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Assalamu’alaikum wbt to all my beloved teachers and my fellow friends,

Do you still remember what’s my friend Hasya shared yesterday?

First, let me introduce myself. I’m Hamzah from 6 as-syatir. I would be happy if you can lend your ears for a while. I will
be talking about “set your intention” in the month of ramadhan. But first I want to congratulate all of you for completing
your first day of Ramadhan yesterday.

Ok now let’s go back to our topic. Do you know the meaning of intention?

Intentions are the root of every action. It reflects the underlying motives of why we plan something or do what we do.
Our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said,

ِ ‫ِإنَّ َما اَأل ْع َما ُل بِالنِّيَّا‬

‫ نَ َوى‬2‫ لِ ُك ِّل ا ْم ِرٍئ َما‬2‫ت َوِإنَّ َما‬
“Indeed, deeds are (judged)  by intentions. Every man will be rewarded only for what they intended.”

Between preparing ourselves physically and spiritually for this blessed month, it is very important that we don't forget to
make niat (intentions) before fasting!

When you make an intention before every deed, it is a reminder to your inner self and a confirmation that we seek the
pleasure of Allah (s.w.t) in all our actions. On top of that, setting your intention for fasting also brings you closer to Allah
(s.w.t) and helps you to remember the purpose of Ramadan.
As prophet muhammad s.a.w. said: "Whoever does not have the intention to fast before dawn, then there is no fasting for
Making intentions before fasting during Ramadan is a crucial step in the spiritual practice of Islam. It helps Muslims to
focus their minds and hearts on the true purpose of fasting, and it serves as a reminder of the many benefits and rewards of
this important act of worship.

Dear teachers and friends,

Making intentions is also important because it helps to bring focus and sincerity to the act of fasting. It is a way of
reminding oneself of the spiritual benefits and rewards of fasting, which include increased closeness to God, the
forgiveness of sins, and the development of self-discipline.

So, have you set your intention for ramadhan? Have you memorized “niat puasa”?

Now let’s recite daily niat puasa with me together.

ِ ْ‫صوْ َم َغ ٍد َأ ْن َأدَا ِء فَر‬

‫ض َر َمضَانَ هَ ِذ ِه ال َّسنَ ِة هَّلِل ِ تَ َعالَى‬ ُ ‫ن ََوي‬
َ ‫ْت‬
Nawaitu sauma ghodin an'adaai fardhi syahir romadhona haadzihis sanati lillahi ta'ala
"I intend to do obligatory fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan this year because of Allah."

Let’s sing together

(Lagu niat puasa) 2x

Remember my friends, the intention to fast must be made every day before dawn. The intention (niat) may be made during
the night before going to sleep or it can also be made at the time of sahur before dawn.

So that is all my sharing for today. Stay tuned for the next podcast by my friend Sabrina this Monday.
Assalamu’alaikum wbt, bye….

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