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1. Completing your CV is the starting point for any successful application.


2. The purpose of the CV is to interest a committee in interviewing you.


3. The CV is a list of your qualifications, work experience and achievements during your
working career.

4. Tailoring your CV is a crucial stage in your job search.


5. The CV is a list of your qualifications, work experience and achievements during your
working career.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Mi nombre es Hugo Pari, estudiante de Ing. ambiental y este discurso lo prepare para la
materiaa de Ingles. Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that lies at the heart of
innovation, progress, and the betterment of our society. It is the relationship between science
and engineering. These two fields are interconnected and mutually dependent, forming a
powerful partnership that has shaped the world we live in today.

Science and engineering are two sides of the same coin. Science is the pursuit of
knowledge, the systematic study of the natural world through observation, experimentation,
and analysis. It seeks to uncover the fundamental principles and laws that govern our
universe. On the other hand, engineering is the practical application of scientific knowledge
to design, build, and create solutions that address real-world challenges.

The relationship between science and engineering is symbiotic. Science provides the
foundation of understanding, the theories, and the discoveries that propel us forward. It
unravels the mysteries of nature and expands the boundaries of human knowledge.
Meanwhile, engineering takes that knowledge and transforms it into practical solutions,
innovations, and technologies that shape our daily lives.

Without science, engineering would lack the deep understanding necessary to create
meaningful and impactful inventions. Science gives engineers the tools they need to develop
new materials, design efficient structures, and advance technological breakthroughs. It is
through the insights gained from scientific research that engineers can push the boundaries
of what is possible.
Likewise, without engineering, science would remain confined to the laboratory, its
discoveries trapped within the realm of theory. Engineering takes the abstract concepts of
science and transforms them into tangible and useful applications. It bridges the gap
between theory and practice, making science relevant and accessible to society.

Consider the great scientific achievements of our time. From space exploration to medical
advancements, from renewable energy to artificial intelligence, engineering has played a
pivotal role in turning scientific discoveries into practical realities. Engineers have built
rockets that have taken us to the moon, developed life-saving medical devices, harnessed
the power of the sun and wind, and created technologies that have revolutionized
communication and connectivity.

Furthermore, the relationship between science and engineering is not limited to the physical
world. It extends to our understanding of complex systems, such as climate change, urban
development, and global pandemics. Scientists and engineers collaborate to analyze data,
build models, and develop strategies to address these pressing challenges. They work hand
in hand to find sustainable solutions that can safeguard our planet and improve the quality of
life for all.

In conclusion, the relationship between science and engineering is a dynamic partnership

that drives progress and innovation. It is a marriage of knowledge and application, theory
and practice, discovery and creation. Together, science and engineering have transformed
our world, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with one another. As we move forward
into an increasingly complex and interconnected future, let us embrace and nurture this
relationship, for it holds the key to a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.


Empleado: Señor, ¿puedo pasar?

Jefe: Claro, pase.
Empleado: Gracias, señor.
Jefe: Sí, dígame. ¿Hay algún problema?
Empleado: Oh, no. El trabajo es bueno y todo va bien.
Jefe: Increíble. Entonces, ¿qué te trae hoy a mi cabaña?
Empleado: Sí, es un asunto familiar y esperaba que pudieras ayudarme.
Jefe: De acuerdo. Dime cuál es el problema. Intentaré ayudarte. ¿Es financiero?
Empleado: Algo así. Lo que pasa es que tengo una hija y la he admitido en uno de los
mejores colegios de nuestra ciudad y, como sabes, las tasas de ese colegio son una gran
cantidad a pagar. Así que esperaba poder hacer horas extras y que me las pagaran.
Además, no quiero meterme en un lío y tener que pedir préstamos para pagar sus tasas.
Jefe: De acuerdo, tu razón es genuina. Es bueno para ti y para tu hija que la hayas admitido
en la mejor escuela de la ciudad y que pueda adquirir buenos conocimientos. Puedes
trabajar todas las horas que quieras y te pagarán por ello. Me aseguraré de que te paguen
por el trabajo adicional que estés dispuesta a asumir.
Empleado: Muchas gracias por ayudarme, señor.
Jefe: ¡Oh! no hace falta que me des las gracias. Usted está recibiendo su parte de pago por
los esfuerzos que está realizando. Bien, ¡sigue así! También me gustaría darte un consejo.
Empleado: Claro, señor.
Jefe: Mientras estés trabajando y te deprimas con el trabajo, no te olvides de dedicar algo
de tiempo a tu familia. No sólo la oficina, también tu familia te necesita.
Empleado: Por supuesto, señor. Lo tendré en cuenta.
Jefe: ¡Bien!


From a very young age, I have felt a deep connection to nature and a personal responsibility
to protect it. Environmental engineering provides me with the perfect opportunity to channel
this passion into concrete and sustainable actions. As an environmental engineer, my main
goal is to seek innovative and effective solutions to the environmental challenges we face

My dream job as an environmental engineer involves working closely with communities,

governments and other organizations to develop strategies and projects that promote
conservation and sustainability. I want to contribute to improving air, water and soil quality, as
well as protecting biodiversity and mitigating climate change.

I envision working on projects that address pressing environmental issues, such as

developing renewable energy systems, implementing efficient waste management practices,
and creating natural resource conservation policies. I want the opportunity to design and
implement solutions that minimize the environmental impact of human activities and promote
a more sustainable future.

My dream job also includes educating and raising awareness in society about the
importance of environmental protection. I want to be able to effectively communicate
environmental challenges and encourage behavioral changes that promote greater
sustainability at all levels, from individuals to large corporations.

In short, my dream job as an environmental engineer is to use my knowledge and technical

skills to protect and preserve our planet. I want to be part of the solution to the environmental
challenges we face and work to create a more sustainable future for generations to come. I
am committed to continue learning and growing in this area, and I look forward to the day
when I can proudly say that I am contributing to a greener and healthier world.

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