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By Bruce Ee Nese & James M. Ward TSR Ine TSR. Led. POR 756 120 Church End Lake Genera Cherry Hinton WI53147 Cambridge CB1 313 USA United Kis ADVANGHD DUNGEONS 4 DRAGONS, ABAD FORGOT AENINS ol GANA WORLD RAVENLOFT al toe 13k og te ended TS, lc Foreward to the Fourth Edition In the dark ages of 1975 and 1976 (I know some of you weren't even born then—this hobby and this game have deep and ancient roots) the GAMMA WORLD® game came alive with the help of many people. In those far-off days you didn't design a game with hopes of great profits, you did a game because you thought it was a good idea. ‘Ac st, there were thousands ot fantasy players expertencing GAMMA WORLD games as part of their fantasy ‘campaigns. A short bout of fighting androids and robots instead of dragons and undead was a welcome change of pace. Eventually, the game began getting played for its own sake. Why? Because it was pure, gung-ho fun The «ypical player uf this game has developed unique syle Usat ufveu extends itelf into other gantes he or she plays. I'sa style with a “Surrender ot die!” premise behind it. It'sa style that says always check things out, believe ‘only halfof what you see, and always have a backup plan. The GAMMA WORLD game is definitely a “wahoo” experience. Bruce Nesmith and Julia Martin have done what I consider an excellent job in redeveloping the rules and campaign material. So, once more TSR launches a new version of the GAMMA WORLD experience. I hope to see you as we both adventure in and judge using this new set. know we can expect the unexpected ar every mirn, Senin like fin 0 James M. Ward Director, Creative Services, TSR, Ine. Special Thanks To ‘Jim Ward for inventing this wonderful game in the first place. E.A.U. RPGA Gaming Club on GEnie BBS Services for speedy playtesting, Credits Design: Bruce Nesmith and James M. Ward Contributors: Rich Baker, Tim Beach. David ““Zeb" Cook. Thomas Reid. Erie W. Haddock. Dale “Slade” Henson Editing: Julia Martin ‘Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz Production: Paul Hanchette, Sarah Feggestad Cover art: Erle Olsen Interior Black and White Wustrations: Larry Elmore, Newton Ewell, Mark Nelson Interior Color Mlustrations: Clyde Caldwell, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, Keith Parkinson Playtectings Jay Adan, Jacon Arnold; Rich Baker, Tim Beach, Robert Bellamy, David Carewsighs, William Connots, David “Zeb” Cook, Dale Donovan, Carl Ebbinghaus, Jay Fisher, Chris Flanagan, Darren Gideon, R. Alan Grimes, Dave Gross, Dale “Slade” Henson, Shaun Hornet, Christina Judkins, John Klar, Julia Martin, Colin McComb, Greg McElhatton, Mak Middleton, Jon Pickens, Thomas Reed, Thomas eid. Roger Reinsmith. David Sutherland II Robert Quillen Il, Skip Williams Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide disribusion tights inthe book wade for Engl language produce of TSR, lc TDierhted the ha ond dein he lied Ring hy TOR ok Distibuted vo the toy and hobby wade by regional dbus ©1976, 1992 TSR, Ia, All Rights Reserved. Proved inthe United States of Americ, ISBN 1-36076-401 “Tis gume is protected under the copyright laws ofthe United States of America. Any reproduction ot aher unauthorized ute ofthe material ot artwork contained hee is prohibited without the expres wren permision of TS, Ine 2 GAMMA WORLD

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