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Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant morning I bid to the chairperson, honourable judges,

teachers, and friends. A wise man said that “Global warming isn’t a prediction, it IS
happening!” we humans have been bestowed with this one glorious planet that can sustain
life yet over the years we have turned a blind eye to the plight it is in. Global warming is not
an abstract concept but a global phenomenon occurring ever so slowly even at this moment.
So, this brings out the topic for my speech today – ‘Global warming and the ways to control

Over a long period of time, it is noted that the temperature of the earth has been
increasing gradually. This in turn had affected the wildlife, animals, humans, and every living
organisms on earth. We can notice from the global news that the glaciers have been melting
steadily from time to time and many countries have started experiencing water shortage,
frequent flood, land erosion, and so on. These natural phenomena happening around the
world are due to global warming and who do we blame for these? US!!

Ladies and gentlemen,

The effects of global warming are very devastating and it could be worse if left
unhandled. But, the question is how do we curb this issue? Well, one of the way is we can
start using cloth bags made from sustainable materials for all shopping purposes. We can
reduce the usage of plastic and indirectly we will be helping to reduce carbon emissions to
the atmosphere that caused global warming.

The second viable option that we can do is by shifting the current use of energy from
petroleum or other fossil fuels to energy that is generated by wind and solar. The combustion
process of petroleum and its kind will release harmful gases especially carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere and this will contribute to the global warming. Meanwhile, the two alternatives
mentioned before though are quite costly to set up at first, however, in the long run, these two
proved to be worth the investment and will produce cleaner energy.
Last but not least, we can spread awareness about global warming through the means
of social media. Campaigns and advertisements could be made and spread through Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, and so on so that people will be aware of global warming and be a
little more concern about it. If everyone plays a little part in slowing down the global
warming, the effect of it would be less hazardous to the surrounding.

As a conclusion, global warming is an alarming global issue that needs everyone to

cooperate to lessen the impact. If we all take the appropriate steps today, we will have a much
brighter future tomorrow. I would like to end my speech today with a quote that is worth to
ponder – “we inherited this planet from our fore fathers, and we need to make sure that we
will be able to hand this planet again to our younger generations”. Thank you

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