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BSBOPS502: Manage Business Operational Plans

Name: Shashank Thumma

ID: C2916M0822
Professor: Varun Chowdhary

FEBRUARY 12, 2023

Part A
Question 1: Implement Strategy for Staff Recruitment
More than 500 students are enrolled in a variety of courses at King Edward VII, which has been
operating in Melbourne for five years. This institution is well-liked for its affordable tuition
rates, cutting-edge facilities, and creative teaching techniques. In light of the success of the
campuses in Melbourne, the management wants to open two new campuses in Brisbane and
Sydney. Student services officers and receptionists are initially needed for each location in
addition to trainers.

Staff recruiting is a difficult process that involves management, orders from the human resources
department, and posting job specifications that are appropriate for the organization's needs.
Therefore, plans for staff recruiting are devised, focused on the Kind Edward VII College's
Recruitment and Selection Policy.

In order to address the need for new employees, the first step is to speak with the human
resources department. As a result, it is determined in the first order of communication that
receptionists and student services officers are needed for both Brisbane and Sydney campuses. In
addition, the timing and schedule of current employees at the Melbourne campuses will also be
changed so that they must take on the responsibilities of the new campuses.

After contacting the human resources and marketing departments to post the job vacancy on both
campuses, the second phase in the hiring process is receiving approval for the roles needed for
the campuses' expansion. The goal is to hire people who are qualified for both positions. Thus,
only candidates with relevant experience and a degree are taken into consideration for positions
as receptionists. In a similar way, candidates for student services officers who have a degree in
student services are preferred along with relevant experience.

Question 2: Email to CEO

Dear CEO,

Since Kind Edward VII College's diligent efforts on the Melbourne campus have been
successful, additional staff is needed to carry out the college's expansion ambitions in Brisbane

BSBOP502: Assessment 2
and Sydney. For new campuses, only receptionists and student service officers are initially
needed, along with 1 trainer for every 20 students; however, other responsibilities will be
handled by existing personnel at Melbourne campuses until the institution reaches its full
capacity. The best time to hire is the next month, thus after receiving your approval, employment
advertisements for desired positions will be published.

Kind regards,
Operations Manager

Question 3: Email to HR
Dear HR Manager.

This email relates to the employment of new employees for the Brisbane and Sydney campuses.
For the initial phase, receptionists and officers in charge of student services are needed, along
with one trainer for every 20 students. As a result, the CEO receives approval for the hiring;
nevertheless, there is still work to be done in this area before we can start the hiring process after
receiving approval. The recommended time for hiring is the following month, so it is necessary
to prepare ads in collaboration with the marketing team that clearly define each job's
requirements. The ads will be placed in Brisbane and Sydney local newspapers, and through
social media advertisements, both of these regions will be focused on a specific audience and
there will be on the local news networks are updated. New development material should be
developed for new trainers in order to provide them with new training methods that are in line
with King Edward VII College policies and procedures, but intellectual property rights must be
protected. To ensure that protection is carried out in accordance with policy and processes, it is
necessary to mention intellectual property protection in employee contracts after the hire.

Kind regards,
Operations Manager

Question 4: Equipment Purchasing Strategy

The purchase of equipment is a crucial part of creating a new campus; therefore, for the Brisbane
and Sydney campuses, office equipment as well as furnishings for at least 100 students at each
campus will be needed for this purpose. The formal technique of accepting tenders for the
purchase of equipment is by publishing the specifications for furniture and equipment in open

BSBOP502: Assessment 2
bids, which ensures that only the best bidder will be chosen through competition. The following
furnishings are necessary for the new campuses:

• Desk

• Benches

• Chairs

• Cupboards

• Podium

• Sofas

Question 5: Email to Administration Team

Dear Administration Team.

Office supplies and student furniture are needed for the launch of new campuses in Sydney and
Brisbane. In the beginning, each campus needs enough furniture and equipment to accommodate
at least 100 students.

The purchasing policy and procedure provide recommendations for this case, where it is stated
that new equipment should only be acquired through formal tender bidding; as a result, this
tender should also be handled and approved using the formal tender approval process.

Before the Brisbane campus can open in January 2020, the bid must be published and accepted.
The necessary equipment is as follows:

• Files, folders, storage containers, printers, photo copiers, and staplers

• 100 seats and tables for every college.

• Workplace furniture

These items must be included in the tender application.

Additionally, at least three quotes must be collected for the bid to be accepted; otherwise, a new
tender should be launched.

