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LAborious: Tough
Laborious comes from the word” labour” which means hard work and drudgery.
As the sentence is connected by “but” , there is contrast, so that means he wanted to take
honor maths but he did not because there were two things , course load and practices, so
they must be tough that made him not to choose that
3. Secretly
Since the sen shows that the dog had eaten it, he was hiding in a way that it is not known to
anyone, so you can deduce that it is secretly.
4. Dulcet
The audience got satisfied and delighted , that shows, the tone was dulcet and sweet

5.Besotted with
On Valentine's Day, couples make cards for each other, so they must be a couple who are in
love with each other.
6. Horrible
Monsters are delineated in horrible ways, so it might be horrible.
7. An intelligent student at young age, mind blowing kid, god-gifted
The sentence implies that Beethoven ‘s notes are not a piece of cake, so the child playing at
a young age says it all.
8. Extremely
The teacher praised him for his hard work, so it must be praising his progress too.
9. All together at once
The simultaneous saying of students made it feel the principal suspicious , he may have
found it fishy. So they said at the same time which is fishy.
10. Disrespected
Since the hostess served another family them though that family came later, this must have
made anyone feel disrespected.
11. Wisdom
The mayor helped them out of many problem with wisdom. You solve condrums and
problems with wit.
12, Trembling, unclear
SInce she was nervous, during nervousness everyone’s voice is like that and it is trembling.

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