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Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The Director of Airport Authority shall decide to 72 48

temporarily close an airport or aerodrome for not
more than ……….hours and report such decision
to the Minister of Transport without delay.

Who have the right to open an airport or The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
aerodrome based on the airport or aerodrome
system plans?
Vietnamese and foreign aircraft operating The Minister of Transport The Director of Airport
international flights shall be permitted only to Authority
take off and land at the international airports. In
the case of take off and landing at domestic
airports or aerodromes, the shall acquire approval
from the:
The establishment and operation of airways shall The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
be approved by:
Who has the right to grant flight permission to The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
foreign VIP flights carrying the guests of the
Party and State and escorting flights or other
flights associated with the VIP flight.

…………………Shall decide to establish the The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
prohibited and restricted area inthe territory of
VietNam in order to ensure the national defense,
security, and social safety.

Câu 7. To suspend flights; require aircraft to land General Director of these Airport Director
at an airport or aerodrome; search, hold aircraft in airlines
custody; carry out the order of aircraft arrest;
suspend activities of crew members who do not
meet requirements on aviation security and safety.
They are the duties, authority of:

The air traffic control units involved shall require Director of Airport Airport Director
the aircraft to land at the airport, aerodrome in Authority
accordance with the order given by
the……………………and other competent
governmental authority.

Who shall grant flight permission to foreign VIP The Ministry of Transport The Ministry of National
flights carrying the guests of the Party and State Defence
and escorting flights or other flights associated
with the VIP flight?

The sequence of emergency phases are: ALERFA, INCERFA, INCERFA, ALERFA,

If an arriving aircraft is making a straight-in 10 minutes. 2 minutes.
approach, a departing aircraft may take off in any
direction until……….. before the arriving aircraft
is estimated to be over the instrument runway.

If an arriving aircraft is making a complete The arriving aircraft has The arriving aircraft has
instrument approach, a departing aircraft may take started its procedure turn or commenced initial
off in any direction until: base turn leading to final approach.

Radar separation between two wake turbulence 3NM. 4NM.

category “ HEAVY” aircrafts on final shall be at
Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to At least 300m(1000ft) above At least 300m(1000ft) above
Viet Nam rules of the air): MSL. terrain.

When aircraft operating within controlled airspace 1800m(6000ft). 1500m(5000ft)

needs to dump fuel, the flight crew shall advise
ATC. The ATC unit should then coordinate with
the flight crew the following: the rout to be flown,
which, if possible, should be clear of cities and
towns, preferably over water and away from areas
where thunderstorms have been reported or are
expected; The duration of the fuel dumping;The
level to be used, which should be not less

Except for aircraft in a state of emergency, or Code 2000 to a controlled 2.    Code 2000 to a
during communication failure or unlawful flight prior to transfer of controlled flight prior to
interference situations, and unless otherwise communications. terminate the radar service.
agreed by regional air navigation agreement or
between a transferring and an accepting ATC
unit, the transferring unit shall assign:

Other known traffic should be separated from the At least 19km(10NM) Vertical separation if behind
aircraft dumping fuel by: horizontally, but not behind the aircraft dumping fuel
the aircraft dumping fuel. within 10 minutes flying
time or a distance of

The flight crew shall read back to the Air Trafic ATC route clearances; And Runway-in-use,
Controller safety-related parts of ATC clearances clearances and instructions altimeter settings, SSR
and instructions which are transmitted by voice. to enter, land on, take off codes, level instructions,
The following iterms shall always be read back: from, hold short of, cross, heading and speed
taxi and backtrack on any instructions and, whether
runway; issued by the controller or
contained in automatic
terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts,
transition levels;

To determine effect of wake turbulence, aircraft CAT I, CAT II, CAT III; SMALL, MEDIUM,
are grouped into the following categories: LARGE;
The term” Runway-in-use” shall be used to At all times, are considered At a particular time, are
indicate the runway or runway that: by the aerodrome control considered by the aerodrome
tower to be the most suitable control tower to be the most
for use by the types of suitable for use by the types
aircraft expected to land or of aircraft expected to land
take off at the aerodrome. or take off at the aerodrome.
The controller shall…………. To ascertain that Observe…….listen Readback………listen.
the clearance or instruction has been correctly
acknowledge by flight crew and shall take
immediately action to correct any discrepancies
revealed by the…..

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to At least 300m(1000ft) above At least 300m(1000ft) above
Annex II rules of the air): MSL. terrain.

If Two aircraft are converging at approximately The one that has the other The one that has the other
the same level, the aircraft which shall have on its left. on its right.
Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC 1500 feet or visibility is les 1000 feet or visibility is les
unit, a VFR flight cannot enter or leave a control than 5 km. than 5 km.
zone when ceiling is less than:
Which aircraft along the following has first Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.
When the destination aerodrome is outside The last controlled airspace The next controlled airspace
controlled airspace, the ATC unit responsible for: through which an aircraft through which an aircraft
will pass shall issue the will pass shall issue the
appropriate clearance for appropriate clearance for
flight to the limit of that flight to the limit of that
controlled airspace. controlled airspace.

Aircraft reports at FL150 but the radar display Draw the pilot”s attention Inform the pilot of the
shows FL155. What action should the radar on the difference in levels. difference and request him
controller take? to check his altimeter setting
and confirm level.

What should a radar controller do if the code Request the pilot to stop Request the pilot to confirm
displayed on the radar screen is different from the squawk. that he has correctly set the
code he has just asked the pilot to squawk? assigned code.
The standard minimum radar separation in Viet 5NM within 40NM from 5NM within 40NM from
Nam í: TSN,DAN, and NBA TSN,DAN, and NBA
airports and 10NM airports; the 10NM between
elsewhere. 40NM to 80NM from thóe
airports and 15NM
An aircraft making a radar approach should be 5 NM 4 NM
advised to consider executing a missed approach
if the aircraft í not visible on the radar display for
significant interval during the last…….. of the

Speed adjustments may not be requested or 3 NM 4 NM

applied after the aircraft has passed a point
of…………… from the threshold on final
Before providing radar service to an aircraft, the Establish radar identity of Provide the radar
radar controller shall: that aircraft. information to the aircraft.
When two or more aircraft are at the same Preceding Succeeding
cruising level, the……aircraft shall normally have
Time separation minima between holding aircraft 10 minutes 5 minutes
in a holding pattern and en-route aircraft which
are on the same flight level is:
A light aircraft is approaching for landing behind 1 minute 2minutes
a heavy aircraft, the time separation minima
between them must be:
When an aircraft will pass through the level of 10 minutes if preceding 10 minutes if the track are
another aircraft on crossing tracks, the aircraft is 74km/h(40kt) or 30 degrees or more
longitudinal separation minima is……………… more faster than the divergent.
when the level is crossed: following.

A radiotelephony distress message transmit by an SOS MAYDAY

aircraft should commence with the word
The standard controller-pilot phraseology for a ( call sign) confirm RVSM ( call sign) affirm RVSM.
controller to ascertain the RVSM approval status approved.
of an aircraft is:
For traffic on reciprocal tracks where lateral 10 minutes 5 minutes
separation is not provide, vertical separation shall
be kept at least…………prior to and after the
time the aircraft are estimated to pass, or are
estimated to have passed.

According to the 125 Decree on Air Traffic 12 24

Management: The Operation
Department( Ministry of Nation Defense) shall
designate and air traffic control services,
aeronautical information services providers of
danger areas at least……hours prior any
operations performed that may give risk to civil
flight operations.

The generation of minimum safe altitude Traffic Moutain

warnings is a function of an ATC radar-
processing system. The objective of the MSAW
function is to assist in the prevention of controlled
flight into………………accidents by generating
in a timely manner, a warning of the possible
infringement of a minimum safe altitude.

The criterion which shall be used to determine +_90m(300ft)     +_60m(200ft)

that a specific level is occupied by an aircraft
shall be +_60m(200ft) in RVSM airspace. In
other airspace, it shall be………..,except that the
appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is
found to be more practical.

An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual Below…………final At or above…….initial

approach provided the pilot can maintain visual approach segment. approach segment.
reference to the terrain and the reported ceiling
is…………..the level of the beginning of the
initial approach segment for the aircraft so
cleared; or the pilot reports at the level of the
beginning of the………..or at any time during the
instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with
reasonable assurance a visual approach and
landing can be completed.

When SSR radar is not available, radar 10 degrees 20 degrees

identification may be achieved by instructing the
aircraft to make heading changes of at least:
Vertical separation if other known traffic behind At least 600m (2000ft) if At least 300m (1000ft) if
aircraft dumping fuel within 15 minutes flying below the aircraft dumping below the aircraft dumping
time or a distance of 93km (50NM) by at least fuel. fuel.
300m (1000ft) if above the aircraft dumping fuel;
Use of surface movement radar (SMR): Monitor the movement of Provide advise and
aircraft and vehicales on the assistance for the safe and
manoeuving area; provide efficient movement of
directional information to aircraft and vehicales on the
pilots and vehical drivers as manoueving area.

The final vector shall enable the aircraft to be 30 degrees or less 45 degrees or less
established in level flight on the final approach
track prior to intercepting the specified or
norminal glide path if an ILS or radar approach is
to be made and should provide an intercept angle
with the final approach track of ……………..

Whenever a code is assigned to an aircraft, the At the first contact. At the second
setting of this code shall be verified by controller: communication
On a non-precision approach a so-called” straight- 40 degrees or less 20 degrees or less
in-approach” is considered acceptable, if the angle
between the final approach track and runway
centerline is:

Unless otherwise published or instructed by ATC, First right and then to the Teardrop to the left and then
all turns after initial entry into holding pattern left to the right
shall be made nto which direction?
Aerodrome traffic density in light case: Where the number of Where the number of
movements in the mean movements in the mean
busy hour is not greater than busy hour is not greater
15 per RWY or typically than 15 up to 20 per RWY
less than 30 total aerodrome or typically less than 20 up
movements. 35 total aerodrome
Which aircraft along the following has first Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.
Pilot should notify air traffic control a revised     _+ 5 minutes     _+3 minutes
estimated time if the reported estimate for the
reporting point is found to be in error in excess of:
The request to change from IFR flight to VFR Made by pilot-in-command Suggested by ATC when
flight is: VMC exist
The speed reductions not exceeding plus/minus Aircraft on inital and Aircraft on intermediate
40km/h (20kt) IAS should be used for : intermediate approach approach segments.
Radar separation based upon primary radar shall Between the edges of the Between the centers of the
be the distance: radar blips radar blips.

Transfer of identity of a radar blip from the radar The aircraft is on the The aircraft is over the
controller to another should be attempted wheen it frequency of the accepting common boundary.
is considered that: controller.

We can distinguish types of departure routes. 5 degrees the alignment of 10 degrees the alignment of
During a straight departure the initial departure the runway center-line. the runway center-line.
track is within.
A controlled flight is requested form the 0.05 0.03
approriate ATC unit whenever the average. True
Airpeed at crusiing level varies or is expected to
varry from that given in the flight plan by plus or
Controller-pilot data link communications A means of communication A means of communication
(CPDLC). between controllers, using between controller and pilot,
data link for ATC using data link for ATC
communications. communications.

An aircraft shall not be flown under simulated a) fully functioning dual b) a qualified pilot occupies
instrument controls are installed in the a control seat to act as safety
flight conditions unless: aircraft; pilot for the person who is
flying under simulated
instrument conditions. The
safety pilot shall have
vision forward and to each
side of the aircraft, or a
competent observer in
communication with the
safety pilot
shall occupy a position in
the aircraft from which the
observer’s field of vision
adequately supplements that
the safety pilot.

In case of danger of collision between two a) when two aircraft are b) when two aircraft are on a
aircraft taxiing on the movement area of an approaching head on, or converging course, the one
aerodrome the approximately so, each shall which has the other on its
following shall apply: stop or where practicable right shall give way;
alter its
The cruising levels at which a flight or a portion a) flighttolevels,
course for so
the right flights
as toat b) altitudes, for flights
of a flight is or above the
keep well clear;lowest usable below the lowest usable
to be conducted shall be in terms of: flight level or, where flight level or,
applicable, above the where applicable, at or
transition below the transition altitude

When two aircraft are converging at a) power-driven heavier- b) airships shall give way to
approximately the same level, the aircraft that has than-air aircraft shall give gliders and balloons;
the other on way to
its right shall give way, except as follows: airships, gliders and
An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft balloons; 70 60
that approaches another from the rear on a line
forming an
angle of less than... degrees with the plane of
symmetry of
the latter, i.e. is in such a position with reference
to the other

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2
-Performance-based navigation (PBN). Area navigation based on Area navigation based on
performance requirements performance requirements
for aircraft operating along for aircraft operating along
an ATS route, on an an ATS route.
instrument approach
procedure or in a designated
Pressure-altitude: An atmospheric pressure Flight level. Altitude.
expressed in terms of …which corresponds to that
pressure in the Standard Atmosphere.
Radio navigation service: A service providing … Weather information. ATIS information.
or position data for the efficient and safe
operation of aircraft supported by one or more
radio navigation aids.

Touchdown is the point where the nominal glide The outer marker. The localizer.
path intercepts...
ILS reference datum :A point at a specified height The downward. The upward.
located above the intersection of the runway
centre line and the threshold and through which
…extended straight portion of the ILS glide path

The localizer shall operate in the band 108 MHz to 111.475 MHz. 108 MHz to 111.975 MHz.

The precision approach radar system shall The precision approach The surveillance radar
comprise the following: radar element (PAR). element (SRE).
The radio frequencies assigned to NDBs shall be Between 190 kHz and 1 450 Between 190 kHz and 1 550
selected from those available in that portion of the kHz. kHz.
The DME system shall provide for continuous Slant range distance. Vertical distance.
and accurate indication in the cockpit of the …of
an equipped aircraft from an equipped ground
reference point.

Radar separation between two wake turbulence 3NM. 4NM.

category “ HEAVY” aircrafts on final shall be at
The aircraft component of DME system shall be The interrogator. The transponder.
referred to as :
The ground component of DME system shall be The interrogator. The transponder.
referred to as:
DME system, the aircraft handling capacity of 200 aircraft. 150 aircraft.
transponders in an area shall be adequate for the
area of…, whichever is the lesser.
Air-ground communication: One-way communication Two-way communication
between aircraft and stations between aircraft and stations
or locations on the surface or locations on the surface
of the earth. of the earth.

Air-to-ground communication: One-way communication Two-way communication

from aircraft to stations or from aircraft to stations or
locations on the surface of locations on the surface of
the earth. the earth.
Ground-to-air communication: One-way communication Two-way communication
from stations or locations on from stations or locations on
the surface of the earth to the surface of the earth to
aircraft. aircraft.

Controller-pilot data link communications A means of communication A means of communication

(CPDLC). between controllers, using between controller and pilot,
data link for ATC using data link for ATC
communications. communications.

Air-report: A report from an aircraft in A report from an aircraft on

flight. ground.
Distress messages (priority indicator SS). This message category shall This message category shall
comprise those messages comprise those messages
sent by mobile stations sent by mobile stations
reporting that they are reporting that they are in
threatened by grave and danger.
imminent danger.
Urgency messages (priority indicator DD). This category shall comprise This category shall comprise
messages concerning the messages concerning the
safety of a ship, aircraft or safety of a ship.
other vehicles, or of some
person on board or within

Meteorological messages (priority indicator GG) Messages concerning Area and route forecasts.
shall comprise: forecasts.
The order of priority for the transmission of SS DD FF GG KK. DD FF GG KK SS.
messages in the aeronautical fixed
telecommunication network shall be as follows:
Transmission priority indicator

The four-letter location indicators are listed in … Doc 8585 Doc 7910.

The three-letter designators are listed in… Doc 7910. Doc 8186.

AFTN destination stations shall retain, for a 90 days. 60 days.

period of at least…
An aircraft shall not change the type of its An air traffic control unit. Ground control unit.
radiotelephony call sign during flight, except
temporarily on the instruction of…
Except for reasons of safety, no transmission shall During take-off. During the last part of the
be directed to an aircraft … final approach.
In the frequency band 117.975 – 137.000 MHz, 118.000 MHz. 117.975 MHz.
the lowest assignable frequency shall be…
In the frequency band 117.975 – 137.000 MHz, 137.000 MHz. 136.975 MHz.
and the highest assignable frequency shall be…
Airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS). An aircraft system based on An aircraft system based on
secondary surveillance radar primary radar signals.
(SSR) transponder signals.
Aircraft address: A unique combination of A unique combination of
twenty-four bits available twenty-four bits available
for assignment to an aircraft for assignment to an aircraft
for the purpose of air- for the purpose of
ground communications. navigation.
Surveillance radar: Radar equipment used to Radar equipment used to
determine the altitude of an determine the position of an
aircraft. aircraft in range and
Secondary surveillance radar (SSR): A surveillance radar system A surveillance radar system
which uses transmitters. which uses receivers.

Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft Code 7100. Code 7500.

in an emergency:
Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft Code 7200. Code 7500.
with radio communication failure:
Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft Code 7400. Code 7500.
which is being subjected to unlawful interference:
Mode A code shall be reserved to provide Code 2000. Code 2100.
recognition of an aircraft which has not received
any instructions from air traffic control units to
operate the transponder.

The Mode A code shall be manually selected The 1 096 codes available. The 2 096 codes available.
Air traffic service, a generic term meaning Flight information service. Alerting service, air traffic
variously, shall comprise: advisory service.
Air traffic control service shall be: Area control service. Approach control service,
aerodrome control service.
A visual docking guidance system shall be when it is intended to when it is intended to
provided: indicate, by a visual aid, the indicate, by a visual aid, the
precise precise
positioning of an aircraft on positioning of an aircraft on
an aircraft stand and other an aircraft stand .
alternative means, such as
marshallers, are not

The azimuth guidance unit and the stopping A B

position indicator shall be of a design such that:
a) a clear indication of malfunction of either or
both is available to the pilot; and
b) they can be turned off.

The road-holding position light shall comprise: A B

a) a controllable red (stop)/green (go) traffic
light; or
b) a flashing-red light.
A runway vacated sign shall be located at least on A B
one side of the taxiway. The distance between the
sign and
the centre line of a runway shall be not less than
the greater of the following:
a) the distance between the centre line of the
runway and the perimeter of the ILS/MLS
critical/sensitive area; or
b) the distance between the centre line of the
runway and the lower edge of the inner
transitional surface.

Precision approach runway, category II A runway served by visual A runway served by visual
aids and non-visual aid(s) aids and non-visual aid(s)
intended for landing intended for landing
operations following an operations following an
instrument approach instrument approach
operation type B with a operation type B with a
decision height (DH) lower decision height (DH) lower
than 60 m (200 ft) than 60 m (200 ft)
but not lower than 30 m but not lower than 30 m
(100 ft) and a runway visual (100 ft) and a runway visual
range not less than 300 m. range not less than 200 m.

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

If an arriving aircraft is making a straight-in 10 minutes. 2 minutes.

approach, a departing aircraft may take off in any
direction until……….. before the arriving aircraft
is estimated to be over the instrument runway.

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to At least 300m(1000ft) above At least 300m(1000ft) above
Viet Nam rules of the air): MSL. terrain.

When aircraft operating within controlled airspace 1800m(6000ft). 1500m(5000ft)

needs to dump fuel, the flight crew shall advise
ATC. The ATC unit should then coordinate with
the flight crew the following: the rout to be flown,
which, if possible, should be clear of cities and
towns, preferably over water and away from areas
where thunderstorms have been reported or are
expected; The duration of the fuel dumping;The
level to be used, which should be not less

The MSA provides obstacle clearance in a circle 15NM. 20NM.

with a radius of:
Except for aircraft in a state of emergency, or Code 2000 to a controlled Code 2000 to a controlled
during communication failure or unlawful flight prior to transfer of flight prior to terminate the
interference situations, and unless otherwise communications. radar service.
agreed by regional air navigation agreement or
between a transferring and an accepting ATC
unit, the transferring unit shall assign:

Other known traffic should be separated from the At least 19km(10NM) Vertical separation if behind
aircraft dumping fuel by: horizontally, but not behind the aircraft dumping fuel
the aircraft dumping fuel. within 10 minutes flying
time or a distance of

The flight crew shall read back to the Air Trafic ATC route clearances; And Runway-in-use,
Controller safety-related parts of ATC clearances clearances and instructions altimeter settings, SSR
and instructions which are transmitted by voice. to enter, land on, take off codes, level instructions,
The following iterms shall always be read back: from, hold short of, cross, heading and speed
taxi and backtrack on any instructions and, whether
runway; issued by the controller or
contained in automatic
terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts,
transition levels;

To determine effect of wake turbulence, aircraft CAT I, CAT II, CAT III; SMALL, MEDIUM,
are grouped into the following categories: LARGE;
If an arriving aircraft is making a complete The arriving aircraft has The arriving aircraft has
instrument approach, a departing aircraft may take started its procedure turn or commenced initial
off in any direction until: base turn leading to final approach.

The controller shall…………. To ascertain that Observe…….listen Readback………listen.

the clearance or instruction has been correctly
acknowledge by flight crew and shall take
immediately action to correct any discrepancies
revealed by the…..

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to At least 300m(1000ft) above At least 300m(1000ft) above
Annex II rules of the air): MSL. terrain.

Which aircraft along the following has first    Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.
When the destination aerodrome is outside The last controlled airspace   The next controlled
controlled airspace, the ATC unit responsible for: through which an aircraft airspace through which an
will pass shall issue the aircraft will pass shall issue
appropriate clearance for the appropriate clearance for
flight to the limit of that flight to the limit of that
controlled airspace. controlled airspace.
When an aircraft will pass through the level of 10 minutes if preceding 10 minutes if the track are
another aircraft on crossing tracks, the aircraft is 74km/h(40kt) or 30 degrees or more
longitudinal separation minima is……………… more faster than the divergent.
when the level is crossed: following.

The standard controller-pilot phraseology for a ( call sign) confirm RVSM ( call sign) affirm RVSM.
controller to ascertain the RVSM approval status approved.
of an aircraft is:
The criterion which shall be used to determine   +_90m(300ft)    +_60m(200ft)
that a specific level is occupied by an aircraft
shall be +_60m(200ft) in RVSM airspace. In
other airspace, it shall be………..,except that the
appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is
found to be more practical.

An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual Below…………final At or above…….initial

approach provided the pilot can maintain visual approach segment. approach segment.
reference to the terrain and the reported ceiling
is…………..the level of the beginning of the
initial approach segment for the aircraft so
cleared; or the pilot reports at the level of the
beginning of the………..or at any time during the
instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with
reasonable assurance a visual approach and
landing can be completed.

The criterion which shall be used to determine      +_90m(300ft)    +_60m(200ft)

that a specific level is occupied by an aircraft
shall be +_60m(200ft) in RVSM airspace. In
other airspace, it shall be………..,except that the
appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is
found to be more practical.

An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual Below…………final At or above…….initial

approach provided the pilot can maintain visual approach segment. approach segment.
reference to the terrain and the reported ceiling
is…………..the level of the beginning of the
initial approach segment for the aircraft so
cleared; or the pilot reports at the level of the
beginning of the………..or at any time during the
instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with
reasonable assurance a visual approach and
landing can be completed.

Vertical separation if other known traffic behind At least 600m (2000ft) if At least 300m (1000ft) if
aircraft dumping fuel within 15 minutes flying below the aircraft dumping below the aircraft dumping
time or a distance of 93km (50NM) by at least fuel. fuel.
300m (1000ft) if above the aircraft dumping fuel;
The final vector shall enable the aircraft to be 30 degrees or less 45 degrees or less
established in level flight on the final approach
track prior to intercepting the specified or
norminal glide path if an ILS or radar approach is
to be made and should provide an intercept angle
with the final approach track of ……………..
The pilot of an aircraft experiencing two-way A/3 7400 A/3 7500
radio communication failure set his transponder to
The pilot of an aircraft experiencing two-way A/3 7400 A/3 7500
radio communication failure set his transponder to
In the event of a delay of …..minutes in excess of 30,30 30,60
the estimated off-block time for a controlled flight
or delay of …minutes for an uncontrolled flight
for which a flight plan has been submitted , the
flight plan should be amended or a new flight
plan submitted and the old flight plan cancelled ,
whichever is applicable :

Airplane A with an air traffic clearance is flying Airplane A regardless of the Airplane B regardless if the
in VFR condition within a controlled area . direction from which direction from which
Airplane B with no air traffic clearance is airplane B is approaching . airplane A is approaching .
approaching at approximately the same altitude
and on converging course . Which has the right –
of-way ?
A pilot who estimated an arrival time of 0750 0814 0820
over the facility serving his destination , was
estimated over the facility at 0744 by the center .
Earlier he was given an expected approach time at
0747 which he acknowledged, but when cleared
for an approach at 0745 no reply was received and
contact with him cannot be re-established To
minimize the possibility of collision with the
unreported aircraft , until what time other traffic
will be restricted ?

If a pilot who has experienced two-way radio When he is 80 miles from When he enters the TMA
failure during an IFR flight proceeds according to the airport
his latest clearance , which was the navigational
aid serving his destination airport , where should
he commence his descent for landing ?

All current civil SSR systems use : The same frequencies i.e. The same frequencies i.e.
1030MHz for the ground to 1090MHz for the ground to
air transmission and air transmission and
1090MHz for the air to 1030MHz for the air to
ground transmission. ground transmission.

If an identified aircraft is approaching heading on Immediately turn the Descend the controlled
the controlled aircraft what action should be taken controlled aircraft to the aircraft to fly below the
by the radar controller? right unidentified aircraft
An aircraft which is intercepted, by another Select Mode A code 7000 Select Mode A code 7500
aircraft shall immediately, if equipped with a SSR
How is Flight Visibility defined? The visibility reported by a The measured visibility
pilot currently flying in the assessed by a certified
vicinity meteorological observer
An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it 60 degrees with the plane of 50 degrees with the plane of
approaches the other aircraft from the rear on a symmetry of the latter symmetry of the latter
line forming an angle of less than:
Your aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft. follow ATC instructions select code A7500 on your
The signals given by this aircraft conflict with transponder
ATC instructions. You should:
Pilots should notify air traffic control a revised ±5 minutes ±4 minutes
estimated time if the reported estimate for the
reporting point is found to be in error in excess of:
What action should a pilot take to overtake He should alter his course to He should alter his course to
another aircraft : pass the other’s right pass the other’s left
An aircraft flying above the sea between 4,500ft Clear of clouds and sight of 2000ft horizontally , 1000ft
MSL and 9000ft MSL outside controlled airspace surface ; 8km visibility vertically from clouds ; 5
under VFR , must remain on principle at least : km visibility
What are the international aviation urgency SOS MAYDAY
What are the international aviation distress SOS MAYDAY
Pilots should notify air traffic control if the ±5% ±4%
variation in true aispeed at criusing level between
the reporting point vary by:
Except when neccesary for take off or landing, or at a height less than 600m at a height less than 300m
except by permission from the appropriate above the highest obstacle above the highest obstacle
authority, VFR flight shall not be flown: within a radius of 900m within a radius of 600m
from the aircraft from the aircraft

The different between IAS and TAS will: increase at decreasing increase at increasing air
temperature. density.
In a standard holding pattern all turns are made: to the left to the right

The pilot of the jet aircraft wish to reach the Maximum range cruise Best landing speed
destination with the minimum use of fuel. They speed
should fly at:
What will be the influence of the aeroplane It will increase the take-off It will decrease the take-off
performance if aerodrome pressure altitude is distance distance
For a jet transport aeroplane, which of the Minimum specific fuel Minimum fuel flow
following is the reason for the use of maximum comsumption
range speed
An aircraft with 180 minutes ETOPS approval no more than 180 minutes no more than 60 minutes
must be: from a suitable alternate, from a suitable alternate, in
still air at the one engine the prevailing conditions
inoperative TAS and using the one engine
inoperative TAS

With increasing altitude, the rate of climb will: decreases because power increases because power
available increases and available decreases and
power required increases power required increases
If the aircraft mass increases, how does the rate of increases decreases
A headwind will: increase the climb flight decrease the climb flight
path angle path angle
The speed at which sound is transported through Density Pressure
the air is dependant on:
In a standard atmosphere and at the sea level, the higher than the true airspeed independent of the true
calibrated airspeed (CAS) is: (TAS) airspeed (TAS)
An airspeed indicator displays: IAS EAS

On board an aircraft, the altitude is measured pressure altitude standard altitude

from the:
With regards to the optimum altitude during the flown as close to the always flown 2000 ft below
cruise, the aircraft is: optimum altitude as ATC the optimum altitude
will allow

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to At least 300m(1000ft) above At least 300m(1000ft) above
Annex II rules of the air): MSL. terrain.

Take-off runway is A runway intended for take- A runway intended for

off only. landing only.
World Geodetic System — 1984 (WGS-84) shall the WGS-84 geodetic the WGS-84 and GNSS
be used as the horizontal (geodetic) reference reference datum. geodetic reference datum.
system. Reported aeronautical geographical
coordinates (indicating latitude and longitude)
shall be expressed in terms of …..?

wingspan in Aerodrome reference code E is 52 m up to but not including 48 m up to but not including
65 m 65 m

A wind direction indicator is located at : shall be located so as to be shall be located so as to be

and in such a way as to be free from the effects of visible from aircraft in flight visible from aircraft in flight
air disturbances caused by nearby objects. or on the movement area or on the landing area
Touchdown zone (TDZ) lights shall be provided category II or III. category I or III.
in the touchdown zone of a precision approach
runway …?
Arrival reports made by aircraft shall contain the a) aircraft identification; a) aircraft identification;
following elements of information: b) departure aerodrome; b) departure aerodrome;
c) destination aerodrome c) destination aerodrome
(only in the case of a (only in the case of a
diversionary landing); diversionary landing);
d) arrival aerodrome; d) arrival aerodrome;
e) time of arrival.

Runway strip including : A defined area including the A defined area including
runway and stopway only the runway

purpose of Runway strip : to reduce the risk of damage to protect aircraft flying
to aircraft running off a over it during take-off or
runway landing operations
Information on pavement type for ACN-PCN Rigid pavement Flexible pavement
determination, leter R is :
Information on pavement type for ACN-PCN Rigid pavement Flexible pavement
determination, leter F is :
Declared distances are including : take-off run available take-off distance available

How many Aerodrome reference point in Noi Bai 1 2

international airport:
The cruising levels at which a flight or a portion flight levels, for flights at or altitudes, for flights below
of a flight is to be conducted shall be in terms of : above the lowest usable the lowest usable flight level
flight level or, where or, where applicable, at or
applicable, above the below the transition altitude.
transition altitude;
Aerodrome control towers are responsible for an aircraft accident has information is received that
alerting the rescue and fire fighting services occurred on or in the the safety of an aircraft
whenever: vicinity of the aerodrome which is or will come under
the jurisdiction of the
aerodrome control tower
may have or has been
The term “runway-in-use” shall be used to aerodrome control tower approach control unit
indicate the runway or runways that, at a
particular time, are
considered by the……….. to be the most suitable
for use by the types of aircraft expected to land or
off at the aerodrome.
In the event the aerodrome controller, after a take- cancel the take-off clearance instruct a landing aircraft to
off clearance or a landing clearance has been for a departing aircraft; execute a go-around or
issued, missed approach;
becomes aware of a runway incursion or the
imminent occurrence thereof, or the existence of
any obstruction on or in
close proximity to the runway likely to impair the
safety of an aircraft taking off or landing,
appropriate action shall be
taken as follows:

The flight crew shall read back to the air traffic ATC route clearances. clearances and instructions
controller safety-related parts of ATC clearances to enter, land on, take off
and from, hold short of, cross,
instructions which are transmitted by voice. The taxi and backtrack on any
following items shall always be read back: runway.

Aerodrome control towers are responsible for an aircraft accident has information is received that
alerting the rescue and fire fighting services occurred on or in the the safety of an aircraft
whenever: vicinity of the aerodrome; which is or will come under
the jurisdiction of the
aerodrome control tower
may have or has been
For aircraft being provided with aerodrome a) designation of the station a) designation of the station
control service, the initial call shall contain: being called; being called;
a) designation of the station being called; b) call sign and, for aircraft b) call sign and, for aircraft
b) call sign and, for aircraft in the heavy wake in the heavy wake in the heavy wake
turbulence category, the word “Heavy”; turbulence category, the turbulence category, the
c) position; and word “Heavy”; word “Heavy”;
d) additional elements, as required by the c) position. c) position; and
appropriate ATS authority. d) additional elements, as
required by the appropriate
ATS authority.
In the event the aerodrome controller, after a take- a) cancel the take-off a) cancel the take-off
off clearance or a landing clearance has been clearance for a departing clearance for a departing
issued, aircraft; aircraft;
becomes aware of a runway incursion or the b) instruct a landing aircraft b) instruct a landing aircraft
imminent occurrence thereof, or the existence of to execute a go-around or to execute a go-around or
any obstruction on or in missed approach missed approach;
close proximity to the runway likely to impair the c) in all cases inform the
safety of an aircraft taking off or landing, aircraft of the runway
appropriate action shall be incursion or obstruction and
taken as follows: its location in relation to the

If, following confirmation by the pilot that the a) inform the pilot of the a) inform the pilot of the
correct aircraft identification has been set on the persistent discrepancy; persistent discrepancy;
ADS-B b) where possible, correct b) where possible, correct
identification feature, the discrepancy continues the label showing the the label showing the
to exist, the following actions shall be taken by aircraft identification on the aircraft identification on the
the controller: situation display; and situation display
c) notify the next control
position and any other unit
concerned of the erroneous
aircraft identification
by the aircraft.

Air traffic control service shall be provided : to all IFR flights in airspace to all VFR flights in
Classes A, B, C, D and E; airspace Classes B, C and D;

The cruising levels at which a flight or a portion flight levels, for flights at or altitudes, for flights below
of a flight is to be conducted shall be in terms of: above the lowest usable the lowest usable flight level
flight level or, where or, where applicable, at or
applicable, above the below the transition altitude.
transition altitude;
A runway-holding position or positions shall be on the taxiway, at the at an intersection of a
established: intersection of a taxiway and runway with another runway
a runway when the former runway is
part of a standard taxi-route.

In case of danger of collision between two aircraft when two aircraft are when two aircraft are on a
taxiing on the movement area of an aerodrome the approaching head on, or converging course, the one
following shall apply: approximately so, each shall which has the other on its
stop or where practicable right shall give way;
alter its course to the right
so as to keep well clear;

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The capacity of the short-term memory is Very limited – only one About 30 items
What is the effect of tiredness on attention? It has no specific effects on It reduces the ability to
attention manage multiple matters

Which model has some holes on layer of SHEL Swiss Cheese

defences, barriers, and safeguard?
What do holes on layers in the ‘Swiss Cheese’ Risks Active failure
model indicate?
The reason of ‘Swiss Cheese’ model helps the Absent or failed defences Organisational factors
investigator identify and make recommendation
Some areas of concerned are at the controller’s Work environment; man and Display system; input
workplace: the system devices; computer assistance

Goals of automation are to Aid efficiency and Improve Help to prevent errors
One category of human attributes concerns the Stress, boredom, Needs, fatigue, attitudes
effects on ATC such as: complacency, and human
Information stays in the short-term memory Around 24 hours About 20 seconds

Illusions of interpretation (cognitive illusions) Due mainly to a conflict Due mainly to a poor
are: between the various sensory interpretation of
systems instrumental data
Stress is a response which is prompted by the Temperature, hunger, thirst, Noise, temperature (low or
occurrence of various stressors. Of these, which divorce high), humidity, sleep
can be called physiological? deprivation
Which combination of elements guarantee the Synchronization Encoding
understanding of a message without adding new
information to it?
According to Wicken’s theory, the human brain Cognitive resources which Processing capabilities
has: are centered on action which function at peak level
when different tasks call for
the same resources

Between which components an interface Liveware – Hardware Liveware – Software

mismatch causing disturbance of the biological
rhythm, thus leading to reduced human
An increase in workload usually leads to: A longer and less frequent A shorter and more frequent
exchange of information exchange of information
Which is the audible range to human hearing? Between 16 Hz and 20 MHz Between 16 Hz and 20 KHz

Which of the following statements concerning Tiredness is a subjective is a Tiredness is always the
tiredness is correct? subjective sensation which result of an intellectual
is reflected in hypovigilance overload
or in poor management of
intellectual capabilities

Which of the following statements in regard to Too much motivation may Motivation will reduce the
motivation is correct? result in hypovigilance and task automation process
thus in a decrease in

Once detected, an error will result in cognitive Are prompted by inductive Have virtually no interaction
consequences which: factors with behavior

What are the various factors which guide 1,4 1,2

1: the level of automation of behavior
2: response time
3: the salience of the information
4: expectations
An important aspect of Situational Awareness is: When individual's When individual's
perception equals (matches) perception higher than
reality reality
The ability to monitor information which could is necessary to maintain is dangerous, because it
indicate the development of a critical situation: good situational awareness distracts attention from
flying the aircraft

The ADAMS project report suggests that the Compliance with technical • Effectiveness of
criteria should include the following: standards and best management processes, i.e.
practice; an
effective quality system
based on elements such as
the organization, standards,
procedures, documentation,
resource control, training
and evaluation and
feedback systems;

In the trainning as regulators drive towards a aircraft and their the workload in
reduction in equipment are complex, the maintenance
aviation accident and incident rates, they must workload in maintenance organizations is heavy, and
take into organizations is heavy, and public safety has a high
consideration the following factors: public safety has a high profile

According to FAA Human Factors Guide for 9 10

Aviation Maintenance,How many local factors
identified :
According to FAA Human Factors Guide for 5 6
Aviation Maintenance,How many organizational
factors identified :
An effective shift turnover/handover process is Shift turnover/handover Turnover/handover
composed of at least four components meetings; walkthroughs

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The term “CAVOK” is uesd when: Visibility is 10 km or more Visibility is 10 km or more;

and no cumulonimbus no No cloud below 1500m or
weather of significance to below the highest minimum
aviation. sector altitude; whichever is
greater, and no
cumulonimbus; No weather
of significance to aviation.

The term “CALM” in METAR and SPECI reports 00000 followed by the 0
is coded as: abbreviation for the wind
speed units
In report in the METAR code form, surface wind An averaging period of 10 An averaging period of 5
should be based on below: minutes, except that when minutes.
the 10 minutes period
includes a marked
discontinuity in the wind
direction and/or speed.
In local routine and special reports in METAR Visibility is less than Visibility is less than 600M.
and SPECI, the visibility is reported in steps of 1000M.
50M when:
In local routine and special reports in METAR Visibility is 600m or more, Visibility is 1000m or more,
and SPECI, the visibility is reported in steps of but less than 5 km. but less than 3 km.
100M when:
In local routine and special reports in METAR Visibility is 3km or more, Visibility is 4km or more,
and SPECI, the visibility is reported in steps of but less than 6 km. but less than 8 km.
one kilometre when:
Hail is reported when: Diameter of largest Diameter of largest
hailstones is 5 mm or more. hailstones is 4 mm or more.
Small hail an/or snow pellets is reported when: Diameter of largest Diameter of largest
hailstones is less than 2 mm. hailstones is less than 4 mm.

Fog is reported when: Visibility is less than Visibility is less than 800m,
1000m, except when except when qualified by
qualified by “MI”, “BC’, “MI”, “BC’, “PR” or “VC”.
“PR” or “VC”.

Mist is reported when: Visibility is at least 1000 m Visibility is at least 800 m

but not more than 5000 m. but not more than 3000 m.
In the local routine and special reports, MS M
temperature below 0 degrees Celsius are preceded
In the METAR and SPECI reports, temperrature MS M
below 0 degrees Celsius are preceded by:
In reports for departing aircraft, the visibility Representative of the take- b. Representative of the
observations should be: off and climb-out area. take-off .
In reports for arriving aircraft, the visibility Representative of the Representative of the
observations should be: landing area aerodrome and its vicinity.
In local reports, the term “CALM” is used when: A wind speed of less than 2 A wind speed of less than 3
km/h is observed. km/h is observed.
In reports desseminated locally at the aerodrome, An averaging period of 2 An averaging period of 1
surface wind should be based on below: minutes. minute.
In the local reports, the height of the base of cloud In steps of 30 m (100 ft) up In steps of 30 m (100 ft) up
is reported in steps following as: to 2500 m (8000ft), together to 3000 m (10 000ft),
with the units used; and in together with the units used;
steps of 300 m (1000 ft) and in steps of 300 m (1000
above 2500 m (8000ft). ft) above 3000 m (10 000ft).

Which of the following weather phenomena will rain fog

reduce the visibility?
A tropical cyclone has wind speeds: 34 kt or more 32 kt or more

A tornado over water is called a: waterspout mixer

An electrical discharge from a thunderstorm: lightning thunder

The layer of the atmosphere where most of the stratosphere troposphere

world’s weather occurs is ?
The gas which comprises most of the atmosphere oxygen carbon
is ?
You notice on a barometer that air pressure has fog drizzle
been decreasing rapidly. The type of weather that
would normally be expected to occur would be ?
Which one of these clouds can produce moderate cumulonimbus stratocumulus
to heavy precipitation?
The first stage of a thunderstorm is the cumulus stage mature stage
________ ?
The most likely stage for large hail and damaging cumulus stage mature stage
winds is the _________ of a thunderstorm ?
Wind shear warning be issued when expected between runway level and between runway level and
existence of wind shear__? 500 m above that level 1500 m above that level
The period of validity of a SIGMET message 4 hours 6 hours
shall be not more than __?
WMO data type designator used for OPMET data, Aerodrome report Aerodrome forecast
which of the following statements is likely true
SA ?
WMO data type designator used for OPMET data, TAF TCA
which of the following statements is likely true
WMO data type designator used for OPMET data, SIGMET SIGMET for TC
which of the following statements is likely true
WS ?
WMO data type designator used for OPMET data, Tropical cyclone advisories Air-reports
which of the following statements is likely true
FK ?
WMO data type designator used for OPMET data, SIGMET SIGMET for TC
which of the following statements is likely true
WC ?
OPMET bulletins transmitted via AFTN, priority SIGMET AIREP SPECIAL
indicators FF used for OPMET data as follow:
OPMET bulletins transmitted via AFTN, priority a. SIGMET AIREP SPECIAL,
indicators GG used for OPMET data as follow:
Required transit times of AFTN messages and 5 minutes 1 minute
bulletins containing OPMET information
(SIGMET messages, volcanic ash and tropical
cyclone advisory infonnation and special air-
reports) should achieve transit times of less than
the following:
Which of the following statements is likely true Pressure at mean sea level Pressure reset to mean sea
about QNH? level at same condition
Which of the following statements is likely true a An aviation weather report An aviation weather forecast
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR has U D
increased during the 10 minutes preceding the
observation, the tendency is indicated by:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR has U D
decreased, the tendency is indicated by:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR no distinct U D
change, the tendency is indicated by:
TREND forecasts contain specific information Change indicators; Surface Surface wind; Visibility;
presented in a fixed order. The information and wind; Visibility; Weather Weather phenomena; Cloud
order are as follows: phenomena; Cloud or or vertical visibility
vertical visibility
Aerodrome forecasts contain specific information Identification groups; Identification groups;
presented in a fixed order. The information and Surface wind; Prevailing Surface wind; Prevailing
order are as follows: Visibility; Weather; Cloud Visibility; Weather; Cloud.
(or vertical visibility if
appropriate); Expected
significant changes.
The information concerning meteorological METAR, SPECI, TAF, Forecast of upper wind and
services provided to aircraft in flight as: TREND, SIGMET; upper air temperratures
information, aircraft
observations and reports.

In the aviation meteorological sevice “Cloud of a cloud with the height of a cloud below the highest
operational significance” shall be understood as: cloud base below 1 500 m (5 minimum sector altitude,
000 ft) whichever is greater
There is thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of an Windshear, turbulence. Steady rain.
airport at which you plan to land, which
hazardous atmospheric phenomenon might be
expected on the landing approach?

Why is frost considered hazardous to flight? Frost spoils the smooth flow Frost slows the airflow over
of air over the wings, the airfoils, thereby
thereby decreasing lifting increasing control
capability. effectiveness.

An inversion is when: There is an increase of There is no horizontal

temperature as height gradient of temperature.
The name given to the lowest forecast mean sea Regional QNH. QFE.
level pressure in an area is:
Which of the following characterises unstable air? Cumulus cloud with Layered cloud with showers
showers and generally good and generally poor visibility.
visibility outside of the

One or more coloured rings around the sun or Altostratus. High.

moon may indicate the presence of which type of
Hail is most likely to fall from which type of CB. NS.
From the list below, select the Low, Medium and Stratus, Altocumulus, Nimbostratus,
High clouds in ascending order. Cirrus. Cumulonimbus, Cirrus.
Precipitation produced by stratus is normally? Drizzle.   Heavy showers.

Unstable air is forced to rise up the side of a Cloud of extensive vertical Thick stratiform cloud,
mountain. What weather might you expect to see development. probably nimbostratus.
on the windward slopes?
The trend forecast shall indicate the expected freezing freezing
onset, cessation or change in intensity of one or precipitation,moderate or precipitation,moderate or
more of the following weather phenomena or heavy precipitation heavy precipitation
combinations thereof: (including showers thereof), (including showers thereof),
thunderstorm (with thunderstorm (with
precipitation), duststorm, precipitation), duststorm,
sandstorm. sandstorm, mits.

GR stands for Mist Fog

CAVOKS means: When the following When the following
conditions occur conditions occur
simultaneously at the time simultaneously at the time
of observation: a) visibility, of observation: a) visibility,
10 km or more; b) no cloud 10 km or more; b) no
below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or weather of significance to
below the highest minimum aviation
sector altitude, whichever is
greater, and no

Wind shear warnings shall give concise 500 m (1 600 ft) 300m
information on the observed or
expected existence of wind shear which could
adversely affect aircraft on the approach path or
take-off path or during
circling approach between runway level and ....
above that level and aircraft on the runway during
the landing
roll or take-off run.

When the height of the base of a cloud layer of 30, 60, 150, 300 and 450 m 60, 150, 300 and 450 m
BKN or OVC extent is expected to lift and change
to or pass through one or
more of the following values, or when the height
of the base of a cloud layer of BKN or OVC
extent is expected to lower and
pass through one or more of the following values:
...... the trend
forecast shall indicate the change

In the aviation meteorological sevice “Cloud of a cloud with the height of a cloud below the highest
operational significance” shall be understood as: cloud base below 1 500 m (5 minimum sector altitude,
000 ft) whichever is greater

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The limits of the VHF band are: 30 - 300 MHz. 3 - 30 MHz.

Positions on a Flight Management Computer are DME / DME. DME / VOR.

updated with information from:
The radio navigation information used by the ADF, VOR, DME. VOR, DME.
FMC is:
Basic RNAV requires a track-keeping accuracy +/- 3NM or better for 90% +/- 2NM or better for 75%
of: of the flight time. of the flight time.
ICAO Annex 11 defines Area Navigation within the coverage of outside the coverage of
(RNAV) as a method of navigation which permits station-referenced station-referenced
aircraft operation on any desired flight path: navigation aids provided navigation aids provided
that it is equipped with a that it is equipped with a
minimum of one serviceable minimum of two serviceable
self-contained navigation self-contained navigation
aid. aids.
In a hybrid navigation system: the information obtained the aircrew has limited
from ATC and ground control over the navigation.
radars plays a dominant

Attenuation of a radio wave is the: increase of its power by the reduction of its power by
combination of multi-path absorption, scattering or
signals. spreading.
Using a primary radar: All 3 answers are correct. target size will influence the
maximum range.

The main factor which determines the minimum amplitude. length.

range that can be measured by a pulsed radar is
A Primary radar operates on the principle of: transponder interrogation. phase comparison.

The speed of a radio wave in nm/sec is: 163,842 186,000

The Doppler Navigation System is based on: doppler VOR (DVOR) phase comparison from
Navigation System. ground station
Ground direction finding at aerodromes utilises VHF at civil aerodromes UHF at civil aerodromes
which frequencies? and UHF at military and UHF at military
aerodromes. aerodromes.
A radio wave increases speed when crossing the the frequency increases.. no change in either.
coast, leaving the land and passing over the sea.
When this happens:
Ground responders respond at a frequency: 63 MHz grader than 63 MHz lower than
interrogation frequency. interrogation frequency.

The maximum theoretical range at which a UHF 170 nm 213 nm

transmission can be received by an aircraft flying
at FL 200, assuming the UHF station is at a height
of 860 ft amsl is:

For a given HF frequency skip distance will have no diurnal variation. be greater by day than by
normally: night.
An aircraft in the northern hemisphere is making more or less than 225° 225°
an accurate rate one turn to the right. If the initial depending on the pendulous
heading was 135° , after 30 seconds the direct suspension used
reading magnetic compass should read:

What is the distance in kilometres from 49° S 1112 km. 621 km.
180° E/W to 58° S 180º E/W?
The ICAO definition of ETA is the: actual time of arrival at a estimated time of arrival at
point or fix. an en-route point or fix.
What is the ISA temperature value at FL 330? -50° C -81° C

Heading is 156° T, TAS is 320 knots, W/V is 160 152

130° /45. What is your true track?
Given the following: Magnetic heading: 060° 072° 048°
Magnetic variation: 8° W Drift angle: 4° right
What is the true track?
Given: ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG, GS = 150 kt. 300 FT/MIN. 350 FT/MIN.
What is the approximate rate of descent?
An aircraft at FL350 is required to descend to 69 NM. 49 NM.
cross a DME facility at FL80. Maximum rate of
descent is 1800 FT/MIN and mean GS for descent
is 276 kt. The minimum range from the DME at
which descent should start is:

In an IRS: accelerometers and platform accelerometers and platform

are both strapped down. are both gyro-stabilised.

What additional information is required to be Mach Number. IAS.

input to an Inertial Navigation System (INS) in
order to obtain an W/V readout?
What measurement is used to carry out alignment Acceleration sensed by the Difference in magnitude of
of an Inertial Navigation System? east gyro horizontal the value of gravity
accelerometer. compared with the gravity at
the last known position.

The angle between True North and Magnetic drift. variation.

North is called:
What is the value of magnetic dip at the South 0° 360°
Magnetic Pole?
Deviation is: a correction to be added to an error to be added to
magnetic heading to obtain magnetic headings.
compass heading.
A waypoint is: A geographical location A visual sign pointing the
relating to area navigation way.
What does SELCAL mean: A system in which A system in which
radiotelephony radiotelephony
communication between two communication can be
stations can take place in established between aircraft
both directions only.

An aircraft is on an IFR approach to an aerodrome a VFR approach a VFR approach with visual
in VMC. This approach can be defined as: reference to the ground
What does the term EXPECTED APPROACH The time at which ATC The time at which an
TIME mean: expects that an arriving arriving aircraft expects to
aircraft, following a delay, arrive over the appropriate
will leave the holding point designated navigation aid
to complete its approach for serving the destination
a landing. aerodrome.

