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BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Part A

Question no 1

The five project management tools along with their uses are explained as follows:

 Gantt chart: A visual description of project based on timelines for the team to focus for
 Work Breakdown Structure: The most basic tool used in the project planning which helps in
definition of project goals using hierarchal breakdown.
 Project Baseline: This tool is graphical representation of project in which baseline is set as
standard against which other performance indicators are compared.
 Communication management plan: This is communication tool that ensures smooth transition
of information between different members of project.
 Employment Engagement Surveys: The survey-based analysis tool help organization to grow in
sustainable manner by incorporating the ideas and opinions of employees.

Question No 2

There are various documents and sources used for defining the project, however, the three are:

 Project Charter
 Project scope plan
 Project risk plan

Question No 3

Risk identification, risk appraisal, and risk monitoring are the three procedures for identifying risks as
part of the risk management process. Any project will inevitably involve risks; the key is to evaluate
them methodically and design counterstrategies to minimise them.

Question no 4

One of the most important components of project management is the creation of a risk management
plan that contains pertinent preventative steps for when hazards occur. A risk management plan is
created before the project even begins to boost success because unmanaged hazards can surely
generate hurdles and impede the project's flow.

Question no 5

Organizations use the project management technique known as "risk avoidance" to totally eliminate
excessive levels of risk. Since no organisation can entirely remove all risks, which dangers should be
avoided depend on how serious they are.

Question no 6

Project teams engage in the process of risk mitigation by first evaluating the risk and then actively
making steps to reduce the possibility that the risk will negatively affect the project's completion.

Question no 7

The danger that, upon detection, is claimed to have a low probability of loss and requires the spending
of additional resources is referred to in business terms as acceptance of risk. In risk management, risk
acceptance is also known as risk retention.
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Question no 8

Human resources, recordkeeping, money, and budget are required for efficient and effective project
management, and these are described as,

 Quality assurance: The delivery of high-quality work that is performed in accordance with
standards is ensured by quality assurance, making it one of the most important aspects of
project management. As a result, implementing quality assurance is expected to produce
superior results.
 Human resources: In project management, the human resource department is in charge of
finding and overseeing qualified personnel for the project, assuring its efficacy and efficiency.
 Budget & Finance: The accounting of any project's financial component is within the purview of
the finance department. In addition, a preliminary budget for the entire project is created, and
it must be adhered to for it to be successful.
 Record Keeping: The project's workflow, including risks, detours, process effectiveness, and
other pertinent information, is recorded in formal document forms for future auditing and as a
guide for comparable scenarios in other projects.

Part B

Question 1

The focus of the project scope, a vital part of project planning where project goals, objectives,
deliverables, costs, and deadlines are determined, is on the project objectives. Also, the project scope is
developed step-by-step, specifying the goals, key players, risk analysis, financial factors, and reporting

For the development of the project scope, information on project deliverables, objectives, budget,
deadlines, policies, risk assessment, reporting approach, and communication will be gathered. This
information will also be gathered during any other enquiries regarding the creation of the company
website and logo.

The following questions are created for the meeting:

 What financial restrictions apply to the creation of new websites?

 How much money has been set aside for creating logos?
Should a project team be hired through a tender process or by self-approval?
 What conditions must be met before a website can be developed?
 What are the mandatory and optional characteristics that a website should have?
 Are there any requirements for the logo's layout?
 What is the human resources budget?
 What are the documentation procedure's requirements?
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Native Bush Spices Australia

Project Scope

The task entails developing a new website for Native Bush Species Australia, which intends to use it as a
vehicle for future business expansion. A new logo is also required because it will be used as the main
marketing tool for the new expansion strategy. There are a few things to consider before starting a
project, like the financial constraints, the technical requirements, the deadlines, the need for reporting,
and the information sharing.


The project's objective is to build Native Bush Spices Australia, a business that specialises in Australian
native food, a useful, engaging, and customer-focused website. Giving current consumers a new
ordering experience that includes access to recipes and other helpful information is the project's major
goal. In addition to all of that, the same company ought to design a new logo that accurately conveys
the significance and soul of Native Bush Spices Australia.

Legislative and regulatory context

Because the legal and regulatory context of website development includes the building of a safe and
customer-focused website that not only benefits customers but also enhances company revenue, work
safety and health (WHS) should be taken into account during the project scope. In order to complete
duties legally, within regulatory board guidelines, and without violating any laws, the legal components
require the use of proven techniques. The WHS depends on the following:

 Create a project in a way that has little to no influence on people's lives and health.
 Removing risks from their resources
 Elements of the current technology
 Create plans for the necessary links between each entity at work.
 Employees are qualified and adequately trained.

Business objectives

The business objectives are:

 Create a website to draw in more visitors

 Create a logo that symbolises the business.
 The website should be targeted towards consumers aged 35 to 65.
 Goods ought to be created for clients who make an average of £80,000 per year.
 Increase sales with a new website.
 Publish recipes and information on spices on a website.
 Create a strategy to increase customer product awareness.

Risk assessment

The list of potential risks are:

 Working longer hours than planned

 going over budget. 
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

 Stealing intellectual property.

