Poem and Song

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Group Song & Poem Analysis


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement of the Course

Christian Spirituality in the Contemporary Word



Prof. Jonald De Leon


Baluyut, Mike Vincent

Pangan, Pamela

Pangilinan, Allyson

Peña, Kimberly

Pinlac, Sean Vincent

Quizon, Riabeth


January 16, 2023


Oras na

By: Coritha

If you will be asked, what is the song/poem about in general based on your

own understanding of it? “Oras na” is something about a goal or thing that

someone is pursuing. Those people who wanted to achieve. They were persistent

and courageous. They aren't scared of something, they just want to be on the right

path before it is too late. Which is very relatable even in this day and age. Also, the

song said that “ang takot ay nasa isip lamang” We agreed with that because when

you thinking about fear it will come up scary to do or to try but when you think it was

happy to do or easy to do and you will have a courage to try everything you wanted

to do in life. We learned that do not fear things that make you grow, our everyday life

was a challenge that we face but then help yourself to have a motivation and be

productive to try things that can help you to have a great future.

1. What does the song/poem say or try to say about the following list below?

What meaning can it hold in relation to the list particularly in our experience of

them today?

To God/To “Filipino (Christian/Catholic) Spirituality” - In relation in christianity or

catholicism the main subject being pointed out are the faithfulness of their followers.

There are people who don’t see the image of God, neglecting and rejecting. In

relation it wasn’t too late to come back or start to believe since you will be in

welcome arms and start having faith on the above one. In our generation today we

felt a lot of us fear to do something. But always keep in mind that the church

especially God is with us. The song reminds us that we need to listen to learn,

particularly in this lyrics “ May bulong, dinggin mo. Ihip ng ating panahon. May

sigaw, dinggin mo at ubos na ang oras mo” my understanding in this verse is you

need to listen especially in the word of God our generation which is Gen Z, some of

us do not recognize going to church every Sunday or at least once a week, that why

the song said listen now because the time that you have aren’t enough.

To the Self - This song can also be portrayed as self realization. It tells you to

continue on something before everything or chance would come to lose. It describes

being yourself and starting to believe that you can do or perform those things you

wanted. This song made us realized to have more time to listen especially in our

situation right now. We are college student and this stage we need to have a time to

listen and have no fear to try things that will gave us more knowledge that we will be

use to our future profession.

To Others - Since it can become a self realization it can also be a motivation

message or insight due to the nature of the song. It can be used as an influence

material to your friend or other people because it describes a positive sense such as

us moving forward. This can be meaningful especially to others because everyone

can realte with this song because it reminds us to keep trying and do not be afraid to

risk anything just for us to have that “YOLO” mindset because You only Live Once

so try everything before the time runs out.

To our Country and its people (Philippines and the Filipinos) - This song can

give a realization to all the Filipino’s to try something new for the sake of the success

of our Country, because if our country succeeds, we will all go to rise and become a

very healthy country just-like other countries who is stable, this can make a

realization that it is not too late for us to help each other for the better result on our

country. This song is like a patriotic song that tells a nation or country how

passionate they were. Moving towards something that they needed to achieve as a

whole. The Philippines had gone into different kinds of events such as martial law or

people power. It perfectly portrays how people were before. Being united to be


To the Environment - Being brave and courageous as the lyrics describe is a great

attribute to influence your surroundings. It was a positive thing that could help their

mentality. Be brave because time is running out just think about other people who

will alo live here in earth in the future, how they can survive if we do not stop

destroying our resources, do not be afraid on pursuing to make a move in correcting

our mistakes to our dear nature.


Poem Number 1

If you will be asked, what is the song/poem about in general based on your

own understanding of it? The poem is about stages and connection. If the base of

the structure wasn’t organized enough the building or project will fall. We set

ourselves first before we can see the growth of the whole picture. It was something

that derives with the condition of our country or nation. There are people who keep

complaining about everything such as the system is terrible but they can’t even fix

their attitude at first. Don’t complain or expect something great if you have flaws or

can’t even become a better person. It is just-like a laddder, every parts is so much

important for it to become stronger and more power. Because if one part of it

collapse, it is too weak and it is not what we called a whole.

2. What does the song/poem say or try to say about the following list below?

What meaning can it hold in relation to the list particularly in our experience of

them today? To God/To “Filipino (Christian/Catholic) Spiritual - In the

perspective of Chritian/Catholic being rightful to ourselves is a significant order. We

should fix and help ourselves first. We need to be disciple to attain that

righteousness. We are always have a breakdown in life, some of us experiencing a

lot of problems that we think we can’t survive. The thing is God always with us that

why we have churches because you go their when you want to be fix by him. The

poem reminded us that yourself is the main character in this world but to have that

you need to be fix by God, and because of that you can go and go to fix everything.

To the Self - This is an idealistic poem when reflecting to ourselves because it was

meant to be pointed at understanding ourselves. It was focused on being right as

self not as a whole. We can use this poem to reflect on our actions to become a

better person. . This poem made us realized that we need to follow the process in

order to be fix. And don’t be afraid fixing yourself because in the end all the process

that you face has a better outcome in the future.

To Others - This would be the time especially to those person who is only thinks

about themselves, we must also help others so that we can all achieve success

because of we success in life, many opportunity for others will open and not only

them will benefit from it, we will all benefit by helping our country to become a

successful country.

To our Country and its people (Philippines and the Filipinos) - To our country, to

have a strong nation we need to follow a process, to my fellow Filipino I know how

we strong we are, how kind, how productive and how faithful we are never get tired

of trying everything that will fix our nation, Philippines is a great country we need to

protect it and in order to do that we need to start with ourselves. Filipino’s can be as

one if we really want to help and become successful country because we all known

for being helpful not just only to our country but from all over the world. but if one

filipino maintains the crab mentality on his mindset, we cannot achieve becoming a

whole because of one Filipino who is not happy seeing his fellow countrymen

becoming successful in life.

To the Environment - Just like what the poem states, all of us should be mindful on

what are the right things to do first, these mind set will be a way to help our

environment in being better, because it can always benefit us to. Being able to

accept and take care of our environment will make for a better future.`This can help

little by little for us to fully help our environment easily by making projects as a whole

to become what they called complete. And we can do this for the sake of our dying

environment and also for us to have a healthy environment.

Meeting Documentation

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