The Squawk code for radio failure is: 7500 7700

The term BROADCAST means that the is sent in circumstances requires a Readback
information: where communication
cannot be established but
where it is believed that the
called station is able to
receive the transmission

What does the term BLIND TRANSMISSION A transmission from one A transmission of
mean? station to another station in information relating to air
circumstances where two- navigation that is not
way communication cannot addressed to a specific
be established but it is station or stations.
believed that the called
station is able to receive the

The abbreviation SSR stands for: Some strange radio. Secondary surveillance
Which abbreviation is used for Co-ordinated UTC COUT
universal time?
A standard instrument arrival is known as a: STAR. SDP.

UTC: concerns the availability of is an abbreviation for co-

aircraft towing facilities. ordinated universal time.

PAPI stands for: Pitch attitude prime Precision approach

instrument. indicators.
Civil Aviation of Viet Nam: Has been using the World Has been using the World
Geodetic System (WGS-84) Geodetic System (WGS-84)
since 1998. since January1999.
In Viet Nam the following types of radio aids to NDB, VOR, DME, ILS, NDB, VOR, DME, ILS,
air navigation are available: LORAN. OMEGA.
Which facility among the following provides a/c NDB VOR/DME
with its azimuth and distance:
Which facility along the following provides NDB VOR/DME
aircraft with its azimuth and distance?
Air traffic services unit clocks and other time- 10 seconds. 20 seconds.
recording devices shall be checked as necessary to
ensure correct time to within plus or minus ____
of UTC at all times:

The frequencies used for survival radio equipment 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz 121.5 MHz and 423 MHz
ATC unit may use the following means of AFTN Direct speech circuits
communications for co-ordination purposes:
The airborne VOR equipment is referred to: As airborne VOR receiver. As airborne VOR
Emergency locator transmetter (ELT) is fitted On board of the aircraft At the rescue co-ordination
_____ : centre
Runway visual range should be assessed at a 2,5m 5m
height of approximately..... above the runway.
Classification based upon the potential risk a) routine data: there is a b) essential data: there is a
resulting from the use of corrupted very low probability when low probability when using
data. Aeronautical data is classified as: using corrupted routine data corrupted essential data that
that the continued safe flight the continued safe flight and
and landing of an aircraft would
landing of an aircraft would be severely at risk with the
be severely at risk with the potential for catastrophe;
potential for catastrophe;

Aerodrome identification sign A sign placed on an Aeronautical beacon used to

aerodrome to aid in indicate the location of an
identifying the aerodrome aerodrome from the air.
from the air.

A precision approach category II & III lighting 1. White 2. Green

system shall be equipped with side row lights.
State the colour of these lights:
Landing direction indicator A sign placed on an Aeronautical beacon used to
aerodrome to aid in indicate the location of an
identifying the aerodrome aerodrome from the air.
from the air.

Blind transmission: A transmission from one A transmission of

station to another station in information relating to air
circumstances where two- navigation that is not
way communication cannot addressed to a specific
be established but where it station or stations.
is believed that the called
station is able to receive the

Broadcast: A transfer of information A transmission of

relating to air navigation information relating to air
that is not addressed to a navigation that is not
specific station or stations. addressed to a specific
station or stations.

Clearance limit: The point to which an The fix to which an aircraft

aircraft is granted an air is granted an air traffic
traffic control clearance. control clearance.
The following transmitting techniques will assist maintain an even rate of maintain a rate of speech not
in ensuring that transmitted speech is clear and speech not exceeding 100 exceeding 100 words per
satisfactorily received: words per minute. When it minute. When it is known
is known that elements of that elements of the message
the message will be written will be written down by the
down by the recipient, speak recipient, speak at a slightly
at a slightly slower rate; slower rate;

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

When the language used for communication is FOW-er four

English, number 4 shall be transmitted using the
following pronunciation:
When the language used for communication is FOW-er four
English, number 4 shall be transmitted using the
following pronunciation:
Pilots may check the time with the appropriate the nearest half minute the closer half minute
ATS unit. Time checks shall be given to.....
The word ACKNOWLEDGE shall be used in “Let me know that you have “Let me know that you have
radiotelephony communications as appropriate received and understood this received this message.”
and shall have the meaning given below. : message.”
The word CONFIRM shall be used in “I request verification of: verify
radiotelephony communications as appropriate (clearance, instruction,
and shall have the meaning given below : action, information).”
The word RECLEARED shall be used in “this new clearance “A change has been made to
radiotelephony communications as appropriate supersedes your previous your last clearance and this
and shall have the meaning given below : clearance or part thereof.” new clearance supersedes
your previous clearance or
part thereof.”

The word READ BACK shall be used in “Repeat all, or the specified “Repeat the specified part of
radiotelephony communications as appropriate part, of this message back to this message back to me
and shall have the meaning given below : me exactly as received.” exactly as received.”

The word STANDBY shall be used in “Wait and I will call you.” “Wait for a while.”
radiotelephony communications as appropriate
and shall have the meaning given below :
An aircraft call sign shall be one of the following the characters corresponding the telephony designator of
types: to the registration marking the aircraft operating
of the aircraft; ex G-ABCD agency, followed by the last
or Cessna G-ABCD four characters of the
registration marking of the
aircraft; ex:Vietjet DCAB

When establishing communications, an aircraft use the full call sign of both use the call sign of both the
should: the aircraft and the aircraft and the aeronautical
aeronautical station. station.
the word “CORRECTION” shall be spoken, the When an error is made in a When a mistake is made in a
last correct group or phrase repeated and then the transmission, transmission,
correct version transmitted.
When it is considered that reception is likely to be twice again
difficult, important elements of the message
should be spoken ......
The following shall always be read back: ATC route clearances; clearances and instructions
to enter, land on, take off
from, hold short of, cross
and backtrack on any
runway; and

The following shall always be read back: ATC route clearances; clearances and instructions
to enter, land on, take off
from, hold short of, cross
and backtrack on any
The controller shall listen to the read-back: to ascertain that the to ascertain that the
clearance or instruction has clearance or instruction has
been correctly been correctly
acknowledged by the flight acknowledged by the flight
crew and shall take
immediate action to correct
any discrepancies revealed
by the read-back.

Test transmissions should take the following the identification of the the aircraft identification;
form: aeronautical station being
Approach control will normally advise the type of on initial contact, as soon as possible
approach to be expected.
What shall the pilots read back be for CLIMB TO Climbing to two point five  Up to two thousand five
2.500 FEET?  hundred 
Which elements of a position report cannot be Aircraft identification, Aircraft identification,
omitted?  position, time, level  position, time 
ATC clears Fastair 345 to descent from FL 100 to Descending to 80, Fastair Leaving flight level 100
FL 80. What is the correct read back by the pilot?  345  descending to flight level
80, Fastair 345 
Which elements of instructions or information QNH, SSR code, approach QNH, weather information,
shall always be read back?  aid serviceability  runway-in-use 

Which word shall be used to ask a station whether A. Confirm  Correct 

you have correctly received a message,
clearance,instruction, etc? 
Normally a holding procedure should be 1)Fix 2)Level 1)Fix 2)Inbound track
published. However, when the pilot requires a 3)Inbound track 4)Right 3)Level 4)Time of leg
detailed description of the holding procedure or left turns 5)Time of leg 5)Right or left turns (if
based on a facility, the following phraseology (if necessary) necessary)
should be used in the following order:

Distress conditions are defined as: a condition of being a condition concerning the
threatened by serious and/or safety of an aircraft or other
imminent danger and of vehicle, or of some person
requiring immediate on board or within sight, but
assistance. which does not require
immediate assistance

urgency conditions are defined as: a condition of being a condition concerning the
threatened by serious and/or safety of an aircraft or other
imminent danger and of vehicle, or of some person
requiring immediate on board or within sight, but
assistance. which does not require
immediate assistance

The word “MAYDAY” spoken at the start abnomal a distress

identifies....... message:
the words “PAN PAN” at the start identifies abnomal a distress
an ..... message.
The words “MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN”, as spoken 4 times spoken 2 times
appropriate, should preferably be ........... at the
start of the initial distress or urgency call.
A distress message should contain as many as name of the station name of the station
possible of the following elements, and, if addressed; b) identification addressed; b) identification
possible, in the order shown: of the aircraft; c) nature of of the aircraft; c) nature of
the distress condition; d) the distress condition; d)
intention of the person in intention of the person in
command; command; e) position, level
and heading of the aircraft;
and f) any other useful

When an aircraft announces that it is making an take all possible action to The general broadcast to
emergency descent, the controller will: safeguard other aircraft. warn aircraft of an
emergency descent should
be followed, as necessary,
by specific instructions.

After suffering a radio receiver failure the pilots hold for 5 minutes  proceed to the pre-planned
should make blind transmissions preceded by the alternate 
phrase "Transmitting blind due to receiver
failure" and subsequently: 

When an aeronautical station has been unable to request other aeronautical request aircraft on the route
establish contact with an aircraft after calls on the stations to render assistance to attempt to establish
frequencies on which the aircraft is believed to be by calling the aircraft and communication with the
listening, it shall: relaying traffic, if necessary; aircraft and relay messages,
if necessary.

When an aircraft is no longer in distress, it shall MAYDAY, resuming cancel distress 

transmit a message cancelling the distress normal operations 
condition. Which words shall this message
The distress communication and silence Disregard distress Emergency communication
conditions shall be terminated by transmitting a communication, OUT  finished 
message. Which words shall this message
Which is transmitting technique: Use a normal conversational Maintain the speaking
tone,and speak clearly and volume at a constant level
The transmission of long messages should be : Transmited constantly Transmited as soon as
Refer to AGIMY,which is correct: Alpha-Golf-Yankee -Mike- Alpha-Gold-India-Mike-
India Yankee.
Which is correct: Climb to two five hundred Climb to two thousand five
feet. hundred feet.
Refer to 108.3, which is correct: Wun ze-ro ait day-see-mal Wun ze-ro ait point tree
What does ‘ GO AHEAD’ mean: Go straight ahead Proceed with your message.

What does ‘ HOW DO YOU READ’ mean: How do you copy my Do you understand?
In transmitting technique,rate of speech shall be 90 100
not exceeded….words per minute:
In Radio telephony ,What does “ That is correct An error has been made in
CORRECTION” mean? this transmission (or
message indicated).
In the initial contact,which message may be used Noibai TWR,Thai 564, Noibai TWR,Thai 564,
by pilot: Heavy Medium
The following shall always be read back: Runway-in-use hold short of

Which following word may be omitted from SURFACE in “surface HEADING in “turn right
transmission: wind…..” heading….”
Except in cases of emergency, controllers should When he is taxiing When he is joining final
not transmit to an aircraft: course.
In What condition of weather ? the controller may Raining . Thunderstorm.
request the pilot to report when airborne:
When an aircraft has commenced the take-off (Callsign),Cancel take-off. (Callsign),hold position
roll, and it is necessary for the aircraft to abandon
take-off in order to avert a dangerous traffic
situation,which instruction shall be given (by
A “FINAL” report is made when an aircraft 3NM 4NM
turns onto final within … from touchdown:
A “LONG FINAL” report is made when an 6NM 5NM
aircraft turns onto final at the distance that
greater than ……from touchdown:
When an aircraft is going around,any transmission As detailed as possible Stopped at once
to him should be:
A transmission from one station to another station Blind transmission One-way transmission
in circumstances where two-way communication
cannot be established but where it is believed that
the called station is able to receive the
A transmission of information relating to air Transmit Convey
navigation that is not addressed to a specific
station or stations:
Measures designed to adjust the flow of traffic Flow Management Control Flow Management System
into a given airspace, along a given route, or (FMC) (FMS)
bound for a given aerodrome, so as to ensure the
most effective utilization of the airspace.
That is definition of :

What is an aerodrome control service including : Air traffic service, flight Air traffic control service
information service, for aerodrome traffic
meteorological and
communication service.

The radar controller should inform the pilot of his The requests position The aircraft reports over a
position except in the following case: information NAVAID

Touchdown zone (TDZ) lights shall be provided category I or III. category II or III.
in the touchdown zone of a precision approach
runway …?
Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2
Aerodrome is: A defined area on land A defined area on water
(including any buildings, (including any buildings,
installations and equipment) installations and equipment)
intended to be used either intended to be used either
wholly or in part for the wholly or in part for the
arrival, departure and arrival, departure and
surface movement of surface movement of
aircraft. aircraft.

Aeronautical information: Information resulting from Information resulting from

the assembly, analysis and the assembly, analysis and
formatting of aeronautical formatting of AIS data.

Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC). A notice containing A notice containing

information that does not information that does not
qualify for the origination of qualify for the origination of
a NOTAM or for inclusion a NOTAM or for inclusion
in the AIP, but which relates in the AIP, but which relates
to flight safety, air to flight safety, technical,
navigation, technical, administrative or legislative
administrative or legislative matters.

Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). A publication issued by or A publication issued by or

with the authority of a State with the authority of a State
and containing aeronautical and containing aeronautical
information of a lasting information of a lasting
character essential to an character essential to a VOR
ATS unit. station.

Aeronautical information service (AIS). A service established within A service established within
the defined area of coverage the defined area of coverage
responsible for the provision responsible for the provision
of aeronautical data of aeronautical information
necessary for the safety, necessary for the safety,
regularity and efficiency of regularity and efficiency of
air navigation. air navigation.

AIP Amendment contain: Permanent changes to the Temporary changes to the

information contained in the information contained in the
AIP Supplement contain: Permanent changes to the Temporary changes to the
information contained in the information contained in the
AIP which are published by AIP which are published by
means of special pages. means of special pages.

AIRAC is an acronym of: Aeronautical information Aeronautical information

rule and control. regulation and control.
AIRAC: An acronym (aeronautical An acronym (aeronautical
information regulation and information regulation and
control) signifying a system control) signifying a system
of circumstances that aimed at advance
necessitate significant notification of
changes in operating circumstances that
practices. necessitate significant
changes in operating

Area navigation (RNAV) is: A method of navigation. A SID.

ATS surveillance service. Term used to indicate a Term used to indicate a

service from a tower. service from approach
control unit.

Automatic terminal information service (ATIS). The automatic provision of The automatic provision of
current, routine information current, routine information
to arriving aircraft to departing aircraft
throughout 24 hours or a throughout 24 hours or a
specified portion thereof. specified portion thereof.

Confidence level. The probability that the The probability that the true
value of a parameter is value of a parameter is
within a certain interval within a certain interval
around the estimate of its around the estimate of its
value. value.
Danger area. An airspace of defined An airspace of defined
dimensions within which dimensions within which
activities dangerous to the activities dangerous to the
flight of aircraft may exist at flight of aircraft may exist at
all times. specified times.

Geodesic distance. The slant distance between The distance between any
any two points on a two points on a
mathematically defined mathematically defined
ellipsoidal surface. ellipsoidal surface.

Geodetic datum. A set of parameters required A maximum set of

to define location and parameters required to
orientation of the local define location and
reference system with orientation of the local
respect to the global reference system with
reference system/frame. respect to the global
reference system/frame.
Heliport. An aerodrome or a defined An aerodrome or a defined
area on a structure intended area on a structure intended
to be used wholly or in part to be used wholly or in part
for the arrival and surface for the departure and surface
movement of helicopters. movement of helicopters.

International NOTAM office (NOF). An office designated by a An office designated by a

State for the exchange of ground control unit.
NOTAM internationally.
Manoeuvring area. That part of an aerodrome to That part of an aerodrome to
be used for the take-off be used for the take-off,
aircraft. landing and taxiing of
aircraft, excluding aprons.

Minimum en-route altitude (MEA). The altitude for an departure The altitude for an arrival
segment. segment.
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA). The altitude for a defined The altitude for a defined
segment of flight that segment of flight that
provides the required provides the required
obstacle clearance. obstacle clearance.

Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to That part of an aerodrome to

be used for the take-off, be used for the take-off,
landing and taxiing of landing and taxiing of
aircraft, consisting of the aircraft.
manoeuvring area and the

NOTAM: A notice distributed by A notice distributed by

means of telecommunication means of telecommunication
containing information containing information
concerning the concerning the
establishment, condition or establishment, condition or
change in any aeronautical change in any aeronautical
facility. facility, service, procedure
or hazard, the timely
knowledge of which is
essential to personnel
concerned with flight

Prohibited area: An airspace of defined An airspace of defined

dimensions, above the land dimensions, above the land
areas or territorial waters of areas or territorial waters of
a State, within which the a State, within which the
flight of aircraft is flight of aircraft is restricted.

Radio navigation service. A service providing A service providing weather

departure guidance to information to aircraft.

Restricted area. An airspace of defined An airspace of defined

dimensions, above the land dimensions within which the
areas or territorial waters of flight of aircraft is restricted
a State, within which the in accordance with certain
flight of aircraft is restricted specified conditions.
in accordance with certain
specified conditions.
Terrain: The surface of the Earth The surface of the Earth
containing naturally containing naturally
occurring features such as occurring features such as
mountains. mountains, hills, ridges,
valleys, bodies of water,
permanent ice and snow,
and excluding obstacles.

A NIL notification shall be originated and An AIP Supplement will not An AIP Supplement will be
distributed by the monthly plain-language list of be published. published.
valid NOTAM when:
Temporary changes of long duration (three Page number. Chart title.
months or longer) and information of short
duration which contains extensive text and/or
graphics shall be published as AIP Supplements.
A checklist of AIP pages containing:

AD 2.6 Rescue and firefighting services Detailed Aerodrome category for Rescue equipment;
description of the rescue and firefighting services firefighting;
and equipment available at the aerodrome,

AIP Supplement pages should be coloured in Yellow. Red.

order to be conspicuous, preferably in yellow.
How often a checklist of valid AIP Supplements Not more than one months. At intervals of not more
shall be issued at intervals of.. than one month.
AIP Supplement pages should be kept as the …in Second item. Third item.
the AIP parts.
AIP shall be published as AIP Amendments Permanent changes. Temporary changes.
AIP shall be published as AIP Supplement Permanent changes. Temporary changes.
Information of short duration containing An AIP Supplement. An AIP Amendment.
extensive text and/or graphics is published as:
Letters A to Z, with the exception of S and T, A notam checklist. A NOTAM series.
may be used to identify
A checklist of AIC currently in force shall be Once a month. Twice a month.
ATS surveillance system: A generic term meaning A generic term meaning
variously, ADS-B, PSR, variously, ADS-B, PSR,
SSR or any comparable SSR or any comparable
ground-based system that ground-based system that
enables the identification of enables the identification of
airport. radar station.

AIRAC: An acronym (aeronautical An acronym (aeronautical

information regulation and information regulation and
control) signifying a system control) signifying a system
of circumstances that aimed at advance
necessitate significant notification of
changes in operating circumstances that
practices. necessitate significant
changes in operating
Aeronautical Information Circular is: A notice containing A notice containing
information that does not information that qualify for
qualify for the origination of the origination of a NOTAM
a NOTAM or for Inclusion or for Inclusion in AIP
in AIP

Aeronautical Information Management is : The dynamic,integrated The important,integrated

management of aeronautical management of aeronautical
information through the information through the
provision and exchange of provision and exchange of
quality-assured digital quality-assured digital
aeronautical data. aeronautical data.

AIS: A service established within A service created within the

the defined area of coverage defined area of coverage
responsible for the provision responsible for the provision
of aeronautical data and of aeronautical data and
information . information .

AIP Amendment: : Permanent changes to the Important changes to the

information contained in the information contained in the
AIP Supplement. : Permanent changes to the B. Temporary changes to
information contained in the the information contained in
AIP which are published by the AIP which are published
means of special pages. by means of special pages.

AIRAC stands for Aeronautical Information Aeronautical Information

Regulation and Control Regulation and Check
The automatic provision of current, routine AFTN ATIS
information to arriving and departing aircraft
throughout 24 hours is:
A means by which aircraft, aerodrome vehicles ADS-A ADS-B
and other objects can automatically transmit
and/or receive data such as identification, position
and additional data, as appropriate, in a broadcast
mode via a data link:

“An airspace of defined dimensions within which prohibited area restricted area
activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may
exist at specified times”means (Annex 15 page 1-
The minimum altitude for a defined segment of MOCA MICA
flight that provides the required obstacle
clearance is:
The AIP SUP pages should be preferably: White Green

AIP Supplements contain information : of temporary change of long of an administrative nature

duration and/or information
requiring graphics
How much a check list all AIP Supplement at intervals of not more than not more than six months
currently in force be issued? one month
The authority responsible for the collection, the Air Traffic Control Unit the Aeronautical
collation, editing and publishing of aeronautical b. the Airport Management Information Service
information used by all types of aircraft
operations is:

In which section of the AIP can you find the GEN AD

lateral limits of restricted areas?
What are the pages in AIP Viet Nam described ENR 5.1 ENR 5.1 and 5.2
Prohibited, Restricted and Danger areas?
What page in AIP Viet Nam is “ATS ROUTE” ENR 5 ENR 3.1
What are the declared distances of the aerodrome RWY SWY
indicated in the AIP-Viet Nam?
Each NOTAM shall be located a series identified a ten-digit number a two-digit number
by a letter and… followed by a stroke and a two
digit number for the year:( annex15 item 5.2.5)
Detailed description of declared distances to the 1) take-off distance 1) rejected take-off distance
nearest metre or foot, where relevant for a available; available;
heliport, including: 2) rejected take-off distance 2) landing distance
available; available; and
3) landing distance 3) remarks.
available; and
4) remarks.

A checklist of AIP pages containing: page number/chart title. publication or effective date
(day, month by name and
year) of the aeronautical

A list of current hand amendments to the AIP 1) AIP page(s) affected; 2) 1) AIP page(s) affected; 2)
containing: amendment text; and 3) AIP amendment text.
Amendment number by
which a hand amendment
was introduced.

Brief description of the vertical reference system 1 and 2. 2 and 3.

used, including:
1) name/designation of the reference system;
2) description of the geoid model used including
the parameters required for height transformation
between the model used and EGM-96;
3) an explanation, if applicable, of the asterisk
used to identify those elevations/geoid
undulations that do not meet Annex 14 accuracy

A list of radio navigation aids arranged 1) identifier; 1) identifier;

alphabetically, containing: 2) name of the station; 2) name of the station;
3) type of facility/aid; and 3) type of facility/aid; and
4) indication whether aid
serves en-route (E),
aerodrome (A) or dual (AE)
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

36 24

The Director of Airport None of above
Authority 0
The Prime Minister Minister of Nation

General Director of VATM The Minister of Nation

Defense 0
Minister of Nation Defense Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Nation Defense Ministry of Foreign Affair

Airport Authority General Director of

General Director of None of above


The Ministry of Foreign Non of above

DETRESFA, ALERFA No difference
5 minutes. 3 minutes.

The arriving aircraft has The pilot of the arriving
entered ILS glide path. aircraft has observed the
departing aircraft. 0
5NM. 6NM.
At least 300m(1000ft) Non of the above.
above highest obstacle in
plain area, 600m(2000ft)
above highest obstacle in 0
mountain area.

1200m(4000ft). 900m(3000ft).

Code 2000 to a controlled Multiple code to a

flight prior to accept the controlled flight prior to
control. transfer of
communications. 0

At least 19km(10NM) At least 37km(20NM)

horizontally, but not front horizontally, but not
of the aircraft dumping
behind the aircraft
dumping fuel. 0

clearances and instructions 1 and 2

to enter, land on, take off
from, hold short of, cross,
taxi and backtrack on any
runway, and Runway-in-
use, altimeter settings, SSR
codes, level instructions,
heading and speed
instructions and, whether
issued by the controller or
contained in automatic
terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts,
transition levels;


At a particular time, are At a particular time, are
considered by the area considered by the
control center to be the aerodrome control tower to
most suitable for use by the
types of aircraft expected to
be the most suitable for use
by the types of aircraft
land or take off at the expected for training at the
aerodrome. aerodrome.
Listen……….readback.  Readback……readback.

At least 300m(1000ft) Non of the above.

above highest obstacle in
plain area, 600m above
highest obstacle in high 0
terrain mountainuos area.

The one that has the other The one that is faster than
in sight first. the other. 0
2000 feet or visibility is les 1000 feet or visibility is les
than 5 km. than 8 km. 0
Arriving aircraft on final Arriving aircraft in the
approach. traffic pattern. 0
Issuing as soon as Specifying the name of the
practicable an amended appropriate significant
clearance to the destination point, or aerodrome, or
aerodrome. controlled airspace

Request the pilot to stop Inform the pilot of the

mode C transmission. difference and request him
to keep his mode C on. 0
Request the pilot to recycle Request the pilot to switch
the assigned mode and
the transponder from ON to
5NM within 80NM from 5NM within 40NM from
TSN,DAN, and NBA TSN,DAN airports and
airports and 15NM
10NM elsewhere.

3 NM 2 NM

5 NM 8 NM
Request the pilot to change Instruct the pilot to operate
heading 30 degrees or SPI feature. 0
Fastest Biggest
3 minutes As long as outbound time
is 0
3 minutes 4 minutes
15 minutes. 2 and 3

( call sign) do you have Non of the above.
RVSM approval. 0
15minutes As long as the aircraft are
estimated to have passed
each other.

48 72

Terain Balloon

    +_30m(100ft)     +_120m(400ft)

Upper………..missed Below……………
approach procedure intermediate approach

30 degrees 40 degrees
At least 900m (3000ft) if At least 1200m (4000ft) if
below the aircraft dumping below the aircraft dumping
fuel. fuel. 0
Both 1 and 2. 1 or 2

25 degrees or less Non of above

At the appropriate At the earliest opportunity

opportunity 0
10 degrees or less 30 degrees or less

To the right To the left
Where the number of Where the number of
movements in the mean movements in the mean
busy hour is not less than busy hour is not greater
15 per RWY or typically than 15 per RWY or
less than 20 total aerodrome typically less than 20 total
movements. aerodrome movements.

Arriving aircraft on final Arriving aircraft in the

approach. traffic pattern. 0
_+4 minutes _+2 minutes
1 and 2 1 or 2
Aircraft on intermediate Aircraft on final approach
and final approach
segments. 0
Between the edges of one Between the nearest edges
blip and the center of the
of the blips. 0
The aircraft is within the The aircraft reports over
coverage of the accepting the last fix displayed on the
controller’s rasdar display. radar display of 0
transferring controller.

25 degrees the alignment of 15 degrees the alignment of

the runway center-line. the runway center-line. 0
0.02 0.1

A means of communication None of the above.
between pilots, using data
link for ATC 0

a and b None of the above.

c) an aircraft which is being a,b and c

overtaken by another
aircraft 0
shall have the right-of-way
and the overtaking aircraft
b well clear of the None of the above.
other aircraft

c) gliders shall give way to a,b and c

balloons;and power-driven
aircraft shall give way to
aircraft which
are seen to be towing other50 45
aircraft or objects.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Area navigation based on Area navigation based on
performance requirements performance requirements
for aircraft operating in a for aircraft operating on an
designated airspace. instrument approach

Height. Airspace.
Guidance information. Departure information.

The final course. The runway.
1 and 2. 1 or 2

108 MHz to 111.775 MHz. 108 MHz to 111.575 MHz.

1 and 2. 1 or 2
Between 190 kHz and 1 Between 190 kHz and 1
650 kHz. 750 kHz. 0
1 or 2. 1 and 2

5NM. 6NM.
The receiver. The transmitter.
The receiver. The transmitter.
100 aircraft. 50 aircraft.
1 or 2. 1 and 2

1 or 2. 1 and 2

1 or 2. 1 and 2

A means of communication None of the above.
between pilots, using data
link for ATC 0

A report from an aircraft in A report from an aircraft in

the air. hangar. 0
This message category shall This message category
comprise those messages shall comprise those
sent by ATC unit reporting messages sent by area
that they are in danger. control centre reporting 0
that they are in danger.

This category shall This category shall

comprise messages comprise messages
concerning the safety of an concerning the safety of
aircraft. some person on board. 0

Messages concerning All of the above.

observations and reports. 0

Doc 8186. Doc 9432.
Doc 8585. Doc 9432.
45 days. 30 days.
Approach control unit. Area control unit.
During the landing roll. All of the above.
117.985 MHz. 117.995 MHz.
136.965 MHz. 136.955 MHz.
1 or 2   1 and 2
A unique combination of A unique combination of
twenty-four bits available twenty-four bits available
for assignment to an aircraft for assignment to an
for the purpose of air-
ground communications
aircraft for the purpose of
and navigation. communications,
navigation and
Radar equipment used to Radar equipment used to
determine the position of an determine the position of
aircraft in range. an aircraft in azimuth.
A surveillance radar system A surveillance radar
which uses system which uses
(interrogators) and

Code 7600. Code 7700.

Code 7600. Code 7700.
Code 7600. Code 7700.
Code 2200. Code 2300.

The 3 096 codes available. The 4 096 codes available.
Air traffic control service. All above.
1 or 2. 1 and 2
when it is intended to when it is intended to
indicate, by a visual aid, the indicate, by a visual aid,
precise the precise
positioning of an aircraft on positioning of an aircraft
an aircraft stand and other on an aircraft stand and
alternative means, such as other alternative means,
marshallers, are not such as marshallers, are not
practicable. practicable.

A and B None of the above.

A and B None of the above.

A and B None of the above.

A runway served by visual all are not correct

aids and non-visual aid(s)
intended for landing
operations following an
instrument approach
operation type B with a
decision height (DH) lower
than 60 m (200 ft)
but not lower than 30 m
(100 ft) and a runway
visual range not less than
400 m.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

5 minutes. 3 minutes.

At least 300m(1000ft) Non of the above.
above highest obstacle in
plain area, 600m(2000ft)
above highest obstacle in 0
mountain area.

1200m(4000ft). 900m(3000ft).

25NM 30NM
Code 2000 to a controlled Multiple code to a
flight prior to accept the controlled flight prior to
control. transfer of
communications. 0

At least 19km(10NM) At least 37km(20NM)

horizontally, but not front horizontally, but not
of the aircraft dumping
behind the aircraft
dumping fuel. 0

Clearances and instructions 1 and 2

to enter, land on, take off
from, hold short of, cross,
taxi and backtrack on any
runway, and Runway-in-
use, altimeter settings, SSR
codes, level instructions,
heading and speed
instructions and, whether
issued by the controller or
contained in automatic
terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts,
transition levels;


The arriving aircraft has The pilot of the arriving
entered ILS glide path. aircraft has observed the
departing aircraft. 0
Listen……….readback. Readback……readback.

At least 300m(1000ft) Non of the above.

above highest obstacle in
plain area, 600m above
highest obstacle in high 0
terrain mountainuos area.

Arriving aircraft on final Arriving aircraft in the

approach. traffic pattern. 0
  Issuing as soon as   Specifying the name of
practicable an amended the appropriate significant
clearance to the destination point, or aerodrome, or
aerodrome. controlled airspace
15 minutes. 2 and 3

( call sign) do you have Non of the above.
RVSM approval. 0
   +_30m(100ft)    +_120m(400ft)

Upper………..missed Below……………
approach procedure intermediate approach

   +_30m(100ft)    +_120m(400ft)

Upper………..missed Below……………
approach procedure intermediate approach

At least 900m (3000ft) if At least 1200m (4000ft) if

below the aircraft dumping below the aircraft dumping
fuel. fuel. 0
25 degrees or less Non of above

A/3 7600 A/3 7700
A/3 7600 A/3 7700
60,30 60,60

Airplane A if it has airplane Airplane B if it has

B on its right. airplane A on its left.

0815 0817

When he is over the airport From the navigational aid

serving his destination

The same frequency i.e.

1030MHz for transmissions
on both directions .

When the aircraft is 5 miles Immediately climb the

apart turn the controlled
aircraft to the right
controlled aircraft 0
Select Mode A code 7600 Select Mode A code 7700
The visibility forward from The forecast visibility at
the flight deck of an
aeroplane in flight
3000 ft above the
80 degrees with the plane 70 degrees with the plane
of symmetry of the latter of symmetry of the latter 0
follow the instructions of request ATC for other
the intercepting aircraft instructions 0
±3 minutes ±2 minutes
He should climb to pass He should decent to pass
above the other aircraft under the other aircraft . 0
1500m horizontally , 1500m horizontally ,
1000ft vertically from
clouds ; 5 km visibility
1000ft vertically from
clouds ;8 km visibility
PANPAN All the above
PANPAN All the above
±3% ±2 %
at a height less than 300m
above the highest obstacle
within a radius of 900m 0
from the aircraft

Decrease at increasing Decrease at increasing

speed altitude 0
in a direction depending on in a direction depending
the entry on the wind direction 0
Long range cruise speed Minimum power speed
It will increase the take-off
distance available 0
Longest flight duration Minimum drag
no more than 90 minutes
from a suitable alternate, in
the prevailing conditions
and using the one engine 0
inoperative TAS

decreases because power

available decreases and
power required increases
remains constant
no effect the angle of climb
Density and Temperature Temperature
equal to the true airspeed lower than the true airspeed
(TAS) (TAS) 0
temperature altitude density altitude
may be flown above or
below the optimum
altitude, but never at the 0
optimum altitude

At least 300m(1000ft) Non of the above.

above highest obstacle in
plain area, 600m above
highest obstacle in high 0
terrain mountainuos area.

A part of runway intended A runway intended for

for take-off only. take-off and landing. 0
the WGS-84 geodetic the WGS-84 geodetic
reference hight. reference altitude.

52 m up to but not 42 m up to but not

including 68m including 65 m 0
shall be located so as to be shall be located so as to be
visible from aircraft in visible from aircraft in 0
flight or on the taxing area flight or on the parking
category I or II. area
category I .
a) aircraft identification; a) aircraft identification;
b) departure aerodrome; b) departure aerodrome;
c) destination aerodrome c) arrival aerodrome;
(only in the case of a d) time of arrival.
diversionary landing); 0
d) time of arrival.

A defined area including non of above

the runway, stopway and
A and B non of above
A and B non of above
A and B non of above
accelerate-stop distance all of above
available and landing
distance available
3 4
A and B non of above

requested by the flight crew A, B and C
or when otherwise deemed
necessary or desirable.

area control unit airport authority

in all cases inform the A , B and C

aircraft of the runway
incursion or obstruction and
its location in relation to the

runway-in-use, altimeter A,B and C

settings, SSR codes, level
instructions, heading and
speed instructions and,
issued by the controller or
contained in automatic 0
terminal information
service (ATIS) broadcasts,

requested by the flight A,B and C

crew;or when otherwise
deemed necessary or
desirable. 1

a) designation of the station a) call sign and, for aircraft

being called; in the heavy wake
b) call sign and, for aircraft turbulence category, the
in the heavy wake word “Heavy”;
turbulence category, the b) position; and
word “Heavy”; c) additional elements, as 0
c) additional elements, as required by the appropriate
required by the appropriate ATS authority.
ATS authority.
a) cancel the take-off non of above
clearance for a departing
b) in all cases inform the
aircraft of the runway
incursion or obstruction and
its location in relation to the 0

a) inform the pilot of the non of above

persistent discrepancy; and
b) notify the next control
position and any other unit
concerned of the erroneous
aircraft identification
by the aircraft. 0

to all special VFR flights A,B and C

and all aerodrome traffic at
controlled aerodromes.
A and B non of above

A and B non of above

an aircraft which is being all of above
overtaken by another
aircraft shall have the right-
of-way and the overtaking
aircraft shall keep well
clear of the other aircraft.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Unlimited A few items of information
during a few seconds 0
It increases the ability to It leads to one’s attention
manage multiple matters being dispersed between
different centers of interest
1 and 2 1 or 2
Hazards None of above
1 and 2 1 or 2
Human cognitive All of above
capabilities & limitations;
Increase reliability All of above
1 and 2 1 or 2
Less than 1 second During a few seconds
Solely induced in the Associated with the task of
absence of external
reference points
mental construction of the
Noise, hunger, conflicts, a Heat, humidity, fatique,
death administrative problems 0
Feedback Coding
Different reservoirs Unlimited information-
depending on whether one processing resources
is in the information-
gathering, information- 0
processing or action phase

Liveware – Environment Liveware – Liveware

A longer and more frequent A shorter and less frequent
exchange of information exchange of information 0
Between 16 Hz and 20,000 Between 16 KHz and 20
MHz KHz 0
Tiredness is an objective
symptom of a reduction in
attention capabilities 0

Low motivation will Extremely high motivation

guarantee adequate in combination with
attention management
excessive stress will limit
attention management 0

Make it possible to modify Destabilize cognitive

behavior with a view to
progress and maintain the
2,3,4 1,3,4

When individual's None of above
perception lower than 0
makes no sense because the is responsible for the
human information development of inadequate
processing system is mental models of the real 0
limited anyway world

Measurement of safety all of above.


a and b None of above

11 12
7 8
Turnover/handover All of them
checklists; and Work status
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Visibility is 10 km; No Visibility is 10 km or
cloud below 2000m or more; No cloud below
below the highest minimum 1000m or below the
sector altitude; whichever is highest minimum sector
greater, and no altitude; whichever is 0
cumulonimbus; No weather greater, and no
of significance to aviation. cumulonimbus; No
weather of significance to
An averaging period of 2 An averaging period of 1
minutes. minute.
Visibility is less than Visibility is less than
800M. 1500M. 0
Visibility is 1500m or Visibility is 800m or more,
more, but less than 10 km. but less than 5 km. 0
c. Visibility is 5km or Visibility is 2km or more,
more, but less than 10 km. but less than 5 km. 0
Diameter of largest Diameter of largest
hailstones is 3 mm or more. hailstones is 2 mm or 0
Diameter of largest Diameter of largest
hailstones is less than 3
hailstones is less than 5
Visibility is less than 600m, Visibility is less than
except when qualified by 500m, except when
“MI”, “BC’, “PR” or “VC”. qualified by “MI”, “BC’, 0
“PR” or “VC”.

Visibility is at least 1500 m Visibility is at least 1500 m

but not more than 4000 m. but not more than 5000 m. 0
Representative of the whole Representative of the
runways. aerodrome and its vicinity. 0
Representative of the Representative of the
approach and landing area. whole runways. 0
A wind speed of less than 4 A wind speed of less than 5
km/h is observed. km/h is observed. 0
An averaging period of 3 An averaging period of 4
minutes. minutes. 0
In steps of 30 m (100 ft) up In steps of 30 m (100 ft) up
to 2000 m (7000ft), to 1500 m (5000ft),
together with the units
used; and in steps of 300 m
together with the units
used; and in steps of 300 m 0
(1000 ft) above 2000 m (1000 ft) above 1500 m
(7000ft). (5000ft).
haze all the above
33 kt or less 31 kt or more
washer all the above
rain mist
hemisphere thermosphere
nitrogen helium
thunderstorm clear skies
cirrus stratus
dissipating stage all the above
dissipating stage all the above
at any level in thunderstorms
12 hours 18 hours
Volcanic ash advisorie Administrative
Aerodrome forecasts Administrative
VAA, TCA and TAF AMD All correct
TAF, METAR and SPECI All correct
10 minutes 15 minutes

Pressure level in All the above

accordance with ICAO 0
An aerodrome warning An AIRMET information
Change indicators; Surface Surface wind; Visibility;
wind; Visibility; Weather Weather phenomena
phenomena 0
Surface wind; Prevailing Identification groups;
Visibility; Weather; Cloud. Surface wind; Prevailing
Visibility; Weather.

Both a and b

a cumulonimbus cloud or a all correct
towering cumulus cloud at
any height
Precipitation static. Drizzle.

Frost changes the basic
aerodynamic shape of the
airfoils, thereby increasing 0

There is no change of There is a decrease of

temperature with height. temperature as height
Layered cloud with poor Cumulus cloud with
visibility and intermittent continuous precipitation
drizzle. and moderate visibility. 0
Stratus. Cirrocumulus.
Altostratus, Altocumulus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus,
Cirrus. Stratus. 0
Heavy rain.   Light showers.
None, as the air will Cap clouds with possible
subside and warm
adiabatically after passing
altocumulus lenticularis. 0
over the summit.
freezing freezing precipitation,
precipitation,moderate or moderate or heavy
heavy precipitation precipitation (including
(including showers showers thereof),
thereof), thunderstorm thunderstorm (with 0
(with precipitation), precipitation), duststorm,
duststorm, sandstorm, mits, sandstorm, mits, fog.

Hail Rain 0
When the following When the following
conditions occur conditions occur
simultaneously at the time simultaneously at the time
of observation: a) of observation: a) no cloud
visibility, 10 km or more; below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or
b) no cloud below 1 500 m below the highest
(5 000 ft) or below the minimum sector altitude,
highest minimum sector whichever is greater, and 0
altitude, whichever is no cumulonimbus; b) no
greater, and no weather of significance to
cumulonimbus; c) no aviation
weather of significance to

400m 200m

30, 60, 150m and 450 m 150, 300 and 450 m

a cumulonimbus cloud or a All correct

towering cumulus cloud at
any height

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

300 - 3000 MHz. 300 - 3000 KHz.

VOR. 0
+/- 5NM or better +/- 5NM or better for 95%
throughout the flight. of the flight time. 0
within the coverage of outside the coverage of
station-referenced station-referenced
navigation aids or within navigation aids provided
the limits of the capability
of self- contained aids, or a
that it is equipped with a
minimum of one
combination of these. serviceable self-contained
navigation aid.
data from two or more of the aircrew has full control
sources is electronically of all navigational matters,
compared and the best because all navigation is 0
information is used. executed by the aircrew.

change of its frequency by change of its amplitude by

use of sidebands. use of sidebands. 0
detection of targets in the precipitation may reduce
area close to the radar will the useful range.
be difficult.
repetition rate. frequency.
pulse technique. continuous wave
transmission. 0
161,842 300,000
radar principles using radio waves refraction in
frequency shift. the ionosphere. 0
UHF at civil aerodromes VHF at civil aerodromes
and VHF at military
and VHF at military
the wavelength changes. the frequency changes.
the same as the 63 MHz different from
interrogation signal. interrogation frequency,
either above or below.
180 nm 144 nm

be less by night than by be greater by night than by
day. day. 0
less than 225° more than 225°

540 km. 1000 km.
estimated time of arrival at estimated time en route.
destination. 0
-66° C -56° C
222 104
056° 064°
700 FT/MIN. D) 875 FT/MIN.
79 NM. 59 NM.

the accelerometers are the platform is strapped

strapped down but the down but the
platform is gyro stabilised. accelerometers are gyro-
TAS. Altitude and OAT.
Acceleration sensed by the Acceleration sensed by the
north gyro vertical north gyro horizontal
accelerometer. accelerometer. 0
deviation. compass error.
180° 090°
a correction to be added to an error to be added to
compass heading to obtain compass heading to obtain
magnetic heading. magnetic heading.
A geographical point at A designated reporting
which a change of level
takes place.
point. 0
A system provided for A system which permits
direct exchange of the selective calling of
information between air individual aircraft over
traffic services (ATS) units. radiotelephone channels
linking a ground station
with the aircraft.

an IFR approach in IMC an IFR approach

The holding time over the The time at which an
radio facility from which arriving aircraft, upon
the instrument approach reaching the radio aid
procedure for a landing will serving the destination
be initiated. aerodrome, will commence 0
the instrument approach
procedure for a landing.

7600 7000
is not addressed to a is addressed to a specific
specific station station

A transmission where no A transmission of

reply is required from the messages relating to en-
receiving station. route weather information
which may affect the safety
of aircraft operations that is 0
not addressed to a specific
station or stations.

Single system receiver. Sector safety range.

concerns the way in which concerns the notification of
the Earth is divided into the closure of taxiways.
time zones and the
positioning of the 0
international Date Line.

Propeller and power Precision approach path

indicator. indicators. 0
Has not yet used the World Has not yet decided using
Geodetic System (WGS-
World Geodetic System
30 seconds. 1 minute

120.5 MHz and 243 MHz 120.5 MHz and 423 MHz
Data - exchange circuits All of the above
As airborne VOR non of the above.
transceiver. 0
At the search and rescue At the rescue sub Centre
Centre 0
7.5m 10m
c) critical data: there is a a,b and c
high probability when using
corrupted critical data that
the continued safe flight
and landing
of an aircraft would be
severely at risk with the
potential for catastrophe.

A device to indicate All of the above

visually the direction
currently designated for 0
landing and for take-off.

3. Red 4. Yellow
A device to indicate All of the above
visually the direction
currently designated for 0
landing and for take-off.

A transmission from A transmission from one

ground to the air in station to another station in
circumstances where two- circumstances where two-
way communication cannot way communication cannot
be established but where it
is believed that the called
be established .
station is able to receive the

A transmission of A transmission of
information relating to air information relating to air
navigation that is addressed
to a specific station or
transportation that is not
addressed to a specific 0
stations. station or stations.

The level to which an all above.

aircraft is granted an air
traffic control clearance.
maintain an even rate of maintain an even rate of
speech from 80 to 100 speech not exceeding 100
words per minute. When it words per minute. When it
is known that elements of is known that elements of
the message will be written
down by the recipient,
the message will be written
down by the recipient, spell 0
speak at a slightly slower the words at a slightly
rate; slower rate;

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

fao-er faw-er
fao-er faw-er
the nearest 30 seconds the half minute.
“Let me know that you “Let me know that you
have received and
understand this message.”
have received and
understood this
request none above
“A change has been made “Authorized to proceed
to your last clearance and under the conditions
this revised clearance
supersedes your previous
clearance or part thereof.”

“Repeat this message back “Repeat all, or the

to me exactly as received.” specified part, of this
message back to your 0
partner exactly as
i will call you later “Wait and call me later.”
the telephony designator of all above are correct
the aircraft operating
agency, followed by the
flight identification. Ex
Vietnam 226

use the full call sign of both use the full call sign of the
the aircraft and owner
aircraft and spell it to
aeronautical station
When an error is made in a when a wrong is made in
coodination cockpit. 0
slowly in local language
runway-in-use, altimeter all above
settings, SSR codes, level
instructions, heading and
speed instructions and,
whether issued by the
controller or contained in 0
ATIS broadcasts, transition

traffic information a and b are correct

to ascertain that the to ascertain that the
clearance or instruction has information has been
been correctly received by correctly acknowledged by
the flight crew and shall the flight crew and shall
take immediate action to take immediate action to 0
correct any discrepancies correct any discrepancies
revealed by the read-back. revealed by the read-back.

the words “RADIO all above

CHECK”; and the
frequency being used.
when passing transistion not nescesary
level 0
Climbing to two thousand Climbing to two thousand
five hundred feet  five hundred  0
Aircraft identification, Aircraft identification,
position, level  position, next position  0
Down to flight level 80, Leaving 100 to 80, Fastair
Fastair 345  345  0
ATC clearance, speed SSR code, QNH, take-off
instructions, runway state
clearance, speed
Acknowledge  Verify 
1)Fix 2)Inbound track 1)Fix 2)Inbound track
3)Level 4) Right or left 3)Level 4)turns
turns 5)(if necessary) 5)Time of leg (if
necessary) 0

a condition concerning the a condition of being

safety of an aircraft or other threatened by serious
vehicle, or of some person and/or imminent danger .
on board or within sight
and of requiring immediate

a condition concerning the a condition of being

safety of an aircraft or other threatened by serious
vehicle, or of some person and/or imminent danger .
on board or within sight
and of requiring immediate

an urgency none above

an urgency none above
spoken 3 times spoken only ones
name of the station name of the station
addressed; b) identification addressed; b) identification
of the aircraft; c) nature of of the aircraft; c) intention
the distress condition; d) of the person in command;
position, level and heading d) position, level and
of the aircraft; and e) any heading of the aircraft; and 0
other useful information. e) any other useful

1 or 2 1 and 2

enter the next en-route advise the time of the next

holding pattern intended transmission 
encountered  0
1 and/or 2 continuing blind

MAYDAY cancelled  distress condition

terminated  0
MAYDAY traffic ended  Distress traffic ended 
A slight pause before and easier to understand
after numbers will assist in
making them
Interrupted momentarily All above are correct
trom time to time 0
Alpha-Golf-India-Mike- Alpha-Golf-India- Mile-
Yankee. Yankee. 0
Climb two five hundred Climb to twenty five
feet. hundred feet. 0
Wun ou ait day-see-mal Wun ou ait point tree.
tree 0
Continue,do not stop say again
What is readability of my Do you receive my
transmission? message? 0
110 120
that is not correct Affirm
Noibai TWR,Thai 564, Noibai TWR.Thai 564,
Light VIP 0
runway condition 1 and 2
FLIGHT in “climb to flight RUNWAY in “hold short
level….” of runway 11R” 0
When he is taking-off When he vacating runway.
Gusting wind. Poor visibility.
(Callsign),stand by (Callsign),stop
Brieft and kept to a Sent when pilot is ready to
minimum copy. 0
Two-way transmission Radio check

Send Broadcast
Flow Control Center Flow Control

Control service for aircraft The service to be provided

and vehicles in the by aerodrome control
aerodrome area tower. 0
The aircraft resumes its The controller observes
own navigation that the aircraft has
deviated from its intended
category I or II. category I .
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

A defined area (including A defined area on land or
any buildings, installations water (including any
and equipment) intended to buildings, installations and
be used either wholly or in equipment) intended to be
part for the arrival,
departure and surface
used either wholly or in
part for the arrival,
movement of aircraft. departure and surface
movement of aircraft.

Information resulting from Information resulting from

the assembly, analysis and the assembly, analysis and
formatting of aviational formatting of navigational 0
data. data.

A notice containing A notice containing

information that does not information that does not
qualify for the origination qualify for the origination
of a NOTAM or for of a NOTAM or for
inclusion in the AIP, but
which relates to flight
inclusion in the AIP, but
which relates to air 0
safety, air navigation, navigation, technical,
administrative or legislative administrative or
matters. legislative matters.

A publication issued by or A publication issued by or

with the authority of a State with the authority of a
and containing aeronautical State and containing
information of a lasting
character essential to a
aeronautical information of
a lasting character essential
radar station. to air navigation.

A service established A service established

within the defined area of within the defined area of
coverage responsible for the coverage responsible for
provision of aeronautical information necessary for
data and aeronautical the safety, regularity and
information necessary for efficiency of air navigation. 0
the safety, regularity and
efficiency of air navigation.

1 or 2 1 and 2
1 or 2 1 and 2

Aviation information Airport information
regulation and control. regulation and control. 0
An acronym (aeronautical An acronym (aeronautical
information regulation and information regulation and
control) signifying a system control) signifying a
aimed at advance system aimed at advance
information of notification, based on
circumstances that common effective dates, of
necessitate significant circumstances that 0
changes in operating necessitate significant
practices. changes in operating

An approach procedure. Non of the above.

Term used to indicate a Term used to indicate a
service from area control service provided directly
center. by means of an ATS 0
surveillance system.

The automatic provision of The automatic provision of

current, routine information current, routine
to en-route aircraft information to arriving and
throughout 24 hours or a
specified portion thereof.
departing aircraft
throughout 24 hours or a
specified portion thereof.