BSBOP502: Assessment 2
Kind regards,
Operations Manager

Question 6: Monitoring Actions

Since monitoring actions are necessary for the operational plan, monitoring will be carried out at
appropriate intervals with weekly progress reviews based on the approach stated in the preceding
sections. The hiring of workers and the purchase of equipment are crucial components of the
operating plan, thus performance will be assessed by staying in touch with the marketing,
administration, and human resources departments. The operational plan below shows the
monitoring actions.

Strategie Actions Details of resources Timeline Who KPIs and Monitorin

s required to achieve s monitorin g actions
actions g plan
Appropriate  Real estate February Operationa Locations on
campus agents real-estate-agencies/belconnen- 2022 l manager campus that
locations  Acquisitio act-2617/ February are
n steps 2023 appropriate
and meet the
outlined in
the business
Budget Locations must  Cost Effectiveness One Term Finance Establishing
constraints be within  Budget management manager an
define budget appropriate
acquisition in
with the
New staff Post add for  Hiring One year Human appropriate
required staff  Interviews resource hiring of
positions personnel in
with the
outlined in
the company
Equipment’ Have new Detailed bid specifications were 2 months Finance proper
s infrastructure included in the tender so that manager equipment
interested businesses may purchasing in
submit bids. accordance

BSBOP502: Assessment 2
Marketing Advertise about  Advertise on local 2 months Marketing Appropriate
renting of land, newspapers manager method to
hiring  Advertise on social media follow the
employees, and platforms marketing
bid for  Follow up to advertisement standards to
equipment’s meet the

Part B
Question 1: Performance Information
Profit & Loss Six Months to Dec 2022 Sydney
Income Budget Actual Variance
Sales $550,000 $575,000 +5.6
Electricity & Gas $30,000 $31,000 10.03%
Internet $18,000 $18,000 0.00%
Office Supplies $40,000 $39,000 10.02%
Rent $50,000 $54,000 8.00%
Stationary $1000 $1,300 76.9%
Wages & Salaries $300,000 $290,000 96.6%
Superannuation $30,000 $29,000 4.00%
Travel & Accommodation $10,000 $12,000 1.2%
Water $20,000 $22,000 1.1%
Work Cover Insurance $900 $900 0.00%
Total Expense $499,900 $497,200 1.005
Net Profit $50,100 $77,800 1.552

Profit & Loss Six Months to Dec 2022 Brisbane

Income Budget Actual Variance
Sales $350,000 $410,000 +17%
Electricity & Gas $15,000 $25,000 66.67%
Internet $10,000 $18,000 80.00%
Office Supplies $19,000 $25,000 31.58%
Rent $35,000 $39,000 11.43%
Stationary $700 $1,250 78.57%
Wages & Salaries $250,000 $265,000 6.00%
Superannuation $10,000 $15,000 50.00%
Travel & Accommodation $1000 $3,000 200.00%

BSBOP502: Assessment 2
Water $10,000 $20,000 100.00%
Work Cover Insurance $870 $870 0.00
Total Expense $351,570 $412,120
Net Profit $-1,570 $-2,120

The tables above provide a financial performance study of Brisbane and Sydney, with net profits
and losses displayed in proportion to each campuses' variance across various organisations. This
section discusses the financial performance analysis, deviations, and variances for the
operational plan.

Financial Performance Analysis

The net profit of Sydney is 50,100 while for Brisbane it is -1,570 similarly budgeted profit for
both is 77,800 & -2,120 respectively, among both the campuses, Sydney has shown a
tremendous profits compared to the Brisbane, however, considering the first year many expenses
are included which are only single use, therefore, in coming years the losses will be converted to
profits. Based on comparison, Brisbane campus is in more considerable situation.


Stationary for the Sydney campus and sales, as well as stationary for the Brisbane campus, are
the costs that have exceeded the 10% variance. The cause for the stationary variance at both
campuses is an insufficient budget for the necessary resources. The difference in sales shows that
Brisbane campus has not generated the anticipated amount of revenue.

Variance to Operational Plan

With the performance of the first six months, it is predicted that by the end of the year, these
losses will be turned to profits as the majority of the expenses are simply one-time. Considering
the net profit of each campus, the profit level is quite narrow. Therefore, based on the variation
in profitability, it is advised to increase staffing.

Question 2: Memo to Staff

The operational data shows that energy expenditure is higher than anticipated; consequently,
energy management is needed on both campuses to reduce the energy load that compromises the
financial analysis. The most effective strategy to lower energy costs is to optimise the energy

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appliances, which could involve shutting off fans, air conditioners, computers, and lights while
no one is in the building. Avoiding unnecessary energy use can also help lower energy costs. As
a result, it is advised to follow Kind Edward VII's processes and policies and refrain from using
excess energy.

BSBOP502: Assessment 2

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