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The purpose of this study was to develop the virtues of zigzag run training in improving dribbling agility
in basketball. The approach used in this study is to use a literature review approach that takes from
appropriate sources of books, journals, and other online media. The results of this study show that zigzag
run training can be developed by maximizing the ability in dribbling agility in basketball. This research
focuses on improving dribbling agility in basketball.
Keywords: zigzag run, dribbling, basketball
Education is the main factor in improving the quality of human resources on this earth. Education
can and should therefore contribute to a new vision of sustainable global development. Education that is
carried out well also has a good impact on national development and the progress of this nation. So to
achieve the goals of national education, efforts are needed for those who must be mature in developing
good planning, approaches, and strategies. The national education system in Indonesia is regulated in
curriculum regulations. The primary and secondary education curriculum must contain physical education
(Law No.20 of 2003 article 1 paragraph 37h). And Physical education is the study, practice, and
appreciation of the art and science of human movement. Physical education is part of the overall
education system. Physical movement or activity is natural and the basis of existence for every human
being. Motion itself is a characteristic of living things where motion is part of activity. Physical Education
is learning in the development and care of the body with physical activity that includes knowledge and
values, formally.
The essence of sports is a human game. The classic definition of sports that rests on games and
demonstrations of physical skills with the support of hard effort of large muscle groups, for example, is
increasingly difficult to maintain as social change and science and technology change advance. The
content of technology that combines muscles and machines and scientific findings gave birth to
technology-oriented sports (Techno sport). Environmental issues and environmentally sound development
philosophies also affect the pattern of activities of new environmentally oriented sports so that
environmentally nuanced sports (eco sport) are born. The definition of sport is that sport is an energetic
muscular activity and in that activity athletes or non-athletes demonstrate their ability to move and will as
much as possible. According to UNESCO, sport is any physical activity in the form of a game that
contains a struggle against natural elements, other people or oneself. The definition formulated by the
Council of Europe in 1980 formulated that sport as a spontaneous activity,
Sport as a scientific study has three scientific dimensions: first ontology, then epistimology and
axiology. In the study of axiology, a science is studied from the point of use of that science. Science has
use value if it is able to change behavior and be able to direct its users in a better direction. In this paper
the author will try to explain the purpose of sports that are part of physical education associated with
educational goals in general.
Basketball is a game sport that has grown rapidly. Basketball is in great demand by all circles of
society, both children, teenagers to adults, both men and women. This can be seen from everyday life
where during holidays or free time, people often fill their time with basketball. This popular sport only
requires simple equipment and can invite fun in playing it. Basketball can be played indoors as well as
outdoors with larger venues. This means that it is smaller than the size of a football field (Narlan, A.,
Juniar, D. T., & Millah, H. 2017).
Basketball can also be said to be a form of ball game played by two teams / teams where each
team has five members (Abdul Syakur &; Tantra Paramitha Sports Science Study Program, Department
of Health and Recreation Education, Faculty of Sports and Health Education, 2017). The purpose of the
basketball game is to put the ball into the opponent's hoop as much as possible and keep the hoop itself
not to concede the ball from the opponent just like football, it's just that this basketball is played by 5
people in 1 team. In realizing or playing a basketball game, a team must be able to play with good
teamwork, in each player must understand each position occupied. With the division of positions, players
have their respective duties and responsibilities in order to achieve victory in a game.
Dribbling techniques in basketball are very important because if you don't do this dribbling
technique it will not be good when playing basketball. This dribbling technique is the technique of
carrying the ball or dribbling from one area to another when the game is in progress.
