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Basic Occupational Safety and Health





Submitted By:

De Jesus, Christian Mark M.

Submitted To:

Engr. Edwin Espinas

EE Faculty

DATE: June 20, 2023

Name: Christian Mark M. De Jesus Prof: Engr. Edwin Espinas
CYS: BSEE – 3G Date: June 20, 2022

Basic Occupational Safety and Health

Confined Space Entry, Tire Choking, And Environmental Safety
Reflection Paper

Confined space entry, tire choking, and environmental safety are important considerations
in any workplace. Confined spaces, such as trenches, pits, and tanks can pose significant hazards
to workers. As such, proper training and equipment must be provided to ensure safe entry and exit.
Additionally, tire choking, or the use of wheel chocks is essential when working with vehicles to
prevent rolling or unintentional movement. Finally, environmental safety is a top priority in any
workplace, with proper disposal of hazardous materials and adherence to air and water quality
regulations being crucial components. Employers must prioritize these safety measures to ensure
the health and well-being of their employees and the environment.

The reporters discussed first the confined space entry. In its entire discussion, I gained a
further understanding of the potential dangers and safety precautions that must be taken when
entering confined spaces. It was eye-opening to hear about the advantages and disadvantages of
confined space entries. I now have a further understanding of the risk that may happen during the
entry. I also learned about the various types of hazards that may be present, such as atmospheric,
mechanical, and physical hazards, and the measures that can be taken to prevent them. The
reporters have emphasized the importance of proper training and preparation before entering
confined spaces to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

The next topic that the reporters have discussed is about tire choking. The discussion was
quite enlightening and thought-provoking, as the reporters shared the importance of choking, how
it can be properly executed and the effect of its benefits. Through their insights, I was able to learn
that tire choking is a serious issue that affects not only drivers but also pedestrians. The reporters
emphasized the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and taking necessary precautions
to prevent accidents. The discussion allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the gravity of
tire choking and the responsibility we all bear in ensuring road safety.

Lastly, the reporters talk about environmental safety. The discussion have made me realize
just how critical it is to ensure that we take appropriate measures to protect our planet. Our oceans
and forests are being destroyed, species are becoming extinct, and the planet's temperature is
rapidly rising. We have a responsibility to change our behavior and make sure that we take steps
to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment. From reducing our carbon footprint to
using more natural products in our daily lives, there is a lot that we can do to help preserve our
planet for future generations. Overall, the discussion about environmental safety has been eye-
opening, and it has shown me that we need to act fast and take meaningful action if we want to
prevent further damage to our planet.

Confined space entry, tire choking, and environmental safety are important considerations
in any workplace. In its entire discussion, I gained a further understanding of the potential dangers
and safety precautions that must be taken when entering confined spaces. The reporters have
emphasized the importance of proper training and preparation before entering confined spaces to
ensure the safety of everyone involved. The report also allowed me to gain a deeper understanding
of the gravity of tire choking and the responsibility we all bear in ensuring road safety. And lastly,
the presentation has taught me about the importance of environmental safety specially in a

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