1 or 2 1 and 2

An airspace of defined An airspace of defined
dimensions within which dimensions within which
activities dangerous to the
flight of aircraft may exist
activities dangerous to the
flight of aircraft may exist 0
at day-light times. at night times.

The shortest distance The vertical distance

between any two points on between any two points on
a mathematically defined a mathematically defined 0
ellipsoidal surface. ellipsoidal surface.

A minimum set of Non of the above.

parameters required to
define location and
orientation of the local
reference system with
respect to the global
reference system/frame.
An aerodrome or a defined An aerodrome or a defined
area on a structure intended area on a structure intended
to be used wholly or in part to be used wholly or in part
for the en-route and surface
movement of helicopters.
for the arrival, departure
and surface movement of

An office designated by an An office designated by an

approach control unit. area control center. 0
That part of an aerodrome That part of an aerodrome
to be used for landing to be used for the taxiing of
aircraft. aircraft. 0
The altitude for an en-route The altitude for an low
segment. pass segment. 0
The flight level for a The minimum altitude for a
defined segment of flight defined segment of flight
that provides the required that provides the required 0
obstacle clearance. obstacle clearance.

That part of an aerodrome That part of an aerodrome

to be used for the take-off to be used for the landing
and taxiing of aircraft, and taxiing of aircraft,
consisting of the
manoeuvring area and the
consisting of the
manoeuvring area and the
apron. apron.

A notice distributed by A notice distributed by

means of means of
telecommunication telecommunication
containing information containing information
essential to personnel concerning the
concerned with flight establishment in any
operations. aeronautical facility. 0

An airspace of defined An airspace of defined

dimensions, above the land dimensions, above the land
areas or territorial waters of areas or territorial waters of
a State, within which the
flight of aircraft is
a State, within which the
flight of aircraft is allowed.

A service providing ATIS A service providing

information to aircraft. guidance information or
position data for the
efficient and safe operation
of aircraft supported by one 0
or more radio navigation

An airspace of defined None of the above.

dimensions, above the land
areas or territorial waters of
a State.
The surface of the Earth The surface of the Earth
containing naturally containing naturally
occurring features such as occurring features such as
hills. permanent ice and snow,
and excluding obstacles. 0

AIP Amendment will not AIP Amendment will be

be published at the
established interval or
published at the established
interval or publication date.
publication date.
Publication or effective All above.
date (day, month by name
and year) of the
aeronautical information. 0

Capability for removal of All above.

disabled aircraft;
White. Black.
3 months. 5 months.
First item. Fourth item.
None of them. Both of them.
None of them. Both of them.
A notam. None of them.
An AIP Amendment. An AIP Supplement.
At least once a year. Every week.
A generic term meaning A generic term meaning
variously, ADS-B, PSR, variously, ADS-B, PSR,
SSR or any comparable SSR or any comparable
ground-based system that
enables the identification of
ground-based system that
enables the identification
VOR station. of aircraft.

An acronym (aeronautical An acronym (aeronautical

information regulation and information regulation and
control) signifying a system control) signifying a
aimed at advance system aimed at advance
information of notification, based on
circumstances that common effective dates, of
necessitate significant circumstances that 0
changes in operating necessitate significant
practices. changes in operating
A notice containing A notice including
information that qualify for information that does not
the origination of a qualify for the origination
NOTAM or for Inclusion in of a NOTAM or for 0
AIP Inclusion in AIP .

The dynamic,integration The important,integrated

management of management of
aeronautical information aeronautical information
through the provision and through the provision and
exchange of quality-assured exchange of quality-
digital aeronautical data. assured digital aeronautical
A service assigned within A service formed within
the defined area of the defined area of
coverage responsible for the coverage responsible for
provision of aeronautical the provision of 0
data and information . aeronautical data and
information .
Temporary changes to the Updated changes to the
information contained in
the AIP.
information contained in
the AIP.
Important changes to the Updated changes to the
information contained in information contained in
the AIP which are the AIP which are 0
published by means of published by means of
special pages. special pages.
Aeronautical Information Aeronautical Information
Rules and Control Rules and Check 0

danger area fuel dumping area

Yellow Black
with graphics only with extensive text only
three times a year 3 months
the airlines concerned

ENR 5.1 to ENR 5.6 ENR5.1-1 to ENR 5.1-5
an eight-digit number a four-digit number
1) take-off distance 1) take-off distance
available; available;
2) landing distance 2) rejected take-off
available; and distance available;
3) remarks. 3) landing distance 0
available; and

A and B

1) AIP page(s) affected; AIP Amendment number
and 2) AIP Amendment by which a hand
number by which a hand amendment was
amendment was introduced. introduced. 0

1 and 3. 1, 2 and 3.

1) name of the station; 1) identifier;

2) type of facility/aid; and 2) name of the station;
3) indication whether aid 3) indication whether aid
serves en-route (E), serves en-route (E),
aerodrome (A) or dual (AE) aerodrome (A) or dual
purposes. (AE) purposes.

Airspace Structure

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The danger area VVD32 is : MIG 21 MOA ( Military SU 22 MOA (Military

Operation Area ) Operation Area )
The restricted area VVR19 is located Cam Ranh Airport Ho Chi Minh city
over :
The upper limit of VVP4 is : 2000m 4000m

The upper limit of VVD32 is : FL 250 (7600m) FL 150 (4550m)

Tan Son Nhat CTR: A circle radius… 5KM 10KM

centred at DVOR/DME TSN
Tan Son Nhat CTR has vertical limits: SFC to 450m (1500FT) SFC to 600m ( 2000FT)

Airspace in TSN CTR is classified as: Class A Class B

Vertical limitation of the prohibited area From ground up to 3000m From ground up to 2700m
over HoChiMinh city (VVP4) is:
VVD23 has vertical limits: 50M/ 1000M 50M/ 1500M

VVD24 has vertical limits: 50M/ 1000M 50M/ 1500M

When VIP arrives, airport operation will 05 minutes before landing 05 minutes before landing
be restricted: time of VIP flight, the time of VIP flight, all RWYs
reserved RWY for VIP flight should be clear
should be clear

When VIP departs, airport operation will 05 minutes before VIP flight 05 minutes before departure
be restricted: lines up, the reserved RWY for time of VIP flight, all RWYs
VIP flight should be clear should be clear.
When VIP arrives, the reserved RWY for When VIP flight stops at the After VIP flight vacates the
VIP flight will be available: parking RWY
When VIP departs, the reserved RWY for 03 minutes after VIP flight After VIP flight is airborne
VIP flight will be available: takes off


Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

“..........” shall be given priority over other VIP aircraft Military aircraft
aircraft listed below:
Except for aircraft in a state of Code A2000 to a controlled Multiple code to a controlled
emergency, or during communication flight prior to transferring of flight prior to transferring of
failure or unlawful interference situations, communications communications
and unless otherwise agreed by regional
air navigation agreement or between a
tranfering and an accepting ATC unit, the
tranferring unit shall assign:

Who have the right to open an airport or The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
aerodrome based on the airport or
aerodrome system plans?
Who shall decide to establish the The Ministry of National The Ministry of Transport
prohibited and restricted areas in the Defense
territory of VietNam?
According to Decision of CAAV number The arrival has landed assured The arrival has landed assured
2275/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 on RWY07R on RWY07R or 03 minutes
parallel RWY07 occurs, departure aircraft before ETA of arrival in non-
can take-off on RWY07L: radar environment

According to Decision of CAAV number The arrival vacated RWY25R, The arrival seemed to be
2275/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 and received the clearance to landing assured and received
parallel RWY25 occurs, departure aircraft hold short of RWY25L the clearance to hold short of
on RWY25L is allowed to take off when: RWY25L

According to Decision of CAAV number Visibility is more than 1200m, Visibility is at 1200m, ceiling
2275/QĐ-CHK whenever the usage of 2 ceiling is more than 130m is 130m independently the
parallel RWY25 occurs and SMR is in independently the position of position of arrival and SSR is
operation, departure aircraft can line up arrival and SSR/PSR is good good

According to Decision of CAAV number Visibility is less than 1200m, Visibility is at 1200m, ceiling
2275/QĐ-CHK whenever the usage of 2 ceiling is less than 180m is 130m independently the
parallel RWY07 occurs and SMR is in independently the position of position of arrival and SSR is
operation, departure aircraft can line up arrival and SSR is good good

Air traffic services include Flight administration service, Flight administration service,
ATC service, air traffic flight information service, air
consultancy service and traffic consultancy service and
alarming service alarming service.

Aircraft may not make exercise or Over densely populated areas, Over densely populated areas,
training flights: unless permitted by authorized until permitted by competent
authorities. state agencies.
According to Decision of CAAV number On pilot’s request or ATC On pilot’s request at day time
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be suggestion at night time only, only and the WX is in VMC
made: and the WX is in VMC on on rolling and climb-out
rolling and climb-out segment segment

According to Decision of CAAV number Ensure the limit clearance of Ensure the limit clearance of
141/QĐ-CHK, ATC must be responsible: visual DEP not lower than visual DEP not lower than
MSA in concerned sector MVA in concerned sector
According to Decision of CAAV number No IFR flight since the ATD No IFR flight since the ETD
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be of visual DEP aircraft until the of visual DEP aircraft until the
made: time aircraft completed the time aircraft completed the
visual phase and changing to visual phase and changing to

According to Decision of CAAV number The WX report from The WX report from
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be concerned unit provided that concerned unit or the actual
made the WX in the sector or on the observation from the cockpit
expected route will be in VMC provided that the WX in the
sector or on the expected route
will be in VMC

Flight permission granted to flights 6 12

arriving and departing at the airports of
Viet Nam shall become effective at 12
(twelve) hour prior to and until … hours
after the ETA, ETD indicated in the

Over-flight permission shall become 12 24

effective 03(three) hours prior to and
until … hours after estimated over-flight
time indicated in the flight permission.

In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP, domestic Domestic flights only Domestic and international
routes are used for: flights
In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP, Domestic flights only Domestic and international
international routes are used for: flights

Navigation Aids

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

Converted time to change from primary 10s 15s

system to secondary system of
VOR/DME system does not exceed :
Converted time to change from primary 5s 10s
system to secondary system of ILS
system does not exceed :
The vertival coverage of TSN SMR is: 68m (MSL) 78m (MSL)

SMR stands for: Surface movement radar Surface move radar

What is the identification of Vung Tau VT XVL

What is the frequency of VTV 118.7 MHz 114.7 MHz
The ability of supervising the speed of A- From 0 to 50 Kts for aircraft From 0 to 20 Kts for aircraft
SMGCS is: on straight taxiway on bent taxiway
The ability of supervising the speed of A- From 0 to 50 Kts for traffic on From 0 to 10 Kts for aircraft at
SMGCS is: moneuvring area parkings and on taxiway that
use for parking
Which button do you use on the VCCS of TX RX
TSN APP to monitor the communication
between pilot and ATC ?
How many radials does DVOR/DME 90 180
have ?
How many precision approach 1 2
procedures at TSN airport ?
The distance from ILS/LZZ RWY 25R to 430m 340m
threshold of RWY 07L:
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 07R 120m from the right of RWY 340m from the right of RWY
is: 07R centerline and 300m from 07R centerline and 120m from
threshold of RWY 07R threshold of RWY 07R

The distance from NDB TD to threshold 10131m 10301m

of RWY 25R:
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25L 300m from the right of RWY 112m from the right of RWY
is: 25Lcenterline and 112m from 25Lcenterline and 300m from
threshold of RWY 25L threshold of RWY 25L

The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25L 300m from the right of RWY 112m from the right of RWY
is 25Lcenterline and 112m from 25Lcenterline and 300m from
threshold of RWY 25L threshold of RWY 25L

The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25R 120m from the right of RWY 314m from the right of RWY
is: 25R centerline and 314m from 25R centerline and 120m from
threshold of RWY 25R

ATC Facilities

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The data displayed in flight information SSR code, aircraft type, Parking, RWY in use, SID,
window of SMR include: turbulance category STAR, ETD, ETA, Departure
aerodrome, Destination
aerodrome, Speed.

VHF equipment of TSN TWR frequency 1 main unit, 1 standby unit use 1 main unit, 2 standby unit use
118.7 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system connected with VCCS system.
VHF equipment of TSN TWR frequency 1 main unit, 2 standby unit use 1 main unit, 1 standby unit use
130.0 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system connected with VCCS system.

VHF equipment of TSN APP frequency 1 main unit, 2 standby unit use 1 main unit, 1 standby unit use
125.5 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system connected with VCCS system

VHF equipment of TSN APP frequency 1 main unit, 2 standby unit use 2 main unit, 1 standby unit use
126.35 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system. connected with VCCS system.

VHF equipment of TSN GCU frequency 1 main unit, 2 standby unit use 2 main unit, 1 standby unit use
121.9 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system. connected with VCCS system

VHF equipment of TSN GCU frequency 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use 2 main unit, 1 standby unit use
121.6 MHz include: for each frequency, convert for each frequency, convert
automatically or manually put automatically or manually put
in equipment room and in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system. connected with VCCS system

The emergency frequency is: 121.6 MHz 121.5 MHz

The primary communication frequency of 120.1 MHz 121.5 MHz

military TSN is:
The ability of supervising of A-SMGCS From 0 to 250 kts for aircraft From 0 to 80 kts for aircraft
is: on RWY, on final approach on taxiway that just vacated
track or missed approach from the RWY.
The Identification of ILS system RWY SGN TSN
25R is:
ILSy APP procedure RWY 07R require : VOR/DME NDB/DME

ILSz APP procedure RWY 07R require : VOR/DME NDB/DME

An ILS CAT 1 can guide an arriving Touchdown point Outer marker

aircraft to
Secondary radar can provide Aircraft position information Aircraft identification code
in azimuth and range
Primary radar means: A radar system which provides A radar system which uses
primary information of air reflected radio signal
traffic to ATC unit

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

W1’s track (segment from TSN 78 85

W8’s track (segment from TSN 294 250
W9’s track (segment from TSN 294 250
W9’s minimum flight altitude is: 300 m 450 m

W16’s minimum flight altitude is: 300 m 450 m

W16’s track (segment from TSN 294 250

W19’s track (segment from TSN 128 136
R468’s track (segment from TSN 232 250
Air Traffic Flows

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

What are the benefits of implementing an Increased system operational Reduced fuel burn and
ATFM service efficiency and predictability operating costs
through CDM processes

What does ATFM stands for? Air traffic flow manager Air traffic fluid management

ATFM supports the implementation of RNAV RNP

new technology and procedures that
enhance airspace capacity such as:
ATFM Initiatives applied may be Capping altitude below Tunneling through designated
impacted area corridors

Weather Phenomena

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2800m 128m/1600m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2400m 145m/2000m
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R
(CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2400m 145m/1600m
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R
(CAT. D) is:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR P N
has decreased during the 10 minutes
preceding the observation, the tendency is
indicated by:

What is the minimum visibility for Cat 2000m 2400m 2800m

A,B,C aircraft using ILS y, z approach
procedures runway 25R (without GP) at
Tan Son Nhat aerodrome?

Wind shear warning is issued when between runway level and 500 between runway level and
expected existence of wind shear ……… m above that level 1500m above that level
Except when a clearance is obtained from When the ceiling is less than When the ground visibility is
an ATC unit, VFR flights shall not take 450m (1500ft) less than 5km
off or land at an aerodrome within a
control zone , or enter the aerodrome
traffic zone or traffic pattern:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/1600m 163m/2400m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY
07R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR no P N

distinct change, the tendency is indicated
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/2800m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

"Meteorological Service for International Doc 8168 Annex 3

Air Navigation" is the name of:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/600m 80m/1000m
visibility) for ILS/DME y, z approach
RWY 25R at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2000m 145m/2200m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
25R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/2800m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. B) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

What is the minimum visibility for cat D 2400m 1000m

aircraft using ILS y,z approach
procedures runway 25L (without GP) at
Tan Son Nhat aerodrome?
Instrument meteorological conditions Meteorological conditions Meteorological conditions
(IMC): expressed in terms of visibility expressed in terms of RVR
less than the minima specified less than the minima specified
for visual meteorological for visual meteorological
conditions conditions

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/1600m 163m/2400m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY
07R (CAT. D) is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/1600m 131m/2800m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/1600m 131m/2400m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR U N

has increased during the 10 minutes
preceding the observation, the tendency is
indicated by:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/1000m 120m/2000m

visibility) for ILS/DME y, z approach
RWY 25L (CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/2000m 131m/2000m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. A,B) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/1600m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY
07R (CAT. B) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY
07R (CAT.A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m 163m/1600m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2800m 128m/1600m

visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/800m 65m/600m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 25R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/900m 65m/600m

RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 25R
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 95m/900m 95m/700m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 25L
(CAT. A, B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome

The weather operation minima 100m/900m 100m/800m

(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS y, z approach
RWY 25L (CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima 100m/800m 70m/550m
(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS x approach RWY
25L (CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/950m 80m/800m
RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/950m 85m/900m

RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima 145m/1500m 70m/550m
(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS x approach RWY
25L (without GP) CAT A, B at Tan Son
Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima 145m/1500m 70m/550m

(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS x approach RWY
25R (without GP) CAT A, B at Tan Son
Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima 145m/1800m 70m/550m

(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS x approach RWY
25R (without GP) CAT C, D at Tan Son
Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima 130m/1500m 70m/550m

(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS x approach RWY
07R (without GP) CAT C, D at Tan Son
Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima 70m/1500m 130m/1500m

(ceiling/ RVR) for ILS y, z approach
RWY 07R (without GP) CAT C, D at Tan
Son Nhat aerodrome is:

Emergency and SAR

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2
When received SOS signal, tower Inform to airport authorities Confirm position and situation
controllers shall of aircraft in order to
coordinate with relative units
(HCM ACC, SAR unit)

In case of fuel dumping, tower controllers Altitude and area that cabin Time of fuel dumping
shall have information about crew required to perform fuel
In case of emergency landing, tower Ask about the situation on Inform cabin crew about
controllers shall board and cabin crew’s weather information, approach
intention procedure and perform
reaction suitable with cabin
crew’s requirements

When have information about failure of Inform pilot and airport Inform the technical crew to
VOR/DME or NDB, tower controllers authorities about this situation use stand-by equipments and
shall perform reactions

Inbound aircrafts follow circling At night Not permitted

approach procedure
The speed of vehicles in the limited area ( 20 m/s 10 km/h
7.5m apart from aircraft) will not exceed,
except in the urgent cases
The speed of vehicles in TWY will not 20Km/h 35Km/h
What does the code A7500 mean Hi-jjack Communication failure

What does the code A7600 mean Communication failure Emergency descent

What does the code A7700 mean: Communication failure Hi-jjack

….shall be given priority over other VIP aircraft Military aircraft

aircraft listed below
The sequence of emergency phases are: ALERFA, INCERFA, INCERFA, ALERFA,
The next of INCERFA phases are f ALERFA

The next of ALERFA phases are: INCERFA INCERFA

The frequencies used for survival radio 121,5 Mhz and 243 Mhz 120,5 Mhz and 243 Mhz.
equipment is :
Which stand for emergency aircraft at 80 70 2E
TSN airport ?
What is the emergency frequency ? 121.6 121.9

How many period of Emergency? 4 3

Alerting service shall be provided by: The ATS unit responsible for The ATS unit responsible for
the aircraft the aircraft, when provided by
frequency 121.5
When providing Alerting Service, a Alert phase Emergency phase
phrase wherein there is reasonable
certainty that an aircraft and its occupants
are threatened by grave and imminent
danger or require immediate assistance is
When providing alerting service an Alert phase Uncertainty phase
aircraft known or believed to be subject
of unlawful interference shall be
considered in which state of emergency:

When providing alerting service, the Unsafe phase, alert phase, Unsafe phase, alert phase,
states of emergencies are divided into distress phase emergency phase
three phases. They are:
Which authority provide search and Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam Air Traffic
rescure service in Vietnam Vietnam Management
Which ICAO document that provided ANNEX 13 ANNEX 12
guidance of the search and rescue in
Vietnam ?
Name and location of Aviation search Aviation Search and rescue Aviation Search and rescue
and rescue coordination centers include: coordiation center- Northern coordiation center- Middle
Region Air Traffic Services Region Air Traffic Services
Company Company

When are SAR operation initiated and ATC Unit receives a distress If communication with aricraft
carried out under the following call from aircraft on route failed and it is
conditions impossile to re-establish
during thirty minutes.

Choose the best answers The frequency 121.5MHz is The frequency 121.5MHz is
guarded continuously during guarded non- continuously
the hours of services at all area during the hours of service at
control centres. It is also all area control centres. It is
available at the approach also available at the approach
control office. control office.

Aerodrome control tower shall instruct an A holding point Terminal apron

aircraft which is known or believed to be
the subject of unlawful interference to

A radiotelephony distress message SOS MAYDAY

transmitted by an aircraft should
commence with the word “ .............”
preferably spoken three times.

A radar beacon target is observed on code The radar is in radar contact The aircraft is experiencing a
7600. This would indicate and under the control of an radio failure
What do you do in the first action if you Stop taxi Taxi the aircraft to the apron
receive the information “hijack on the
Aircraft” from the pilot-in- command of
the taxiing aircraft:


Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

The runway strip available for aircraft On the north of RWY25L, On the north of RWY25L,
landing in emergency 548m from THLD RWY25R 500m from THLD RWY07L
The identification of runway strip Pilot have to define RWY As instructed in details by
available for aircraft landing in edge lights on the North of ATC
emergency RWY25L while landing at

Aircraft check engine position: TWY W3 or THR RWY25L TWY W3 S6 or THR

RWY25L when taking off
/landing is operating on

TORA at the end of Runway 25R is: 3054m 3050m 3364m

LDA at the end of Runway 25R is: 3364m 3054m 3050m

TORA at the end of Runway 25L is 3828m 4128m

TODA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3828m 4128m

ASDA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3948m 3059m

LDA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3828m 3059m

TORA at the end of Runway 07R is 3828m 4128m

TODA at the end of Runway 07R is: 3828m 4128m

ASDA at the end of Runway 07R is 3828m 3978m

LDA at the end of Runway 3828m 4128m

07R(displaced THR) is:
TORA at the end of Runway 07L is: 3054m 3050m 3364m

LDA at the end of Runway 25R is: 3364m 3054m 3050m

TORA of RWY 25L( from the 3228m 3218m

intersection with TWY E4) is
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 07R:
Which ground of code should Ho Chi 5500-5600 1700-1777
Minh use for AFR 175 from TSN to
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 25R:
There are … holding patterns in Tan Son 5 3
Nhat airport area:
Distance between 2 runway center line of 365m 300m
TSN airport:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 7,2m
displaced threshold RWY 07R:
TWY edge lights shall be : red yellow

Airfield lighting system CAT I consists Approach lights , RWY edge Approach lights , RWY center
of : lights , RWY threshold lights , lights , RWY threshold lights ,
RWY end lights , apron edge RWY edge lights , RWY end
lights , PAPI , TWY edge lights , touch down zone lights
lights , apron edge lights , PAPI , TWY edge lights ,
TWY center lights
The distance between a taxi holding 40m 60m
position and the centerline of a non –
precision approach runway of an
aerodrome code 3 shall be :

Red pyrotechnic directed by tower to an Return for landing Not withstanding any previous
aircraft in flight means: instruction, do not land for the
time being.
Aircraft taking –off can positively be Within 5 miles of the upwind Within 3 miles of the upwind
identified only if they are seen end of the runway end of the runway
ILS reference datum is : A point at a specified height A line at a specified height
located vertically above the located vertically above the
intersection of the runway intersection of runway
centerline and the threshold centerline and threshold and
and through which the through which the downward
downward extended straight extended straight portion of
portion of the glide path passes the glide path passes

Ground to air communication is One –way communication One –way communication

from station or location on the from aircraft to station on the
surface of the earth to aircraft. surface of the earth to aircraft .

What is the minimum angle of turn 15 degrees. 25 degrees .

necessary to identify an aircraft ?
Vectoring an arriving aircraft to intercept 15 degrees 20 degrees
the final approach course at an angle not
greater than
Radar separation may be applied between The taking -off aircraft will be The taking –off aircraft is at or
an aircraft taking off and other radar identified within 1 NM from above the minimum flight
controlled flights provided there is the end of the runway and at altitude of minimum safety
reasonable assurance that : the time the required radar altitude.
separation will exist

Aircraft being radar vectored for an The type of approach to be The traffic on the aerodrome
approach as soon as practicable , be anticipated and the runway in circuit
informed of : use.
Missed approach procedure is The procedure to be followed The procedure which aircraft
if the aircraft cannot land uses when there are any
obstacles on the runway-in-
Control zone is: A controlled airspace A controlled airspace
extending upwards from the extending upwards from the
surface of the earth to surface of the earth to
transition altitude. transition level

Flight information centre A unit established to provide A unit established to provide

flight information service. alerting service
Flight plan: Specified information Specified information
provided to air traffic services provided to air traffic services
units, relative to an intended units
flight or portion of a flight of
an aircraft
Holding fix is A geographical location that A VOR station that serves as a
serves as a reference for a reference for a holding
holding procedure procedure
IFR flight is A flight conducted in A flight conducted in
accordance with the accordance with the general
instrument flight rules flight rules.
Vectoring Provision of navigational Provision of navigational
guidance to aircraft for guidance to aircraft for
approach holding

VFR flight A flight conducted in A flight conducted in VMC

accordance with the visual
flight rules
In radiotelephony communications, CLEARED GO AHEAD
which of the following words equals the
meaning: “Authorized to proceed under
the conditions specified.”

In radiotelephony Yes That is correct

communications ,which of the following
phase equals the meaning: “I repeat for
clarity or emphasis.”
Heading 140 degrees transmitted as Heading one hundred and forty Heading one four zero

Radar approach is An approach in which the final An approach in which the

approach phase is executed initial approach phase is
under the direction of a radar executed under the direction
controller of a radar controller

Radar identification: The situation which exists The situation which exists
when the radar symbol is seen when the radar position of a
on a radar display and particular aircraft is identified
positively identified by the air by the air traffic controller
traffic controller

Reporting point is A specified geographical A specified VOR station in

location in relation to which relation to which the position
the position of an aircraft can of an aircraft can be reported
be reported

Taxiway markings and aircraft stand Yellow Green

markings shall be :
The missed approach point (MAPt) in a the point of intersection of an a fix or navigation facility
procedure may be: electronic glide path with the
applicable DA/H
Air traffic means : All aircraft in the air All aircraft in flight or
operating on the manoeuvring
area of an aerodrome.
Critical positions of aircraft in the Where an aircraft receives Where an aircraft operating on
aerodrome traffic and taxi circuits are: aerodrome information, taxi, manoeuvring area may
take-off or landing clearance experience dangerous

Visual approach is: An approach made by an IFR An approach made by VFR

flight when either part or all of flight
an instrument approach
procedure is not completed

Transition level is: The altitude below which the The altitude at which or below
vertical position of an aircraft which the vertical position of
is controlled by reference to an aircraft is controlled by
altitudes reference to altitude
Which feature does ATC use to measure Measure Vector
distance between two targets on SMR
Collision warning on RWY of TSN SMR Appear two apposite targets Appear two same direction
when: with velocity 5m/s or more targets, and the speed of
succeeding target is 7m/s or
more compare to the
preceeding target

Collision Alerting on RWY of TSN SMR Appear two apposite targets Appear two same direction
when: with velocity more than 5m/s targets, and the speed of
succeeding target is more than
9m/s compare to the
preceeding target

What is the interval of ATIS system at 15 seconds 30 seconds

TSN airport ?
Aerodrome is: A defined area on land A defined area on land
(including any buildings, (including any
installations and equipment) buildings, installations
intended to be used either and equipment)
wholly or in part for the intended to be used
arrival, departure and surface either wholly or in part
movement of aircraft for departure
and surface movement
of aircraft

Manoeuvring area. That part of an aerodrome to -That part of an aerodrome to

be used for the take-off be used for the take-off,
aircraft. landing and taxiing of aircraft,
excluding aprons.

Ceiling: The height above the ground The height above the ground
or water of the base of the or water of the base of the
lowest layer of cloud below lowest layer of cloud below
4500ft covering more than half 5000ft covering more than
the sky. half the sky.

Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to That part of an aerodrome to

be used for the take-off, be used for the take-off,
landing and taxiing of aircraft, landing and taxiing of aircraft.
consisting of the manoeuvring
area and the apron.

The RESA Dimensions of RWY 45m x 45m 75m x 75m

07R/25L is:
Do not alow aircraft entering the active 120 seconds 90 seconds
runway when the pilot requires to hold on
the runway more than:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 100m/700m 100m/800m 150m/700m
RVR) for ILSx approach RWY 25L
(CAT C,D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/800m 60m/800m
RVR) for ILSx approach RWY 25R
(CAT C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/900m 65m/900m
RVR) for ILSx approach RWY 25R
(CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/900m 85m/800m
RVR) for ILSx approach RWY 07R
(CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/800m 80m/900m
RVR) for ILSx approach RWY 07R
(CAT A,B,C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
ASDA at the end of Runway 25R is: 3253m 3054m

TODA at the end of Runway 07L is: 3054m 3360m

ASDA at the end of Runway 07L is 3360m 3054m

Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m

threshold RWY 25R:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 07R:

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

SU 27 MOA ( Military May Tao firing area .

Operation Area ) 0
Bien Hoa airbase May Tao firing area
3000m 5000m
FL 200 (6100m) Unspecified
15 KM 20 KM
SFC to 750m ( 2500FT) SFC to 900m (3000 FT)
Class C Class D
From ground up to 1500m From ground up to unlimited
GND/ 1000M GND/ 1500M
GND/ 1000M GND/ 1500M
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
lands, that RWY can
resume normal operation 0
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
takes off, that RWY can
resume normal operation
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
lands 0
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
takes off 0
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Hospital aircraft Emergency aircraft
Code A2000 to a Code A2000 to a controlled
controlled flght prior to flight prior to accepting the
terminating the radar control

The Director of Airport None of above

Authority 0
The Prime Minister The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The arrival has landed None of the above
assured on RWY07R and
the WX reported in VMC 0
The arrival has landed The arrival was approaching to
assured on RWY25R or 03 land RWY25R
minutes before ETA of
arrival in non-radar 0

Visibility is less than Visibility is at 1200m or more,

1200m, ceiling is less than ceiling is 130m or moreand
180m, the arrival has
passed THD RWY25R and good
SSR/PSR is good

Visibility is less than Visibility is at 1200m or more,

3000m, ceiling is less than ceiling is 130m or more and the
180m, the arrival has
passed THD RWY07R and good
SSR/PSR is good

ATC services, flight Flight administration service,

information service, air flight information service, air
traffic consultancy service traffic advisory service and 0
and alarming service. alarming service.

Over mountainous areas, Over densely populated areas,

unless permitted by
competent state agencies
unless permitted by competent
state agencies.
On pilot’s request or ATC None of the above
suggestion at day time
only. 0
Ensure the limit clearance None of the above
of visual DEP not higher
than MSA in concerned 0
sector and monitored by
No IFR flight since the None of the above
ATD of visual DEP
aircraft until the time
aircraft completed the
visual phase and changing
to enroute phase.

The WX report from None of the above

concerned unit or the
actual observation from the
cockpit provided that the
WX in the sector 0
concerning to expected
route will be in VMC

18 24

48 72

International flights only None of the above
International flights only None of the above
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

20s 25s
15s 20s
68m (aerodrome elevation) None of above
Surface modoration radar None of above
114.7 KHz 118.7 KHz
1 and 2 None of above
1 and 2 None of above
1 and 2 1 or 2
270 360
3 4
120m from the right of
RWY 07R centerline and
340m from threshold of 0

112m from the right of
RWY 25Lcenterline and
400m from threshold of 0

112m from the right of

RWY 25Lcenterline and
400m from threshold of 0

120m from the right of

RWY 25R centerline and
340m from threshold of 0

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Additional information All are correct
(free text)
2 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use
use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system.
VCCS system.
2 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use
use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system.
VCCS system.

2 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use

use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system.
VCCS system

1 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use

use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system.
VCCS system.

1 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use

use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system
VCCS system

1 main unit, 2 standby unit 1 main unit, 1 standby unit use

use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
in equipment room and
connected with VCCS system.
VCCS system

125.5 MHz 118.7 MHz

120.7 MHz 134.0 MHz
A and b None of above
Radar Marker beacons
Radar Marker beacons
Middle marker Decision height of 60 m
Aircraft pressure altitude All the above
A radar system which uses A radar system which ATC use
primary information from first to determine aircraft’s
aircraft and displays them position in distance and 0
on radar screen azimuth

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

128 135
241 231
240 182
600 m 2150m
600 m 1200m
233 181
181 215
240 295
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Mitigation of the effects of All of the above
unforeseen events and
situations of reduced
capacity along with
coordinating effective and 0
rapid solutions to recover
from them

Air traffic flow Alternative traffic flow

management management 0
RVSM All of the above
Ground delay programs All of the above
and/or ground stops 0
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

128m/2000m 128m/2400m

145m/1600m 145m/2800m
165m/2600m 0
145m/2000m 145m/2800m
165m/2800m 0

2000m 1000m

at any level in thunderstorms
1 or 2 1 and 2

163m/2000m 163m/2800m

128m/1600m 128m/2400m

Annex 4 Doc 7910
60m/800m 120m/2000m
65m/850m 0
145m/2800m 145m/3200m

128m/1600m 128m/2400m

2800m 2100m 2000m

Meteorological conditions Meteorological conditions
expressed in terms of expressed in terms of visibility,
ceiling less than the distance from cloud, and
minima specified for visual ceiling, less than the minima
meteorological conditions specified for visual
meteorological conditions

163m/2000m 163m/2800m
131m/2400m 131m/2000m
131m/2000m 131m/2800m

90m/1200m 120m/2400m
131m/1600m 131m/2400m
128m/2400m 128m/2800m

163m/1600m 163m/2800m

163m/1600m 163m/2800m

163m/1600m 163m/2800m
128m/2000m 128m/2400m

60m/800m 75m/800m

80m/900m 85m/800m
70m/700m 85m/800m

100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m
70m/900m 70m/950m

70m/900m 70m/950m
100m/550m 70m/700m

100m/550m 70m/700m

100m/550m 70m/700m

100m/550m 70m/700m

100m/550m 70m/700m

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Perform reactions; require All of above
other aircrafts
Weather condition at All of above
thefuel dumping area 0
Inform airport authorities, All of above
relative departments and
other aircrafts in the
vicinity of aerodrome 0

Discuss with pilot to get All of above

final decision (continue
landing or divert to
alternate 0

Only hours of daylight At mid night

5 km/h 25 km/h
20Nm/h 10Km/h
Emergency None of the above
Hi-jjack All the above
Emergency descent No difference
Hospital aircraft Emergency aircraft
DETRESFA, ALERFA, No difference
INCERFA No difference
DETRESFA No difference
121,5 Mhz and 423 Mhz 120,5 Mhz and 423 Mhz
60 50
125.5 121.5
5 6
The Area control centre Only by ATC units
Distress phase Warning phase

Emergency phase Unsafe phase

Uncertainty phase, alert Uncertainty phase, alert phase,
phase, distress phase emergency phase 0
Southern Region Air Ministry of Defence
Traffic Service 0
DOC 7030 and DOC 9731 All of above
Aviation Search and rescue All of above
coordiation center-
Southern Region Air 0
Traffic Services Company

It is clear from message of An aircraft receives clearance

the aircraft in distress or for landing but fails to land at
other sources that the
aircraft conditions of the
the assigned time, and these is
no communicate with the 0
flight. aircraft.

The frequency 121.5 MHz None of above

is guarded continuously
during the hours of service
at only the aerodrome
control tower (TWRs).

A stand for VIP aircraft An isolated parking position


The aircraft is being The pilot is lost and request
hijacked assistance control facility 0
Taxi to the separate place Clear for take-off

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

On the north of RWY25R, On the north of RWY25L,
548m from THLD
500m from THLD RWY25L 0
Pilot have to define RWY Pilot have to define RWY edge
edge lights on the North of lights on the North of
RWY25R while landing at RWY07R while landing at 0
night night

As instructed in details by All the above

Airport Authorities
3828m 4128m
4128m 3059m
3059m 3364m
3059m 3364m
3364m 3054m
3364m 3054m
3059m 3364m
3059m 3364m
3059m 3364m
3059m 3364m
3828m 4128m
4128m 3059m
3313m 3059m
6,1m 5,4m
5700-5777 4100-4177
6,1m 5m
4 6
315m 790m
8,8 m 7,5m
blue white
And apron flood lights None of the above

75m 90m

Give way to other aircraft Clearance to and taxi will be
and continue circling. given in due course. 0
Within 1 mile of the Actually leaving the runway
upwind end of the runway. 0
A point at a specified
height located vertically
above the intersection of
the runway centerline and
the threshold and through
which the upward 0
extended straight portion
of the glide path passes

Two –way communication

between aeronautical
station and the aeronautical 0
mobile service

30 degrees 45 degrees
30 degrees 45 degrees
Both taking –off aircraft
and other radar controlled
flight are being identified .

The latest landing Both a and c.

condition 0
The procedure to be The procedure to be followed if
commenced by aircraft at
decision height
the approach cannot be
A controlled airspace A controlled airspace extending
extending upwards from upwards from the surface of the
the surface of the earth to earth to a specified upper limit. 0
transition layer

1 or 2 1 and 2
Specified information Specified information provided
provided to weather offices to pilots
A NDB station that serves None of the above
as a reference for a holding
1 or 2 1 and 2
Provision of navigational Provision of navigational
guidance to aircraft for guidance to aircraft in the form
departure of specific headings, based on 0
the use of radar

A flight conducted in IMC None of the above

1 or 2 1 and 2

I say again None of the above
Heading one forty None of the above
An approach in which the An approach in which the
middle approach phase is missed approach phase is
executed under the executed under the direction of 0
direction of a radar a radar controller
The situation which exists The situation which exists
when the radar blip is seen when the radar position of a
on a radar display and
positively identified by the
particular aircraft is seen on a
radar display and positively 0
air traffic controller identified by the air traffic
A specified NDB station in None of the above
relation to which the
position of an aircraft can 0
be reported

Red White
a specified distance from all are correct.
the final approach fix
All aircraft and helicopters All aircraft in the air , aircraft
flying within a FIR. on apron , and aircraft
operating in a hangar
Where an aircraft operating
on manoeuvring area may
experience dangerous 0

Executed in visual 1 and 3

reference to terrain
The altitude above which The altitude at which a pilot
the vertical position of an has to change the altimeter
aircraft is controlled by setting. 0
reference to flight levels
Calculate Non of above
1 and 2 1 or 2

1 or 2 1 and 2

45 seconds 60 seconds
A defined area on land A defined area on land or water
(including any buildings, (including any buildings,
installations and installations and equipment)
equipment) intended to be intended to be used either
used either wholly or in wholly or in part for the arrival,
part for the arrival aircraft departure and surface
movement of aircraft 0

That part of an aerodrome That part of an aerodrome to be

to be used for landing used for the taxiing of aircraft.
aircraft. 0
The height above the The height above the ground or
ground or water of the base water of the base of the lowest
of the lowest layer of cloud layer of cloud below 4000ft
below 6000ft covering covering more than half the 0
more than half the sky. sky.

That part of an aerodrome That part of an aerodrome to be

to be used for the take-off used for the landing and taxiing
and taxiing of aircraft, of aircraft, consisting of the
consisting of the
manoeuvring area and the
manoeuvring area and the

90m x 90m 45m x 90m

60 seconds 150 seconds
100m/750m 150m/750m
80m/900m 60m/900m
80m/900m 60m/800m
80m/800m 80m/900m
85m/900m 85m/800m
3059m 4128m
3059m 4128m
3059m 4128m
6,1m 5m
6,1m 5,4m

Nội dung câu hỏi (*) Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

Tan Son Nhat CTR: A circle radius… 5km 10km

centred at DVOR/DME TSN
Tan Son Nhat CTR has vertical limits: SFC to 450m (1500FT) SFC to 600m( 2000FT)

Airspace in TSN CTR is classified as: Class A Class B

Vertical limitation of the prohibited area From ground up to 3000m From ground up to 2700m
over HoChiMinh city (VVP4) is:
The runway strip available for aircraft On the north of RWY25L, On the north of RWY25L,
landing in emergency 548m from THLD RWY25R 500m from THLD RWY07L
The identification of runway strip available Pilot have to define RWY As instructed in details by
for aircraft landing in emergency edge lights on the North of ATC
RWY25L while landing at

Aircraft check engine position: TWY W3 or THR RWY25L TWY W3 S6 or THR

RWY25L when taking off
/landing is operating on

Helicopter landing area number 1 is: A defined area in the North A defined area in the North
and 600m from the edge of of RWY25L and 180m from
RWY25L with radius 25m the edge of RWY25L
Helicopter landing area number 2 is: A defined area in the North A defined area in the North
and 600m from the edge of of RWY25L and 180m from
RWY25R with radius 25m the edge of RWY25L
Who have the right to open an airport or The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport
aerodrome based on the airport or
aerodrome system plans?
Who shall decide to establish the prohibited The Ministry of National The Ministry of Transport
and restricted areas in the territory of Defense
According to Decision of CAAV number The arrival has landed The arrival has landed
123/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 assured on RWY07R assured on RWY07R or 03
parallel RWY07 occurs, departure aircraft minutes before ETA of
can take-off on RWY07L: arrival in non-radar
According to Decision of CAAV number The arrival vacated The arrival seemed to be
123/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 RWY25R, and received the landing assured and received
parallel RWY25 occurs, departure aircraft clearance to hold short of the clearance to hold short of
on RWY25L is allowed to take off when: RWY25L RWY25L

According to Decision of CAAV number Visibility is more than Visibility is at 1200m,

123/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 1200m, ceiling is more than ceiling is 130m
parallel RWY25 occurs and SMR is in 130m independently the independently the position of
operation, departure aircraft can line up position of arrival and arrival and SSR is good
RWY25L: SSR/PSR is good
According to Decision of CAAV number Visibility is less than 1200m, Visibility is at 1200m,
123/QĐ-CHK, whenever the usage of 2 ceiling is less than 180m ceiling is 130m
parallel RWY07 occurs and SMR is in independently the position of independently the position of
operation, departure aircraft can line up arrival and SSR is good arrival and SSR is good

Air traffic services include Flight administration service, Flight administration service,
ATC service, air traffic flight information service, air
consultancy service and traffic consultancy service
alarming service and alarming service.

Aircraft may not make exercise or training Over densely populated areas, Over densely populated
flights: unless permitted by areas, until permitted by
authorized authorities. competent state agencies.

According to Decision of CAAV number On pilot’s request or ATC On pilot’s request at day time
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be suggestion at night time only, only and the WX is in VMC
made: and the WX is in VMC on on rolling and climb-out
rolling and climb-out segment segment

According to Decision of CAAV number Ensure the limit clearance of Ensure the limit clearance of
141/QĐ-CHK, ATC must be responsible: visual DEP not lower than visual DEP not lower than
MSA in concerned sector MVA in concerned sector

According to Decision of CAAV number No IFR flight since the ATD No IFR flight since the ETD
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be of visual DEP aircraft until of visual DEP aircraft until
made: the time aircraft completed the time aircraft completed
the visual phase and changing the visual phase and
to IFR. changing to IFR.

According to Decision of CAAV number The WX report from The WX report from
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be made concerned unit provided that concerned unit or the actual
the WX in the sector or on the observation from the cockpit
expected route will be in provided that the WX in the
VMC sector or on the expected
route will be in VMC

Flight permission granted to flights arriving 6 12

and departing at the airports of Viet Nam
shall become effective at 12 (twelve) hour
prior to and until … hours after the ETA,
ETD indicated in the permission.

Over-flight permission shall become 12 24

effective 03(three) hours prior to and until
… hours after estimated over-flight time
indicated in the flight permission.

In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP, domestic Dommestic flights only Dommestic and international
routes are used for: flights
In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP, international Dommestic flights only Dommestic and international
routes are used for: flights
When VIP arrives, airport operation will be 05 minutes before landing 05 minutes before landing
restricted: time of VIP flight, the time of VIP flight, all RWYs
reserved RWY for VIP flight should be clear
should be clear

When VIP departs, airport operation will be 05 minutes before VIP flight 05 minutes before departure
restricted: lines up, the reserved RWY time of VIP flight, all RWYs
for VIP flight should be clear should be clear.
When VIP arrives, the reserved RWY for When VIP flight stops at the After VIP flight vacates the
VIP flight will be available: parking RWY
When VIP departs, the reserved RWY for 03 minutes after VIP flight After VIP flight is airborne
VIP flight will be available: takes off
The vertival coverage of TSN SMR is: 68m (MSL) 78m (MSL)

SMR stands for: Surface movement radar Surface move radar

What is the identification of VTV VT XVL

What is the frequency of VTV VOR/DME ? 118.7 MHz 114.7 MHz

The ability of supervising the speed of A- From 0 to 50 Kts for aircraft From 0 to 20 Kts for aircraft
SMGCS on the strainght and bent taxiway on straight taxiway on bent taxiway
The ability of supervising the speed of A- From 0 to 50 Kts for taffic on From 0 to 10 Kts for aircraft
SMGCS on the maneuvering area and at the maneuvering area at parkings and on taxiway
parkings is: that use for parking
Which button do you use on the VCCS of TX RX
TSN APP to monitor the communication
between pilot and ATC ?
How many radials does DVOR/DME have ? 90 180

How many precision approach procedures at 1 2

TSN airport ?
The data displayed in flight information SSR code, aircraft type, Parking, RWY in use, SID,
window of SMR include: turbulance category STAR, ETD, ETA, Departure
aerodrome, Destination
aerodrome, Speed.

VHF equipment of TSN GCU frequency 1 main unit, 2 standby unit 2 main unit, 1 standby unit
121.9 MHz include: use for each frequency, use for each frequency,
convert automatically or convert automatically or
manually put in equipment manually put in equipment
room and connected with room and connected with
VCCS system. VCCS system

VHF equipment of TSN GCU frequency 2 main unit, 2 standby unit 2 main unit, 1 standby unit
121.6 MHz include: use for each frequency, use for each frequency,
convert automatically or convert automatically or
manually put in equipment manually put in equipment
room and connected with room and connected with
VCCS system. VCCS system

The emergency frequency is: 121.6 MHz 121.5 MHz

The primary communication frequency of 120.1 MHz 121.5 MHz

military TSN is:
The secondary communication frequency of 121.0 MHz 121.5 MHz
military TSN is:
The ability of supervising of A-SMGCS is: From 0 to 250 kts for aircraft From 0 to 80 kts for aircraft
on RWY, on final approach on taxiway that just vacated
track or missed approach from the RWY.
The Identification of ILS system RWY 25R SGN TSN
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2800m 128m/1600m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2400m 145m/2000m
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R
(CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2400m 145m/1600m
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R
(CAT. D) is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m 163m/1600m
visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY 07R
(CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
What is the minimum visibility for Cat 2000m 2800m
A,B,C aircraft using ILS y, z approach
procedures runway 25R (without GP) at Tan
Son Nhat aerodrome?

Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m

threshold RWY 07R:
The distance from ILS/LZZ RWY 25R to 430m 340m
threshold of RWY 07L:
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 07R 120m from the right of RWY 340m from the right of RWY
is: 07R centerline and 300m 07R centerline and 120m
from threshold of RWY 07R from threshold of RWY 07R
At TSN airport , TORA of runway 25L is : 3036m 3059m

According to the current regulations , what North South TWY Parking 70 2E

is the parking number used for unlawful
interference aircraft ?
The distance from NDB TD to threshold of 10131m 10301m
RWY 25R:
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25L 300m from the right of RWY 112m from the right of RWY
is: 25Lcenterline and 112m from 25Lcenterline and 300m
threshold of RWY 25L from threshold of RWY 25L
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 25R:
There are … holding patterns in Tan Son 5 3
Nhat airport area:
The position of NDB(SG) RWY 25L is 9660m from threshold of 9670m from threshold of
Which ground of code should Ho Chi Minh 5500-5577 1700-1777
use for AFR 175 from TSN to BKK:
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25R 120m from the right of RWY 314m from the right of RWY
is: 25R centerline and 314m 25R centerline and 120m
from threshold of RWY 25R from
Distance between 2 runway center line of 365m 300m
TSN airport:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 25R:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 07R:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of 9,9m 7,3m 7,2m
displaced threshold RWY 07R:
TWY edge lights shall be : red yellow

Airfield lighting system CAT I consists of : Approach lights , RWY edge Approach lights , RWY
lights , RWY threshold center lights , RWY
lights , RWY end lights , threshold lights , RWY edge
apron edge lights , PAPI , lights , RWY end lights ,
TWY edge lights , apron edge touch down zone lights ,
lights PAPI , TWY edge lights ,
TWY center lights
The distance between a taxi holding 40m 60m
position and the centerline of a non –
precision approach runway of an aerodrome
code 3 shall be :

Red pyrotechnic directed by tower to an Return for landing Not withstanding any
aircraft in flight means: previous instruction, do not
land for the time being.
A ground controller shall instruct an aircraft A holding point. Terminal apron
which is known or believed to be subjected
to unlawful interference to ………
Aircraft taking –off can positively be Within 5 miles of the upwind Within 3 miles of the upwind
identified only if they are seen end of the runway end of the runway
ILS reference datum is : A point at a specified height A line at a specified height
located vertically above the located vertically above the
intersection of the runway intersection of runway
centerline and the threshold centerline and threshold and
and through which the through which the downward
downward extended straight extended straight portion of
portion of the glide path the glide path passes
passes .

Ground to air communication is One –way communication One –way communication

from station or location on from aircraft to station on the
the surface of the earth to surface of the earth to aircraft
aircraft. .

