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Basic Occupational Safety and Health



Powerplant and Transmission Line Safety

Submitted By:

De Jesus, Christian Mark M.

Submitted To:

Engr. Edwin Espinas

EE Faculty

DATE: June 26, 2023

Name: Christian Mark M. De Jesus Prof: Engr. Edwin Espinas
CYS: BSEE – 3G Date: June 26, 2022

Basic Occupational Safety and Health

Powerplant and Transmission Line Safety
Reflection Paper

Powerplant and transmission line safety is of utmost importance in the energy generation
and distribution industry. As electricity is a inherently dangerous, various safety measures and
protocols are in place to keep workers and the public safe. Power plant and transmission line
workers are trained on safety procedures and given access to personal protective equipment.
Additionally, regular maintenance and inspections are conducted to ensure that equipment is
functioning safely and efficiently. Any faults or issues are addressed promptly to prevent potential
accidents. It is important for the industry to continue prioritizing safety to ensure that energy supply
is reliable and sustainable.

The discussion of reporters investigating power plant safety was very insightful. The
reporters include the different types of power plants and the risk it pose to the workers. They also
talked about the safety measures taken when working in a nuclear power plant and how it is
important to follow as this can be the only way to safely work in a nuclear powerplant above the
standard. After knowing the basic knowledge about different types of power plant and safeties the
reporters talked about risk assessment and management. It is a vital component of ensuring safety
in power plants. As the reporters said power plants generate electricity through various complex
processes, which can pose potential risks to the workers and surroundings. The reporters discussed
how to mitigate the risks by having adequate management protocols implemented, continuous
training and monitoring of all employees by the management and increased plant safety. Overall,
the discussion of the role of people involve in risk assessment and management in power plant
safety is critical in the overall make of the plant.

The reporters then discussed about high-voltage transmission line, I gained a better
understanding of the practicality and importance of this technology. I learned about the different
parts of a high voltage transmission lines and key terms needed to be remembered when working
in one. Additionally, I was able to grasp the significance of maintaining and upgrading these lines
to ensure reliable and efficient energy distribution. Lastly, the reporters talked about the dangers
that it can pose to the people during different scenarios and how to prevent or avoid these dangers
whenever near a transmission line. Finally, the reporters discussed about electric shock and arcing.
They discussed in details how this can affect a human when they encountered one and how it pose
a risk specially to linemen that are working in the field. They also added additional informative
videos to further explain the importance of the topics they’ve discussed.

In conclusion, power plant and transmission line safety are crucial considerations for the
energy industry. It is imperative that strict safety guidelines and protocols are put in place to ensure
the protection of workers and the general public. The potential hazards associated with power
plants and transmission lines can be lethal and have long-lasting effects. The industry must
continuously strive to improve safety measures and mitigate any risks. By doing so, we can ensure
the delivery of electricity to our homes and industries while also guaranteeing the safety and
welfare of all those involved.

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