This dribbling method is a move from place to another point on the field using the hand, the ball
must always be close to the hand to be easily controlled. Players must not continue or look at the ball, in
doing so must also look around him and watch the movements of other players. Based on the above
opinion, it can be concluded that dribbling is a basic skill in basketball where players make running
movements while dribbling the ball using their hands so that there is a movement of the ball from one
area to another or open the opponent's defense area. In this dribbling technique requires excellent and
good agility. Agility is the ability of a person to be able to change direction quickly and precisely at
moving time without losing balance. In doing dribbling techniques not only require agility as well but the
speed is also very necessary, this speed is the ability to complete a certain distance quickly. Deceiving
when dribbling can be used by controlling agility and speed for us to use when the situation is right and
Based on the description above, which has been explained, many factors must be considered so that
players can dribbling the ball well. Dribbling is an attempt to move the ball from one place to another.
Some principles that need to be considered so that dribbling can be done well, among others, the ball
must be fully mastered, meaning it is impossible to be seized by the opponent or lose the ball when
dribbling .
In an effort to improve dribbling agility well, you can use the training method with zig-zag run
exercises. Zig-zag run is a form of agility training that is done with a swerving movement using obstacles
with cones, markers or can use a drinking water bottle as long as the object is not dangerous and easy to
store. This exercise aims to train the ability to change direction quickly and precisely without losing
balance. This exercise is a form of exercise commonly used to improve dribbling skills in basketball. This
form of exercise is useful for controlling dribbling ability with the zig-zag run training method. Where the
zig – zag run training method is very important in increasing speed and agility in basketball dribbling.
The approach used in this study is to use a literature review approach. In collecting data, the
author collects data and information related to the virtues of zigzag run training in increasing dribbling
agility in basketball, through supporting data sourced from books, journals, and other appropriate online
Basketball is a collective game. Some people are in their respective positions who support each other to
achieve victory. Basketball is one of the sports played by two teams. With the number of players each
team is the same, each team has a common task to build cooperation to score many points and win in
matches, they must complement each other to cover the shortcomings and provide their strengths. There
are several positions in the basketball game, namely, Point Guard, Shooting Guard, Small Forward,
Power Forward, and Center.
Agility is one of the physical components that is very important for sportsmen, especially for
basketball. In the game of basketball really requires good agility in each player, especially in doing
dribbling techniques. Agility is generally defined as the ability to change direction effectively and
quickly, while running almost in full condition, agility occurs due to explosive movement of power. For
example, in a basketball game when dribbling will definitely change direction or turn, the ability to
dribbling back and forth within a certain distance and period of time and also the ability to dodge quickly
but the position remains standing when dribbling stably. Agility is a combination of various bodily
Based on the definition above, agility is very important in the game of basketball because it will
affect the quality of dribbling in basketball.
Dribbling is the ability that every basketball player has in possession of the ball before it is given
to his friend to create opportunities to score goals into the hoop. Because dribbling is closely related to
ball possession on the field, while the ball must always be in our possession. Dribbling in basketball must
be able to be done well without any mistakes because if there is a mistake it is very detrimental to those
who control the ball and are easily caught by the enemy.
Zigzag run is running through the cone by dribbling and dribbling in and out of the cone until it
reaches the final cone, then turning the direction and dribbling back to the starting position. Keep the ball
in tight control at all times and finish it as quickly as possible. Zigzag run is a method of running using
obstacles or obstacles that must be passed by running to avoid obstacles or running in turns. Zig-zag run
training is very useful to increase agility in dribbling the ball when playing basketball, because agility in
dribbling the ball can be used as an individual tactic for players to pass opponents in basketball games
(Siswandi, E., Yarmani, Y., &; Sihombing, S. 2018)
Basketball is a group game consisting of two teams of 5 people each who compete against each
other to score points by entering the opponent's hoop. Based on the results of the literature review,
the agility training is proven to obtain and show that there is an influence on efforts to increase agility in
the basketball athlete. The author concludes the results of a review consisting of 5 national journals, these
journals are related or agree with the review that the author raised regarding the influence of dribbling
agility training methods and zig-zag run training methods in increasing agility in basketball athletes .
Methods in training programs can have an important role in efforts to increase agility so that the overall
training method implemented can work optimally and effectively.
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