
Taking these factors into account, the "Unhate" campaign appears to have been ill-suited for the market
and competitive landscape. Its controversial nature, lack of audience relevance, and potential damage to
the brand's reputation make it an ineffective strategy when compared to competitors who successfully
address social issues while maintaining a positive brand image.

Alternative Marketing Communication


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
iii. Alternative Marketing Communications Campaign: "Unity in Diversity"
Objective: To promote unity, tolerance, and diversity while aligning with the brand's image and values.
i. Core Message: The campaign's central message will focus on celebrating diversity and
fostering unity among people from different backgrounds. It will emphasize the importance
of understanding, respect, and collaboration in creating a harmonious society.
ii. Inclusive Imagery: The campaign will feature diverse individuals representing different
cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds coming together in positive and meaningful ways.
The imagery will highlight moments of connection, collaboration, and mutual
understanding, promoting a sense of unity.
iii. Authentic Stories: The campaign will showcase real-life stories of individuals who have
overcome differences, prejudices, or barriers to create positive change. These stories will
be inspirational and relatable, emphasizing the power of empathy, dialogue, and shared
experiences in building bridges.
iv. Collaborative Partnerships: To enhance authenticity and reach, the campaign will
collaborate with nonprofit organizations, community leaders, or individuals working
towards promoting unity and diversity. These partnerships will provide opportunities for
grassroots involvement and engagement.
v. Multi-channel Approach: The campaign will utilize various communication channels to
amplify its message. This includes traditional media, digital platforms, social media, and
community events. The goal is to ensure broad reach, engagement, and participation.
vi. Interactive Engagement: The campaign will encourage audience participation through
interactive elements such as contests, social media challenges, or local events. This will
foster dialogue, generate user-generated content, and create a sense of community
around the campaign.

iv. Improvements over the "Unhate" campaign:

1) Alignment with Brand Image: The "Unity in Diversity" campaign will align with the brand's image
and values. It will focus on inclusivity, tolerance, and positive change, resonating better with the
target audience and reinforcing the brand's positive reputation.
2) Audience Relevance: By emphasizing unity, understanding, and celebrating diversity, the
campaign will be more relevant and relatable to a broader audience. It will appeal to individuals
seeking positive and uplifting messages, thus increasing its effectiveness.
3) Ethical Considerations: The alternative campaign will prioritize ethical considerations, obtaining
proper consent and respect for individuals featured in the campaign. This will ensure that the
campaign avoids the ethical concerns that plagued the "Unhate" campaign.


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
4) Positive Impact and Long-term Relevance: By focusing on real stories and meaningful
connections, the "Unity in Diversity" campaign will have a lasting impact. It will inspire and motivate
individuals to embrace diversity, fostering long-term positive change and enhancing the brand's
The alternative "Unity in Diversity" campaign improves upon the original by aligning with the brand's
image, resonating better with the audience, prioritizing ethical considerations, and creating a positive and
long-lasting impact through authentic storytelling and collaborative partnerships.


v. Envisaged Outcomes of the Reworked Marketing Communication:

1) Increased Brand Perception: The "Unity in Diversity" campaign aims to enhance the
brand's reputation by promoting values of inclusivity, tolerance, and unity. As a result, the
brand is likely to be perceived as socially conscious, empathetic, and aligned with the
aspirations of a diverse audience.
2) Positive Emotional Connection: By showcasing authentic stories of individuals
overcoming differences and promoting unity, the campaign will evoke positive emotions
among the target audience. This emotional connection can foster brand loyalty,
engagement, and a sense of shared values.
3) Amplified Reach and Engagement: The campaign's multi-channel approach, interactive
elements, and collaborative partnerships are anticipated to generate wider reach and
higher levels of audience engagement. Through social media sharing, word-of-mouth, and
community events, the campaign can extend its impact and create a ripple effect of positive
4) Improved Customer Perception: The focus on diversity, unity, and positive change will
resonate with customers seeking a brand that reflects their values. This improved
customer perception can lead to increased loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive word-
of-mouth recommendations.

vi. Reasons to Anticipate a Positive Reaction:

a) Alignment with Values:

The "Unity in Diversity" campaign aligns with the values of inclusivity, unity, and tolerance,
which are increasingly important to consumers. By addressing these concerns in a genuine
and authentic manner, the campaign is likely to resonate positively with the target audience.


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
Copyright © DATE \@ "yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 2023.
b) Inspirational and Relatable Stories:
By showcasing real-life stories of individuals overcoming differences and promoting unity, the
campaign provides a relatable and inspiring narrative. This storytelling approach humanizes
the brand and creates a sense of emotional connection with the audience.

c) Positive Emotional Appeal:

The campaign's emphasis on unity and celebrating diversity is likely to evoke positive
emotions among the audience. This positive emotional appeal can create a lasting impression
and establish a stronger bond between the brand and its customers.

d) Community Engagement:

The interactive elements and collaborative partnerships in the campaign encourage audience
participation and community engagement. By involving individuals and organizations working
towards promoting unity and diversity, the campaign fosters a sense of collective effort and
encourages positive action.

e) Differentiation in the Market:

The focus on unity and diversity sets the reworked campaign apart from competitors. By
addressing social issues in a meaningful and positive way, the brand can differentiate itself
and attract customers seeking a brand that goes beyond product offerings and actively
contributes to positive change.

Overall, the reworked marketing communication is anticipated to result in improved brand perception, positive
emotional connections, amplified reach and engagement, and a stronger bond with customers. By aligning
with values, sharing relatable stories, evoking positive emotions, encouraging community engagement, and
differentiating in the market, the campaign has the potential to generate a positive reaction from the target


Concept Note: An Attempt at Formulating a Theory of Visual
Communication by Suvodip Sen :: SSRN. [online], 2023. [viewed 9 June
2023] Available from:


Matriculation No: 19010023 (2019) BBA, Eight Semester
Confidential. Submission by: Khatri Pravin Email:
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DAĞLI, Ö. and ERBEN, Ş.E., 2015. Unhate Company of Benetton and
Corporate Reputation. Online Journal of Communication and Media
Technologies, vol. 5, no. September 2015-Special Issue, pp. 138–145.
Marketing communication analysis of benetton PR campaigns.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence, vol.
12, no. 1, pp. 457–465.
No cap: Striving for authenticity : LGBTQ images and Gen Z’s perception
of fast fashion brand authenticity. [online], 2023. [viewed 9 June 2023]
Available from: https://www.diva-
POWNALL, C., 2015. The Backfiring Campaign. In: C. Pownall, ed.
Managing Online Reputation: How to Protect Your Company on Social
Media, pp. 132–140.


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