What is the minimum angle of turn 15 degrees. 25 degrees .

necessary to identify an aircraft ?
Vectoring an arriving aircraft to intercept 15 degrees 20 degrees
the final approach course at an angle not
greater than
Radar separation may be applied between an The taking -off aircraft will The taking –off aircraft is at
aircraft taking off and other radar controlled be identified within 1 NM or above the minimum flight
flights provided there is reasonable from the end of the runway altitude of minimum safety
assurance that : and at the time the required altitude.
radar separation will exist

The frequencies used for survival radio 121.5 Mhz and 243 Mhz 120.5 Mhz and 243 Mhz.
equipment is :
Wind shear warning is issued when between runway level and between runway level and
expected existence of wind shear ……… 500 m above that level 1500m above that level
Except when a clearance is obtained from When the ceiling is less than When the ground visibility is
an ATC unit, VFR flights shall not take off 450m (1500ft) less than 5km
or land at an aerodrome within a control
zone , or enter the aerodrome traffic zone or
traffic pattern:
Taxiway markings and aircraft stand Yellow Green
markings shall be :
The missed approach point (MAPt) in a the point of intersection of an a fix or navigation facility
procedure may be: electronic glide path with the
applicable DA/H
Air traffic means : All aircraft in the air All aircraft in flight or
operating on the
manoeuvring area of an
Critical positions of aircraft in the Where an aircraft receives Where an aircraft operating
aerodrome traffic and taxi circuits are: aerodrome information, taxi, on manoeuvring area may
take-off or landing clearance experience dangerous

Visual approach is: An approach made by an IFR An approach made by VFR

flight when either part or all flight
of an instrument approach
procedure is not completed

Transition level is: The altitude below which the The altitude at which or
vertical position of an aircraft below which the vertical
is controlled by reference to position of an aircraft is
altitudes controlled by reference to
An ILS CAT 1 can guide an arriving aircraft Touchdown point Outer marker
Secondary radar can provide Aircraft position information Aircraft identification code
in azimuth and range
Primary radar means: A radar system which A radar system which uses
provides primary information reflected radio signal
of air traffic to ATC unit

Missed approach procedure is The procedure to be followed The procedure which aircraft
if the aircraft cannot land uses when there are any
obstacles on the runway-in-
Control zone is: A controlled airspace A controlled airspace
extending upwards from the extending upwards from the
surface of the earth to surface of the earth to
transition altitude. transition level

Flight information centre A unit established to provide A unit established to provide

flight information service. alerting service
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/1600m 163m/2400m
visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY 07R
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2800m 128m/1600m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
Flight plan: Specified information Specified information
provided to air traffic services provided to air traffic
units, relative to an intended services units
flight or portion of a flight of
an aircraft
Holding fix is A geographical location that A VOR station that serves as
serves as a reference for a a reference for a holding
holding procedure procedure
IFR flight is A flight conducted in A flight conducted in
accordance with the accordance with the general
instrument flight rules flight rules.
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/2800m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m
visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY 07R
(CAT. B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
Vectoring Provision of navigational Provision of navigational
guidance to aircraft for guidance to aircraft for
approach holding

VFR flight A flight conducted in A flight conducted in VMC

accordance with the visual
flight rules
In radiotelephony communications, which CLEARED GO AHEAD
of the following words equals the meaning:
“Authorized to proceed under the conditions

In radiotelephony communications ,which Yes That is correct

of the following phase equals the meaning:
“I repeat for clarity or emphasis.”
Heading 140 degrees transmitted as Heading one hundred and Heading one four zero
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/600m 80m/1000m
visibility) for ILS/DME y, z approach
RWY 25R at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/2000m 145m/2200m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
25R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/2800m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
What is the minimum visibility for cat D 2400m 1000m
aircraft using ILS y, z approach procedures
runway 25L (without GP) at Tan Son Nhat

Reporting point is A specified geographical A specified VOR station in

location in relation to which relation to which the position
the position of an aircraft can of an aircraft can be reported
be reported

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/1600m 163m/2400m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY 07R
(CAT. D) is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/1600m 131m/2800m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/1600m 131m/2400m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
Which stand for emergency aircraft at TSN 80 70 2E
airport ?
What is the emergency frequency ? 121.6 121.9

How many period of Emergency? 4 3

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 163m/2400m 163m/2000m

visibility) for GN NDB approach RWY 07R
(CAT.A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/1000m 120m/2000m
visibility) for ILS/DME y, z approach
RWY 25L (CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 131m/2000m 131m/2000m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. A,B) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 128m/2000m 128m/1600m
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
Alerting service shall be provided by: The ATS unit responsible for The ATS unit responsible for
the aircraft the aircraft, when provided
by frequency 121.5
When providing Alerting Service, a phrase Alert phase Emergency phase
wherein there is reasonable certainty that an
aircraft and its occupants are threatened by
grave and imminent danger or require
immediate assistance is called:

When providing alerting service an aircraft Alert phase Uncertainty phase

known or believed to be the subject of
unlawful interference shall be considered in
which state of emergency:

When providing alerting service, the states Unsafe phase, alert phase, Unsafe phase, alert phase,
of emergencies are divided into three distress phase emergency phase
phases. They are:
Which authority provide search and rescure Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam Air Traffic
service in Vietnam Vietnam Management
Which ICAO document that provided ANNEX 13 ANNEX 12
guidance of the search and rescue in
Vietnam ?
The sequence of emergency phases are: ALERFA, INCERFA, INCERFA, ALERFA,
Aerodrome control tower shall instruct an A holding point Terminal apron
aircraft which is known or believed to be the
subject of unlawful interference to

The frequencies used for survival radio 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz. 121.5 MHz and 423 MHz
equipment are
A radiotelephony distress message SOS MAYDAY
transmitted by an aircraft should commence
with the word “ .............” preferably spoken
three times.
What do you do in the first action if you Stop taxi Taxi the aircraft to the apron
receive the information “hijack on the
Aircraft” from the pilot-in- command of the
taxiing aircraft:

“..........” shall be given priority over other VIP aircraft Military aircraft
aircraft listed below:
TORA at the end of Runway 25L is 3828m 4100m

TODA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3800m 4128m

ASDA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3948m 3059m

LDA at the end of Runway 25L is: 3828m 3059m

TORA at the end of Runway 07R is 3828m 4100m

TODA at the end of Runway 07R is: 3800m 4128m

ASDA at the end of Runway 07R is 3800m 3978m

TODA for aircraft taking off on RWY25L 3528m 4100m

from TWY E4 S3 is:
ASDA for aircraft taking off on RWY 25L 3348m 3048m
from TWY E4 S3 is:
Dimensions of runway 07R: 3818 x 45m 3828 x 45m

Stop way dimensions of runway 07R is 150 x 42m 150 x 45m

Clearwaydimensions of runway 07R is 300 x 140m 300 x 150m

Runway strip of 07R is 4288 x 300m 4218 x 300m

TORA for aircraft taking off on RWY 25L 3228m 3048m

from TWY E4 S3 is:
Clearway dimensions of runway 25L is 300 x 150m 301 x 151m

Runway strip of 25L is 4212 x 302m 4211 x 301m

Stop way dimensions of runway 25L is 110 x 43m 130 x 50m

Dimensions of runway 25L: 3820 x 46m 3828 x 45m

ASDA for aircraft taking off on RWY 07R 3800m 4100m

from TWY W7 S8 is:

ASDA at the end of Runway 25R is: 3253m 3054m

TODA at the end of Runway 07L is: 3054m 3360m

ASDA at the end of Runway 07L is 3360m 3054m

Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of

9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 25R:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Elevation of
9,9m 10m
threshold RWY 07R:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/800m 65m/600m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 25R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 85m/900m 65m/600m
RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 25R
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 95m/900m 95m/700m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 25L
(CAT. A, B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 100m/900m 100m/800m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 25L (CAT
D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 100m/800m 70m/550m

RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25L (CAT
D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:

The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/950m 80m/800m

RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 80m/950m 85m/900m
RVR) for ILS y,z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/1500m 70m/550m
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25L
(without GP) CAT A, B at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/1500m 70m/550m
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25R
(without GP) CAT A, B at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 145m/1800m 70m/550m
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25R
(without GP) CAT C, D at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 130m/1500m 70m/550m
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 07R
(without GP) CAT C, D at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/ 70m/1500m 130m/1500m
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 07R
(without GP) CAT C, D at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

15 km 20 km
SFC to 750m ( 2500FT) SFC to 900m (3000 FT)
Class C Class D
From ground up to 1500m From ground up to unlimited
On the north of RWY25R, On the north of RWY25L, 500m
548m from THLD from THLD RWY25L 0
Pilot have to define RWY Pilot have to define RWY edge
edge lights on the North of lights on the North of RWY07R
RWY25R while landing at while landing at night 0

As instructed in details by All the above

Airport Authorities
A defined area in the North A defined area in the North of
of RWY25L and 180m West RWY25R and 180m East of
of landing area number 2 landing area number 2
A defined area in the North A defined area in the North of
of RWY25L and 180m East RWY07R and 180m from the
of landing area number 2 edge of RWY25L
The Director of Airport None of above
Authority 0
The Prime Minister The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The arrival has landed None of the above
assured on RWY07R and
the WX reported in VMC 0
The arrival has landed The arrival was approaching to
assured on RWY25R or 03 land RWY25R
minutes before ETA of 0
arrival in non-radar
Visibility is less than Visibility is at 1200m or more,
1200m, ceiling is less than ceiling is 130m or more the
180m, the arrival has passed
THD RWY25R and
arrival has passed THD
RWY25R and SSR/PSR is good 0
SSR/PSR is good
Visibility is less than Visibility is at 1200m or more,
3000m, ceiling is less than ceiling is 130m or more and the
180m, the arrival has passed SSR/PSR is good
THD RWY07R and 0
SSR/PSR is good

ATC services, flight Flight administration service,

information service, air flight information service, air
traffic consultancy service traffic advisory service and 0
and alarming service. alarming service.

Over mountainous areas, Over densely populated areas,

unless permitted by unless permitted by competent
competent state agencies state agencies. 0
On pilot’s request or ATC None of the above
suggestion at day time only.
Ensure the limit clearance of None of the above
visual DEP not higher than
MSA in concerned sector 0
and monitored by radar.

No IFR flight since the ATD None of the above

of visual DEP aircraft until
the time aircraft completed
the visual phase and 0
changing to enroute phase.

The WX report from None of the above

concerned unit or the actual
observation from the cockpit
provided that the WX in
the sector concerning to
expected route will be in
18 24

48 72

International flights only None of the above
International flights only None of the above
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
lands, that RWY can resume
normal operation 0
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
takes off, that RWY can
resume normal operation
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
lands 0
05 minutes after VIP flight None of the above
takes off 0
68m (Mức cao sb) None of above
Surface modoration radar None of above
114.7 KHz 118.7 KHz
1 and 2 None of above
1 and 2 None of above
1 and 2 1 or 2
270 360
3 4
Additional information (free All are correct
1 main unit, 1 standby unit 2 main unit, 2 standby unit use
use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put in
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
equipment room and connected
with VCCS system
VCCS system

1 main unit, 2 standby unit 1 main unit, 1 standby unit use

use for each frequency, for each frequency, convert
convert automatically or automatically or manually put in
manually put in equipment
room and connected with
equipment room and connected
with VCCS system.
VCCS system

125.5 MHz 118.7 MHz

120.7 MHz 134.0 MHz
120.7 MHz 120.6 MHz
1 and 2 None of above
128m/2000m 128m/2400m
145m/1600m 165m/2600m 145m/2800m
145m/2000m 165m/2800m 145m/2800m
163m/1600m 163m/2000m 163m/2800m
2000m 1000m

6,1m 5,7m 5.4m
530m 350m
120m from the right of 122m from the right of RWY
RWY 07R centerline and
340m from threshold of
07R centerline and 340m from
threshold of RWY 07R
3800m 3828m 4100m
Parking 50 All of the above
112m from the right of 122m from the right of RWY
RWY 25Lcenterline and
400m from threshold of
25Lcenterline and 400m from
threshold of RWY 25L
6,1m 5m
4 6
9666m from threshold of 9666m from threshold of RWY
RWY 25L 25L 0
5700-5777 4100-4177
120m from the right of
RWY 25R centerline and
340m from threshold of
315m 790m
6,1m 5m
6,1m 5,7m
8,8 m 7,5m
blue white
And apron flood lights None of the above

75m 90m

Give way to other aircraft Clearance to and taxi will be
and continue circling. given in due course. 0
A stand for VIP aircraft An isolated parking position
Within 1 mile of the upwind Actually leaving the runway
end of the runway. 0
A point at a specified height 1 or 2
located vertically above the
intersection of the runway
centerline and the threshold
and through which the
upward extended straight 0
portion of the glide path

Two –way communication

between aeronautical station
and the aeronautical mobile 0

30 degrees 45 degrees
30 degrees 45 degrees
Both taking –off aircraft and 1 and 2
other radar controlled flight
are being identified .

121.5 Mhz and 423 Mhz 120.5 Mhz and 423 Mhz
at any level in thunderstorms
1 or 2 1 and 2

Red White
a specified distance from the all are correct.
final approach fix (FAF) 0
All aircraft and helicopters All aircraft in the air , aircraft on
flying within a FIR. apron , and aircraft operating in
a hangar
Where an aircraft operating
on manoeuvring area may
experience dangerous 0

Executed in visual reference 1 and 3

to terrain
The altitude above which The altitude at which a pilot has
the vertical position of an to change the altimeter setting.
aircraft is controlled by 0
reference to flight levels

Middle marker Decision height of 60 m

Aircraft pressure altitude All the above
A radar system which uses A radar system which ATC use
primary information from first to determine aircraft’s
aircraft and displays them position in distance and azimuth 0
on radar screen

The procedure to be The procedure to be followed if

commenced by aircraft at
decision height
the approach cannot be
A controlled airspace A controlled airspace extending
extending upwards from the upwards from the surface of the
surface of the earth to earth to a specified upper limit. 0
transition layer

1 or 2 1 and 2
163m/2000m 163m/2800m
128m/2000m 128m/2400m
Specified information Specified information provided
provided to weather offices to pilots
A NDB station that serves None of the above
as a reference for a holding
1 or 2 1 and 2
128m/1600m 128m/2400m
163m/1600m 163m/2000m 163m/2800m
Provision of navigational Provision of navigational
guidance to aircraft for guidance to aircraft in the form
departure of specific headings, based on 0
the use of radar

A flight conducted in IMC None of the above

1 or 2 1 and 2

I say again None of the above
Heading one forty None of the above
60m/800m 65m/850m 120m/2000m
145m/2800m 145m/3200m
128m/1600m 128m/2400m
2800m 2100m 2000m

A specified NDB station in None of the above
relation to which the
position of an aircraft can be 0

163m/2000m 163m/2800m
131m/2400m 135m/2400m 131m/2000m
131m/2000m 135m/2000m 131m/2800m
60 50
125.5 121.5
5 6
163m/1600m 163m/2800m
90m/1200m 100m/1200m 120m/2400m
131m/1600m 135m/1600m 131m/2400m
128m/2400m 128m/2800m
The Area control centre Only by ATC units
Distress phase Warning phase

Emergency phase Unsafe phase

Uncertainty phase, alert Uncertainty phase, alert phase,
phase, distress phase emergency phase 0
Southern Region Air Traffic Ministry of Defence
Service 0
DOC 7030 and DOC 9731 All of above
DETRESFA, ALERFA, No difference.
A stand for VIP aircraft An isolated parking position

120.5 MHz and 243 MHz 120.5 MHz and 423 MHz
Taxi to the separate place Clear for take-off

Hospital aircraft Emergency aircraft
3059m 3358m
3059m 3358m
3358m 3048m
3358m 3048m
3059m 3358m
3059m 3358m
3059m 3358m
3059m 3048m
4100m 3059m
3838 x 45m 3848 x 45m
150 x 46m 150 x 47m
300 x 160m 300 x 170m
4228 x 300m 4238 x 300m
4100m 3059m
302 x 102m 303 x 103m
4218 x 300m 4213 x 303m
140 x 60m 120 x 45m
3028 x 47m 3808 x 48m
3209m 3358m
3059m 4128m 0
3059m 4128m 0
3059m 4128m 0
6,1m 5m 0
6,1m 5,4m 0
60m/800m 75m/800m
80m/900m 85m/800m
70m/700m 85m/800m
100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m
70m/900m 70m/950m
70m/900m 70m/950m
100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m
100m/550m 70m/700m


Visual approach is: An approach made by an IFR An approach made by VFR

flight when either part or all flight.
of an instrument approach
procedure is not completed.

Estimated time of arrival is: The time at which it is The time at which it is
estimated that the aircraft will estimated that the aircraft
arrive over the aerodrome. will arrive over the
designated point, defined by
reference to navigation aids,
from which it is intended
that an instrument approach
procedure will be

Airway means (ICAO rules): A defined space which an A profile of an actual track
aircraft uses for its flight of an aircraft

The current flight plan is: The flight plan that the pilot The flight plan that the pilot
has submitted to the ATS has submitted to the ATS
reporting office. reporting office and the
reporting office has checked
and approved.

Clearance limit means: The point to which an aircraft The destination airport at
is granted an air traffic control which an aircraft plans to
clearance arrive.
The accuracy value is expected to be 99 95
achieved at least ....... per cent of the
time by the population of aircraft
operating within the RNP-4 airspace.

IFR flights shall be carried out in General rules of the air. Instrument flight rules.
compliance with
If two aircraft are converging at The one that has the other on The one that has the other
approximately the same level, the its left. on its right
aircraft, which shall give the way is:
The request to change from IFR flight Made by the pilot- in - Suggested by ATC when
to VFR flight is: command. VMC exist
Which aircraft along the following has Departing aircraft Taxiing aircraft
first priority:
: ....... shall be given priority over VIP aircraft Military aircraft
other aircraft listed below
When a pressure type altimeter is set Flight level. Altitude
to a QNH altimeter setting, it shall
When a pressure type altimeter is set Flight level Altitude.
to a QNE altimeter setting, it shall
After departure, an IFR aircraft loses Continue to fly to the Return to the departure
two-way communications. What destination airport, whatever airport immediately,
should the pilot's course of action be: the weather conditions are. whatever the weather
conditions are.

RNAV is ----------- which permits A method of navigation A procedure of navigation

aircraft operation on a any desired
flight path within the coverage of
station-referenced navigation aids or
within the limits of the capacity of
self-contained aids, or a combination
of these.
Two-way communication between CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Air-ground communication.
aircraft and stations on the surface of Link Communication)
the earth. That is definition of:
The accuracy value is expected to be 99 95
achieved at least ....... per cent of the
time by the population of aircraft
operating within the RNP-10 airspace.

All current civil SSR system use The same frequencies i.e. The same frequencies i.e.
1030 MHz for the ground to 1090MHz for the ground to
air transmission and 1090 air transmission and
MHz for the air to ground 1030MHz for the air to
transmission. ground transmissions.

The aerodrome forecasts have the 9, 12, 18 or 24 hours. 2 hours

validity period of:
The meteorological information METAR (with TREND), TAF, landing forecast, take-
provided to ATS units contains: SPECI (with TREND). off forecast.
At aerodrome the weather Routine observations and Reports for take-off and
observations and reports include: reports at Reports for take-off landing
and landinghourly or half
hourly intervals, special
(selected) observations and

The sequence of emergency phases ALERFA, INCERFA, INCERFA, ALERFA,

The standard controller- pilot ( call sign ) confirm RVSM ( call sign ) affirm RVSM.
phraseology for a controller to approved
ascertain the RVSM approval status of
an aircraft is:

The frequency used for survival radio 121,5Mhz 125,5 Mhz

equipment on VHF is:
A light aircraft is approaching for 1 minute. 2 minutes.
landing behind a heavy aircraft, the
time separation minima between them
must be:

Air traffic clearances are issued by: Area control centre Approach control unit

Aerodrome control tower shall Prior to engine start - up. Prior to taxiing for take - off
provide departing aircraft with
information related to the operation of
Recording tapes of air-ground 10 days. 15 days.
communication shall be normally kept
for at least:
Co-ordination between ACC’s is letter of agreement between ICAO rules of the air.
based on: them
The pilot of an aircraft experiencing A/3 7400 A/3 7500
two- way radio communication failure
set his transponder to code:
An aircraft will be considered to be 195 197
maintaining FL190 when SSR mode
C derived level information indicates:
To determine effect of wake CAT I, CAT II, CAT III SMALL, MEDIUM,
turbulence, aircraft are grouped into LARGE
the following categories:
Whenever a code is assigned to an At the First contact At the Second
aircraft, the setting of this code shall communication
be verified by controller:
Maneuvering area is That part of an aerodrome to That part of an aerodrome to
be used for the take-off, be used for the take-off,
landing and taxiing of aircraft landing and taxiing of
aircraft, including aprons

Touchdown zone is The portion of a runway, The portion of a runway, at

beyond the threshold, where it the threshold, where it is
is intended landing airplanes intended landing airplanes
first contact the runway first contact the runway.

Runway markings shall be yellow green

Taxiway markings and aircraft stand yellow green

markings shall be
The missed approach point (MAPt) in the point of intersection of an a fix or navigation facility.
a procedure may be: electronic glide path with the
applicable DA/H.
Air traffic means : All aircraft in the air. All aircraft in flight or
operating on the
maneuvering area of an
Transition level is: 300m (1000 ft) above The lowest flight level
transition altitude. available for use above the
transition altitude
Radar separation is: The separation used when The separation used when
aircraft equipped with aircraft operating in radar
airborne radar coverage area
When two aircraft are approaching To the left To the right.
head-on or approximately so and there
is danger of collision, each shall alter
its heading .......

Except when a clearance is obtained When the ceiling is less than When the ground visibility
from an ATC unit, VFR flights shall 450 m (1.500ft) is less than 5 km
not take off or land at an aerodrome
within a control zone, or enter the
aerodrome traffic zone or traffic
An arriving aircraft is descending for At above transition level. Below transition level but
approach. The pilot of the aircraft is to above transition altitude
change altimeter setting from Standard
air pressure (760 mm Pb) to QNH (or
QFE) ___

A radiotelephony distress message SOS MAYDAY.

transmitted by an aircraft should
commence with the word "............."
preferably spoken three times.

When two or more aircraft are at the Preceding Succeeding.

same cruising level, the ........ aircraft
shall normally have priority:
The missed approach procedure is Aerodrome Obstacle Chart- Aerodrome Obstacle Chart-
show in the…… Type A Type B
An ILS CAT I can guide an arriving Decision height of 30 m. Outer marker.
aircraft to:
Which facility among the following NDB VOR/DME.
provides aircraft with its azimuth and
Aerodrome control radio station is a An Aeronautical station and An Aerodrome control
station providing radio aircraft or mobile aeronautical tower and aircraft or mobile
communication between: stations aeronautical stations.
: The wing bar of a PAPI shall be All 4 units as red. All 4 unit as white.
constructed and arranged in such a
manner that, a pilot making an
approach and being on the approach
slope will see:

The aerodrome forecasts are presented TAF code, abbreviated plain ROFOR code, tabular
in the following formats: language form (using abbreviated plain

In METAR, SPECI reports, the The mean speed ≤ 2 mps The wind direction has
surface wind is encoded as VRB/VV varied ≥ 60 and the mean
refer to 10 - minute period preceding speed ≤ 2 mps; or wind
the observation: direction has varied > 180
and the mean speed ≥ 2mps.

When no significant changes to any NOSIG. NO CHANGE

elements concerned surface wind,
visibility, weather and cloud are
expected within 2 hours, the TREND
forecast is indicated by the
Time separation minima between 10 minutes 5minutes
holding aircraft in a holding pattern
and en-route aircraft which are on the
same flight level is:

When an aircraft will pass through the 10 minutes if preceding 10 minutes if the tracks are
level of another aircraft on crossing aircraft is 74 km/h (40kt) or 30 degrees or more
tracks, the longitudinal separation more faster than the divergent.
minima is ...........when the level is following.

Which item on flight plan indicates Item 1/R Item: 10/R

RNP10-approved aircraft:
What type of separation must be Vertical. Lateral
maintained at all times between
aircraft holding pattern?
An aircraft making a radar approach 5 NM 4 NM
should be advised to consider
executing a missed approach if the
aircraft is not visible on the radar
display for significant interval during
the last ...... of the approach.

The tolerance value which should be ± 200 Ft ±300 Ft

used to determine that mode C derived
level information displayed to the
controller is accurate shall be:

An aircraft class of "Heavy" indicates 136 tons 126.000 kg or more

the aircraft is capable of takeoff
weights of
Air traffic services unit clocks and 10 seconds 20 seconds
other time-recording devices shall be
checked as necessary to ensure correct
time to within plus or minus ...........of
UTC at all times:

ATIS broadcasts shall be provided at to reduce the communication to assist the air traffic
aerodrome where there is a required.... load on the ATS VHF air controllers to know
ground communication information about weather
channels. at aerodrome

During a tour of duty a Watch Training controllers in new The disposition of the
Supervisor in any ATS unit should be procedures and operating personnel on duty and the
responsible for: techniques. adjustment of the function
of operating positions so as
to meet the traffic demand
in a satisfactory manner

The radar controller should inform the The aircraft reports over a The requests position
pilot of his position except in the NAVAID. information
following case:
An aircraft system based on secondary Secondary Surveillance Radar Automatic Dependent
surveillance radar (SSR) transponder (SSR) Surveillance (ADS)
signals which operates independently
of ground-based equipment to provide
advice to the pilot on potential
conflicting aircraft that are equipped
with SSR transponders. That is
definition of:

: The direction in which the Track. Bearing.

longitudinal axis of an aircraft is
pointed, usually expressed in degrees
from North (true, magnetic, compass
or grid). That is definition of :

: The altitude at which or below which Transition Altitude Transition Level.

the position of an aircraft is controlled
by reference to altitudes. That is
definition of
What action should a pilot take to He should alter his course to He should alter his course to
overtake another aircraft pass the other's right pass the other's left.
How many parts are there in the new 6 parts 8 parts
: In radio communications, the correct "Ninety hundred feet" "Nine-thousand feet"
way to describe an altitude of 9,000
feet is
: If an arriving aircraft is making a 10 minutes 02 minutes
straight-in approach, a departing
aircraft may take off in any direction
until ......... before the arriving aircraft
is estimated to be over the instrument

The correct phraseology to issue "Unidentified target to your "Traffic 12 o'clock, 5 miles,
traffic information in a radar north, closing fast" southbound, Cessna 150, 3
environment is thousand feet."
A radar beacon target is observed on The radar is in radar contact The aircraft is experiencing
code 7600. This would indicate that and under the control of an a radio failure.
approach control facility
Circling approach is An extenuation of an An extenuation of a visual
instrument approach approach procedure which
procedure which provides for provides for visual circling
visual circling of aerodrome of aerodrome prior to
prior to landing landing.

A revised expected approach time 5 03

shall be transmitted to the aircraft
without delay whenever it differs from
that previously transmitted by ..........
minutes or more.

In the even of a radio failure, an Air red, white, blue red, green, white.
Traffic Control Tower may use a
Light Gun to signal aircraft and/or
vehicles on or near the airport. The
Light Gun is capable of signaling 3
different colors. They are

Except when necessary for take-off or A level below minimum flight A level above minimum
landing or except when specifically level. flight level
authorized by the appropriate
authority, an IFR flight shall not be
flown at:
Pilots should notify air traffic control ±5 minutes ±4 minutes
a revised estimated time if the
reported estimate for the reporting
point is found to be in error in excess
If two departing aircraft of the same 1 minute. 2 minutes
type propose to follow the same track
and the preceding aircraft is 74 km/h
(40kt) or more faster than the
following aircraft, the separation
between their take-off is:
Track separation between aircraft 10 degrees, 18,5 km (10NM) 15 degrees, 18,5 km
using the same VOR is at (10NM)
least ........and at a distance
of ............... or more from the facility

Longitudinal separation minima for 15 minutes 10 minutes if aircraft are of

aircraft at the same cruising level and the same type.
on the same track is:
A medium aircraft is approaching for 1 minute. 02 minutes.
landing behind a heavy aircraft, the
time separation minima between them
must be:

Radar position symbol includes: PSR symbols SSR symbols

Track separation between aircraft 15 degrees, 18,5 km (10NM) 30 degrees, 18,5 km

using the same NDB is at least ........... (10NM)
and at a distance of .......... or more
from the facility

If two aircraft have departed from the 10 minutes. 5 minutes

same aerodrome and the preceding
aircraft is 37 km/h (20kt) or more
faster than the succeeding aircraft
speed, the longitudinal separation
minima between the aircraft is:

Put the following AFTN message FF KK SS

indicators: FF,GG,SS,KK,DD in DD GG GG KK
correct order of priority: SS DD FF

The minimum ceiling required for 3 miles 1 miles

standard operations using Visual
Flight Rules in a control zone is
During an instrument approach, the request a 180 degree turn for execute a missed approach
pilot reached the Decision Height return to the starting point and advice ATC.
(DH) and visual reference to the
runway environment is insufficient to
complete the landing. The pilot would
be expected to

Which of the following is a precision ILS VOR

An IFR flight may be cleared to the reported ceiling is at or the pilot reports at the
execute a visual approach provided above the approved initial initial approach level or at
that the pilot can maintain visual approach level for the aircraft any time during the
reference to the terrain and; so cleared instrument approach
procedure that the
meteorological conditions
are such that with
reasonable assurance a
visual approach and landing
can be completed
Succeeding aircraft shall be cleared has reported that it is able to is in communication with
for approach when the proceeding complete its approach without and sighted by the
aircraft: …. encountering instrument aerodrome control tower
meteorological conditions and reasonable assurance
exits that a normal landing
can be accomplished
What are the significant dates The effective date The publication date
associated with the AIRAC system?
Advantages of AIP Supplements Wider circulation and more Maps and diagrams can be
are……. scope for expression included
If two departing aircraft of the same 1 minute. 02 minutes
type propose to follow the same track
and the preceding aircraft is 74 km/h
(40kt) or more faster than the
following aircraft, the separation
between their take-off is:

Track separation between aircraft 10 degrees, 18,5 km (10NM) 15 degrees, 18,5 km

using the same VOR is at (10NM)
least ........and at a distance
of ............... or more from the facility.

Longitudinal separation minima for 15 minutes. 10 minutes

aircraft at the same cruising level and
on the same track is:
A medium aircraft is approaching for 1 minute. 2 minutes
landing behind a heavy aircraft, the
time separation minima between them
must be:

Longitudinal separation minima 10 minutes if navigational 10 minutes.

between aircraft flying on crossing aids permit.
track with no navigational aids is:
Radar position symbol includes: PSR symbols SSR symbols

Track separation between aircraft 15 degrees, 18,5 km (10NM) 30 degrees, 18,5 km

using the same NDB is at least ........... (10NM)
and at a distance of .......... or more
from the facility.

The minimum ceiling required for 3 miles 1 miles

standard operations using Visual
Flight Rules in a control zone is
Altimeter settings provided to the rounded up higher whole rounded up to the nearest
aircraft shall be : hectopascal higher whole hectopascal
An authorization by ATC, for the ATC clearance. Pilot briefing
purpose of preventing collision
between known aircraft to proceed
under specified traffic condition
within controlled airspace is called
Who is directly responsible for, and is The aircraft owner The air traffic controller in
the final authority on, the safe contact with the flight
operation of an aircraft?
Surveillance radar can provide the : position of an aircraft in range position of an aircraft in
and azimuth. azimuth and glide slope.
Minimum sector altitude is the lowest 300m (1000ft) 150m (500ft)
altitude which may be used which will 46km (25NM); 46km (25NM),
provide a minimum clearance of
………. Above all objects located in
an area contained within a sector of a
circle of ……….. radius centered on a
radio aid to navigation.
The first ATS unit receiving a flight check it for compliance with check it for completeness
plan, or change thereto, shall : the format and data and, to the extent possible.
conventions; for accuracy;
If an air traffic control clearance is not complain an amended refuse an amended
suitable to the pilot-in-command of an clearance. clearance.
aircraft, the flight crew may request
and if practicable:

Speed control shall not be applied to Restricted area Holding pattern.

aircraft entering or established in a :
Unless specified by the appropriate be required be recorded
ATS authority, voice read-back of
controller-pilot data link
communication (CPDLC) message
shall :
An APP unit issues VN 790 VN790 straight – in Approach VN790 straight – in
instructions for straight – in Approach runway 25L approved Approach approved
runway 25L:
Minimum flight altitude ensures: At least 300m (1000 ft) above At least 300m (1000 ft)
MSL above terrain

……. NOTAM contain information of A series B series .

concern to long or medium range
flight given selected international
Which of the following weather rain fog
phenomena will reduce the visibility?
When a pressure type altimeter is set Flight level Altitude
to a QFE altimeter setting, it shall
The take-off clearance shall be issued Ready for take-off Approaching the runway in
when the aircraft is… use
An IFR may request: A straight-in approach An ILS approach

The distance between a taxi-holding 40 m 60 m

position and the center line of a non-
precision approach runway of an
aerodrome code 3 shall be:

Aerodrome control tower shall Prior to issuing of landing Prior to aircraft’s passing
provide arriving with information clearance. abeam outer marker.
related to the operation of
An electrical discharge from a Lighting. thunder
The AIRAC AIP Amendments or 28days 14 days
supplements should be reached
recipients at least….in advance of the
effective date?

The AIRAC AIP Amendments or 28days 14days

supplements shall be distributed at
least… advance of the effective
The minimum difference between the 42days 28 days
AIRAC publication date and effective
dated is at least:
The schedule of AIRAC effective 14 days 28 days.
dates must be based on interval
AIRAC stands for A eronautical Information Aeronautical Information
Regulation and Control. Regulation and Check
Which cloud may give thunderstorm Sc-Stratocumulus Cb - Cumulonimbus
and moderate(MOD) or severe(SEV)
turbulence and ice:
Which phenomenon always reduces HZ BR
Visibility below 1 km:
A METAR is: An aerodrome routine An area routine Weather
Weather report. report
A TAF is: An aerodrome routine An aerodrome routine
Weather observation Weather forecast.
The closest layer of the atmosphere to Troposphere. Stratosphere
the earth is called:
QFE means Atmospheric pressure at Altimeter sub-scale to
aerodrome elevation. obtain elevation when on
the ground
NOTAM With series C used for Domestic flight International flight

SCT020 mean: Cloud 3__4/8, Ceiling 2000ft Cloud 5__7/8, Ceiling

Intergraded Aeronautical Information AIP,AIP Amendment, AIC NOTAM and PIB
Package includes: and AIPSUP
“RCF message” is: Coordination message Supplementary message

“CNL-DLH773-VVTS-VTBS”mean: Cancel the flight plan of the Cancel the flight DLH773
aircraft identification from VVTS to VTBD
DLH773 from VVTS to
Filed flight plan message and Filed flight plan message, Modification message
associated update message comprise: delay message and flight plan
cancellation message
In the case of an aircraft is Hold the aircraft within the Release the aircraft to the
approaching FIR(or boundary of the transferring center area until adjacent center then make
two areas of responsibility) but the co co-ordination can be effected co-ordination as required
- ordination has not been successfully with the adjacent center.
made, the transferring center shall:

Who is responsible for establishing President. Prime Minister

the prohibited area and restricted area
in Viet Nam:
In the following cases, which one has The aircraft is ready for take Aircraft that reports that he
the priority? off to do its search and rescue is in nearly short of fuel
operation. situation and requests
emergency landing.

Critical positions of aircraft in the Where an aircraft receives Where an aircraft operating
aerodrome traffic and taxi circuits are: aerodrome information, taxi, on maneuvering area may
take-off or landing clearance experience dangerous

Primary RADAR mean: A RADAR system with A RADAR system which

provides primary information uses reflected radio signal
of air traffic to ATC unit.
Airfield lighting system CAT I Approach lights, RWY edge Approach lights, RWY
consists of: lights, RWY threshold lights, center lights, RWY
RWY end lights, apron edge threshold lights, RWY edge
lights, PAPI, TWY edge lights RWY end lights,
lights, apron edge lights touch down zone lights,
PAPI, TWY edge lights,
TWY center lights.

Secondary RADAR can provide: Aircraft position information Aircraft identification code
azimuth and range
Expected approach time is: The time at which ATC The time at which the pilot
expects that an arriving of an arriving aircraft
aircraft, following a delay will expects to leave the holding
leave the holding point to point to complete its
complete its approach for approach for landing
Altitude mean: The vertical distance of a The vertical distance of a
point or an object considered point or object considered
as a point measured from the as a point measured from
ground level. the aerodrome level.

Missed approach procedure is: The procedure to be followed The procedure which
if an aircraft can not land aircraft uses when there are
many obstacle on the RWY-
A flight plan for a flight to be 60minutes 30 minutes
provided with air traffic control
service shall be submitted at
least………..before departure.

Unless authorized by the appropriate Above minimum flight level Below minimum flight level
ATS AUTHORITY, VFR fight shall
not be operated:
The air traffic services comprise: Area control service, Air traffic control service,
approach control service, search and rescue service
aerodrome control service

When an aircraft has been cleared into Request the aircraft to Issue a revised clearance to
a center’s control area at a cruising maintain the level the aircraft for cruising
level which is below established higher than minimum.
minimum cruising level for a
subsequent portion of the route, the
ACC shall immediately:

Aerodrome control tower is Aircraft Vehicles

responsible for controlling the traffic
of…… on the maneuvering area.
Red pyrotechnic directed by tower to Return for landing Not with standing any
an aircraft in flight mean: previous instruction, do not
land for the time being
An aircraft has been cleared to land Uncertainty phase Alert phase.
and fails to land within five minutes of
the estimated time of landing and
communication has not been re -
established. The aircraft should be
considered in:
The air density generally……with Increases Remains the same
Temperature generally……. As Stay the same Decreases.
altitude is
Atmospheric pressure………….with Does not change Increases
The smaller the spread between Smaller Lower
temperature and dew point the……..
will be the relative humidity:
Atmospheric pressure

A SPECI is: An aerodrome corrected An aerodrome routine

weather report weather report
A trend-type landing forecast is: A take-off forecast. A take-off report.

The first ATS unit receiving a flight Check it for complete with the Check it for completeness
plan shall: format and data convention and to the extend possible
for accuracy
In the event of a delay of…….minutes 30,30 30, 60
in excess of the estimated off-block
time for a controlled flight or delay
of……minutes for an uncontrolled
flight for which a flight plan has been
submitted, the flight plan should be
amended or a new flight plan
submitted and the old flight plan
cancelled, whichever is applicable

What are the international aviation SOS MAYDAY

urgency signals
Which of the following statements is An aviation weather Report An aviation weather
likely true a METAR? forecast
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR U D
has increased during the 10 minutes
preceding the observation, the
tendency is indicated by:

In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR U D

has decreased, the tendency is
indicated by:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR U D
no distinct change, the tendency is
indicated by:
Landing forecast-TREND type as TREND forecasts appended TREND forecasts appended
TREND forecast contain specific Change indicator; Surface Surface wind; Visibility;
information presented in a fixed order. wind; Visibility; Weather Weather phenomena; Cloud
The information and order are as phenomena; Cloud or vertical or vertical visibility
follows: visibility.

A tropical cyclone has wind speeds: 34 Kt or more. 32 Kt or more

The overall width international 10 km 30km

airways is…..
The changes to AIP should be AIP AMDT AIP SUP, AIPAMDT and
published by? NOTAM.
TORA is…… take-off distance available take-off run available

The period of validity of a SIGMET 4 hours 06 hours

message shall be not more than….?
WMO date type designator used for TAF. TCA
OPMET date, which of the following
statements is likely true FT?
The first stage of a thunderstorm is Cumulus stagee Mature stage.
OPMET bulletins transmitted via SIGMET AIREP SPECAL
AFTN, priority indicator FF used for
OPMET date as follow:
A tornado over water is called a: WaterSpout mixer

When two aircraft are executing a Have the airport in sight Be sight by tower
visual approach, the succeeding
aircraft must:
Aircraft taking-off can positively Within 5 miles of the upwind Within 3 miles of the
identification only if they are seen: end of the runway upwind end of the runway
The information concerning METAR, SPECI, TAF, Forecast of upper wind and
meteorological services provided to TREND, SIGMET. upper air temperatures
aircraft in flight as: information, aircraft
observation and report.

What is the Unit of measurement used NM M

to express radius in the Q
line(NOTAM format)?
Code 7500, 7600, 7700 are reserved radio communication, emergency , radio
internationally for use by pilots unlawful interference, communication, unlawful
encoutering a circumtances of : emergency respectively interference respectively
How long should NOTAM remain in six month one year
Which of the following statements is Pressure at mean sea level. Pressure to mean sea level
likely true about QNH? at same condition
Wind shear warning be issued when between runway level and between runway level and
expected existence of wind shear….? 500m above that level 1500m above that level.
The declared distances are shown in Aerodrome Obstacle Chart- Aerodrome Obstacle Chart-
the…… Type A Type B
……….. is a Mandatory Chart. Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - Aerodrome Obstacle Chart-
Type A Type B
In which section of the AIP can you AD ENR
find the location indicators used in a
In order to calculate the landing and GEN section of the AIP of GEN section of any AIP
parking fees of an aircraft at a that country.
particular aerodrome, you have to
refer to the…..
Airborne collision a avoidance system An aircraft system based on An aircraft system based on
is: secondary surveillance GPS SIGNALS.
transponder signals.
Cruising levels at which a flight is to Flight levels. Altitudes.
be conducted mean

In normal circumstance, for flight on As soon as possible after the At hourly intervals there
route not defined by designated first half hour of flight. after.
significant point, position report shall
be made:

The procedures to be applied for the Difference from those Identical to these applicable
provision for air traffic services to applicable to non- ACAS to- non ACAS equipped
aircraft equipped with ACAS equipped aircraft aircraft.
(airborne collision avoidance system)
shall be:
When an aerodrome controller desires Green flashed. Steady green.
to inform an aircraft with radio failure
to move off the landing area or
taxiway and watch out for aircraft, he
would use…. Light signals:

Mean which ATC can use for flow Flow control restriction Flow delay advice message.
control are: message.
Upon receipt of information that an Introduce all aircraft within Take all position actions to
aircraft making an emergency descent the specified areas to maintain safeguard all aircraft
through other traffic, ATC shall own navigation. concerned

Measures designed to adjust the flow Flow Management Control Flow Management System
of traffic into a given airspace, along a (FMC) (FMS)
given route, or bound for a given
aerodrome, so as to ensure the most
effective utilization of the airspace.
That is definition of :

A Pilot who estimated an arrival time 0814 0820.

of 0750 over the facility serving his
destination, was estimated over the
facility at 0744 by the center. Earlier
he was given an expected approach
time 0747 which he acknowledged,
but when cleared for an approach at
0745 no reply was received and
contact with him cannot be re-
established. To minimize a possibility
of collision with the unreported
aircraft, until what time other traffic
be restricted?

If a pilot who has experienced two- When he is 80 miles from the When he enters the TMA.
way radio failure during an IFR flight airport.
proceeds according to his latest
clearance, which was to the
navigational aid serving his
destination airport, where should he
commence his descent for landing?
An aircraft is considered to be in the no communication has been Information received reveals
phrase of INCERFA when: established within 30 minutes that the operation efficiency
from the time there should of aircraft has been impaired
have communication but not to extend that a
forced landing is necessary.

In the case of an aircraft is The accepting center The transferring center.

approaching FIR boundary (or
boundary of the two areas of
responsibility) but co-ordination has
not been successfully made, the
responsibility of control belong to:

Time of take-off shall be specified by CO-ordinate the departure Provide en-route separation
the ACC when it is necessary to: with traffic not released to the between departing aircraft
unit providing APP control following the same route.

The vertical separation minimum shall Below an altitude of 8850 Below flight level 290.
be nominal 300 meters (1000ft)…. meters (29.000ft)
The correct phraseology to request to RESET SQUAWK [(mode)] CONFIRM SQUAWK
reselect the assigned mode and code (code) [(mode)] (code)
Where lateral separation is not 15 minutes prior to and after 10 minutes prior to and after
provided, how long should vertical the time they are estimated to the time they are estimated
separation be provided for opposite have passed to have passed.
direction traffic?
When an aircraft is being held in When the en-route aircraft is When the en-route aircraft is
flight, when should vertical separation within 5 minutes flying time within 05 minutes holding
be provided between holding aircraft of the holding point areas.
and en-route aircraft?

Under what circumstances would the The Center wants to provide The Center wants to provide
center need to notify an ATC unit separation between departing separation between
providing approach control service of aircraft following the same departing aircraft and
a restriction relative to the time of route aircraft not released to
take-off of an aircraft? approach control

What the purpose behind the For separation For expediting arriving
requirement that a pilot execute the traffic.
entire approved approach procedure
even though visual reference with the
ground is established prior to
completing of the procedure.

What is the minimum time separation 05 minutes. 10minutes.

between aircraft flying at the same
level on the same or converging track
where navigation aids permit frequent
determination of position and speed.

Aircraft flying on the same track and 3 minutes if the proceeding 3 minutes if the preceding
at the same level may not arrive over aircraft is 40 km/m faster than aircraft is 25 km/m faster
the same position with less than the the succeeding aircraft. than the succeeding aircraft.
following separation:

The range of primary radar depends Transmitted power; altitude Size; level and material of
on: and level of aircraft. aircraft.
If an identified aircraft is approach Immediately turn the Descend the controlled
head- on the controlled aircraft, what controlled aircraft to the right aircraft to fly below the an
action should be taken by the radar identified aircraft.
What should a radar controller do if he Inform the pilot of the Inform the pilot of the
observes an aircraft under his aircraft’s position. deviation from the intended
control….Significantly from its route
intended route?

If you instructed an aircraft, which Continue vector the aircraft in Turn the aircraft back to the
you though to be the response on your the hope that it will be even original heading.
display, to turn and it did not do so, tally take the turn.
what action should you take?

In the case that the radar fails, but Instruct aircraft to maintain Inform aircraft that radar
communication is still good, the radar level and VMC fails and maintain own
controller should: separation
The phraseology used when an aircraft Turn observed, will continue Reply not received, will
with transmitter failure has been given to pass instructions. continue instructions
a turn and the echo is seen to follow
instruction is:

In the event of a complete radar Band all traffic back to the Do his best to provide
failure, the radar controller should: procedural controller procedural separation for
immediately the aircraft under his control
and then hand them back to
the procedural controller.

Radar is an acronym of: Radio Detecting and Range. Radio Detection and Range.

In an SSR system, the interrogator 1090 MHz. 1030MHz.

transmission are made on a frequency
Where SSR is used, transfer of radar Instructing the pilot (by the Instructing the pilot (by the
identify shall be affected by: accepting controller) to transferring controller) to
operate the SPI feature. operate the SPI feature.
In an SSR system the transponder 1090MHz. 1030 MHz.
responds an interrogator signal with a
transmission on a frequency of:
Radar separation shall only be applied The aircraft are equipped with There is reasonable
between identified aircraft when: transponders. insurance that identification
will be maintained
Radar separation based upon primary Between the edges of the Between the center of the
radar shall by the distance: radar blips. radar blips
Before providing radar service to an Established radar identify of Provide the radar
aircraft, the radar controller shall be: that aircraft. information
Air traffic control ratings should ACC chief. TWR chief.
normally be approved by:
The primary responsibility for the The accepting center. The transferring center
control of aircraft which has already
had communication with the accepting
center but is still operating within the
control area of transferring center,
belong to:

VHF band specified for air ground From 1080 MHz to 117,975 From 118MHz to 137MHz.
communication is: MHz.
If the cloud amount is 4 oktas, how to OVC. BKN.
report the pilot about it?
If the cloud amount is 5 oktas, how to OVC. BKN
report the pilot about it?
ATC unit may use the following AFTN Data- exchange circuits
means of communication for co-
ordination purposes:
the correct spelling according to FL 290: Flight level two FL 290: Flight level two
number by transmitting procedure for hundred and ninety. niner zero
radio telephony communication:
“ZCZC GHA 273 070407 Arrival of HVN 322 flight to Arrival of HVN 322 flight
FF VVNBZPZX VVTS at 03.59 UTC. to VVNB at 03.58 UTC.
0359)" .
The message informs:
ILS reference datum is: A point at a specified height A line at a specified height
located vertically above the located vertically above the
intersection of the runway intersection of the runway
center line and the threshold center line and threshold
and though which the and through which the
downward extended straight downward extended straight
portion of the glide path portion of the glide path
passes passes.

The airborne VOR equipment is As airborne VOR receiver As airborne VOR

referred to: transmitter.
Ground to air communication is: One-way communication One-way communication
from stations or location on from aircraft to station on
the surface of the earth to the surface of the earth to
aircraft aircraft.
The phraseology used to decrease the Reduce speed to ONE EIGHT Decrease the speed to ONE
speed of an aircraft to 180 IAS is: ZERO KNOTS EIGHTY.
Transfer of control information of Aircraft identification and Aircraft identification and
over flight (below 10000ft) shall be type; Departure point and type; Estimated time over
notified by the transferring until to destination; Estimated time the transfer of control point;
Tan Son Nhat APP at least 20 minutes over the transfer of control Altitude; Any other
prior to the estimated time over the point; flight level or Altitude. necessary information
transfer of control point. The transfer
message shall contain information in
the following format:

An aircraft stand should provide the 8m 7,5m

following minimum clearances
between an aircraft using the stand
and any adjacent building, aircraft on
another stand and other objects for
code E aerodrome is

A straight portion of a taxiway should 10,5m 15m

have a width of not less than that
given by the following tabulation for
code E aerodrome is

Aircraft stand is definition A designated area on an apron A designated area on an

intended to be used for apron intended to be used
parking an aircraft for taxiing an aircraft
Landing area is That part of a movement area That part of an airport
intended for the landing or intended for the landing of
taking off of aircraft aircraft
Aerodrome elevation The elevation of the highest The elevation of the highest
point of the landing area point of the movement area
The length of runway declare TORA TODA
available and suitable of the ground
run of an aeroplane taking off
The length of the take off run TORA TODA
available plus the length of the
clearway, if provide
The length of the take off run TORA TODA
available plus the length of the
stopway, if provide
The length of runway which is TORA TODA
declared available and suitable for the
ground run of an aeroplane landing
Non – instrument runway is A runway intended for the A runway intended for the
operation of aircraft using operation of aircraft using
visual approach proceduce instrument approach

Threshold is The beginning of that portion The beginning of that

of the runway usable for portion of the runway
landing usable for taking off
Wingspan for code E aerodrome 65m up to but not including 52m up to but not including
80m 65m
Aeroplane reference field length for Less than 800m 800m up to but not
code number 4 aerodrome including 1200m
The width of a runway should be not 23m 30m
less than the appropriate dimension
specified for code 4E aerodrome
A straight portion of a taxiway should 25m 23m
have a width of not less than that
given by the following tabulation for
code E aerodrome

The minimum radius of curvature 22m 33.25m

for taxing aircraft code C:
The minimum radius of curvature 22m 33.25m
for taxing aircraft code D:
The minimum radius of curvature 40m 22m
for taxing aircraft code E:
The minimum radius of curvature 22m 33.25m
for taxing aircraft code F:
The minimum distance clearance 3,5m 4,5m
between aircraft code C entering
stand to adjacent object:
The minimum distance clearance 3m 4,5m
between aircraft code B entering
stand to adjacent object:
The minimum distance clearance 3m 4,5m
between aircraft code E entering
stand to adjacent object:
The minimum distance clearance 3m 4,5m
between aircraft code F entering
stand to adjacent object:
The distance between a taxi holding 40m 60m
position and the centerline of a
precision approach runway of an
aerodrome code 4 shall be:

" + TSRA" means: Moderate thunderstorm with Heavy thunderstorm with

rain rain
CAVOKS means: When the following When the following
conditions occur conditions occur
simultaneously at the time of simultaneously at the time
observation: a) visibility, 10 of observation: a) visibility,
km or more; b) no cloud 10 km or more; b) no
below 1 500 m (5 000 ft) or weather of significance to
below the highest minimum aviation
sector altitude, whichever is
greater, and no

The averaging period for surface wind 2 minutes 3 minutes

observations for local routine and
special reports and for wind displays
in air traffic services units shall be:

Runway visual range should be 2.5 metres 5 metres

assessed at a height of
approximately..... above the runway.
GR stands for Mist Fog

Control of an arriving aircraft shall be a) is in the vicinity of the a) is in the vicinity of the
transferred from the unit providing aerodrome, and; b) is at a aerodrome, and; b) is at a
approach control service to the unit prescribed point or level, or c) prescribed point or level.
providing aerodrome control service has landed.
when the aircraft:

Flashing runway or taxiway lights Vacate the runway and Cleared to land
means observe the tower for light
Alternate aerodrome: An aerodrome to which an An aerodrome to which an
aircraft may proceed when it aircraft may proceed when it
becomes either possible or becomes either impossible
advisable to proceed to or to or inadvisable to proceed to
land at the aerodrome of or to land at the aerodrome
intended landing of intended landing

Filed flight plan (FPL) The flight plan, including The flight plan as filed with
changes, if any, brought about an ATS unit by the pilot or
by subsequent clearances a designated representative,
without any subsequent

Estimated off-block time The estimated time at which The estimated time at which
the aircraft will stop the aircraft will commence
movement associated with movement associated with
departure. departure.
Air-taxiing: Movement of a Movement of a
helicopter/VTOL above the helicopter/VTOL above the
surface of an aerodrome, surface of an aerodrome,
normally in ground effect and normally in ground effect
at a ground speed normally and at a ground speed
less than 37 km/h (20 kt) normally less than 19 km/h
(10 kt)
AIP Amendment contain: Permanent changes to the Temporary changes to the
information contained in the information contained in the
AIP Supplement contain: Permanent changes to the Temporary changes to the
information contained in the information contained in the
AIP which are published by AIP which are published by
means of special pages. means of special pages.

