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reputed to have originated as a victorian word game, anagrams has appeared in many published
versions in the last century. the first modern version seems to have been the game "anagrams"
published in 1934 by selchow & righter, the manufacturer which would publish scrabble in 1953.
in 1975, selchow published the "scrabble scoring anagrams" version which featured tiles with
point values similar to the familiar scrabble system. another version was published in the 1960s
by the now defunct transogram. the embossing company also produced a yellow-on-black "eye-
rest" set. many other versions have been produced and, although the game has been out of print
for quite some time, used sets can still be found on internet auction and specialty sites. many
players use several scrabble or upwords sets.

a version of the game seems to be popular among tournament scrabble players. writers john
ciardi, james merrill, john malcolm brinnin, and richard wilbur reputedly played together regularly
in key west, florida, with novelist john hersey also sometimes sitting in (see the article "wordplay"
by rust hills from the march 1996 issue of esquire; vol. 125, issue 3)


an anagram (greek ana- = "back" or "again", and graphein = "to write") is a type of word play, the
result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce other words, using all the original
letters exactly once. anagrams are often expressed in the form of an equation, with the equals
symbol (=) separating the original subject and the resulting anagram. ‘earth = heart’ is an
example of a simple anagram expressed in that way. in a more advanced, sophisticated form of
anagramming, the aim is to ‘discover’ a result that has a linguistic meaning that defines or
comments on the original subject in a humorous or ironic way; e.g., roll in the hay = thrill a honey
(discovered by tony crafter), mother-in-law = woman hitler, or slotmachines = cash lost in em.
when the subject and the resulting anagram form a complete sentence, a tilde (~) is commonly
used instead of an equal sign; e.g., semolina ~ is no meal. or somewhere over the rainbow ~
worrisome however beneath.


basis-using recursive backtracking

before the computer age, anagrams were constructed using a pen and paper or lettered tiles, by
playing with letter combinations and experimenting with variations. (some individuals with
prodigious talent have also been known to ‘see’ anagrams in words, unaided by tools.)

computers have enabled a new method of creating anagrams, the anagram server. an anagram
server utilizes an exhaustive database of words. the anagrammist (one who creates anagrams)
enters a word or phrase and the server produces a list containing every possible combination of
words or phrases from the input word or phrase. many anagram servers can control the search
results, by excluding or including certain words, limiting the number or length of words in each
anagram, or limiting the number of results.

when sharing their newly discovered anagrams with other enthusiasts, some anagrammists
indicate the method they used. anagrams constructed without aid of a computer are noted as
having been done ‘manually’ or ‘by hand’; those made by utilizing a computer may be noted ‘by
machine’ or ‘by computer’, or may indicate the name of the computer program (using ‘anagram

anagram servers are available on the internet. some examples are

janagram (finds anagrams as you type)

anagram logic anagram finder (find anagrams by choosing interesting words)
internet anagram server (generate a list of anagrams) - its name being an anagram of "i,
rearrangement servant".
anagram genius (generate a single anagram, or get a free trial of the anagram genius software)
arrak anagrams (generate a list of anagrams)

there is also software to download and run locally, such as

fourmilab anagram finder (free command line program available as source code or win32
anagram artist (free windows program)




-for the usage of a phrasal term

-generation of a meaning full phrase out of any phrase
-in relation with a fuzzy english language
-usage in games as well in other mind readers

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