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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755

IoT-Based Forest Fire Detection System Using

Mrs. Soumya B S
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Mr. Rakesha, Ms. Disha S Shekar, Mr. Udigirkar Abhinav, Mr. Yashwanth G
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India,,,

Abstract- It has been found in a survey that 80% of losses caused due to forest fires and the loses could have been kept away if
the fire was identified promptly. The most common hazard in the forest is a wildfire that destroys the forests and can be a great
threat to wildlife and people. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the physical device that is used to connect, store, and enable objects
to collect information for exchanging data through the Internet-based system. The main objective is to predict the developing trend
of the fire by monitoring temperature, Flame, humidity, and Rain. There are several types of sensors that can be used for the
collection of temperature and humidity data as an input for IoT-based systems which increases the efficiency of the process of fire
detection. Theproposed mechanism can use a threshold value of each sensor to validate the data and take the initiative to avoid the
prerequisite of achieving high-reliability prevention using this mechanism. In this project, we have designed the IoT Based Forest
fire detection system which has two nodes and each node has SIM800C GPS/GPRS Module, Arduino nano, ESP8266, and
sensors. The ArduinoSketch running over the device implements the various functionalities of the project like reading sensor data,
converting them into strings, and passing them to the IoT platform, Here Thingspeak is used to store the parameters and show
them in GUI.

Keywords – Real-time Monitoring, IoT, ESP8266, Forest Fire Detection System, SIM800C GPS / GPRS Module,
Arduino nano, DHT11

The forests are a major part of the environment in the world which also balances the ecological system. The fire is
typically observed after covering the outsized area and then its controlling is almost impossible sometimes. As a result,
other consequences of forest fires are long-term disastrous effects that impact directly local weather patterns, heating,
and extinction of rare species of flora and fauna. The complete forests are filled with highly combustible things like
dry leaves and branches of several trees which act as a fuel source for fire ignition and later fire stages. As a part of
the event of the fire detection system, it is mandatory to analyze the characteristics of the environment under normal
and fire conditions. Not only humans are interconnected, but devices also are interconnected. The cause of the IoT
(Internet of Things) has come by the pattern chemise enumerated. The IoT is an underived course of the grant Internet,
which has been a change from supply man interconnection into a body of interrelated devices. The rest of the paper is
organized as follows. Proposed embedding and extraction algorithms are explained in section II. Experimental results
are presented in section III. Concluding remarks are given in section IV.

These devices interact with the human world with the help of Internet standards and protocols for collecting
information from the environment. The IoT will amend sensed or gathered information into intelligent data, thus
combining intelligence into the environment. In addition, the IoT will involve billions of devices that are able to report
their location, identity, and history over wireless connections. In forest area network availability is less hence to
overcome that we have used SIM800C which works on a 2G band and sends data to a predefined number when a
wildfire occurs in the forest


This paper highlights the influential feature of wireless sensor networks (WSN) as a probable solution to the challenge
of earlier identification of forest fires. The device presented utilizes various sensors attached and data transmission
through a wireless medium, to fulfill the activity. These gathered data are sent to the small satellite which transmits
them to the ground station and they are analyzed. The proposed scheme depending on wireless sensor networks (WSN)
helps in the earlier detection of any fire threat. Temperature sensor, Fire sensor, and rain sensor are present in each
node they will sense the environment and send the data to the Arduino nano board, and Arduino with the help of
ESP8266 will send the data to the cloud server (Thingspeak). It also has intimidating and confusing, but we have tried
thingsVI, JUNE
easier 2023
for the end-user so that they don’t have any problems while using our system. And even Page
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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755
are struggling with the whole product, we will provide them with all the necessary support if needed. Our solution
mainly aims at solving all the problems mentioned above, the first and foremost problem that the current system is
facing is storage. Still, as soon as we go to the online method the need for storing everything in hard copy is instantly
solved, we don’t have to maintain the hard copy of most of the documents. Storing the documents on the cloud and
retrieving any documents becomes super easy when we use the online interface. Searching for any file or document is
just as simple as typing the name of the document and filtering through the SIM800c module which sends the SMS
when a fire occurs it works on a 2G band, hence fast transformation of data will be done, and with the help of several
nodes, a large area can be covered.

Fig 1. Proposed Model

Temperature sensor, Fire sensor, and rain sensor are present in each node they will sense the environment and send the
data to the Arduino nano board, and Arduino with the help of ESP8266 will send the data to the cloud server
(Thingspeak). It also has a SIM800C module which sends the SMS when a fire occurs and it works on a 2G band fast
transformation of data will be done, and with help of several nodes, a large area can be covered.

