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Paper – BP-603T

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Note : (i) The question paper consists of three Sections A, B,

and C.
(ii) Section C is compulosry and consists of ten short
questions of 2 marks each.
(iii) Section A consists of three question of 10 marks
each. The candidates are required to attempt any
two questions.
(iv) Section B consists of nine questions of 5 marks
each. The candidates are required to attempt any
seven questions.

(Attempt any two question)

I. Describe basic principles involved in Ayurveda. Describe

method of preparation and standardization of Lehyas. (10)

653-MJ/PDF/HHH/901 [P.T.O.
II. Give a detailed account of industries involved in production
of plants based products. (10)

III. Give advantages of novel dosage forms over conventional

herbal formulations. Explain method of preparation and
evaluation of Phytosomes. Describe in detail applications
of Phytosomes. (10)

(Attempt any seven question)

IV. Describe methods of authentication of herbal materials. (5)

V. Discuss the role of nutraceuticals in the treatment of CVS

disorders. (5)

VI. Give pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions

of Ginkgo biloba with drugs. (5)

VII. Write a note on sweeteners used as herbal excipients. (5)

VIII. Describe WHO guidelines for the assessment of herbal drug

stability. (5)

IX. What is Biopiracy? Discuss the patent issue of Curcuma.


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X. Write a detailed note on Schedule Z. (5)

XI. Describe challenges and storage conditions in stability

testing of herbal drugs. (5)

XII. Describe infrastructural requirements for herbal drug

industry. (5)

(Compulsory Question)
XIII. (a) Define the term Herbal Drug Preparation.
(b) What is Organic Farming?
(c) What are Health Foods?
(d) Give biological source and health benefits of Garlic.
(e) Write down sources of any two substances of natural
origin used as viscosity builders.
(f) Define the term IPR.
(g) Give full forms of ASU DTAB and ASU DCC.
(h) Give biological sources of herbal raw materials used
as waxes herbal cosmetics.
(i) Write objectives of Schedule T.
(j) What are Biopesticides? (2×10=20)

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