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La Palma is a town in the Canary Islands. Over 4,000 must leave La Palma.

There is a big
forest fire.
The fire destroys 4,500 hectares of land and many homes. Other nearby islands are at risk,
too. Authorities say that the fire can spread to Tenerife or Gran Canaria.
Southern Europe has extreme heat right now. The highest temperature ever is 48.8. degrees
Celsius in Sicily, Italy. Experts say that this summer can be even hotter.
The US also has extreme heat and big fires. Japan has a dangerous heatwave too, with
temperatures above normal. The climate is changing. The weather is becoming more extreme.
Difficult words: hectare (10,000 square meters), nearby (not far away), extreme (very great
or strong).

Authorities evacuated more than 4,000 people from La Palma in the Canary Islands due to a
forest fire.
The regional government alerted neighboring islands, like Tenerife and Gran Canaria,
because the fire could spread there, too. Although emergency services are working hard, the
fire continues.
Southern Europe faces extreme temperatures in the Cerberus heatwave, which brings heat
from North Africa. It is possible that there will be a new record-high temperature. The highest
temperature was 48.8 degrees Celsius which experts measured on the Italian island of Sicily.
The US is experiencing extreme heat and wildfires, too, especially in California.
Difficult words: alert (to warn someone of a danger or problem), extreme (too great or
strong), measure (to check the size or amount of something).

Over 4,000 people have been evacuated from La Palma in the Canary Islands, due to a forest
fire that has already destroyed 4,500 hectares of land and a dozen homes in the north-west.
The fire poses a risk of spreading to neighboring islands, with a Charon heatwave affecting
Southern Europe and Morocco. The regional government has issued an official alert for
neighboring islands, including Tenerife and Gran Canaria.
The European Space Agency predicts record-breaking temperatures, potentially surpassing
the 48.8C Sicily record. A study links climate change to more frequent and severe extreme
weather. Greece faces a heatwave, and the US, especially Southern California, also
experiences extreme heat and wildfires.
Difficult words: pose (to present a problem or danger), potentially (possibly).

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