Restricted area. An airspace of defined An airspace of defined

dimensions, above the land dimensions within which
areas or territorial waters of a the flight of aircraft is
State, within which the flight restricted in accordance
of aircraft is restricted in with certain specified
accordance with certain conditions.
specified conditions.

Prohibited area: An airspace of defined An airspace of defined

dimensions, above the land dimensions, above the land
areas or territorial waters of a areas or territorial waters of
State, within which the flight a State, within which the
of aircraft is permitted. flight of aircraft is
The word “MAYDAY” spoken at the abnomal a distress
start identifies....... message:
the words “PAN PAN” at the start abnomal a distress
identifies an ..... message.
What does ‘ GO AHEAD’ mean: Go straight ahead Proceed with your message.

Blind transmission: A transmission from one A transmission of

station to another station in information relating to air
circumstances where two-way navigation that is not
communication cannot be addressed to a specific
established but where it is station or stations.
believed that the called station
is able to receive the
Executed in visual reference to (1) and (2)
The time at which it is (1) and (2)
estimated that the aircraft will
land on the runway.

A control area or portion A control area or portion thereof

thereof established in form of established in form of a corridor.
a corridor equipped with radio 0
navigation aids

The flight plan, including The flight plan concerning repetitive

changes, if any, brought about flights.
by subsequent clearances

The flight level at which an To point at which an aircraft is

aircraft plans to fly. going to hold. 0
90 100

Visual flight rules and general Instrument flight rules and general
rules. rules 0
The one that has the other in The one that is faster than the other.
sight first. 0
(1) and (2) (1) or (2)
Arriving aircraft on final Arriving aircraft in the traffic
approach. pattern 0
Hospital aircraft Emergency aircraft.
Height. Pressure on runway surface.
Height. Pressure on runway surface.
Return to the departure airport Land at the most suitable nearest
immediately if the weather is aerodrome while en route.
VMC or continue the flight to
destination airport if the 0
weather is IMC

A system of navigation A rule of air traffic control

Air- to - ground Air -Air Traffic Service

communication communication 0
90 100

The same frequency i.e. The same frequency i.e. 1090MHz
1030MHz for transmissions on for transmissions on both directions.
both directions.

(1) and (2) (1) or (2)

SIGMET (AIRMET if (1),(2) and (3)
appropriate). 0
(1) and (2). (1) or (2)

DETRESFA, ALERFA, No difference.

( call sign ) do you have Non of the above.
RVSM approval.
120,1 Mhz 128,0 Mhz
03 minutes. 4 minutes.

Aerodrome control tower All the above.
Prior to line - up Prior to acceleration for take - off
20 days. 30 days.
En-route flight procedures. Regional supplementary procedures.
A/3 7600 A/3 7700
193 196
At the appropriate opportunity At the earliest opportunity
That part of an aerodrome to That part of an aerodrome to be
be used for the landing and used for the take-off, landing and
taxiing of aircraft, excluding taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons. 0

The beginning of a runway The portion of a runway where it is

where it is intended landing intended landing airplanes first
airplanes first contact the contact the runway. 0

red white
red white
a specified distance from the all are correct
final approach fix (FAF). 0
All aircraft and helicopters All aircraft in the air, aircraft on
flying within a FIR. apron, and aircraft operating in a
The lowest flight level an The lowest flight level that can be
aircraft can use during its
given to arriving aircraft by air
traffic unit.
The separation used by an air separation used when aircraft
traffic controller having radar position information is derived from
control rating radar sources.
Upwards Downwards

(1) or (2). (1) and (2)

At transition altitude. Below transition altitude.


Fastest. Biggest.
En-route Chart Instrument Approach Chart.
Middle marker. Decision height of 60 m.
An Aeronautical fixed station all of (1), (2), (3)
and aircraft or mobile
aeronautical stations
1 unit nearest to the RWY as 2 units nearest to the RWY as red
red and 3 units farthest from and 2 units farther from the RWY as
the RWY as white and when
further above the approach
slope see all 4 units as white.

Abbreviated plain language, None are correct

TAF code, tabular(using
abbreviated plain language) 0

The wind direction has varied None are correct

≥ 180, mean speed ≥ 2mps


03 minutes As long as outbound time is

15minutes. (2) and (3).

Item 18/R Item 18/NAV/R

Longitudinal A combination of lateral and
vertical 0
3 NM 2NM

± 500 Ft ±1000 Ft

more than 136.000 kg (1) or (3)
30seconds 1 minute

to notice the information about to announce information about

the condition of runway in use. departing and arriving aircraft to
passengers 0
Maintaining continuous watch All the above.
on all visible operations on
and in the vicinity of the
aerodrome. 0

The aircraft resumes its own The controller observes that the
navigation aircraft has deviated from its
intended route
Airborne collision Avoidance Precision Approach Radar (PAR)
System (ACAS).

Heading Desired Track.

Minimum Sector Altitude Minimum En-route Altitude (MEA).

He should climb to pass above He should climb to pass under the
the other aircraft. other aircraft. 0
3parts 5 parts
"Niner-thousand feet" "Nine point five feet"
5 minutes. 03 minutes

"Target 5 miles west of your "Conflict approaching from the

position, Cessna 150,
north. A Cessna on converging
The aircraft is being hijacked The pilot is lost and request
assistance 0
An extenuation of an An extenuation of an instrument
instrument approach procedure approach procedure which provides
which provides for visual for visual circling of aerodrome
circling of aerodrome prior to after landing. 0
missed approach.

02 15

red, yellow green orange, white, blue

A level above FL 150 A level below FL 150

±3minutes ±2 minutes

3 minutes. 4 minutes.

10 degrees, 28 km (15NM) 15 degree; 28 km (15NM)

10 minutes if aircraft are of the 10 minutes if aircraft have the same
same type. Mach number. 0
3 minutes. 4 minutes.

combined PSR/SSR symbols all the above.
15 degrees, 28 km (15NM) 30 degrees; 28 km (15NM)

3 minutes. 2 minutes.

3000feet 1500 ft
continue the approach and land proceed to the holding pattern for
without visual reference another approach

NDB LLZ only

(1) and (2) (1) or (2).

(1) or (2). None of the above

The latest date for the raw data All of above.
to reach AIS 0
It provides a long time record All of above.
3 minutes. 4 minutes.

10 degrees, 28 km (15NM) 15 degrees; 28 km (15NM).

10 minutes if aircraft are of the 10 minutes if aircraft have the same
same type Mach number 0
3 minutes. 4 minutes.

10 minutes if aircraft have the 15minutes.
same TAS. 0
combined PSR/SSR symbols all the above.
15 degrees, 28 km (15NM) 30 degrees; 28 km (15NM).

3000feet 1500 ft.
rouded down lower whole rounded down to the nearest lower
hectopascal whole hectopascal. 0
Flight plan Course

The flight dispatcher The pilot in command of that aircraf

t 0
position of an aircraft and Position of an aircraft in 4D position
pressure altitude. 0
300m (1000ft) 600m (2000ft)
75km (40NM), 75km (40NM),

check the fuel endurence; 1 and 2 are correct.
obtain an amended clearanc e accept an amended clearance.

Terminal area Control zone
Not be required. not be recorded

VN790 cleared straight – in VN790 cleared straight – in
Approach runway 25L Approach 0
At least 300m (1000 ft) above All the above
highest obstacle in plain area,
600 (2000 ft) above highest 0
obstacle in mountain area.

C series. none of above.

haze all of above.
Height pressure on runway surface
The traffic situation permits All of the above.
A visual approach All the above.
75m 90 m

Prior to aircraft’ entering the Prior to having the aircraft in sight.
traffic circuit 0
rain mist
42 days 56 days

42 days 56days
07 days 56 days
42 days 56 days
Aeronautical Information Aeronautical Information Rules and
Rules and Control Check 0
Cu-Cumulus St-Stratus
An aerodrome routine Weather An area forecast
forecast 0
An aerodrome special Weather An aerodrome amended Weather
report forecast 0
Lower Neither of the above
All are correct None is correct
Both of them None of them
Cloud 3__4/8, Ceiling 2000m Cloud 5__7/8, Ceiling 2000m
CHECK LIST and All of above.
Radio communication failure Filed flight plan and associated
message update message 0
Delay the flight DLH773 from None is correct
Departure message and arrival All of them
message 0
Request the aircraft itself to Send the aircraft back to the
communication aerodrome of departure.

Minister of National Defense Minister of Transport and

Ministry. Communication Ministry. 0
Hospital aircraft carrying Military aircraft carrying
patient requests landing ammunitions, equipment request
take-off 0
Where an aircraft within an None of the above.
aerodrome needs urgent from
an aircraft unit. 0
A RADAR system which uses A RADAR system which ATC uses
primary in for action from first to determine aircraft position in
aircraft and displays them on distance and azimuth. 0
the RADAR screen.
And apron flood lights. All of the above.

Aircraft pressure altitude All the above.

The time at which it is All the above
estimated that an arriving
aircraft will commence its
approach for landing 0

The vertical distance of a point The vertical distance of a point or an

or an object considered as a object considered as an point
point measured from the mean measure from the highest obstacle
sea level within a radius of 8 km from 0
estimated position of the aircraft.

The procedure to be The procedure to be followed if the

commenced by aircraft
decision height
approach can not continued. 0
15 minutes 10 minutes

Above FL200 Below FL 200
Air traffic control service, Air traffic control service, flight
aeronautical information service, alerting service.
telecommunication service and 0
aeronautical meteorological
Inform the adjacent ACC Inform approach control unit

Pedestrians All the above.

Give way to other aircraft and Clearance to and to taxi will be
continue circling given in due course 0
Distress phase Emergency phase

Decreases. Rises
Rises Increases
Rises Falls
Higher. Longer

An aerodrome special weather An aerodrome amended weather
report. report 0
A complete landing fore cast A self- contain landing forecast.
Take action, if necessary, to All of above
make it acceptable to the air
traffic services
60,30 60,60

PANPAN . All the above

An aerodrome warning An AIRMET information

TREND forecasts appended All wrong.
aerodrome forecast. 0
Change indicators; Surface Surface wind; Visibility; Weather
wind; Visibility; Weather phenomena
phenomena 0
33 Kt or less 31 Kt or more
20 km 40 km
AIC All the elements
take-off available take-off distance
12 hours 18 hours
Dissipating stage. All the above.
VAA, TCA and TAF AMD All are correct.
washer all the above
Have the RWY in sight Have both RWY and preceeding
ACFT in sight. 0
Within 01 miles of the upwind Actually leaving the runway
end of the runway 0
Both (1) and (2). None of the above

unlawful interference, unlawful interference; radio
emergency, radio
communication respectively
communication; emergency
one month not more than three month.
Pressure level in accordance All the above
with ICAO standards 0
at any level. in thunderstorms.
Aerodrome Obstacle Chart- Both (1) and(3).
Type C 0
Aerodrome Obstacle Chart- Standard Instrument Departure
Type C (SID) Chart 0
AD section of the AIP of the AD section of any AIP
country 0
An aircraft system which (1) and(3).
provides advice to the pilot of
potential conflicting aircraft
that are equipped with SSR 0
Flight level for flights at or Flight level used for en-route flight
above the lowest usable flight
level or altitude for flights
below the lowest usable flight 0

(1) or (2). (1) and(2)

better for ATC, because they (1) and (2)
release ATC from
responsibility to provide 0
separation between aircraft
equipped with ACAS
red flashed Steady red.

Flow control cancellation All the above

message. 0
Issue climb clearance to all Inform the ATC unit which shall
aircraft, whose flight level or receive control transfer of the
altitude may be crossed. emergency aircraft. 0
Flow Control Center Flow Control.

0815 0817

When he is over the airport. From the navigation aid serving his

It is believed that the fuel on It is believed that a forced landing
board is not enough to fly to has been made.
the destination safety.

Both centers None of them

(1) and (2). (1) or(2)

At or below flight level 290 (1) and (2)
CHANGE SQUAWK SQUAWK [(mode)] (code)
[(mode)] (code) 0
05 minutes prior to and after Until they are estimated to have
the time they are estimated to passed
have passed
When the en-route aircraft is When the en-route aircraft within 15
within 05 miles of the holding minutes of the holding areas.
areas. 0
All of the above. None of them

To make sure that the pilot can All the above.

land even he is encounters bad

15 minutes. 20 minutes.

10 minutes if navigation aids None of above.

permit frequent determination
of position and speed 0
Transmitted power; size Transmitted power; altitude and
altitude and material of material of aircraft 0
When the aircraft is 5 miles Immediately climb the controlled
apart turn the controlled
aircraft to the right.
aircraft. 0
Request the pilot to squawk Request the pilot’s intention.
Repeat the message to the Turn the aircraft to the reciprocal
pilot and ask him to read back heading.
the new heading 0
Instructed aircraft to change Mark position of identified aircraft
to APP frequency and take measure to provide non-
radar separation.
Turn observed, continue I have one-way contact with you,
visually will continue to control you
Tell all aircraft under hid Continue to control his traffic by
control to standby to ask the asking the resume own navigation
radio technician to take
immediate action to repair the 0

Radio Detecting and Ranging. Radio Detection and Ranging

1003 MHz. 1009 MHz.
Observing (by the accepting (2) and(3)
controller) to operate the SPI
1003 MHz. 1009 MHz.
There are radar position There is enough distance between
symbols when depicted on the identified aircraft.
radar display.
Between the edges of one blip Between the nearest edges of the
and the center of the other. blips. 0
Request the pilot to change Instruct the pilot to operate SPI
heading 30 degrees or more feature 0
Director of air traffic Services Director of Aviation Authority of
Center. his authorized body 0
Both centers. None of them.

From 145 MHz to 190 MHz. All frequencies higher than 190
MHz. 0
SCT All the above.
SCT. All the above.
Direct speech circuits All of the above.
FL 290: Flight level two FL 290; Flight level two nine
ninety. thousand feet. 0
Arrival of HVN 322 flight Arrival of HVN 322 flight from
from VVTS to VVDN at 03.59 VVNB to VVDN at 03.59 UTC.
UTC. 0
A point at a specified height All of above.
located vertically above the
intersection of the runway
center line the threshold and
through which the upward 0
extended straight portion of
the glide path passes.

As airborne VOR transceiver. None of them.

Two-way communication None of them.
between aeronautical station
and the aeronautical mobile
If feasible reduce to ONE Decrease your speed to ONE
Aircraft identification and Aircraft identification and type;
type; Departure point; Departure point and destination;
Estimated time over the Altitude; Any other necessary
transfer of control point; Flight information.

4,5m 3m

23m 25m

A designated area on an apron A designated area on an apron
intended to be used for moving intended to be used for taking off
an aircraft and landing an aircraft
That part of a movement area That part of an airport intended for
intended for the landing of
the taking off of aircraft 0
The elevation of the highest The elevation of the highest point of
point of the manoeuvring area the airport area 0
Both (1) and (2)

The beginning of that portion
of the runway usable for
landing and taking off
36m up to but not including 24m up to but not including 36m
52m 0
1200m up to but not including 1800m and over
1800m 0
45m 60m
18m 15m

40m 48.75m
40m 48.75m
48.75m 33.25m
48.75m 40m
7.5m 11.5m
7.5m 11.5m
7.5m 11.5m
7.5m 11.5m
75m 90m

Light thunderstorm with rain Thunderstorm with rain
When the following conditions When the following conditions
occur simultaneously at the occur simultaneously at the time of
time of observation: a) observation: a) no cloud below 1
visibility, 10 km or more; b) 500 m (5 000 ft) or below the
no cloud below 1 500 m (5 highest minimum sector altitude,
000 ft) or below the highest whichever is greater, and no
minimum sector altitude, cumulonimbus; b) no weather of 0
whichever is greater, and no significance to aviation
cumulonimbus; c) no weather
of significance to aviation

5 minutes 10 minutes

7.5 metres 10 metres
Hail Rain
a) is in the vicinity of the a) is at a prescribed point or level,
aerodrome, and; b) has landed, or b) has landed,

Stop Permission to cross landing area or

to move onto taxiway 0
An aerodrome to which an An aerodrome to which an aircraft
aircraft may proceed when it may proceed when it becomes either
becomes either possible or impossible or advisable to proceed
inadvisable to proceed to or to
land at the aerodrome of
to or to land at the aerodrome of
intended landing
intended landing

Specified information (1) and (2)

provided to air traffic services
units, relative to an intended
flight or portion of a flight of 0
an aircraft

The estimated time at which The estimated time required to

the aircraft will hold proceed from one significant point
movement associated with to another. 0
Movement of a Movement of a helicopter/VTOL
helicopter/VTOL above the above the surface of an aerodrome,
surface of an aerodrome, normally in ground effect and at a
normally in ground effect and
at a ground speed normally
ground speed normally less than 57
km/h (30 kt)
less than 28 km/h (15 kt)

1 or 2 1 and 2
1 or 2 1 and 2

An airspace of defined None of the above.
dimensions, above the land
areas or territorial waters of a

An airspace of defined An airspace of defined dimensions,

dimensions, above the land above the land areas or territorial
areas or territorial waters of a
State, within which the flight
waters of a State, within which the
flight of aircraft is allowed. 0
of aircraft is prohibited.

an urgency none above

an urgency none above
Continue,do not stop say again
A transmission from ground to A transmission from one station to
the air in circumstances where another station in circumstances
two-way communication where two-way communication
cannot be established but cannot be established .
where it is believed that the
called station is able to receive 0
the transmission.
The area control of Phu Quoc airport has Circle R=40km and center Circle R=30NM and center
lateral limit: is ARP is ARP
The airspace of Phu Quoc airport has upper From Ground/Water level From Ground/Waterlevel to
limit to FL100 altitude 3350m
The transition altitude is 2050m, caculated 3050m, caculated according
according to standard to QFE
atmosphere 1013.2 milibars
or 760mmHg

The transition level is FL100, caculated 3050m, caculated according

according to standard to QFE
atmosphere 1013.2 milibars
or 760mmHg

Four points of tranferation specified in LOA TIHAN, HOTUN, TIHAN, HOTUN, PADMA,
RNP not applied are
Position of TIHAN in comparision with On R-100, 30km from On R-101, 35km from PQU
Position of OSOTA in comparision with On R-035, 39km from On R-025, 41km from PQU
Position of HOTUN in comparision with On R-198, 35NM from On R-178, 35km from PQU
Minimum safe altitude on South East of Phu 1700m 1100m
Quoc airport compared to mean sea level
within 46km from ARP
Minimum safe altitude on South West of 1200m 1300m
Phu Quoc airport compared to mean sea
level within 46km from ARP
Minimum safe altitudefor inbound flights 5000ft 5000m
from TIHAN to PQU VOR is

Minimum safe altitudefor inbound flights 6000m 6000ft

from OSOTA to PQU VOR is
Width of the ATS route W8 in responsible 30km 20km
area of Phu Quoc TWR

Width of the ATS route M753 in 30km 20km

responsible area of Phu Quoc TWR

Two holding areas in the responsible area of Over 15.2NM/R101, Over TIHAN, PQU VOR
Phu Quoc TWR are OSOTA
Described the holding area over Inbound track 1010, Inbound track 2810,
15.2NM/R101 outbound time 1 minute, outbound time 1 minute, left-
left-hand partern, minimum hand partern, minimum
holding altitude 1050m holding altitude 1300m

Described the holding area over PQU VOR Inbound track 258, Inbound track 078, outbound
outbound time 1 minute, time 1 minute, right-hand
left-hand partern, minimum partern, minimum holding
holding altitude 1200m altitude 1050m.

Inbound flights will join holding area over Inbound track 2590, Inbound track 0790,
PQU VOR with outbound time 1 minute, outbound time 1 minute, left-
left-hand pattern, minimum hand pattern, minimum
holding altitude 1050m holding altitude 1200m
The distance from PQC to RACH GIA 127.4 km 130 km
Airport of ATS route W8 is
The distance from PQC to TSN is 300 km 330 km

The distance from PQC to VCA is 185 km 205 NM

Everyday, security unit is responsible for 24 minutes before flight 12 hoursbefore flight
checking the RWY and maneuvering area operation occurred operation occurred
Technical equipments support flight 24h. 12h
operations shall be operated

Maximum tailwind used for landing and 10kts. 15kts.

takeoff at Phu Quoc airport .

Maximum crosswind used for ATR72 30kts 15kts

aircraft landing and take off at Phu Quoc

Maximum crosswind used for A310-A320 33kts ( Gust 38kts). 15kts

aircraft landing at Phu Quoc airport
Maximum crosswind used for A310-A320 20kts. 25kts.
aircraft take off at Phu Quoc airport
Maximum tailwind limitation used for 10kts. 15kts.
landing of Jetstar pacific airlines
Minimum standard of visibility used for 2000ft. 200m
departure RWY 28:

Minimum standard of visibility used for 2000ft. 200m

departure RWY 10:

During the time existing flight operations, Security unit Ground control unit
all vehicles and employees moving on
movement area must obey the instruction of
The speed of vehicles in the limited area 20 m/s 20 km/h
( 7.5m apart from aircraft) will not exceed,
except in the urgent cases
The speed of vehicles in Apron will not 35 km/h 35 m/s
The speed of vehicles in TWY will not 35 km/h 35 NM/h

The operator of all vehicles must stop and 50m 100m, may not be in front of
keep away from aircraft taxiing at least aircrafts or effect the
movement of aircrafts
In straight in approach procedure RWY 28, 3500ft 4000ft
the minimum at IAF1 must be
Transfer of control should be coordinated 20 minutes before the time 10 minutes before the time at
between HCM ACC and PQC TWR at least at which aircraft is which aircraft is estimated to
estimated to overthe point overthe point of transfer
of transfer
A revision of ETA will be inform to PQC 3 minutes 1 minutes
TWR whenever it differs from that
previously transmitted by
Radio communication between HCM ACC At least 30 days. At least 3 months
and PQC TWR must be recorded and stored:

Frequency of LZZ ILS RWY 28: 108.1 108.7

Frequency of GP ILS RWY 28: 330.5 330.1


Frequency of LZZ ILS RWY 10: 108.2 108.7


Frequency of GP ILS RWY 10 334.5 334.4

Position of DVOR/PQU: 2500m from threshold 4000m from threshold RWY

RWY 28. 28
What is the initial name of DVOR/DME at PQC PQ
Phu QuocAirport ?
The time operation of DVOR/DME PQU? 6PM - 6AM the next day 6AM – 12PM

The wing bar of a PAPI shall be constructed All 4 units as red 2 units nearest to the RWY as
and arranged in such a manner that,a pilot red and 2 units farther from
making an approach and being above the the RWY as white
app slope will see:

The navigation aids at PQC aerodrome are: NDB, DVOR/DME NDB, VOR/DME

The channel DME at PQU is CH 77 X CH 67X

The transmited power capacity of DVOR 100 W 150 W

PQU is

The transmited power capacity of 1000W 900W

Phu Quoc TWR coordinates with HCM 120.5 Mhz. 120.7 Mhz.
ACC, monitor flight operations on
Radio frequency of Phu Quoc TWR 118.7 Mhz. 120.1 Mhz.

Radio frequency of walkie-talkie used to 118.7Mhz 118.4Mhz

control on-ground activities
Primary frequency of sector 3 HCM ACC 120.9MHz 118.7MHz


When cannot contact through hot line with 633841021 633841012

ACC HCM, PQC TWR can use postal
Point to point communication facilities ( use VSAT, AFTN. VHF.
to contact with HCM ACC and AMSC of
Tan Son Nhat airport):
The AFTN address of ARO at Phu Quoc VVPQZTZX VVPQZTZX
The AFTN address of MET at Phu Quoc VVPQYMYX VVPQZTZX

PQC TWR request ATC clearance from TSN TWR TSN APP

The highest obstacle in the vicinity of Phu 550m on bearing 009 from 369m on bearing 056 from
Quoc airport (Circle R=30Km, center is the ARP the ARP
ARP ) is
The highest obstacle in the vicinity of Phu 400m on bearing 201 from 265m on bearing 100 from
Quoc airport (Circle R=10Km, center is the ARP the ARP
ARP ) is
Obstacle which offend the inner horizontal High voltage antenna on High voltage antenna on
surface bearing 167 from the ARP bearing 079 from the ARP
Language used for controlling flight Vietnamese. English.
Type of traffic permitted at Phu Quoc VFR IFR.
Phu Quoc tower provides: Ground control service, Flight information service.
tower control service,
approach control service.
Phu Quoc tower is responsible for providing Civil and general aviation Military transportation flights
air traffic services for: flights. (if permitted).

Type of separation in holding area: Vertical separation, 300m. Vertical separation, 300ft.

Transfer control points specified in LOA TIHAN OSOTA

between ACC and PQC TWR
Transfer control level specified in LOA Inbound flights at FL110 Inbound flights at FL110 and
between ACC and PQC TWR and outbound flights at outbound flights at FL100
Minimum vertical seperation applied at Phu 300ft 600ft
The minimum outbound time on holding 1 minute 30 seconds
The lowest altitude on holding area over 1050m 1200m
The lowest altitude on holding area over 1050m 1100m
IAF1 is
Tower controllers are not allowed to: arrange flights holding at arrange flights holding at
transition altitude or transition altitude.
transition level at the same
The meteorological services at Phu Quoc Aerodrome meteorological Aerodrome meteorological
airport is provided by: office at Phu Quoc office at Phu Quoc and
Aerodrome meteorological
office at Tan Son Nhat

The meteorological division at Phu Quoc 24/24. 12/24.

airport operates:
The rainy season at Phu Quoc airport Starts from November to Starts from November to the
normally: the next April next May.
The dry season at Phu Quoc airport Starts from November to Starts from November to the
normally: the next April. next May.
Some weather phenomenons in rainy season CB cloud. SHRA, TSRA.
The prevailing wind direction in rainy West. East.
The prevailing wind direction in dry season: East and North East South.

METAR shall be made at intervals of… 30 minutes 60 minutes

Period of validity of TAF for Phu Quoc 6 hours. 4 hours.

TAF shall be updated 4 times a day. 5 times a day.

METAR is provided for arriving flight in 1 hours 2 hours

prior to ETD of that arriving flight at least…
What does the abbreviation “NOSIG” mean? No report received. No signigicant changes.

Weather at Phu Quoc airport is mainly Tropical monsoon climates. Polar climates.
affected by:
Fire fighting servies at Phu Quoc airport 24/24 12/24.
Fire fighting facilities at Phu Quoc airport At least 1 minute before At least 1 hours before the
must be checked: the 1st flight of day. 1st flight of day.
Technical periodic maintenance (fire Every 6 days. Every 6 hours.
fighting equipments) shall be performed:
Category for fire fighting of Phu Quoc CAT 9. CAT 9A.
Rescue and fire fighting facilities at Phu 1 fire fighting truck, 1 1 boat, 2 fire fighting trucks,
Quoc airport includes: ambulance and other 1 ambulance and other
necessary tools necessary tools.
When received SOS signal, tower controllers Inform to airport Confirm position and
shall authorities situation of aircraft in order
to coordinate with relative
units (HCM ACC, SAR unit).

In case of fuel dumping, tower controllers Altitude and area that Time of fuel dumping.
shall have information about cabin crew required to
perform fuel dumping.
In case of emergency landing, tower Ask about the situation on Inform cabin crew about
controllers shall board and cabin crew’s weather information,
intention. approach procedure and
perform reaction suitable
with cabin crew’s
When have information about failure of Inform pilot and airport Inform the technical crew to
VOR/DME , tower controllers shall authorities about this use stand-by equipments and
situation. perform reactions
PQC TWR will inform immediately to HCM 5 minutes after the time a 3 minutes after the time a
ACC if radio communication can not be communication should communication should have
established with inbound flights have been received been received
Transfer of control should be coordinated 20 minutes before the time 10 minutes before the time at
between HCM ACC and PQC TWR at least at which aircraft is which aircraft is estimated to
estimated to overthe point overthe point of transfer
of transfer
A revision of ETA will be inform to PQC 3 minutes 1 minutes
TWR whenever it differs from that
previously transmitted by
Radio communication between HCM ACC At least 30 days At least 3 months.
and PQC TWR must be recorded and stored:
The alternate departure airports are VVCT VVTS

The ICAO/IATA designator of Phu Quoc VVPQ/PQC VVPQ/PQU

airport is
Phu Quoc airport operates at 24h Daytime

The approach and runway lighting of RWY Simple approach light RWY threshold lights, RWY
10/28 includes system for RWY28, edge lights, RWY center
approach light system CAT lights, RWY end lights,
I for RWY10, PAPI, THR PAPI lights, precision
light. approach lighting systems
CAT 1 for RWY 10, 28

The classification of Phu Quoc airport : 4A 3B

The magnetic variation of RWY 10/28: 00 21W 00 25W

The RWY in use of Phu Quoc airport is 10-28. 09-27.

Where is the ARP of Phu Quoc airport At the intersection of RWY At the intersection of RWY
10/28 with S5 10/28 with S1.
Phu Quoc airport has 5 aprons 6 aprons

The apron has 20 parkings. 5 parkings.

The RWY dimension of PQ Airport is: 3000m x 45m 2500m x 45m

The TORA of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The TODA of RWY 10 of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The TODA of RWY 28 of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The LDA of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The ASDA of RWY 10 of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The ASDA of RWY 28 of PQ Airport is: 3000m 3120m

The CWY dimension of RWY 28 of PQ 150m x140m 140m x 150m

Airport is:
The CWY dimension of RWY 10 of PQ 150m x 140m 140m x 150m
Airport is:
How many TWYs does PQ Airport have? 6 7

The length of TWY S1 is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY S2 is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY S5 is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY S8 is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY S9 is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY S is: 219m 229m

The length of TWY A2 is: 219m 229m

The length and width of PQ apron is: 390m x 86m 386m x 90m

How many parkings does the PQ Airport 8 9

have? (include flexible parkings)
What is the geographic bearing of the RWY 096 - 276 . 097 - 277
of PQ Airport?
The SWY of the RWY 10 of PQ Airport is: 300m x 300m 140m x 150m

The classification of the RWY of PQ Airport PCN 75 / F / C / X / T PCN 75 / R / B / W / T

The distance from holding point on TWY S5 90m 100m
to the center line of the RWY is:
The distance from holding point on TWY S1 90m 100m
to the center line of the RWY is:
The distance from holding point on TWY S9 90m 100m
to the center line of the RWY is:
The length of the RWY edge is: 3000m x 15m each side 3000m x 75m each side

The width of the TWY edge is: 6.5m each side 7.5m each side

The length and width of RWY STRIP of PQ 3000m x 140m 3000m x 300m
Airport is:
The horizontal slope of the RWY of PQ 1% 1,1%
Airport is:
The longitudinal slope of the RWY of PQ 1% 1,1%
Airport is:
PQ Aerodrome category for fire fighting is: CAT 9 . CAT 6

The elevation of the RWY of PQ Airport 4m 5m

(MSL) is:
The elevation of the RWY 10 of PQ Airport 4m 5m
(MSL) is:
The elevation of the RWY 28 of PQ Airport 4m 5m
(MSL) is:
The elevation of the apron of PQ Airport 10.45m 10m
(MSL) is:
Taxiway lights of Phu Quoc airport are: TWY edge lights. Stopbar lights, signal board
light, TWY edge lights.
Circle R=15km and center is Circle R=50km and center is
From Ground/Waterlevel to From Ground/Waterlevel to
altitude 2350m altitude (include) 2590m 0
3050m, caculated according to 2750m, caculated according
standard atmosphere 1013.2 to QNH
milibars or 760mmHg. 0
FL110, caculated according to All of above.
On R-101, 30km from PQU On R-091, 35km from PQU.
On R-030, 50km from PQU On R-035, 30km from PQU
On R-188, 39NM from PQU. On R-178, 39km from PQU
1200m 1050m
1050m 1150m
4000m 4000ft
5000m 5000ft
20NM 30NM
40km 45km
Over 15.2NM/R101, OSOTA Over 15.2NM/R101, PQU
Inbound track 2810, outbound Inbound track 1010,
time 1 minute, right-hand outbound time 1 minute,
partern, minimum holding right-hand partern, minimum 0
altitude 1200m. holding altitude 1050m.

Inbound track 078, outbound Inbound track 259, outbound

time 1 minute, right-hand time 1 minute, left hand
partern, minimum holding partern, minimum holding 0
altitude 1050m altitude 1050m

Inbound track 2590, outbound Inbound track 2590, outbound

time 1 minute, right-hand time 2 minute, right-hand
pattern, minimum holding pattern, minimum holding 0
altitude 1050m altitude 2500m
117 km 137 km
400 km 220 NM
175 NM 195 km
24 hours before flight Before flight operation
operation occurred occurred 0
6h 3h
20kts. 25kts
10kts 35kts.

25kts 20kts
15kts. 29kts ( Gust 38kts).
10km/h 15km/h
20NM 1100m
20NM 1000m 1400m
Tower control unit The visual sign on apron
TWY and RWY 0
5 km/h 25 km/h
15 km/h 15 NM/h
20 m/h 10 km/h
200m in front of aircraft, may d. 300m
not stop in front of aircrafts or
effect the movement of
4500ft 500ft
5 minutes before the time at 2 minutes before the time at
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
30 seconds 30 minutes
At least 3 days No required
108.8 108.9
. 330.7 330.6
108.1 108.9
334.7 334.6
3700m from threshold of 3500m from threshold of
RWY28. RWY 28. 0
PQU None of them
12/24 24/24
1 unit nearest to the RWY as 2 units nearest to the RWY as
red and 3 units farthest from white and 2 units farther from
the RWY as white and when the RWY as red
further above the app slope see 0
all 4 units as white


CH 68 X CH 80 X
200 W 1000 W
950W 1100W
120.1 Mhz. 121.5 Mhz.
118.6 Mhz. 120.9 Mhz.
146.025Mhz 158.850Mhz
120.1MHz 118.4MHz
633841841 2838441153
No support. VSAT only.
459m on bearing 068 from the 600m on bearing 057 from
ARP the ARP 0
335m on bearing 051 from the 367m on bearing 228 from
ARP the ARP 0
Rocky mountain on bearing All of above.
056 from the ARP 0
French, Vietnamese (if English, Vietnamese (if
required). required). 0
VFR and IFR. Military operations.
Alerting service. All of above.
Facilities support flight All of above.
operations on the maneuvering
Vertical separation, 1000m. No standard of separation.
HOTUN All of above
Inbound flights at 9000ft and Inbound flights at FL130 and
outbound flights at 8000ft outbound flights at FL120 0
10000ft 300m
3 minutes 1 hours
1100m 1150m
1150m 1200m
arrange flights holding at arrange flights holding at
transition level. transition altitude and
transition level at the same
Phu Quoc tower none of above

6 hours a day. 3 hours a day
Starts from May to the next Starts from October to the
October. next April 0
Starts from May to the next Starts from October to the
October next April. 0
Gust. All of above.
South West West and South West.
North South. North East.
45minutes 15 minutes
6 minutes 30 minutes
3 times a day. 6 times a day.
30 minutes none of above
Bad weather. No significant clouds.
Dry climates. All of above.
6 hours a day Only at night.
At least 1 day before the 1st At least 30 minutes before the
flight of day 1st flight of day. 0
Every 6 months. Every 6 years.
CAT 6. CAT 8.
2 fire fighting trucks, 1 2 fire fighting trucks, 2
ambulance and other necessary ambulances and other
tools necessary tools.
Perform reactions; require all of above
other aircrafts to monitor if
possible. 0
Weather condition at the fuel All of above.
dumping area 0
Inform airport authorities, All of above.
relative departments and other
aircrafts in the vicinity of
aerodrome 0

Discuss with pilot to get final All of above

decision (continue landing or
divert to alternate aerodrome).
2 minutes after the time a 30 minutes after the time a
communication should have
been received
communication should have
been received
5 minutes before the time at 2 minutes before the time at
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
30 seconds 30 minutes
At least 3 days. No required.
VVRG All of above
On request Nighttime
Simple approach light system Simple approach light system
for RWY28, approach light for RWY28, approach light
system CAT I for RWY10, system CAT I for RWY10,
PAPI, THR light, RWY edge, PAPI, THR light, RWY edge.
TWY edge, SFL for RWY10, 0
RTIL for RWY 28 and rotating

4E 3D
010 W 020 W
07-25. 25-07.
At the intersection of RWY At threshold of RWY 10.
10/28 with C2. 0
2 aprons 1 apron
4 parkings. 3 parkings.
3000m x 40m 2500m x 40m
3140m 3300m
3140m 3300m
3140m 3300m
3140m 3300m
3140m 3300m
3140m 3300m
150m x 300m 300m x 150m
150m x 300m 300m x 150m
11 9
190m 271m
190m 271m
49.5m 271m
190m 271m
190m 271m
2875m 271m
190m 246m
683m x 90m 690m x 93m
20 11
101 - 281 100 - 280
300m x 150m All are incorrect
PCN 62 / F / C / X / T PCN 62 / R / B / W / T
110m 120m
110m 120m
110m 120m
3000m x 7.5m each side 3000m x 45m each side
8.5m each side 9.5m each side
3120m x 140m 3210m x 300m
0.10% 1.01%
0,1% 1,01%
6m 7m
6m 7m
6m 7m
7m 4m
Signal board light, TWY edge Stopbar lights, TWY edge
lights. lights. 0
The area control of Phu Quoc airport has lateral ###Circle R=40km and center Circle R=30NM and center
limit: is ARP is ARP
The airspace of Phu Quoc airport has upper limit ###From Ground/Water level From Ground/Waterlevel to
to FL100 altitude 3350m
The transition altitude is ###2050m, caculated 3050m, caculated according
according to standard to QFE
atmosphere 1013.2 milibars
or 760mmHg

The transition level is ###FL100, caculated 3050m, caculated according

according to standard to QFE
atmosphere 1013.2 milibars
or 760mmHg

Four points of tranferation specified in LOA ###

not applied are

Position of TIHAN in comparision with PQU ###

On R-100, 30km from On R-101, 35km from PQU
Position of OSOTA in comparision with PQU ###
On R-035, 39km from On R-025, 41km from PQU
Position of HOTUN in comparision with PQU ### On R-198, 35NM from On R-178, 35km from PQU
Minimum safe altitude on South East of Phu Quoc###
1700m 1100m
airport compared to mean sea level within 46km
from ARP

Minimum safe altitude on South West of Phu ###

1200m 1300m
Quoc airport compared to mean sea level within
46km from ARP

Minimum safe altitudefor inbound flights from ###

5000ft 5000m

Minimum safe altitudefor inbound flights from ###

6000m 6000ft

Width of the ATS route W8 in responsible area of###

30km 20km
Phu Quoc TWR

Width of the ATS route M753 in responsible area###

30km 20km
of Phu Quoc TWR

Two holding areas in the responsible area of Phu ###Over 15.2NM/R101, Over TIHAN, PQU VOR
Quoc TWR are OSOTA
Described the holding area over 15.2NM/R101 ###Inbound track 1010, Inbound track 2810,
outbound time 1 minute, outbound time 1 minute, left-
left-hand partern, minimum hand partern, minimum
holding altitude 1050m holding altitude 1300m

Described the holding area over PQU VOR ###Inbound track 258, Inbound track 078, outbound
outbound time 1 minute, time 1 minute, right-hand
left-hand partern, minimum partern, minimum holding
holding altitude 1200m altitude 1050m.

Inbound flights will join holding area over PQU ###

Inbound track 2590, Inbound track 0790,
VOR with outbound time 1 minute, outbound time 1 minute, left-
left-hand pattern, minimum hand pattern, minimum
holding altitude 1050m holding altitude 1200m

The distance from PQC to RACH GIA Airport of###127.4 km 130 km

ATS route W8 is
The distance from PQC to TSN is ###300 km 330 km

The distance from PQC to VCA is ###

185 km 205 NM

Everyday, security unit is responsible for checking###

24 minutes before flight 12 hoursbefore flight
the RWY and maneuvering area operation occurred operation occurred

Technical equipments support flight operations ###24h. 12h

shall be operated

Maximum tailwind used for landing and takeoff at###

10kts. 15kts.
Phu Quoc airport .

Maximum crosswind used for ATR72 aircraft ###

30kts 15kts
landing and take off at Phu Quoc airport

Maximum crosswind used for A310-A320 aircraft###33kts ( Gust 38kts). 15kts

landing at Phu Quoc airport
Maximum crosswind used for A310-A320 aircraft###
20kts. 25kts.
take off at Phu Quoc airport
Maximum tailwind limitation used for landing of ###
10kts. 15kts.
Jetstar pacific airlines
Minimum standard of visibility used for departure###2000ft. 200m
RWY 28:

Minimum standard of visibility used for departure###2000ft. 200m

RWY 10:
Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###300m 5000m
A , B aircarft using VOR/DME approach
procedure RWY28

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###300m 2000m

A , B aircarft using VOR/DME approach
procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT ###

500m 405m
A,B,C,D aircraft using VOR/DME approach
procedure RWY28

Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT ###

500m 230m
A,B,C ,D aircraft using VOR/DME approach
procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###1600m 1500m

A,B aircraft using ILS approach procedure
Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###1600m 1500m
A,B aircraft using ILS approach procedure
Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT C,###
1200m 1100m
D aircraft using ILS approach procedure RWY28

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT C,###

1200m 1400m
D aircraft using ILS approach procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT C ###3600m 3400m

aircraft using RNP(LNAV) X,Y,Z approach
procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT C ###3600m 3400m

aircraft using VOR approach procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###3600m 3400m

A,B aircraft using RNP(LNAV) X,Y,Z approach
procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT A, B###240m 250m

aircraft using VOR approach procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###4600m 3400m

A,B,C,D aircraft using RNP(LNAV) X,Y,Z
approach procedure RWY28
Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT ###315m 220m
A,B,C,D aircraft using RNP(LNAV) X,Y,Z
approach procedure RWY28

Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT ###315m 220m

A,B,C,D aircraft using RNP(LNAV) X,Y,Z
approach procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of ceiling applied toCAT C ###

230m 240m
aircraft using VOR approach procedure RWY10

Minimum standard of ceiling applied toCAT C ###

405m 240m
aircraft using VOR approach procedure RWY28

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT D###

4000m 5000m
aircraft using VOR/DMEapproach
Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT A,B### 110m 200m
aircraft using ILSapproach procedureRWY28
Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT A,B###
300m 200m
aircraft using ILSapproach procedureRWY10
Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT C,D###
110m 200m
aircraft using ILSapproach procedureRWY28
Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT C ###204m 206m
aircraft using ILS approach procedureRWY10

The speed of vehicles in the limited area ( 7.5m ###20 m/s 20 km/h
apart from aircraft) will not exceed, except in the
urgent cases

The speed of vehicles in Apron will not exceed ###

35 km/h 35 m/s

The speed of vehicles in TWY will not exceed ###

35 km/h 35 NM/h

The operator of all vehicles must stop and keep ###

50m 100m, may not be in front of
away from aircraft taxiing at least aircrafts or effect the
movement of aircrafts

In straight in approach procedure RWY 28, the ###

3500ft 4000ft
minimum at IAF1 must be
Transfer of control should be coordinated between###
20 minutes before the time 10 minutes before the time at
HCM ACC and PQC TWR at least at which aircraft is which aircraft is estimated to
estimated to overthe point overthe point of transfer
of transfer
A revision of ETA will be inform to PQC TWR ###
3 minutes 1 minutes
whenever it differs from that previously
transmitted by
Radio communication between HCM ACC and ###At least 30 days. At least 3 months
PQC TWR must be recorded and stored:
According to STAR OSOT1A with RWY 10, ###
Proceed to PQU/VOR on at 1850m or above, fly on
inbound flights over OSOTA track 025o, descend to track 210 degree (PQU R-
altitude 1050m at IAF PQU 030), descend to 1050m at
DVOR/DME, can use one PQU. Expect one of
of following procedures: following procedures: VOR,
VOR, ILS 10. ILS10

According to STAR NUMDI1A with RWY 10, ###at 2450m or above, fly on . Proceed to PQU/VOR on
inbound flights over NUMDI track 137 degree (PQU R- track 317o, descend to
317) to PQU, descend to altitude 1200m at IAF PQU
1050m at PQU. Expect one DVOR/DME, can use one of
of following procedures: following procedures: VOR,
VOR, ILS10 ILS 10.

In straight in approach procedure RWY 28, the ###

3500ft 4000ft
minimum at IAF1 must be
Descibe a correct SID OSOTA1A: ###
After take-off, maitain After take-off, maitain RWY
RWY HDG until reaching HDG until reaching 800m,
600m, turn left to PQU at turn right to PQU at 1200m
1200m or above, then or above, then intercept R-
intercept R-030 PQU to 035 PQU to OSOTA ,
OSOTA , reaching at or reaching at or above 1600m
above 1800m at OSOTA. at OSOTA.

Descibe a correct SID NUMDI1A: ###

After take-off, maitain After take-off, maitain RWY
RWY HDG until reaching HDG until reaching 600m,
600m, turn left to PQU at turn right to PQU at 1200m
1200m or above, then turn or above, then turn left to
left to intercept R-318 PQU intercept R-317 PQU to

According to STAR OSOTA1A with 28, inbound ###

Proceed to PQU/VOR on at 1850m or above, fly on
flights over OSOTA track 025o, descend to track 210 degree (PQU R-
altitude 1050m at IAF PQU 030), descend to 1050m at
DVOR/DME, can use one PQU. Expect one of
of following procedures: following procedures: VOR,
VOR, ILS 28. ILS28

According to STAR NUMDI1A with RWY 28, ###

Proceed to PQU/VOR on Proceed to PQU/VOR on
inbound flights over NUMDI track 217o, descend to track 317o, descend to
altitude 1050m at IAF PQU altitude 1200m at IAF PQU
DVOR/DME, can use one DVOR/DME, can use one of
of following following procedures: VOR,
procedures:VOR, ILS 28. ILS 28.

Descibe a correct SID TIHAN1B: ###

After take-off, maitain After take-off, maitain RWY
RWY HDG passing PQU, HDG passing PQU, intercept
intercept R-101 PQU to R-030 PQU to TIHAN
Descibe a correct SID OSOTA1B: ###
After take-off, maitain After take-off, maitain RWY
RWY HDG until reaching HDG until reaching 800m,
600m, turn left on track turn right to PQU at 1200m
360o to , intercept R-030 or above, then intercept R-
PQU to OSOTA , reaching 035 PQU to OSOTA ,
at or above 1800m at reaching at or above 1600m
Descibe a correct SID NUMDI1B: ###
After take-off, maitain After take-off, maitain RWY
RWY HDG until reaching HDG until reaching 600m,
600m, turn left to PQU at turn right to PQU at 1200m
1200m or above, then turn or above, then intercept R-
left to intercept R-318 PQU 317 PQU to NUMDI, at
to NUMDI. NUMDI 2450m or above

Minimum altitude hold over PQU : ###

1000m 1050m

Minimum altitude holding at IAF1 ILS RWY 28: ###

1000m 1050m

Missed approach ILS RWY 28: ###

Maintain final approach Maintain final approach track
track climb to 1050m, climb to 1200m, passing
passing 600m turn left to 600m turn right to PQU to
PQU to join holding pattern join holding pattern or follow
or follow ATC instruction. ATC instruction.

Minimum standard of ceiling applied to CAT C,D###

315m 115m
aircraft using ILS Z,Y,X approach procedure
RWY 28

Minimum standard of visibility applied to CAT ###

1600m 1400m
A,B C, D aircraft using ILS Z,Y,X approach
procedure RWY 28

According to STAR ADBOP1B with RWY28, ###

at FL135 or above, fly on at FL135 or above, fly on
inbound flights from ADBOP track 358 degree, (PQU R- track 358 degree, (PQU R-
178) to HOTUN ( IAF4) , 178) to HOTUN ( IAF4) ,
descend to FL100 at IAF4. descend to 6000ft at IAF4.
Expect one of following Expect one of following
procedures:VOR, ILS 28. procedures:VOR, ILS 28.

Descibe a correct SID NORTI1A ###

After take-off, fly on track After take-off, fly on track
096 degree passing PQ101 090 degree passing PQ101 to
to NORTI at 1500m or NORTI at 1600m or above,
above, then follow TUNPO then follow TUNPO 1B
1B transition to TUNPO transition to TUNPO

Descibe a correct SID OSOTA 1D ###

After take-off, fly on track After take-off, fly on track
096 degree left on track 096 degree left on track 017
017 passing PQ103 to passing PQ103 to PQ105 at
PQ105 at 2450m or above, FL100 or above, continue
continue track 017 to track 017 to OSOTA
Describe a correct SID OSOTA 1C for RWY28 ? ###
After take-off, fly on track After take-off, fly on track
276 degree to PQ281, turn 276 degree to PQ281, turn
right on track 006 degree to left on track 006 degree to
PQ283, turn right on track PQ283, turn left on track 056
056 and reaching 1850m at and reaching 2450m at
PQ285, continue on track PQ285, continue on track
reaching 2450m or above at reaching 2450m or above at
PQ287 and continue to PQ287 and continue to

Describe a correct SID TRUMI 2A for RWY28 ###

After take-off, fly on track After take-off, fly on track
276° to PQ281, turn left on 276° to PQ281, turn left on
track 186° to PQ282 track 186° to PQ282 reaching
reaching 1500m or above, 1850m or above, then turn
then turn left on track 096° left on track 096° to PQ284
to PQ284 reaching 2450m reaching 2450m or above,
or above, continue track continue track 096° to
096° to TRUMI reaching TRUMI reaching FL110 or
FL110 or above above

Describe a correct STAR OSOTA 1E for RWY28###

From OSOTA at 1850m - From OSOTA at 2450m, fly
2150m, fly on track 195° to on track 195° to PQ328
PQ328 (IAF2), descend to (IAF2), descend to 1500m at
1500m at PQ328. Expect PQ328. Expect one of
one of following following procedures: ILS Z
procedures: ILS Z or RNP or RNP Z approach RWY28.
Z approach RWY28.