 Utilising the incorrect technology. 
 A language barrier for customers from other countries. 
 A lack of traffic; a failure to optimise the products with fewer descriptions. 
 And a logo design that does not accurately reflect the company.


The main stakeholders are:

 Operation manager
 Marketing coordinator
 Administration staff
 Customer service officer
 Customers
 Creditors
 Employees


The resources required for the website development and logo design are:

 Budget
 Documentation of requirements
 Hiring appropriate and qualified individuals
 Hosting and domain selection
 Photoshop tools
 Designer knowledge.

Relationship to other projects

Since the company's website and logo will be the public face of every product it sells, they are tied to
other corporate projects. It therefore has a crystal-clear relationship to other projects that will be
shown on the website.

According to the project's reporting guidelines, every stage of the process, including design, technical knowledge,
financial knowledge, project timeline, risk assessment, project deliverables, and any other activity completed
throughout the project, must be documented.
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Question no 2

Native Bush Spices Australia

Project Management Plan

The task entails developing a new website for Native Bush Species Australia, which intends to use it as a
vehicle for future business expansion. A new logo is also required because it will be used as the main
marketing tool for the new expansion strategy. There are a few things to consider before starting a
project, like the financial constraints, the technical requirements, the deadlines, the need for reporting,
and the information sharing.


The benefits the business hopes to achieve include developing a website that will attract more
customers, designing a logo that embodies the company's values and goals, concentrating on
customers aged 35 to 65, designing goods with an average annual income of &80,000, attracting more
customers with a new website, offering recipes and information about spices through the website, and
developing a strategy to increase customer awareness of the business's offerings.

How the success of the project will be measured

There are various measures that could be taken to measure the success of project, some of which are:

 Project is delivered with in defined timeframe.

 Comparing the defined cost, deliverables, process, and time with project completion.
 Overall traffic on the website
 Order from the website
 Customer response through surveys and questionaries about new logo and website.

Project Budget

Cost area Details Estimated cost

Website development Reviewing different quotes and after careful $10,000
analysis selecting website developer that could
complete the objective within time, budget, and
technical constraints.
Content for website Content writer who can provide simple, $3,000
meaningful, and related content to be used for
Photographs of products Product photographs that will be displayed on the $6,000
website, therefore, it needs to be clear and of high
Logo Design Logo design by probably same website developer $6,000
company that represents the image of company.
Documentation of project Documentation of all the process and steps for $3,000
further review after the completion of project.
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Activities & Milestones

Project area Actions Responsibility Scheduled start Scheduled finish Monitoring Reporting
Content Content description of Operation manager 30/01/2023 28/02/2023 Marketing Marketing
development products coordinator, coordinator,
Operation Operation
Manager Manager
Web site Develop web site brief Marketing 30/01/2023 07/02/2023 Marketing Marketing
development coordinator coordinator coordinator
Identify web site developers Operation Manager 07/02/2023 10/02/2023 Marketing Operation
coordinator Manager
Review quotes Administrative staff 10/02/2023 13/02/2023 Marketing Administrative
coordinator staff
Identify successful web site Administrative staff 13/02/2023 13/02/2023 Marketing Administrative
developer coordinator staff
Provide approval to proceed Marketing 15/02/2023 17/02/2023 Marketing Marketing
coordinator, coordinator coordinator,
Operation Manager Operation
Provide content for use in Content Creator 17/02/2023 25/02/2023 Marketing Marketing
web site development coordinator coordinator,
Ongoing review of website Marketing 17/02/2023 30/03/2023 Operation CEO, Marketing
coordinator Manager coordinator,
Logo design Logo design for the company Marketing 30/01/2023 30/03/2023 Marketing CEO, Marketing
coordinator coordinator coordinator,
Photographs Photographs of products Marketing 15/02/2023 30/03/2023 Marketing CEO, Marketing
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

coordinator coordinator coordinator,


Question no 3
Team Meeting


Venue: Conference Hall, Ground Floor.

Objective: To discuss the project scope and project management plan.


 Project outline
 Goals, objectives, missions, and operations
 Project management plan
 Risk assessment
 Feedback


It is envisaged that by focusing on the project scope, the website development project will be finished within the intended goals. Also, particular attention will be paid to
the organization's objectives, goals, mission, and daily operations, all of which will serve as the foundation for the new website. The project scope outlines each component
of the project in great detail, along with the duties, roles, goals, schedules, and procedures. The focus will be on incorporating innovative features that will develop
business using an online strategy, allowing for the possibility of serving more customers while using less resources. The role of the project manager is essential in this case
since they are the ones that create all of the tasks and responsibilities. The various project processes will therefore be carried out according to the project manager's
strategy. While time and money are two important factors, there are some limitations on how a project can be completed. Also, tasks and responsibilities are delegated in
accordance with qualifications, thus the project may fail if any negligence or failure to finish it by the deadline occurs. At the conclusion of the meeting, feedback from
significant team members is solicited so that their suggestions can be incorporated into the project.
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Question No 4

Final project scope is updated and saved according to feedback and discussion during meeting; the final draft is presented in Question 1.

Question 5

Project Management Plan is updated and saved according to feedback and discussion during meeting; the final draft is presented in Question 2.

Question no 6
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Question no 7
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

Question 8
BSBPMG430 || Undertake Project Work || Assessment Task 1

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