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Jian Gabriel C.


2nd year AB – POM


Reflection: EDSA 1986

The EDSA 1986 also known as the “Peaceful Revolution” in the Philippine history is the
ticket for every Filipino in having freedom. It is the reason why we are enjoying our lives today.
This historical event shows that Filipinos are strong when it comes to unity, and we can overthrow
a dictator without using force as a weapon. It is the most peaceful and miraculous day that change
the Philippines’ history forever. The People Power Revolution is the reason why I can enjoy this
so much freedom. However, it comes with a negative side also like abusing the freedom that we
have. For me, it is also one of the reasons why Filipino people lack discipline because the laws
today became weak and Filipino people disregarded laws. Moreover, the EDSA 1986 shows that
the true democracy is not dead after all, and it is also the reason why we have the 1987 Philippine
constitution. In short, the EDSA 1986 for me is the evidence that the power of the state is truly in
the peoples’ hearts and unity as one. Edsa 1986 brought a new perspective to the world that
Filipinos are determined to have changed and that we do not tolerate those who are in positions in
the government to that abuse the power that is vested in them. The EDSA 1986 means for me to
change the government not only the people in the government but also the system of the

The EDSA 1986 is still relevant in today’s generation because the Marcoses are back in
the government and the history should not be repeated but should serve as a reminder of what
happened and the importance of the historical event. For me, we should still celebrate and
remember EDSA 1986 for the reason that it is a historical event that freed every Filipino people
and the future generation from the dictatorship. Moreover, it should always be remembered by the
people of the Philippines for it serves a lesson that history should not be repeated. It should always
be celebrated and remembered by us and the future generation as well, for us to be more critical in
choosing our leaders, and for us to be educated to avoid the historical reformation. The celebration
of EDSA 1967 serves as a reminder to never again, but we failed our ancestors because we have
forgotten what they have sacrificed to have this freedom.
For me, we should still celebrate and remember the EDSA 1986 for the reason that it is the
least that we can do to repay and honor the people who fought for our freedom and rights that
ended the dictatorship of Marcos. But it should also serve as a lesson to the present and future
generations of this country that we should not be persuaded by words or “pakitang tao” instead we
should be more critical in terms of voting for our next leaders. I understand people who live in
poverty or in rural areas, they are the most fragile person when it comes to politics because they
are uneducated or new information cannot reach them. So, for this reason, we should still
remember and teach it to people who are incapable of attaining education in the Philippines.

I think it did not change the aspiration, Ideals, hope, and change that the people want to
achieve because as far as I know, I can enjoy still my freedom, I still have hope that maybe this
president would change the Philippines, and maybe the aspiration of “Philippines will be great
again” is still there. For me if we’re just pertaining to one person or if the EDSA 1986 only means
to eliminate or remove the dictator then EDSA Revolution is just another scheme of whoever wants
to take over the government. Because EDSA 1986 is the symbol of “hope” to change and give
power to the people. For me, the son did not extinguish anything but he wishes to reform history
which is not acceptable. The EDSA 1986 wishes to achieve a leader that is not a dictator, a
government that gives power to the people, and a society that is free and enjoys life in the
Philippines. With that being said, I enjoy all these rights and freedom. Even if the son did not win,
many aspiring leaders can extinguish what EDSA 1986 was meant to achieve. THEREFORE, I

The sacrifices of the people who fought the Marcos dictatorship and those who died are
not in vain, at least for me. The reason for this, I can see many people who go to the mall or other
places without the fear to be questioned by the people in authority. I can post or criticize them on
social media if I am disappointed in the government as long as it is respectful and doesn’t contain
any hateful comments (being professional I guess). It will only be in vain if the present generation
and the future generation will continue to be ignorant and more separated from each other in terms
of unity.
I think EDSA 1986 was the kind of revolution that the Philippines needed during that time.
But the political elites have used it as an opportunity for their own interests. After the EDSA 1986,
we became free of the tyranny of the Marcoses, but we became more vulnerable to these elites
because if the EDSA 1986 was to make the Philippines free and become great again why are we
still at the bottom? For me, the EDSA 1986 was the way for the elites to have something for their
own gains. The EDSA 1986 is needed but it should also end not only the Marcoses but also these
“Political Elites” for us to feel the real meaning of Freedom and People Power Revolution (PPR).
Furthermore, EDSA 1986 is necessary for the Philippines because it unites the Filipino people for
only one purpose. It brings all the Filipinos to be united which is needed by the Filipinos to win a
war with a dictator.

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