Describe a correct STAR TIHAN 1C for RWY28 ###

From TUNPO at FL100 or From TUNPO at FL120 or
below, follow TUNPO 1D below, follow TUNPO 1D
transition to TIHAN at transition to TIHAN at
1500m or above, fly on 1500m or above, fly on track
track 285° to PQ228 285° to PQ228 (IAF1)
(IAF1) descend to 1200m descend to 1200m at PQ228.
at PQ228. Expect one of Expect one of following
following procedures: ILS procedures: ILS Z or RNP Z
Z or RNP Z approach approach RWY28.

Describe a correct STAR OSOTA 1F for RWY10 ###

From OSOTA at 1850m - From OSOTA at 2450m, fly
2150m, fly on track 241° to on track 241° to PQ310
PQ310 (IAF2), descend to (IAF2), descend to 1500m at
1500m at PQ310, expect PQ310, expect one of
one of following following procedures ILZ Z
procedures ILZ Z or RNP Z or RNP Z RWY10.
Describe a correct STAR TRUMI 1B for RWY10 ###
From TUNPO, follow From TUNPO, follow
TUNPO 1C Transition to TUNPO 1C Transition to
TRUMI, from TRUMI fly TRUMI, from TRUMI fly on
on track 276° to PQ410 at track 276° to PQ410 at 2750
2450m or above, descend m or above, descend to
to 1500m at PQ210, expect 1500m at PQ210, expect one
one of following of following procedures ILZ
procedures ILZ Z or RNP Z Z or RNP Z RWY10.
Circle R=15km and center is Circle R=50km and center is
From Ground/Waterlevel to From Ground/Waterlevel to
altitude 2350m altitude (include) 2590m 0
3050m, caculated according to 2750m, caculated according
standard atmosphere 1013.2 to QNH
milibars or 760mmHg. 0
FL110, caculated according to All of above.
On R-101, 30km from PQU On R-091, 35km from PQU.
On R-030, 50km from PQU On R-035, 30km from PQU
On R-188, 39NM from PQU. On R-178, 39km from PQU
1200m 1050m

1050m 1150m

4000m 4000ft
5000m 5000ft

20NM 30NM
40km 45km
Over 15.2NM/R101, OSOTA Over 15.2NM/R101, PQU
Inbound track 2810, outbound Inbound track 1010,
time 1 minute, right-hand outbound time 1 minute,
partern, minimum holding right-hand partern, minimum 0
altitude 1200m. holding altitude 1050m.

Inbound track 078, outbound Inbound track 259, outbound

time 1 minute, right-hand time 1 minute, left hand
partern, minimum holding partern, minimum holding 0
altitude 1050m altitude 1050m

Inbound track 2590, outbound Inbound track 2590, outbound

time 1 minute, right-hand time 2 minute, right-hand
pattern, minimum holding pattern, minimum holding 0
altitude 1050m altitude 2500m

117 km 137 km
400 km 220 NM
175 NM 195 km
24 hours before flight Before flight operation
operation occurred occurred 0
6h 3h
20kts. 25kts
10kts 35kts.

25kts 20kts
15kts. 29kts ( Gust 38kts).
10km/h 15km/h
20NM 1100m
20NM 1000m 1400m
4000m 4500m

4000m 2500m

700m 400m

700m 400m

1100m 1700m
1400m 1700m
1300m 1600m
1300m 1600m
2500m 2800m

2500m 2800m
2500m 2000m

270m 230m
2500m 2000m

240m 310m

240m 310m

250m 280m
250m 420m
3000m 2800m
270m 115m
270m 280m
270m 115m
205m 207m
5 km/h 25 km/h

15 km/h 15 NM/h
20 m/h 10 km/h
200m in front of aircraft, may d. 300m
not stop in front of aircrafts or
effect the movement of
4500ft 500ft
5 minutes before the time at 2 minutes before the time at
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
which aircraft is estimated to
overthe point of transfer
30 seconds 30 minutes
At least 3 days No required
Proceed to PQU/VOR on track Proceed to PQU/VOR on
030o, descend to altitude 1200 track 035o, descend to
m at IAF PQU DVOR/DME, altitude 1050m at IAF PQU
can use one of following
procedures: VOR, ILS 10.
DVOR/DME, can use one of
following procedures:VOR,
ILS 10.

Proceed to PQU/VOR on track Proceed to PQU/VOR on

317o, descend to altitude track 317o, descend to
1100m at IAF PQU altitude 1050m at IAF PQU
DVOR/DME, can use one of
following procedures:VOR,
DVOR/DME, can use one of
following procedures: VOR,
ILS 10 ILS 10.

4500ft 5000ft
After take-off, maitain RWY After take-off, maitain RWY
HDG until reaching 600m, turn HDG until reaching 600m,
right to PQU at 1400m or turn left to PQU at 1400m or
above, then intercept R-030 above, then intercept R-035
PQU to OSOTA , reaching at PQU to OSOTA , reaching at 0
or above 1800m at OSOTA. or above 1800m at OSOTA.

After take-off, maitain RWY After take-off, maitain RWY

HDG until reaching 600m, turn HDG until reaching 600m,
left to PQU at 1200m or above, turn right to PQU at 1200m or
then turn left to intercept R-
317 PQU to NUMDI, at
above, then turn left to
intercept R-318 PQU to
NUMDI 2450m or above NUMDI.

Proceed to PQU/VOR on track Proceed to PQU/VOR on

030o, descend to altitude 1200 track 035o, descend to
m at IAF PQU DVOR/DME, altitude 1050m at IAF PQU
can use one of following
procedures: VOR, ILS 28.
DVOR/DME, can use one of
following procedures:VOR,
ILS 28.

Proceed to PQU/VOR on track at 2450m or above, fly on

317o, descend to altitude track 137 degree (PQU R-
1100m at IAF PQU 317) to PQU, descend to
DVOR/DME, can use one of
following procedures:VOR,
1050m at PQU. Expect one of
following procedures: VOR,
ILS 28. ILS10

After take-off, maitain RWY After take-off, maitain RWY

HDG passing PQU, intercept HDG passing PQU, intercept
R-178 PQU to TIHAN R-317 PQU to TIHAN 0
After take-off, maitain RWY After take-off, maitain RWY
HDG until reaching 600m, turn HDG until reaching 600m,
right to PQU at 1400m or turn left to PQU at 1400m or
above, then intercept R-030
PQU to OSOTA , reaching at
above, then intercept R-035
PQU to OSOTA , reaching at
or above 1800m at OSOTA. or above 1800m at OSOTA.

After take-off, maitain RWY After take-off, maitain RWY

HDG until reaching 600m, turn HDG until reaching 600m,
left to PQU at 1200m or above, turn right to PQU at 1200m or
then turn left to intercept R-
317 PQU to NUMDI.
above, then turn left to
intercept R-318 PQU to

1200m 1100m
1200m 1100m
Maintain final approach track Maintain final approach track
climb to 1050m, passing 700m climb to 1200m, passing
turn left to PQU to join holding 700m turn right to PQU to
pattern or follow ATC join holding pattern or follow 0
instruction. ATC instruction.

120m 205m

1100m 2000m

at FL120 or above, fly on track at FL110 or above, fly on
358 degree, (PQU R-178) to track 358 degree, (PQU R-
HOTUN ( IAF4) , descend to 178) to HOTUN ( IAF4) ,
7000ft at IAF4. Expect one of
following procedures:VOR,
descend to FL100 at IAF4.
Expect one of following
ILS 28. procedures:VOR, ILS 28.

After take-off, fly on track 096 After take-off, fly on track

degree passing PQ101 to 096 degree passing PQ101 to
NORTI at 1700m or above,
then follow TUNPO 1B
NORTI at 1800m or below,
then follow TUNPO 1B 0
transition to TUNPO transition to TUNPO

After take-off, fly on track 096 After take-off, fly on track

degree left on track 017 096 degree right on track 017
passing PQ103 to PQ105 at
2150m or above, continue
passing PQ103 to PQ105 at
1850m or above, continue 0
track 017 to OSOTA track 017 to OSOTA
After take-off, fly on track 276 After take-off, fly on track
degree to PQ281, turn left on 276 degree to PQ281, turn
track 186 degree to PQ283, left on track 006 degree to
turn right on track 056 and PQ283, turn left on track 056
reaching 2450m at PQ285, degree and reaching 2150m at
continue on track reaching PQ285, continue on track 0
2750m or above at PQ287 and reaching 2450m or above at
continue to OSOTA PQ287 and continue to

After take-off, fly on track After take-off, fly on track

276° to PQ281, turn left on 276° to PQ281, turn left on
track 186° to PQ282 reaching track 186° to PQ282 reaching
2150m or above, then turn left 2450m or above, then turn
on track 096° to PQ284 left on track 096° to PQ284
reaching 2450m or above, reaching 2450m or above, 0
continue track 096° to TRUMI continue track 096° to
reaching FL110 or above TRUMI reaching FL110 or

From OSOTA at 2150m, fly on From OSOTA at 2150m, fly

track 195° to PQ328 (IAF2), on track 195° to PQ228
descend to 1850m at PQ328. (IAF1),descend to 1200m at
Expect one of following PQ228. Expect one of
procedures: ILS Z or RNP Z following procedures: ILS Z 0
approach RWY28. or RNP Z approach RWY28.

From TUNPO at FL130 or From TUNPO at FL140 or

below, follow TUNPO 1D below, follow TUNPO 1D
transition to TIHAN at 1500m transition to TIHAN at
or above, fly on track 285° to 1500m or above, fly on track
PQ228 (IAF1) descend to 285° to PQ228 (IAF1)
1200m at PQ228. Expect one descend to 1200m at PQ228.
of following procedures: ILS Z Expect one of following 0
or RNP Z approach RWY28. procedures: ILS Z or RNP Z
approach RWY28.

From OSOTA at 1850m, fly on From OSOTA at 2150m, fly

track 241° to PQ310 (IAF2), on track 241° to PQ310
descend to 1500m at PQ310, (IAF2), descend to 1500m at
expect one of following
procedures ILZ Z or RNP Z
PQ310, expect one of
following procedures ILZ Z
RWY10. or RNP Z RWY10.
From TUNPO, follow TUNPO From TUNPO, follow
1C Transition to TRUMI, from TUNPO 1C Transition to
TRUMI fly on track 276° to TRUMI, from TRUMI fly on
PQ410 at 2150m or above, track 276° to PQ410 at
descend to 1500m at PQ210,
expect one of following
3050m or above, descend to
1500m at PQ210, expect one
procedures ILZ Z or RNP Z of following procedures ILZ
RWY10. Z or RNP Z RWY10.
CÂU HỎI Phương án lựa chọn 1

Mây Tào Gun Firing Exercise is: VVD30

Vertical limitation of Tan An airforce

From 400m up to 3000m
training area (VVD36) is:
According to Radar Vectoring Altitude
Chart in Tan Son Nhat TMA, the
minimum altitude shall be ........ in the
1050 m
area between 000° radial and 100° radial ;
and in the range of 65 km and 110 km
from TSN VOR.
According to Radar Vectoring Altitude
Chart in Tan Son Nhat TMA, the
minimum altitude shall be ........ in the
450 m
area between 100° radial and 150° radial ;
and in the range of 45 km and 110 km
from TSN VOR.
According to Radar Vectoring Altitude
Chart in Tan Son Nhat TMA, the
minimum altitude shall be ........ in the
450 m
area between 150° radial and 310° radial ;
and in the range of 110 km from TSN
850m in North West sector ,
Minimum sector altitude in TSN is:
600m in South East sector
A circle with radius of 10km
from VTV VOR and from
Airspace of Vũng Tàu is defined:
GND/Water level up to
TSN TMA is a circle with radius …
centred on TSN DVOR/DME, except the 25 NM (46 KM)
Airspace within PhnomPenh FIR.
TSN TMA has upper limit: FL 100

TSN TMA has lower limit: From Ground

N500’s track (segment from TSN
R468’s track (segment from TSN
294 295
W1’s track (segment from TSN
77 078
W8’s track (segment from TSN
W9’s track (segment from TSN
W9’s minimum flight altitude is: 300 M

W16’s minimum flight altitude is: 300 M

W16’s track (segment from TSN
W19’s track (segment from TSN
The establishment and operation of
The Prime Minister
airways shall be approved by:
Who shall decide to establish the
The Ministry of National
prohibited and restricted areas in the
territory of VietNam?
Named Rang Rang, minimum
altitude in area is 600m, and
Fuel dumping area in TSN APP TMA is:
required approval from Biên
Hòa commander
Distance 44km, bearing 220
Fuel dumping area in TSN APP TMA is:
from TD NDB, Radius 5km
CHIPO holding area has inbound track
208°; FL140
and minimum holding altitude:
LATHA holding area has inbound track
001°; FL 100
and minimum holding altitude:
BITIS holding area has inbound track and
035°; FL100
minimum holding altitude:
BASON holding area has inbound track
250°; FL100
and minimum holding altitude:
Flight administration service,
ATC service, air traffic
Air traffic services include:
consultancy service and
alarming service.
On pilot’s request or ATC
According to Decision of CAAV number
suggestion at night time only,
141/QĐ-CHK, visual departure can be
and the WX is in VMC on
rolling and climb-out segment

Ensure the limit clearance of

According to Decision of CAAV number
visual DEP not lower than
141/QĐ-CHK, ATC must be responsible:
MSA in concerned sector

Flight permission granted to flights

arriving and departing at the airports of
Viet Nam shall become effective at 12
(twelve) hour prior to and until … hours
after the ETA, ETD indicated in the
Over-flight permission shall become
effective 03(three) hours prior to and until
… hours after estimated over-flight time
indicated in the flight permission.
In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP, domestic
Dommestic flights only
routes are used for:
In Decree 125/2015 / ND-CP,
Dommestic flights only
international routes are used for:
05 minutes before landing
When VIP arrives, airport operation will time of VIP flight, the
be restricted: reserved RWY for VIP flight
should be clear
05 minutes before VIP flight
When VIP departs, airport operation will
lines up, the reserved RWY
be restricted:
for VIP flight should be clear
When VIP arrives, the reserved RWY for When VIP flight stops at the
VIP flight will be available: parking
When VIP departs, the reserved RWY for 03 minutes after VIP flight
VIP flight will be available: takes off
The Identification of ILS system RWY
25L is:
The distance between GP of ILS RWY
25R and the center line of RWY 25R/07L 120m to the north
is: GP of ILS RWY
The distance between
25L and the center line of RWY 25L/07R 114m to the north
The Identification of ILS RWY 07R is: TSN

The distance from LOC of ILS RWY 07R

on extended RWY center line to the 315m
threshold RWY 25L is:
What is the category of GP/DME ILS
RWY 07R?
The distance between GP/DME of ILS
RWY 07R and the center line of RWY 120m
07R/25L is:
The distance between GP/DME of ILS
RWY 07R and the displace threshold of 300m
RWY 07R/25L is:

The frequency of ATIS TSN is: 128.25 KHz

What is the category of ILS system RWY
25R ?
The Glide slope of GP RWY 25R is: 2°

NDB stands for: No_directional Beacon

Aerodrome fixed
AFTN stands for:
Telecommunications Network
Voice Communication
VCCS stands for:
Control System

VOR stands for: Very omnidirectional Range

The frequency of NDB/SG is: 358 MHz

The distance from the threshold RWY
07L to LOC of ILS system 25R is:
The distance from the threshold RWY
07R to LOC of ILS system 25L is:
The distance from the threshold RWY
10601m 10301m
25R to NDB/TD is:
The distance from the threshold RWY
25L to NDB/SG is:
STCA function’s purpose of ATM system Warning aircraft the risk of
is: collision with terrain
Transfering identification radar between
ACC HCM and APP TSN is considered to
be finished when accepting ATC conducts HND
the function “-----” on ATM display and
see the colour change of the target:

Within APP TSN airspace, an aircraft is

considered to maintain a FL when mode C
± 300m
display is within “-----” compared with
the assigned FL.
What is the rotation speed of SMR TSN
60 rounds per minute
antenna ?
The frequency of TSN walkie talkie is: 142.825 KHz

Ram function ‘s purpose of ATM system Inform Pilot when aircraft is

is: under minimum safety altitude

When losing radar identification, which

function button do ATC use to display the LOW
last position of aircraft ?

The coverage of TSN SMR is: 5 Km

The primary communication frequency of
118.7 MHz
The secondary communication frequency
130.0 KHz
of TSN TWR is:
The primary communication frequency of
125.5 MHz
The secondary communication frequency
125.5 MHz
of TSN APP is:
The primary communication frequency of
125.5 MHz
The secondary communication frequency
121.6 MHz
of TSN GCU is:
According toTSN MANOP, radar service Aircraft is within TSN APP
is provided when: airspace
According to TSN MANOP, Which mode
does ATC use when providing radar Low multi
According to TSN MANOP, Which mode
does transfering ATC use to transfer Transfer
According to TSN MANOP, Which mode
does accpepting ATC use to accept TRANSFER
According to TSN MANOP, How does
Between the furthest edges of
ATC dertermine the distance between two
two targets
aircraft using SSR mode in ATM system?
According to TSN MANOP, How does
between the furthest edges of
ATC determine the distance between tow
two targets
aircraft using PSR mode in ATM system?
According to TSN MANOP, except the
aircraft within holding area, Radar ATC
aircraft is at FL 100 or above
can apply merging target to all identified
aircraft when:
According to TSN MANOP, International
From 5500 to 5577 and 5600-
flight departing from airports within HCM
FIAR will be assigned a code:
According to TSN manop, Domestic
From 5500 to 5577 and 5600-
flight departing from airports within HCM
FIR will be assigned a code:
According to TSN MANOP, mode c
displayed on radar monitor is considered 200ft or less
accurately if it is within:
300m from the right of RWY
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25L
25L centerline and 112m from
threshold of RWY 25L
The distance from NDB GN to threshold
of RWY 25L:
The elevation of the RWY 07R
displacement threshold ofspecified in the
7.2 m
“ Flight regulation in the Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome area “ are:

The upper limit of VVP4 is: 2000m

The separated distance between center
lines of RWY 25R/07L and RWY
25L/07R specified in the “ Flight 356m
regulation in the Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
area “ are:
120m from the right of RWY
The position of ILS/GP- DME RWY 25R
25R centerline and 314m from
threshold of RWY 25R
The operational altitude(s) of VVR 86
specified in the “ Flight regulation in the From 600m to 6000m
TSN aerodrome area “ are :
314m from RWY 25R
The position of the glide path transmitter
threshold and offset 120m
(GP) of RWY 25R specified is:
from RWY 25L centerline
The name of Prohibited area VVP4 is
Cam Ranh Airport
located over:
The name of Danger area VVD32 is the MIG 21 MOA (Military
name of: Operation Area)
314m from RWY 25R
The position of the glide path transmitter
threshold and offset 120m
(GP) of RWY 25R specified is:
from RWY 25L centerline
The distance from NDB TD to threshold
of RWY 25R:
The distance from NDB SG to threshold
of RWY 25L:
The distance from NDB GN to threshold
of RWY 25L:
Refer to AIP Viet Nam: Dimensions of
310 x 45,72
stopway (SWY) RWY 25R:
The distance from ILS/LZZ RWY 25R to
threshold of RWY 07L:
The upper limit of VVR19 is: 9000m
The distance from ILS/LZZ RWY 25L to
threshold of RWY 07R:
The distance of TORA and TODA of
RWY 07R declared in AIP SUP 3828m & 4128m
(NOTAM A1697/20) are:
The distance of ASDA of RWY 07R
declared in AIP SUP (NOTAM 3978m
A1697/20) are:
The distance of TORA and TODA of
RWY 25L declared in AIP SUP 3828m & 4128m
(NOTAM A1697/20) are:
The distance of ASDA of RWY 25L
declared in AIP SUP (NOTAM 3948m
A1697/20) are

SWY dimension of RWY 25L 120m x 45m

A transmission from one
station to another station in
circumstances where two-way
communication cannot be
Blind transmission:
established but where it is
believed that the called station
is able to receive the
A transfer of information
relating to air navigation that
is not addressed to a specific
station or stations.
The point to which an aircraft
Clearance limit: is granted an air traffic control

Maintain an even rate of

speech not exceeding 100
The following transmitting techniques words per minute. When it is
will assist in ensuring that transmitted known that elements of the
speech is clear and satisfactorily received message will be written down
by the recipient, speak at a
slightly slower rate;

Operators should always

ensure that the button is
An irritating and potentially dangerous released after a transmission
situation in radiotelephony is a “stuck” and the microphone placed in
microphone button. an appropriate place ensuring
that it will not inadvertently
be switched on.
When the language used for
communication is English, number 4 shall
be transmitted using the following
Shall be transmitted by
pronouncing each digit in the
number of hundreds or
thousands followed by the
word HUNDRED or
All numbers used in the transmission of THOUSAND as appropriate.
altitude, cloud height, visibility and Combinations of thousands
runway visual range (RVR) information, and whole hundreds shall be
which contain whole hundreds and whole transmitted by pronouncing
thousands each digit in the number of
thousands followed by the
word THOUSAND followed
by the number of hundreds
followed by the word

Pilots may check the time with the

appropriate ATS unit. Time checks shall the nearest half minute
be given to.....
The word ACKNOWLEDGE shall be
“Let me know that you have
used in radiotelephony communications as
received and understood this
appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below
The word CONFIRM shall be used in
“I request verification of:
radiotelephony communications as
(clearance, instruction, action,
appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :

The word RECLEARED shall be used in

“This new clearance
radiotelephony communications as
supersedes your previous
appropriate and shall have the meaning
clearance or part thereof.”
given below :
The word READ BACK shall be used in
“Repeat all, or the specified
radiotelephony communications as
part, of this message back to
appropriate and shall have the meaning
me exactly as received.”
given below :
The word STANDBY shall be used in
radiotelephony communications as
“Wait and I will call you.”
appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :

The characters corresponding

An aircraft call sign shall be one of the to the registration marking of
following types: the aircraft; ex G-ABCD or
Cessna G-ABCD.

Use the full call sign of both

When establishing communications, an
the aircraft and the
aircraft should:
aeronautical station.
The word “CORRECTION” shall be
spoken, the last correct group or phrase When an error is made in a
repeated and then the correct version transmission.
When it is considered that reception is
likely to be difficult, important elements twice
of the message should be spoken ......

The following shall always be read back: ATC route clearances;

The following shall always be read back: ATC route clearances;

To ascertain that the clearance

or instruction has been
correctly acknowledged by the
The controller shall listen to the read-
flight crew and shall take
immediate action to correct
any discrepancies revealed by
the read-back.

The identification of the

Test transmissions should take the
aeronautical station being
following form:
Approach control will normally advise the
On initial contact.
type of approach to be expected.
What shall the pilots read back be for
Climbing to two point five.
Which elements of a position report Aircraft identification,
cannot be omitted? position, time, level.
ATC clears Fastair 345 to descent from
FL 100 to FL 80. What is the correct read Descending to 80, Fastair 345.
back by the pilot?

Which elements of instructions or QNH, SSR code, approach aid

information shall always be read back? serviceability.

Which word shall be used to ask a station

whether you have correctly received a Confirm.
message, clearance,instruction, etc?
A condition of being
threatened by serious and/or
Distress conditions are defined as: imminent danger and of
requiring immediate

A condition of being
threatened by serious and/or
Urgency conditions are defined as: imminent danger and of
requiring immediate

The word “MAYDAY” spoken at the start

identifies....... message:
The words “PAN PAN” at the start
identifies an ..... message.
The words “MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN”,
as appropriate, should preferably
spoken 4 times.
be ........... at the start of the initial distress
or urgency call.

When an aircraft announces that it is

Take all possible action to
making an emergency descent, the
safeguard other aircraft.
controller will:

After suffering a radio receiver failure the

pilots should make blind transmissions
preceded by the phrase "Transmitting Hold for 5 minutes.
blind due to receiver failure" and
Coordinate with the flight
crew the route to be flown, the
level to be used and the
duration of the fuel dumping.
When an aircraft has informed an ATS
Other known traffic will be
unit that it intends to dump fuel, the ATS
separated from the aircraft
unit will:
dumping fuel with specified
minima. For non-controlled
traffic a warning will be

When an aeronautical station has been Request other aeronautical

unable to establish contact with an aircraft stations to render assistance
after calls on the frequencies on which the by calling the aircraft and
aircraft is believed to be listening, it shall: relaying traffic, if necessary;

When an aircraft is no longer in distress, it

shall transmit a message cancelling the MAYDAY, resuming normal
distress condition. Which words shall this operations.
message include?
What is the minimum visibility for Cat
A,B,C aircraft using ILS approach
2000m 2400m
procedures runway 25R (without GP) at
Tan Son Nhat aerodrome?
What is the minimum visibility for cat D
aircraft using ILS approach procedures
runway 25L (without GP) at Tan Son
Nhat aerodrome?
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for ILS/DME y z approach 80m/600m
RWY 25R at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for ILS/DME y z approach
RWY 25L (CAT D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R 145m/2400m
(CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for NDB approach RWY 25R 145m/2400m
(CAT. D) is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25R 85m/900m
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25L
(CAT. A, B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 25L
(CAT. C, D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. A, B) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS y, z approach RWY 07R
(CAT. C, D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 07R
(CAT. A, B, C) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
RVR) for ILS x approach RWY 07R 85m/900m
(CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome is:

After departure , an IFR aircraft loses Continue to fly to the

two- way communications. What should destination airport , whatever
the pilot ‘s course of action be: the weather conditions are.

The pilot of an aircraft experiencing two-

way radio communication failure set his A/3 7400
transponder to code:
According to the current regulations ,
what is the parking number used for North South TWY
unlawful interference aircraft ?
An aircraft has been cleared to land and
fails to land within five minutes of the
estimated time of landing and
Uncertainty phase
communication has not been re-
established . The aircraft should be
considered in:
What are the international aviation
urgency signals?
Which SSR Code should be selected to
7600 + Mode C.
indicate radio communication failure?
The three phases of the alerting service Uncertainty phase, Uncerfa
are: and Alert phase
When it becomes apparent that an aircraft
search and rescue co-
is in difficulty, the decision to initiate the
ordination centres
alert phases is the responsibility of the:

A situation related to an
Alert phase is defined as follows: aircraft which reports that the
fuel on board is exhausted

Which phase of emergency is declared if

an aircraft is known or believed to be the ALERFA
subject of unlawful interference?

To any aircraft known or

Alerting service shall be provided: believed to be subject of
unlawful interference only

A radio communications, 'Distress' differs The aeroplane will not be able

from 'Urgency' because in the first case: to reach a suitable aerodrome

uncertainty phase, alert phase,

The phases related to an aircraft in
distress phase and urgency
emergency or believed in emergency are:

All aircraft provided with

The alerting service is provided for:
To whom is the alerting service provided? All IFR traffic

It is threatened by grave
An aircraft is in emergency when: danger and requires
immediate assistance
A situation in which apprehension exists
as to the safety of an aircraft. To which
emergency phase does this situation
Which of the following frequencies are
243 MHz
used for emergency operations?
An aircraft which has been
Which of the following statements cleared to land fails to land
describes the Uncertainty Phase within 5 minutes of the ETA
(INCERFA)? and communication has not
been re-established

An aircraft which has been

Which of the following statements cleared to land fails to land
describes the Distress Phase within 5 minutes of the ETA
(DETRESFA)? and communication has not
been re-established
No communication has been
received from an aircraft
within a period of thirty
DETRESFA is where:
minutes after the time a
communication should have
been received
The accident investigation preliminary
report shall be submitted to appropriate English
States and to the ICAO, in:

The code word used to

Definition of INCERFA:
designate an alert phase.
The code word used to
Definition of DETRESFA:
designate a distress phase.
The code word used to
Definition of ALERFA:
designate a distress phase.
The threshold elevation of RWY 25R is: 9.9m

The threshold elevation of RWY 25L is: 9.9m 9.8m

The threshold elevation of RWY 07R is: 9.9m

The threshold elevation of RWY
07R( Displaced threshold) is:
The threshold elevation of RWY 07L is: 9.9m
TODA of RWY25L( from the intersection
with TWY E4) is:
ASDA of RWY 25L(from the intersection
with TWY E4) is:
TORA of RWY07R(from the intersection
with TWY W7) is:
TODA of RWY 07R(from the
intersection with TWY W7)is:
ASDA of RWY07R(from the intersection
with TWY W7)is:
The bearing strength of RWY25R/07L is: PCN 63/R/B/X/T

The bearing strength of RWY25L/07R is: PCN 63/R/B/X/T

The inbound track in holding pattern at
The outbound track in holding pattern at
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
25R (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. A,B) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. C) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07L (CAT. D) at Tan Son Nhat aerodrome
The weather operation minima (ceiling/
visibility) for VOR/DME approach RWY
07R (CAT. A) at Tan Son Nhat
aerodrome is:
In holding pattern at TSN DVOR/DME,
all turns are to be made to the……..
325m from threshold
What is the position of LLZ ITS?
268m from threshold
What is the position of LLZ HCM?
325m from threshold
What is the position of LLZ SGN?
What is the frequency of GP/DME RWY
334.1Mhz/ CH20X
Phương án lựa chọn 2 Phương án lựa chọn 3


From 400m up to 6000m

specified altitude (be From ground up to 3000m
provided by ATC unit)

1200 m 1500 m

600 m 900 m

600 m 950 m

850m in West sector , 600m 850m in North West sector ,

in East sector 600m in South East sector
A circle with radius of 10km A circle with radius of 10km
from VTV VOR and from from XVL NDB and from
GND/Water level up to GND/Water level up to
900m. 1500m.

40 NM (75 KM) 60 NM (111 KM)

FL 110 FL 120

From 300 M From 450 M

85 086 128

250 240

85 128

250 240 241

250 240

450 M 600 M

450 M 600 M

250 232 233

135 136 181

The Minister of Transport General Director of VATM

The Ministry of Transport The Prime Minister

Named Rang Rang,

Named Rang Rang,
minimum altitude in area is
minimum altitude entering in
1500m, and required
the area is 600m, and
approval from Biên Hòa
required approval from ATC
Distance 44km, bearing
Distance 62km, bearing 220
2090 to TD NDB, Radius
from LG NDB, Radius 5km
218°; FL100 128°; FL 145

010°; FL 050 181°; FL 145

305°; FL100 215°; FL050

070°; FL100 025°; FL050

Flight administration service, Flight management service,

flight information service, air flight information service,
traffic consultancy service air traffic consultancy
and alarming service. service and alarming service.
On pilot’s request at day
time only and the WX is in On pilot’s request or ATC
VMC on rolling and climb- suggestion at day time only.
out segment
Ensure the limit clearance of
Ensure the limit clearance of
visual DEP not higher than
visual DEP not lower than
MSA in concerned sector
MVA in concerned sector
and monitored by radar.

12 18

24 48
International flights only International flights only

Dommestic and international

International flights only

05 minutes before landing 05 minutes after VIP flight

time of VIP flight, all RWYs lands, that RWY can resume
should be clear normal operation

05 minutes before departure 05 minutes after VIP flight

time of VIP flight, all RWYs takes off, that RWY can
should be clear. resume normal operation
After VIP flight vacates the 05 minutes after VIP flight
RWY lands
05 minutes after VIP flight
After VIP flight is airborne
takes off


120m to the south 114m to the north

112m to the south 112m to the north


320m 325m


114m 112m
310m 320m

. 128.0 KHz 128.25 MHz


2.5° 3°

Non_directional Beacon 1 and 2

Aerodrome fixed Telephone Aeronautical fixed
Network Telephone Network
Voice Control Virtual Control
Communication System Communication System
Very high omnidirectional Very high omnidirectional
Radio Range Range
326 MHz 343 KHz

314m 280m

268m 314m

10103m 9770m

10301m 9670m
Warning aircraft that
Warning aircraft the risk of
deviates from the assigned
collision with another aircraft
Accept ACC

± 150m ± 200m

70 rounds per minute 80 rounds per minute

142.825 MHz 142.285 KHz

Inform Pilot when aircraft is

Inform Pilot when aircraft
deviated from the assigned
enter the prohibited area


4 Km 6 Km

118.7 KHz 118.6 MHz

130.0 MHz 130.2 MHz

125.5 KHz 128.0 MHz

125.5 KHz 126.35 MHz

125.5 KHz 121.9 MHz

121.6 KHz 121.9 MHz

Identification signal is table

Identification signal is stable
and update sufficiently

Norm Main multi



Between the center of two Between the nearst edges of

targets two targets

between the nearest edges of between the center of two

two targets targets

aircraft is at FL 120 or
aircraft is at FL 110 or above

From 4100 to 4177 and 4600- From 5700 to 5777 and

4677 6000-6077

From 4100 to 4177 and 4600- From 5700 to 5777 and

4677 6000-6077

300ft or less 200ft or more

112m from the right of RWY 112m from the right of RWY
25L centerline and 300m 25L centerline and 400m
from threshold of RWY 25L from threshold of RWY 25L

970m 799m

7.3m 7.4m

4000m 3000m

365m 536m

120m from the right of

314m from the right of RWY
RWY 25R centerline and
25R centerline and 120m
340m from threshold of
from threshold of RWY 25R

From 50m to 1000m From 300m to 1000m

314m from RWY 25R 300m from RWY 25R

threshold and offset 120m threshold and offset 112m
from RWY 25R centerline from RWY 25R centerline

Bien Hoa Airbase Ho Chi Minh city

SU22 MOA (Military SU27 MOA (Military

Operation Area) Operation Area)
314m from RWY 25R 300m from RWY 25R
threshold and offset 120m threshold and offset 112m
from RWY 25R centerline from RWY 25R centerline
10301m 9670m

9070m 9670m

970m 799m

320 x 45,72 330 x 45,72

340m 530m

7000m 8000m

268m 468m

3282m & 4128m 3800m & 4128m

4120m 3828m

3800m & 4100m 3800m & 4128m

4100m 3059m

300m x 45m 300m x 150m

A transmission from ground
to the air in circumstances
A transmission of
where two-way
information relating to air
communication cannot be
navigation that is not
established but where it is
addressed to a specific station
believed that the called
or stations.
station is able to receive the
A transmission of A transmission of
information relating to air information relating to air
navigation that is not navigation that is addressed
addressed to a specific station to a specific station or
or stations. stations.
The fix to which an aircraft is The level to which an
granted an air traffic control aircraft is granted an air
clearance. traffic control clearance.

Maintain a rate of speech not Maintain an even rate of

exceeding 100 words per speech from 80 to 100 words
minute. When it is known per minute. When it is
that elements of the message known that elements of the
will be written down by the message will be written
recipient, speak at a slightly down by the recipient, speak
slower rate; at a slightly slower rate;
Operators should always
Operators should ensure that
ensure that the button is
the button is released after a
released after a transmission
transmission and the
and the microphone placed
microphone placed in an
in an appropriate place
appropriate place ensuring
ensuring that it will
that it will not inadvertently
inadvertently be switched
be switched on.

four fao-er
Shall be transmitted by
pronouncing each digit in the
number of hundreds or
thousands followed by the
word HUNDRED or
Shall be transmitted by
THOUSAND as appropriate.
pronouncing each digit in the
Combinations of thousands
number of hundreds or
and whole hundreds shall be
thousands followed by the
transmitted by pronouncing
word HUNDRED or
each digit in the number of
THOUSAND as appropriate.
thousands followed by the
word HUNDRED followed
by the number of hundreds
followed by the word

the closer half minute the nearest 30 seconds

“Let me know that you have

“Let me know that you have
received and understand this
received this message.”

Verify Request

“A change has been made to “A change has been made to

your last clearance and this your last clearance and this
new clearance supersedes revised clearance supersedes
your previous clearance or your previous clearance or
part thereof.” part thereof.”
“Repeat the specified part of
“Repeat this message back to
this message back to me
me exactly as received.”
exactly as received.”

“Wait for a while.” "I will call you later."

The telephony designator of

The telephony designator of
the aircraft operating agency,
the aircraft operating agency,
followed by the last four
followed by the flight
characters of the registration
identification. Ex Vietnam
marking of the aircraft;
ex:Vietjet DCAB

Use the call sign of both the Use the full call sign of both
aircraft and the aeronautical the aircraft and owner
station. company.

When a mistake is made in a When an error is made in a

transmission. coodination.

again slowly

Runway-in-use, altimeter
settings, SSR codes, level
Clearances and instructions to instructions, heading and
enter, land on, take off from, speed instructions and,
hold short of, cross and whether issued by the
backtrack on any runway; controller or contained in
ATIS broadcasts, transition
Clearances and instructions to
enter, land on, take off from,
Traffic information
hold short of, cross and
backtrack on any runway;

To ascertain that the

clearance or instruction has
To ascertain that the
been correctly received by
clearance or instruction has
the flight crew and shall take
been correctly acknowledged
immediate action to correct
by the flight.
any discrepancies revealed
by the read-back.

The words “RADIO

The aircraft identification; CHECK”; and the frequency
being used.
When passing transistion
As soon as possible.
Up to two thousand five Climbing to two thousand
hundred. five hundred feet.
Aircraft identification, Aircraft identification,
position, time. position, level.
Leaving flight level 100
Down to flight level 80,
descending to flight level 80,
Fastair 345.
Fastair 345.
ATC clearance, speed
QNH, weather information,
instructions, runway state

Correct. Acknowledge.
A condition concerning the A condition concerning the
safety of an aircraft or other safety of an aircraft or other
vehicle, or of some person on vehicle, or of some person
board or within sight, but on board or within sight and
which does not require of requiring immediate
immediate assistance. assistance.

A condition concerning the A condition concerning the

safety of an aircraft or other safety of an aircraft or other
vehicle, or of some person on vehicle, or of some person
board or within sight, but on board or within sight and
which does not require of requiring immediate
immediate assistance. assistance.

A distress. An urgency.

A distress. An urgency.

spoken 2 times. spoken 3 times.

The general broadcast to

warn aircraft of an
emergency descent should be 1 or 2.
followed, as necessary, by
specific instructions.

Proceed to the pre-planned Enter the next en-route

alternate. holding pattern encountered.
Coordinate with the flight
crew the route to be flown
and the duration of the fuel
Coordinate with the flight
dumping. Other known
crew the route to be flown,
traffic will be separated from
the level to be used and the
the aircraft dumping fuel
duration of the fuel dumping.
with specified minima. For
non-controlled traffic a
warning will be broadcast.

Request aircraft on the route

to attempt to establish
communication with the a and/or b.
aircraft and relay messages, if

Cancel distress. MAYDAY cancelled.

2800m 2000m

1000m 2800m

80m/1000m 60m/800m
120m/2000m 90m/1200m

128m/1600m 128m/2000m

128m/1600m 128m/2400m

145m/2000m 145m/1600m

145m/1600m 145m/2000m

128m/2000m 128m/2800m

80m/850m 60m/800m

80m/800m 80m/900m

85m/900m 70m/700m
70m/550m 100m/550m

70m/550m 70m/800m

75m/800m 80m/800m

80m/950m 70m/900m

80m/800m 80m/900m

Return to the departure

Return to the departure
airport immediately if the
airport immediately ,
weather is VMC or continue
whatever the weather
the flight to the destination
conditions are .
airport if the weather is IMC.

A/3 7500 A/3 7600

Parking 70 Parking 50

Alert phase Distress phase


7700 + Mode C. 7500 + Mode C.

Uncertainty phase, Alerfa and

Uncerfa, Alerfa and Detresfa
Alert phase

flight information or control air traffic co-ordination

organisations services

An emergency event in which A situation related to an

an aircraft and its occupants aircraft and its occupants are
are considered to be considered to be in a state of
threatened by a danger emergency


For all controlled flight, to

any aircraft known or
believed to be subject of
For all aircraft provided with
unlawful interference, and in
air traffic control services,
so far as practicable to all
aircraft having filed a flight
plan or otherwise known to
the ATS
The aeroplane has suffered There is a serious and
damages which impair its imminent danger requiring
fitness to fly immediate assistance

uncertainty phase, urgency uncertainty phase, distress

phase, distress phase phase, urgency phase

All aircraft which have filed a To any aircraft believed to

flight plan or are otherwise have been the subject of
known to ATC unlawful interference
All flight-planned aircraft All hi-jacked aircraft

It is threatened by grave
It is forced to land


2182 KHz 121.5 MHz, 243 MHz

An aircraft is known or An aircraft fails to arrive

believed to be the subject of within 30 minutes of the
unlawful interference ETA passed to ATC

An aircraft is known or An aircraft fails to arrive

believed to be the subject of within 30 minutes of the
unlawful interference ETA passed to ATC

An aircraft fails to land

The fuel on board is
within 5 minutes of being
considered to be exhausted
cleared to land

The languageof the Any of the world's major

investigating State languages

The code word used to

The code word used to
designate an uncertainty
designate a certainty phase.
The code word used to
The code word used to
designate an uncertainty
designate an alert phase.
phase. The code word used to
The code word used to
designate an uncertainty
designate an alert phase
10m 6.1m

5.3m 6.1m

5.3m 6.1m

7.3m 7.2m 6.1m

5.3m 6.1m 5.9m

3218m 3313m 3528m

3218m 3313m 3348m

3218m 3313m

3218m 3359m

3218m 3359m 3209m

PCN 85/R/B/W/T PCN 65/R/B/X/T

PCN 85/R/B/W/T PCN 65/R/B/X/T

228º 249º

048º 249º
145m/2200m 145m/2800m

131m/2000m 131m/1600m

131m/2400m 131m/2000m

131m/2800m 131m/2400m

128m/2800m 128m/1600m


268m from threshold RWY 340m from threshold RWY

25L 25L
325m from threshold RWY 340m from threshold RWY
07L 07L
268m from threshold RWY 340m from threshold RWY
07R 07R

329.6Mhz/ CH 42X 108.3Mhz/ CH20X

Phương án lựa chọn 4 Đáp Án
From ground up to unlimited F

2100 m F

1200 m F

1500 m F

850m in East sector , 600m in

West sector F
A circle with radius of 10km
from XVL NDB and from F
GND/Water level up to 900m.

80NM (148 KM) F

FL 130 FL 165 F
From 750 M
From 600
135 F
231 F
135 F
231 F
181 182 F
1200 M 2150M F
900 M 1200M F
181 F
215 F
The Minister of Nation
Defense F
The Ministry of Foreign
Affairs F
Named Rang Rang, minimum
altitude entering in the area is
1500m, and required approval F
from Biên Hòa commander
Distance 62km, bearing 2090
to SG NDB, Radius 5km F
028°; FL 050 F
020°; FL 140 F
135°; FL145 F
085°; FL145 F
Flight administration service,
flight information service, air
traffic advisory service and F
alarming service.

None of the above F

None of the above F

24 F

72 F
None of the above F
None of the above F

None of the above F

None of the above F

None of the above F
None of the above F
114m to the south F
120m to the north F
330m F
120m to the south F
314m F
128.0 MHz F
None of above F
5° F
None of above F
Aeronautical fixed
Telecommunications Network F
Virtual Communication
Control System F
VHF omnidirectional Radio
Range F
326 KHz F
300m F
180m F
10 km F
9 km F
abc F
None of above F

± 400m F

90 rounds per minute F

142.285 Mhz F
None of above F

None of above F
7 Km F
118.6 KHz F
130.2 KHz F
128.0 KHz F
126.35 KHz F
121.9 KHz F
121.9 KHz F
1, 2 and 3 F
Low F



1, 2 and 3 F

1, 2 and 3 F

aircraft is at FL 130 or above F

From 5501 to 5577 and 5601-

5677 F
From 5701 to 5777 and 6001-
6077 F

300 ft or more F

7.5m F
5000m F
563m F

From 2100m to 6000m F

300m from RWY 25R
threshold and offset 112m F
from RWY 25L centerline

May Tao firing area F

Mây Tào firing area F
300m from RWY 25R
threshold and offset 112m F
from RWY 25L centerline
310 x 47,72 F
6000m F
3828m & 4100m F
3059m F

3828m & 4100m F

3800m F
310m x 45m F
A transmission from one
station to another station in
circumstances where two-way F
communication cannot be

A transmission of
information relating to air
transportation that is not F
addressed to a specific station
or stations.

All above. F
Maintain an even rate of
speech not exceeding 100
words per minute. When it is
known that elements of the
message will be written down F
by the recipient, spell the
words at a slightly slower

Always ensure that the button

is released after a transmission
and the headset placed in an
appropriate place ensuring F
that it will not inadvertently
be switched on.

faw-er F
Shall be transmitted by
pronouncing each digit in the
number of hundreds or F

the half minute F

“Let me know that you have
received and understood this F

None above F

“Authorized to proceed under

the conditions specified.” F
“Repeat all, or the specified
part, of this message back to
your partner exactly as F

“Wait and call me later.” F

All above are correct. F

Use the full call sign of the

aircraft and spell it to F
aeronautical station.

When a wrong is made in

cockpit. F

in local language F

All above F
1 and 2 are correct F
To ascertain that the
information has been correctly
acknowledged by the flight
crew and shall take immediate F
action to correct any
discrepancies revealed by the

All above F
Not nescesary. F
Climbing to two thousand five
hundred. F
Aircraft identification,
position, next position. F
Leaving 100 to 80, Fastair
345. F
SSR code, QNH, take-off
clearance, speed instructions. F

Verify. F
A condition of being
threatened by serious and/or F
imminent danger.

A condition of being
threatened by serious and/or F
imminent danger.

None above. F
None above. F

spoken only ones. F

1 and 2. F

Advise the time of the next

intended transmission. F
Coordinate with the flight
crew the route to be flown, the
level to be used. Other known
traffic will be separated from
the aircraft dumping fuel with F
specified minima. For non-
controlled traffic a warning
will be broadcast.

Continuing blind
transmission. F

Distress condition terminated . F

1000m F

2000m F

120m/2000m F
120m/2400m F

128m/2400m F

128m/2800m F

145m/2800m F

145m/2800m F

128m/2400m F

75m/800m F

85m/800m F

85m/800m F
70m/700m F

70m/500m F

75m/900m F

70m/950m F

85m/800m F

Land at the most suitable

nearest aerodrome while F

A/3 7700 F

All of the above F

Emergency phase F
All the above F
7000 F
Uncertainty phase, Alert
phase and Distress phase F
operational air traffic control
centres F
A situation where an
apprehension exists as to the
safety of an aircraft and its F

None of the above F

In so far as practicable to all

aircraft having filed a flight
plan or otherwise known by F
the ATS

The aeroplane or a passenger's

safety require the flight F
immediately interrupted

uncertainty phase, alert phase,

distress phase F

All of the above F

All traffic known to ATC F
All answers are correct F


121.5 MHz F
An aircraft declares that the
fuel remaining is insufficient F
to reach safety

An aircraft declares that the

fuel remaining is insufficient F
to reach safety

Both 1 and 2 F

One of the working languages


None of above. F
None of above. F
1 and 3 F
5.7m F
5.7m F
5.7m 5.4m F
5.7m F
5.7m F
3059m F
3059m F
3059m F
3059m F
3059m F
PCN 86/R/B/W/T F
PCN 86/R/B/W/T F
069º F
069º F
145m/3200m F

131m/2400m F

131m/2800m F

131m/2000m F

128m/2400m F

314m from threshold RWY
25L F
314m from threshold RWY
07L F
314m from threshold RWY
07R F
333.5Mhz/ CH 54X F
Câu Hỏi

According to the 125 Decree on Air Traffic Management: The

Operation Department( Ministry of Nation Defense) shall
designate and air traffic control services, aeronautical
information services providers of danger areas at least………
hours prior any operations performed that may give risk to civil
flight operations.

The generation of minimum safe altitude warnings is a

function of an ATC radar-processing system. The objective of
the MSAW function is to assist in the prevention of controlled
flight into………………accidents by generating in a timely
manner, a warning of the possible infringement of a minimum
safe altitude.

The criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific

level is occupied by an aircraft shall be +_60m(200ft) in
RVSM airspace. In other airspace, it shall be………..,except
that the appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is found to be
more practical.
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach
provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain
and the reported ceiling is…………..the level of the beginning
of the initial approach segment for the aircraft so cleared; or
the pilot reports at the level of the beginning of the………..or
at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable
assurance a visual approach and landing can be completed.

When SSR radar is not available, radar identification may be

achieved by instructing the aircraft to make heading changes of
at least:
Vertical separation if other known traffic behind aircraft
dumping fuel within 15 minutes flying time or a distance of
93km (50NM) by at least 300m (1000ft) if above the aircraft
dumping fuel; and

Use of surface movement radar (SMR):

The final vector shall enable the aircraft to be established in

level flight on the final approach track prior to intercepting the
specified or norminal glide path if an ILS or radar approach is
to be made and should provide an intercept angle with the final
approach track of ……………..

Whenever a code is assigned to an aircraft, the setting of this

code shall be verified by controller:
On a non-precision approach a so-called” straight-in-
approach” is considered acceptable, if the angle between the
final approach track and runway centerline is:
Which aircraft along the following has first priority?
Pilot should notify air traffic control a revised estimated time if
the reported estimate for the reporting point is found to be in
error in excess of:
The request to change from IFR flight to VFR flight is:
The speed reductions not exceeding plus/minus 40km/h (20kt)
IAS should be used for :
Radar separation based upon primary radar shall be the
Transfer of identity of a radar blip from the radar controller to
another should be attempted wheen it is considered that:

We can distinguish types of departure routes. During a

straight departure the initial departure track is within.
A controlled flight is requested form the approriate ATC unit
whenever the average. True Airpeed at crusiing level varies or
is expected to varry from that given in the flight plan by plus or
The term” Runway-in-use” shall be used to indicate the
runway or runway that:

The controller shall…………. To ascertain that the clearance

or instruction has been correctly acknowledge by flight crew
and shall take immediately action to correct any discrepancies
revealed by the…..

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to Annex II rules

of the air):

If Two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level,

the aircraft which shall have priority:
Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC unit, a VFR
flight cannot enter or leave a control zone when ceiling is less
Which aircraft along the following has first priority:
When the destination aerodrome is outside controlled airspace,
the ATC unit responsible for:

Aircraft reports at FL150 but the radar display shows FL155.

