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Heart Contraction

SinoTrial Mode – Ma stop si heart

Septum – Divides the right & left


Filling of the heart chamber --- the

cardiac cycle

Ventriculst filling --- mid to late

diastole Junction --- may stone

* Eject -- systole *CBD

*Filling – Diastole Hypotensive – low BP

120/80—average BP Hypertensive – High/Increase BP

Hyper kalmia -- High

Potassium/ Low Potassium
Heart Cycle

Atria Contracts simultaneously

1. Increase Heart rate
Atria relax, then ventricles
contracts Sympathetic Nervous System

Systole – contraction --- Crisis

Diastole – relaxation --- low blood pressure


--Decrease Blood volume


Epinephrine -- (12 epinephrine


2. Decreased Heart Rate

--Parasympathetic nervous system 4. Venules

--high BP or Blood volume 5. Veins -- towards

--Decreased venous return

Congestive Heart Failure –worn

out pumps weakly.

Digitalis --- works to provide a

slow , steady but strong heart

Aorta: Major Aorta:

--Thoracic Aorta (Chest)

--Abdominal Aorta

Abdominal Aortic
Mid to late diastole -- blood flows
Aneurysm into ventricles

---- Protusion in the lumen Ventricular Systole – Blood

pressure builds before ventricle
*Brain contracts, pushing out blood
*Aorta Early diastole—atria finish re-
filling, ventricular pressure is
Circle of release
Cardiac Output (CO) -- Amount
*Brain of blood pumped by each side
of heart in one minute.
C0= (Heart Rate ) x (Stoke
Blood vessel: the vascular
Parasympathetic –--fight or flight
---Taking blood to tissue & back
1. Arteries –-away
Regulation of heart rate
2. Arterioles
*Stroke usually remains constant
3. Capillaries
Starting law of the heart--- the
more the cardiac muscle is
stretched---the stronger the

Changing heart rate—most

common way to change
cardiac output

Cardiac Cycle—completes one


Blood Vessel: Anatomy

Differences between blood
3 layers (TUNICS) vessel types

1. Tunic Intima 1. Walls of arteries are the

2. Lumens of veins are larger
2. Tunic Media
3. Skeletal muscles “Milks” blood
--- Smooth Muscle in veins towards the heart
--Gathered by sympathetic 4. Walls of capillaries are only one
nervous sell layer thick to allow for
3. Tunic Externa exchanges between blood and
---Mostly Fibrous Connection
Tissue Movement of blood through

*Most arterial blood is pumped by

the heart

*Veins are used the milking

action of muscles to help move

Capillary beds
Capillary Beds consist of two types Note:
of vessel
Pressure in blood vessels decreases
Vascular shunt ---directly as the distance away from the heat
connects an arteriole to a increases.

True Capillaries -- exchange


*Oxygen and nutrients cross to


*Co2 and metallic waste products

cross into blood

Vital Signs

*Arterial pulse


*Respiratory Rate

*Body temperature

*All indicate the efficiency of the


Pulse –--pressure wave of the


Monitored at pressure points

where pulse easily palpitated

Systolic – pressure at the peak

of ventricular contraction

Diastolic – pressure when

ventricles relax

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