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  GRADES 1 to 12  Teacher:  MARISSA A. LIM  Learning Area: 
  DAILY LESSON LOG  Teaching Dates and Time:  DECEMBER , 2022  Quarter:  2ND 
A. Content Standards: The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative
B. Performance Standards: The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.
C. Learning Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act. EN11/12OC-Ifj20
ICL – Let the students
Distinguishing types and Determining the appropriate Responding appropriately and contemplate their
II. CONTENT Describing speech act
classification of speech act response in different social setting effectively to a speech act learnings on the
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages Oral Communication in Context for Oral Communication in Context Oral Communication in Context for Oral Communication in Context for
Senior High School p. 25 for Senior High School p. 25 Senior High School p. 25 Senior High School p. 25
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication Oral Communication
in Context Quarter 1 – Module 7: in Context Quarter 1 – Module 7: in Context Quarter 1 – Module 7: in Context Quarter 1 – Module 7:
Types of Speech Act Types of Speech Act Types of Speech Act Types of Speech Act
You have learned from your Let the students recall the Let the students recall the previous 1.Pronunciation Drill
previous lesson that each Speech previous lesson. lesson. 2. Review of the past lesson.
Style (i.e. intimate, casual,
consultative, formal, and frozen)
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson constitutes various uses depending
or Presenting the New on the social situation you may find
Lesson them appropriate and most fit to
use. Make use of all those insights
for you to be able to broaden your
understanding of the concepts that
will be discussed in this lesson.
B. Establishing a Purpose for Have you ever been Arrange the jumbled letters to Arrange the jumbled letters to form Show the picture to the students. Let
misunderstood? How do you feel form a word. a word. them describe it.
every time someone 1. Loucoitarny 1. Asetsrive
misunderstands you? 2. Ilcolutinaory 2. Dicetrive
the Lesson Recall a conversation you had with 3. Pelloicrutorany 3. Cossimmive
someone who did not understand 4. Essprexive
what you mean and gave you a 5. Dertacalion
different response.
Communication happens effectively According to J. L. Austin (1962), As a response to Austin’s Speech Watch the first video of telephone
when the message is passed a philosopher of language and Act Theory, John Searle (1976), a conversations through this link. Video
clearly; it becomes useful and the developer of the Speech Act professor from the University of 1 :
meaningful when both the sender Theory, there are three types of California, Berkeley, classified v=hpZFJctBUHQ
C. Presenting
and the receiver understand the acts in every utterance, given illocutionary acts into five distinct
Examples/Instances of the
idea being put across. Indeed, there the right circumstances or categories.
could be no valid reasons to ignore context.
the need for communicating Locutionary
successfully. Illocutionary
Discuss with the students the Discuss the meaning of each Discuss the classified illocutionary With your partner, discuss your
meaning of speech act. type of acts and give examples acts into five distinct categories and answers to the following questions.
D. Discussing New Concepts A speech act is an utterance that a of each. give examples of each. a. What greeting is used by the
and Practicing New Skills speaker makes to achieve an customer service agent?
#1 intended effect. b. What form of personal
identification is used by the
Suppose you will be given another Answer Activity “Do a Good Answer Activity “Create Me A Discuss the definition and types of
chance to go back to the scenario Turn Daily!” on page 14. Story!” on page 14. speech acts, as well as indirect
you have recalled and shared. Is speech act.
there anything you would wish to
change in your utterances so that
E. Discussing New Concepts you would not be misunderstood?
and Practicing New Skills #2 What realization have you made
toward responding appropriately to
utterances or statements over a
certain conversation? Write your
response on a separate sheet of
F. Developing Mastery Answer Activity 1A. React to Me Let the students give examples Let the students give examples on Group Activity
(Leads to Formative Now! on page 11 on type of acts on their own. their own. Group the pupils into four. Let them
Assessment 3) do the activity.
G. Finding Practical Answer Activity 1B. Famous Lines Let the students apply the Let the students apply the lesson in Say that through the interaction of the
Applications of Concepts on page 11 lesson in real-life situation. real-life situation. two people, something was achieved
and Skills in Daily Living (i.e., the man was able to order
flowers). State that in making speech
acts, the same idea applies: when a
speech act is uttered, an action is
carried out.
Let the students state the meaning What are the types of acts? 1. A speech act is an utterance that a
of speech act. What are the five distinct categories speaker makes to achieve an
of the classified illocutionary acts? intended effect. Some of the functions
which are carried out using speech
acts are offering an apology, greeting,
H. Making Generalizations request, complaint, invitation,
and Abstractions about compliment, or refusal. A speech act
the Lesson might contain just one word or several
words or sentences. For example,
“Thanks” and “Thank you for always
being there for me. I really appreciate
it” both show appreciation regardless
of the length of the statement.
Write a short essay about the Write a short essay about the Write a short essay about the five Take a look at the conversation below
definition of speech act according to types of acts according to your distinct categories of the classified where the remark by a native English
your own understanding. own understanding. illocutionary acts according to your speaker could be misinterpreted by a
own understanding. native Chinese listener.
John: “I couldn’t agree with you
more.” Chen: “Oh….” (Thinking: “He
couldn’t agree with me? I thought he
I. Evaluating Learning
liked my idea!”)

In an essay with no less than 500

words, discuss where the confusion
originated. Use the following format:
computerized, font 12, Times New
Roman, spacing 1.5.
J. Additional Activities for Give the three types of speech act.
Application or

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Teacher III
Checked by:
Head Teacher V

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