What action should the radar controller take?

What should a radar controller do if the code displayed on the

radar screen is different from the code he has just asked the
pilot to squawk?
The standard minimum radar separation in Viet Nam í:
An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to
consider executing a missed approach if the aircraft is not
visible on the radar display for significant interval during the
last…….. of the approach.

Speed adjustments may not be requested or applied after the

aircraft has passed a point of…………… from the threshold on
final approach:
Before providing radar service to an aircraft, the radar
controller shall:
When two or more aircraft are at the same cruising level,
the……aircraft shall normally have priority:
Time separation minima between holding aircraft in a holding
pattern and en-route aircraft which are on the same flight level
A light aircraft is approaching for landing behind a heavy
aircraft, the time separation minima between them must be:
A radiotelephony distress message transmit by an aircraft
should commence with the word “………”
The standard controller-pilot phraseology for a controller to
ascertain the RVSM approval status of an aircraft is:
For traffic on reciprocal tracks where lateral separation is not
provide, vertical separation shall be kept at least…………prior
to and after the time the aircraft are estimated to pass, or are
estimated to have passed.

The Director of Airport Authority shall decide to temporarily

close an airport or aerodrome for not more than ……….hours
and report such decision to the Minister of Transport without

Who have the right to open an airport or aerodrome based on

the airport or aerodrome system plans?
Vietnamese and foreign aircraft operating international flights
shall be permitted only to take off and land at the international
airports. In the case of take off and landing at domestic airports
or aerodromes, the shall acquire approval from the:

The establishment and operation of airways shall be approved

…………………Shall decide to establish the prohibited and
restricted area inthe territory of VietNam in order to ensure the
national defense, security, and social safety.
To suspend flights; require aircraft to land at an airport or
aerodrome; search, hold aircraft in custody; carry out the order
of aircraft arrest; suspend activities of crew members who do
not meet requirements on aviation security and safety. They
are the duties, authority of:

The air traffic control units involved shall require the aircraft to
land at the airport, aerodrome in accordance with the order
given by the……………………and other competent
governmental authority.

Who shall decide to establish the prohibited and restricted

areas in the territory of VietNam ?
If an arriving aircraft is making a straight-in approach, a
departing aircraft may take off in any direction until………..
before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the
instrument runway.

If an arriving aircraft is making a complete instrument

approach, a departing aircraft may take off in any direction
Radar separation between two wake turbulence category “
HEAVY” aircrafts on final shall be at least:
Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to Viet Nam rules
of the air):

Except for aircraft in a state of emergency, or during

communication failure or unlawful interference situations, and
unless otherwise agreed by regional air navigation agreement
or between a transferring and an accepting ATC unit, the
transferring unit shall assign:

Other known traffic should be separated from the aircraft

dumping fuel by:

To determine effect of wake turbulence, aircraft are grouped

into the following categories:

Meteorological messages (priority indicator GG) shall

The order of priority for the transmission of messages in the
aeronautical fixed telecommunication network shall be as
follows: Transmission priority indicator
The four-letter location indicators are listed in …
The three-letter designators are listed in…
AFTN destination stations shall retain, for a period of at
An aircraft shall not change the type of its radiotelephony call
sign during flight, except temporarily on the instruction of…
Except for reasons of safety, no transmission shall be directed
to an aircraft …
In the frequency band 117.975 – 137.000 MHz, the lowest
assignable frequency shall be…
In the frequency band 117.975 – 137.000 MHz, and the highest
assignable frequency shall be…
Airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS).

Surveillance radar:

Secondary surveillance radar (SSR):

Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft in an

Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft with radio
communication failure:
Mode A code to provide recognition of an aircraft which is
being subjected to unlawful interference:
Mode A code shall be reserved to provide recognition of an
aircraft which has not received any instructions from air traffic
control units to operate the transponder.
The Mode A code shall be manually selected from…
Air traffic service, a generic term meaning variously, shall
Air traffic control service shall be:

Performance-based navigation (PBN).

Pressure-altitude: An atmospheric pressure expressed in terms

of …which corresponds to that pressure in the Standard
Radio navigation service: A service providing …or position
data for the efficient and safe operation of aircraft supported by
one or more radio navigation aids.
Touchdown is the point where the nominal glide path
ILS reference datum :A point at a specified height located
above the intersection of the runway centre line and the
threshold and through which …extended straight portion of the
ILS glide path passes.

The localizer shall operate in the band

The precision approach radar system shall comprise the
The radio frequencies assigned to NDBs shall be selected
from those available in that portion of the spectrum
The DME system shall provide for continuous and accurate
indication in the cockpit of the …of an equipped aircraft from
an equipped ground reference point.
The DME system shall comprise:
The aircraft component of DME system shall be referred to as :
The ground component of DME system shall be referred to as:
DME system, the aircraft handling capacity of transponders in
an area shall be adequate for the area of…, whichever is the
Air-ground communication:

Ground. to-air communication:

Controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC).

Distress messages (priority indicator SS).

Urgency messages (priority indicator DD).

Genenral knowledge
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach
provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain
and the reported ceiling is…………..the level of the beginning
of the initial approach segment for the aircraft so cleared; or
the pilot reports at the level of the beginning of the………..or
at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable
assurance a visual approach and landing can be completed.

Vertical separation if other known traffic behind aircraft

dumping fuel within 15 minutes flying time or a distance of
93km (50NM) by at least 300m (1000ft) if above the aircraft
dumping fuel; and

The final vector shall enable the aircraft to be established in

level flight on the final approach track prior to intercepting the
specified or norminal glide path if an ILS or radar approach is
to be made and should provide an intercept angle with the final
approach track of ……………..

The pilot of an aircraft experiencing two-way radio

communication failure set his transponder to code:
Red pyrotechnic directed by tower to an aircraft in flight

In the event of a delay of …..minutes in excess of the

estimated off-block time for a controlled flight or delay of …
minutes for an uncontrolled flight for which a flight plan has
been submitted , the flight plan should be amended or a new
flight plan submitted and the old flight plan cancelled ,
whichever is applicable :

Airplane A with an air traffic clearance is flying in VFR

condition within a controlled area . Airplane B with no air
traffic clearance is approaching at approximately the same
altitude and on converging course . Which has the right – of-
way ?
A pilot who estimated an arrival time of 0750 over the facility
serving his destination , was estimated over the facility at 0744
by the center . Earlier he was given an expected approach time
at 0747 which he acknowledged, but when cleared for an
approach at 0745 no reply was received and contact with him
cannot be re-established To minimize the possibility of
collision with the unreported aircraft , until what time other
traffic will be restricted ?

If a pilot who has experienced two-way radio failure during an

IFR flight proceeds according to his latest clearance , which
was the navigational aid serving his destination airport , where
should he commence his descent for landing ?

The range of primary radar depends on:

All current civil SSR systems use :

If an identified aircraft is approaching heading on the

controlled aircraft what action should be taken by the radar
C An aircraft which is intercepted, by another aircraft shall
immediately, if equipped with a SSR transponder
How is Flight Visibility defined?

  An aircraft is considered to overtake another if it approaches

the other aircraft from the rear on a line forming an angle of
less than:
Your aircraft is intercepted by a military aircraft. The signals
given by this aircraft conflict with ATC instructions. You
Pilots should notify air traffic control a revised estimated time
if the reported estimate for the reporting point is found to be in
error in excess of:
What action should a pilot take to overtake another aircraft :
An aircraft flying above the sea between 4,500ft MSL and
9000ft MSL outside controlled airspace under VFR , must
remain on principle at least :
What are the international aviation urgency signals?
What are the international aviation distress signals?
Pilots should notify air traffic control if the variation in true
aispeed at criusing level between the reporting point vary by:
Except when neccesary for take off or landing, or except by
permission from the appropriate authority, VFR flight shall
not be flown:
The pilot of the jet aircraft wish to reach the destination with
the minimum use of fuel. They should fly at:
What will be the influence of the aeroplane performance if
aerodrome pressure altitude is increased?
An aircraft with 180 minutes ETOPS approval must be:

With increasing altitude, the rate of climb will:

If the aircraft mass increases, how does the rate of climb:

A headwind will:
The speed at which sound is transported through the air is
dependant on:
In a standard atmosphere and at the sea level, the calibrated
airspeed (CAS) is:
An airspeed indicator displays:

On board an aircraft, the altitude is measured from the:

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to Viet Nam rules
of the air):
When aircraft operating within controlled airspace needs to
dump fuel, the flight crew shall advise ATC. The ATC unit
should then coordinate with the flight crew the following: the
rout to be flown, which, if possible, should be clear of cities
and towns, preferably over water and away from areas where
thunderstorms have been reported or are expected; The
duration of the fuel dumping;The level to be used, which
should be not less than……….

The MSA provides obstacle clearance in a circle with a radius

Except for aircraft in a state of emergency, or during
communication failure or unlawful interference situations, and
unless otherwise agreed by regional air navigation agreement
or between a transferring and an accepting ATC unit, the
transferring unit shall assign:

Other known traffic should be separated from the aircraft

dumping fuel by:

The flight crew shall read back to the Air Trafic Controller
safety-related parts of ATC clearances and instructions which
are transmitted by voice. The following iterms shall always be
read back:

To determine effect of wake turbulence, aircraft are grouped

into the following categories:
If an arriving aircraft is making a complete instrument
approach, a departing aircraft may take off in any direction
The controller shall…………. To ascertain that the clearance
or instruction has been correctly acknowledge by flight crew
and shall take immediately action to correct any discrepancies
revealed by the…..

Minimum flight altitude ensures( according to Annex II rules

of the air):

Which aircraft along the following has first priority:

When the destination aerodrome is outside controlled airspace,
the ATC unit responsible for:

When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aircraft

on crossing tracks, the longitudinal separation minima
is………………when the level is crossed:
The standard controller-pilot phraseology for a controller to
ascertain the RVSM approval status of an aircraft is:
For traffic on reciprocal tracks where lateral separation is not
provide, vertical separation shall be kept at least…………prior
to and after the time the aircraft are estimated to pass, or are
estimated to have passed.

The criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific

level is occupied by an aircraft shall be +_60m(200ft) in
RVSM airspace. In other airspace, it shall be………..,except
that the appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is found to be
more practical.
An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach
provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain
and the reported ceiling is…………..the level of the beginning
of the initial approach segment for the aircraft so cleared; or
the pilot reports at the level of the beginning of the………..or
at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such that with reasonable
assurance a visual approach and landing can be completed.
The criterion which shall be used to determine that a specific
level is occupied by an aircraft shall be +_60m(200ft) in
RVSM airspace. In other airspace, it shall be………..,except
that the appropriate ATS authority may specify a smaller
criterion, but not less than +_60m(200ft), if this is found to be
more practical.
In which ICAO document can you find the postal address of
AIS of states?


Stress is above all:

Check the following statements: 1.a person

experiencing sleep loss is unlikely to be aware of personal
performance degradation 2:
performance loss may be present up to 20 minutes after
awaking from s short sleep (nap)

Between which components an interface mismatch causing

disturbance of the biological rhythm, thus leading to reduced
human performance?
An increase in workload usually leads to:

Which of the following characteristics apply to short-term

memory? 1: it is limited in time
and size 2: it is unlimited in time and limited in
size 3: it is stable and
insensitive to disturbances 4: it
is limited in time and unlimited in size
Which is the audible range to human hearing?
In terms of decision-making, the intention to become
integrated into the team, to be recognized as the leader or to
avoid conflicts may lead to:
Thinking on human reliability is changing:

Which of the following statements in regard to motivation is


What are the various factors which guide attention?

1: the level of automation of behavior
2: response time
3: the salience of the information
4: expectations
 What are the most common situational awareness problem(s)?

  An important aspect of Situational Awareness is:

The ability to monitor information which could indicate the

development of a critical situation:

In terms of decision-making, the intention to become

integrated into the team, to be recognised as the leader or to
avoid conflicts may lead to:
The capacity of the short-term memory is

What is the effect of tiredness on attention?

Decision-making can be influenced by the following factors:

1: people tend to conform
to opinions expressed by a majority within the group they
belong to 2: people
always tend to keep the future decisions in line with those their
superiors have made in the past
3: people more easily tend to select data which
meet the expectations
4: people hardly base decisions on their personal
preferences but rather on rational information
Which model has some holes on layer of defences, barriers,
and safeguard?
What is the reason of ‘Swiss Cheese’ model

The reason of ‘Swiss Cheese’ model helps the investigator

identify and make recommendation about:
Which of the following statements is true about error chain?

Which of the following statements is true about chain of event?

Some areas of concerned are at the controller’s workplace:

Goals of automation are to

Automation’s standardization in ATC includes:

One category of human attributes concerns the effects on ATC

such as:
What is the training of controllers objective to

Information stays in the short-term memory

Illusions of interpretation (cognitive illusions) are:

Stress is a response which is prompted by the occurrence of

various stressors. Of these, which can be called physiological?
Which combination of elements guarantee the understanding of
a message without adding new information to it?

Which of the following statements is likely true about QNH?

Which of the following statements is likely true a METAR?

In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR has increased during
the 10 minutes preceding the observation, the tendency is
indicated by:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR has decreased, the
tendency is indicated by:
In the METAR/SPECI, when the RVR no distinct change, the
tendency is indicated by:
The information concerning meteorological services provided
to aircraft in flight as:

In the aviation meteorological sevice “Cloud of operational

significance” shall be understood as:

There is thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of an airport at

which you plan to land, which hazardous atmospheric
phenomenon might be expected on the landing approach?
Why is frost considered hazardous to flight?

An inversion is when:

The name given to the lowest forecast mean sea level pressure
in an area is:
One or more coloured rings around the sun or moon may
indicate the presence of which type of cloud?
Hail is most likely to fall from which type of cloud?
Unstable air is forced to rise up the side of a mountain. What
weather might you expect to see on the windward slopes?

A tornado over water is called a:

An electrical discharge from a thunderstorm:
The layer of the atmosphere where most of the world’s weather
occurs is ?
The gas which comprises most of the atmosphere is ?
You notice on a barometer that air pressure has been
decreasing rapidly. The type of weather that would normally
be expected to occur would be ?
Which one of these clouds can produce moderate to heavy
Wind shear warning be issued when expected existence of
wind shear__?
The term “CAVOK” is used when:

In the METAR and SPECI reports, the term vicinity (Vc) shall
be understood as:

The term “CAVOK” is uesd when:

In report in the METAR code form, surface wind should be

based on below:

In local routine and special reports in METAR and SPECI, the

visibility is reported in steps of 50M when:
In local routine and special reports in METAR and SPECI, the
visibility is reported in steps of 100M when:
In local routine and special reports in METAR and SPECI, the
visibility is reported in steps of one kilometre when:
Hail is reported when:

Small hail an/or snow pellets is reported when:

Fog is reported when:

Mist is reported when:

In the local routine and special reports, temperature below 0

degrees Celsius are preceded by:
In the METAR and SPECI reports, temperrature below 0
degrees Celsius are preceded by:
In reports for departing aircraft, the visibility observations
should be:
In reports for arriving aircraft, the visibility observations
should be:
In local reports, the term “CALM” is used when:

In reports desseminated locally at the aerodrome, surface wind

should be based on below:
Which of the following weather phenomena will reduce the
A tropical cyclone has wind speeds:

Serveilance system

Whenever the code is assigned to an aircraft, the setting of this

code shall be verified by the controller:
What is the minimum angle of turn necessary to identify an
A radar approach controller should not request to adjust speed
after the aircraft has passed a point ------- from the threshold
on final approach.
An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to
consider executing a missed approach if the aircraft is not
visible on the radar display for significant interval during the
last ……. of the approach.

Radar controllers should give traffic information in the

following form:
Who is responsible for check alignment of the Radar video
display to ensure the video map or overlay is properly aligned
with a permanent target of known and azimuth on the radar

When observing invalid mode C readouts, what phraseology

should the controller ask the pilot check his altimeter setting?
Vector an arriving aircraft to intercept the final approach
course at an angle not greater than ………
How many methods do you use for identification by SSR?
How many methods using for identification by PSR?
The number assigned to a particular multiple pulse signals
transmitted by a transponder is:
An aircraft will be considered to be maintaining FL 190 when
SSR mode C level information indicates:
The tolerance value which should be used to determine that
mode C derived level information displayed to the controller is
accurate shall be:
Before providing radar service to an aircraft, the radar
controller shall:
Transfer of identity of a radar blip from the radar controller to
another should be attempted when it is considered that:

The radar controller should inform the pilot of his position

except in the following case:
Radar vectoring of an arriving aircraft shall be terminated
Aircraft being radar vectored for an approach as soon as
practicable, be informed of:
The surveillance radar normally used by ATC does not display
altitude information unless the aircraft is equipped with an
altitude encoding transponder. This is referred to as:
The process of correlating particular radar blip or radar
position symbol with a specific aircraft is:
The use of radar for the purpose of providing aircraft with
information and advice relative significant deviation from
nominal flight path is:
Radar separation.

Secondary radar can provide:

Primary radar means:

The main uses radar in an approach control service are:

An aircraft may be vectored into uncontrolled airspace when:

If unidentified aircraft is approach head on the controlled

aircraft, what action should be taken by the radar controller?

Aircraft A reports at FL100 but the radar display shows FL115.

What action should the radar controller take?

What should a radar controller do if the code displayed on the

radar screen difference from the code he has just asked the
pilot to squawk?
An aircraft will consider to have reached the level to which it
has been cleared when:
In the case that the radar fails, but communication is still good,
the radar controller should:

Arriving aircraft is descending for approach. The pilot of the

aircraft is to change altimeter setting from Standard air
pressure (760 mm Pb) to QNH (or QFE) ___
The phraseology used when an aircraft with transmitter failure
has been given a turn and the echo is seen to follow instruction
Radar separation shall only be applied between identified
aircraft when:
Radar separation based upon primary radar (PSR) shall be the
Radar separation based on the used of SSR responses:

Where SSR is used, transfer of radar identify shall be affected


Aircraft reports at FL150 but the radar display shows FL155.

What action should the radar controller take?

The standard minimum radar separation in Viet Nam

An aircraft making a radar approach should be advised to

consider executing a missed approach if the aircraft í not
visible on the radar display for significant interval during the
last…….. of the approach.

Speed adjustments may not be requested or applied after the

aircraft has passed a point of…………… from the threshold on
final approach:
Before providing radar service to an aircraft, the radar
controller shall:
The generation of minimum safe altitude warnings is a
function of an ATC radar-processing system. The objective of
the MSAW function is to assist in the prevention of controlled
flight into………………accidents by generating in a timely
manner, a warning of the possible infringement of a minimum
safe altitude.

When SSR radar is not available, radar identification may be

achieved by instructing the aircraft to make heading changes of
at least:
Use of surface movement radar (SMR):

Radar is an acronym of:

The direction in which the longitudinal axis of an aircraft is
pointed, usually expressed in degrees from North (true,
magnetic, compass or grid). That is definition of:


An aircraft is on an IFR approach to an aerodrome in VMC.

This approach can be defined as:
What does the term EXPECTED APPROACH TIME mean:

The Squawk code for radio failure is:

The term BROADCAST means that the information:
What does the term BLIND TRANSMISSION mean?

The abbreviation SSR stands for:

Which abbreviation is used for Co-ordinated universal time?

PAPI stands for:

Civil Aviation of Viet Nam:

In Viet Nam the following types of radio aids to air navigation

are available:
Which facility among the following provides a/c with its
azimuth and distance:
Which facility along the following provides aircraft with its
azimuth and distance?
Air traffic services unit clocks and other time-recording
devices shall be checked as necessary to ensure correct time to
within plus or minus ____ of UTC at all times:
The frequencies used for survival radio equipment are:
ATC unit may use the following means of communications for
co-ordination purposes:
The airborne VOR equipment is referred to:

Emergency locator transmetter (ELT) is fitted _____ :

Which facility among the following provides a/c with its
azimuth and distance:
The limits of the VHF band are:

Positions on a Flight Management Computer are updated with

information from:
The radio navigation information used by the FMC is:
Basic RNAV requires a track-keeping accuracy of:

In a hybrid navigation system:

Using a primary radar:

The main factor which affects the maximum range of a pulse

radar is:
The speed of a radio wave in nm/sec is:
For a given HF frequency skip distance will normally:
What is the distance in kilometres from 49° S 180° E/W to 58°
S 180º E/W?
The ICAO definition of ETA is the:

What is the ISA temperature value at FL 330?

Heading is 156° T, TAS is 320 knots, W/V is 130° /45. What
is your true track?
Given the following: Magnetic heading: 060° Magnetic
variation: 8° W Drift angle: 4° right What is the true track?
Given: ILS GP angle = 3.5 DEG, GS = 150 kt. What is the
approximate rate of descent?
An aircraft at FL350 is required to descend to cross a DME
facility at FL80. Maximum rate of descent is 1800 FT/MIN
and mean GS for descent is 276 kt. The minimum range from
the DME at which descent should start is:

The angle between True North and Magnetic North is called:

What is the value of magnetic dip at the South Magnetic Pole?

Deviation is:

A waypoint is:
What does SELCAL mean:

Operation system

Which is transmitting technique:

The transmission of long messages should be :

Refer to AGIMY,which is correct:

Which is correct:

Refer to 108.3, which is correct:

What does ‘ GO AHEAD’ mean:
What does ‘ HOW DO YOU READ’ mean:

In transmitting technique,rate of speech shall be not

exceeded….words per minute:
In Radio telephony ,What does “ CORRECTION” mean?

In the initial contact,which message may be used by pilot:

The following shall always be read back:

Which following word may be omitted from transmission:

Except in cases of emergency, controllers should not transmit

to an aircraft:
In What condition of weather ? the controller may request the
pilot to report when airborne:
When an aircraft has commenced the take-off roll, and it is
necessary for the aircraft to abandon take-off in order to avert a
dangerous traffic situation,which instruction shall be given (by

A “FINAL” report is made when an aircraft turns onto final

within … from touchdown:
A “LONG FINAL” report is made when an aircraft turns onto
final at the distance that greater than ……from touchdown:
When an aircraft is going around,any transmission to him
should be:
A transmission from one station to another station in
circumstances where two-way communication cannot be
established but where it is believed that the called station is
able to receive the transmission:

A transmission of information relating to air navigation that is

not addressed to a specific station or stations:
Test transmissions should take the following form:

Approach control will normally advise the type of approach to

be expected.
What shall the pilots read back be for CLIMB TO 2.500
Which elements of a position report cannot be omitted? 

ATC clears Fastair 345 to descent from FL 100 to FL 80. What

is the correct read back by the pilot? 
Which elements of instructions or information shall always be
read back? 
Which word shall be used to ask a station whether you have
correctly received a message, clearance,instruction, etc? 
Normally a holding procedure should be published. However,
when the pilot requires a detailed description of the holding
procedure based on a facility, the following phraseology
should be used in the following order:
Distress conditions are defined as:

Urgency conditions are defined as:

The word “MAYDAY” spoken at the start identifies.......

The words “PAN PAN” at the start identifies an ..... message.
The words “MAYDAY” or “PAN PAN”, as appropriate,
should preferably be ........... at the start of the initial distress or
urgency call.
A distress message should contain as many as possible of the
following elements, and, if possible, in the order shown:

When an aircraft announces that it is making an emergency

descent, the controller will:

After suffering a radio receiver failure the pilots should make

blind transmissions preceded by the phrase "Transmitting blind
due to receiver failure" and subsequently: 
When an aircraft has informed an ATS unit that it intends to
dump fuel, the ATS unit will:
When an aeronautical station has been unable to establish
contact with an aircraft after calls on the frequencies on which
the aircraft is believed to be listening, it shall:

When an aircraft is no longer in distress, it shall transmit a

message cancelling the distress condition. Which words shall
this message include? 
The distress communication and silence conditions shall be
terminated by transmitting a message. Which words shall this
message include? 
Blind transmission:


Clearance limit:

The following transmitting techniques will assist in ensuring

that transmitted speech is clear and satisfactorily received:

An irritating and potentially dangerous situation in

radiotelephony is a “stuck” microphone button.

When the language used for communication is English,

number 4 shall be transmitted using the following
Pilots may check the time with the appropriate ATS unit. Time
checks shall be given to.....
The word ACKNOWLEDGE shall be used in radiotelephony
communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below. :
The word CONFIRM shall be used in radiotelephony
communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :
The word RECLEARED shall be used in radiotelephony
communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :

The word READ BACK shall be used in radiotelephony

communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :
The word STANDBY shall be used in radiotelephony
communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning
given below :
An aircraft call sign shall be one of the following types:

When establishing communications, an aircraft should:

The word “CORRECTION” shall be spoken, the last correct

group or phrase repeated and then the correct version
When it is considered that reception is likely to be difficult,
important elements of the message should be spoken ......
The following shall always be read back:
The following shall always be read back

The controller shall listen to the read-back:


How many PSR identification procedures are?

Which does ATC term “Radar contact” signify?

Radar controller shall not request the pilot to adjust the speed
where the air craft has passed:
Primary radar means:

What will be the transponder mode S code for radio

communication failure?
Which code does the pilot use in an emergency situation?
Which code is used in radio communication failure?
Which code is used in unlawful interference?
How shall a pilot inform a radar control unit that the aircraft is
not equipped with transponder?
The radar control service provided may include:

The message addressed to an Area Control Center "request

radar vectors to circumnavigate adverse weather" is:
Information regarding traffic on a conflicting path should be
given, whenever practicable, in the following form:   

Prior to commencement of a radar approach, the aircraft shall

be informed of: 

The following types of approaches may be conducted in

segregated parallel operations provided suitable surveillance
radar and the appropriate ground facilities conform to the
standard necessary for the specific type of approach:   

Aircraft to be provided with a precision radar approach shall

have been transferred to the controller in charge of the
precision approach at a distance of ......... from the point of
interception of the glide path, unless otherwise provided by the
appropriate ATS authority.
Subject to radar system and situation display capabilities, a
minimum of ....... shall be provided between aircraft on the
same ILS localizer course or MLS final approach track unless
increased longitudinal separation is required due to wake
turbulence or for other reasons.

What is minimum sector altitude (MSA)?

What is Standard Instrument Arrival (STAR)?

Which groud of code should Ha Noi Acc use for Hvn611 from
Noi Bai to Bangkok
The MSA provides obstacle clearance in a circle with a radius
Track separation between aircraft using the same VOR is at
least…and at a distance of…more from the facility.
Track separation between aircraft using the same NDB VOR is
at least…and at a distance of…more from the facility.
Track separation between aircraft using dead reckoning is at
least…and at a distance of…more from the facility.
Longitudinal separation minima for aircraft at the same
cruising level and on the same track is:
Longitudinal separation minima between aircraft flying on
crossing track with no naviga
Where lateral separation is not provided, how long should
vertical separation be provided for opposite direction traffic?

When an aircraft is being held in flight, when should vertical

separation be provided between holding aircraft and en-route
What type of separation must be maintained at all times
between aircraft holding in the holding pattern?
The aircraft should be advised to consider executing a missed
approach if the aircraft is not visible on the situation display
for any significant interval during the last...of the approach
Prior to commencement of a radar approach, the aircraft shall
be informed of:

If the landing clearance is not received, a subsequent

notification should be made at approximately…and landing
clearance requested.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority,
the controller conducting the approach should notify the
aerodrome controller or, when applicable, the procedural
controller when an aircraft making a radar approach is

Which does ATC Term “Radar contact” signify?

What does an air traffic controller have to do before providing

an ATS surveillance service to an air craft?
What does mode C show?
What does mode S show?
What does SSR mean?
What does PSR mean?
How many SSR identification procedures are?
When area control service and approach control service are not
provided by the same air traffic control unit, responsibility for
controlled flights shall rest with the unit providing area control
service except that a unit providing approach control service
shall be responsible for the control of:

An operator shall, prior to departure: 

Prior to commencement of a radar approach, the aircraft shall

be informed of:   

An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach

provided the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain

The initial and intermediate approach phases of an approach

executed under the direction of a controller comprise those
parts of the approach from the time vectoring is initiated for
the purpose of positioning the aircraft for a final approach,
until the aircraft is on final approach and:   

The approach sequence shall be established in a manner which

will facilitate arrival of the maximum number of aircraft with
the least average delay. Priority shall be given to:   

Priority for landing shall be given to: 

Any or all VFR operations on and in the vicinity of an
aerodrome may be suspended by any of the following units,
persons or authorities whenever safety requires such action: 
How should a pilot terminate the read-back of an ATC
My message will be more effective and understandable if I

Speed control shall not be applicable to aircraft:

When an aircraft will pass through the level of another aircraft

on the same track, the longitudinal separation minima must
be…when the level is crossed:
What shall the controller do when a pilot reports an ACAS
resolution advisory (RA)?

The responsibility for the control of an aircraft shall be

transferred from one air traffic control unit to another as

Except when a clearance is obtained from an ATC unit, a VFR

flight can not enter or leave a control zone when ceiling is less
The abbreviation OCH means:
Approach control service is:

Estimated time of arrival is:

Area control service is:


Aeronautical Information Circular is:

Aeronautical Information Management is :


AIP Amendment: :

AIP Supplement. :

AIRAC stands for

ADIZ stand for:

The automatic provision of current, routine information to

arriving and departing aircraft throughout 24 hours is:
A means by which aircraft, aerodrome vehicles and other
objects can automatically transmit and/or receive data such as
identification, position and additional data, as appropriate, in a
broadcast mode via a data link: 2

“An airspace of defined dimensions within which activities

dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist at specified
times”means (Annex 15 page 1-3)
The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that
provides the required obstacle clearance is:
The AIP SUP pages should be preferably:
AIP Supplements contain information :

How much a check list all AIP Supplement currently in force

be issued?
The authority responsible for the collection, collation, editing
and publishing of aeronautical information used by all types of
aircraft operations is:
What are the declared distances of the aerodrome indicated in
the AIP-Viet Nam?
Each NOTAM shall be located a series identified by a letter
and… followed by a stroke and a two digit number for the
year:( annex15 item 5.2.5)
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA).

Movement area.


Prohibited area:
Radio navigation service.

Restricted area.


A NIL notification shall be originated and distributed by the

monthly plain-language list of valid NOTAM when:

A checklist of AIP pages containing:

AD 2.6 Rescue and firefighting services Detailed description

of the rescue and firefighting services and equipment available
at the aerodrome, including:
AIP Supplement pages should be coloured in order to be
conspicuous, preferably in yellow.
How often a checklist of valid AIP Supplements shall be
issued at intervals of..
AIP Supplement pages should be kept as the …in the AIP
AIP shall be published as AIP Amendments contains:
AIP shall be published as AIP Supplement contains:
Information of short duration containing extensive text and/or
graphics is published as:
Letters A to Z, with the exception of S and T, may be used to
A checklist of AIC currently in force shall be issued…
ATS surveillance system:


Aerodrome is:

Aeronautical information:

Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).

Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).

AIP Amendment contain:

AIP Supplement contain:

AIRAC is an acronym of:

Area navigation (RNAV) is:

ATS surveillance service.

Automatic terminal information service (ATIS).

Danger area.

Geodesic distance.

Geodetic datum.


International NOTAM office (NOF).

Manoeuvring area.

Minimum en-route altitude (MEA).

Ceiling is the height above the ground or water of the base of

the lowest layer of clound below … covering more than half
the sky.
Heading is the direction in which the …. Axis of an aircraft is
pointed, usually expressed in degrees from … (true, magnetic,
compass or grid)
Radar is a radio detection divice which provides information
on… of objects

Radar approach is an approach in which … phase is executed

under the direction of a controller using radar
Radar contact is the situation which exists when the radar
position of a particular aircraft is …. on a situation display

Terminal control area (TMA) is a control area normally

established at the confluence of ATS routes in the vicility of
…. major aerodrome(s)
Only minor speed adjustment not exceeding plus/minus …
should be used for aircraft on intermediate and final approach

An expected approach time shall be transmitted to the aircraft

by the most expeditious means whenever it is anticipated that
the aircraft will be required to hold for … minutes or more.

The minimum radar separation to be provided between aircraft

established on the ILS localizer course shall be … between
aircarft on the same ILS localizer course unless increased
longitudinal separation is required due to wake turbulence
Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

12 24

Traffic Moutain

+_90m(300ft) +_60m(200ft)

At or above…….initial approach
Below…………final approach segment.

10 degrees 20 degrees
At least 600m (2000ft) if below the aircraft At least 300m (1000ft) if below the
dumping fuel. aircraft dumping fuel.

Monitor the movement of aircraft and Provide advise and assistance for the
vehicales on the manoeuving area; provide safe and efficient movement of
directional information to pilots and vehical aircraft and vehicales on the
drivers as necessary; manoueving area.

30 degrees or less 45 degrees or less

  At the first contact.   At the second communication

40 degrees or less 20 degrees or less

Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.

  _+ 5 minutes _+3 minutes

Suggested by ATC when VMC

Made by pilot-in-command
  Aircraft on inital and intermediate   Aircraft on intermediate approach
approach segments. segment.
  Between the centers of the radar
  Between the edges of the radar blips

The aircraft is on the frequency of the The aircraft is over the common
accepting controller. boundary.

5 degrees the alignment of the runway 10 degrees the alignment of the

center-line. runway center-line.

5% 3%
At all times, are considered by the At a particular time, are considered
aerodrome control tower to be the most by the aerodrome control tower to be
suitable for use by the types of aircraft the most suitable for use by the
expected to land or take off at the types of aircraft expected to land or
aerodrome. take off at the aerodrome.

Observe…….listen Readback………listen.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

At least 300m(1000ft) above MSL.

The one that has the other on its

The one that has the other on its left.

1000 feet or visibility is les than 5

1500 feet or visibility is les than 5 km.

Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.

The next controlled airspace

The last controlled airspace through which
through which an aircraft will pass
an aircraft will pass shall issue the
shall issue the appropriate clearance
appropriate clearance for flight to the limit
for flight to the limit of that
of that controlled airspace.
controlled airspace.

Inform the pilot of the difference

Draw the pilot”s attention on the difference
and request him to check his
in levels.
altimeter setting and confirm level.

Request the pilot to recycle the

  Request the pilot to stop squawk.
assigned mode and code.

  5NM within 40NM from

TSN,DAN, and NBA airports; the
5NM within 40NM from TSN,DAN, and
10NM between 40NM to 80NM
NBA airports and 10NM elsewhere.
from those airports and 15NM
5 NM 4 NM

3 NM 4 NM

Provide the radar information to the

Establish radar identity of that aircraft.

Preceding Succeeding

10 minutes 3 minutes

1 minute 2minutes


( call sign) confirm RVSM approved. ( call sign) affirm RVSM.

10 minutes 5 minutes

72 48

The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport

The Minister of Transport The Director of Airport Authority

The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport

The Prime Minister The Minister of Transport

General Director of these airlines Airport Director

Director of Airport Authority Airport Director

The Ministry of National Defence The Ministry of Transport

10 minutes. 2 minutes.

  The arriving aircraft has started its

The arriving aircraft has commenced
procedure turn or base turn leading to final
initial approach.

3NM. 4NM.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

At least 300m(1000ft) above MSL.

Code 2000 to a controlled flight prior to Code 2000 to a controlled flight

transfer of communications. prior to terminate the radar service.

  Vertical separation if behind the

At least 19km(10NM) horizontally, but not aircraft dumping fuel within 10
behind the aircraft dumping fuel. minutes flying time or a distance of


Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

Messages concerning forecasts. Area and route forecasts.


Doc 8585 Doc 7910.

Doc 7910. Doc 8186.
90 days. 60 days.

An air traffic control unit. Ground control unit.

During the last part of the final

During take-off.

118.000 MHz. 117.975 MHz.

137.000 MHz. 136.975 MHz.

An aircraft system based on secondary

An aircraft system based on primary
surveillance radar (SSR) transponder
radar signals.
Radar equipment used to determine
Radar equipment used to determine the
the position of an aircraft in range
altitude of an aircraft.
and azimuth.

A surveillance radar system which uses A surveillance radar system which

transmitters. uses receivers.

Code 7100. Code 7500.

Code 7200. Code 7500.

Code 7400. Code 7500.

Code 2000. Code 2100.

The 1 096 codes available. The 2 096 codes available.

Alerting service, air traffic advisory
Flight information service.
Approach control service,
Area control service.
aerodrome control service.
Area navigation based on performance Area navigation based on
requirements for aircraft operating along an performance requirements for
ATS route, on an instrument approach aircraft operating along an ATS
procedure or in a designated airspace. route.

Flight level. Altitude.

Weather information. ATIS information.

The outer marker. The localizer.

The downward. The upward.

108 MHz to 111.475 MHz. 108 MHz to 111.975 MHz.

The precision approach radar element The surveillance radar element
(PAR). (SRE).

Between 190 kHz and 1 450 kHz. Between 190 kHz and 1 550 kHz.

Slant range distance. Vertical distance.

one component installed on the

one component fitted in the aircraft
The interrogator. The transponder.
The interrogator. The transponder.

200 aircraft. 150 aircraft.

One-way communication between aircraft Two-way communication between

and stations or locations on the surface of aircraft and stations or locations on
the earth. the surface of the earth.
One-way communication from stations or Two-way communication from
locations on the surface of the earth to stations or locations on the surface
aircraft. of the earth to aircraft.
A means of communication between A means of communication
controllers, using data link for ATC between controller and pilot, using
communications. data link for ATC communications.
A report from an aircraft in flight. A report from an aircraft on ground.

This message category shall comprise This message category shall

those messages sent by mobile stations comprise those messages sent by
reporting that they are threatened by grave mobile stations reporting that they
and imminent danger. are in danger.

This category shall comprise messages

This category shall comprise
concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft or
messages concerning the safety of a
other vehicles, or of some person on board
or within sight.

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

At or above…….initial approach
Below…………final approach segment.

At least 600m (2000ft) if below the aircraft At least 300m (1000ft) if below the
dumping fuel. aircraft dumping fuel.

30 degrees or less 45 degrees or less

A/3 7400 A/3 7500

Not withstanding any previous

Return for landing instruction, do not land for the time

30,30 30,60

Airplane B regardless if the

Airplane A regardless of the direction from
direction from which airplane A is
which airplane B is approaching .
approaching .
0814   0820

When he is 80 miles from the airport When he enters the TMA

Transmitted power , altitude and level of

Size , level and material of aircraft
The same frequencies i.e. 1090MHz
The same frequencies i.e. 1030MHz for the
for the ground to air transmission
ground to air transmission and 1090MHz
and 1030MHz for the air to ground
for the air to ground transmission.

Immediately turn the controlled aircraft to Descend the controlled aircraft to

the right fly below the unidentified aircraft

Select Mode A code 7000 Select Mode A code 7500

The visibility reported by a pilot currently The measured visibility assessed by

flying in the vicinity a certified meteorological observer

60 degrees with the plane of symmetry of 50 degrees with the plane of

the latter symmetry of the latter

select code A7500 on your

follow ATC instructions

±5 minutes ±4 minutes

He should alter his course to pass the He should alter his course to pass
other’s right the other’s left
2000ft horizontally , 1000ft
Clear of clouds and sight of surface ; 8km
vertically from clouds ; 5 km

±5% ±4%

at a height less than 600m above the highest at a height less than 300m above the
obstacle within a radius of 900m from the highest obstacle within a radius of
aircraft 600m from the aircraft

Maximum range cruise speed Best landing speed

It will increase the take-off distance It will decrease the take-off distance

no more than 60 minutes from a

no more than 180 minutes from a suitable
suitable alternate, in the prevailing
alternate, still air at the one engine
conditions and using the one engine
inoperative TAS
inoperative TAS

increases because power available

decreases because power available
decreases and power required
increases and power required increases
increases decreases

increase the climb flight path angle decrease the climb flight path angle

Density Pressure

independent of the true airspeed

higher than the true airspeed (TAS)
pressure altitude standard altitude

At least 300m(1000ft) above

At least 300m(1000ft) above MSL.
1800m(6000ft). 1500m(5000ft)

15NM. 20NM.

Code 2000 to a controlled flight prior to Code 2000 to a controlled flight

transfer of communications. prior to terminate the radar service.

  Vertical separation if behind the

  At least 19km(10NM) horizontally, but aircraft dumping fuel within 10
not behind the aircraft dumping fuel. minutes flying time or a distance of

And Runway-in-use, altimeter

settings, SSR codes, level
ATC route clearances; clearances and instructions, heading and speed
instructions to enter, land on, take off from, instructions and, whether issued by
hold short of, cross, taxi and backtrack on the controller or contained in
any runway; automatic terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts, transition


The arriving aircraft has started its

The arriving aircraft has
procedure turn or base turn leading to final
commenced initial approach.
Observe…….listen Readback………listen.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

At least 300m(1000ft) above MSL.

Departing aircraft. Taxiing aircraft.

The next controlled airspace through
The last controlled airspace through which
which an aircraft will pass shall
an aircraft will pass shall issue the
issue the appropriate clearance for
appropriate clearance for flight to the limit
flight to the limit of that controlled
of that controlled airspace.
10 minutes if preceding aircraft is
10 minutes if the track are 30
74km/h(40kt) or more faster than the
degrees or more divergent.

( call sign) confirm RVSM approved. ( call sign) affirm RVSM.

10 minutes 5 minutes

+_90m(300 ft)   +_60m(200ft)

At or above…….initial approach
Below…………final approach segment.
+_90m(300ft)   +_60m(200ft)

Doc 7910 Doc 8126

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

A response by man to his problems, which

A phenomenon which is specific to
automatically leads to a reduction in his
modern man

1 and 2 are both correct   1 is correct 2 is false

Liveware – Hardware Liveware – Software

A longer and less frequent exchange of A shorter and more frequent

information exchange of information

2,3 1

Between 16 Hz and 20 MHz Between 16 Hz and 20 KHz

An authoritarian approach thus The improvement of internal risk

demonstrating ones own ability to lead assessment capabilities
Human errors are now considered
It is thought that will be possible to as being inherent to the cognitive
eliminate errors in the near future function of human and are generally

Too much motivation may result in

Motivation will reduce the task
hypovigilance and thus in a decrease in
automation process

1,4 1,2

Distractions caused by
malfunctions, radio, checklists,
Failure to monitor flight path
procedures and situations not
directly related to flying the aircraft
When individual's perception equals When individual's perception higher
(matches) reality than reality

is necessary to maintain good situational is dangerous, because it distracts

awareness attention from flying the aircraft

an authoritarian approach thus

the attempt to agree on decisions made by
demonstrating ones own ability to
other crew members

Very limited – only one item About 30 items

It reduces the ability to manage

It has no specific effects on attention
multiple matters

2,3 1,4
SHEL Swiss Cheese

Is a logical and systematic

development of the error chain
Promotes a systematic approach to safety
approach to focus on causes of
“organizational accidents”

Absent or failed defences Organisational factors

Many accidents are a linked

In most cases accidents and incidents are
sequence where several layers of
result of a single cause
defences fail
Multiple contributing causes that can lead Rarely does an accident have a
to an accident single cause
Display system; input devices;
Work environment; man and the system
computer assistance
Aid efficiency and Improve safety Help to prevent errors

Verbal communication safest when Deviations can lead to errors and

everyone adhere to standardization misunderstanding – must be
(language, format, etc) discouraged

Stress, boredom, complacency, and human

Needs, fatigue, attitudes
make the best use of the human
ensure that controllers possess the required
strengths and capabilities and
knowledge, skills and experience to
overcome or circumvent human
perform their duties safely and efficiently
inadequacies or limitations

Around 24 hours About 20 seconds

Due mainly to a conflict between the Due mainly to a poor interpretation
various sensory systems of instrumental data
Noise, temperature (low or high),
Temperature, hunger, thirst, divorce
humidity, sleep deprivation

Synchronization Encoding
Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

Pressure reset to mean sea level at

Pressure at mean sea level
same condition
An aviation weather report An aviation weather forecast




Forecast of upper wind and upper air

METAR, SPECI, TAF, TREND, SIGMET; temperratures information, aircraft
observations and reports.

a cloud with the height of cloud base below a cloud below the highest minimum
1 500 m (5 000 ft) sector altitude, whichever is greater

Windshear, turbulence. Steady rain.

Frost slows the airflow over the

Frost spoils the smooth flow of air over the
airfoils, thereby increasing control
wings, thereby decreasing lifting capability.
There is an increase of temperature as There is no horizontal gradient of
height increases. temperature.

Regional QNH. QFE.

Altostratus. High.

Thick stratiform cloud, probably
Cloud of extensive vertical development.

waterspout mixer
lightning thunder

stratosphere troposphere

oxygen carbon

fog drizzle

cumulonimbus stratocumulus

between runway level and 500 m above that between runway level and 1500 m
level above that level

visibility is 10 km or more no cloud of operational significance

Not further away than approximately

Between approximately 8 and 16 km of the
8 km of the aerodrome reference
aerodrome reference point.

Visibility is 10 km or more; No
cloud below 1500m or below the
Visibility is 10 km or more and no
highest minimum sector altitude;
cumulonimbus no weather of significance
whichever is greater, and no
to aviation.
cumulonimbus; No weather of
significance to aviation.

An averaging period of 10 minutes, except

that when the 10 minute period includes a
An averaging period of 5 minutes.
marked discontinuity in the wind direction
and/or speed.

Visibility is less than 1000M. Visibility is less than 600M.

Visibility is 600m or more, but less than 5 Visibility is 1000m or more, but less
km. than 3 km.
Visibility is 3km or more, but less than 6 Visibility is 4km or more, but less
km. than 8 km.
Diameter of largest hailstones is 5 mm or Diameter of largest hailstones is 4
more. mm or more.
Diameter of largest hailstones is less than 2 Diameter of largest hailstones is less
mm. than 4 mm.
Visibility is less than 800m, except
Visibility is less than 1000m, except when
when qualified by “MI”, “BC’, “PR”
qualified by “MI”, “BC’, “PR” or “VC”.
or “VC”.
Visibility is at least 1000 m but not more Visibility is at least 800 m but not
than 5000 m. more than 3000 m.



Representative of the take-off and climb.

Representative of the take-off .
out area.
Representative of the aerodrome and
Representative of the landing area
its vicinity.
A wind speed of less than 2 km/h is A wind speed of less than 3 km/h is
observed. observed.

An averaging period of 2 minutes. An averaging period of 1 minute.

rain fog

34 kt or more 32 kt or more

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

At the first contact. At the second communication

15 degrees 25 degrees
10 NM 8 NM

5 NM. 4 NM

Relative bearing- distance- direction- level- Relative bearing- distance- heading-

aircraft type altitude.

The technician. The watch supervisor.

Check altimeter setting Check your present level

15 degrees 20 degrees

4 5
3 4

Mode. Code.

195 197

…200 feet …300 feet

Establish radar identity of that aircraft Provide the radar information.

The a/c is on the frequency of the accepting

The a/c is over common boundary.

The aircraft requests position

The aircraft report over a navaid.

The aircraft requests and is granted The aircraft requests and is cleared
permission to cancel IFR and proceed VFR. for visual approach.
The type of approach to be anticipated and
The traffic on the aerodrome circuit.
the runway in use.

DME Mode B

Radar monitoring. Radar identification.

Radar monitoring. Radar vectoring.

The separation used when aircraft equipped The separation used when aircraft
with airborne radar. operating in radar coverage area.

Aircraft position information an azimuth

Aircraft identification code.
and range.

A radar system which provides primary A radar system which uses reflected
information of air traffic to ATC unit. radio signal.

Vector aircraft to a nominated position

Carry out SRA and PRA
from which the final approach may be
On pilot’s request of to circumnavigate bad In case of emergency and on pilot’s
weather. request.

Immediately turn the controlled aircraft to Descend the controlled aircraft to fly
the right. below the unidentified aircraft.

Inform the pilot of the difference

Draw the pilot’s attention on the difference and request him to check his
in levels. altimeter setting and confirm his

Request the pilot to confirm that he

Request the pilot to stop squawk.
has correctly set the assigned code.

Level information derived by mode C

After three consecutive renewals of
indicated that it is within 90m ( 300 ft) of
mode C derived level information.
it’s assigned level.
Inform aircraft that radar fails and
Instruct aircraft to maintain level and VMC.
maintain own separation.

Below transition level but above

At above transition level.
transition altitude

Turn observed will continue to pass Reply not received, will continue
instructions. instructions.

The aircraft are equipped with There is reasonable assurance that

transponders. identification will be maintained

Between the edges of the radar blips. Between the center of the radar blips

The distance between the centers of radar The distance between the closest
blips edges of the radar blip

Instructing the pilot (by the

Instructing the pilot (by the accepting
transferring controller) to operate the
controller) to operate the SPI feature.
SPI feature.
Inform the pilot of the difference
Draw the pilot”s attention on the difference
and request him to check his
in levels.
altimeter setting and confirm level.

5NM within 40NM from TSN,DAN,

5NM within 40NM from TSN,DAN, and and NBA airports; the 10NM
NBA airports and 10NM elsewhere. between 40NM to 80NM from those
airports and 15NM elsewhere.



Provide the radar information to the

Establish radar identity of that aircraft.
Traffic Mountain

10 degrees 20 degrees

Monitor the movement of aircraft and Provide advise and assistance for
vehicales on the manoeuving area; provide the safe and efficient movement of
directional information to pilots and vehical aircraft and vehicales on the
drivers as necessary; manoueving area.

Radio Detecting And Range. Radio Detection And Range.

Track Bearing

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

a VFR approach with visual

a VFR approach
reference to the ground

The time at which an arriving

The time at which ATC expects that an
aircraft expects to arrive over the
arriving aircraft, following a delay, will
appropriate designated navigation
leave the holding fix to complete its
aid serving the destination
approach for a landing.

7500 7700

is sent in circumstances where

communication cannot be established but
requires a Readback
where it is believed that the called station is
able to receive the transmission
A transmission from one station to another
A transmission of information
station in circumstances where two-way
relating to air navigation that is not
communication cannot be established but it
addressed to a specific station or
is believed that the called station is able to
receive the transmission.

Some strange radio. Secondary surveillance radar.


concerns the availability of aircraft towing is an abbreviation for co-ordinated

facilities. universal time.

Pitch attitude prime instrument. Precision approach indicators.

Has been using the World Geodetic
Has been using the World Geodetic
System (WGS-84) since
System (WGS-84) since 1998.




10 seconds. 20 seconds.

121.5 MHz and 406 MHz 121.5 MHz and 423 MHz

AFTN Direct speech circuits

As airborne VOR receiver. As airborne VOR transmitter.

On board of the aircraft At the rescue co-ordination centre


30 - 300 MHz. 3 - 30 MHz.


+/- 3NM or better for 90% of the flight +/- 2NM or better for 75% of the
time. flight time.

The information obtained from ATC and The aircrew has limited control over
ground radars plays a dominant role. the navigation.

target size will influence the

All 3 answers are correct.
maximum range.

the size of the radar screen. the aerial system size.