Fig. 2 : Circuit Diagram Shows Connection for one Channel

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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755
2.1 Construction

All three sensors are connected to the Arduino nano board and the sensors are DHT11, Flame sensor which detects
the presence of fire, and Rain sensor which detects rainfall. The Arduino Nano is connected to the Wi-Fi module
ESP8266. and additionally, to this model contains SIM800C which sends SMS as shown if figure 2.

2.2 Working

Connections are made as in the block diagram figure 1, sensors will sense and send the data to the Arduino board and
Arduino will process the data and then it will send it to the Thingspeak cloud and SIM800c sends the Emergency SMS
to the predefined number when a wildfire occurs in the forest. After the connection is made code will be written,
debugged, and uploaded to the nano board. N number of nodes can be formed to cover a larger area each node has all
the sensors and Wi-Fi module and a SIM800C.

Fig. 3 Flow chart

SIM800C is a miniature cellular module that allows for GPRS transmission, sending, and receiving an SMS. Low
cost and small footprint and quad-band frequency support make this module the perfect solution for a project that
requires long-range connectivity.

2.3 Fire sensor

Fire Sensors can be used to detect fire sources or other light sources of the wavelength in the range of 760nm –
1100 nm. It is based on the YG1006 sensor which is a high-speed and highly sensitive NPN silicon phototransistor.
Due to its black epoxy, the sensor is sensitive to infrared radiation. The sensor can be a great addition to a
firefighting robot, it can be used as a robot’s eyes to find the fire source

Fig. 4 Fire Sensor

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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755
2.4 Testing process

1. Make the connection and give a power supply to the module

2. Write the code in Arduino IDE

Void setup ()
Serial. Begin (9600);
Void loop ()
if(analogRead(A0)< <250)Serial.println("NoFire");
Serial. println("There'saFire!");
3. Click the upload button and upload the code and we can view the result on the Thingspeak cloud.

2.5 Thingspeak

ThingSpeak is an open-source Internet of Things (IoT) platform that allows you to collect, analyze, and act on
data from sensors and other IoT devices. It was created by MathWorks, a leading provider of technical computing
software, and is based on MATLAB, a popular programming language used for scientific and engineering
applications. To create a new channel in ThingSpeak, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your ThingSpeak account.

2. Click on "Channels" in the top navigation bar.
3. Click on the "New Channel" button on the right side of the screen.
4. Fill in the required information such as Channel Name, Field Names, and Field Descriptions.
5. Choose the appropriate Channel settings such as Privacy, Metadata, and Data retention.
6. Click on the "Save Channel" button to create the new channel. Once you have created a new channel, you will be
provided with a Channel ID and an API Key. These are required to post data to your new channel using an IoT device
or an API client.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 5: (a) Rain (b) Fire (c) Temperature (d) Humidity parameters of channel 2
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graphs 2023 from the Thingspeak server, with each graph representing current data for different
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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755
variables. (a) One of the graphs displays rainfall data. (b) Another graph illustrates fire-related information. (c) A
separate graph depicts temperature data. (d) Lastly, there is a graph specifically dedicated to tracking humidity levels

Fig 6. SMS on mobile phone for channel 1

Fig. 7 Real-time Working model showing both the channels with sensors connected.

IoT-based forest fire detection system using Arduino nano and wireless sensor networks is a highly advanced and
effective solution for detecting and preventing forest fires. The combination of these technologies allows for real-
time monitoring of various parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and rain, and transmitting this data wirelessly
to a central monitoring station for analysis and response. This system has several advantages, including early
detection of forest fires, quick response times, cost effectiveness, and high accuracy in detecting fires. The
integration of ESP8266, a low-cost Wi-Fi module, enables easy connectivity to the internet and remote monitoring of
the system from anywhere in the world. Monitoring of various parameters, such as temperature, humidity, and
Rain, and transmits this data wirelessly to a central monitoring station for analysis and response. The IoT based
forest fire detection system can potentially save lives, protect wildlife habitats, and reduce the economic losses
caused by forest fires. The use of wireless sensor networks enables easy scalability and the ability to cover large
areas. Additionally, the use of Arduino Nano, a microcontroller platform, provides a user-friendly interface for
programming and customization, and this model's ability to work on 2G bandwidth is advantageous in a forest
setting. This has great potential for further improvement and development. By incorporating machine learning
algorithms, drones, weather forecasting data, and renewable energy sources, the system could become even more
effective in detecting and preventing forest fires.
In order to withstand the wear and tear of the surrounding environment, the system components can be of
military grade to work under adverse conditions.

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JAC : A Journal Of Composition Theory ISSN : 0731-6755
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