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The base forms of the verbs, also known as the infinitive forms, which are used to

express the general action or concept of the verb, are as follows:

Dejeuner, infinitive form (to have lunch, to eat lunch)

Diner - infinitive form (to have dinner, to eat dinner)
Etre - infinitive form (to be)
Avoir - infinitive form (to have)
Parler - infinitive form (to speak)
Ecouter - infinitive form (to listen)
Choisir - infinitive form (to choose)
Associer - infinitive form (to associate)
Completer - infinitive form (to complete)
Trouver - infinitive form (to find)
Mettre - infinitive form (to put, to place)
Lire - infinitive form (to read)

The present forms of the verbs are as follows:

1. Déjeuner (to have breakfast/lunch):

Present tense:
● Je déjeune (I have breakfast/lunch)
● Tu déjeunes (You have breakfast/lunch)
● Il/Elle déjeune (He/She has breakfast/lunch)
● Nous déjeunons (We have breakfast/lunch)
● Vous déjeunez (You have breakfast/lunch)
● Ils/Elles déjeunent (They have breakfast/lunch)
● Example: Nous déjeunons à midi. (We have lunch at noon.)
2. Dîner (to have dinner):
● Present tense:
● Je dîne (I have dinner)
● Tu dînes (You have dinner)
● Il/Elle dîne (He/She has dinner)
● Nous dînons (We have dinner)
● Vous dînez (You have dinner)
● Ils/Elles dînent (They have dinner)
● Example: Ils dînent au restaurant ce soir. (They are having dinner at the
restaurant tonight.)

3. Être (to be):

● Present tense:
● Je suis (I am)
● Tu es (You are)
● Il/Elle est (He/She is)
● Nous sommes (We are)
● Vous êtes (You are)
● Ils/Elles sont (They are)
● Example: Nous sommes fatigués. (We are tired.)
4. Avoir (to have):
● Present tense:
● J'ai (I have)
● Tu as (You have)
● Il/Elle a (He/She has)
● Nous avons (We have)
● Vous avez (You have)
● Ils/Elles ont (They have)
● Example: J'ai un chien. (I have a dog.)
5. Parler (to speak):
● Present tense:
● Je parle (I speak)
● Tu parles (You speak)
● Il/Elle parle (He/She speaks)
● Nous parlons (We speak)
● Vous parlez (You speak)
● Ils/Elles parlent (They speak)
● Example: Tu parles français couramment. (You speak French fluently.)
6. Écouter (to listen):
● Present tense:
● J'écoute (I listen)
● Tu écoutes (You listen)
● Il/Elle écoute (He/She listens)
● Nous écoutons (We listen)
● Vous écoutez (You listen)
● Ils/Elles écoutent (They listen)
● Example: Nous écoutons de la musique tous les jours. (We listen to music
every day.)
7. Choisir (to choose):
● Present tense:
● Je choisis (I choose)
● Tu choisis (You choose)
● Il/Elle choisit (He/She chooses)
● Nous choisissons (We choose)
● Vous choisissez (You choose)
● Ils/Elles choisissent (They choose)
● Example: Ils choisissent le film à regarder ce soir. (They are choosing the
movie to watch tonight.)
8. Associer (to associate):
● Present tense:
● J'associe (I associate)
● Tu associes (You associate)
● Il/Elle associe (He/She associates)
● Nous associons (We associate)
● Vous associez (You associate)
● Ils/Elles associent (They associate)
● Example: Je peux associer son visage à ce souvenir. (I can associate his
face with that memory.)
9. Compléter (to complete):
● Present tense:
● Je complète (I complete)
● Tu complètes (You complete)
● Il/Elle complète (He/She completes)
● Nous complétons (We complete)
● Vous complétez (You complete)
● Ils/Elles complètent (They complete)
● Example: Nous devons compléter ce formulaire. (We need to complete
this form.)
10. Trouver (to find):
● Present tense:
● Je trouve (I find)
● Tu trouves (You find)
● Il/Elle trouve (He/She finds)
● Nous trouvons (We find)
● Vous trouvez (You find)
● Ils/Elles trouvent (They find)
● Example: Il trouve toujours des solutions aux problèmes. (He always finds
solutions to problems.)
11. Mettre (to put):
● Present tense:
● Je mets (I put)
● Tu mets (You put)
● Il/Elle met (He/She puts)
● Nous mettons (We put)
● Vous mettez (You put)
● Ils/Elles mettent (They put)
● Example: Elle met ses clés dans son sac. (She puts her keys in her bag.)
12. Lire (to read):
● Present tense:
● Je lis (I read)
● Tu lis (You read)
● Il/Elle lit (He/She reads)
● Nous lisons (We read)
● Vous lisez (You read)
● Ils/Elles lisent (They read)
● Example: J'aime lire des romans policiers. (I enjoy reading detective

Note: The examples provided are for illustrative purposes and may not be direct

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