163,842 186,000
have no diurnal variation. be greater by day than by night.

1112 km. 621 km.

estimated time of arrival at an en-

actual time of arrival at a point or fix.
route point or fix.
-50° C -81° C

160 152

072° 048°

300 FT/MIN. 350 FT/MIN.

69 NM. 49 NM.

drift. variation.
0° 360°

a correction to be added to magnetic an error to be added to magnetic

heading to obtain compass heading. headings.

A geographical location relating to area

A visual sign pointing the way.
navigation (RNAV).
A system in which radiotelephony
A system in which radiotelephony
communication between two stations can
communication can be established
take place in both directions
between aircraft only.

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

Use a normal conversational tone,and speak Maintain the speaking volume at a

clearly and distinctly constant level

Transmited constantly Transmited as soon as possible

Alpha. Golf-Yankee -Mike- India Alpha. Gold. India. Mike-Yankee.

Climb to two thousand five
Climb to two five hundred feet.
hundred feet.
Wun ze-ro ait day-see-mal tree Wun ze-ro ait point tree
Go straight ahead Proceed with your message.

How do you copy my message? Do you understand?

90 100

An error has been made in this

That is correct
transmission (or message indicated).
Noibai TWR,Thai 564, Heavy Noibai TWR,Thai 564, Medium
Runway-in-use Hold short of
HEADING in “turn right
SURFACE in “surface wind…..”

When he is taxiing When he is joining final course.

Raining . Thunderstorm.
(Callsign),Cancel take-off. (Callsign),hold position



As detailed as possible Stopped at once

Blind transmission One-way transmission

Transmit Convey

The identification of the aeronautical

The aircraft identification;
station being called;

on initial contact, as soon as possible

Climbing to two point five  Up to two thousand five hundred 

Aircraft identification, position,

Aircraft identification, position, time, level 
Leaving flight level 100 descending
Descending to 80, Fastair 345 
to flight level 80, Fastair 345 
QNH, SSR code, approach aid QNH, weather information, runway-
serviceability  in-use

Confirm  Correct 

1) Fix 2) Level 3) Inbound track 4) 1) Fix 2) Inbound track 3) Level

Right or left turns 5) Time of leg (if 4) Time of leg 5) Right or left
necessary) turns (if necessary)
A condition concerning the safety of
A condition of being threatened by serious an aircraft or other vehicle, or of
and/or imminent danger and of requiring some person on board or within
immediate assistance. sight, but which does not require
immediate assistance

A condition concerning the safety of

A condition of being threatened by serious an aircraft or other vehicle, or of
and/or imminent danger and of requiring some person on board or within
immediate assistance. sight, but which does not require
immediate assistance

abnomal a distress

abnomal a distress

spoken 4 times spoken 2 times

Name of the station addressed; b)

identification of the aircraft; c)
Name of the station addressed; b)
nature of the distress condition; d)
identification of the aircraft; c) nature of the
intention of the person in command;
distress condition; d) intention of the person
e) position, level and heading of the
in command;
aircraft; and f) any other useful

The general broadcast to warn

Take all possible action to safeguard other aircraft of an emergency descent
aircraft. should be followed, as necessary, by
specific instructions.

Hold for 5 minutes  Proceed to the pre-planned alternate 

Coordinate with the flight crew the route to

be flown, the level to be used and the
Coordinate with the flight crew the
duration of the fuel dumping. Other known
route to be flown, the level to be
traffic will be separated from the aircraft
used and the duration of the fuel
dumping fuel with specified minima. For
non-controlled traffic a warning will be
Request aircraft on the route to
Request other aeronautical stations to
attempt to establish communication
render assistance by calling the aircraft and
with the aircraft and relay messages,
relaying traffic, if necessary;
if necessary.

MAYDAY, resuming normal operations  Cancel distress 

Disregard distress communication, OUT  Emergency communication finished 

A transmission from one station to another

A transmission of information
station in circumstances where two-way
relating to air navigation that is not
communication cannot be established but
addressed to a specific station or
where it is believed that the called station is
able to receive the transmission.

A transmission of information
A transfer of information relating to air
relating to air navigation that is not
navigation that is not addressed to a
addressed to a specific station or
specific station or stations.

The fix to which an aircraft is

The point to which an aircraft is granted an
granted an air traffic control
air traffic control clearance.

maintain a rate of speech not

maintain an even rate of speech not
exceeding 100 words per minute.
exceeding 100 words per minute. When it is
When it is known that elements of
known that elements of the message will be
the message will be written down by
written down by the recipient, speak at a
the recipient, speak at a slightly
slightly slower rate;
slower rate;

Operators should ensure that the

Operators should always ensure that the
button is released after a
button is released after a transmission and
transmission and the microphone
the microphone placed in an appropriate
placed in an appropriate place
place ensuring that it will not inadvertently
ensuring that it will not
be switched on.
inadvertently be switched on.

FOW-er four
The nearest half minute The closer half minute

“Let me know that you have received and “Let me know that you have
understood this message.” received this message.”

“I request verification of: (clearance,

instruction, action, information).”

“A change has been made to your

“this new clearance supersedes your last clearance and this new clearance
previous clearance or part thereof.” supersedes your previous clearance
or part thereof.”

“Repeat the specified part of this

“Repeat all, or the specified part, of this
message back to me exactly as
message back to me exactly as received.”

“Wait and I will call you.” “Wait for a while.”

The telephony designator of the

The characters corresponding to the aircraft operating agency, followed
registration marking of the aircraft; ex G- by the last four characters of the
ABCD or Cessna G-ABCD registration marking of the aircraft;
ex:Vietjet DCAB

Use the full call sign of both the aircraft Use the call sign of both the aircraft
and the aeronautical station. and the aeronautical station.

When a mistake is made in a

When an error is made in a transmission,

twice again

clearances and instructions to enter,

land on, take off from, hold short of,
ATC route clearances;
cross and backtrack on any runway;
clearances and instructions to enter,
ATC route clearances; land on, take off from, hold short of,
cross and backtrack on any runway;

To ascertain that the clearance or

instruction has been correctly To ascertain that the clearance or
acknowledged by the flight crew and shall instruction has been correctly
take immediate action to correct any acknowledged by the flight
discrepancies revealed by the read-back.

Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

4 5

You will be given traffic advisories

Your air craft has been identified and you
until advised that the service has
will receive separation from all air craft
been terminated or that radar contact
while in contact with this radar facility.
has been lost.
2 NM from the threshold on final
4 NM from the threshold on final approach

A radar system which provides primary A radar system which uses reflected
information of aircraft to ATC unit. radio signal from the aircraft.

Mode B code 7600 Mode A code 7700

5500 6600
7600 7601
7200 7300

Negative squawk. Negative transponder.

Radar separation of arriving, departing and
en-route traffic; radar monitoring of
Assistance to aircraft in emergency;
arriving, departing and en-route traffic to
assistance to aircraft crossing
provide information on any significant
controlled airspace;
deviation from the normal flight path; radar
vectoring when required;

A message relating to direction

An urgency message

relative bearing of the conflicting traffic in

terms of the 12-hour clock; distance from
the conflicting traffic in kilometres relative bearing of the conflicting
(nautical miles); direction in which the traffic in terms of the 12-hour clock;
conflicting traffic appears to be proceeding; distance from the conflicting traffic
level and type of aircraft or, if unknown, in kilometres (nautical miles);
relative speed of the conflicting traffic, e.g.
slow or fast.

the runway to be used; the applicable

obstacle clearance altitude/height; the angle
of the nominal glide path and, if so
prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority
the runway to be used; the
or requested by the aircraft, the
applicable obstacle clearance
approximate rate of descent to be
maintained; the procedure to be followed in
the event of radio communication failure,
unless the procedure has been published in

surveillance radar approach (SRA)

ILS and/or MLS precision approach; or precision approach radar (PAR)
approach; and

not less than 2 NM not less than 3 NM

5.6 km (3.0 NM) radar separation 5NM radar separation

The lowest altitude which may be

The lowest altitude which may be used
used which will provide a minimum
which will provide a minimum clearance of
clearance of 600 m (2000 ft) above
300 m (1000 ft) above all objects located in
all objects located in an area
an area contained within a sector of a circle
contained within a sector of a circle
of 46 km (25 NM) radius centered on a
of 46 km (25 NM) radius centered
radio aid to navigation.
on a radio aid to navigation.

A designated visual flight rule (IFR)

A designated instrument flight rule (IFR)
arrival route linking a significant
arrival route linking a significant point,
point, normally on an ATS route,
normally on an ATS route, with a point
with a point from which a published
from which a published instrument
instrument approach procedure can
approach procedure can be commenced.
be commenced.

4100-4177 1700-1777


10 degrees;18,5km(10NM) 15 degrees;18,5km(10NM)

10 degrees;18,5km(10NM) 30 degrees;18,5km(10NM)

30 degrees;18,5km(10NM) 45 degrees;18,5km(10NM)

15 minutes 10 minutes

10 minutes 10 minutes if navigation aids permit

10 minutes prior to and after the

15 minutes prior to and after the time they
time they are estimated to have
are estimated to have passed.
When the en-route aircraft is within
When the en-route aircraft is within 5
5 minutes flying time of the holding
minutes flying time of the holding point.
vertical lateral


The applicable obstacle clearance

altitude/height, the angle of the
nominal glide path and, if so
The runway to be used. prescribed by the appropriate ATS
authority or requested by the
aircraft, the approximate rate of
descent to be maintained.

4 NM from threshold 4 NM from touchdown

8 NM from touchdown 8 NM from threshold

You will be given traffic advisories

Your aircraft has been identified and you
until advised that the service has
will receive separation from all aircraft
been terminated or that radar contact
while in contact with this radar facility.
has been lost.

Identify aircraft Radio contact with aircraft

Identification   Weather information

Identification feature Weather information
Secondary Surveillance Radar Second Surveillance Radar
Primary Surveillance Radar   Precision Surveillance Radar
3 4
arriving aircraft that have been released to departing aircraft until such aircraft
it by the ACC; are released to the ACC.

ensure that, where the flight is intended to

ensure that, where operation in
operate on a route or in an area where an
reduced vertical separation
RNP type is prescribed, the aircraft has an
minimum (RVSM) airspace is
appropriate RNP approval, and that all
planned, the aircraft has the required
conditions applying to that approval will be
RVSM approval; and

the applicable obstacle clearance

the runway to be used;

the reported ceiling is at or above the level the pilot reports at the level of the
of the beginning of the initial approach beginning of the initial approach
segment for the aircraft so cleared; or segment or

established on the final approach path of a reports that it is able to complete a

pilot-interpreted aid; or visual approach; or

an aircraft which anticipates being

hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying
compelled to land because of factors
any sick or seriously injured person
affecting the safe operation of the aircraft
requiring urgent medical attention;
(engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc.);

an aircraft which anticipates being

hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying
compelled to land because of factors
any sick or seriously injured person
affecting the safe operation of the aircraft
requiring urgent medical attention;
(engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc.);
the approach control unit or the appropriate
the aerodrome control tower;

With the word “WILCO” With his own aircraft call sign.

Maintain the speaking volume at a constant

Stress the end of message.
Encountering the turbulent weather;
Entering or established in holding pattern. conducting priority/ emergency

10 minutes if aircraft have the same

10 minutes

Do his best to keep separation

Not attempt to modify the aircraft flight
between aircraft concerned until the
path until the pilot reports “clear of traffic”
pilot reports “clear of traffic”.

Between a unit providing area

control service and a unit providing
Between two units providing area control approach control service and
service. between a unit providing approach
control service and an aerodrome
control tower.

1.000 feet or visibility is less than

1.500 feet or visibility is less than 5km

Obstacle Clearance Height Obstruction Collision Height

Air traffic control service for arriving or Air traffic control service for
departing controlled flights. controlled flights control areas.

The time at which it is estimated that

the aircraft will arrive over the
designated point, defined by
The time at which it is estimated that the
reference to navigation aids, from
aircraft will arrive over the aerodrome.
which it is intended that an
instrument approach procedure will
be concerned.

Air traffic control service for arriving or Air traffic control service for
departing controlled flights. controlled flights control areas.
Phương án lựa chọn 1 Phương án lựa chọn 2

A notice containing information that does A notice containing information that

not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM qualify for the origination of a
or for Inclusion in AIP NOTAM or for Inclusion in AIP

The important,integrated
The dynamic,integrated management of
management of aeronautical
aeronautical information through the
information through the provision
provision and exchange of quality-assured
and exchange of quality-assured
digital aeronautical data.
digital aeronautical data.

A service established within the defined A service created within the defined
area of coverage responsible for the area of coverage responsible for the
provision of aeronautical data and provision of aeronautical data and
information. information.
Permanent changes to the information Permanent changes to the
contained in the AIP. information contained in the AIP.
Temporary changes to the
Permanent changes to the information
information contained in the AIP
contained in the AIP which are published
which are published by means of
by means of special pages.
special pages.
Aeronautical Information Regulation and Aeronautical Information Regulation
Control and Check
Aeronautical defense identification
Air defense identification zone.



Prohibited area Restricted area


White Green
of temporary change of long duration
of an administrative nature
and/or information requiring graphics

at intervals of not more than one month not more than six months

The Air Traffic Control Unit The Airport Management


a ten-digit number a two-digit number

The altitude for a defined segment of flight The altitude for a defined segment of
that provides the required obstacle flight that provides the required
clearance. obstacle clearance.

That part of an aerodrome to be used for the

That part of an aerodrome to be used
take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
for the take-off, landing and taxiing
consisting of the manoeuvring area and the
of aircraft.

A notice distributed by means of

telecommunication containing
information concerning the
A notice distributed by means of
establishment, condition or change
telecommunication containing information
in any aeronautical facility, service,
concerning the establishment, condition or
procedure or hazard, the timely
change in any aeronautical facility.
knowledge of which is essential to
personnel concerned with flight

An airspace of defined dimensions, above An airspace of defined dimensions,

the land areas or territorial waters of a above the land areas or territorial
State, within which the flight of aircraft is waters of a State, within which the
permitted. flight of aircraft is restricted.
A service providing departure guidance to A service providing weather
aircraft. information to aircraft.

An airspace of defined dimensions, above

An airspace of defined dimensions
the land areas or territorial waters of a
within which the flight of aircraft is
State, within which the flight of aircraft is
restricted in accordance with certain
restricted in accordance with certain
specified conditions.
specified conditions.

The surface of the Earth containing

The surface of the Earth containing naturally occurring features such as
naturally occurring features such as mountains, hills, ridges, valleys,
mountains. bodies of water, permanent ice and
snow, and excluding obstacles.

An AIP Supplement will be

An AIP Supplement will not be published.

Page number. Chart title.

Aerodrome category for firefighting; Rescue equipment;

Yellow. Red.

At intervals of not more than one

Not more than one months.
Second item. Third item.
Permanent changes. Temporary changes.
Permanent changes. Temporary changes.

An AIP Supplement. An AIP Amendment.

A notam checklist. A NOTAM series.

Once a month. Twice a month.

A generic term meaning variously,
A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B,
ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any
PSR, SSR or any comparable ground-based
comparable ground-based system
system that enables the identification of
that enables the identification of
radar station.

An acronym (aeronautical
information regulation and control)
An acronym (aeronautical information
signifying a system aimed at
regulation and control) signifying a system
advance notification of
of circumstances that necessitate significant
circumstances that necessitate
changes in operating practices.
significant changes in operating

A defined area on water (including

A defined area on land (including any
any buildings, installations and
buildings, installations and equipment)
equipment) intended to be used
intended to be used either wholly or in part
either wholly or in part for the
for the arrival, departure and surface
arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft.
movement of aircraft.

Information resulting from the

Information resulting from the assembly,
assembly, analysis and formatting of
analysis and formatting of aeronautical data
AIS data.

A notice containing information that does A notice containing information that

not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM does not qualify for the origination
or for inclusion in the AIP, but which of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the
relates to flight safety, air navigation, AIP, but which relates to flight
technical, administrative or legislative safety, technical, administrative or
matters. legislative matters.

A publication issued by or with the A publication issued by or with the

authority of a State and containing authority of a State and containing
aeronautical information of a lasting aeronautical information of a lasting
character essential to an ATS unit. character essential to a VOR station.
Permanent changes to the information Temporary changes to the
contained in the AIP. information contained in the AIP.
Temporary changes to the
Permanent changes to the information
information contained in the AIP
contained in the AIP which are published
which are published by means of
by means of special pages.
special pages.
Aeronautical information regulation
Aeronautical information rule and control.
and control.
A method of navigation. A SID.

Term used to indicate a service from a Term used to indicate a service from
tower. approach control unit.

The automatic provision of current,

The automatic provision of current, routine
routine information to departing
information to arriving aircraft throughout
aircraft throughout 24 hours or a
24 hours or a specified portion thereof.
specified portion thereof.

An airspace of defined dimensions

An airspace of defined dimensions within
within which activities dangerous to
which activities dangerous to the flight of
the flight of aircraft may exist at
aircraft may exist at all times.
specified times.

The slant distance between any two points The distance between any two
on a mathematically defined ellipsoidal points on a mathematically defined
surface. ellipsoidal surface.

A maximum set of parameters

A set of parameters required to define
required to define location and
location and orientation of the local
orientation of the local reference
reference system with respect to the global
system with respect to the global
reference system/frame.
reference system/frame.

An aerodrome or a defined area on a An aerodrome or a defined area on a

structure intended to be used wholly or in structure intended to be used wholly
part for the arrival and surface movement of or in part for the departure and
helicopters. surface movement of helicopters.
An office designated by a State for the An office designated by a ground
exchange of NOTAM internationally control unit.
That part of an aerodrome to be used
That part of an aerodrome to be used for the
for the take-off, landing and taxiing
take-off aircraft.
of aircraft, excluding aprons.

The altitude for an departure segment. The altitude for an arrival segment.

6000m 5000m
Longitudinal/ Sounth Longitudinal/ north

Range and azimuth Range, azimuth and/or elevation

All approach Innitial approach

Seen Identified

One Two

20 kts IAS 25 kts IAS

5 10

2nm 3nm
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

48 72

Terain Balloon

+_30m(100ft) +_120m(400ft)

Upper………..missed approach Below……………intermediate

procedure approach segment.

  30 degrees 40 degrees
  At least 900m (3000ft) if below At least 1200m (4000ft) if below the
the aircraft dumping fuel. aircraft dumping fuel.

Both 1 and 2. 1 or 2

  25 degrees or less Non of above

  At the appropriate opportunity   At the earliest opportunity

10 degrees or less 30 degrees or less

  Arriving aircraft on final

Arriving aircraft in the traffic pattern.
_+4 minutes
_+2 minutes

  1 and 2 1 or 2
Aircraft on intermediate and final
  Aircraft on final approach segment.
approach segments.
Between the edges of one blip and
Between the nearest edges of the blips.
the center of the other.
The aircraft is within the coverage The aircraft reports over the last fix
of the accepting controller’s rasdar displayed on the radar display of
display. transferring controller.
  25 degrees the alignment of the 15 degrees the alignment of the runway
runway center-line. center-line.

2% 10%
At a particular time, are considered At a particular time, are considered by
by the area control center to be the the aerodrome control tower to be the
most suitable for use by the types of most suitable for use by the types of
aircraft expected to land or take off aircraft expected for training at the
at the aerodrome. aerodrome.

Listen……….readback.   Readback……readback.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

highest obstacle in plain area, 600m
Non of the above.
above highest obstacle in high
terrain mountainuos area.
The one that has the other in sight
The one that is faster than the other.

2000 feet or visibility is les than 5

1000 feet or visibility is les than 8 km.

Arriving aircraft on final approach. Arriving aircraft in the traffic pattern.

Issuing as soon as practicable an   Specifying the name of the appropriate

amended clearance to the significant point, or aerodrome, or
destination aerodrome. controlled airspace boundary.

Request the pilot to stop mode C Inform the pilot of the difference and
transmission. request him to keep his mode C on.

The pilot shall be requested to

Request the pilot to switch the
confirm the code and reselect the
transponder from ON to STANDBY
correct code .

  5NM within 80NM from

  5NM within 40NM from TSN,DAN
TSN,DAN, and NBA airports and
airports and 10NM elsewhere.
15NM elsewhere.
3 NM 2 NM

5 NM 8 NM

Request the pilot to change   Instruct the pilot to operate SPI

heading 30 degrees or more. feature.

Fastest Biggest

5 minutes As long as outbound time is

3 minutes 4 minutes


( call sign) do you have RVSM

Non of the above.

As long as the aircraft are estimated to

have passed each other.

36 24

The Director of Airport Authority None of above

The Prime Minister Minister of Nation Defense

General Director of VATM The Minister of Nation Defense

  Minister of Nation Defense Ministry of Foreign Affair

Airport Authority General Director of VATM

General Director of VATM None of above

The Prime Minister The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

5 minutes. 3 minutes.

The arriving aircraft has entered The pilot of the arriving aircraft has
ILS glide path. observed the departing aircraft.

5NM. 6NM.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

highest obstacle in plain area,
Non of the above.
600m(2000ft) above highest
obstacle in mountain area.

Code 2000 to a controlled flight Multiple code to a controlled flight

prior to accept the control. prior to transfer of communications.

At least 19km(10NM) horizontally,

At least 37km(20NM) horizontally, but
but not front of the aircraft dumping
not behind the aircraft dumping fuel.


Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Messages concerning observations

All of the above.
and reports.


Doc 8186. Doc 9432.

Doc 8585. Doc 9432.
45 days. 30 days.

Approach control unit. Area control unit.

During the landing roll. All of the above.

117.985 MHz. 117.995 MHz.

136.965 MHz. 136.955 MHz.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.

Radar equipment used to determine Radar equipment used to determine the

the position of an aircraft in range. position of an aircraft in azimuth.

A surveillance radar system which

A surveillance radar system which uses
uses transmitters/receivers
(interrogators) and transponders.

Code 7600. Code 7700.

Code 7600. Code 7700.

Code 7600. Code 7700.

Code 2200. Code 2300.

The 3 096 codes available. The 4 096 codes available.

Air traffic control service. All above.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.

Area navigation based on

Area navigation based on performance
performance requirements for
requirements for aircraft operating on
aircraft operating in a designated
an instrument approach procedure.

Height. Airspace.

Guidance information. Departure information.

The final course. The runway.

1 and 2.   1 or 2.

108 MHz to 111.775 MHz. 108 MHz to 111.575 MHz.

1 and 2. 1 or 2.

Between 190 kHz and 1 650 kHz. Between 190 kHz and 1 750 kHz.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.
The receiver. The transmitter.
The receiver. The transmitter.

100 aircraft. 50 aircraft.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.

A means of communication
between pilots, using data link for None of the above.
ATC communications.
A report from an aircraft in the air. A report from an aircraft in hangar.

This message category shall

This message category shall comprise
comprise those messages sent by
those messages sent by area control
ATC unit reporting that they are in
centre reporting that they are in danger.

This category shall comprise This category shall comprise messages

messages concerning the safety of concerning the safety of some person
an aircraft. on board.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Upper………..missed approach Below……………intermediate
procedure approach segment.

At least 900m (3000ft) if below the At least 1200m (4000ft) if below the
aircraft dumping fuel. aircraft dumping fuel.

25 degrees or less Non of above

A/3 7600 A/3 7700

Give way to other aircraft and Clearance to and taxi will be given in
continue circling due course.

60,30   60,60

Airplane A if it has airplane B on Airplane B if it has airplane A on its

its right. left.
  0815 0817

From the navigational aid serving his

When he is over the airport

Transmitted power , target size , Transmitted power , altitude and

altitude and material of aircraft material of aircraft

The same frequency i.e. 1030MHz

for transmissions on both directions

When the aircraft is 5 miles apart

Immediately climb the controlled
turn the controlled aircraft to the

Select Mode A code 7600 Select Mode A code 7700

The visibility forward from the The forecast visibility at 3000 ft above
flight deck of an aeroplane in flight the aerodrome

80 degrees with the plane of 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry

symmetry of the latter of the latter

follow the instructions of the

request ATC for other instructions
intercepting aircraft

±3 minutes ±2 minutes

He should climb to pass above the He should decent to pass under the
other aircraft other aircraft .
1500m horizontally , 1000ft
1500m horizontally , 1000ft vertically
vertically from clouds ; 5 km
from clouds ;8 km visibility
PANPAN All the above
PANPAN All the above

±3% ±2 %

at a height less than 300m above

the highest obstacle within a radius
of 900m from the aircraft

Long range cruise speed Minimum power speed

It will increase the take-off

distance available
no more than 90 minutes from a
suitable alternate, in the prevailing
conditions and using the one engine
inoperative TAS

decreases because power available

decreases and power required
remains constant

no effect the angle of climb

Density and Temperature Temperature

equal to the true airspeed (TAS) lower than the true airspeed (TAS)

temperature altitude density altitude

At least 300m(1000ft) above

highest obstacle in plain area,
Non of the above.
600m(2000ft) above highest
obstacle in mountain area.
1200m(4000ft). 900m(3000ft).

25NM 30NM

  Code 2000 to a controlled flight   Multiple code to a controlled flight

prior to accept the control. prior to transfer of communications.

  At least 19km(10NM)
At least 37km(20NM) horizontally, but
horizontally, but not front of the
not behind the aircraft dumping fuel.
aircraft dumping fuel.

clearances and instructions to enter,

land on, take off from, hold short
of, cross, taxi and backtrack on any
runway, and Runway-in-use,
altimeter settings, SSR codes, level
instructions, heading and speed   1 and 2
instructions and, whether issued by
the controller or contained in
automatic terminal information
service(ATIS) broadcasts, transition


The arriving aircraft has entered The pilot of the arriving aircraft has
ILS glide path. observed the departing aircraft.
Listen……….readback. Readback……readback.

At least 300m(1000ft) above

highest obstacle in plain area, 600m
Non of the above.
above highest obstacle in high
terrain mountainuos area.

Arriving aircraft on final approach. Arriving aircraft in the traffic pattern.

Issuing as soon as practicable an Specifying the name of the appropriate

amended clearance to the significant point, or aerodrome, or
destination aerodrome. controlled airspace boundary.

15 minutes. 2 and 3

( call sign) do you have RVSM

Non of the above.

As long as the aircraft are estimated to

have passed each other.

+_30m(100ft) +_120m(400ft)

Upper………..missed approach Below……………intermediate

procedure approach segment.
  +_30m(100ft) +_120m(400ft)

Doc 8585 Doc 7383

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

The best adaptation phenomenon

that man possesses for responding   A psychosomatic disease that one can
to the various situation which he learn to control
may have to face

1 is false, 2 is correct 1 and 2 are both false

Liveware – Environment Liveware – Liveware

A longer and more frequent A shorter and less frequent exchange of

exchange of information information


Between 16 Hz and 20,000 MHz Between 16 KHz and 20 KHz

The suggestion of a sequential
The attempt to agree on decisions
solution in which everyone can
made by other crew members
contribute what he/she knows
Human errors can be avoided. All it The individual view of safety has
takes is to be vigilant and to extend gradually replaced the systemic view of
one’s knowledge safety

Low motivation will guarantee Extremely high motivation in

adequate attention management combination with excessive stress will
capabilities limit attention management capabilities

2,3,4 1,3,4

Misunderstandings caused by
confusion, instructions, phraseology All correct
and mindsets

When individual's perception lower

None of above
than reality
makes no sense because the human is responsible for the development of
information processing system is inadequate mental models of the real
limited anyway world
the suggestion of a sequential
the improvement of internal risk
solution in which everyone can
assessment capabilities
contribute what he/she knows
A few items of information during a
few seconds
It leads to one’s attention being
It increases the ability to manage
dispersed between different centers of
multiple matters

2,4 1,3
1 and 2 1 or 2

Involves recognition that all

components of the aviation system
All of above
can contribute to and detract from
safe and effective operations

1 and 2 1 or 2

The sequence may not originate

Preventing or avoiding one of these
with an individual or at a high level
events would have led to an accident
within the organization
If we can break just one link in the
All of above
chain, the accident doesn’t happen
Human cognitive capabilities &
All of above
limitations; communication
Increase reliability All of above

Recommendation with recent form

of automation – apply rigid
All of above
standardization, not to introduce
any variations or shortcuts

1 and 2 1 or 2

maintain controller’s proficiency all of above

Less than 1 second During a few seconds

Solely induced in the absence of Associated with the task of mental
external reference points construction of the environment
Heat, humidity, fatique, administrative
Noise, hunger, conflicts, a death

Feedback Coding
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

Pressure level in accordance with

All the above
ICAO standards
An aerodrome warning An AIRMET information




Both 1 and 2

a cumulonimbus cloud or a
towering cumulus cloud at any all correct

Precipitation static. Drizzle.

Frost changes the basic

aerodynamic shape of the airfoils,
thereby increasing lift.
There is no change of temperature There is a decrease of temperature as
with height. height Increases.


Stratus. Cirrocumulus.

None, as the air will subside and
Cap clouds with possible altocumulus
warm adiabatically after passing
over the summit.
washer all the above
rain mist

hemisphere thermosphere

nitrogen helium

thunderstorm clear skies

cirrus stratus

at any level in thunderstorms

all of above conditions occur

no weather of significance to
simultaneously at the time of
Further away than approximately
Between approximately 6 and 8 km of
16 km of the aerodrome reference
the aerodrome reference point.

Visibility is 10 km; No cloud

Visibility is 10 km or more; No cloud
below 2000m or below the highest
below 1000m or below the highest
minimum sector altitude; whichever
minimum sector altitude; whichever is
is greater, and no cumulonimbus;
greater, and no cumulonimbus; No
No weather of significance to
weather of significance to aviation.

An averaging period of 2 minutes. An averaging period of 1 minute.

Visibility is less than 800M. Visibility is less than 1500M.

Visibility is 1500m or more, but Visibility is 800m or more, but less than
less than 10 km. 5 km.
Visibility is 5km or more, but less Visibility is 2km or more, but less than
than 10 km. 5 km.
Diameter of largest hailstones is 3 Diameter of largest hailstones is 2 mm
mm or more. or more.
Diameter of largest hailstones is Diameter of largest hailstones is less
less than 3 mm. than 5 mm.
Visibility is less than 600m, except Visibility is less than 500m, except
when qualified by “MI”, “BC’, when qualified by “MI”, “BC’, “PR” or
“PR” or “VC”. “VC”.
Visibility is at least 1500 m but not Visibility is at least 1500 m but not
more than 4000 m. more than 5000 m.

Representative of the whole Representative of the aerodrome and its

runways. vicinity.
Representative of the approach and
Representative of the whole runways.
landing area.
A wind speed of less than 4 km/h is A wind speed of less than 5 km/h is
observed. observed.

An averaging period of 3 minutes. An averaging period of 4 minutes.

haze all the above

33 kt or less 31 kt or more

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

At the appropriate of opportunity. At the earliest of opportunity.

30 degrees 45 degrees
6 NM 4 NM

3 NM. 2 NM

Relative bearing- distance- level- Relative bearing- aircraft type- heading-

speed- aircraft type. level- speed.

The “D” controller. The assistant controller.

Check altimeter setting and confirm

Confirm altitude

30 degrees 45 degrees

6 7
5 6

Interrogation. Response.

193 196

…500 feet …1000 feet

Request the pilot to change heading

Instruct the pilot to operate SPI feature.
30 degrees or more.
The a/c is within the coverage of The a/c reports over the last fix
the accepting controller in radar displayed on the radar display of
display. transferring controller.
The aircraft resumes its own The controller observes that the aircraft
navigation. has deviated from its intended route.
The aircraft reports established on
final approach path of an instrument All the above
The latest landing condition. 1 and 3

Mode C Altitude

Radar vectoring. Radar separation.

Radar identification. Radar separation.

The separation used by an air The separation used when aircraft

traffic controller having radar position information is derived from
control rating. radar sources.

Aircraft pressure altitude. All the above.

A radar system which uses primary A radar system which ATC uses fist to
information from aircraft and determine aircraft ’position in distance
displays them on radar screen. and azimuth.
Monitor significant deviations from
the nominal approach path of pilot All the above
interpreted approach.

In case of emergency. All the above

When the aircraft is 5 miles apart

Immediately climb the controlled
turn the controlled aircraft to the

Request the pilot to stop mode C Inform the pilot of the difference and
transmission. request him to keep his mode C on.

Request the pilot to recycle the Request the pilot to switch the
assigned mode and code. transponder from ON to STANDBY.

Three consecutive renewals of mode C

As long as mode C derived level
derived level information have
information indicated that it is
indicated that it is within 90m(300ft) of
within plus or minus 90m (300ft).
it’s assigned levels
Mark position of identified aircraft and
Instructed aircraft to change to APP
take measure to provide non- radar

At transition altitude Below transition altitude.

I have one-way contact with you, will

Turn observed, continue visually.
continue to control you.

There are radar position symbols There is enough distance between

when depicted on the radar display. identified aircraft.
Between the edges of one blip and
Between the nearest edges of the blips..
the center of the other.
The distance between the closest The distance between the closest edges
edges of the position elements of centre bips of the position elements of
the SSR responses must never be the SSR responses must never be less
less than a prescribed minimum than a prescribed minimum

Observing (by the accepting

controller) to operate the SPI 2 and 3.

Request the pilot to stop mode C Inform the pilot of the difference and
transmission. request him to keep his mode C on.

5NM within 80NM from

5NM within 40NM from TSN,DAN
TSN,DAN, and NBA airports and
airports and 10NM elsewhere.
15NM elsewhere.



Request the pilot to change

Instruct the pilot to operate SPI feature.
heading 30 degrees or more.
Terrain Balloon

30 degrees 40 degrees

Both 1 and 2. 1 or 2

Radio Detecting And Ranging. Radio Detection And Ranging.

Heading Desired Track

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

an IFR approach in IMC an IFR approach

The time at which an arriving aircraft,

The holding time over the radio
upon reaching the radio aid serving the
facility from which the instrument
destination aerodrome, will commence
approach procedure for a landing
the instrument approach procedure for a
will be initiated.

7600 7000

is not addressed to a specific

is addressed to a specific station
A transmission of messages relating to
en-route weather information which
A transmission where no reply is
may affect the safety of aircraft
required from the receiving station.
operations that is not addressed to a
specific station or stations.

Single system receiver. Sector safety range.


concerns the way in which the Earth

is divided into time zones and the concerns the notification of the closure
positioning of the international Date of taxiways.

Propeller and power indicator. Precision approach path indicators.

Has not yet used the World Has not yet decided using World
Geodetic System (WGS-84). Geodetic System (WGS-84).





30 seconds. 1 minute

120.5 MHz and 243 MHz 120.5 MHz and 423 MHz

Data - exchange circuits All of the above

As airborne VOR transceiver. non of the above.

At the search and rescue Centre At the rescue sub Centre


300 - 3000 MHz. 300 - 3000 KHz.


+/- 5NM or better throughout the +/- 5NM or better for 95% of the flight
flight. time.
data from two or more of sources is the aircrew has full control of all
electronically compared and the navigational matters, because all
best information is used. navigation is executed by the aircrew.
detection of targets in the area close precipitation may reduce the useful
to the radar will be difficult. range.
the frequency of the radar
the pulse repetition frequency.
161,842 300,000
be less by night than by day. be greater by night than by day.

540 km. 1000 km.

estimated time of arrival at

estimated time en route.
-66° C -56° C

222 104

056° 064°

700 FT/MIN. 875 FT/MIN.

79 NM. 59 NM.

deviation. compass error.

180° 090°

a correction to be added to compass an error to be added to compass

heading to obtain magnetic heading. heading to obtain magnetic heading.

A geographical point at which a

A designated reporting point.
change of level takes place.
A system which permits the selective
A system provided for direct
calling of individual aircraft over
exchange of information between
radiotelephone channels linking a
air traffic services (ATS) units.
ground station with the aircraft.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

A slight pause before and after

numbers will assist in making them All of above
easier to understand
Interrupted momentarily trom time
All above are correct
to time
Alpha. Golf-India. Mike-Yankee. Alpha. Golf-India. Mile-Yankee.

Climb two five hundred feet. Climb to twenty five hundred feet.

Wun ou ait day-see-mal tree Wun ou ait point tree.

Continue,do not stop say again
What is readability of my
Do you receive my message?

110 120

that is not correct Affirm

Noibai TWR,Thai 564, Light Noibai TWR.Thai 564, VIP

Runway condition 1 and 2
FLIGHT in “climb to flight RUNWAY in “hold short of runway
level….” 11R”

When he is taking-off When he vacating runway.

Gusting wind. Poor visibility.

(Callsign),stand by (Callsign),stop immediately.



Brieft and kept to a minimum Sent when pilot is ready to copy.

Two-way transmission Radio check

Send   Broadcast

The words “RADIO CHECK”; and

All above
the frequency being used.

when passing transistion level not nescesary

Climbing to two thousand five

Climbing to two thousand five hundred 
hundred feet 
Aircraft identification, position, Aircraft identification, position, next
level  position 

Down to flight level 80, Fastair 345 Leaving 100 to 80, Fastair 345 

ATC clearance, speed instructions, SSR code, QNH, take-off clearance,

runway state information  speed instructions 

Acknowledge  Verify 

1) Fix 2) Inbound track 3) 1) Fix 2) Inbound track 3) Level

Level 4) Right or left turns 5) 4) turns 5) Time of leg (if
(if necessary) necessary)
A condition concerning the safety
of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of
A condition of being threatened by
some person on board or within
serious and/or imminent danger .
sight and of requiring immediate

A condition concerning the safety

of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of
A condition of being threatened by
some person on board or within
serious and/or imminent danger .
sight and of requiring immediate

an urgency none above

an urgency none above

spoken 3 times spoken only ones

Name of the station addressed; b)

Name of the station addressed; b)
identification of the aircraft; c)
identification of the aircraft; c) intention
nature of the distress condition; d)
of the person in command; d) position,
position, level and heading of the
level and heading of the aircraft; and e)
aircraft; and e) any other useful
any other useful information.

1 or 2 1 and 2

Enter the next en-route holding Advise the time of the next intended
pattern encountered  transmission 

Coordinate with the flight crew the

Coordinate with the flight crew the
route to be flown and the duration
route to be flown, the level to be used.
of the fuel dumping. Other known
Other known traffic will be separated
traffic will be separated from the
from the aircraft dumping fuel with
aircraft dumping fuel with specified
specified minima. For non-controlled
minima. For non-controlled traffic a
traffic a warning will be broadcast.
warning will be broadcast.
a and/or b Continuing blind transmission

MAYDAY cancelled  Distress condition terminated 

MAYDAY traffic ended  Distress traffic ended 

A transmission from ground to the

air in circumstances where two-way A transmission from one station to
communication cannot be another station in circumstances where
established but where it is believed two-way communication cannot be
that the called station is able to established .
receive the transmission.

A transmission of information A transmission of information relating

relating to air navigation that is to air transportation that is not
addressed to a specific station or addressed to a specific station or
stations. stations.

The level to which an aircraft is

granted an air traffic control all above.

maintain an even rate of speech maintain an even rate of speech not

from 80 to 100 words per minute. exceeding 100 words per minute. When
When it is known that elements of it is known that elements of the
the message will be written down message will be written down by the
by the recipient, speak at a slightly recipient, spell the words at a slightly
slower rate; slower rate;

Operators should always ensure that

always ensure that the button is released
the button is released after a
after a transmission and the headset
transmission and the microphone
placed in an appropriate place ensuring
placed in an appropriate place
that it will not inadvertently be
ensuring that it will inadvertently
switched on.
be switched off.

fao-er faw-er
The nearest 30 seconds The half minute.

“Let me know that you have

“Let me know that you have received
received and understand this
and understood this information.”

Request None above

“A change has been made to your

last clearance and this revised “Authorized to proceed under the
clearance supersedes your previous conditions specified.”
clearance or part thereof.”

“Repeat all, or the specified part, of this

“Repeat this message back to me
message back to your partner exactly as
exactly as received.”

I will call you later “Wait and call me later.”

The telephony designator of the

aircraft operating agency, followed
All above are correct
by the flight identification. Ex
Vietnam 226

Use the full call sign of both the Use the full call sign of the aircraft and
aircraft and owner company spell it to aeronautical station

When an error is made in a

when a wrong is made in cockpit.

slowly in local language

runway-in-use, altimeter settings,

SSR codes, level instructions,
heading and speed instructions and,
all above
whether issued by the controller or
contained in ATIS broadcasts,
transition levels.
traffic information 1 and 2 are correct

To ascertain that the clearance or

To ascertain that the information has
instruction has been correctly
been correctly acknowledged by the
received by the flight crew and shall
flight crew and shall take immediate
take immediate action to correct
action to correct any discrepancies
any discrepancies revealed by the
revealed by the read-back.

Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

6 7

ATC is receiving your transponder Your air craft has been identified on the
and will finish vectors and traffic radar display and radar flight
advisories until you are advised that instructions will be provided until radar
contact has been lost. identification terminated.
3 NM from the threshold on final 5 NM from the threshold on final
approach approach
A radar system which uses primary A radar system which ATC use first to
information from aircraft and determine aircraft’s position in distance
displays them on radar screen. and azimuth.

Mode A code 7600 Mode A code 7500

7700 4400
7602 7603
7400 7500

Transponder not available. No SSR.

Warnings and position information
on other aircraft considered to
All the above
constitute a hazard; information to
assist in the navigation of aircraft.

A flight safety message A meteorological message

relative bearing of the conflicting relative bearing of the conflicting traffic

traffic in terms of the 12-hour in terms of the 12-hour clock; level and
clock; direction in which the type of aircraft or, if unknown, relative
conflicting traffic appears to be speed of the conflicting traffic, e.g.
proceeding; slow or fast.

the runway to be used; the angle of

the nominal glide path and, if so the runway to be used; the procedure to
prescribed by the appropriate ATS be followed in the event of radio
authority or requested by the communication failure, unless the
aircraft, the approximate rate of procedure has been published in AIPs.
descent to be maintained;

visual approach. All of above

not less than 5 NM None of above

10NM radar separation None of above

The lowest altitude which may be The lowest altitude which may be used
used which will provide a minimum which will provide a minimum
clearance of 300 m (1000 ft) above clearance of 300 m (1000 ft) above all
all objects located in an area objects located in an area contained
contained within a sector of a circle within a sector of a circle of 28km (15
of 55km (30 NM) radius centered NM) radius centered on a radio aid to
on a radio aid to navigation. navigation.

A designated instrument flight rule

(IFR) arrival route linking a
significant point, normally on an
All the above
ATS route, with a point from which
a published visual approach
procedure can be commenced.

4611-4677 1 and 3

25NM 30NM

10 degrees;28km(10NM) 15 degrees;28km(15NM)

30 degrees;28km(10NM) 30 degrees;28km(15NM)

30 degrees;28km(10NM) 45 degrees;28km(15NM)

10 minutes if aircraft have the same 10 minutes if aircraft have the same
type Mach number
10minutes if aircraft have the same
15 minutes
05 minutes prior to and after the
time they are estimated to have Until they are estimated to have passed.
When the en-route aircraft is within When the en-route aircraft is within 15
5 miles flying time of the holding minutes flying time of the holding
areas. areas.
longitudinal a combination of lateral and vertical


The procedure to be followed in the

event of radio communication
All the above are correct
failure, unless the procedure has
been published in AIPs.

1 or 2 is correct 1 and 2 are correct

8 NM from the beginning of the

1 & 2 & are correct

ATC is receiving your transponder Your aircraft has been identified on the
and will furnish vectors and traffic radar display and radar flight
advisories until you are advised that instructions will provided until radar
contact has been lost. identification is terminated.

Issue ATC clearance for aircraft Change aircraft flight level

Restriction Level information

Restriction Level information
Safety Surveillance Radar Secondary Radar
Primary Service Radar Procedure Surveillance Radar
5 6
Both 1 and 2 None of above

ensure that, where the flight is

intended to operate where an RCP
type is prescribed, the aircraft has
All of above
an appropriate RCP approval, and
that all conditions applying to that
approval will be satisfied.

the angle of the nominal glide path

and, if so prescribed by the
appropriate ATS authority or
All of above
requested by the aircraft, the
approximate rate of descent to be

at any time during the instrument

approach procedure that the
meteorological conditions are such
All of above
that with reasonable assurance a
visual approach and landing can be

ready to commence a surveillance

radar approach; or transferred to the All of above
precision radar approach controller.

aircraft engaged in search and

rescue operations; and other aircraft
All of above
as may be determined by the
appropriate authority.

aircraft engaged in search and

rescue operations; and other aircraft
All of above
as may be determined by the
appropriate authority.
the appropriate ATS authority. All of above

With the ATC ground station call

With the word “ROGER”

Stress every beginning of message. Use the words twice method

Carrying VIP. All the above

10 minutes if navigation aids permit

10 minutes if aircraft have the
frequent determination of position and
same Mach number
Acknowledge a report to other Acknowledge a report from the flight
flight crew that there is an aircraft crew that waiting until the aircraft
affected by RA. resuming the current clearance.

1 or 2 Both 1 and 2

2.000 feet or visibility is less than

1.000 feet or visibility is less than 8km.

Obstruction Clearance Height Obstacle Confirmation Height

Air traffic control service for
All of the above
aerodrome traffic.

The time at which it is estimated

that the aircraft will land on the 1 or 2

Air traffic control service for

All of the above
aerodrome traffic.
Phương án lựa chọn 3 Phương án lựa chọn 4

A notice containing information A notice including information that

that qualify for the origination of a does not qualify for the origination of a
NOTAM or for Inclusion in AIP NOTAM or for Inclusion in AIP .

The dynamic,integration
The important,integrated management
management of aeronautical
of aeronautical information through the
information through the provision
provision and exchange of quality-
and exchange of quality-assured
assured digital aeronautical data.
digital aeronautical data.

A service assigned within the A service formed within the defined

defined area of coverage area of coverage responsible for the
responsible for the provision of provision of aeronautical data and
aeronautical data and information. information.
Temporary changes to the Updated changes to the information
information contained in the AIP. contained in the AIP.
Temporary changes to the
Updated changes to the information
information contained in the AIP
contained in the AIP which are
which are published by means of
published by means of special pages.
special pages.
Aeronautical Information Rules Aeronautical Information Rules and
and Control Check

Air defense indicated zone Aeronautical indicated zone.



Danger area Fuel dumping area


Yellow Black

with graphics only with extensive text only

three times a year 3 months

The Aeronautical Information

The airlines concerned


an eight-digit number a four-digit number

The flight level for a defined The minimum altitude for a defined
segment of flight that provides the segment of flight that provides the
required obstacle clearance. required obstacle clearance.

That part of an aerodrome to be That part of an aerodrome to be used

used for the take-off and taxiing of for the landing and taxiing of aircraft,
aircraft, consisting of the consisting of the manoeuvring area and
manoeuvring area and the apron. the apron.

A notice distributed by means of

A notice distributed by means of
telecommunication containing
telecommunication containing
information concerning the
information essential to personnel
establishment in any aeronautical
concerned with flight operations.

An airspace of defined dimensions, An airspace of defined dimensions,

above the land areas or territorial above the land areas or territorial waters
waters of a State, within which the of a State, within which the flight of
flight of aircraft is prohibited. aircraft is allowed.
A service providing guidance
information or position data for the
A service providing ATIS
efficient and safe operation of aircraft
information to aircraft.
supported by one or more radio
navigation aids.

An airspace of defined dimensions,

above the land areas or territorial None of the above.
waters of a State.

The surface of the Earth containing

The surface of the Earth containing
naturally occurring features such as
naturally occurring features such as
permanent ice and snow, and excluding

AIP Amendment will not be AIP Amendment will be published at

published at the established interval the established interval or publication
or publication date. date.
Publication or effective date (day,
month by name and year) of the All above.
aeronautical information.

Capability for removal of disabled

All above.

White. Black.

3 months. 5 months.

First item. Fourth item.

None of them. Both of them.
None of them. Both of them.

A notam. None of them.

An AIP Amendment An AIP Supplement.

At least once a year. Every week.

A generic term meaning variously,
A generic term meaning variously,
ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any
ADS-B, PSR, SSR or any comparable
comparable ground-based system
ground-based system that enables the
that enables the identification of
identification of aircraft.
VOR station.

An acronym (aeronautical An acronym (aeronautical information

information regulation and control) regulation and control) signifying a
signifying a system aimed at system aimed at advance notification,
advance information of based on common effective dates, of
circumstances that necessitate circumstances that necessitate
significant changes in operating significant changes in operating
practices. practices.

A defined area (including any A defined area on land or water

buildings, installations and (including any buildings, installations
equipment) intended to be used and equipment) intended to be used
either wholly or in part for the either wholly or in part for the arrival,
arrival, departure and surface departure and surface movement of
movement of aircraft. aircraft.

Information resulting from the Information resulting from the

assembly, analysis and formatting assembly, analysis and formatting of
of aviational data. navigational data.

A notice containing information

A notice containing information that
that does not qualify for the
does not qualify for the origination of a
origination of a NOTAM or for
NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP,
inclusion in the AIP, but which
but which relates to air navigation,
relates to flight safety, air
technical, administrative or legislative
navigation, administrative or
legislative matters.

A publication issued by or with the

A publication issued by or with the
authority of a State and containing
authority of a State and containing
aeronautical information of a lasting
aeronautical information of a lasting
character essential to a radar
character essential to air navigation.
1 or 2. 1 and 2.

1 or 2. 1 and 2.
Aviation information regulation and Airport information regulation and
control. control.
An approach procedure. Non of the above.
Term used to indicate a service
Term used to indicate a service
provided directly by means of an ATS
from area control center.
surveillance system.

The automatic provision of current, The automatic provision of current,

routine information to en-route routine information to arriving and
aircraft throughout 24 hours or a departing aircraft throughout 24 hours
specified portion thereof. or a specified portion thereof.

An airspace of defined dimensions An airspace of defined dimensions

within which activities dangerous to within which activities dangerous to the
the flight of aircraft may exist at flight of aircraft may exist at night
day-light times. times.

The shortest distance between any The vertical distance between any two
two points on a mathematically points on a mathematically defined
defined ellipsoidal surface. ellipsoidal surface.

A minimum set of parameters

required to define location and
orientation of the local reference Non of the above
system with respect to the global
reference system/frame.
An aerodrome or a defined area on
An aerodrome or a defined area on a
a structure intended to be used
structure intended to be used wholly or
wholly or in part for the en-route
in part for the arrival, departure and
and surface movement of
surface movement of helicopters.
An office designated by an An office designated by an area control
approach control unit. center.

That part of an aerodrome to be That part of an aerodrome to be used

used for landing aircraft. for the taxiing of aircraft.

The altitude for an en-route

The altitude for an low pass segment.

4000m 3000m
Horizontal/ south Horizontal/ north

Range and elevation azimuth and elevation

Intermediate approach Final approach

Seen and identified contacted

One or more Two or more

20 kts TAS 25 kts TAS

15 30

4nm 5nm
Đáp Án










































































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