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Republic of the Philippines

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
1037 Amaipakpak Avenue, Brgy. Datu Saber, Marawi City 9700
Email Address:
Contact Number: SMART (0939-902-3861) GLOBE (0927-544-1473)



Quarter: First Quarter

A. Content Standard/ Focus The learners demonstrate understanding of ways
of sorting materials and describing them as solid,
liquid or gas based on observable properties.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to group common
objects found at home and in school according to
solids, liquids and gas.
C. Competencies/ Objective: 1. Describe changes in materials based on the
effect of temperature:
a. Solid to liquid,
b. Liquid to solid,
c. Liquid to gas,
d. Solid to gas (S3MT-Ih-j-4).
2. Describe gases based on the shape of the
3. Describe gases that occupy space
II. TOPIC/ SUBJECT MATTER Characteristic of Gas
A. Textbook SCIENCE 3 Learners Material
B. Other Reference Division ALMs, DepEd LRMDS Modules
Duration and Time Week 4 (Day 1 – 5)
A. Motivation – Establishing a Look at the pictures. What do you see? Can you
purpose for the lesson name the picture?

What can you say about them? What are they


B. Review of the previous Put a check (/) mark if the picture shown is gas.
lesson/s or presenting the Write your answer in your science notebook.
new lesson)
1. Exhaling breath from

2. Smoke from grilled meat

3. Smoke from train

4. An apple

C. Analysis (Presenting DISCUSSION

examples/ instances of the
new lesson) Gas is derived from the word chaos. Why? It is
because gases are composed of particles that is
constantly moving in different directions. Gas
particles can easily diffuse to the atmosphere.

About gases

D. Discussing new concepts and Before we start our new activity. Let us identify
practicing new Skills (Sub- first the precautionary measures. What are the
activity No. 1) precautionary or safety measures you know? Can
you name them?

Safety Rules in Doing the Experiment

1. Identify the things that are hazardous or
poisonous. Do not put it in your mouth.
2. If you are using hazardous things, call and
ask for assistance from your mother, father
or elder sister or brother.
3. After the experiment wash your hands with
soap and water thoroughly and dry it using
a clean towel.

Now you know all these things. Can we start? Let’s


EXPERIMENT 1: Describe Gases Based on the

Shape of the Container

Get one (1) balloon, but if you do not have use

plastic bag. Blow air inside the balloon or plastic
bag. Illustrate what happen when blowing air in it.

Process Questions:
1. What happens to the balloon or plastic when
you blow air in it?

2. How do you describe the size or shape of the

balloon or plastic bag?

3. Does the volume of the gas inside the

balloon or plastic bag same as the size of the
balloon or plastic bag?

E. Discussing new concepts and EXPERIMENT 2: Describe Gases That Occupy

practicing new Skills (Sub- Space
activity No. 2) Materials: tissue, glass, Styrofoam, big container
with water

1. Prepare the glass.
2. Put the tissue at the bottom of the glass.
3. Put water on the big container.
4. Count 1-10 as you dip the glass in the
container with water.
5. Slowly get the glass out of the container.
6. Observe. What happen to the tissue?
7. Do the same procedure using the styrofoam.
Put the Styrofoam in the water. Put the glass on
top of the Styrofoam. Then dip directly under the

1. What is inside the glass?
2. What happen to the tissue? What happen to
the Styrofoam?
3. What can you observe in this experiment?
F. Abstraction (Making From the experiment, we learned that the
generalizations about the size and shape of gases take the shape and volume
lesson) of the container like what happened when blowing
air to the balloon or plastic bag.
There are also different gases around us.
They are the smoke from the train, steam, helium,
water vapor and many more.
G. Application: Developing What will you do if you smell a gas in your
Mastery kitchen? Is it safe to light a candle in the kitchen?
H. Valuing Be cautious in what you do.
I. Evaluation Which of them shows gas?
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
answer in your notebook.

1. A. juice B. boiling water C. vinegar

2. A. smoke of train B. salt C. box

3. A. boiling coffee B. milk C. sugar

4. A. Helium B. Rain C. fruits

5. A. tree B. chocolate C. cooking barbecue

J. Assignment/Agreement Choose the picture that shows gas. Write the letter
of the correct answer in your notebook.

1. A, B. C.

2. A. B. C.

3. A. B. C.
V. REMARKS (insufficient
VI. REFLECTION (what went well
and what parts were weak)

Prepared by:
Mulondo District

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